tv [untitled] August 1, 2011 1:30am-2:00am EDT
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wealthy british scientists is an expert on. markets weiner scandal. find out what's really happening to the global economy in cars a report on r.t. . if you're watching r t the headlines for you out of washington agrees on measures to avoid a default and end debt crisis which has weighed heavy it for america but the plan is criticised for failing to solve the nation's long term financial woes. the west threatens to punish the syrian regime for the latest round of crackdowns on protesters but some experts warn that foreign interference will only make matters
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worse. and don in tendencies as estonia is a nazi s.s. veterans and supporters hold rallies activists say the north occasion of death since it will give rise to nationalism and xenophobia of course europe. more nice to come in just the thirty minutes of the first our special report the monster thanks to nazi. the summer of one nine hundred fifty three soviet leader joseph stalin passed away one hundred days ago mosco has sent classified instructions to every corner of the soviet union a biography of a man whose name is often mentioned only whispers is to be removed from the great soviet encyclopedia and stroy. state security martial of n.t. beriah used to supervise both the u.s.s.r. through legs and the entire repression machine of the soviet union. many episodes of his life and the circumstances of his death are still couched in mystery.
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this army bunker in central moscow is more than ten meters underground plenty beriah found himself here soon after his arrest in the kremlin there was no chance of escape or help from the outside. area was interrogated by none other than a soviet union's prosecutor general. one of the initial charges put against him was force participation in widespread political repression. this list contains the names so forty six people beers your instruction tourist everybody there is also a note saying first category which means education. i confess that all those resolutions were approved by myself in person.
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the forty volumes of the bay area case would fill a couple of such shills. here you can find records of interrogations and didn't mince and for some reason most of these materials have not yet been to classifieds . beriah case is a peculiar one. finger prints to be found normally prisoners have their pictures taken from the front and side various case on the other hand contains only this photo looks as though it was taken from a family album. that has been rumored for half a century she claims burial was never interrogated and the trial itself was a skillfully executed performance involving a body double. oh baby do what you did somebody was indeed taken for a question in the summer where he'll always work cloak and hat and his face was
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huge and behind a scoffer like this that you but why did they need to do it in summer yes it's clear that officers peeping from they rooms couldn't see that the man was not very it's all. for victims of political persecution various name was synonymous with the repressions that swept everything away in their path in the one nine hundred thirty s. those who survive the tropical years cannot forget the horrors that plague them in the period the nighttime whisper of black vans pulling up to the house tenants apprehended without warning charged for spying on behalf of foreign intelligence services all of them would either face execution or end up in a prison camp. censure violence would end to the court here each year in the night i was but it shout there but i still have very vivid memories of them i was so scared they couldn't handle the tread i don't pull bullets no matter how hard i try
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to pull the. city back over his life story is typical of a whole generation her father took part in the one nine hundred seventeen bolshevik revolution as his career progressed he rose to the upper ranks but ultimately it meant little and in one thousand thirties stalin had begun to get rid of the old guard of his predecessor vladimir lenin all families were being arrested. this one shows me in prison. as the daughter of anime is of the people you would my father was and the only one they had arrested. that's exactly what the judge told me don't or of animus of the people who go. a picturesque region in the caucasus. under stalin a puzzle was compelled to join georgia. three decades before that celebrity burial had been born here in the village of marco high in the mountains. for nearly forty
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years atari come taria taught at the local school it stood side by side with the house where the burial family lived in the hope of i can't remember anything negative about what's wrong what love really was a good thing when he grew up his parents and to tell him to study their. soviet leaders were fond of vacationing up has here. as he is leader nestor introduced the young hopeful leonti beriah to his old friend stalin the two met here in one thousand thirty one by that time barry had already shown his worth by working in local state security agencies. mary wrote a letter to nesta local lady he ordered this and other letters to be found and destroyed in their letter various nestor put in a word for him so that stalin forgive me them those what is of survived i've seen them all. stalin took note of the young activist soon after that burial was
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appointed head of the georgian communist party. immediately began planting loyalists in can post. as for the man who had introduced him to stalin beria now considered him a nuisance. in december nine hundred thirty six very invited nestor like oh but to dinner a few hours later suddenly felt sick. everybody in our pas you knew that he had been for isn't there and people know it to be true the two doctors who say it is much bunch of gods and synergy if it were eliminated there in them. body was taken from the georgian capital to pass the word was given a state funeral in. gardens that was shortly before nine hundred thirty seven the year of the most massive political crackdown in the soviet union. it was a hero's funeral the way. from tbilisi but he didn't turn out for it i think he was
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afraid of retribution afterwards doesn't look over with declared an enemy of the people who. live in this sort of mess repression. is a black sea resort in the past year in the one nine hundred thirty s. local steer clear of this building just outside town. right or so nature and dad say has found out that so-called political prisoners were kept here in the basements of the interior ministry's local provision. as soon as all the paperwork was signed off on the condemned ward out from these basements and shot right here on this in the limestone pits by the seashore. yuri bernier has spent his whole life here after he was labeled a son of an enemy of the people he lived with the stigma for fifteen years he was
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stripped of many rights such as being barred from studying at a legal institute. his family home was deserted in one thousand thirty seven fifteen relatives all of whom were well to do peasants were shot for refusing to join soviet collective farms a crackdown on enemies of the people in this region was especially harsh all the while stalin and beria vacationed in nearby colleges. but let's get past that when i was a schoolboy i saw the area several times he would come here with a wedding load of border guards and the area always wore eyeglasses would go down the road with his hands behind his back it looked like a man wanting to boss everybody around. for many years whenever and has in families got together even mentioning the names of relatives branded as enemies of the people was dangerous nowadays when guests visit yuri benny as grants and hands
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him a vessel in the form of a horn reserved for special occasions. the guests drink wine from simple looking glasses but the first toast has no festive undertones they're going to drink wine to commemorate the victims of the repressions unleashed by stalin and beria. today we remember all the roles were oppressed in the prime of their lives the time has come for us to name their names without having to worry about a new crackdown there. let us never forget them. moscow lubyanka square house number two. this is the headquarters of the soviet union secret police varia took charge of this government department and later thirty it after moving to the soviet capital from georgia he was originally
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educated as a builder but i like his fanatical predecessors he took a more practical approach to. as for. the nine hundred thirty eight the reign of terror changed under beriah it didn't come to an end but was less massive in scope and would it was no food just one particular tasks there it's a log system and incorporated into the soviet economy. one of lot of your lemons the socialists until nov of sankoh was executed in one thousand thirty eight his son anton spent nearly thirteen years in the girl like he knows from his own experience how soviet economic progress was achieved in the one nine hundred thirty s. and the price paid for it he worked at numerous giant construction sites and was almost blind when he left prison camp you know each day we work for twelve hours on end of the bus the round trip from the barracks and back the hungry and exhausted he meets just go into
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a plank bed the whole time they were with thoughts about whether their wives and children had not been thrown out into the street simply because they were weighted to an enemy of the people but in that. area was also behind the establishment of secret research bureaus scientists and academics were rounded up on invention charges and forced into unpaid labor. author of the gulag archipelago alexander solzhenitsyn spent several years in one of them. needless to say having to work in confinement it was a negative experience for scientists moreover many of them were arrested as an excuse to make them work in those upshots they saw it as a chance to be released and of besides they weren't better chances for survival there than in a regular prison camp scientists were given better food and the work was not as harsh. one of various top secret projects was a toxicological love or a tree of the n.k.v.d.
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. here scientists tested poisons on people sentenced to bath later top soviet leaders authorized the use of such poisons him politically motivated assassinations . the laboratory fairly is on record is reporting the following some one hundred convicts were used for the purpose more than half of them died as a result of the experiments. i wish to state categorically that i knew nothing about it. couldn't bear it was later told i received instructions from above who goes and you guessed it was stolen has told him to supply the n.k.v.d. with poisons tests done humans but i didn't. today a significant number of russian communists are campaigning to have beria exonerated
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they feel he was one of stalin's best managers but modern day communists prefer not to mention the price people paid for various kind of order. at the border which variously treated people as nothing but a coggs in a machine. that's the way people were treated during those years whenever beriah was given a job to do and he just did it and that's. sorted before the end of world war two area was given a top secret job. overseeing the development of the soviet atomic bomb. stalin ordered marriott to coordinate the cooperation between soviet spies that were hunting out scientific information in the west and the u.s.s.r. was nuclear physicists only a few people knew about areas task. download
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the official on t.m.p. cation q i phone and i pod touch from the queues apps to. the geology life on the go. video on demand parties mine comes an r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. question on the comb the phones. kazakstan the secret military facilities so many collections twenty one was built under various watchful aright. initial preparations for secret tests got underway by the summer of one thousand nine hundred forty nine. b.
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aim was to achieve nuclear parity as soon as possible with the united states which already had the bomb. to be really had to meet the deadline if you don't need a deadline they told us we'll wish you were dead for all. on august twenty ninth one thousand forty nine of the semi-colon t tests i think has extend the command bunker gave the order to settle. here we've none of those present and ever seen anything like it we were is done. for the explosion but we remain shocked for a long time now. this is one of the caricaturist depicting various style of management here he is showing dressing subordinates down for poor performance. the
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cartoonist was executed as an enemy of the people back in one nine hundred thirty eight beriah didn't think nearly as much of humor as he did of flattery. and today we honor one such person whose deeds are immense and his name is love green tea here. and this time feeling a little bit confused if truth though it seems that it's common to be praised in such cases and i have to live with it. one of the few people who have been guts to collide with beria head on was dr pilcher cup pizza who would later be awarded the nobel prize in physics it was one of the chiefs of the soviet atomic project and its initial stages when the scientists complained to stallin about beria instantly became the worst enemy and bury as ice. covered beery ashes the conductor's baton in his hands that's not bad but then this
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scientist must play first violin the conductor's job is not only willing to put on but also understanding discord understanding scores is not derrius strong point the army general who used to tell. story she was in stalin's office when very interesting and again kirsten cut it said there is shouted i've had enough of him it's high time she was dealt with stalin set firmly i'll take care of it but leave him alone. in the spring of one nine hundred fifty three style and dives even though his body had not yet been buried a power struggle unfolded between his closest associates with barry at the forefront. of the spoiled relations all those who had been in stalin's inner circle everything he did after stalin points to the fact that he was pursuing his own agenda. is interior ministry even collected compromising materials to discredit his opponents they gave rise to conspiracy theories that he sought to seize power. in
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the end his former associates saw beriah as a threat they decided to strip him of power by resorting to the very methods he used to deal with opponents. beria was dubbed the foreign spy acting against the interests of the soviet union the charge of typically been used against most of the political prisoners that ended up in gulags. this is how i felt about barry's arrest. talking about god knows inappropriate. well i said that time i thank god and providence when i made inquiries the commandments office wasn't for amnesty. i was surprised to hear this is be ok so rev. central moscow today this building houses the trinity and embassy in russia but from the one nine hundred thirty s. until his arrest it was lebron seabury as residents. of his relative saw him alive
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after he was detained later that gave rise to rumors claiming that barry had been shot in his home before he was due to be arrested. two armored personnel carriers with soldiers inside crèche with a gate leading into the courtyard security personnel rushed out of the house to see what was going on we know very came to the window to be with us to get a commotion that no mention was hit by machine gunfire it was a military like approach. most historians do not subscribe to that theory one of them nikita petroff has found out that a girl living in a house across the road from the mansion of the interior minister saw barry a juror in his trial. she broke into tears after day related drawing of a. legend is said well you were being a silly girl if some weakling who go to hold of you it would have given you know you do it all those would some of their it better than anything else.
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he surprised me of the joys of childhood in heath as you look into his evil deeds taken who took his moral characteristics he's a pervert and men who molest children. do you admit that you committed a crime against his dog. i only admit that i shouldn't have had contact with the us dollar but i supporters are materially on a regular basis. during interrogation beriah confirmed that he had had numerous liaisons for many years now eager laplacian co has been trying to prove that the notorious former secret police chief is his grandfather according to him very i met his grandmother in one of the secret towns in the urals when he was on a business trip there. conics lived in barracks that used to be
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behind these buildings there is a fair chance that my grandfather was among them. labyrinthine beery often showed up in the street. the more likely event not he met my grandfather here. later he fathered a son my father is come there a very. eagerly never saw his father he was raised by adoptive parents who never discuss the matter many still see lauching cause a fraud. is one of the most active defenders of various names and he is still quite sure of the area is his grandfather. could move some time ago i was even going with the a.t.o. of changing my name but i was advised to take a d.n.a. test first so that the result could be backed up with official papers no i said i feel i'm none other than a beary and i'm dead sure of it without any tests. being. episodes
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of rape on the extramarital relations have little effect on the outcome of various trial is former associates in the kremlin had already sealed his fate shortly before he was arrested the prosecutor's office and the judge simply rubber stamp their decision many saw buriat as too dangerous to let him live. on you're live of the whole affair came to a logical conclusion you think if you have a vision says you towards others be ready to face the same attitude in return in this case paris fell victim to the lawless system that he himself had protested and developed a show of israel. one of various most brutal deeds came to light not long ago after the declassification of special archives this folder containing the so-called caton case was handed over to poland shortly before the breakup of the soviet union
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one of the documents is a member written by beria in it he suggests the execution of more than twenty thousand poles who ended up in soviet captivity in the autumn of one nine hundred thirty nine. top secret. to cameron stalin the polish prisoners of war are trying to continue their counter revolutionary activity everybody's eagerly looking forward to their release to be able to join the struggle against the soviet government the aim kavi the use of sardines it's necessary to subject them to execution as the last sanction of the law signed the area people's commissar when surnow affairs it. these art was sent to documents i'm sure stalin authorised various proposal to execute oldish army soldiers officers and other military personnel. the polish army officers were taken prisoner by soviet troops it happened after
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a secret agreement was signed in august one thousand thirty nine between the soviet union and hitler's germany to divide poland into spheres of influence. thousands of captive poles found themselves in soviet camps soon afterwards to soviet repression machine jettison that unnecessary and burdensome palace the father of renowned polish film director and jay vida was among the polls shot by perry as man. there i mean unlike my father most of those taken prisoner were not korea offices rather they represented the polish intelligentsia. they were university professors high school teachers actors and artists among them. in short all those who had been drafted into the army in nineteen thirty nine you don't. get another project thought out by various sowed the seeds of an intra ethnic conflicts between georgians and i presence in the caucasus on his orders hundreds of families were
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forcibly moved from georgia in one thousand thirties and forties following the devastation caused by mass repressions there that triggered the erosion and assimilation of the i pad's in population. the houses that were built under the projects have survived or not has he is rural areas to this day but nobody lives there now. not only in the village residence still refer to them as various houses the aim of the resettlement policy was to make sure that as many georgians as possible were settled and i was in religious. various time bomb eventually went off in the one nine hundred ninety s. half a century later. the civil war there broke out then drove georgians out of. their publics infrastructure was almost completely destroyed. today there is a monument to those who died in the war and mass oppressions outside each village.
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as from area there are no monuments to him of has he i'm out there is not even a trace of his parental house in the village of mecca. for your normal love rented various house used to stand behind all of this ruined building our bedroom now nothing until we just grow older. neither man nor beast there venture through there. are people in that house he respects long running traditions in accordance with one of them dead people deserve either praise or no mention at all the only reminder to this day of stalin's right hand man of ranchi beriah are ruins and waste land and nothing else .
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