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tv   [untitled]    August 1, 2011 2:00am-2:30am EDT

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in india she's available in the movie goer to join people to the elevators the gateway to the grand imperial through the george west coast coromandel you can a with a child close with her to sit down to go parkland brotherson the colonel was a child as a retreat. washington agrees on measures to avoid a default and end the debt crisis which is great heavy of america but a plan to save the country from economic collapse is criticised failing to solve the nation's long term financial woes. the west threatens to punish the syrian regime the latest round of crackdowns on protesters reportedly killed more than one hundred people some experts warn that foreign interference from only make matters worse. konami tendencies. hears in our c.s.s. veterans and supporters home rallies activists say the northwick ation of knots is
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a give rise to nationalism and xenophobia cross europe. on air and online twenty four hours a day this is out he was no makers have finally reached an emergency deal to avoid a disastrous debt default after weeks of political bickering and stalemate if passed by congress the two step compromise will permit american borrowing to continue after tuesday and exchange for more than two trillion dollars in federal cuts next decade the deal was struck after barack obama held last ditch intensive talks with democrat and republican leaders are increasing america's debt limit. the political struggle is far from over but the key issue of how to balance the budget could offer a. today
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a new cross party congressional committee will be set up as part of the deal to cut tax reform medicare and social security but as now reports the torturous than the road to reaching agreement has damaged america's reputation. help us avoid default debt ceiling nation default and this crisis time's running out the entire world is watching it's been a public spectacle filled with bickering grandstanding and lack of compromise i divisive debate over raising the u.s. debt ceiling created an unprecedented climate of uncertainty over america's so-called sound economy the damage been done no matter what happens there everybody really thinks the united states isn't so secure it isn't so safe even if the craziness subsides it seems to have got real close and who knows whether next month next year this war blow up again since the underlying causes economic problems are
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getting worse in this country poor point five trillion dollars of america's borrowing is owed by foreign countries experts say washington's mismanagement may cause investors to abandon the devalued dollar and end their partnership with america it's like being married to someone for so many years to make sure you well know what'll i do how much can i put up with this relationship the u.s. will be in for a long game and. unity is making noises chinese making noises were you know we're alone now in our ability to be a repository for financing in the world the result could spark a replay of the two thousand and eight economic meltdown except this time washington not wall street would be responsible for the first time in history our country's aaa credit rating would be downgraded leaving investors around the world to wonder whether the united states is still a good bet. interest rates would skyrocket on credit cards on mortgages and on poor
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loans which amounts to a huge tax hike on the american people as we count down near zero all three big reading drawing in movies rich and standard and poor's threatened america's hollowed triple a score unless a deal with hammered out and that fourteen point three trillion dollar debt getting higher economists say america's unsustainable budget deficits are the biggest threat to the nation it's like the batteries worn out the smart phones don't work the towers are at all of this and so what we're trying to do is say we've got a little bit of money in the bank let's pay that debt down but we're not doing anything to fix the economy and so we're putting ourselves in a bigger and bigger hole not just because of the debt but really because we're not creating any way to get out of the debt instead a u.s. president repeatedly asked americans over the past week or two during the campaign to borrow and spend more make
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a phone call sent an e-mail tweet keep the pressure on washington and we can get this while the eyes of the world have been following the heated saga playing out between u.s. politicians the main problem not going away is america's debt and the growing realisation that elected officials may never be capable of agreeing on how to solve it. r.t. new york. experts and investment opportunities in the unpopular and distressed markets told r.t. that american lawmakers a good grade for the u.s. economy. they're going to have more and more money printing the debt is going to go through the roof and if you look at the projections from the bank for international settlements in a recent paper they've stated that twenty four to america's interest payments on the federal debt will account for twenty seven percent of g.d.p. so all this talk of cutting deficits and bringing the dead back in order is just
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nonsense it's political juggling i like to see it happen the army is that eighty percent of the spending in the mandatory spending already now exceeds tax revenue so even if they try to cut the budget or the expenditure they would have to default because the mandatory or the come grocery spending obligations which the u.s. government can get down on exceed the tax revenues or somehow the other the u.s. government will have to default on its obligations the worst lose a lot of all of this i think is the u.s. dollar the u.s. doesn't deserve a aaa credit rating it is a joke if you look at this violence is of the u.s. the federal debt now accounts for roughly ninety six percent of g.d.p. and as far as i can see there is no way this that's going to come down and the u.s. has no business getting a aaa rating and when other people come to the same conclusion as i do then i think there could be a rout in the bond market and as mr obama was alluding to earlier we could see seriously higher interest rates and a serious weakness in the u.s.
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dollar which is obviously very bullish for commodities and precious metals such as gold and silver. but meanwhile economics expert max rogoff says the compromise achieved by u.s. legislators really changes the speed of that growth without solving the bigger problem. this whole crisis started as an opportunity of political theater these guys couldn't even choreograph success out of their fake crisis and so now we have a huge international failure which has already gone possibly lasting and certainly serious damage to the standing and reputation of the united states of america how hasn't much been mentioned that not a single plant out there reduces the national debt they just change the speed by which it grows all the showdown all this fanfare is about changing the exact forecasts ten years speed of that growth none of these plans make real efforts to reduce the long term problem of insufficient revenue and these plans do reduce spending in ways that will be painful and for many communities in the united states
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transformative but that will only reshift focus on to the more important long term issues of the absolute in sustainability of being committed which we are committed to having insufficient revenue for the amount of spending that we're going to be doing for the forseeable future while having a fourteen point three trillion dollars national debt this process itself has and continues to hurt the faith and credit the world has in the united states. but it's a fragile fed chief economist that's doing press capital talking to what he felt. now washington and germany are threatening to take decisive action against the syrian regime which eventually killed more than a hundred people on sunday government forces raided the city of hama with tanks working havoc on the opposition stronghold he said latest round of crackdown on protesters calling for president bashar al assad to step down. and a half thousand people a second question since so much gerri is calling for an emergency session of the
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security council to convene on monday syria is already under a said you sanctions but some a president who is association thinks the west doesn't have the credibility to do serious bass. the interference of the outside world in my view can be counterproductive unless it is done properly rather than just making these wild statements like for instance the usa would decide whether the president of syria is next in the sea or not everybody is asking what right do the americans have to put this question anyway let alone deciding it but they seem to be doing this selectively they have done it with syria in a panic with libya but of the same time they have not done it with yemen they have not done it with other places where there is uprising including. when president obama says what he's saying everybody in syria and out of world will be here to
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respond. one time or. the rest of the afghanistan situation all of these things so it rings hollow and it doesn't give any comfort generally speaking the world seems to be content with condemning and making these wild crazy statements when i would say you know the regime is less than i thought or not or whether it should be it's using use of force the world can play at all but i think the present moment it's not playing like cards. calls mounting at the u.n. for the security council to take action on syria russia still opposes any resolution against a mascot busker one such steps could lead to a libya style scenario where the nato their coalition has been accused of stepping outside the limits of its un mandate when around twenty minutes time russia's deputy foreign minister tells r.t. why the syrians should be solving their problems themselves. all of them we believe that the syrian should address their problems as part of their domestic
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agenda this is an internal civil conflict and it should not be internationalized as for the situation in libya of course every country is unique in terms of its particular situation the background of its conflict and form in the school of public sutra on the other hand we should learn our lessons a number of the international players tend to degrees from the street observation of the instructions and the spirit of these resolutions therefore we are naturally concerned that such loose interpretations could only result in making some of the opposition circles taking their position and orders for a tougher approach which is by no means a positive achievement in terms of finding a mutually acceptable solution plus the north. i'll go nuts isn't is condemned worldwide there are still pockets of support in some areas of europe and weekend this veterans of the nazi s.s. which troops in the second world war rallied on the anniversary of a battle with the red army at the same time the right has refused to authorize
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a rival anti-fascist demonstration and the saudis etc furthest covered estonia's it sure support for nuts and is feeding a dangerous new ultra right movement. well here in the estonian town of cinema that annoying thing forty four is the scene of fierce fighting between saviors soldiers and yes. we're here by the monument commemorate the savior soldiers that died in that fight less than a mile away it was also the scene of a gathering of veterans of this day near that sort of widespread criticism glorifying not theists and. former soldiers a lot of this is off or on but. it's something. you don't think about lately ripping about people. the war the for.
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whom country and most of year at these kind of events abound we cannot go in both in order to hear it in a stain year it's a different story altogether and it's common in the story and to call these people freedom fighters we hold our protest rallies on the streamed this event to remind them what they are given allegiance to hitler. they had never liberally strongly and moreover many of them were engaged in one of them are more innocent qantas's of the crimes committed by nazi germany. in fact in recent years is still you know thirty's and we just increasingly difficult for those who come to oppose the events this year once again members of the anti fascist movement we detained at the buddha . by the police because we were traveling in was stopped for questioning on the way in i was stopped. i have a mantra prohibit the country of. any kind of other opinions than their own opinion
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which is very very much supporting the movement's revival of the far right across europe has caused growing concern right party. is it gaining ground in countries like korea finland and france savage solution by far right extremists and is predicting norway recently is true just how dangerous these years remain i think this is a problem with the. uprising of. extremism and far right wing extremism and the fact that you with all of these. calls causes. these say far fails to take decisive action to stop the nazi commemorations within its borders push for international legislation to condemn the glorification of wartime fascism
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didn't like the one in its thing and make it clear in the not all countries. critics of this event hardly that the gathering provides a floor and dangerously a fascist state did the government's failure than it is seen at the very least as being morally and politically insensitive. well still to come later this hour the dark side of integration forty discovers a. song. grand. projects of cashing in on the next. let's take a look at us now the international headlines a person or the suspected leader of one of mexico's drug cartels has now confessed to ordering them to pay fifteen hundred people police arrested a thirty three year old. guard a accusing him of being the head of a gang of hired killers into
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a crime ring because controls the smuggling of drugs into united states from. deadliest mexican city where three thousand meters took place last year. clashes between libyan rebels and the colonel gadhafi loyalists have left six people dead in the opposition held city of benghazi the fighting started when rebels attacked the forces that aided the prison break of some three hundred pro good often soldiers the mistress the week of the level of the actual commander in libya's former interior minister. the ongoing civil war in libya began four months ago what's that on the ten thousand people already died in the fighting. north korea has announced its willingness to resume international talks to end its nuclear arms program the comments come after a high ranking phone young diplomat visited new york with talks with u.s. officials last week north korea has been under international pressure this line to
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its nuclear weapons program since two thousand and three young pulled out of talks in april two thousand and nine of the essentially. long range missile. and over the weekend tens of thousands of israelis took to the streets across the country in empty government protests after more than two weeks of rallies demonstrations over housing costs have tapped into why did this content at the high cost of living in a growing gap between rich and poor testers are demanding swift economic reforms and social justice become trees a prime minister netanyahu announced their representatives in various groups to run ended easing the financial burden on its own citizens. protests are expected. to be a top u.s. military commander has criticised pakistan for not doing enough to root out al qaida a visit to kabul admiral mike mullen said the border region between afghanistan and
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pakistan remains a safe haven for terrorists whelan's toward the ones that comes i think u.s. begins to move towards quebec. guys don't control their parts of the country to local forces the taliban remains defiant insists to see me and the people of the south of the cultural thing washington is racing to cut its will spending which is going to look at it since all. these dead bodies and religion contributed thinks the u.s. should abandon its pension strategy what is the most obvious. the most necessary measure to slash the u.s. budget deficit for the first time in the u.s. history it was not the democrats it was the republicans who launched fiscal counter offensive against the sleepy white house regarding how to assuage the budget
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deficit specifically in military and security fears the main challenge for the fiscal sanity of the united states is american military doctrine of strategic over which has to be various to ditch their prevention or bunker mentality be a big conventional bloated tender going budget and to shift into unconventional symmetrical vision of the new and incoming challenges to the united states and to the whole world. a tornado swept through russia's far east killing one of its destruction twenty eight others were injured by the large whirlwind natural phenomenon considered rare in the region a twister tore through the center of the city tearing rooftops from moving. cars of trees and power lines almost to the roads and create.
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the hades are still sitting on. the right side of. now we have more news updates and videos online here is just some of what's that waiting for. a disabled woman who was his passion for saving private russia is really going to waste truck and voyager is setting course the europe. from legendary australian a metropolitan empire of the sun ready to rock moscow in front is a great gig. for . you. now immigrants in the russian capital are being ripped off by dodgy businessmen charge them for having in abandoned buildings and scamming discovered by r t
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dollars in legal rent collections which the local authorities are accused of cashing in on barton investigating one building complex which has become home group of migrant families. at first glance it looks like a case of illegal immigrants squatting in a former architectural gents. this used to be part of the moscow conservatory. this building here in the center of moscow was formally empty we heard but now there are many immigrants living here in very poor conditions that are illegally right in the center of the city. but they would perhaps have gone unnoticed if it weren't for the fuss raised by quiet center a group of local residents wanting the migrants off their doorstep q what is the easiest reason to keep your village in crowded conditions who knows what diseases they may have many of them don't work where they get money to meet me stealing or committing other crimes that's all from us will he go on his fellow activists call
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the authorities and the next day we return with officers of the federal migration service. the migrants who do open their doors soon wish they hadn't these neighborhoods they might hear you being written for this place for most of what's interesting here is just a guess what do you live here most are too scared to talk to us what we do learn points to a far larger and more shocking story they aren't squatting they're being charged rent. a man comes to pick up their money from everyone i live in here i only know his face not his name stop filming me so if we go into one of these rooms this room here as you can see it has one two three four five six beds who knows how many people have to sleep in this room and if we come on to this room here there's two beds possibly more in here that lady doesn't want to talk to has each of the people
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that are sleeping in these rooms pay three thousand roubles every month to do that as the migrants are led outside a questioning changes from what are you doing here to who is keeping you here eventually one of the group quite center provides an answer when you place a public newcomer to the local housing committee it happens all. over moscow is unemployed and often illegal immigrants their fourth are paved old in abandoned buildings they can't have their phone out and what about the legality of this. the local housing community inter shares its earnings with the city council and a district police inspector was impossible without their consent when we took these allegations to the federal migration service did meet it it wasn't the migrants fault they wanted someone to live in moscow central district government was even more damning confirming our suspicions and admitting the rot goes deep inside the housing administration and they did it in order so that it really were proceeding
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should be initiated and the kid should be in this to get in taken to court or else other officials abusing their job positions will worsen the habit of listening to what he did hoess to legal migrants to him to deal with our investigation revealed just a small part of the scheme to charge illegal rents of hundreds of sites across moscow to people in a desperate position and by providing false hope of a place to live they're only going to encourage more misery for residents and migrants alike from bottom party. crossover to business desk joinery. hello welcome to business here now to thanks for joining us our oil advances from our two weeks low after u.s. president barack obama announced the framework debt limit deal ahead of tuesday's deadline pitchers surged as much as one point seven percent after the announcement
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a while report on europe's biggest oil company rolled out shell says a time of low cost oil and gas and then it says buying resources will be more complex i require more money and investment but where this will mean a cast bonanza for which nations is an open question. the cheap energy is a function again of the financial market on the financial market on the aggregate right now it's going to countries that want to inflate their situation out of the trouble right by inflating their systems they think that they get out of trouble and by faith in the system that leads to higher commodity prices with these grains coal or oil will be accurate i think that's what you were asked to do i mean i think that's what the u.s. . would do so from our russian winter of year old be hard workers over the long for the oil prices because you know whether about buy some more things with the money i
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don't think so because this is really a reaction of inflation. get some figures now light sweet is currently trading at almost ninety seven dollars a barrel well brant is just a notch below one hundred and eighteen dollars for the. precious metal prices are in the red as investors turn to risk your assets on the positive news over the u.s. debt ceiling gold is losing all point eight percent. is down over a percent. now world markets show they're relieved after mom announced u.s. debt limit deal is in markets john the japanese nikkei setting almost one point three percent exporters among the main game is there with car maker honda gaining almost three percent and banking stocks are among the best performers in hong kong page as we see holdings climbed one point eight percent after announcing a deal to sell almost two hundred of its u.s. retail branches for one billion dollars. the russian markets have started the trading week in positive territory the r.t.s. jumped one and
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a half percent in the first minutes of trading the growth is mainly supported by energy and financial stocks gazprom was up almost two percent was better bank is over two percent in the black as well in my sector will open in just a few minutes it's closed in the red on friday on investors' concerns over the us their situation. now united states debt was illusion will be the main driver of investor sentiment today but michael stein from not could says there's a lot of domestic means to give additional support to the markets going forward investors are going to take cues from external depends to a large extent in any case of the markets likely to remain quite volatile as we head into august as the summer volumes dry out and as we head into a month which historically is correlated with bad news today. it will be hosting a conference call to discuss their second quarter numbers which were released on friday. protest is going to release a second quarter operating update in the central bank of russia is likely to make
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an interest rate decision we expect like most houses interest rates remain unchanged for the month of august. so the business news for now for almost always always locked to a website actually dot com slash business headlines and make some calls.
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