tv [untitled] August 1, 2011 12:01pm-12:31pm EDT
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radisson hotel treat. damage done. deal to raise the debt ceiling. but critics say the. problems of. the u.s. and the e.u. step of the push for more sanctions against syria offer a crackdown on protests. left more than one hundred people. violence on either side of the country's conflict is unacceptable. fire again as troops in colorado clash with demonstrators demanding faster change after revolution. and the deadly tornado it's a russian city for the first time ever. widespread. watching
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our. top story u.s. lawmakers are gearing up to vote later monday on an emergency deal to raise the country's debt ceiling and avoid potentially devastating default it was finally struck after weeks of stalemate and political wrangling between democrats and republicans the hard won compromise will let american borrowing continue in exchange for two trillion dollars in cuts over the next decade the agreement was reached after president obama's last ditch efforts to persuade both parties to set aside. and says the u.s. could said ripples throughout the world fragile economy if it's fourteen point three trillion dollars in debt limit isn't raised by tuesday but as miniport makes the bumpy road to an eleventh hour consensus as already dealt a severe blow to america's reputation in the eyes of its investors. help us avoid
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default debt ceiling nation default and this crisis time's running out the entire world is watching it's been a public spectacle filled with bickering grandstanding and lack of compromise i devise of debate over raising the u.s. debt ceiling created an unprecedented climate of uncertainty over america's so-called sound economy the damage been done no matter what happens now everybody really thinks the united states isn't so secure it isn't so safe even if the craziness subsides it seems to have gotten real close and who knows whether the next month next year this won't blow up again since the underlying causes economic problems are getting worse in this country four point five trillion dollars of america's borrowing is owed by foreign countries experts say washington's mismanagement may cause investors to abandon the devalued dollar and end their partnership with america it's like being married to someone decided. they were
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jerks you want to know what or why do how much can i put up with this relationship the us will be in for a long time the only game in but the community is making noises chinese making noises we're going to we're alone now in our ability to be a repository for financing in the world the result could spark a replay of the two thousand and eight economic meltdown except this time washington not wall street would be responsible for the first time in history our country's aaa credit rating would be downgraded leaving investors around the world to wonder whether the united states is still a good bet. interest rates would skyrocket on credit cards on mortgages and on core loans which amounts to a huge tax hike on the american people as the countdown neared zero all three big rating giants movies fitch and standard and poor's threatened america's hallowed
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triple. unless a deal was hammered out and the fourteen point three trillion dollar debt getting higher economists say america's unsustainable budget deficits are the biggest threat to the nation it's like the batteries worn out the spark plugs don't work the tires are flat all of this and so what we're trying to do is say we've got a little bit of money in the bank let's pay that down but we're not doing anything to fix the economy and so we're putting ourselves in a bigger and bigger hole not just because of the dad but really because we're not creating any way to get out of the debt instead of the u.s. president repeatedly asked americans over the past week to join the campaign to borrow and spend more make a phone call e-mail tweet keep the pressure on washington and we can get past this while the eyes of the world's have been following the heated saga playing out between u.s. politicians the main problem not going away is america's debt and the growing
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realisation that elected officials may never be capable of agreeing on how to solve it. r.t. new york. city was a financial journalist and a true of your money economic campaigning publication the daily bow let's talk to. you being on the program so long because of how without the last minute deal it's about to be put to the first vote in congress isn't a problem for all the u.s. economy is color avails or they just delaying the inevitable do you think. definitely the latter but the inevitability of that system that has been hoisted upon americans in the rest of the world is something that sooner or later is going to have to be realized and the price will be paid this sort of charade that we've witnessed over the past month and a half or so as this debate is heated up in old mainstream media has continually bombarded people with fear especially the pensioners and the retirees that you know the checks will be in the mail all this is is
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a distraction it's meant to get people on the telephones and tweeting as obama wants them through to their local politicians and try to get them to have a base for continuing this circumspect circumspect circumspect system we do not have any means at this moment in time of getting out of debt as long as the people who are running the political structure of america and the central bank of america continue to believe that you can print money as a way to get out of a crisis which is completely in existence because of the fact that they've been doing that all along to begin with and you know this is this isn't anything more than a band-aid and it's like a story out of the hole down the throat of a drunken expecting him to become sober it doesn't work it will never work and so he will talk about the broader picture the middle and they do what happens if all goes wrong but let's focus and even if washing didn't does manage to avoid to fold this time rob as this very public political stalemate and bickering already didn't vestas trust in the u.s. . i look at it
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a different way and i look at it hopefully it's opened up people's eyes so they can see in front of them the crisis that is that is seriously looming into into a real serious situation what we've had so far is just a warm up act and if people are paying attention then that means people will be able to take individual steps to avoid the calamity that is in front of us this is no laughing matter any longer and people can no longer just turn a blind eye to the amount of debt that's been artificially created and the disastrous effects that are coming home to roost the entitlements need to be slashed and military spending overseas has got to stop america has to rein it in and people have to get down to reality and realize that unless they do the whole thing is just going to be one great big debt balloon that's going to explode over america creating the worst financial hurricane that the world has ever seen so it would depend a picture for me now what if it doesn't get through want to an agreement isn't reached before that deadline what. it will it will it will be reached and i don't think there's any shot that it won't be they've they've got all the ammunition they
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need now on both sides of the aisle to act like they usually do which is as one one i'll. dialectic as well in play here and this is just been a charade that it's going to go through so i don't think there's much point in talking about is ok fair enough but is there a danger that americans might lose this aaa credit school. they should have lost it long ago this whole aaa credit rating score and you know the risk free treasuries as people like to refer to them as the whole thing is ludicrous if you really peel back the layers of this of this debt on the end and look underneath of it what you'll see is that ever since the federal reserve was put in place in one nine hundred thirteen they've been devaluing the dollar through it and insidious process of a hidden taxation which is being levied against every human being out there that has dollars in their savings accounts retiring savers of any sort in any country their leverage to the u.s. dollar this process of destruction is one whereby when ma and pa kettle get out of the local grocery store to fill up their grocery cart when they go out and go to
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check out the pay for it they realize that the dollar doesn't go quite this far they don't quite understand why but they know that the bureau statistics in the united states and their ridiculously low and under reported rates of inflation are not really the reality of the situation on the ground so this situation is far from real all right well thanks for being with us financial journalist as you are joining us on line from bus loaded today thank you. thank you. several nato states is threatening action against syria that says eyewitnesses report of the country's security forces have renewed their attacks on the city of hama more than one hundred people are said to have been killed on sunday when government tanks forced their way into the opposition stronghold russia's condemned the violence in syria calling on both sides the government and opposition to abstain from brutality and abide by the law he's called for the u.n. security council meeting to discuss the situation which will be held on monday that's when the even posing more sanctions on damascus let's get more of what's happening in syria then talk to jonathan directly he's a political scientist joining us on the line from the jonathan thanks for being on
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out see international much appreciate your taking the time there were fourteen hundred now reported killed in syria's violent crackdown there is the u.n. likely to make a stronger stand. well i hope so very much and it's absolutely over to you but i have doubts that there will be meaningful effective sanctions by the u.n. security council also because maybe russia and china felt betrayed it's how things went for of libya but at least i hope that there will be our strong condemnation of the regime and i'm very much hoping for stronger and effective sanctions from a coalition of other states for example european union but its national pressure is mounting on syria is there a danger heading for a repeat now of the libya scenario maybe well i don't think so because. the syrian regime is really minority regime and.
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that sect is now ruling and i think that it has much less. much less of a power base inside syria then libya where. fractions inside the country are much more complicated in syria so i'm hoping that it's. a basis of the ocean is much weaker but just looking at what's happening in egypt there's a speaking tonight i mean the arab spring revolutions haven't brought about quick changes so they could any potential regime change in syria happen any quicker than what we've witnessed elsewhere if it did happen. well as i said. chances are better in syria because it's really clear that. power that the people who are in power now really do not represent the people of syria so where protesters are chanting the people want to overthrow the regime they can do it we have some
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legitimacy and also what i see from the syrian opposition. i think they have at least a riot ideas and a half good vision for the future of their country and i think they deserve all the support that they can get from the west and other countries with these new extended sanctions on the country will kind of power base there's a sad have left it in the country and realistically how long do you think you'll hold out as president while it's hard to say how long he can stay in power about finger we have to see clearly that d.s. latest crackdown is not a sign of strength but a sign of weakness or the regime could really stop the protests for months now for over four months now and day in vain try to offer the opposition some kind of fake reforms and it's really clear regime reforms are not an option
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especially in a situation where you have for dr troll yo regime that is ruled by a minority in any meaningful regime is equals. regime change so i think maybe our side will stay a little bit longer in power correct our own but i fink in the long run he will fall ok jonathan back to the scientists thanks for your thoughts on the program for billy. egyptian troops have clashed with protesters camping out in the center of cairo hundreds of demonstrators were cleared away from tahrir square where they've been gathered for weeks to demand faster reforms after five years revolution when a new uprising may be starting despite attempts by the interim government to suppress it the violence was very severe there was a lot of people with bloodied faces and serious head injuries that i saw it's not exact number of injuries but it would be in the thousands would be easy to guess
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and. no reports yet of anyone killed but there have been people bateman arrested definitely demanding probably be the same as a lot of the rest of the protest movement is a good end to the military trials which protesters are being subjected to. and for malaysian officials get civilian trials protesters off the streets are being sent through a very speedy and anthem military system there would also be there are calls for a rise in the minimum wage but basically the idea is that not enough is chang that they want more they want to revolution not just the resignation of one man and these things definitely here i mean misty and other human rights organizations have to say that their investigation support things like the now infamous judy chats with female protesters were tested by the al aqsa if there are versions in their words i mean obviously there's been plenty of places of. beatings and torture that's been reported to incredible organizations people for
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a definitely going to see more protests there's almost no question of that. some people here say that the first revolution is still not over that was just the beginning. coming up on r t with me kevin o. into night rewriting history veterans of hitler's clash troops hold a rally in a style in iraq being banned in other countries it stirring fears of revived naziism in europe right now. next to israel tonight thousands are preparing for industrial action there in protest against the government in tel aviv the planned strikes follow a weekend of massive demonstrations over rising house prices and escalating cost of living people are demanding social justice and better working conditions dottie's paula slee is following the latest for us in tel aviv. well at that stage it certainly doesn't seem as if tonight's protest here in tel aviv will reach the kind of numbers we saw over the weekend some twenty four thousand people have signed up on facebook and like the demonstrations happening here in israel over the past two and a half weeks tonight's protest is also being organized online the grievances are much
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the same people are criticizing the israeli government's economic policies they are calling on israeli prime minister beneath bibi netanyahu to resign and also calling for regime change now a short time ago today was a meeting between the israeli president shimon peres and a number of the protest tent organizers it was initiated by the president he said he wanted to hear what their demands were and following that meeting he said that what needed to be corrected would be corrected this is a very different tone to what we're hearing coming out of the israeli prime minister bibi netanyahu says camp netanyahu itself has been pushing over these protests his spokesperson has come on record saying that these protests are out of proportion he says that the israeli economy is healthy and sound although they certainly is a disagreement within the politicians because we know that the director general of the finance ministry has resigned we also know that a special committee has been says have done it on nothing self to look at how to deal with these protesters and their grievances at this stage it seems unlikely
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that these demonstrations will dissolve into violence although having said that this past weekend on the weekend before or after the official demonstrations ended there were a number of protesters who simply sat in the roads and refused to be moved and they were forcibly removed by police a number of arrests were made and they certainly was the mood of the tension on the streets that there would be violence now there is another person is being organized online it's being dubbed the million man march and really tens of thousands of people have signed up for that it's a protest that's scheduled to take place the first weekend of next month and it certainly echoes what we saw happening in egypt over the past few months where there were several million man march as maybe the best way to describe the mood in israel the. it is what was said by a left wing labor member of parliament who said that this is the most complicated state of emergency that this country has seen since the declaration of independence back in one thousand eight. mid-east correspondent paula always
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a whole host of stories news and blogs and information for you on our website called me to taste some of the stories you can catch up with on line right now just a few clicks away as innocent american man was jailed for a crime trumped up by his wife and her boyfriend call but a hero gets the last laugh as you'll find out on long tonight along with fifteen million dollars a compensation is an interesting story about home and france is to hold a leo tolstoy battle with the participants will be reading out loud from boredom pace one thousand seven hundred pages with a story about don't call that interesting tonight. elsewhere around the world now twenty five refugees from libya have been found dead on a boat which they used to sail to the a timely in the italian island of lampedusa officials say the men were found in the engine room where they were choked by fumes the boat carrying two hundred ninety six people from sub-saharan africa arrived after three days voyage from libya that's the latest in
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a series of arrival since the civil war began four months ago italian authorities are investigating the case. a choice is of being killed in libya meantime after rebels clashed with colonel gadhafi is more alyson opposition stronghold city of benghazi the fighting started when rebels rounded up a group they suspected of murdering a military chief and having links with gadhafi rebel military commander of libya's former interior minister of health and human assistance assassinated last week of a two thousand people have died now in the fathers since the civil war began. a suspected leader of one of mexico's most notorious drug cartels has admitted to the murders of fifteen hundred people the thirty three year old man known as el diego was arrested after a gun battle with. lease on friday is accused of being the head of a gang of hired killers and corruption forced into the offices working for a major crime ring the cartel controls a supply line of illegal drugs smuggled into the united states. veterans of
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hitler's elite troops who fought against the soviet army in world war two have traveled from around europe to hold an annual rally in the stony are former members of the nazi waffen s.s. referred to locally as fighters for freedom we're joined by neo nazi groups from the country as artie's sarah first reports next it's fear the stone is glorification of naziism is feeding dangerous far right movements across europe. association of former soldier. in this form but it's something at the moment you don't think about late in the things about people but. for. him country and maced of year at these kind of events a band we cannot come to hear. it in a sting it's a different story altogether. it's common in the stonier to call these people
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freedom fighters we hold all protest rallies on the same day they hold this event. so they have given allegiance to hitler nazi to tell them that they had never liberated dystonia moreover when any of them were engaged in all of them are more or less accomplices of crimes committed by nazi germany. in fact in recent years the stain you know thirty made it increasingly difficult to come to a paisley event this year once again members of the anti fascist movement detained at the buddha pulled a that by the way the car we were traveling in was questioning on the way in i was stopped and told that i have an entropy bishan to the country and of course they don't want any kind of other opinions than their own opinion which is very very much supporting the. revival of the far right across europe has caused growing concern right parties
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a gaining ground in countries like austria finland and france savage solution by far right extremists and this brave became the way we think they driven show just how dangerous these beasts really i think this is a problem often all these little. extremism and far right wing extremism and the fact that authorities. close calls is. if the i.r.s. . doesn't want to absorb. these safe our fields take decisive action to stop the nazi commemorations within its borders. the international legislation to condemn the glorification of wartime ashes in events like the one in a sting in making the clarion a clear the not all countries. critics of this event soggy the gathering for fights for and the dangerously a fascist state did the government's failure than it seemed at the very least being
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morally and politically insensitive surf. no longer use my one victim has been killed by a destructive twister as it swept through russia's far east twenty eight others were injured by the huge whirlwind of natural phenomenon considered both nonetheless very rare not only for the region but the country as a whole the pictures this tornado tore through a city center tearing apart the rooftops and balconies of more than one hundred buildings overturning trucks uprooting trees and ripping out power lines that raged only for a few minutes but i would have reported the likud incredible damage most roads have been cleared many homes are still without electricity tonight from see more of these dramatic pictures go to a website on. so unusual of so far with me kevin oh let's catch up with a business live from moscow next. hello
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and welcome to business here on artsy now a german energy major is going to take gas from to arbitration court in order to pay lower prices for gas it all argues that spot gas prices are up to fifty dollars cheaper per thousand cubic meters than the kind of long term contract that has with gas from power after more than a year of negotiations gazprom is still on the willing to meet its german partners the man's taking the matter to arbitration is part of the contractual agreements between the two companies. german industrial giant siemens respondants to set up a gas turbine joint venture with russian company power machines siemens will hold a sixty five percent stake in the venture which will be located in st petersburg meanwhile siemens is selling a blocking stake in power machines to the russian companies majority shareholder high stats which is controlled by alex thier money. the venture is set to produce and develop gas turbines and provide relevant service. crude oil is
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falling once again amid fears global economic growth is slowing down the latest manufacturing figures from the us and europe make this more reading but the slide in oil may not be all bad for russia as divine chicago from renaissance capital explains. if you look at the u.s. economy for example one reason why the economy has not done very well in the photograph of you is because they're making consumer has suffered because of the crisis the social have discovered also to use the purchasing power of the american consumer and again this is a drag on global growth in my opinion the best price for a global economy right now and maybe even for russia is not one of them great deployments around one thousand five hundred dollars surely to the right. indeed would be nice you know prices right now i think would be very beneficial for united states for the world and for us. and let's take a look at the oil prices now in light sweet is currently trading at ninety four
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dollars per barrel while grinds as at one hundred fifteen dollars over the last some markets have turned sharply south after opening positive initial investors were encouraged that the government had agreed on a cost cutting program bought that optimism was strong the way by the weakness manufacturing data and yours. and here in moscow those stocks lost some of their earlier days and finished the day mix the r.t.s. last point three percent for my sex was off by over one percent is that a look at some individual movers on the lie sachs energy majors were among the main gainers with gas pump up almost one and a half percent banking stocks were also higher of bank of moscow was up four percent from best the lender avoided defaulting on its good bonds after publishing its clients its had earnings and power generator in surround was also on the rise the company has tripled its net profit in the first half of big year reaching
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eighty three million dollars. this car joined after vos sold twenty five percent smaller cars in the first seven months of the year with a total of three hundred forty two thousand units for the most recent model there was a sharp slowdown as the government and its cash for clunkers program. ask of our sponsor for this around seven thousand it's a smear. and that's all there is a snooze for now for more you can always had so our web sites are to dot com slash business in the meantime you can stay tuned for the headlines for cabin.
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