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tv   [untitled]    August 1, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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welcome to the lower show at the real headlines with none of the mersey i can live in washington d.c. and i'm back but i just want to say thank you to lauren lyster for filling in for me last week she did a fabulous job now tonight we're going to speak to jane of the young turks about how progressives should feel about this new get deal let's just say if the word describes all sold out periods all of those come to mind when you speak to lieutenant colonel anthony shaffer about the possibility for massive defense cuts
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in this debt deal and how the neo cons are already already having a collective heart attack before anything concrete is even happening and all congress in the white house may want you to think they just saved america from default what about the american economy altogether what about the unemployed there are now more than two million ninety nine er's so we're going to speak to one of them or have all that and more feeder night but first let's take a look at what the mainstream media has decided to miss. right so as of the last night the president announced the party leaders had agreed to a new debt deal and as of now we're still waiting for a final vote that's going to take place tomorrow but it does look like we probably just escaped that disastrous de paul that has become the ultimate headache and heartache for journalists americans investors you know basically everybody in the world so for once for once i must congratulate the mainstream media for just a moment because yes this is a huge story and yes they're actually covering it but that doesn't mean that
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they're doing it well they for starters let me give you the details of this plan obviously has yet to be voted on but if inactive a guarantees a two point four trillion dollar hike to our already fourteen trillion dollars debt limit how the process would work into steps four hundred billion and borrowing authority is going to be granted to the treasury and mediately after that. president obama will be allowed to extend the debt limit by five hundred billion which congress can do a vote of disapproval on which obama can then veto so essentially nine hundred billion is guaranteed now that nine hundred billion raise is going to be paired with nine hundred billion dollars in discretionary spending cuts and that's going to spread out over ten years so in comes around two obama's then going to be able to raise the debt limit by one point five trillion dollars more and that's paired with a brand new bipartisan super congressional committee informed and they are to agree to a minimum of one point two trillion dollars in cuts but if they fail to reach that agreement of one point two trillion then it's going to trigger an across the board
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cuts of one point two trillion half from domestic spending and half coming from defense now those are the details of this not very well thought out last minute deal and this deal could have a devastating impact for average americans poor americans especially for those who need many of the social programs the most but guess what those are the programs that are going to be cut tax revenues are nowhere nowhere to be found in this suppose a compromise who cares about the larger implications right this is what the mainstream media decided to focus on and spent tireless hours discussing we are following every development going on in this nail biter washington just hours before the deadline to raise that debt limit yes it closes a very talented vote counter vice president biden is coming to the hill today to try and sell the deal. john better yet some trouble last week can he do it that's the magic question in terms of the debt deal thus far who won. well if you're really cute losers here in terms of the democrats and the republicans. that's right
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more back inside the beltway crowd that nobody outside the beltway in the new york d.c. media bubble cares about donald trump says no my god but seriously most people are probably asking why does anyone care to this one man who's not an elected official is what you could describe as a media whore. what do you see they have to say about that he has bad hair why do they care and then of course one politician said something crazy so the mainstream media in turn went crazy over it you have been quoted coming out of your caucasus calling this agreement a sugar coated satan sandwich was that indeed your quote is that how you feel about the steel if i were a republican i would be dancing in the streets i don't have any idea what the republicans want that they didn't get on the surface it looks like the so you see them which. seriously satan sandwich who cares i'll tell you what they could be talking about instead of sandwiches or what donald trump had to say how about the
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way that this deal is actually going to change america the way that will help get our economy out of the gutter the way it will probably keep unemployment high won't ask any more of the rich will only hurt those who are still suffering so this is the beginning of the end of the new deal of so many those accomplishments of the twentieth century that most people feel made america great because that's what people are going to remember you know how about the space program the first man to walk in the moon the first lunar car that nasa made to drive on the moon that by the way happened forty years ago that's what other countries aspired to be talks about that anymore it's all about the he said she said on capitol hill and americans are feeling it a new poll from the hill out today finds that one third of likely voters now think that america's best days are over and they're probably right and those half of likely voters in this poll that think of the best days are still ahead and they probably just don't know any better you know why because the mainstream media doesn't bother telling them about the record questions as this is going to have about the way of the social fabric of this country is change of the death of the
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middle class and the fact the we now live in a plutocracy in our government doesn't work for us the first special interests and those who live their pockets that's what this entire debt fiasco is highlighted for is once again that's what it's brought to the forefront i had that's what the mainstream media who lives in this tiny little bubble who has no connection to the real world anymore who talks about sandwich. and donald trump and tweets instead of housing and jobs and equality the death of democracy well that's what they choose to miss. so that you get the hell includes a lot of cuts and for now absolutely no tax revenue that's not exactly we would call a compromise or a shared sacrifice or whatever other horrible rhetoric the mainstream media has decided to sell to you to pretend like this was even an even or a fair fight and most people would say and most people probably be correct in saying of the democrats lost this one but the democrats really want to win the
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other thing i hear is that the president kate on this one they have to start asking did he really cave how are these concessions exactly what the white house wanted all along no way they would change the social fabric knowing that it wouldn't get the economy out of the gutter it hoping all along that they could blame it on someone else maybe the tea party or the republicans to get americans to look the other way earlier i caught up with the young turks and i first asked him if he thinks that the real losers here are the american people. but of course i would it's a disaster in every way imaginable you know they say that it democrats didn't want to do this they have a funny way of constantly doing things he claimed they don't want to do and giving the republicans one hundred percent over and over again you know as bush used to say fool me once shame on you. again so this is a big deal we can give paul again i mean does he need you there always are two
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percent of what they want and still call yourself a democrat and look the problem is for the american people because tremendous cuts and who pays a price the middle class pays the price and obviously those who are poor in this country pay huge huge price with these cuts but the rich get away scot free and clear again no revenue increases whatsoever they get to keep all their loopholes all their exemptions their corporate jet subsidies their oil subsidies they don't pay a dime the rest of us too. yeah it must be nice well you know since security brought about how can you do it so many times and still call yourself a democrat and let's were going to expand to all politicians but first let's focus on just the president here to a lot of the arguments we're hearing is that well the poor president he just had his hands tied and you know he couldn't you couldn't do anything here but isn't this exactly the plan that obama always wanted hasn't he been the one who's been pushing for huge cuts for austerity for cutting entitlements programs as well.
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well two things on that front two huge supporters of the president have flipped today and it gives you an indication emanuel cleaver is the head of the congressional black caucus and up until last week he was saying it's not fair to criticize the president and liberals are asking for too much to go to tone down their expectations today he called this deal a satan sandwich now i don't know what that is but it sounds really bad you see this please john conyers was the first person in congress to endorse senator obama then for president and he is saying thousands should go to the white house to protest over this terrible deal for the american people so you get a sense of the really diehard supporters of the president saying i'll come on now enough is enough this is beyond outrageous second of all you have to understand where president obama's real intent is look he put social security on the table when the republicans weren't even asking for it now luckily as disastrous as this
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deal is it does not get involved social security but wait till the super congress kicks in around thanksgiving and today president obama measured it again he said well we're looking forward to you know the next stages where we do entitlement reform which means where we cut your social security and medicare and he's obsessed with it almost more so than a republican president. he is obsessed with a but why does he get to keep getting away with that right because i think you could speculate that well perhaps he's doing this so he can seem centrist and moderates and he can get some of the independents on with bellingham's to reelection a lot of democrats who are progressive especially who essentially have been you know had their faces the spin by this president why would they go back and vote for head again. well for me the straw that broke the camel's back was a long long time ago and that was you know if i'm going to be generous i'll say that it was when he agreed to the bush tax cuts again in december for seemingly no apparent reason i mean it was an unbelievable collapse it's a good others longer to get there but believe me now
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a lot of them are their crew in today wrote an article in new york times song about how this is a disaster of epic proportions obama gave in on every single thing. that aforementioned congressman congressman cleaver you know before he was saying you know not only don't criticize the president he had a this amazing quote about how look the president of course can't afford to help african-americans because then you know conserves will criticize him for being black and playing favorites but then i thought there was a quote about being a black president is not going to help like people but as you can see he lost cleaver today i mean he's just lost one progressive after another and i think after this epic collapse people are going to finally look around and go why why are we voting for this guy or why do we keep supporting this guy when he's cutting it as much if not more than a republican president would well i had idea how about the fact that the white house and this president especially always gets to point the finger and say let's look at who the other option is. yeah of course that's the game they've been
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playing all on the other game that they do is they send out their millions to you know whether it's on t.v. shows online shows or online blogs to say if you ever criticize the president well then you're helping the republicans you know if i don't criticize the president i'm helping the republicans because apparently the only thing the president responds to is pressure and all he gets is pressure from the right wing and you see what the president does when he gets right wing pressure he crumbles he's a house of cards again if you're being generous to him and you think his intent is actually progressive if you think his intent is actually to go along with them all along well then we've got a much worse problem but i'm tired of listening to and i certainly i saw those guys a long time ago and everybody should stop listening to them people say oh if you criticize the president you're helping republicans that's nonsense if you don't criticize the president you're helping republicans get exactly what they want from this president ok so are you done with this president me let's look at his track
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record he not only has extended in many of the bush era paul says when it comes to our war on terror when it comes to the erosion of our civil liberties that now also when it comes to america's economy and especially the social fabric of this country the entitlement programs what a lot of people did say made this country great in the twentieth century now he's thrown out the window to you are you done. so look i even at this late juncture i hesitate in saying it. but here's what i mean by that salute so we're clear on this look again the republican alternative is worse i know mitt romney mitt romney is one hundred percent corporate he said this deal was not draconian enough so i am not idealistic about the recall the exact opposite and i know that it goes from bad to worse but i think should the president be primaried absolutely for two very important reasons number one if we go into an election there are only two show options are corporal bach mitt romney and the man who gives
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corporate bonds everything they want barack obama well those are terrible options and they say oh well there's a third option that's even scarier michele bachmann how about a fourth option now not in the general election but in a primary we say hey at least give us somebody to vote for who is actually a progressive i don't know if it's you know sanders i don't know if it's russ feingold but at this point i can't it's hard to imagine a democrat being worse than president obama on all the issues that you mention so by all means we should do it in them point number two is look we've actually only be helping him because racial wisdom is their primary sort of president but you've got to understand something he disguise heading off a cliff and ease the unemployment is this asterisk and when we do the spending cuts it's only going to get worse if you primary him and push him to the left you'd only be helping him in trying to win the actual general election because if you don't primary him and they do the second round of these cuts and they cut in title and and he goes into the summer with over nine percent unemployment he's going to hit poll numbers he's never seen before he's going to hit into the thirty's and he's
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going to panic but by that time it's going to be too late i see him rest finegold you mentioned bernie sanders there but do you think that there are real progressives anymore i mean can you name anybody in this country if an elected official anymore who doesn't serve corporate interests and those who essentially pay them over those who elect them. look that's why i always say this isn't personal i don't think that these politicians are bad people i'm sure they love their kids like they were you know they used to say about the soviet union oh sure the russians love their kid i was always positive i always found that to be comically obvious but anyway it's not about that is that you've got the wrong system where politicians collide paychecks from special interests lobbyists and most importantly the national corporations so obviously they work for the people who sign their paychecks so there are very very few people that are not affected by this virus the centers and russ feingold are the two best examples i'm sure i could
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find you a couple more but not much more than than even the good guys realize the quote unquote reality of the system and wind up having to raise a lot of money from those same interests and then eventually over time get corrupted i'll see if americans actually realize that next time that the elections come around now that essentially they have been sold out to corporate interests that there's no revenues in this bill at all it's only cuts cuts cuts and of course most economists would agree that this is only going to make the employment situation worse and the economy worse overall it can't thanks so much for joining us tonight. thank you. our we're taking a quick break but coming up there's a glimmer of hope when it comes to advancement for women's health and the details on that in just a moment am i going to take a look at the effects of this debt compromise on a personal scale for misspeaks an advocate for the ninety nine er's the ones that are dealing with chronic unemployment that's in a second but. you know sometimes you see
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the story and it seems so silly you think you understand it and then somebody else hears you some of the part of it and realize that everything is just you don't know i'm charged was a big. little early on. and you know. fuck fuck fuck fuck.
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let's not forget that we live in apartheid museum right. i think. one hundred twelve. whenever the government says they are keeping safe get ready because i believe her freedom. the sky. light will come down. so must
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you carriers will be singing. today gentlemen and most importantly ladies we have a glimmer of hope in the darkness that is the debt ceiling deal we do how little bit of like the department of health and human services has an ounce of they will now have new guidelines beginning a year from now and they're going to require health insurance companies to cover women's health services and it might sound a little broad but the new regulations that brought about under president obama's affordable care act will include the following services without making women pay a deductible or a co-pay and includes breast exams breast feeding support this station of diabetes domestic violence screenings well women exams and all have to approve methods of birth control even the morning after pill all those now going to be included under these new regulations this is a huge milestone when it comes to improving women's access to health care overall and we know that out of women according to studies forgo or delay preventive care
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because they can't afford it and under the affordable care act that all changes. so a lot of women's rights groups are now championing this latest announcement which has been a topic of discussion ever since an institute of medicine report came out last month and favor of free contraception for all women of course you can imagine how much the right wingers in fox news just hated that idea many women are good for you know a blasted out of their mortgage finance section are going to birth control anyway why should why should taxpayers have to fund. birth control look women should be responsible for their own well you're right i know but if you can't afford a. proper cino at starbucks you can pay your five dollars co-pay you know. all three of those clips left me shot i mean o'reilly probably just running his mouth looking for a little bit of attention. but i would love to add data where she five five dollars copay maybe that's just the purpose of having one of those hefty fox news paychecks
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besides were conservatives try to tell women what they can and can't do in their own bedrooms just a few months ago when it came to abortion i mean i agree women should be responsible for their own ovaries and these new guidelines are a great way to help women take care of themselves get the real medicare medical care that they need and that ladies and gentleman is a true glimmer of hope. and while congress was fighting over the debt ceiling over the last few months guess what they weren't doing focusing on jobs remember and that's what republicans promised to make a priority during the midterm elections. instead what we've seen is a congressional body that's not only passive your austerity cuts that will not help the economy pick up steam again we've also seen them completely ignore those americans who need work and the numbers of those who've been out of work for a long time those ninety nine er's those numbers are only getting larger as of june there are now more than two million americans who have been out of work for ninety nine weeks or longer and that's the highest about number has been since it began
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being tracked by the b.l.s. even worse congress didn't include any extension of this debt deal for unemployment benefits which means the ninety nine week program is going to expire at the end of this year and anybody who loses their job after july first of this year well they're only going to get twenty to twenty six weeks of unemployment total so seeing as how no stimulus or jobs are part of this supposed bargain i mean that more people are going to be hurt joining me to discuss this is rhonda taylor advocate for the ninety nine er's national front i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight and if you could start by telling us a little bit about your own situation how long you've been out of work. i've been on a work april if you don't know me right and aren't going to spend a fortune in march. and i have you my life savings and that i mean a roof over my head and then you really look for work when you're being lodging with government run wrecked burnell in a forest and you're getting frustrated with the lack of response from the
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government urging them to the people that are on your property so how do you think it's on the side of me to tell you off go ahead. it's just very frustrating to watch it at home and. do you feel like and i gave unemployment benefits are a necessity for you because there are a lot of people out there who are do that that just makes you lazy that makes you a leech off the government you'd rather just collect paychecks from the government from the taxpayers then of even you know soup so low as to go try to get a job with donald. i tried me they're not hiring pace people didn't realize thank god we're going to save this country or in a crisis that we are in so they need to wake up and look around them and realize that it's coming and they're sort of guarding that summer job now because we've been out of the economy for so long the bottom line is real life line. i'm going to go home if i don't get a job benefits are just temporary him in order to help us move the current and
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they're ignoring the fact of the matter is now to just adding more ninety nine er's to our ninety nine or numbers we don't want more people going home with two you know intensity as the shelf full or the funding cuts out so we want the mission and they're not even. there discuss the everything else that is not a crisis in this country right or not it's causing them as we've watched them you know be in this back and forth struggle for months over the deficit which most americans if you look at polls don't think that's the biggest problem we have right now it is about jobs so do you feel forgotten by or lawmakers or what emotions become to much anger anger frustration and millions out there that we are organized we may not march the street but we're organizing the effect that we will take front on all government and that what side of the aisle you sit on or feeling to acknowledge that there is an unemployment crisis or making
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a victim and we're nori you created sober problem and this is a crisis they should be are they should they should or dealing with this. if you're going to have two years ago i'm going to work for one hundred and seventy eight the do the math if there was jobs out there it's ninety nine weeks we're going up i want jobs at one hundred not one hundred seventy. and i have a call. and i feel to bring to the table and i do that but the government is ignoring the problem and creating more fear in this country and making it harder for people like me and my group to get out there and towns that are working but i know you mentioned that you may not be out marching on the streets why not can afford it you don't have to go is progress when you can afford to yes and your car
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you can afford a bus. the longer you go without money i've gone almost. the money my savings leave it there are other people who didn't have that there are the others it's hard to organize people when they don't have any we don't have a phone and they don't have a. priority change survival we have to pay attention many or incur but i will build a country we are living a third world america the tax. what do you think that it can stop or do you think that perhaps some of what used to be the american dream is now over because jobs have been taken overseas because companies continue to take those jobs overseas. i think if we correct a bad call. and we start fixing our america today will not only fix the american dream for us. but for my kids tomorrow what we have you know what's happening and i think we can fix it or we can do it with the climate that's operating in
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washington they're all about no this one's right that one's right no one problem. and we're the morning they worked on the debt ceiling and got tons of new evan heard much about unemployment not going to. we're that new car this station great many other stations or if they don't want to talk about it where should we are like the elephant in the room that nobody wants. why do you think that isn't that something i brought up just earlier on the show too that the mainstream media for some reason doesn't really want to address the larger issues because it's so much easier of course to focus on the he said she said of the daily affairs on capitol hill about why are people like you ignored i think we're because we're seeing her party on the democratic side we heard president obama because we are added to the number of unemployment the unemployment rate then right so therefore
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it's easy to work more on that we're not part of that and the republicans were not part of that has been offended definitely not they only offer lots of insults and make us go away so hard that there's nothing in it for them besides they don't realize we are both we are going to vote and we're not going to pick between good and bad we're going to pick the person that represents so will you vote for president obama in two thousand and twelve considering that he hasn't addressed jobs at this point no not children and they are wrong time away from election two thousand. i want to lose their. careers in order for ninety nine hundred and. under. our brand i want to thank you very much for joining us tonight talking about your story and as i said as of june there are now two million other people like you out there in america they've been unemployed for ninety nine weeks or more and
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those numbers just might go up and as of now no extension on those benefits so of course the good luck to you and i thank you so much. well still to come tonight anti muslim blogger pamela geller seems to side with the nora very shooter and bomber anders breaking her latest post for his plane and could there actually be that and that's when the debt deal but explain why the neo cons are freaking out when we speak with lieutenant colonel anthony shaffer. into little where we would. do the work to bring justice accountability. i have every right to know what my government should do if they want to know why i pay taxes. well i would characterize obama as a charismatic. of american exceptionalism.


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