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tv   [untitled]    August 1, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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the new deal. coming up it's a game of the price is right in florida what's on the market education you'll be astounded which schools are getting the big bucks and which ones are getting squat after the break. drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through that sort of made who can you trust no one who is in view with the global machinery to see where we had a state controlled capitalism school sessions when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more.
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welcome back to the big picture on top marvin coming up in this half hour florida students study back to school next month are getting a rather rotten apple compliments of republican governor rick scott details coming up about how he's starving that state's public school system and in light of the unbalanced and billionaire friendly debt deal could be any clearer that america's government is broken inside steely take all explain how thirty years republican ideas got us to this point.
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in the best of the rest of the news our public education system is under attack down in florida governor rick scott and his republican cohorts in the state legislature are starving i'll build schools fifty million fifty five million dollars intended to go to the repairing of eighteen public school facilities was instead redirected to exclusively funded for profit charter schools in total about three hundred fifty for profit schools will share the fifty five million dollars leaving over three thousand public schools they desperately need money left holding an empty track not only that president obama's secretary of education arnie duncan just announced forty nine million dollars in federal education grants that will also go school simply to new york and florida for profit charter schools and president obama's two thousand and twelve budget calls for three hundred seventy two million to go to for profit charter schools all over the nation so here we are
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outsourcing the education of our children to corporate c.e.o.'s religious leaders and others who care about actually preparing our kids for the jobs of the twenty first century and compete with china but instead only care about profits so this is really the sort of education we should be pursuing in america here offer his take is conservative commentator david sullivan new york city david welcome back i think it's on thanks for having me and thank you to your viewing audience i got a lot of kinds feedback the last time i was on a less nice. gung ho in favor of charter schools and you don't want public schools apparently to succeed why do you hate students. well it's not that i hate students but i really am pro the charter school parents need a reasonable alternative so the some of the insidious consequences of means particularly in the state of florida and new york here in our schools we have
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a program that is essentially broke you have children who cannot speak english you have children with severe learning disabilities who are sitting next to an individual who was average or perhaps above average would like to learn but all of the emphasis is being concentrated on this one miscreants you have individuals who are extraordinarily disruptive and parents want an alternative and i have to applaud the president because i usually don't agree with his policies this charter school initiative is spot on but the if well first of all public schools you know title one and all that public schools actually do have programs separate programs for learning disabled kids i think frankly they should have more programs for gifted kids like they did during the eisenhower years but that's a digression i suppose but was thomas jefferson wrong he said if a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization. scuse me expects what never was and never will be
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and then he continued to say whenever the people are well informed they can be trusted with their own government that whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice they may be relied upon to set them right i mean jefferson not only was gung ho for education on his tombstone he didn't even want to that he was prez the united states rather he wanted it but he was the founder of the university of virginia as a free school for pretty much anybody he was totally for public schools. if you and i have every reason to believe that he would be in favor of these particular charter schools particularly when you look at how the public education system has hijacked the teaching of these children you have young men and women leaving high school who don't understand basic math who have learned fictitious and fallacious history who have been in cool kid with various fictions for instance
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aggrandizing the marginal accomplishments of particular groups and completely neglecting the bold individual as some of our founding so you would rather have the data you would rather have for profit charter schools that are teaching our kids that for example the world was created in six days and six thousand years old with federal funds you'd rather have that than have public schools i mean and also when you know you're arguing the most hard to resolution separating out the kids who are doing well from the kids who are if you separate those kids out what you're going to do is totally ghettoized the public schools and make them even worse the center for reason just to gratian outcomes at stanford university did the most comprehensive study on this if you're familiar with the topic i'm sure you're familiar with the study but they found was that thirty seven percent of charter schools were below public schools forty one percent identical and only seventeen percent above we have a two to one ratio of good bad to good charter schools and there's a bit of both from theirs. room for improvement and this is the sort of bold
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initiative and funding that will facilitate better improvements on what was born of a given job one hundred three thousand public schools and millions of dollars to three hundred fifty player profit schools i mean why should anybody be running a school for profit shouldn't they be running a school for education oh wait a minute there's plenty of money going to the public schools and i'm not adverse to public schools but this is a great alternative and we really must work alone has taxpayers we really must fund these and i would like to remind your viewing audience the individuals who are carrying on the loudest oppose this are not taxpayers an individual is not a taxpayer if he or she gets back more than they pay and now we try to that's kayode missouri public schools or the whole you know let them eat cake private schools that's you know the for probably schools that's for the rich people so we will we need to take federal money and make sure that those schools are really nice is that is that what you're saying i mean this sounds like
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a subsidy to the wealthy companies. no i think what we have to do is provide opportunity for our young men and women to rise and fulfill their expectations of what they're able to do not fill their heads up with garbage equaling everybody saying you really can do anything you want and not provide aid and why doesn't it as bad as one nine hundred fifty s. the one nine hundred forty s. the one nine hundred sixty s. where we had public schools and we didn't have private schools outside of basically just catholic schools and we didn't have any threat or funding for those private schools why would they want to give haitian was working then and in your mind it's not worth of now because we have something to do with the way that i will answer your question then it is education secretary and slashing educate us a little they not know what has happened is the demographic of the country has changed and the individuals now who are steering the public education ship are moving their agenda and unfortunately their agenda does not accord with reality now
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if you look back at the fifty's the sixty's to a lesser extent the seventy's the population was entirely different the values of the country were really on par now it's anything goes and unfortunately if an individual is brought up in that environment they're usually incapable of earning a living even if you simply look at the numbers and the statistics what you will find is that during that period of time we had c.e.o.'s making thirty times what average workers are making now it's five thousand and one we have much more inequality now when you look at any country in the world when any quality gets bad public education falls apart and david thank you it's true not how much athletes are paid right but for appreciated as public education falls by the wayside thomas jefferson guy who wrote the declaration of penance and devoted his life to free public education must be rolling in his grave.
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it's the good the bad of the very very vested interests really ugly the good of the foreign the consumer rights advocate who built the new consumer financial protection bureau is leaving the agency to clear the way for richard cordray guy nominated to be the first head of the agency by president obama in a farewell note to employees of the c.f.p. be warned road i leave this agency but not this like the issues we deal with the middle class that has been squeezed the bills that business models built on tricks and traps are deeply personal to me and they always will be you know they should be personal all of us and we need to keep the pressure on congress to make sure republicans can't sabotage warrens creation we also need to keep pressure on one of their self to get a run for the senate from massachusetts the bad. steve doocy most of us do find a shared sacrifice as making billionaire hedge fund managers and private jet owners contribute a little bit toward deficit reduction the fox and friends talking head as
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a slightly different definition of shared sacrifice and that's making the working poor sacrifice years to see his interview this morning with gene sperling senior white house economic adviser. fifty one percent of the country doesn't pay any federal taxes maybe shared sacrifices you make the taxpayer base expanded it. well you know first of all that's that's not true. secure at all actually one hundred percent of people who work pay federal taxes as in federal payroll taxes. but apparently we do see as saying is you know people have lost their jobs and homes they should be paying higher taxes before one penny is raised of a billionaire koch brothers great job you see sticking to the corporate talking points is so so in our circle and the very very ugly. gallery the right wing is. hate monger and frequent guest on fox so called news took to her blog yesterday to talk about the norway terrorist attacks before committing mass murder anders breivik cited geller
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a dozen times in his cross drenched manifesto written to explain why he did what he did if you just waited a week you could have saved her thirteenth time inexplicably geller posted a picture of the teenagers at the political youth camp just twenty four taken just twenty four hours before the shooting occurred and she wrote quote note the faces which are more middle eastern and mixed than pure in our region and that's right bella geller just attempting to justify brother it's massacre because there's more brown people in norway has since removed the post from her blog but that doesn't hide the fact that they hate she speeds is very very. after the break what fills the power vacuum under republican shrink the government and that is daily take i'll tell you i collected an asia is giving corporations the keys to the kingdom. drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions it's time to break
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through get through if you've made who can you trust no one who is in view with the global machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism it's called sasha's when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more.
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my take is your chance to send your questions comments ranson observations about anything we talk about here in the big picture or during my radio show as my chance to give you my take on it one more time our first comments and i is a message from the viewer rant line on viewer makes an interesting observation perhaps the republican position during the negotiations on the debt ceiling speaks to the fundamentals of the party's ideology about the role government should play in running this country you would think the american people would have learned that one way or let the party who says ok don't believe in government that they were absolute go into government who of course. run government because they don't believe. you would the republicans would have learned from the sit down with a cold and the ninety's under clinton. i'm afraid from the old not some about those
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to learn from history are doomed to repeat it doesn't apply in this country anymore . well doug actually it does apply and i think that you just made that point. kind of backwards but i think you're right and i think that our failure to learn from the lessons of history are playing right into the republican strategy to take this country as far away from traditional democratic values both small d. and large as possible the the president has been talking as i mentioned in my rant a little bit ago about transitional presidents and compromise and how wonderful and how important all that is i think frankly it's time to return to the core values that this country was founded on and that built this country and the built the great middle class or in the middle part of the twentieth century we've wandered away from those values when we went into greed is good in the first few years of the reagan administration and elevated billionaires to very high status people you
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know starting with reagan's inaugural ball and you know it's i kind of like jimmy carter walk into. any our next comment is also from the branch line this if you recall to share her outrage about the lack of shared sacrifice from wealthy corporations and the millionaires and billionaires have become the patrons speaking of today's republican party. from the label the way to attack the corporations and the wealthy i don't believe a little bit has petrea taken away with the republican sham if they put upon the country of the people we didn't do they have a good yeah the majority of analysts agreed today that the debt deal struck last night between the white house and the republican leadership was overall a win for the g.o.p. because the republicans achieved drooled goals they avoided tax increases and they got a dollar for dollar cut in spending to match the amount by which the debt limit is going to be raised so you know this is a this is a real problem and if president obama was going into this full tilt boogie gung ho
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as jane had jane hamsher is suggesting then and i think all of us need to take a serious look at what's going on here and. ask ourselves what what it is what it what what differentiates the parties anymore what does the democratic party stand for any longer if it doesn't stand for social security and medicare for example what does it stand for and our last comment tonight is from the message board over at tom hartman dot com that office is often said that a person and a political party's ideology stems from their perspective on the world spends on whether you view the world through a me window as in what's in it for me or how will i benefit from the situation or whether you view the world through a wee window as in how will the situation impact and greater good and this viewer asks what's what is it in us that makes us one way or the other perfect condition it seems is the distinction between selfishness and sharing between caring for all
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the people as opposed to caring for only a few between empathy and cold indifference for the needy among us it's like the story of the good samaritan what is it that makes one behave in such a way contrary to the group to me it's what defines what has been historically democratic and today progressive and i think the poster actually meant the democratic to be a capital d. but in any case america was founded as a we society were nation of barn builders i know daniel boone is the great icon you know the guy who just puts on his coonskin cap and takes his rifle and goes out to the wilderness but even daniel boone. haddock had a community even daniel boone was educated even even the great rugged individualists have been part of our society humans are social animals and the idea that we're a nice society and that's the way it should be and that we're not a we society and we've never been is just well as as as humans as mammals as you
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know fellow citizens of planet earth we have all always been we society and every human civilization that has ever succeeded and all the way back to tribal times has always been based on a core concept of were all in this together and now that we're all in it together addle at the global level with things like global climate change we really need to be considering that we're all in it together that we society and dump this crazy libertarian whack a doodle notion of oh it's just me and mine and that's it it's just doesn't work then look for your take my take tonight if you'd like your comments and questions heard on the segment of the big picture listen up we want to know your take send us your comments by visiting the tom hartman facebook page by a twitter at tom underscore when you're in the champ room on the message boards or to the blog at thom hartmann dot com you can also leave a message on our ramp line at two to five three six fifty three zero six agree
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disagree sound off it's all welcome but remember that your comments may be used on the air. you know nature hates vacuums and so does government republicans appear to have won the debt limit debate successfully getting trillions of dollars in spending cuts and bringing us all closer to their vision of a miniature sized pocket government but one thing everyone seems to forget is that as government power shrinks something else has to fill that power vacuum. and that something is always historically been or has always been historically the power of either great wealth or corporations since the birth of our nation corporations have slobbered at the idea of replacing government they were hungry for the billions they can skim off the top of privatizing social security or the money they can make from of medicare or the massive profits they can make if they don't have to follow
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pollution limits anymore and in one nine hundred eighty these power thirsty corporations back ronald reagan and set out to smear and good name of government they figured if they could just get the american people to buy into the idea that government was broken and ineffective and they could we deliver into power and face and today many americans have also brought into this idea and surprise the corporations are moving in today far too many of us see this theater of ineptitude on capitol hill and think the government is never work and never will and therefore we should starve the government and scrap it all together and it's not just what's going on in congress it's what's going on everywhere failing public schools the debt ridden united states postal service your bankrupt amtrak bailed regulators and wall street incompetent oversight of over oil rigs mismanaged disaster relief black hole pentagon spending soaring medicare prices we see government programs failing
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all around us and nobody trumpets these failures but the republican party whose members could barely spit up five words without pointing out a government program they've broken so badly that it's no longer work that's why people hang teabags in the tricorder hats and scream about government so i drove have young people flocking iran wrap up every word about dismantling federal departments and that's why the frame of debate in america has shifted from what should we be spending money on to what should we be spending less money. that's why this debt limit deal is all spending cuts not because cuts are good for the economy but because we've all bought into the same idea this strange notion that government not only doesn't work but can't ever work and it's the wrong idea it's not even the idea that this country was founded on the truth is it's not government that doesn't
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work it's when republicans run government that it doesn't work i had historian thomas frank on my show recently talk about republican run government here's what he had to say. cynicism pays massive dividends to conservatives and what's creepy about this is that it's sort of self-fulfilling so conservatives tend to deal in very bad government the they govern very poorly there's one line from the wrecking crew that i always like to repeat because it can never get out there enough and it's from a it's from a guy who is the president of the u.s. chamber of commerce back in the one nine hundred twenty s. and he said in an interview that i found in a very popular magazine from the late one nine hundred twenty s. the best public servant is the worst one nobody's ever said it quite that bluntly since then but you can find echoes and i do in the book i find that goes of this remark right up to the present day i mean conservatives say this sort of thing all the time you don't want competent people in government you don't want because if
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you if government works if you have smart people in government people that know what they're doing and government works for the public will trust government then you won't have the cynicism you won't you know things things will work and then you know if it's a democratically elected you know it's it's there and they're there people find out that government programs work and democrats will get elected so for the last thirty years since reagan republicans have been busy running government. good name right into the ground hiring inept and bureaucrats corporate cronies to get its people and the government can't do its job and give the republican party exactly what it needs to keep getting reelected a platform that government doesn't work so they can defund government and replace function functions like social security with their buddies on wall street. but it wasn't always like this republican president dwight eisenhower presided over a time in america when government programs worked and as he told his brother in a letter in one nine hundred fifty four should any political party attempt to
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abolish social security unemployment insurance and eliminate labor laws and farm programs you would not hear that party again in our political history there is a tiny splinter group of course that believes you can do these things a few texas oil millionaires an occasional politician or businessman from other areas but their number is negligible and they are stupid eisenhower a new government worked and that in which the lives of everyone in america and that anyone who wanted to get rid of it was just plain stupid but after thirty years of bad government courtesy of the modern republican party we've all gone stupid even president obama was just barely twenty years old when ronald reagan won the white house can't remember the days when government worked and the american people would revolt against those who were trying to dismantle it that's probably why he's gone along with the tea party nearly every step of the way bowing to their demands rather than just calling them stupid eisenhower but the tea party and ron paul
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fanatics fail to understand. is that is the government is the only thing that stands in the way of corporate power what do you want between you and your doctor to paraphrase the eternal question for the health care debate the government you can petition and elect your own elect or a for profit health insurance corporation whose c.e.o. will have you arrested if you try to visit his office to talk with you but you are keeping an eye on our environment and government scientists working for you are exxon mobil's lobbyists working for them the reason why republicans won this step on a debate is the same reason they've won nearly every single economics debate in the last thirty years in america and that reason is we've all forgotten the america of the middle twentieth century a time when government actually worked. and if we don't remember it soon if the tea party zombies and ron paul worshippers don't wake up from this collective amnesia then the corporations will take full control of america and i can promise you
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whatever problems you may have with uncle sam today will pale in comparison to the institutionalized crimes of the united states of for example enron or. exxon mobil or goldman sachs. as the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered visit our websites of hartmann dot com free speech dot org and archie dot com also check out our two youtube channel is there a link to tom harkin dot com and this entire show is also available as a free video podcast on i tunes and we have a free market i phone app and i pad app at the app store you can set a speed back on twitter atomosphere our facebook autonomy's for our watch most important telephone comment line at some point about and don't forget from ocracy begins with a new show up participate tag you're it. he
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