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tv   [untitled]    August 2, 2011 12:31pm-1:01pm EDT

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for the. first time the biggest issues get. face to face with. the official. video. feed with the palm of your.
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stories the u.s. representative. to avoid criticism of america's. economic recovery despite a compromise deal. nato members pressed for tough u.n. action against syria's government in response to. russia. protests demanding sweeping economic reform. that some are. it's not actually being
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passed over by the international. or next we take you back in time and space to nasa apollo thirteen mission which famously failed to mend on the moon because of a technical failure of all three crewmembers did return safely to earth and l.t. sophie shevardnadze caught up with the mission's commander for his memories of those events. jim low it's a great pleasure and honor to have you with us it's nice to be here now you've started out for the moon twice without ever landing on it is that fair while the first time was deliberate we were merely going to test out the navigation of the communications look for suitable landing spots for the people who would make the
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first lady thirteen of course was supposed to be the third lunar landing mission and as you probably know we had the explosion and so we had to go around the boat and come back home again fortunately we were successful in doing that. jr moonwalk in your dreams oh yes i've been before the flight i would try to figure out what i would be doing there at a place called from a mile but after i came back i never really dreamed about it after that i mean once i was you know safely back on earth i just forgot about it when you spoke about the moon you spoke of fast loneliness dallas elling spiraling. to get home sick to join to go back. no as a matter of fact we were here around the eight and going around thirteen and we were still sort of attached to the earth but we did have this idea of being you know. away from the earth and separated from the earth and although i have to admit
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that when we look back at the earth and we could put our thumb up to the window and everything behind our thought our earth was was disappeared and everything that we'd ever had known was behind or thought it was that's sort of a usual feeling a feeling of how insignificant really we all are back on earth if i could put my thumb up and hide everybody. and of course that incredible shot of the earth rights you guys went to france to show us they aren't i think for everyone it has a special personal meaning what does that shot signify to you. while i think of that one photograph which was not over here a my personal impression of what we saw but to everybody who saw that picture and is perhaps one of the most famous photographs of the last century. again that we are
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a. space ship here on earth ever all astronauts whether we want to be or not and we have to live and work together if we are to survive because you guys were very religious all three of the on apollo eight we had very strong religious convictions right well we did but we were not that religious to know that. you know that there were violated the sanctity of heaven. because god is with us on earth as it is with us just two hundred forty thousand miles away around the moon and so as a as a better fact you know the way we were read the first ten verses of genesis the old tested but we did that because it reality the old testament was the basis of the three basic religions. on earth islam
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christianity and judaism and so when we were thinking about what to say being the first three people around the moon what can we say and we said lady who was the wife of a adieus paper reporter said read the first verses this will appeal to most of the people who will be listening to you. and most of the earth is not christian it's all the religions too so that's what we did to appeal to the greatest of a lot of people that were listening to the whole science behind this saturn launch it was very cold and calculated and you said so many times in your interviews that we're just three guys sitting up five million pounds of high explosives and three in biles away from everyone and we had faith it's just a question of when you go on such a mission how much face how much to space matter can you only be guided by reason
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or you have to have faith well you have to have faith you have to have faith that. the faith that god would be on your side is faith in your fellow band who built that saturn five who built the spacecraft who designed the trajectory of the launch that everybody do what they're doing and that everything would be ok you would never get on top of a saturn five booster if you did have faith of the people who built it what would you say is the right stuff what does it take for someone to go in space i think the people who are astronauts are caused by knots. they are people who live on the. people who like to explore people who like to see something different who like to open up new doors and these are the people that you know fired as
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astronauts and cosmonauts and the people who are here today at the starbucks first of all that who have to see the earth as there really is and the joy what they had and when i got gary made his first flights and nine hundred sixty one year already rejected by not someone's how do you feel about the twelfth of april nineteenth sixty one well i figured that. ever since but back then we knew what they were doing. that. the russians would put somebody up into space. quite early on and we were tempted to try that but we were behind it as a matter of fact what really woke up the american people was but because nine hundred fifty seven up to that time we didn't realize how far advanced at that time the silvia's were they had rocket technology and then we got started of course they
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had developed their booster the put it to it and it's amazing. throughout the years. the booster the rocket and the put up eureka carob is the same one today with a lot more modifications that are put in astronauts and cosmonauts it to the international space station this is like the old story of the tortoise and the hare we seem to be the hair we build. rockets said then we don't belittle go to something else we build this and now our shuttle is stopping this year. as the russians have taken a different tack that they build what they've learned and keep expanding that and pretty soon now that the turtle as funny stuff is surpassing the here what has been carrying the present team but if it's in the last team well i think. why is
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this a biology is something that. has really brought the world closer together i mean he was able to circumvent the gate to the earth and tie everything together and i think that it was a breakthrough. a challenge that that he has a really. simple and it is that a really a shame that he he bet is his demise. so early in life now when you were going to fly to the moon and the second time were you anxious i c s i was anxious because i wanted to do something i had always planned on doing and i was the backup on apollo eleven so if bill armstrong had become sick or a broken leg or something like that i was all set to go but i wanted to actually care sort of close up my fly space career plan and now of course here returns you have to control the space ship manually and cap make all the
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calculations right there when did you know that you were safe. well we only knew we were safe. we saw water splashing over the window but spent we were back of the ocean and the spacecraft that saw. that because every time from from the time of the explosion of all the way back there were certain prices that we had to overcome including whether the parachutes will put up because the pyrotechnics to put it out the parachutes had been cold sold for four days and we did know where the the explosions the charges were put out the persians what goes through your mind when you don't really know when you going to land more you can explode is it are you so mobilized that you not even you don't even have time to fear that or what goes through your mind at that point well i think our our training has got us in a position and a mindset that do we look at things one one step at
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a time our minds are concentrated on what the next step is going to be what we have to do and we don't worry about you know failure. we'll worry about that if a failure occurs but not until that time so we're pretty so straightforward what we're doing and and thinking about are did you really say houston we have a problem the true story which seems to be. going around all the time never never die is that where the explosion occurred jack's weicker. first said. hey houston. we have a problem here. the capsule communicator came back and said say again please i then said here's to we have had a problem and that there's rules to story about that of course where they made the
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movie. they had tom hanks say and he said we have a problem to less questions but i think i'm often off to retire now you are a successful businessman but many of them couldn't really find their place in life after that fate i retired from active duty a lot of them suffered clinical depression alcoholism why is that why is it that when often it's retired they can always find the right way on earth. well i think it's very similar to that old saying that after you've been perry what else is there you know. it is it's a high point in everybody's life and then when that high point stops and you go back to living a normal life again a lot of times it's hard to recover because many people will say yes i understand what you did but what can you do for me now and so. to be successful you have to
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always look forward not to look backward yes i went to the moon twice i've made four spaceflights that was of the past what am i doing now what how can i satisfy my life and enjoy life and the season and so a lot of us of course prabal were to look at the earth after we say that so far what do you think of the moon when you see it now well it doesn't have the roll bands for me that i had had before i went to the moon. i was pretty close to it right now sometimes i wish i could go back and actually beat the landing. but you as a space tourist maybe as a space tourist yeah now i think i would if i could just go around the earth i've been there all the time and still the doesn't doesn't thrill me anymore but. that maybe there be some commercial operations where people start you know go and take
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him for their own honeymoon trips around the earth thank you very much for this interview for my pleasure tucker. some. of your thoughts toward. the street still keeps secrets. to reveal the shooting of the soviet files on.
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some stores that are launching in the u.s. cold response is the debt limit bill to avoid default and the criticism that america still faces harsh times ahead of an economic recovery at this point and compliance deal legislation is not expected to clear the president of common sense . nato members pressed for tougher u.n. action against syria's government in response to escalating violence but russia files to block any resolution leading to a newbie a stall interfet. and is really seized by a tidal wave of anti-government protests demanding sweeping economic reforms the demonstrators complain there's somewhat of discontent is largely being posted up by the international media. i'll be back with more news stories for in less than fifteen minutes from now meantime attash is next with the latest.
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thank you bill you're watching this for it live on our to the headlines this hour reports claim russian international calls to join one of the country's richest sides disappointed with chelsea. out of a race to progress in the champions league main competition following me to know when the do not much of the former russian champions keep preparing for wednesday's second leg. and break time for once and as well. as falls to miss the rest of the season with a nagging back injury. for the biggest signing in the russian primary this year looks old but the dons eels when simulant bellows is believed to be the face has a foot for chelsea and russia way to get a call for the twenty seven year old is believed to have visited the club's training ground with only four with
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a deal now agreed joy and russian oil and chelsea from group two years ago the versatile player failed to secure a regular place in the silencing line up a series of knee injuries didn't help his schools either management has declined to comment on the move the signed sign brazil legend are about to call us in february and have been constantly linked with big names throughout the season. john business qualifying is in full swing this week with most of the fixtures due to take place on wednesday bought three games are up for grabs today and one is now in progress bar. hosting a goal as to why we could go. to one as we speak that one. also and that is joel scoring won the last one as the wild copenhagen travelled to shamrock rovers with a victory from the first leg. and gave the dennis champions the narrow win with a nearly strike in front of the home crowd that those game starts
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a bit later. in the men's i'm the only russian side in contention for a spot in the main campaign preparing for wednesday's home second leg against in. the form of double russian champions what to know when those last week in ukraine are being weird beaten three in the latest a premier league fixture on sats is a. design heat self at eight pm moscow time but that's. in the meantime the russian for believing in is to introduce a number of new rules to make attending a game of the country a more attractive proposition for the general public new procedures are aimed at providing improved security for football fans at premier league games following a number of high profile incidents at grounds across the country over the last month the draft rule has now been tabled in public and crucially it will prohibit the use of matches and will introduce family areas within stadiums the rules us out
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to be approved in the next few weeks. and well according to the russian premier league's head of security have handed policing has been the main cause of football violence in russia hooliganism mean grouses up fifty percent on last year and police are now being encouraged to let stewards off the security at the games here is reached with more on that. scenes like this have become an alter a regular occurrence at stadiums across russia this season supporters response on moscow's any to petersburg into namo have been the main culprits however the russian premier league's head of security believes heavy handed policing is the root cause of most of these problems that were for but over here were the main problem we are facing is with the organization of games different styles of policing the quality of the stadiums and other factors can have a massive impact on the way fans behave if the police act in a civilized way towards the fans then there is no source of provocation that's
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workable miti don't meet there is a problem of hooliganism in russia the states but this is also a problem amongst a number of countries in europe however the spotlight is clearly on russia to clear up its science has been able host the world cup in two thousand and eighteen. hundred russian premier league head of security and once to say a complete change in the way security is don't live in stadiums across the country . we are very interested in the police playing a much smaller role in organizing security of football games in russia we need to train security personnel and stewards to carry out this job the police should not try to provoke a situation i would rather try and work with the fans both parties need to work together the police have been seen as coming was a problem by russian football fans who've known called the stewards to be the sole security force in the country stadiums than the police's chief of public security who spoke about the matter last week it meets with something has to be done. we're
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very interested in the police playing a much smaller role in organizing security at football games in russia we need to train security personnel and stewards to carry out this job the police should not try to provoke the situation but rather try and work with the fans by the parties need to work together oh. things are slowly starting to improve he needs petersburg finding for been on the rebirth of homocysteine found and banned from the stadium he will not face any criminal proceedings however unfortunately a similar incident happening tomorrow and the perpetrator has yet to be called. little and older is still a very long way to go to fulfill in russia will become an activity where parents would not think twice about taking their children to watch a game but if we don't. over to the italian supercar will face city rivals a similar on the beijing olympic stadium on saturday internazionale arrived in
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china on tuesday and held their first training session at the famous parents now stadium which also was the venue for the two thousand and eight summer games the club's jointly share the super cup record having wanted five times in which. we have joined the team in china replacing the injured utah nuggets all men while michelle the west wing snape has been linked with a possible night of mood for ace and lays also with the score then coach john carroll guessed that he played down the speculation. was. the reason it's not a problem he's playing for us joining with us to blame certainly there is only have to say about him. and the united states men's football team will have a decidedly german flavor now that he's been close man has taken over as manager the ford seven year old stating on the day was unveiled that the us will look to discover a global star of their own following in the footsteps of america's more popular sports. nobody showed kobe bryant to do certain moves you know he did it themselves
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and soccer is the same way it's self teaching you learned you get better then the more you play if you play twenty hours a week you will get really good if you play two hours a week you will be always limited so if you want to one day have a messy representing the united states you need to find a kit that picks the boron twenty hours a week. moving away from football and in tennis do not aside from that won't be playing any competitive game for the rest of the yeah the former world number one is nursing a persistent back injury having already missed plenty of action since may the twenty five year old russian has slipped to sixty fifth and the world standings due to injury she also missed both the french open and wimbledon this year soften and her brother mata distinguished as the only siblings to have both held the world's top ranking brothers soften and rate he had lines in the world of politics though after retiring from tennis a few years ago so if you want to roll the aiming for a seat in the russian state duma standing for the united russia. in basketball
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there's no movement in the ongoing n.b.a. labor dispute between team owners and the players' association that's according to commissioner david stern who states quote everything remains the same on all the issues ahead of the november season starts there will be more meetings later in august though. at the same place in the world. thirty days ago. we agreed we'd be in touch to schedule some additional meetings that's all said can only go so long discussing non-economic or just to be sure resource out of the care of them extra care if you virtually all bring you back to the list. and finally two thousand and six most of the g.p. champion nicky hayden found out what it's like to take to the track on four wheels it's a role given a few tips from david coulthard in a most sega's car the kentucky dove cools familiar with a crowded garage those ties come
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a little bigger than he is used to on his motorbike was then hayden's time to get behind the will of the german speed machine and burn some tread with coulthard as copilot hayden though having a few difficulties controlling the car but spinning out and safe and then in his usual ride the american who said seven overall at the moment stated off to was he'd like to compete in the car quasi one day bought from now the differences are too great from his day job. to break compared to a motorcycle with four wheels and downforce i mean you can brake much deeper than that with. that with forwards part of the way off in the sea that's the one way i've never liked about motorcycle i like the freedom to be able to use my body and move around more in this thing you're locked down you're not going anywhere so that was. uncomfortable. and that's it for the alec coming up after this is the weather and the bell will bring you the news headlines.
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for the full story we've got. the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers.
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the people of the united states and their friends and allies will not live at the mercy of an outlaw regime that threatens the peace with weapons of mass murder his regime as an active program to acquire and develop nuclear weapons and let there be no doubt about we know for a fact that there are limits there. this we're just being carried out into the direction of dr david kay respected scientist and former u.n. inspector was leading the weapons search in iraq we are determined to take this apart you have a tremendous a group of dedicated american men and women involved in this with the best assets of the intelligence community can provide. data cheney is not going to be done with this for quite some time david kay wants more time and he says it could take another six to nine months to make a definitive finding ministration is asking congress for hundreds of millions more six hundred million dollars.


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