tv [untitled] August 2, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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so they're attacking the patriotism. in the. the u.s. congress passes the debt limit bill to avoid the full criticism that america's still faces harsh economic recovery this is quite a last minute compromise deal. while the bill has been given a green light after months of political wrangling but the question remains a will this be enough to avert my deepening out the financial crisis details out of washington in just a bad. un security council debates a resolution on syria pulling the escalation of violence there russia says any decision must meet the interests of the syrian people. and israel is seized by
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a tidal wave of antigovernment protests demanding sweeping economic reform but demonstrators complained their summer of discontent is not being called by the international media. plus own business a new. dance prices for gas strong as a german energy major takes matters support we'll have more on that and business in twenty minutes. international news and comment of this is r.t. live here in moscow just turned nine pm in the russian capital so after months of political squabbling in the shadow of a looming default the u.s. can finally breathe a sigh of relief the senate has passed in level of a deal to raise the country's boring limit the final hurdle for the bill author
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being given the go ahead in the lower house on monday when our correspondent you seek a fan of has the latest for us in washington lucy this has been waiting for with bated breath around the world doesn't it. oh it certainly has and well i'm sure the political journalists here in washington are all thrilled that they actually have some real news to report on we do have to keep in mind that this is really just a political game frankly that the united states did not necessarily have to go through let's talk about why we got into a situation where this nation risked almost a first ever in its history. solved the debt limit raising the debt limit which is something that the united states has done dozens of times in fact more than one hundred times since one nine hundred forty is a relatively routine thing what happens here is that the rise of the so-called tea party faction of the republican party has turned this routine vote in to essentially a proxy battle over ideological differences and what are those different differences
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will they work public and say no taxes they want lower taxes no government spending they really think that the united states has gotten itself into this so to speak because of spending on social programs and keeping taxes going to high and the republicans of course completely disagree with that and so what we saw is instead of doing sort of a routine piece of legislative act making here we have these folks fighting over these issues in a completely unrelated piece of legislation the debt limit of course is about how much money the united states has already agreed to pay out it has nothing to do with future spending and of course we can't forget that there is a whole element of the twenty twelve one of the election here since the president will be running for a second term in office the republicans really wanted to essentially put him in a position where it's a little bit embarrassing for him the sad irony here is that both sides walked away very very unhappy with the deal that frankly does almost nothing with the exception
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of averting this self-imposed that limit crisis because. it's a long term prospects and the economic long term prospects in the u.s. . good sport of course there's agreement being made right now. well not at all good of course we still haven't heard a concrete information out from the credit ratings agencies standard and poor's is really the one to watch here they are the ones that have said that they wanted to see a promise of four trillion dollars in spending reductions of course this deal sort of cobbled together about half that amount short term economic implications for the globe and the united states also are looking very good because what we have in this legislation is the promise to cap spending to limit the amount of spending this is coming out of time when the united states is facing growth we saw the numbers last week from the g.d.p. growing at one point lead percent over the second quarter that's very very small unemployment rates are still astronomical at nine point two percent and
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a lot of economists are saying hey this is not the time to curb spending meanwhile of course what this legislation actually does is sort of create a super committee that's going to deal with these issues figure out exactly where to cut and how to cut several months down the line by november is their recommendations do and of course that's just a lot of a lot of words to say they're kicking the problem down the road it remains a political issue going on right up to the point of the election and of course it doesn't do anything to resolve these fiscal problems that really do have implications not just here in the united states but all across the globe for example much of all of lawyers in washington studio and a little earlier we spoke thank you gerald solem he's from the trends research institute and publisher of the trends journal he believes despite the last minute deal the us is heading towards the next great depression. to devaluation of the
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dollar it's been going on for a long time but they're not calling it a devaluation what they're doing is they are flooding the world markets which eats dollars just as the europeans are doing with cheap euros so the more the product is out there the less valuable it is the dollar is worth the digital paper it's not printed on the united states can't deliver on its wars it loses wars within iraq afghanistan the war on drugs the new war with libya they're losers the the government that everything that they touch look at all the trillions of dollars the tens of trillions that have been pumped into the system since the panic of zero eight struck why would any thinking adult look at the republicans and the democrats the inept and the incompetence to come up with a program that's going to salvage the nation investors having confidence looking to the same people that caused the problems to resolve it that's called insanity the
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american economy as well as much of the global economy is heading into the greatest depression anything everything that they're doing is not going to salvage it if you have a third mortgage it's like taking out of what benefit how is that going to fix the real estate problem which by the way the prices of oil was more dramatically since two thousand and seven since the great depression of the one nine hundred thirty s. how is it going to fix the trade deficit problem it's not the great depression is underway and all they're doing is trying to make it look as though they have a plan to stave it off they're not going to. gerald celente their official break of violence brings more death to syria as government forces fire again on anti-government protesters the un security council has resumed discussions on the situation in the country amid reports of over one hundred being killed on sunday while artie's marina is in new york with more on the potential international response to what is going on at the moment in syria. we do know that the u.s.
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and european countries are pushing for some fierce fierce resolution potentially maybe sanctions against syria to stop the violence that's taking place there we do know that same sions will not be supported by russia and possibly many other countries their security council the russian foreign ministry has said that sanctions that option sanctions are absolutely off the table russia's position is that that would just add more pressure to an already very sensitive and vulnerable situation that's taking place in syria we did hear that brazil's ambassador said that the country which possibly consider. over is supporting a presidential statement by the security council that would would talk about or oppose any kind of ongoing violence but where the security council is the ride it on is where they want to please the condemnation russia china and other countries
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are very concerned about not condemning one side or the other not taking sides not exacerbating this problem there are many countries that are part of the security council that do not want to see a repeat of what took place when the resolution of for a campaign against libya for a no fly zone over libya was adopted and implemented and many countries including russia believe that it was actually used lawfully and has been used on lawfully and so many countries do not want to see a repeat of what is taking place in libya but there may be may be an agreement on the text for a presidential statement that would call for all the violence to end we just have to wait and see if all fifteen countries will agree what they can say. portnoy there talking to me a little earlier let's get more on the situation in syria from james then slow he's a writer on middle east politics he's joining us now live from london jane fights
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for being with us here on r.t. what with many pointing the finger of economic recession along with calls for political reform and democracy being the cause of discontent amongst these protesters in syria could there be other forces at large here behind the some rest while i'm not entirely sure what you are looting here i think that ultimately the arab spring has had the same fundamental underpinnings across the region each country has its own unique set of circumstances affected was happened since the sectarian issue in america to. sure that well in syria we've not seen a serious sectarian dynamic emerge yet although there is of course elements that narrative two in particular the first being of course the fact that the regime does have a heavily alawite elite although the same time if you look at the numbers of political prisoners and find there are lots of alawite political prisoners within that too so that's one thing the second thing is of course what would happen if the state
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collapses words a sectarian kind of divisions divide in essentially determine the future politics of the country much as we saw in iraq so that's the first point i would say we've not seen sectarianism determine the conflict today the second point is if that regime collapses of course there is potential for it to be a mode of speech or politics in the country ok and what about politics beyond the country in the region what would happen if the regime collapsed. well it's i think a long way away from that at the moment but ultimately i think we've got a lot of examples of state collapse in the middle east nowhere but it's looked into the east and west of syria itself and lebanon as they collapse has led to a very weakened sectarian a tense government that constantly collapses initially foreman is unable to really address the political challenges of the day i'm not sure the same thing exists at least in iraq which of course is a lot larger as a country has a huge supplies of oil but once again the central government is characterized by sectarian patronage in the ministries it's growing national it was issues that affect the people in the country so i read in as
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a real good prospect of what happened if they collapse because he's a free sample in the past what the syrian opposition would hope for is that the regime regime doesn't bring down the state with it that it chooses the path that mubarak and ben ali took to some degree of exile organum moving off into the political wilderness and allows for a technocratic government to essentially implement the democratic reforms that have been promised over the last five months in the three asaad speeches that he's made it was want to really want that story as well as he want that replacement government consist of israel a neighbor and that people want to show really what the opposition is. well that's the i mean i'm not talking about the opposition here i'm talking about having a technocratic caretaker government in which the opposition can take part in future elections in libya you have a transitional council and they're arguing that their role is simply to take down a good athlete before implementing a period of transition for the country in syria and you know in near this point yet in syria any really effective opposition is externally in terms of organizing
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internally there is a huge public protesting opposition that don't want a sad but we don't know exactly what they do want because there's no real political space for them to operate in and one of the reasons why assad is attacked hammer on the start of ramadan is because he's afraid that ramadan provides a bigger political space within the organizational structures of mosques in this particular time of the year for his regime to be challenged and he's clearly worried about that and he's taking steps against that civilians are dying though the u.n. security council obviously discussing its response to the events there what stand should it be taking and not rule should there be foreign intervention to help those civilians which was the message of course in libya. well i think the u.n. is looking fairly inputs into the moment largely because of what happened in libya in the sense that the russians and the chinese feel that they were betrayed by the west and the people who pushed for security council resolution one thousand seventy three they thought it was about humanitarian protection it turned out to be about regime change they didn't sign up to that so i can feel like the russians the chinese are so greedy that the other hand that they're not even just sort of come
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out again in the russian language is changing now but they're coming out against what is now being called in some circles a ramadan massacre sending tanks into civilian areas and using heavy artillery against these people who don't seem to have many weapons if none at all so i think the u.n. is not necessary for a fair dealing with syria ultimately if i were rushing to london i'll be looking to put pressure on the countries were far closer to syria the russians the chinese the turks and also the iranians to see whether they can actually influence assad a bit but beyond that i feel that because the regime is so terrified by what's going on inside the same borders it really doesn't care about what people say beyond that. it's good to hear what you have to say james thanks very much indeed james jones low right on middle east politics talking to us live from london thank you time. still ahead here on this information in fact whom we are for the my mainstream media remains none one hundred fifty thousand israelis demanding social change. and it brings a whole new meaning to overtaking a tank
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a mercedes by no one had sold about later in the program. but first an independent panel says there were doubts about the objectivity of ponens investigation into the plane crash that killed president lech kaczynski along with much of the country's political elite also agreed that pilot error caused the tragedy in russia last year that claimed the lives of all ninety six people on board but difference is remain between ponens findings and those of the moscow based interstate aviation committee you are pissing off has the details for us. in general it's clear that the conclusions need earlier by the polish side and those made by the intercede aviation community here in moscow are similar in the sense that it were the actions of the pilots which caused this catastrophe but after the media conference held here in moscow by the interstate aviation community it also it's also clear that their approach to detail is a difference first of all the interstate committees says backbeat pilots ignored
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the warnings from the air traffic controller and decided to attempt to land the plane anyway despite the weather conditions it is a fact about the head of the polish air force was present in the cockpit at the time when they were trying to land the plane and the interstate committee says that that alone can be viewed as direct psychological pressure whilst the polish side says the head of the air force was simply standing there monitoring the situation i was able to personally speak or with the chief technical expert off the interstate aviation comedian here's what he had to say on this the presence of the cammalleri in chief of the port affair forces who was treated as a poor form who. i mean commando for there for all the cool and if profound like that. and you can see that several times he informs the crew was. the only way see the wheels
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doing some of the actions of the pilot not flying so our pilots our experts as a technical investigation team we consider these to be psychological. pressure on another issue very important here is that the polish committee concluded that the airstrip itself was not ready to receive the plane on the. interstate eighty that airstrip is certified to see planes and even though their world minor defects . be sold he could not have possibly a way to be plane crash be interesting to me is also why they are an independent international body while the investigation conducted by poland was being done by a state committee questioning its objectivity. going to reporting that to israel
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now in tel aviv central square has been turned into tent city crowds of protesters have expressed their discontent with soaring prices and plummeting salaries and its policy reports their peaceful demonstrations often go unnoticed by their government and by the world's mainstream media. tens of thousands on the streets of israel angry to doubt and protesting to change but is anyone listening really from a lot of the foreign media want to see more of an action movie and this hasn't been a theory by you and it's been very it hasn't been biota lol it's been very positive . well into week three the largest demonstration in israel in over a decade and how did a.b.c. c.b.s. and n.b.c. coverage they didn't a young a woman set up a tent while the editors of france twenty four b.b.c. and sky coughed up just a few meager seconds perhaps not even that interesting. back you know back
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in the studios ok there's a protest well what exactly is the protest a social protest for the revolution it's not the same kind of story the pollution is not as big and dramatic as some of the bigger revolutions happening around the middle east and i mean it is rough isn't surprised by the worldwide lack of media interest he's worked in the israeli press for decades reporting from media both foreign and local there is a box that the international media has put israel in and that is the israeli palestinian conflict also of israeli lebanese and syrian conflict and anything that doesn't kind of fit into that is not immediate type of of news item which is unfortunate the street has been dubbed top corner by some of the people here an optimism perhaps that they can bring down a government in the way the neighbors in toughness square rode the bus was the cameras there were nonstop here they pretty absent that just makes hundred and
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others angry for nine days she's been camping here furious that she can't make ends meet as a university student in excel said that when egypt decided to stand up and say we've had enough and. in lebanon they. decided to say we've had enough the media was all over there i haven't seen anyone from c.n.n. our friend fox news or any other big news channel here and it's really sad we also deserve a chance to be heard out because all foreign media the very few people around the world who even share with protesters have a shot if it's a missed opportunity and you crucial trying just weeks before palestinians plan to announce the view your own state police iraqi television. by the way there's a lot more for you on our web site r t v dot com online all the time is just two of the stories you can find there at the moment your own theory is a revival of system the baltic states welcomes veterans of hitler's often at a rally in a stone year of fascism value pocket of support in europe. and urban panic
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a whirlwind strikes eastern russia becoming the country's first ever city tornado a thirty minute twister injured dozens and caused massive damage to. their stores available for you right now online now to some other news from around the world in our world update this hour now to send more troops into kosovo after a week of conflict between ethnic albanians and serbs would have once called one course of a policeman and brought peacekeeping forces on the phone in and says the additional troops are not there to beef up its presence in the region but to provide immediate relief as soldiers have been on the ground since fighting began and tensions were raised last week when kosovan police seized two border checkpoints to impose a ban on imports from serbia. police twenty three people have been injured in the northern iraqi city of kirkuk after a car bomb exploded outside a catholic church but he said through further attempts to bomb christian targets before old and were getting to be church staff and people from neighboring houses
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which are also damaged by the mosque this is the latest of a series of similar attacks in the muslim region where minorities are regularly targeted by insurgents and religious religious extremists. and israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has agreed to discuss. possible return to pre-one nine hundred sixty seven borders with palestinians the country's been occupying land in the west bank where palestinians hope to build their own state since the six and a quarter you know it's been four hours use consistent really gyptian of the same proposal put forward by iraq obama in may turn palestinians will be expected to drop their bid for statehood at the u.n. and formally recognize israel as the chief state just. before the business news with marina let's tell you about this story heavy traffic and chaotic parking is a daily headache in just about every major city of the world of course and people unable to find a parking space but often just leave their cars in any available sports pavements or a bus stop after the mayor of lithuania's capital vilnius has decided that
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a ticket just isn't enough and see how he employed simple yet effective means to solve the problem of this mercedes parked on a bicycle lane to close it as the telecoms will close in a scuffle with an army. begins published by the mayor's office as a reminder to those who traffic and parking rules. clearly more effective in a parking ticket he said we're going to do that again i never see a tactic that seems to work very well you don't see. insults on that street should try here in moscow cars are everywhere. well known around the five minutes we'll be exploring the notorious former soviet labor camps that's in our special report for you here nancy but first here's the latest from the world of business as promised with arena.
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hello and welcome to business here on our team now i new legal specialist this being appointed in each of russia's eight spread all districts to help improve the investment climate it's the position of the so-called investment and that's known as the brainchild of president need to move into the role it will be to break down administrative barriers and be the point of contact for investors with the central government's current energy major has taken gas from supports to get a lower price for russian gas company argue spot prices are up to fifty dollars cheaper per thousand cubic meters than the current long term contract it has with gas from artie's that's on the cover has all the details gazprom says it already revised the gas price for e.o. last year at that time perswaded gazprom to sell a partner with gas at a price linked to support prices which will lower the gas pumps contracts now eon is asking for further reductions the company's suffering had
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a losses due to the gap between the gas bills prize and that's all the european markets which third of what the gas from wants to stick to its long term contracts which it says provide security for profitable at only a small premium to support prices the talks have lost and for more than a year now without success so now iraq is taking the matter to an arbitration court lawyers we've spoken to suggest it is it will be in the courts power to infrastructure gas from to decrease what it charges but it would need a contractual reason to find in favor. and stay with the story analysts claim russia's gas when openly is the fiscal position as it stuck with to lose in profits or market share. you know all in all the chairman partners they demand more things actually especially they would like to surprise the only hundred percent i think that's the key risk actually guessed wrong was in its
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profits from the other hand many criticism is probably good partners because basing it just doesn't follow that kind of flexible. with european partners they will lose market share so no balance between losing market share and losing their profits. and let's take a look at the markets now it's more or less a sea override everywhere in the u.s. stocks are down as investors are cautious about the prospects of a recovery and a potential credit downgrade that coupled with the record spending spending declined in june for the first time in almost two years perhaps in the seas in the negative territory and in europe stock markets closed in the red with the banks leaving of the kleins the footsie end of the day almost one percent down the role of the dax lost over its nuclear sites. and the similar picture here in moscow both in the seas and at the trading session and negative territory the arts the u.s.
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has dropped almost one percent although my sights loss point seven percent let's take a look at some individual movers on the my sex energy and banking stocks were weighing on the indices gas almost valid point seven percent while the c.p.u. lost almost one percent meanwhile russia's air carrier air fault was holding the school around supported by positive results the company has almost doubled its net profits and the first half of the year two thousand two hundred and forty three million dollars. and that's all the business news for now the headlines are next to tell.
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