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tv   [untitled]    August 2, 2011 6:01pm-6:31pm EDT

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in india oldies availability in the movie joint people. we go to the grand imperial true and told us to. return
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to go. round to the county was virtually a retreat. president barack obama signed the last minute deal to raise the u.s. debt ceiling after the senate finally voted for the measure to avoid default but critics say there's little to cheer about as america still faces caution economic recovery. of the reno white for the debt both here in washington after months of brinksmanship but the short term political victory spell doom economic doom in the months ahead. also the u.n. security council resumes discussions on a resolution on syria after a blunt a government run down of protesters in hama continues fred said day with more demonstrators reported killed as sunday's death toll around a hundred russia says any un decision was the driven by the interests of the syrian people. and the israelis seized by tired away with antigovernment protests
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demanding sweeping economic reforms but demonstrators complained that some of discontent is knowledge by the international media. and a very warm welcome from all of us here in moscow this is she with me thanks for joining us a month of political schooling in the shadow of a looming default the u.s. can finally breathe a sigh of relief the bill to raise the country's boring limit has been signed into law by. on the. final hurdle in the senate confidence has the latest in washington for. president did come out and speak earlier he called this crisis a so-called manufactured crisis saying that it shouldn't have taken the risk of a default a catastrophe for
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a washington to get its after work together interesting words but of course we can't neglect the fact that both the president as well as the both both of the political parties are all equally to blame for the big picture economic crisis that has brought the united states to this what you want you know what this deal does is essentially raises the borrowing limit of the united states cutting spending by about two point four trillion dollars there's a lot of sort of strings attached in order to raise that debt deal that limit and the reason that we saw this battle over this fairly routine vote the raising the debt limit keep in mind is something this country has done more than one hundred times since one nine hundred forty s. what we saw what was different this time is that this became a proxy ideological war between the republicans in congress and the democrats now of course we are entering an election year and so the republicans chose this time to sort of dig in their heels and to really fight with the democrats over issues that both sides are diametrically opposed to what do these so-called tea party
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republicans the right wing republicans want no taxes much lower taxes they want very little government spending with the exception on occasion to of course defense spending democrats meanwhile want to keep spending on social programs at high levels they want to close with they call corporate tax loopholes and essentially have the wealthiest folks in the society the brunt on the economy now at this at this stage in the economic game both courses are unsustainable of course we ended up seeing this political battle erupt bringing the nation to the brink of a first ever default and the irony at the end of the day is that both sides walked away very very unhappy one of the things that this alleged. does is essentially guarantees that there will not be any more stimulus spending so in the short term there's going to be huge effects were of course dealing with a country the united states that has abysmal unemployment rate levels at nine point two percent the g.d.p. has barely been growing one point three percent over the last quarter the housing crisis is still an issue and in the long term this legislation does nothing to
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assure world markets that the united states is on a sustainable fiscal path as i said earlier does kick the can down the road and so world markets are standing by they don't know exactly where the united states will cut taxes will be increased what the revenue will come in and so the ratings agencies have also sort of remained mom on this we did see fitch come out and say that essentially the triple a rating will not be threatened or the united states of course which was not the one that threatened to downgrade at any point in this crisis we're still waiting to see where standard and poor's stands on this they want to see cuts of about four trillion dollars the deal only promises about half that amount still been silence a lot of questions and of course the biggest the biggest losers in this whole deal are the american people who are simply struggling to get along to survive and what has been one of the most catastrophic recessions this country has seen in a long long time. craig roberts assistant treasury secretary in reagan
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administration says the bill makes cuts in the wrong places and could eventually send americans out on the streets and protest. if it actually goes into attract there will be no extension of unemployment benefits so the people who have lost their jobs which is now roughly twenty three percent of the workforce will be out without any sort of support but what the real problem is is the wars the military security budget equals to seventy five percent of the government's deficit and yet the republicans want to continue these wars and they don't want to pay for them with taxes they want to pay for the wars by cutting the income support programs for the poor but the problem is the total discretionary spending that is the spending on not only income support programs is only twelve percent of the
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budget but the wars are seventy five percent of the deficit so it cannot possibly finance the wars they become more homeless and as their unemployment benefits disappear them medical care disappears i think even the americans will start protesting in the streets that's that would seem to be a rational conclusion you know it's like in general salinity says when people have nothing left to lose they lose it. violence has brought more deaths to see where with unconfirmed reports of at least seven protests by government forces on tuesday the un security council has resumed discussions on the situation after more than one hundred were reported killed on sunday by troops. as more details from new york. this is the second day that discussions at the u.n.
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security council are taking place what's clear is that all members of the security council understand that the international community has to react somehow to the uprisings and the violence in the crackdown that has been taking place in syria at this point all fifteen members are trying to come to a consensus a compromise and agreement on how to react to syria because there's a lot of differing opinions we know that western countries or the u.s. are calling for condemnation either in the form of a resolution or a presidential statement but we know other countries such as russia say that they would not support counterproductive measures which would possibly exacerbate an already sensitive problem and those measures include any sanctions or pressure that would be put on syria there's other countries such as brazil india china that have also has a cheated from supporting any any kind of resolution or indefinitely sanction so at
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this point what all the countries are doing they're trying to come together and figure out a common consensus on how to react because clearly this is a very violent situation and this is a situation the international community cannot turn away from but they're all just trying to find a way of agreeing on what the best approach is and that is what members of the security council are discussing at this moment behind closed doors and that makes the result may be solution by the security council or presidential statement but they are working diligently to hammer that out right now for over four. months there has been our pricing and a crackdown taking place in syria back in mid march that's when nadal prizing is against president bashar al assad began and it was anti-government protesters that took to the streets demanding that he step down and over a matter of these mines the protests are still continued going to the streets and some groups human rights groups have estimated that more than
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a thousand people have been killed in the interim of this crackdown and fresh violence did occur on sunday in the syrian city of hama when anti-government protesters took to the streets there there's been reports that they were shot at and there's estimates that up to a hundred people were killed and that violence continued into monday the first day of ramadan so clearly this is a very serious situation and one that the international community is paying attention to but at this point they're divided on how to react and they're working to come to some kind of compromise. political analyst. says that and even style western intervention in syria would have devastating consequences as it would unleash and much more extensive. people who are actually committing crimes against humanity is the nato us military alone as we see it did in libya there was absolutely no justification for the intervention in libya.
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rection which which took place in eastern. libya and there's even less of a justification for an intervention in syria it's a very important country and if there's military intervention in syria then we are in for the extended war which goes from the mediterranean right jewel of the chinese border because then you have egypt ration of the war theaters in afghanistan on iraq of course palestine lebanon on. a much larger war let's understand that any kind of military intervention in syria at this stage using the pretext of a protest movement or responsibility to protect devastated goldson where this is going to lead to a military escalation of the vast area. this is a quick look ahead to what house would go for you coming out next so why the mainstream media remains now to the one hundred fifty thousand israelis demanding
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social change. and they suffer said continues tracing a criminal amazingly despite being hated by stern and current crotch. and that's that independent panel has caused doubt on the objectivity of poland's investigation into last year's plane crash which killed ninety six people including polish president lech kaczynski and much of the country's political elite forces inquiry agreed that pilot aggro caused the tragedy in russia last year but experts say there are key differences between the polish report and the show russian investigators conclusions. in general it's clear that the conclusions made earlier by the polish side and those made by the interstate aviation community here in moscow are similar in the sense that it were the actions of the pilots which caused this catastrophe but after the media conference held
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here in moscow by the interstate aviation committee it also it's also clear that their approach to detail is a difference first of all the interstate committees saying that the pilots ignored the warnings from the air traffic controller and decided to attempt to land the plane anyway despite the weather conditions it is a factor that the head of the polish air force was present in the cockpit at the time when they were trying to land the plane and the interstate committee says that that alone can be viewed as direct psychological pressure whilst the polish side says the head of the air force was simply standing there monitoring the situation i was able to personally speak with the chief technical expert off the interstate aviation comedian here's what he had to say on this is a presence of the commander in chief of the forces who are truly poor from who. and when commander all the crew members if the exact.
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and you can see that several times he informs luke who was. doing some of the actions of the pilot more flying so as a technical investigation we definitely can see those used to be psychological emotional pressure on the crew members another issue very important here is that the polish committee concluded that the airstrip itself was not ready to receive the plane all the while according to the interstate aviation committee that airstrip is certified to receive planes and even though there were minor defects the sole leak could not have possibly a lead to the plane crash the interstate comenius also about they are an independent international body whilst the investigation conducted by poland was being done by a state committee questioning its objectivity. he goes north reporting that in
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israel television central square has been turned into turn city crowds of protesters have expressed their discontent with soaring prices and plummeting salaries but as policy reports peaceful demonstrations often go unnoticed by their government and by the world's mainstream media. tens of thousands on the streets of israel angry and protesting for change but is anyone listening when it comes to a lot of the foreign media want to see more of an action movie and this has been very violent it's been very hadn't been violent at all it's been very positive. well into week three the largest demonstration in israel in over a decade and how did a.b.c. c.b.s. and n.b.c. coverage they didn't a younger woman set up the tent while the editors of france twenty four b.b.c. and sky coughed up just
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a few meager seconds perhaps not even that interesting to. look back in the studios ok there's a protest what exactly is a protest a social protest for the revolution it's not the same kind of story that they're used to it's not as big and dramatic some of the bigger revolutions happening around the middle east and i mean isn't surprised by the worldwide lack of media interest he's worked in the israeli press for decades reporting from media both foreign and local there is a box that the international media has put israel in the palestinian conflict or so the israeli lebanese syrian conflict anything that doesn't kind of further into that. type of of news item which is unfortunate mistreats has been dubbed top corner by some of the people here an optimism perhaps that they can bring down the government in the way they made it into this square.
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but where is. numbers there were nonstop here they were pretty absent that just makes hundred reyes and others angry for nine days she's been camping here furious that she can't make ends meet as a university student to make sail said that when egypt decided to stand up and say we've had enough and. eleven and they've decided to say we've had enough the media was all over there and i haven't seen anyone from c.n.n. or from fox news or any other big news channel here and it's really sad we also deserve a chance to be heard out but without foreign media a very few people around the world will even hear what protesters here are shouting it's a missed opportunity as a crucial time just weeks before palestinians plan to announce the very own state policy r.t. tel aviv. nato has sent hundreds of extra troops to call so i was rising tensions in the north between kosovo police and ethnic serbs violence erupted last week when
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the authorities in the breakaway province sent ethnic albanian police to enforce a ban on imports and. canadian film director things the serbs will end up being forced to make the sessions. they're sending five hundred fifty more german troops and one hundred fifty more austrian troops. they would not be sending troops into kosovo if they didn't estimate that the situation could explode into a larger conflict and considering that the international community has an interest in solving the so-called north kosovo issue it would not be unreasonable to suggest that they are trying to sort of fix this issue as fast as possible and i strongly believe that if force is necessary to do what they have planned they will use this escalation of violence of course is not helping belgrade because. the people of serbia. see this as a provocation and it is making their sentiment against reaching a compromise. not very favorable for try. side so i think this is not definitely
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helping anybody whatever both sides are urged to negotiate it is mostly for the reason to get the serbs to accept something rarely are albanians ours to make concessions to serbia and serbia has already made many concessions to the so-called republic of course so they recognise their documents id their license plates so i think calling for the albanians to negotiations is another call for serbs to accept more things that are just leading to serbia recognizing kosovo. for plenty more stories and eye catching videos watch the news you want twenty four hours a day and here's a taste of what someone thinking right now. in a terror attack in russia's far east a five year by year old girl has been injured after a small gift left in a kindergarten playground exploded into it. and the legendary
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russian military helicopter is coming back to the front line in afghanistan but this time it's courtesy of the u.s. so check out our home for norton's head. right now some other news from around the world this hour at least twenty three people have been wounded in a ground by a car bomb outside a catholic church in code and i think lee and religiously mixed area of the mainly muslim country a priest inside the building was hard and long with people living nearby whose houses were severely damaged by the blast police also found another t.v. calls parents with explosives outside to other christian churches nearby attacks on christians have led to over a million fleeing the country since the us led invasion in two thousand and three with bombings increasing again recently. violent clashes have continued in the pakistani city of karachi since monday in which twenty six have been reported dead with dozens more wounded much of the fighting has been carried out by armed gangs
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each supported by one of the country's main political parties. officials have said up to three hundred people were killed in karachi in july alone in one of the deadliest months in the country in decades so a city which has a long history of ethnic and religious violence has deployed additional police and military troops to tackle the latest in the rest. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has agreed to discuss a possible return to pre-one nine hundred sixty seven borders with palestinians the country has been occupying land in the west bank where palestinians hope to build their own state since the six day war announcement for those been minutes and yeah it was consistent rejection of the same proposal put forward by the uk obama may in return the palestinians would be expected to drop their bid for statehood at the un and formally recognize israel as a church state. police in britain have released incredible c.c.t.v. footage showing a policeman chasing a suspect after an unbelievable escape despite being flung in there after being hit
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by a speeding stone and caught a high powered b.m.w. crashed into his patrol car sending the policeman flying but amazingly spake escaping without injury wasted no time getting on to his feet traced to the suspect and other officers that arrested adam some and charged him with dangerous driving failed to stop at the scene of an accident and resisting arrest so he pleaded guilty almost two years in prison. up next we'll take you back in time and space to the famous apollo thirteen mission which failed to land on the moon because of a technical failure all three nasa crew members did return safely to as safe as it caught up with the mission's commander but his memories of that space flight.
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and. jim well it's a great pleasure and honor to have you with us it's nice to be here now you've started out for them will twice without ever lending got it is that fair while the first time was deliberate we were merely going to test out the navigation of the
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communications for suitable landing spots for the people who would make the first lead and thirteen of course was supposed to be the third lunar landing mission and as you probably know we had the explosion and so we had to go around the boat and come back home again fortunately we were successful in doing that. jr moon walk in your dreams oh yes i've been before the flight i would try to figure out what i would be doing there at a place called from all but after i came back i never really dreamed about it after that i mean once i was you know safely back on earth i just forgot about it when you spoke about the moon you spoke of fast the loneliness that was elling spiralling. to get homesick to join to go back. no as a matter of fact we were here around the moon on eight and going around thirteen and we were still sort of attached to the earth but we did have this idea of being
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you know. away from the earth and separated from the earth and although i have to admit that when we look back at the earth and we could put our thumb up to the window and everything behind our thought our earth was was disappeared and everything that we'd ever known was behind or thought it was that's sort of a usual feeling a feeling of how insignificant really we all are back on earth if i could put my thumb up and hide everybody. and of course that incredible shot of the earth rides you guys went to france to show us they aren't i think for everyone it has a special personal meaning what does that shot signify to you. while i think of that one photograph which was not over here my personal impression of what we saw but to everybody who saw that picture and is perhaps one of the most
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famous photographs of the last century. again that we are a. spaceship here on earth ever all astronauts whether we want to be or not and we have to live and work together if we are to survive because you guys were very religious all three of you on apollo eight we had very strong religious convictions right well we did but we were not that religious to know that. you know that that we were violating the sanctity of heaven. because god is with us on earth as it is with us just two hundred forty thousand miles away around the moon and so as a as a better fact you know on the way we were read the first ten verses of genesis problem the old tested but we did that because it reality the old
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test of that was the basis of the three basic religions. on earth islam christianity and judaism and so when we were thinking about what to say being the first three people around the moon what can we say and we said lady who was the wife of a adieus paper reporter said read for the first verses this will appeal to both the people who will be listening to you. and most of the earth is not christian other religions too so that's what we did to appeal to the greatest amount of people that were listening to us when i think of austin austin retired now you are a successful businessman but many of them couldn't really find their place in life after the fate i retired from active duty a lot of them suffer it clinical depression alcoholism why is that why is it that
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when awesomeness retire they can always find the right way on earth. well i think it's very similar to that old saying that after you've been peri what else is there you know. it is it's a high point in everybody's life and then when the high point stops and you go back to living a normal life again a lot of times it's hard to recover because many people will say yes i understand what you did but what can you do for me now and so. to be successful you have to always look forward not to look backward yes i went to the moon twice i made for space flights that was of the past what am i doing now what can i satisfy my life and enjoy life and see things and so a lot of us of course problem were to look at the earth after we say that so far
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thank you very much for this interview my pleasure take care. in the. to. commit. to it's the sanctity.


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