tv [untitled] August 2, 2011 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT
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hello i'm starvin in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture president obama gave republicans exactly what they wanted round one of the debt limit hostage taking so in round two rolls around will we finally see some balance as the president already lost that fight to the us they claim their job creators will this republican debt limit plan actually lead to job creation a little break the back of our limping economic recovery and the koch brothers are
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on the ground it was constant find out what their political operatives are up to in the badger state to make sure republicans come out on top in the upcoming recall elections here's a hint voter suppression. now that the republican written debt limit deal has passed the house and senate with half the democratic caucus eighteen along the way and president obama has signed the raw deal into law republicans are soaking in their victory it was john boehner last night an interview with c.b.s. and when you look at the this final agreement that we came to with the white house and i got ninety eight percent of what i wanted i'm pretty happy. i'd be happy to with that sort of compromise and here's senate minority leader mitch mcconnell telling fox so-called news that since the hostage taking work he's ready to try to
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again. and a future nail no president in the near future maybe in the distant future is going to be able to get the debt ceiling increase without a really ignition reigniting of the same discussion of how do we cut spending and get america headed in the right direction i expect the next president whoever that is going to be yes going to raise if you get a twenty third thing so we'll be doing it all over we think that or maybe not if it's got romney of course you know republicans never have this problem anyhow the republicans are gloating yet president obama still trying to spin this deal is a balanced compromise here's what he had to say. this compromise guarantees more than two trillion dollars in deficit reduction it's an important first step to ensuring that as a nation we live within our means this is however just the first step this compromise requires that both parties work together on a larger plan to cut the deficit which is important for the long term health of our economy and since you can't close the deficit would just spending cuts will need
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a balanced approach so will a balanced approach look right. yes that means making some adjustments to protect health care programs like medicare so they're there for future generations it also means reforming our tax code so that the wealthiest americans and biggest corporations pay their fair share and it means getting rid of taxpayer subsidies to oil and gas companies and tax loopholes that help billionaires pay a lower tax rate then teachers and nurses everyone's going to have to chip in. that's only fair that's the principle of the fight for during the next phase of this process so i think you will believes in republican fairy dust if the president is planning to fight for balance in the next phase of this process he's already losing that only it will be an uphill battle to peel off just one republican in this super congress gang of twelve to support raising taxes on billionaires he will
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then need to get a majority of the republican controlled house of representatives to support raising taxes on billionaires who own those republicans something that as we've learned now is virtually impossible don't take my word for it take the speaker's word. can you imagine republicans backing increased taxes if that's what the committee recommends would for it to put to it that would be a stretch. doesn't seem likely to me but would even be recommended much less supported so if and that's a big if revenue raisers come out of the gang of twelve they'll die in the house which will then set off the automatic deficit reduction triggers that guess what have no revenue raisers in them triggers a cut in the want to have trillion dollars putting seven hundred fifty billion dollars in problem programs that mostly help working and middle class families so it's reasonable to assume that the next phase of this debt limit deal will be just the first phase of spending cuts only so does the president really think this debt
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deal will be balanced and if so why didn't he include revenue raisers in the automatic trigger joining me now is tony christopher media correspondent and white house reporter at media eye dot com tommy welcome back thanks for having me to have you with us i want to play for you a clip from a press conference maybe you were at it this was in december of last year december seventh i think it was when the president was asked by a reporter from the national journal of republican or right wing conservative publication shall we say generally speaking who clearly knew what the republicans were already up to. about this debt ceiling thing this was after he the president said ok we will give you two years of tax cuts and change for one year of unemployment benefits and you know here it is take a look. at how do these negotiations facts because she should start talks republicans about raising the debt limit as it seems. that
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they have a significant amount of leverage over the white house that going in was there ever any attempt by the white house to. phrases that letter as part of this where you say it would seem to have a significant literature of what goes where your sense that you know they'll say sensually or not raise the. can often agree to it unless the white house says ok i'm just going to cut the wood. the whole thing there because there was a long explanation in which he basically laid out exactly what the republicans are going to do and then the president said as you know why take john boehner in his word and i don't believe anybody who has a car is hilarious democrats are so cute they're miami of the heroes in pro wrestling or always potentially shocking the referees not unfortunate no play school shame will go ahead because there were not at all those were over yet really just tension on the specially good guy with a chair i was like about what. well it's. you know the
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president's first response to that question was what are you talking about and then second response was nobody is going to hold the full faith and credit of the united states you know john boehner. do you think it's possible that they had already game to this and he actually thought that he even back in december had a deal with john boehner and in fact it was but apparently three four days ago he thought he had a deal john boehner and then eric cantor apparently came along and put a little knife point john boehner skinny and said you don't yeah we're going to my misreading i think boehner got taken by surprise for sure but which means the president getting it was yeah yeah sure. and you know what it is a little bit crazy i guess i can sort of sympathize with him you know who would do that you know it is a little bit crazy to say well we'll think the entire economy if we don't get our policies or oh movies moment yeah into the movie but you know on the other hand you know there was no reason why they couldn't of go with a gazzillion crease you know in that compromise that they were going out there in
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a lame duck session you know i actually there was a lot of stuff on the table that the and the and it was a lame duck session still had he still had democrats and he the vice president reportedly called republicans in the house terrorists and you brought this up today at the white house here's a clip of that. it's interesting the difference for a minute to either is inappropriate but why these terrorists you know but obviously there's not enough. they were going to i just made. it oh it's so true. you know i'm not even getting a gauge in i think in general what's important is that even in the midst of. debates that we all feel very passionate about because the issues are so important it is not helpful to the kind of productive political discourse that we need to achieve compromise you know to use those kind of analogies even if they're. i mean even if they are understandable and descriptive so but i'm not going to you know
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this is not the seven words that you have to ban you know like these words are ok and these are i just think lowering the temperature in general is a good thing isn't this part of tommy that. the white house the president he's going oh we're going to be very reasonable jay carney we're going to be very reasonable when what they need to be saying is these people are trying to hold us hostage and we're not going to put up with it yeah well first i got to give credit props for the george carlin reference. but yeah you know i think you know if if the if the temperature gets any cooler at the white house you know they're going to have to it's going to become like hearth some star wars you know they have a serial walkers coming in there it's the president is already cool enough and he stays cool i think he's cool i mean we can remember a couple weeks ago when he got a little bit a little bit testy in a press conference call my god look out run for your lives obama's pissed off i think you know i don't think you should run running all the time but yeah you know i mean especially time like this i said this to carney yesterday you know are still
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running with the president not saying you know what at the outset we're not going to mess around with this with the full faith and credit we're not going to risk a default based on some policy aims that conversation is not going to happen when you put the pen back on the grenade then we'll talk about. this appears now to be the republican approach to governance hostage taking and it looks to me like the next one is going to be the gas tax hike from earlier this and. in september and the end of september eighteen point four cent national gas tax that funds highway programs all across the country expires and eat typically is just automatically renewed and now the republicans are going to put the president in the position of he's got to be in favor of keeping gas prices high and they're going to be the caps cutters in the meantime they can lay off hundreds of thousands of people well you know our obama handled this issue very well during the two thousand and eight campaign but that was kind of a different barack obama than we see now so i don't know what's gonna happen this time but i remember that from the campaign you know when the gas taxes go down they
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don't lower the price of gas and they pocket that money right so it's not going to consumers and you know he made the case well then i will see things in well again now. you are you know what i was saying to you is that you know this is not the kind of thing the democrats can ever do you know i mean we you know if we say if we threaten not to increase the debt ceiling limit republicans will say ok sure let's go over the cliff together you know there's nothing you can threaten them with because it is their will and there will be only really now that they know the democrats will cave in because they do every time anderson and if they take it down then the president gets the hit and run and he gets to be herbert hoover you know is the bottom line tony christopher thanks a lot for being with us thanks for it's always great if it's well we may have averted a catastrophic default for now this debt limit deal which is pretty or bad news for an american economy already plagued by bad news president obama tried to calm economic fears the sat and by saying this. to you also to fight for what the
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american people care most about new jobs higher wages and faster economic growth voters may have chosen divided government but they sure didn't vote for dysfunctional go. they want us to solve problems they want us to get discovery growing and adding jobs unfortunately adding jobs is the last thing this debt deal will do as the nonpartisan economic policy institute estimated thanks to deep spending cuts this deal will cost america one point eight million jobs two hundred forty billion out of our g.d.p. unlike obamacare this death didn't limit deal actually is a job killer and it was passed on the same day that we learned growth in our manufacturing sector has hit a brick wall manufacturing fell five percent in july down to its lowest levels in two years signaling a double dip recession is just around the corner so did president obama just hand republicans what they wanted in this debt deal a bill that will crash the u.s.
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economy before the two thousand and twelve elections so they can blame him for here to offer some answers as economist richard wolfe professor of economics at the university of massachusetts and author of numerous books including his most recent capitalism hits the fan a global economic meltdown and what to do about it richard dr will welcome thank you very much is this debt limit deal taking the herbert hoover andrew mellon approach to solving an economic recession. yes it surely is it's almost as if we're going to live through the if you do not learn the lessons of history you are condemned to repeat them the government is a major purchaser in this cake on the me of many many things and if you cut government spending after all the hoopla and make believe about what it means passes the end result is the government is going to buy less and that is going to lead producers all over the united states and abroad to cut back on their employees
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because there's no point in making the goods that the american government is going to buy less of there's no way around that that's a harsh reality you could see it in the fact that through all these debt ceiling discussions nobody said that the first and foremost thing that has to be dealt with is the problem of employment so here we are after the debt ceiling deal is struck beginning to have a national debate way too late about the a bloomin effects which will be negative and you could see as the stock market took a major dive today that this deal suggests to most people involved in america's economy bad times ahead for many of america's. base largest transnational corporations are showing some of their best profits ever i think seventy six percent of the s. and p. is on an above average if i'm remembering my stats right from yesterday's financial times of this morning's. wouldn't that drive the market up i mean is it is it
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conceivable of the reason that the market is falling right now is because they don't anticipate that kind of profitability is going to be able to be sustained now because corporations will make you know relatively intelligent bit of business decisions lay off people and get you know hunkered down because they see a major crash coming. paula to little bit of both if you look closely at the statistics you'll see that the growing proportion over half now of america's largest corporations do most of their business outside the united states the profits they're earning are even more dependent on activities outside the united states and with this action of the deal just struck and signed by the president the relative badness of the us economy for them compared to the rest of the world is going to eat into the profitability abroad and with e.m.i. united states still playing the role of major economy in the world of decline here
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is also bad news for many other parts of the world including europe japan and china so this is a very day ed economic decision that has been made by our leaders and it's even more tragic for the united states since it continues this process of trying to solve the economic crisis on the backs of cutting middle class and working class people supports at a time when the prices already makes their lives harder their ability to borrow is reduced their wages are going down you're making for the decline of the american economy as a basis for the business of the world focusing our businesses more and more out of the country this is immoral in terms of who it damages and it is economic nonsense in terms of its effect on employment. the second half of this legislation that was
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signed today is there the week of christmas the senate by that date by by december twenty third the senate has to vote. on recommendations from the new gang of twelve and if they choose not to vote on that or if the gang of twelve doesn't come up with anything then this automatic trigger goes into another trillion and a half and cuts are blown out of the side of the american economy is that is that the set up for making things even far worse particularly given the boehner has said that there's no way that he'll go on a grazing taxes. yes it's a it's the design of a horrific christmas gift to the american people it is a stunning demonstration that the whole shift of american politics now is not to enter into a crisis and beef up the economy with what the government can do but basically to have the government turn its back on the best of the american people a few short years after republicans and democrats alike poured trillions of public
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money into the banks the insurance companies corporate giants like general motors no one then worried about whether the government could live within its means it was an emergency it was something that the national well being required as if the needs of the american people already hammered are not a national need as if we can no worry about living within our means when it didn't bother us when other people were the beneficiaries of the government's large s. for me as a professional economist this is a stunningly ineffective dangerous act to take for an economy that's already struggling but as a person with what i thought were american values the this location between how we treat the corporations and the rich on the one hand by excluding them from having
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to pay anything and take away basic supports for the mass of the people is unconscionable richard very well said thank you so much for being with us. my pleasure thank you the economic consequence of this debt limit deal could be even worse when we see what cuts come out of the super congress gang of twelve in november and it will be yet another consequence of the government by gangs mentality that is undermining our democracy it's time to put an end to gain government and hold all of congress responsible for passing laws that affect each and every one of us only then can we restore thomas jeffersons we the people democracy. the billionaire do all is added again after the break of the koch brothers are screwing wisconsin residents right to vote. by twenty four seven live streaming news towns like to tell you about the ongoing financial hurricane unlimited free high quality videos for download.
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the state of wisconsin recall elections against republican state senators just around the corner the koch funded astroturf group americans for. asperity is reaching into their bag a dirty tricks to keep their buddies in power at any cost the group is sending what looked like absentee ballots would late return dates written on them to trick democratic voters into districts republicans are facing recalls the flyers urged democrats to turn in their balance by august eleventh even though the election is aug ninth very clever but besides blatant and possibly illegal voter suppression koch funded americans for prosperity is also spending the big bucks on slanted t.v. ads purchasing one hundred fifty thousand dollars in television ad time just in milwaukee wisconsin democrats have filed a complaint against americans for prosperity demanding they stop these voter suppression tactics for more on this i'm joined by state representative jennifer shilling one of the six democrats running to unseat incumbent republicans in the
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wisconsin recall election next tuesday jennifer welcome. mean great to see you i am so. so impressed that you are willing to run for this see that you're out there doing this to take on these republican senators and try to take the senate back in wisconsin from from you know the crazy train the fit's walker stand jennifer first of all jennifer schilling as h i l i n g dot com is that your web site yes stealing dot com great i just want to get that on the record so any of our viewers who might want to find out more about your help you out can get to it isn't what's going on mailing out these absentee ballots and same be sure and send these in by the eleventh when the elections on the ninth is that illegal. we are not surprised at some of the misinformation that is being spread in somebody's innuendos about our candidates and their record certainly in this last week before the election that is
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on tuesday august ninth we are in the height of silly season in this campaign that really there are no surprises and it just goes to demonstrate that the apps that outbreak interest groups will go to keep the majority that they currently have in the state senate but i can tell you that the volunteers that are helping our campaign in the other five i can't act candidates that are grinding against republican state senators are howling tears are energized we have never seen such synergy such candor g. for coming from people in our communities and many people this is the first time you've got involved in a campaign and i have served in the legislature for ten years and i see new faces at many events and i ask them what has motivated them to come out and be engaged and you know they simply say we don't like the told us what's happening in madison we don't like the dysfunction you don't like the tenor and we certainly cannot agree with this extremely janitors it's true that we want our voices heard lyra let's officials to listen to us it's great i understand over the weekend that one
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of the one of the groups working to unseat the republicans the republican senators there in wisconsin was fired i mean is this are tensions high in wisconsin is this this indication of nasty stuff going on. oh certainly how mad people are keyed up they are in cage they are dialed then i think not the discussion on the debt ceiling has been our result for the time being that we will once again here in wisconsin really come to a center of attention in the next seven days because there is so much at stake as far as standing up for our working families here in the state of wisconsin and if the democrats are successful be able to take back the majority in the state senate we can really beat that goalie lack a lot of this extreme radical agenda that the governor walker and his republican colleagues continue to rubberstamp and really told the party line at every opportunity need to stand up to the senate we need to stand up for families we need to stand up for communities and we just end up for wisconsin we are so polarized
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and divisive right now that people don't recognize that the process and so we're now my husband and i were asked to run for this recall being a nasty run for the past we have declined two young boys that are five and two and i looked at my husband and i said you know what sometimes history finds you and everything that we value here in this state seems to be under attack and we need to stand up not only for our family but for those hard working men and women that are really done a sad group of our communities and so it has been there it has stopped state and we continue to gain momentum and i think really that are going to require you to believe that they know that their time in the majority is short jennifer can you give us a short capsule we have will listen to minutes of a short capsule of your campaign i'd like a good plug for you out there. will be announced in april.
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act we have been getting into we have an thirty second district that's a pretty rural district made up of about three counties and parts of two different counties and so we have been had door knocking we've been. going out listening to people because really that is what our got us to this this position and that was the fact that their current state senators refused to listen to the voters they felt their voices were not heard out when thousands of people went to the capitol they found out that the capitol doors were locked they found their elected officials offices relaxed they found that. the phones were turned off an e-mail went unanswered and so we just continue now with seven days left we're not taking anything for granted me and had some early polling during this campaign that got a show that we were had a double digit lead over our republican opponent and we take that good news and put it on the shelf and we know that we have all worked too hard and too long to come up short in this campaign and so while this may have started when it was five
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degrees outside and we were protesting at the capitol and citizens came out to petition their government we're going to put an exclamation august when it's ninety five degrees out because there are the stock here in wisconsin new york i mean there are volunteers that are just so engaged in what is happening because there is so much at stake really not only for the state of wisconsin but for many other states have an environment that would be similar to when they were doing away with some of those collected part in seeing this is so kind of families and education and health care and so the stakes are too great to come up short and i know it's only seven days left and we are focused and that we are going to cost but history here in wisconsin i wish you the very best jennifer jennifer shilling dot com is the website jennifer thanks so much for being with us. of course election fraud like this is the only way republicans and their bad ideas can win elections in the first place so we should be too surprised to it talking about the mailing of these ballots it's a service and by the eleventh but there's
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a lot of hypocrisy at work here that needs to be examined let me just lay this out consider for a moment ballots absentee ballots being mailed out to democrats not to republicans but to democrats by republican groups that say turn in two days after the election . and you imagine what would happen if acorn had done something like fox news would be all over it from fox drudge would be all over it from fox and drudge it would move into the mainstream media sixty minutes would be doing a special on all of the news it would be all news all the time as it is this is barely gotten any press fewer people are hit by lightning every year seven hundred people a year hit by lightning then are then are involved in voter fraud annually nationwide about twenty people and most of those cases are actually people who thought they were legally they could legally register and they couldn't you know because they were a felon or because they moved or the rules are different in the state or that state or they forgot to notify people that they moved and basically isn't election for
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voter fraud in the united states but election fraud is an old trick by the republicans it's so bad that the republican party has been operating since nineteen eighty two under a consent degree against k.g. this is wisconsin last year tim great gig by tea party leader the first part is voter suppression the second part is katie take a look. kelly florida's a precinct captains they do occasionally challenge a couple if it. did not get passed here get it with a hundred. years. and see says carol you can still do. one of the things to do is. address the people here and we want to send a postcard to say you call it third it's. called well bit it's.
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