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tv   [untitled]    August 2, 2011 11:01pm-11:31pm EDT

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all. in india oldies available in the move go into joint people to be on the villains the gateway to the grand jury trial in the george weston. you can a little jewel jewish ritual saddam did to go. run to the colonel was her job as
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a retreat. prison barack obama signed the last minute deal to raise the u.s. debt ceiling after the senate finally bush with a measure to avoid default but critics say there's little to cheer about as america still faces harsh economic recovery. the u.s. security council resumes discussions on the resolution of a resolution on syria after a bloody government crackdown on protesters in hama continues for a day with more demonstrators reported killed adding to sunday's death toll of a round hundred russia says any do and decision must be triggered by the interests of the syrian people. and these are the seeds by tidal wave of anti-government protests demanding sweeping economic reforms but demonstrators complained this summer of discontent is launching a big pasta about by the international media. and as the headlines up next i'm
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going to show discussing the new u.s. debt deal in detail and how some of the millions of unemployed feel about it so close they boast of some congress members about how they saved america from the fold that's happening. welcome to the lower show we'll get the real headlines with none of the marcy i can live in washington d.c. now and i will speak with anthony rendez about the new debt deal and how it might do everything except for what the american people need like create jobs first and foremost i will speak to david sirota and we'll ask who we should really be angry with washington is going to tell you that their gridlock is real but is the problem that our political parties are a little too much the same and then what do you know a u.n. report shows that the weapons that were given to african troops to fight the
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al-shabaab in somalia well they're just ending up in the hands of al shabaab so how does it not kind of thing happen before we have all of that and more free to night including a dose of happy hour first let's take a look at what the mainstream media has decided to. all right so the debt deal is done finito voted on passed and we're not going to default good and bad news right good news because of the time being we'll be defaulting on our debt setting investors fleeing causing markets and the economy to crash in general all of the markets aren't doing so good right now also bad news because of course of the deal that was made in order for the debt ceiling to be raised is going to come with austerity which is going to include in title man social programs you know schools clean water initiatives all those little things that affect a lot of americans now like we discussed yesterday big picture this is going to change some things it's going to hurt and it's not going to create any more jobs in the meantime like we discussed yesterday with drink this deal has left the average
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american is the one who loses out while congress only thinks about itself and part of the problem here is that congress is allowed to keep covering only as though a bag of distracting everybody from the real world effects of their actions because the mainstream media who's supposed to be calling them out. is instead just doing all of that distracting for them and focusing on the insider baseball they took on not just the democratic party in fresno bottoms recalled their own leadership and they effectively won the vast majority of the water the tea party members made their point we're having exactly the conversation that they wanted us to have democrats come out of this looking marginally better only because he appeared to be more adult like what's the justification for a republican voting no on this still in the house of representatives even. and you wonder why so few people actually watch t.v. to try to get their news anymore because what they talk about doesn't apply to you and to i think there's a very tiny percentage of people in this country that actually care about that
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collective ego stroking that goes on in washington d.c. add a little bit new york and those people are the ones whose egos need to be stroked aka politicians and your so-called media stars and you know it continues to baffle me that these people get sky high paycheck to just talk about themselves their friends on wall street their friends on k. street in the capital and of course more about themselves if you want to sit around and talk about what brilliant strategize there is the tea party and the republicans were well go ahead but guess what a new poll out today tells you the majority of americans just don't give a damn this is their lives their families their homes their future that's all being put on the line because of spoiled children that call themselves politicians and yes i use the words spoiled children because that's exactly what the c.n.n. o.r.c. poll found people wanted to describe them as seventy seven percent said that the officials who have dealt with the debt ceiling have acted like spoiled children and they're right they are spoiled because see the more the congress stalls and waits
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until the last minute to come up with a deal the more self-important they become the more lobbyists throw themselves at them as groups on either side of the debate of course start to panic so keeping all of that in mind let's now think about what this debt deal has done it's created a congressional super committee that's going to elevate twelve members of congress to a super status to make them super important and leave the fate of one point two trillion minimum dollars of spending in their hands so when you have the super committee. yes well see create super lobbyist see while twelve members of congress sit around thinking of how to cut one point two trillion dollars from programs that you probably use that maybe you need desperately lobbyist are going to spending millions of dollars to tell them what to cut so then all of the real money stays right here in this little bubble you call washington d.c. and the egos of these members of congress only continue to grow the more at their cokes by lobbyists and given backroom deals for when they leave office or for their children and their wives to get nice cushy jobs. and that's what's really going on
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that's where the strategizing is that should worry americans the proves how little their word matters to their elected representatives that's of the mainstream media knows is going on but that's what that means free media elite is happy to miss when it comes to the point. so while congress is giving itself a collective pat on the back for averting a crisis that they themselves manufactured at the end of the day the crisis that the economy is in continues to go on economists agree that this deal will not create jobs it will spur hiring won't bring in any new revenues so who exactly thinks that it is a good idea to discuss this with me as anthony rand as the director of economic research for the reason foundation anthony thanks for joining us tonight don't tell me you think the things are good idea that that you know it is ok big you let's talk about why it's so terrible first off you to define success here you have to
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say what you want and no one was actually trying to create jobs out of this bill never was this an attempt at some kind of stimulative effort and actually i would disagree with the last thing you said there is two point eight trillion dollars in revenues that come out of this and that's the end of the bush tax cuts in two thousand and thirteen this entire debt ceiling deal is essentially an analysis of projected spending over the next ten years so we're going to cut two point four trillion dollars but it's over it's out of the ten trillion dollars we're going to spend or above the certain above where we're at right now over the next ten years so now that becomes like seven trillion dollars but that actually anticipates taxes going up two point eight trillion dollars in two thousand and thirteen so there are some revenues here but what we think we're there is no but it's right we get to two thousand and thirteen it but that's just the debate is going to start all over again when it comes to extending tax cuts after that remain past the two thousand and twelve election who knows it might be republican it might be obama again he caved on the tax cuts when times when you have to say they want to do it again. on the debt ceiling it is that if we get this right right on this that we really just
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what this this entire deal is more or less a watch all of the cuts they come after the next two fiscal years of the nine hundred or so billion dollars that's guaranteed to be cut out of this only seven percent of it is cut over the next two years so it's not actually hitting a lot of government spending in two thousand and twelve and in two thousand and thirteen most of that money is back loaded into the into basically two thousand and eighteen or two thousand and twenty which you know who who knows is going to happen around that put that spots part of the argentine of course here is that for most of this i don't have to do anything over the next couple years it doesn't create any jobs and it's not going to cause there to be a loss of jobs it's more or less the debt ceiling went up and we go on our happy merry way nothing changed ok but what i would say that we are happy and that where mary right now because i look at it like you have state of the economy isn't right look at the rate of unemployment which is that nine point two percent consumer spending is going down or what's going on with wall street right now they were just talking about this before the show they are relatively quiet during this entire
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debt ceiling debate for months actually and then suddenly now they're freaking out now that it's all the nice thing about being done with this starts at least for now we do have the super congress issue which is going to be talked about for now is that we can actually look at what's going on in the economy and the economy is not a good place one of the reasons that wall street lost a lot today is because of really bad manufacturing data if you look at unemployment employment numbers they've been trending really bad for a while and we've got them coming on a friday things are not looking good for the new unemployment numbers this month and we had the economy come in g.d.p. at one point three percent for the second quarter the first quarter was downgraded to zero point four percent those projections of negative growth next year in terms of g.d.p. it seems like all that recovery that we thought was going on turns into a call before a very it's not a jobless recovery it's a recovery less recovery at this point and so at least we can hopefully you know congress can stop and say now let's look at the economy i. if we can both this and
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we can both agree that that's not really going to happen i don't think that's going to get out and it was in theory what should happen that's the nice thing about being done with the president said today to you that he decided to give a speech in what is going to be about how we can look forward and focus on the future but what makes congress think that they could even ignore the economy for this long it's mind numbing because we've got the two thousand and twelve fiscal year budget which wasn't put together through this which starts in the end of september and we're not going to be able to put together a budget through that which means we'll have gone three years without a budget in washington we're not talking about long term overall spending priorities or reforming the tax code or how we want to fix the housing problem in america because you housing is continuing way down banks and is continuing down consumers people can't sell their homes so they can't move to get a job people have a lot of have housing debt on top of them banks have housing debt which is keeping them from owning the small businesses those are some core issues that need to get worked out and it's it's going to be a continued to be a long sort of long road ahead on these things there's not
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a lot of bright lights ahead there are a few things that congress can do we might disagree on what those are we privatise to disagree on what those are but the thing is too is you know one of the constant critiques you can make of our political system is that congress is never focusing on the problems that we have right now because they're always campaigning for the next election i just don't understand how anybody who's in congress right now anybody who's in the white house right now thinks they can possibly get reelected when what americans care about is the economy is about jobs and they very blatantly been ignoring all of that so that doesn't even seem to make any sense in the always campaigning for the next election no i just read this this entire i think we've talked about this before this whole debt thing is all just setting up two thousand and twelve we could have done this exact deal months ago we had all the pieces in place we didn't need to talk and fight for months to get right down to the day it was pushed all the way down to the day because the press the white house wanted to set itself up the best way it could for two thousand and twelve the republicans wanted to set themselves up the best way they could for two thousand and twelve the democrats in congress the same way this entire thing has been one big massive
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campaign thing and there is a lot of legitimacy to the idea of just throw all the bums out. what do you think about this super committee as i mentioned first of all for starters how much money do you think is going to be flying around now when it comes to lobbyists because now there are going to be twelve super special very important members of congress that are going to be on the committee and everyone's going to be trying to be in their pockets and in their faces the deal wasn't even signed by the president before one of the top one of those high powered lobbyists on k. street senate e-mails some of his colleagues already calling these guys that really doesn't like they're there already it's already just a foregone conclusion that the amount of money that's going to be thrown at these guys is going to be astronomical now they are going to be the only ones making the decisions they are going to be making the final votes that's the sort of get six people twelve people in the room six on their side who have discussions they'll go back to their parties we'll see what you see will be determined but there is going to be a lot of money thrown at these guys really when was the last time a presidential commission did much of anything at all how about the whole we had
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a day job you sure did and we haven't had a convention right we had a plan that was put forward and you know what the simpson bowles plan it wasn't perfect i don't like everything and it you didn't like everything in it but you know almost everybody across the spectrum said you know this is actually a place that we can start but here's the thing we had that plan even if it had been put to a vote in congress you know there wasn't going to be a legitimate discussion is going to have on both sides we're going to vote and pass that specific bill even if you know even when you have a committee that works that actually comes up with something then once it goes to actually be voted on you still have all becoming and i just wonder do we really want what they come up with because on one hand you have to ask is congress smart and they just you know like i mentioned they're always using all these distraction techniques so they can collect all the money at the end of the day do everything as one party even though they're pretending like they're two separate parties even though they're in my opinion definitely only favoring corporate interests and not the interests of average americans or should this be should these people not be making economic policy i don't know should i trust congress members who maybe get
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a media training class but never an accounting class so i trust them to be making. huge deals about where the u.s. economy is going to go in ten twenty years probably the biggest complicating factor is like who do you want to put in that committee because you put me on the committee i've got an economic background i've got all kinds of videos of what's going to be cut you're probably not going to like every year i pull out or i do and i know very do you trust me i mean who are you going to trust you only want the people that you have like mind in this making those decisions i only want the people making those decisions that i have a like minded within this and when you talk about the collectiveness of the american people as a whole there's not just this unifying belief where there's all the business is on one side and three hundred million u.s. citizens on the other side a lot of those corporations they actually have these people we call americans working for them so there you can't necessarily even separate corporate interests from individual interests it is all one this this sort of tied together this is this is a massive problem of large government trying to make these sorts of big deals it's inherently problematic or maybe it's too few people that are going to make it is
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asians have you know too few representatives and maybe you should be a direct democracy i think we're actually going to get i would say that you and i are now in our next interview you have and i thank you so much for joining us absolutely. are you coming up tonight g.o.p. allowed to say that taxes are too high for corporations here in the u.s. but they have quite a few takers to prove them wrong just a moment and the same media claims that washington is too divided to govern is that really the case we're going to dive into that topic with author and radio host david sirota. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets and candy that. giant corporations rule today.
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really you delete something. from. the future harvard. writes and now the president has signed the debt deal take a look at how it is that we got to this point which is being heavily in debt and choosing to cut government services and the government obviously spends money on medicare medicaid defense department education the environment safety net programs and of course paying interest on our national debt which by the way is only six percent of that entire equation now all of this is supposed to be paid from revenue that comes from taxes of course not just personal income taxes but corporate taxes as well those same corporate taxes that are full of loopholes giant subsidies things that have the end of the day amount of them being away will be able to get
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away with paying almost nothing and that's something that right wingers of course vehemently deny because on the books they're always crying about how the us has one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world. and u.s. corporations overall face an average combined tax of about thirty nine percent that is the second highest rate among all industrialized countries it is just behind the tax rate in japan a grouping of thirty major market economies known as the o.e.c.d. which includes all the europeans did a study of what the most counterproductive to have been in all those nations it identified the corporate income tax as the most harmful for long term growth. all right so if companies actually paid their taxes then maybe those guys would have point but unfortunately they don't and we've covered it before on the show but let us give you some more details that come straight from the government's accounting books this is just the stuff that they really like to publicize the government
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accountability office says that fifty seven percent of u.s. companies conducting business here in the u.s. paid no federal income taxes for at least one year between one thousand nine hundred eighty and two thousand and five that means that over half of america's business is paid zip zilch zero dollars to uncle sam now you probably already heard about g.e. not paying any taxes in two thousand and ten we reported to you here but take a look at these other companies who also managed to keep their profits away from the government citigroup bank of america valero all of those are also among the top corporations the didn't pay a dime and why of course because of all those complex loopholes in our complicated tax laws that's what all these major companies have actually structured how their business is run based on how they can get away without paying a penny more than they have to now add about of course the highly skilled lawyers who know all the complexities of the minute details and then of the day these companies who boast billions in profits are paying money to our federal government now we should note that there are other ways to avoid paying corporate federal
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taxes things like hosting overseas tax havens and in fact eighty three percent of the largest companies in america post were called those overseas overseas tax events yet another way to bend the laws and keep more. dollars in their big old money vault so with more clear evidence that our complicated tax law is helping our debt grow and grow then the frustration obviously turns to washington the politicians who left any changes to our absurd tax code out of this new debt deal and if they couldn't or chose not to slip changes that are the biggest financial restructuring of the us in the years old and i don't know when they will corporations will continue to get away with murder they're not paying their fair share yet the middle class americans who can't afford lawyers to find every single loophole in the system they are and this seems like it's going to be the norm for years to come a very sad reality. now even though the us is long been involved in secret in somalia recently we've seen bits of that involved become more public from
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a drone strike weeks ago than to a somali prisoner who was held on a navy vessel to be interrogated and will now be tried in federal court in new york to report by jeremy scahill of the nation detailing the cia's secret sites in mogadishu now thanks to robert young pelton at the somalia report and a little help from david x. it wired dangerous we have even more information coming out it turns out that buried deep in the u.n. reports there is evidence that half of all u.s. supplied weapons do you gandhian and burundian soldiers who belong in the african union peacekeeping force and are supposed to be by the way of fighting al shabaab you could say for us as a proxy it turns out that half of those weapons are ending up right in the hands of . god if this story found sounds familiar kind of because it is it's happened numerous times before if you want to talk about afghanistan if you want to talk about mexico and believe me that list goes on and on so why can't we learn from our
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own history and what exactly does that say for the wars that we might be arming in the future pretty soon we're going to speak with scott horton contributing editor on legal and national security matters for harper's magazine we're still waiting for him to get on the line but just think about how many times this is happened in the u.s. and you could say that it happens from both perspectives either we involve ourselves into a civil war or we could say that make it a proxy war we have somebody else fight it for us or we just start arming people like i don't know the mujahideen in afghanistan that one point we thought would be on our time would be on our side ok we're actually not going to have scott right now so we're going to move on to our next story but we're going to get back to that in just a moment. now as we've watched the debate over the debt ceiling unfold over the last few months the mainstream media politicians in both parties there are going to tell you that washington is incredibly polarized right now and that's why it's so hard to get legislation through but if you don't listen to what they say to
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distract you a look at all the facts well that doesn't really seem to be the problem not only do we always see a bipartisan consensus when it comes to passing new funding for wars abroad or for expanding surveillance on american citizens all in the name of national security well now we see it in the continuation of corporate tax loopholes tax breaks for the wealthiest while social programs are put on the chopping block seems like at the end of the day there's a lot the two parties can agree on the more and more their actions just don't align with the interests of their constituents so a lot of americans are wondering if it's time for a third party and that includes pundits and politicians people like thomas friedman and michael bloomberg but how many third parties are to exist and what kind of restructuring would it take for them to gain national attention if they don't play ball with special interests the way the republicans and the democrats both do joining me to discuss this is david sirota talk radio host and author of the book back to our future how the one nine hundred eighty s. explain the world that we live in now david thanks so much for joining us again tonight now first starters that would you say that congress really is very very
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polarized the way they like to claim that they are they just fabricate this entire crisis no i think it looks congress is actually one of the most transporters in we're in an era of bipartisanship really transporters and shit but i think that negotiation deal shows that there's a lot of rhetoric about partisan politics and partisanship but we actually look at what happens in congress when you actually look at the votes the votes often end up being very bipartisan affairs as i said the debt ceiling negotiation a good example that passed with bipartisan support there was a lot of rhetoric about it being only a republican priority to have the democratic party voted for that you look at our worst congress is barely. spoken up about even authorizing the libya war congress is passing bills to escalate the afghanistan war on a bipartisan basis you look at civil liberties the patriot act you look at budgets it's the same thing down the line that i think that there's too much trans
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partisanship in washington there's a lot of partisan rhetoric but when you actually look at what happens in congress both parties often are cool looting against the rest of us now i'm totally with you they are by what do you say for you know for the tea party do you think there are other alternatives out there something pushing the fringe because we've heard we've seen a lot of fingers pointed at the tea party a lot of people are saying that oh well these lunatics are now holding the entire debt ceiling ha ha stage why don't we see anything comparable on the left side why don't we see a progressive fringe party that's going to make democrats return to you know things like you would i would believe well i think you have seen that in some states new york connecticut vermont these are states that actually have viable third parties in vermont as the progressive party they played a key role in passing a single payer universal health care there in new york in connecticut it's called the working families party but at the national level i think you're right to ask the question and i think the answer is that the national democratic party is often
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as in cahoots with big money as the republican party i wrote my in my first book called hostile takeover there really we have we do have two parties in this country at the national level it's the money party and the people party the money party is most of the republican party including the tea party and about half the democratic party and the people party is about the other remaining half of the democratic party again i go back to the debt negotiation vote half the democrats joined with republicans to pass that that was a classic money party versus people party affair same thing with the bank bailouts on issues especially of economics on issues of economics that deal with money we have a two party system the problem is that the people party. it's really only a tiny fraction of that system but do you think so many of these so we talk about how much money is being thrown around at these people do you think a part of that is just ballon to happen when you have a representative democracy when you have a group of only you know five hundred or so people that are all gathered together
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here in washington d.c. and this is where all the money is thrown up and. i certainly think that the way we fund elections especially at the national level is a huge part of this you cannot expect a system to be even vaguely small the democratic when you have a structured system of legalized bribery to get people into office i think the few representatives and there are a few of them that are that are very good the few representatives who do try to represent something different than big money the exception and not the rule because the rule is basically you have to raise a lot of corporate money to get elected to federal office and this is also the case in state legislatures are a little less the case but certainly in washington you have what f.d.r. had once called organized money and we have a new politics of organized money and that politics is not democratic or republican it's trans partisan all right so that's become a systemic issue can you think of any one any other country that does
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a better. well look i think that other countries other european countries for instance they finance their elections with public financing of elections or partial public financing of elections and i also think a parliamentary system opens up the possibilities of a smaller parties and coalition governments that come to some problems that comes with some some good parts i think that we need to be looking at both campaign finance reform in this country and also basic electoral reform that makes it a little easier for third parties to run and we have those in some states as i mentioned new york and connecticut they have special election laws that make it easier for smaller parties to get on the ballot i think we need to be looking at that why do we need to looking as i said at public financing of elections or at least partial public financing of elections and i should ask you at one of the thing these are not radical ideas if they're operating in some states they could be operating at the national level is just a matter of will do you think but let's say the majority of the american people right because if we go back to this issue that supposedly congress is in gridlock
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when it comes to the debt debate because of the money they're no longer representing the people's interests should there be things like national referendum . you know i i think a national referendum system is an interesting idea i certainly think it can work at the state level i'm talking to you from colorado which has one of the easiest ballot access ballots in the country to get a ballot measure a referendum on the ballot that has been good in some ways it's cause other problems because the threshold has been so low you get very very extreme measures on the ballot that can change things in ways that are not predictable i do think any effort to discuss making the system more accessible to regular people and creating more pressure from regular people on an institution that is clearly insulated and working in so many different ways against what regular people want is a good discussion to have the problem is if here's the key problem is that the people who are elected to office whose complicity you need even to have that discussion are the.


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