tv [untitled] August 3, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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oh geez availability in the movie joyce be the children's the home of villains the great way to go to the grand imperial truly the george was the bush girl until you can oh well as i told her joe it's a duty to go publicly and run the since the colonel was no joke as used to retreat . egypt's former president hosni mubarak is wheeled into court on a hospital bed in a car or you're looking at live pictures inside the courtroom there well where the trial will be held to six months after a mass protest forced him from power then you can see a whole barak inside the cage he's facing charges of causing the deaths of a nearly eight hundred fifty people during the reason revolution it's also setting trial with his at senior aides more like it's coming throughout the day. the u.s. swallow self-made bitter pill to avert the devastating default a country that never has a base to talk about the chance to advise other nations through their economic
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struggles and it turns out to be prepared to have all its own crisis. and moscow once again scholes up the u.n. to target the syrian regime urging fractions and push the warring sides towards dialogue to every escalating violence in the country but this comes as fresh crackdowns are protestors are reported. in business play pal could invest up to twenty five million dollars in russia the world's largest online payment portal plans to open a moscow office on a journey for full business because of the point that some. suffer one pm here in the russian capital you're watching r t and now to our top story egypt's ousted president hosni. barak is in court on
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a bed of facing trial six months after being toppled while outside the court clashes have erupted between supporters and opponents of the top leader leaving one person dead and at least fifteen awarded all of our extra for the killing of protesters during the february uprising as well as corruption of let's cross live for correspondents outside the borders who's in cairo for us so it's finally the ex leader has been brought to trial but there was a lot of speculation over whether he would even make it to court was there. absolutely have the speculations continue to swirl up until the wee hours so once there whether or not hosni mubarak will be able to make it to the courtroom now i he found i went to great lengths to protect him as this frail old man who is now being subjected to these thoughtless procedures why the opposite of the strong man image that he enjoyed north of now over the past few months you heard multiple reports of he's poor how he's in france in fact that he was he suffered from our
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heart stroke he was suffering from the recurrence of his stomach cancer that he was slipping in and out of consciousness that he was experiencing a major a fit of depression that he was refusing to take solace in just a couple of days ago his lawyer went on public television saying that he was so frail that he needed assistance every time he went to the bathroom now taking into account these prideful male culture all of. it is a really embarrassing revelation but now in the last hour that if i can use the drive the point that mubarak is really frail and he may not be able to stand up until it's very and now for many egyptian people especially those who were camping out on the traffic square back in january and february all these reports are poor how things are not being. more than just the actually except ploy.
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distract attention from the crimes that he stands accused of these charges include conspiring in b. killing of about eight hundred thousand people he's also faced with multiple charges of corruption and if guilty he indeed could face of death by hanging now it needs to be pointed out that so far we haven't heard anything from mubarak but in the task. interrogation of relief to the press we know that he denies the whole the charges he says that he never gave any orders of using violence against the protesters and that he does not accept responsibility here for these crimes that he now spends accused of ok well of mubarak is accused of causing the deaths of your lead over fifty people during fabrice revolution but since then more protesters have died so just what has changed in egypt in the past six months. well exactly
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that and that attack to the fact how much or how little i would say things that really change in the end it just mubarak is accused of killing those four eight thousand four hundred people but doesn't of people have been killed on the top three square ever since he sat down and the only difference between these two groups says that those people killed in the initial uprising and now refer to as martyrs that families are receiving time since i do who were killed out towards after mubarak stepped down from office i referred to as socks and criminals and as you just pointed out and not a person was killed in the clashes today and i have to tell you that there is a growing sounds of this illusion and then as the egyptian society as regards to the truth of this revolution many people still does life has really become worse ever since hosni mubarak stepped down from power it was a goal of many while come his trial but to tell you more how things changed here on
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the ground here is my reply here is a report by my college money for an ocean a. this quaint cairo is now one of the most famous in the world and many around the globe even those with little knowledge of arabic know its name the phrase means liberation well the revolution of january put this part of the globe on the map but apart from that what else did it bring the people of egypt. this man has been running his own business for thirty five years it used to bring him enough money to send his son to study to canada and take his large family broad once. between the economic devastation caused by and rust and political uncertainty mohammad's in the price has been adding factors now he can barely had food to feed his children he says the wave of change may have brought freedom to egypt but it's brought a survival strong in its wake. but you know i love the revolution
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when it happened i welcomed it but look at the time with a light at the end of the tunnel we see it's not getting better we have nothing to eat just don't tell me about the market for hungry people it just doesn't matter. the plight of poverty fuel the revolution your growth has dropped from five to just one percent some thirteen million people live below the breadline unemployment has hit twelve percent. egypt's revolution was regarded as the most successful arab spring chapter it took eighteen days to end one of the world's longest dictatorships former president mubarak will face justice within days charges of corruption and sanctioning killing which carries the death penalty of five months on there is little satisfaction and dictator free egypt is far from the best place to live. and.
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now probably about as much. is good. and this is a very good result people are indeed tired even those who back the changes this young man is from the revolution youth caliche and he tries to remain optimistic because he says sounds a lot like south conviction yet you cannot just say we've been living under mubarak for many many years too many i'd say but it's great what we did but we do need to be more patient and this is difficult we have a lot of problems right now but we do need to wait for a little longer. recent new demonstrations in fiji square show that this toy's season has been pushed to the limit and it's protests versus haitians in the battle to save egypt from crumbling for them. an option r t cairo.
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of plenty more stories ahead for you this hour. so we had to georgia to check of what's behind tbilisi's thirst for glitz and glamour and how president saakashvili plans to win the public support by turning up the music. the u.s. narrowly missed as a potential default signing into law and emergency budget deal that leaves both sides of the months long political debate disappointed or the country that once advised russia during its worst economic crisis failed to avoid its own for national embarrassment archy's you got that in a great show there has been investigating why washington refuses to help itself. congress has now approved a compromise to reduce the deficit and avert a default that would have devastated. the u.s. just had to swallow this bitter pill but many students it will help the patients
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recovery but will instead prove to be a poisoned chalice our economy is not growing at all in fact unemployment remains very high foreclosures remain very high and no recovery is taking place and are we on a suicide mission we may be gesturing you know to kind of deal with there at the same time make it impossible for the government to play any role to save the economy an economy that is going down rapidly that some point shortly after the collapse of the soviet union russia became an american laborde tree for neoliberal economic theories but can americans take their own advice now to deal with their own economic crisis. live within your means the same advice they gave us we go our economic and social realities and we. need to be russian to how did russia's central bank and the media post soviet period the year he took up the chop in one
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thousand nine hundred ninety two so the worst for bigger inflation in russia's history the us the circumstances the communist economy was in collapse but there was nothing to replace it with. so brooks or the situation was disastrous for him did was over a hundred billion dollars in gold in foreign currency reserves was and fifty million which effectively means nil for people so reformists other than government remember how in america's advice so-called shock therapy was applying to the markets might have got the therapy but the people got the shock and to shelves and must pull that seat over as one politician said to me from a markets to a communist economy is easy it's like trying to turn your query into fish soup which do the opposite is much harder it's like trying to revive the good fish it took more than russia a decade to revive it's a korean and return to economic growth transforming the country's fortunes after
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the disaster of the nine hundred ninety s. but would the us know the patient in dire need of it could only heard three we'll soon see the maps and they thought it was good enough for both dog russia but we see it for america it's not our children our t.v. more scale. droughts a lancer from the trends research center two told r.t. that despite being a last minute debt deal the us is doomed for another great depression. the american economy as well as much of the global economy is heading into the greatest depression anything everything that they're doing is not going to salvage it you know what's a reputation a reputation is by what you deliver to night and states can't deliver the united states can't deliver on its wars that loses wars whether in iraq afghanistan the war on drugs the new war with libya they're losers they the government did everything that they touch and look at all the trillions of dollars the tens of
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trillions that have been pumped into the system since the panic of zero eight struck by the federal reserve by d.c. with the stimulus bailouts too big to fail everything they do they turn to a failure of the business of america when i used to be young when it used to be business now the business of america is war and you can see by the new ones that obama started and the old ones that he keeps going have the violence in syria is picking up pace with reports of government forces have issued a storming the opposition stronghold of hamas and are cracking down on protests across the country around one hundred forty people are said to have been killed over the past few days meanwhile the u.s. has locked in heated debate over what action to take on the crisis artist but in a fortnight has the story. the united nations security council wrapped up their second day of consultations surrounding the violence in syria with what many believe is at least
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a draft text that each member of the security council will now bring back to their respective capitals there is a divide among security council members on where the condemnation along the u.s. and its western allies believe there should be a direct confirmation against the syrian government and the syrian president for the crackdown against anti-government protesters that have been taking place since mid march yet other countries like russia china india brazil and others believe that there should be a much more balanced approach ever words are used in any text that is put forth by the security council should not exacerbate an already sensitive circumstance in syria now russia has said in the past that it opposes on balanced measures such as saying sions that could create an even bigger problem and the russian ambassador to the united nations vitaly churkin has said. resolution dealing with libya he
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believes was dealt with very frivolously and the security council can't help but keep that in mind when contemplating what the security council can and cannot do when it comes to the situation in syria and we're concerned about this collision because we think that the circumstances and security. of signal in favor of these women in the world and the security council will convene again wednesday morning to continue taking on this issue of syria and all the violence that has been going on for more than four months there. the u.n. mandate to protect civilians in libya has come under fire for the way it's being implemented and some countries feel the nato led coalition is using it to try and topple colonel gadhafi a political analyst and shellshock saddam he thinks going down the same path in syria could involve the entire region in war people who are actually
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committing crimes against humanity is the nato u.s. military laos we see it hidden in libya there was absolutely no justification for the intervention in libya. this rection which which took place in eastern recently and is even less of a justification for the intervention in syria is a very important country and if there's been actually intervention in syria then we are in for an extended war which goes from the mediterranean right to the chinese border because then you have the integration of the of the wall theaters in afghanistan and iraq of course palestine lebanon on and so we're in for a much larger war let's understand any kind of delivery intervention in syria at this stage using the pretext of a protest movement or responsibility to protect we have devastating consequences
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and lead to a military escalation of a vast area. and still ahead in the program alarm bells go off in the balkans nato ops its process along the north border between possible and serbia to keep a close watch on rising ethnic tensions. there a grand m.t.v. concert has rocked the republic of georgia in an event to some locals have branded a waste of taxpayer money but with the economy struggling and unemployment running round but georgia's have questioned how their president coughed up the cash for such a spectacle and as further reports we had a sucker should really is hoping his approach will strike a positive note with voters. targeting the m.t.v. generation the state funded pop concert and for to me has certainly attracted some big names i like so can you make a good here's here's your chance was. fired afaik. this
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president pakistani popularity continues to call fresh the among the older generation thinks he's now trying to help the much younger crowd it's not the first time the president's case eat up to stars what many see as appears to win popularity. but the fact is true for specialist more than appearance your you know our producer was shot across the system is our great country but if this entire raid is propaganda for the restaurant diplomats or worse for a government a p.r. conscious president has often used music as a political weapon this song commissioned ahead of the teeth thousand and eight presidential election uses his nickname in the humble title and he sure is cool. during you know the normal crimes we were forcing years or years of printed of all
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the president all these high profile publicity stunts they come in to cost. money to bring such stars to judge you a piece of equipment because government funds come from the money of taxpayers like me and you couldn't you can take money from six pounds that are more than ours that was the concert will certainly have gained the country attention in the west beyond beautiful but seemingly q.j. is still a country where human rights violations are not uncommon international groups such as human rights watch say that the government was responsible for widespread abuses last year police brutality bans and press them. and abnormally high conviction rate in calls cited as some of the serious concerns that police tactics were evident when a protest in the century tbilisi recently this violently dispersed. the incident
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sparked international calls for an independent investigation what's known as being forthcoming safe the government has time to plough money and energy into pasting this pop concerts and as the stars take to the stage police brutality and lack of government accountability issues it seems they can be brushed under the red carpet it's being called the biggest party tools is this the critics of the events are being quite supporting south you'll likely think concentrate fully on the very seriously she's really good friends in the country oakland is still going to be here in the park these days and the music. there are the beliefs. of modern music isn't the only new initiative associated with ga go to our website r.t. dot com for more details news updates and videos all georgia made tourism a high priority as the country considers legalizing cannabis in a bid to boost the number of foreign holidaymakers. in other
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news the mayor of the lithuanian capital gives his citizens a tough lesson and proper parking by driving an armored military vehicle over a country car. we are also online and you will fall faster jumping for joy after a swedish explorer spied an extraterrestrial all drug lurking at the bottom of the baltic sea drawing comparisons with that infamous spaceship from the legendary star wars film series. well nato has sent additional troops to casa force north border with serbia after an escalation of violence belgrade calls for a peaceful resolution of the reinforcement will bolster alliance forces already
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patrolling the area one officer was killed in clashes between kossovo special forces and ethnic serbs and police took control of two disputed border crossings social forces were sent to the border by the costs of a government to enforce a trade ban on a serbian imports it was in response to belgrade existing embargo on costs of any goods which has been in place since cost of us unilateral declaration of independence in two thousand and eight war is mother goose lee a serbian canadian a film director says that serbia is under pressure from the e.u. to recognize kosovo. the situation in kosovo is very unstable this is due to the illegal acts of the so-called the government of course of all it is not helping out of stocks of course in the negotiations that are due to continuous september and the whole escalation of violence is simply not going towards
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a peaceful solution that everybody is hoping for considering that the international community has an interest in solving the so-called north cause of the issue it would not be unreasonable to suggest that they are trying to sort of fix this issue as fast as possible and i strongly believe that if force is necessary to do what they have planned they will use it and we must also remind ourselves that the e.u. . of belgrade as an unwritten prerequisite to recognize course was independence and this would mean belgrade should accept kosovo's sovereignty and territorial territorial integrity which which is very complicated to explain to the people of serbia this explosion of violence of course is not helping belgrade because. the people of serbia. see this as a provocation and it is making their sentiment against reaching a compromise. not not very favorable for tried her side serbia has already made many concessions for the so-called republican poll so they recognize their documents their i.d.'s their license plates so i think calling for the albanian
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negotiations is another call for serbs to accept more things that are just leading to serbia recognizing kosovo well now let's take a look at some other top news from around the world at least thirty four people have been killed and dozens injured in two days of clashes in the ongoing violence in a pakistan city of karachi reports say bodies were found scattered across different parts of the country's largest city some are riddled with bullets that is showing signs of torture police believe about two hundred people were killed in karachi. in july alone the city has a long history of ethnic religious sense a tarion violence among the city's main political parties. twin explosions have struck western baghdad killing four people and wounding thirteen others officials say the first blast occurred near a local convenience store with a second bomb going off
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a few minutes later when police and witnesses gathered at the scene this comes after iraq's political leaders gave the government the green light to negotiate with the u.s. for a possible deal to keep their troops in the contrary on a training mission. colombian authorities have captured two suspected leaders of a cocaine operation involving the transfer of twenty tons of drugs per year to the u.s. violent submarines police say the arrest was the conclusion of a six year investigation into the drug ring the men were apprehended after the u.s. coast guard announced the capture of a submarine off because during close there was carrying seven and a half tons of cocaine in the hall has an estimated street value of one hundred eighty dollars. on the back with a recap of the top story soon but first the business news with kareena.
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hello and welcome to business here in r.t. thanks for joining me pay pal is weighing plans to open an office in moscow this autumn according to the head of its newspaper the world's largest online payment portal is planning to invest twenty five million dollars in russia pay pal is coming hand in hand with its own or online auction site e bay operator in russia invades to sort out all nine transactions and delivery while it's in talks with the postal services will be transferring money say the pals move looks reasonable prices. claim and mark. prices for jet fuel in russia are about to take off again the country's key suppliers hike fuel charges by up to ten percent on tuesday while companies say that high global kuku prices and domestic shortages are spurring the increase in addition like a fuel is being driven by higher traffic volumes from russian airlines jet fuel
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prices have risen twenty five percent this year with a previous hike in thirty june. that's brings us to the markets oil is declining for a fourth day in its longest losing streak since may investors bet the signs of a slowing u.s. economy may fall to fuel demand in the world's biggest consumer of crude gold is edging higher this hour earlier the yellow metal losses much like six percent in asia trading silver is adding half a percent european stocks mark the stock markets alone all falling for the truck losses in the u.s. and asia among the bigger early movers shares and french banks as he says it was stopped seven point four percent after it warned that profit targets for next year maybe politics. and here in moscow markets the diving into negative territory right in asia both reality has a nice six point three percent now let's have a look at some individual moves on them isaacs this hour energy majors are among the main losers way by a low crude price gazprom is shedding almost one point one point three percent
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rosneft is talking around one percent banking stocks are also in the red with bt be a down one point two percent bucking the trend is problematical adding one point two percent. yes going yes as bill said it stressed how that profit by seventeen focus adds to two point six billion dollars oil on a basket up a gas bomb says the results are driven by haiku prices an improvement in sales. as a business for now the most stories always auto website r.t. dot com slash posts. to.
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