tv [untitled] August 3, 2011 4:01pm-4:31pm EDT
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the colonel was hotel treat. the u.n. security council condemns human rights violations in the conflict. between. following three days of discussions the u.n. security council finally comes to an agreement on how to respond to the violence in syria more details from new york coming up. it's only holds crisis talks with the. problems sparking concerns it could be on the path to greece. and supporters and opponents of. the deposed president of egypt faces trial.
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international news and comment this is. just a midnight here in the russian capital the u.n. security council has issued a statement condemning violence and human rights violations in syria it calls for an end to hostilities and for dialogue between the two sides that says the crackdown on protesters continues there in the country with reports that government tanks have moved deeper into the opposition stronghold city of hama well let's get more now from marty's marina she's live in new york so why did it take the security council so long to come up with a statement on the events that are occurring in syria. well you know a lot of people in media that cover the u.n. always say diplomacy takes time and this was just an example and the reason it took so long as because for a presidential statement to be adopted by the security council all fifteen members
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the countries sitting around the table need to agree on every single word every part of the text in the presidential statement so that's what took so long is everybody agreeing on on how to condemn whom to condemn whom to hold responsible what to expect from the syrian government but at the end we did see all fifteen members of the security council agree on the presidential statement we should note though that left it on a nonpermanent member did say that whatever affect syria affects lebanon and vice versa and due to that lebanon needs to disassociate itself from the presidential statement but at the same time lebannon voted to adopt it and that might be semantics but as you mentioned with our viewers this presidential statement adopted by the security council condemns the widespread violence of human rights and all the use of force against civilians by the syrian of authority it also stresses the only solution to the current crisis in syria is through an inclusive syrian led
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political process that calls on the syrian authorities to alleviate any humanitarian situations in any of the crisis areas and it calls on syria to cooperate fully with the office of high commissioner of human rights now that office did want to launch a human rights investigation into the violence an outbreak that's been taking place in syria for more than four months it's estimated by some groups that more than seventeen hundred people have been killed since anti-government protesters for first took to the streets calling for the current government to step down but the numbers have not been verified but as we know and as we've seen since sunday the violence between anti-government. protesters and the government of syria president assad's government is they're still clashing it's still a problem and so all security council members came to the media and said that they hope that this statement issued by the international community will help both sides
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come to the table and try to use dialogue rather than weapons or violence to come to some type of compromise and this is a move by the international security international community what type of effect it will have will remain to be seen but we will be standing by to see how syria the citizens of syria react to it ok marina thanks very much indeed artie's miniport not talking to us live there from new york. beleaguered europe is caught in stormy seas once again as italy has held crisis talks with the e.u. over its surging boring cost the country's bond yields have reached their highest levels since the euro was adopted and the prime minister silvio berlusconi has tried to reassure investors saying it's a these economy is solid europe correspondent daniel bushell has more. panic is what prime minister berlusconi told the parliament but that's exactly what the markets are doing he said that he had italy's debt under control and they he was
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putting in spending cuts to make sure that the economy was viable but the news came out the bank one of the world's biggest lenders has slashed its exposed not just to italy but the other troubled states of greece ireland and portugal which really sends out the signals because it's the business who decide at the end of the day not the politicians and investors are saying they really don't trust the word of the national politicians who say they've got their house in order so it to me has been in crisis talks today with. who represents the finance ministers here for the euro and because the mediation will continue to take place in calm but really the markets the same the opposite because of course people promised all through the first greek bailout that there would be no more then italy comes along which of course in the meantime we had paul to go on and on a second greek bailout the people here in brussels are also being you know you were promised that there will be no more and yet there's another another taking place in
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the roofie is here that there was a domino effect and the yields on italian formed have reached over six percent which is considered the threshold for sustainable that spain in the same. six percent of the prime minister there's a terror has counseled his holiday to deal with crises in spain the trouble is greece goes on a relatively small economy italy is bigger than all three put together so even if the e.u. here doesn't want to bail them out the question is can they afford to italy's parliament. pretty savage spending cuts just last month but all the solons all the the italians won't take them they're talking of national strikes they're talking of refusing to accept pretty much the same as we saw with greece which saw all these horrible violent protests on the streets that were really fearing a repeat. of the horrible scenes that we saw in athens and once again we see europe is turning to the emerging markets for risk you. the european investors seem not
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willing to boy so it's really a case of the emerging markets once again coming in to bail out the struggling economies of europe. reporter there daniel bushell and market analysts fear the spike in bond yields is a clear signal that the sovereign debt crisis is a long way from being under control and earlier i spoke to. an economist with the independent think tank european based in london he believes that bailing out italy would prove an impossible feat for the eurozone. if you look at the size of the eurozone financial stability facility tops out four hundred forty billion the current debt market for its year alone is one point six trillion euros so even if they try to use this fund to buy up some italian bonds or provide some proof cautionary lines of credit new new additional measures that were agreed on the second greek bailout it's not clear how much difference they would really make given the size of the italian economy and size of the bond market once the bond
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market turns against the italian economy which it looks to be at the moment the costs keep spiraling out of control and it's only a matter of time until they become unsustainable really unfortunately we have a race to the bottom here spain does have very large boring costs as well and a large amount of refinancing coming up over the next year and the borrowing costs are increasing slightly quicker than italy also has bigger internal problems in terms of the repast real estate market and very poor economic growth as well so there are more problems really in the spanish economy itself then then you could see an italian economy for instance but again it does look to have a bit more political stability at the moment although with the upcoming election another layer of uncertainty so both countries the future isn't looking great least in the near term. across the ocean there is the world's largest economy has been rescued from the brink of collapse barack obama signed the bill to raise america's borrowing limit with just ten hours to spare before the country was due to default
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after months of political wrangling democrats and republicans hammered out a last minute compromise which finally cleared both houses of congress however the deal to increase the u.s. debt ceilings by almost two and a half trillion dollars is viewed as less than perfect by both parties many republicans push for less government spending while democrats want to keep social programs and have the richest americans pay more in tax despite the last ditch agreement credit giant moody's or slapped the u.s. with a negative economic forecast while standard and poor's could still downgrade in. triple a rating this out is a katrina picture of reports many say that the u.s. is used to dishing out advice to others but maybe less accustomed to helping itself . congress has now approved a compromise to reduce the deficit and avert a default that would have devastated our economy the u.s. just had to swallow these bitter pill but many still down to it will how the patients recovery but will instead prove to be
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a poisoned chalice our economy is not growing at all in fact unemployment remains very high foreclosures remain very high no recovery is taking place and are we on a suicide mission we may be gesturing you know to kind of deal with debt at the same time make it impossible for the government to play any role to save the economy any economy is going down rapidly at some point shortly after the collapse of the soviet union russia became an american laborde tree for nearly broke economic theories but can americans take their own advice now to deal with their own economic crisis repressive live within your means the same advice they gave us without knowing our economic and social realities as we. speak to be russian to had it russia central bank in the immediate post soviet period the year he took up the job in one thousand nine hundred two so the worst four figure inflation in russia's
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history the us the sarra came to nantes as the communist economy was in collapse but there was nothing to replace it with. so the situation was disastrous for it did it was over one hundred billion dollars in gold in foreign currency reserves well listen fifty million which effectively means new. people still reformists of the damned government remember how in america's advice so-called shock therapy was a plight the markets might have got the therapy but the people got the shock empty shelves and mass poverty as one politician said to move from a market to a communist economy is easy it's like trying to turn your aquarium into fish soup but to do the opposite is much harder it's like trying to revive the dead fish it took more than russia a decade to revive its a quarry him and return to economic growth transforming the country's fortunes
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after the disaster of the nine hundred ninety s. but would the us now the patient in dire need of it could all make surgery will soon see the maps and they thought it was good enough for both saw the russia will be fit for america it's in the direction of art. egypt's ousted president hosni mubarak is on trial in cairo for corruption and ordering the killing of some eight hundred forty people journey february uprisings a charge that could incur the death penalty in the courtroom barracks supporters clashed with his opponents one person was killed a further fifteen were injured as each side held rocks and bottles at the other parties or is following the developments for us there. well the judge presiding over the course room role that the trial of course the bar will be job one feels all this safety is primarily due to health reasons i'm still soggy he is expected to remain at a military hospital overseen by an m. college and he's. concerned the defense side insists that he
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is in the. people that may actually prevent him from. buying and standing trial i feel its conclusion. as to what if he were slipping in and out of that suffering from our day that he was suffering. but maybe he took testers here in cairo people per capita not i think back in january and february officials believe that all these reports look for help that is nothing more than just the actrix a ploy. to child preventing part from testifying they believe that that place nicely all see. that is in charge of it just because many of the general thought that members of this council absalom associates and some of his testimony and i don't see some of my.
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compromising political alliances that helped him to remain in power for so long now as the child was surrounded by a very happy security operation about five thousand police and that surprised police. here at this side the clashes become essentially a feature of the day here in cairo. and far faster than it was. overall there are a lot of acceptation that patch to these trials. notably because. many helping the revolution first actually the people. that it's important that you had the. courage to make economy how many people were disillusioned my colleagues very international and how important this quaint cairo is now one of the most
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famous in the world many around the globe even those with little knowledge of arabic know its name means liberation well the revolution of january put this part of the globe on the map but apart from that what else did it bring the people of egypt. this man has been running his own business for thirty five years it used to bring him enough money to send his son to study to canada and take his large family abroad one. between the economic devastation caused by and rest and political uncertainty muhammad's enterprise has been badly affected now he can barely a food to feed his children he says the wind of change may have brought freedom to egypt but it's brought as survivals tong in its wake. you know i love the revolution when it happened i welcomed it that looked at the time like a light at the end of the tunnel where you see it's not getting better we have
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nothing to eat just don't tell me about democracy for hungry people it just doesn't matter. the plight of poverty fuel the revolution your growth has dropped from five to just one percent some thirteen million people live below the breadline unemployment has hit twelve percent. egypt's revolution was regarded as the most successful arab spring chapter it took eighteen days to end one of the world's longest dictatorships but five months on there is little satisfaction and dictator free egypt is far from the best place to live in a free of the people. and. the people now are reporting about. well much better than that they. would be a better solution and this in fact is their very sad that is our people are indeed tired even those who back the changes this young man is from the revolution youth
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caliche he tries to remain optimistic but all he says sounds a lot like south conviction that i get on the other side we've been living under mubarak for many many years too many i'd say but it's great what we did but we do need to be more patient and this is difficult we have a lot of problems right now but we do need to wait for a little longer. recentre need demonstrations in the square show that there is thai system has been pushed to the limit and it's protests versus patience in the battle to save egypt from crumbling further raif an option or r t cairo. where the gypsies are slowly losing hope that they'll see the benefits of their own revolution william and bell who has written extensively on egypt's uprising says the people fell prey to a game of politics. there has been no revolution in egypt i said so and in our t.v. interview in late january i believe exactly that would be the outcome because this
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was incited from the outside it was designed to get rid of mubarak who was a thorn in the side of the obama middle east policy and put the same people in there with it with a different face at the top a lot has changed and it's largely unfortunately change for the worse the economy as you noted is plunged since the events of january. the tourism is not going to be bombed back any time soon but even even still there was a rather healthy growth curve in the last several years even while no brock was still in power and that that has dramatically changed for the worse this never was about democracy in the first place a lot of youths were brought onto the streets under the illusion that it was but it never was and the military command was sitting in the pentagon all these events were unfolding getting coaching from the joint chiefs of staff in the us and now you have the muslim brotherhood position to become the leading political party in the in the elections when they're held that doesn't bode bode well at all for egypt
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this is a country with that diverse secular tradition and the economic situation is getting worse so i don't think young people have more democracy i think perhaps they have an even less. by the way check out our website is r.t. dot com for more stories news and video in addition to what you see here on screen here's a sample of what's lined up for you right now silent voices many countries are now gripped by antigovernment protests but in israel demonstrators are hungry not just put economic reform but also international media attention. goes the president find out why the georgian leader hopes his love of music might strike a chord in the hearts of his people. all available on our website at the moment that's r.t. dot com time now to update you on some more of our international news this hour world updates four people being killed and thirteen others injured after western
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baghdad is struck by twin explosions officials say the bombs targeted a liquor store the first one brought police and witnesses rushing to the scene to be caught by the second blast a few minutes later this comes after iraq's political leaders gave the go ahead for talks aimed at keeping u.s. troops in the country on a training mission. japan has passed a law to help tokyo electric power paid compensation to victims of the fukushima nuclear disaster the crisis forced almost eighty thousand people to move from around the crippled plant with farm fisheries and tourist industries in the area also hit hard the government is expected to pitch in and then mitchell twenty six billion dollars in special bonds will cost could be far higher. hundreds of troops have been deployed in the city of karachi in attempts to end ongoing violence that has killed almost sixty people in five days reports said bodies were found scattered across different parts of pakistan's largest city some riddled with bullets and showing signs of torture and it's been around two hundred people were killed in the city last month alone much of the fighting has been
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blamed on supporters of the country's main political parties. and finally in our world update this hour over a ton of cane hidden in the secret compartment in a luxury yacht has been seized by officials in the u.k. britain's largest ever. all is valued at almost five hundred million dollars the drugs were reportedly loaded on to the boat in venezuela and were on route to the netherlands police have already arrested six men suspected of being members of an organized crime gang. well up next we'll be speaking to russia's recently appointed envoy for human rights to find out his views on the the tourists. prison camp and also his presence in libya that special interview coming away shortly in the summer of our main news stories and about eight minutes from now stay with us live here in moscow.
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be direction of the president of the russian for the federation mr medvedev. decision was taken by what the minister said your love of the basic idea here is to . probably even more actively. profile i would come to russia in the field of human rights to democracy and rule of law there was a very important issues and there mentions or international relations as you know and of course an extremely important part of my job part of my job description i am a c. used to morning. with the implementation of human race. in the world and across the globe and it's not only human rights. shown in my title it is also do not go see an roll of low key russia realistically
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export democracy but wealth exporting democracy and we do not think as a matter of principle the democracy can be exported but. obviously democratic development should come first and foremost from within the country shouldn't be such thing as a first or second tier you know that some cancer is expected more to leave to the democratic standards than the others. or those who are said to me was universality ellison's the concept which is not unique. to russia. and internationally acknowledged concept how do you respond to in human rights watch report which highlighted u.s. reluctance to investigate systematic torture and illegal imprisonment by specialising in iraq and went on in the way. it's an interesting question actually
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. we took note of the report. it is not the first time. human rights defenders let me put it in this way or international organization which is the ling non-governmental organization in this case which is dealing with you on the red drawing attention to this issue you mentioned also. the b.b.c. in the one time miles there was another base in bagram and i'm going to stand up to now. unfortunately there hasn't been a proper investigation. there hasn't been any proper. punishment so there is some degree of impunity obviously here and. quite a major issue in the field of human rights i just might see that we expect that the us government will react to those. recommendations in
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a proper way of course the. accusations mostly refer to the period of the previous administration the bush administration has been recently arrested by having been. called for our fair trial for this man what are the chances that had each latin chant well received a fair trial in hague we expect that those trials will be fair or will be objective will be based on facts will be impartial and not politicised those are the most important great duryea on which the i.c.c. way is to operate under its mandate actually and unfortunately we practice you know a number of respects. different way. you know with so we have been a lot. criticisms and problems related to the hassle if you want to keep it is
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including. double standards and unfortunately there has been sort of ground for this in the past we hope there but. the way in which is by the way under the u.n. security council resolution. by the end of two thousand and fourteen we expect that the. remaining. international body will. draw a sort of conclusion some lessons and will lead to an impartial and professional manner hot topic for the past couple of months has been libya what consequences well we've been officials face american and european unfortunately unfortunately facilities in libya have been continuing for quite some time and. the matter of the fact there was there. do suffer from those who are still it is
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most a war. and unfortunately civilians suffer from both action by the forces by the government and also from. the use of force by the way of the coalition forces and the other important trade deal of course is. implementation of security council resolutions nineteen seventeen nineteen seventy three as far as especially as far as protection of civilians protection of civilian population is concerned. the russian foreign ministry for the human rights democracy thank you very much but it is all mine thank you.
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