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tv   [untitled]    August 3, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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news today boylan says once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations or the day. oh i'm some are going to washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture now that we have a debt want to deal in place what's next for taxpayers the democrats finally be able to stand up for the middle class and refocus the debate on the economy my guest tonight congresswoman donna edwards shed some light on job creation and where this country is headed to next speaking of bad economics there's a major wealth gap in america and it just keeps growing so how much longer can this country country function with low taxes for the filthy rich plus shocking details
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coming out of the sexual assault case against polygamist sect leader warren jeffs see how this high profile case could affect of mormon religion and to republican presidential candidates. you need to know this was a bad taste in the collective mouth of democrats around the country one day after the republican written debt limit deal it slashes the way of programs assisting working and middle class families around the country became law and to make matters worse for this republican manufactured debt crisis resolved for now at least and democrats finally able to get back to work doing what americans worry most about stimulating the economy and creating jobs republicans decided to shut down the house of representatives and go on a five week vacation once again putting the economy on the back burner so what
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happens next what can democrats do now to me job creation the top priority again and how can these tea party republican momentum in congress to harm our economy be reversed or to offer her take on these issues as congresswoman donna edwards representing maryland's fourth district congresswoman welcome thank you it's good to be with you thank you great to have you with. you voted no on the state limit deal why i did i think it sets a really bad framework for the future when you really look at the details of the of this debt deal number one it says war funding is actually exempt from figure out how you say they were in afghanistan and iraq and afghanistan as we know is contributed hugely to our long term. debt and to our deficit it takes off the table the ability to be able to raise revenues we all know that in addition to doing what you need to do to make sure that government is more efficient in all those things nobody disagrees with that you have to raise revenues you can't just starve
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government you have to raise revenues and there were no revenues on the table starve the beast was a phrase it came out of the republican right of the reagan white house and we've been playing this song book since june i mentioned before going to richard wouldn't skew wrote the piece seventy six percent oppose thirty reagan played it and he invented the phrase. while and they are playing it they are really playing it now and i think you have only to look for example at what's been done congress leaves leaves town and the f.a.a. is not extend its means aviation workers four thousand federal workers and almost ninety thousand and seventy five to ninety thousand contractor workers at the height of the construction season at a time when we're facing nine point two percent unemployment and they're furloughed without a paycheck having to pay their mortgages and take care of their families and so this is been part of a progression over the last thirty years that this so-called debt ceiling agreement something that we have done more than one hundred times over the last several
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decades raising the debt ceiling and instead the republicans decided that they were going to play hardball and i said we're going to play hardball back with them well do you think that there's so is there a strategy on the table for even a technique to do that and specifically to bring congress back into session actually the house hasn't. in session in the senate has been adjourned session i was kind of for sped on the senate so that so the president obama couldn't get his appointment to the. protection the bank the consumer protection board through and so if they're not if they haven't adjourned isn't it fairly simple to call him back i mean is that something that the president can do all the president can't but it's up to the speaker this is his house speaker boehner his house of representatives his republican majority his republican majority that is leaving four thousand workers stranded without a paycheck ninety thousand construction workers without a paycheck and construction work to be done and our nation's airports and so
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speaker boehner can and should call us all back to town let us do the business of the american people and then if you want to take a vacation fine but you don't go on vacation when america can't go on vacation so so be on speaking about it is there a specific strategy in place well i think i mean i think all of us need to call on our leadership and say it's time for us to come back in town i mean that you know short of that not a lot that can be done but the public pressure i think that can be put on us and we because all of us in this is the height of the traveling season people are taking vacations they want to know that they're traveling you know in airlines and airports that are safe and apart from that if you really care about how we're spending we're losing thirty million dollars every single day of this shutdown of the f.a.a. by losing the tax revenue that would come in you know who's taking that all in their pockets to are lots of standoff that was one of the major lobbyists or you know in favor of this because they didn't want the unions are there but but in any
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case well will this now that republican hostage taking seems to become the norm i mean mitch mcconnell yesterday or the day before said you know this worked out pretty good we'll do it again basically. we've got the debt limit coming up again you know the gang of twelve we've got the f a a we've got a gas tax expire cuts. september we've got the federal budget reboot in october there seems to be like lots and lots of opportunities for hostage taking how do you see these things playing out as we go through this year and into the elections and well i think the republicans have already laid out that strategy i mean before the joint select committee this so called super committee super congress is named to deal with these debt issues as in the budget deal that was passed the republican leadership has already said we're not going to put anybody on that commission that wants to negotiate in a way that would raise revenues and so before the committee is even name they've already said they're not negotiating and so we thought we saw that kind of you know
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back room back to our old time you know dealing in the in the debt ceiling we're going to see it over and over again on several of these fights we still have appropriations bills to get through the congress and so those will be opportunities that these this narrow minority is going to use to hold down this president and try to keep everything off of the agenda of the american people but we need to be focused on jobs and we have to create jobs in the way to do that and we know right away is to build roads bridges water and sewer systems i mean it's the good old fashioned put people to work you know digging and doing and we can do we can do that and the republicans have to hear from the majority of people across this country who want to get back to work and we need to build things we there are other things that can be done to for example a research and development tax credit coupled with a manufacturing tax credit let's use our tax code to actually incentivize good behavior instead of using it to give loopholes for corporate jet the subsidies to
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oil companies there was a piece of legislation i'm guessing you voted for that came out of the house when nancy pelosi was speaker the last legislative session that specifically eliminated the tax deductions for corporations get right now want to shut down factories here move more for c.s. and flip it up so. downing gave them a tax break if they shut down an overseas factory and brought the jobs back here the republicans filibustered. something that obvious i frankly don't think most americans know about it because the democrats if they were yelling about i know so few of them were a few or more on my radio show and somewhere here but it didn't seem to break through into the national media what does it take to break through into the national media the fact that the republicans have been so aggressively anti job and basically question this economy i mean my personal conspiracy theory is that they're trying to intentionally try to crash the economy so that they can run against a field economy and in that around you know put it around the neck of president
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obama twenty two well i don't do think it seems very clear that part of the strategy even in the debt ceiling deal is to get to november and say you know what fine we'll just take the across the board cuts because they want to eliminate programs that people depend on and so i wouldn't put anything past past them but we have a job to do too and democrats hold the white house president obama i believe has to use the bully pulpit of the white house to engage this conversation with the american people the rest of us will be a bit players and contribute to that conversation about how we create jobs and the need to create jobs but the president really has to use the bully pulpit to do that and i can see actually you know today that the white house announced that the president is going to go on a bus tour around the country around job creation i think that it's past time for that to happen and so i'm looking forward to it but the congressional progressive caucus for example has been running you know jobs two wars all across this country
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the congressional black caucus is doing major job fairs and you know half a dozen cities around the country even during this month of august while people are supposedly away on vacation democrats are at work but we have to raise our voices and we can't be you know we can't think that this is going to be cured by sitting in some bad. room in the halls of the congress trying to deal with republicans it's not the way they deal and it's not the way that we can do absolutes so well said carter some of thanks so much for you appreciate it. congresswoman donna edwards. it's time for a daily poll your chance to tell us what you think here's the day's question now the republicans know they can play a hostage taker and to win what or who will be the next victim your choices are eight f.a.a. inspectors who will be held hostage without pay until his trip to the rights to
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unionize or be the eighteen cent federal gasoline tax it leaves to fund construction projects new as it is set to expire in september and us congress passes the legislation or see both and throw the middle class on the floor of the second rounds of cuts and the best deal for the good measure i've got to tell marva dot com let us know what you think the whole be open till tomorrow morning. after the break it's our midweek lonely liberal rumble so much to my panelists heather servo and then you'll help her have to say about the balance that i deal in the g.o.p. shutdown of the f.a.a. . let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right.
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i think. beat up on the well. we never got over that says they're for keeping safe get ready because of their freedom. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear see some other part of it and realize everything you saw you don't i'm sorry there's a big. fight
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. for. five. years was this guy which means it's time for me to play the role of the lone liberal and take on two expert conservative commentators to debate the week's biggest stories our panel tonight heather serve up conservative strategist an associated associate of blues solutions and blogger at other similar dot com and daniel deputy online editor at the weekly standard welcome to you both let's get
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started a bank town ok the tea party failed to blow up the economy or maybe nothing else. yet. it looks like it's going to be a slow bleed the economic policy institute says this legislation that was passed is going to cost one point eight million jobs over two hundred billion dollars hole in our g.d.p. john boehner says he got ninety eight percent of what he wanted and so if the economy goes in the tank is is you know is he going to take the blame for. easy answer is no the economy is already in the tank and this is not what is this material almost none of this really in the next couple years but almost none of this actually goes into effect except the amount of money that we're borrowing which immediately goes into i think the average american has any idea about that they think they think a deal was you know it's your job to educate or the elite media togs you should be educating them every night that the deal was already in the tank when this our side was i thought because most americans don't really know what the debt ceiling means
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but they do you know the economy is bad off and that we need to come up with really good solutions so what's the solution what's the jobs bill was buried in all this i mean just look at the statistics america this is a washington post a.b.c. poll seventy two percent of americans want to raise taxes on people making over forty million dollars a year at the graphic for here sixty six percent support raising so security taxes raese actually having people who make over one hundred seventy thousand dollars you're actually because right now they don't pay any social security taxes over that sixty four percent support raising taxes on hedge fund managers who paid between zero and fifteen percent maximum income tax and fifty nine percent support raising taxes on oil companies were getting three billion dollars a year in subsidies none of this stuff was on the table why would none of that stuff be on the table and i you know i'm going to depart from the traditional republican line which would say that you know we shouldn't close loopholes and you know we should help continue to help lawyers find ways for corporations to pay no
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taxes the federal government i think that those should be close by do you think that there need to be education and so much on mccain so i think that there should be education so that americans don't think that it's the wealthy that any tax that's going to help our economy that's not true just shown time and time again that you know you raise taxes on the wealthy and guess what we're still we still have problems because we still like why is having all these programs we can't since that time when the taxes on the wealthy were between seventy four and ninety one percent was the time greatest prosperity in america and the time of the taxes on the wealthy. hello toady i don't know what tiger talking about but with a much different nine hundred forty two ninety eight it was a much different thank you i think the reason that these taxes aren't on the table as you propose is because people have the wisdom that j.f.k. had and that you can barack obama head back in grade two thousand nine hundred when they are in a bad economy and aversive in a bad economy we should not raise taxes obama said he didn't so bomb as he did say that and obama said the same thing in two thousand and nine so i think i think what you're going to get i think this the suggestion that we should raise taxes at
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a down economy is a poor jack kennedy said was that the deficit should only be incurred during times of national crisis. and especially when when when liberals oftentimes are concerned about people spending money the best way to help people spend money is to give them more in their pockets to spend we're not taking more out of their pockets which is what tax increases would do well but he will you know really tragic even when you talk about the same when you talk about the unions are not just talking about billionaires talking about people who made who are not billionaires those are the rich you know the definition of rich is far wider than a billionaire well you're going to start with the four hundred families and the four hundred individuals in america whose combined wealth is greater than one hundred fifty million of the rest of us and these guys are paying an average of seventeen percent in federal income taxes right now whereas the average school two family where you have two schoolteachers is paying over thirty percent if your house and you have forty seven percent of americans who don't play any federal income tax i mean so i think that there's something to be said for we're leveling
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that field where we all do pay em some to the system and that we all owe you know here's the line up stay so relied upon the tele programs or had this to say last night about how people can fight back just turco what we need to have an american spring you know the arab spring the nonviolent part of it isn't finished yet but we need to have an american spring a kind of american tahrir square nonviolent change were people from the grassroots get. involved again not. american spring. here we have manufacturing lost five percent last month service industries weak his growth in seventeen months the republicans have not passed one job or economic stimulus package it looks like we're going into a double dip recession how long or maybe even depression how long before an american spring happens so i think that video clip that you showed of al gore you look a little tense like he needs a massage or something but i won't i won't get into that as a change what i will say is that what he's saying is is pretty much despicable to
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suggest that that our president is white aside and so like a syrian dictator who kills his own citizens is completely inane and they're not suggesting now that i pointed out the manufacturing lost five percent last month i mean the economy is crashing and what that's like to people say no good saying that that's a lot that your employer the analogy though does suggest that obama is this dictator that we're we're bubbling up against you know and the reality is that you know and the biggest egregious thing that's happened i guess our democracy is a health care bill that was jammed down our throats and that's what's fueled a lot with the arab spring as you know happening in saudi arabia where the saudi king said ok we're going to make sure that everybody in the country makes at least thirty thousand dollars you're everybody has free healthcare that's not what was going on in egypt which is one of the reasons why people were voted in the saudis are are you know it's provide them the resources that the saudis don't have freedom that doesn't mean that just because they're not going to far more resources but
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people are not revolting against them because they're her presence too much to revolt what the syrians are an example if you know any of the saudis know it was those who are worse than them assad i'm not saying that it's worse because it's probably not but i'm saying assad is is a good thing and that it's not as willing to forgive dhabi who i'm not i'm not saying that it's worse i'm saying that these protesters are exceptional in that way that's why the president should be so let's not forget this you thought. ten elections were largely about health care and they were largely about how good that was my democratic process the people who were elected to tea party candidates were elected on this wave of really just outrageousness i think it was like on a wave of democrats saying ok we've got a democratic house a democratic senate we got a good good democrat in the white house first african-american president let's not show up because you know you look at of the voting polls in florida for example forty two percent of the eligible democrats showed up to vote sixty seven percent
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of eligible republicans that you know that know that's i mean i can't see one they where they were there was excitement behind those candidates they came in with the excitement that we have now you know it would be opposition to you know that you're making my point but here this is a viewer wrote this in let me just ask this it's not rhetorical why is taking away benefits for oil drilling a tax increase or taking away benefits for drilling children's cavities a spending cut why is taking away benefits for aging airplanes a tax cut and taking away benefits for aging grandparents as a spending cut and why is it taking away benefits from hedge fund managers as a tax increase for taking away benefits for social security and medicare is a spending cut i think you miss it i think you're missing the point when the economy is and look here in lies the problem of of the because if there is here and when you're in life if you realize the problem of the deficit the problem is is that tax increases are still on the table which means that for the next six months until the super committee reports back i don't think will happen necessarily but they're still on the table and for the next six months there still remains
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a certain amount of uncertainty which is what's plagued the economy part of what's paid played the last two or three years but the uncertainty that taxes and the various other regulations for businesses might be changed and there needs to be a certainly thing the business or service about is whether the economy is there needs to be a certain amount of stability so that investors feel comfortable investing he said that unless we deal with our entitlement program and the way that we are. and we thought well cash for this item and that we're facing down to the movies report their biggest objection and their lack the congress is dysfunction no the latest one that came out after after the bills passed well we probably got to move along to the next topic here to make the economy worse the f.a.a. is now pushing shut i guess this is an extension of what we were just talking about we have two and a half billion dollars worth of f.a.a. projects that are right now on hold. thirty million dollars a day instead of going into the into the f.a.a. it's going right into the pockets of the airlines they didn't drop their prices
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they are there they've taken the money and run it. seventy thousand and ninety five thousand construction workers as the congresswoman pointed out just a moment ago. we're losing two hundred million dollars which is what ray la hood had to say about this the white house. members of congress could easily have put seventy four thousand construction workers and if the employees back to work but instead they went on vacation i'm asking congress to come back and do for the american people what the been talking about put seventy five thousand people back to work in good paying jobs that's what congress should do take a little detour from their own vacation come back to washington and pass a clean bill. so isn't this another hostage taking scenario yes there are cracks in this and it should pass but already passed a bill by the house that is the one the says that if you don't vote in a union election that's considered a no why don't we pass a bill that says listen if you don't vote in the federal election you're considered
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a democratic vote all that hasa kept in the unions though and. it's destroying unions that's the legislation is what i'm saying is that the reason that harry reid and jay rockefeller said that they're not going to support it is because of this crazy but the reality is because it because they have taken the stance they have lost a lot more money than they thought they were going to save by being in support of this provision so i mean that's the reality is they're the ones who are holding it hostage and they are the ones who are the hospital i mean they're the ones are costing millions of dollars to you in every every year it's a clean bill it's you know ok we reauthorize the. i mean right now you've got safety inspectors who are who are not being paid for their overtime and are not being paid for the travel time and are having to pay for the travel out of their own pockets and these people on average every week visit five different airports around the country to do so if you inspections you know this is like this is happening you're saying it's happened on the hill all the time it does you have these disagreements all the time in the reality is we have this i don't say there
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is something that is not the best for my district but i have to do something that's better for the american people than that it probably wrote a letter right now shut down here in town where you said you should be more important the american people i consider you to be more important than passing this f.a.a. bill so it's his it's really rockefeller's don't. counties more or less which is it affects four democrat four states that have democratic delegations the united states that's one of those the i think i think the issue here we have to get around the four thousand f.a.a. employees that are working under seventy five thousand and upwards contract employees from the f.a.a. that aren't working. i'm not saying that we should all of them surely surely some of them do well but and that those show us how to build in his words because believe. an example of where perhaps there are so you are just that could be there is a virtue is there literally a government hurdle that survives so because we still have the essential always
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working good for them the point is that their own with perhaps this is an example of where we can trim down we go to lobby i'm not suggesting that none of their work is valid only because it was our discussion about why is it in cities doing this work i don't like these are private and they still are lou and all of that loser private entities that have been laid off you see the contractors these are not government employees one hundred times i go to the local it's a hundred times ago that our government there and federal government is not here to control everything that's the real issue next week the first republican state senators who was concert face in a primary vehicle the koch brothers funded americans for prosperity mailed out. ballots with a letter that says return your ballot no later than august eleventh august eleventh just two days after the election. this is this is election fraud shouldn't these guys be in jail ok i contacted americans for prosperity after and work with them before and they told outright that local media as well as the national media that
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was a typo to their own supporters who are republicans and democrats and yes their own supporters who are republicans and democrats who perpetuate this also notion that the only people who support every i'm on the air in madison wisconsin i don't know her of democrats they are a number of democrats who were i never supported a.f.p. i've got a bias of males that argument immediately kratos who are to support if the and they're on their mailing list go ahead and check out and they are the ones who are personally contacted all of them a person this is kind of things you know what a ludicrous. ludicrous idea of a scandal this is the democratic party in wisconsin i don't know if you've gotten callers in on this topic the milwaukee sentinel journal reports. the day that the democratic group will call is making calls issuing the wrong date the point is that both sides make typos humanity is foul go this is not a scandal this is a mistake and i'm sure they would read it and we'd see but one thing americans are
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private prosperity we're just contacting you any random democrats but they were contacting democrats on their own lists and who are there by what they want to meet his needs their guys democratic party do the same thing on the flip side because of all the tension that this is received now people know when the real filing date is it which is a good thing it's not all right well actually that maybe i need it with you because there's a word citizenry and press quickfire the super congress gang of twelve has until november so to come up with a deal will they will it pass congress or will the trigger people ninety seconds. they will comp of the deal i don't know if it's going to be good or bad you know as daniel said before tax increases are definitely still a possibility we hope not you know gators trying to assure his constituents that's not going to happen but you know me they only control one half of one third government you know so there's only so much that republicans can do so i will have to see obviously they'll come up with something i'm actually inclined to think that they'll pass something just because the triggers are or are bad for for medicare
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which republicans care about are bad for france which republicans care about and democrats care about medicare too so i am inclined to think that they would. that they would pass something it's not no one's going to like this whole thing was is it's nothing like take some silly. and in a year's time will make make a prediction this bill we are in two years time this bill will be nobody will care about it at all because we have done so little and absolutely nothing for either side except democrats has gotten sensually agree with my guess is that the committee is going to do nothing that there will be no recommendation the trigger will be pulled and within a year or two congress will clean up the mess because so many of these things are backroad but. time will tell anyway thank you both for being with us it's not a sermon or. help or really appreciate thanks for. coming up what will this debt limit deal do to income inequality in america and which former president should president obama be chair.


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