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tv   [untitled]    August 4, 2011 2:00am-2:30am EDT

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in india oh she's available in the movie joyce he has shown. us the gateway photo the grand imperial trying to tell us to push coromandel to tell the socialist sedated to go and. run the some of the kennel was hotel to retreat. he's on our team the boring bandwagon brawl stories europe's third largest economy as italy's debt cost rockridge while spain also struggles to stay on track. you once most powerful body can do serious deepening violence meeting on russia's call to rule out a foreign intervention and urging internal dialogue it comes as protesters in syria claim they're being told massacred by government forces. the would be suicide bomber during this activist argue needs a palestinian woman whose failed mission against israel changed her perception on
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life johnston's. are casting live from moscow you're watching r t thanks for being with us our top story of the adept dilemma is now knocking at the door of some of europe's biggest economies with investors now turning on italy and spain as their default looms large italy avoided the worst of the borrowing bottle of production there remain sluggish and out competitive costing a bond address to search to euro high spain has suffered massively from a slump in its construction industry and is fighting hard it's a heal the wound but now is their face now faced runaway costs to their debt which they can ill afford and massive costs are being touted as one of the few solutions they have sarkies it in a delusion it is covered brussels is being blamed for letting the situation get out
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of control and has met with those a marching to take their anger out of the heart of the e.u. . step by step activists from the fifteen m. movement hope to make europe a better place the point of it is to inform people that might not be informed about about things that they can do in their local government and to find out what problems they're having in their local government in. their small towns and to help them come come up with solutions we have reunions every evening when we get to the village we meet with the locals and they tell us what's going on in their town. the organization was born from the protest marches in spain where more than twenty percent are jobless and youth unemployment is painfully over forty percent the highest in europe it's these numbers the drove thousands of madrid streets in may now the financial foot soldiers are beating
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a path to brussels and some other countries the problems are. even bigger. because. big. ones very. strangely as. we're all the whole change. all together change that change the facts are we we we march like a. symbol for everybody to join us rachel is one of many nonstandard europeans with whom the fifteen and message present leaders knowing that if there is one thing europeans do agree on it's who to blame the politicians promising rescue but the livery recession is a lot of corruption there's a lot of injustice people want to change that people also in other countries i'm happy with it. in general the way the world is run with a lot of money in the hands of a few in the banking system. and the corruption of.
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political system and their. people power works if it's loud and people are realizing that we do have power to change things in the certain way and basically we just have to get on the streets and make our voices heard so the idea is to go to where the. kind of world the central european parliament and all the things that the muscles. particularly want to keep basically protests that we're not having our human rights respected in the place where this is an aside it will take them two months to march the fifteen hundred plus kilometers to reach brussels where the last thing on their mind will be putting their feet up greece portugal spain people those in their jobs and their homes and while the politicians in this country is insist the situation could get better common people believe current economic policies of the euro zone lead down the road to nowhere in a golf cart see spain. economist roll who says the across works for
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italy and spain look rather gloomy because the euro zone a can't afford such large cash rescues. if you look at the size of the euro as our financial stability facility it's tops out four hundred forty billion the current debt market for its year alone is one point six trillion euros so even if they try to use this fund to pile up some italian bonds it's not clear how much difference they would really make given the size of the italian economy and size of the bond market wants upon market turns against the italian economy which it looks to be at the moment and the costs keep spiraling out of control it's only a matter of time until they become unsustainable really spain does have very large boring causes rather than large amount of refinancing coming up over the next year and probably cost increases slightly quicker than him it's me also as big internal problems in terms of the repast real estate market and very poor economic growth as
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well so there are more problems really in the spanish economy itself and then you could see it coming from the police state but it does look to have a bit more political stability at the moment although with the upcoming elections that adds another layer of uncertainty so would both countries the future isn't looking great at least in the in the near term. repentance for living the high life for too long is being taken to extremes in life as our two reports shortly. go on the streets of britain scout little us hard line muslims lay down the law by bringing their own and grab the behavior in return. and it's been a few days of intense talks but finally the un security council has issued its first condemnation of the escalating violence in syria but it's a statement rather than a full resolution which usually carries some sort of action the message the massive and to the crackdown on protesters rules out for the intervention calling instead of for internal political dialogue it comes as the syrian city of hama has
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reportedly been overrun by president assad's forces with over one hundred reported casualties local school age quote massacre is taking place are these what you have fortnight has been falling view of lives in new york. all members of the security council adopted the presidential statement which first and foremost calls for an immediate end to all violence and urges both sides of the violence and conflict to drain immediately the security council presidential statement also condemns widespread violations of human rights and the use of force against civilians by the syrian authorities it calls on the syrian authorities to fully respect human rights and to comply with international law the un security council force is issuing this presidential statement following more than four and a half months of violence in syria that is when anti-government protesters first
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took to the streets back in mid march to call for the resignation of the syrian president now as a result of this presidential statement russia's position has been and continues to be that there should not be any overextension pressure put on the syrian government such as sanctions. and the council also believed that it was better to put a statement out rather than a resolution russia has said and continues to believe that this issue should be resolved in the form of dialogue trying to get both parties to come together and speak rather than taking sides one way or another version russian ambassador to the united nations vitaly churkin said that the security council is still working under the shadow of advance surrounding libya as our viewers may remember after the security council adopted a resolution allowing for a no fly zone over libya the u.s. and the european countries started what is now
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a military intervention in libya russia china many other council members believe that the text of this resolution was taken advantage of manipulated misinterpreted they hope that this statement issued by the international community will help both sides come to the table and. try to use dialogue rather than weapons or violence to come to some type of compromise. oh he's been a closely following developments in syria from the start our reporters were there before the violence began had their first thought of house are on our web site so you can get the full picture of our t.v. dot com and also on the live today american police brigade massive child pornography ring that started in louisiana and spread across five o'clock today it's. also the safety of solar powered zebras make over a pro rough as pedestrian crossings to help make roads less risky at night.
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now there is a worrying rise in the number of suicide attacks carried out by women around the world and it's gaining momentum among palestinians bab's are revenge against israel but the lethal choice to die for a cause took a surprising twist for one palestinian woman who was captured before she detonated her device was artie's policy or has been hearing this thirty seven year old palestinian mother doesn't attract much attention when she walks down the street but she's walked a long and difficult path from would be suicide bomber to peace maker it wasn't so long ago that she felt could see was planning to strap explosives to her body and blow herself up in an israeli supermarket maverick in front of the bar i called fighter and told them i needed all the equipment but they just laughed and said
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you're joking i said if you don't give it to me and how much will they said think about it for a month and then they called me a month later and said ok everything is ready for you there. it was the second intifada palestinian uprising and already two of sheaffer teenage cousins had been killed by israeli soldiers while her brother was serving eighteen years in prison for his part in a suicide mission well i am a mother and i love my life but i wanted to do it because israel is destroyed or receivers i want to destroy their arrogance female suicide bombing is relatively new in the palestinian world. the twenty eight year old divorced paramedic from ramallah became the first woman to blow herself up in jerusalem in two thousand and two ten more women have since followed in a footsteps one of them when their committed suicide and. she saw her fiance being killed in front of their eyes so she was really pushed to
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their. point that she wanted to end her life experts agree that the reasons or drive a woman to become a suicide bomber are complex is anger and bitterness towards the israeli occupation forces is also the patriarchal nature of palestinian society according to and not to bercow has written several books on the subject here woman suspected of sleeping with a man before marriage can be thrown out or even killed by the families in your room or is it unfair to be true that in such a society there hero this is the way women and poor let them serve a problem with their dignity and honor and without really their families but the irony is that while these women are held by some as martyrs many religious leaders are reluctant to send their daughters to the front line as bombers and although islam condemn suicide explains shaikh mohammed it's acceptable when fighting colonise ation and occupation if there are sun he groups or governments.
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will come to our territories that we are where are we have to do to fight against these invasions sheaffer says her reasons were both political and personal she was fed up with the bombs falling around her and ashamed that after just two years of marriage her husband had run off with another woman life had some people come to match the plan was simple she thought was going to tend to be pregnant and hide this with me howls of explosives and give me a maternity dress she was going to come here to latanya an israeli town not far from a home and blow herself up among israelis suicide bombing due to the kind of attack it doesn't get between. there is no excuse absolutely no excuse at all but her plan was foiled by a palestinian informant who tipped off the israeli army chief or was sentenced and skinned six years behind bars now back in. she says she regrets it and devotes her
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time to telling her story to both israelis and palestinians in the hope that both sides can come to better understand the allies of yemen the years later my daughter asked me who i was going to live for will and i said with grandma i didn't understand at the time how much she and my parents would have suffered then i understand now i knew i had blown myself up wouldn't have changed anything the only way to peace is for israelis and palestinians to work together. a strong message from a rather surprising source policy r t two current. us check of more of today's main a world news the taliban says it killed a regional afghan intelligence chief in a bomb blast on thursday it's the latest in a string of assassinations targeting a top officials in the past month alone president karzai has brother and one of his top aides were killed by insurgents or the taliban is stepping up its assault as
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the u.s. led coalition that begins with drawing combat troops. egypt's former president has divided the charges against him on day one of his trial of allegedly ordering protesters to be killed a conviction could see hosni mubarak sentenced to death the eighty three year old is being tried alongside his two sons and top aides who are accused of corruption was forced out in faeries revolution which saw around eight hundred fifty protesters killed. because of also leaders are branded the nato mission proposal to end a border tensions with ethnic serbs as unacceptable additional troops were sent in after violence escalated when kossovo police moved to the checkpoints to enforce a trade which was a response to service restriction on costs of and goods the deal would see roadblocks removed with nato soldiers continuing to patrol the area. shari'a law is known for its hardline approach to
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a sin free society from of stand firm to amputation and now islamists are trying to reinforce their severe code of conduct in london authorities laura edwards and discovering. so we are going to tell you that islam. is unstoppable in europe stoning for adultery cutting off hands for stealing death of renouncing islam this group of men is trying to enforce shari'a law in the u.k. they've started a campaign to make certain areas of london and other cities islamic law controlled zones starting with wealth of east london muslims will be along the good of being evil because i knew some was going to try to to to the muslim of the muslim community also looking we believe that was instead of together trade according to the sharia was all the problems go to the shari'ah and even police themselves for logic start hopefully one day to have islamic emirates which would have apology locally security locally and you know quite often locally choudhry and his friends
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are fly posting parts of london with large muslim populations they want to ban drinking gambling and playing music and they say they've got bands of young men ready to patrol and in full shari'a law by any means now that in force we will not initially be in on the level of inviting and has been fairly it is one of the capabilities of the beast but in essentially so easy for people like pornography prostitution it should do so. by that we think of course i believe the pressures that are needed most should be run out of the area these muslims say british society is brew could quibble with drugs crime and prostitution because of that they firmly believe members of the communities they're targeting will welcome sharia law but the word on the streets about the campaign tells a different story comes down so if you don't like the laws of the place you live. and and all of these things are completely legal in this country this is not indira
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pakistan this is our own laws people have no rights can hear bring our laws in here we often have because i think the trouble but councillor martin isa. griese saying this could destroy community cohesion we've. taken down the post this assumes that because we do not want these posters around i do not represent the future and that they have no place for us citizen equality campaigners say the surest supporters shouldn't be considered a religious movement because of right political organization with a place to campaign designed to divide and conquer communities the danger lies in dividing people fighting communities creating mistrust are particularly among from non muslims towards moderate muslims i think this is part of their aim is to create mistrust so they can then turn to moderate muslims and say look everyone hates you we're your friend turn to us and it's a very very dangerous thing and it's
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a political tactic to increase their own power undeterred by opposition childfree and his group plan what they see is the beginning of an islamic emirate not just of the think a all over europe police have mobilized to take these posters down as fast as they appear but choudhry and his group say bay formed bands of vigilante and forces to make sure syria is. virtually all physically and in other parts of london women have already been harassed for not covering their heads if these muslims ever get their way i won't be able to dress like this on the streets of them stay or many other parts of london brussels rome and paris and it's r.t. well from stone loving. let's spend a few minutes in the great outdoors now as our to take you to one of russia's far one corners.
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and this timer and beyond were region and the far east it's an all inspiring wilderness with song long held traditions and cultures which the locals hold dear they're also deeply protective of their region's rich geology but those resources are also attracting the bar for just realization as alice cooper it's been finding out. this week the russian close up team welcomes you to the far east and a more region located some eight thousand kilometers east of moscow a little under nine hundred thousand people are spread across this vast peaceful region the majority of whom are ethnic russians but living alongside them is the ancient i think people traditionally hunter gather is used to living off the lands their way of life has changed dramatically for many over the years here in the a more region as a russian place. just.
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it's a way of life that stretches back generations here in russia's own restraint i think people have survived by living off the land but their numbers and culture all fading. well out here in the debt of the amours tiger if you look hard enough you can still find out in the traditional hunter gatherer a bank lifestyle we were fortunate enough. to the right family that have been living out here for about a month now into day by loading up their reindeer to do for themselves on thing another part of the fall. they're all fewer and fewer places for them to go and the elders say they know we should mention he would put it away and would be a dying art and it's all because of the gold miners. are destroying the tiger which now can't even provide us. enough food they've destroyed our home taken everything from us and offered nothing in return. whether a blessing or
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a con some more is a region abundant in natural resources and with goals currently trading at an all time high the pressure to produce is greater than ever and few paces more so than here. russia's third largest gold miner founded in one thousand nine hundred four the joint russian british venture says it will increase production this year by thirty three percent to some seventeen tons so here we can see the very beginnings of the gold extraction process several small holes are drilled which are then filled with explosives and then blasted and approximately thirty to forty thousand tons of rock will be broken up with each plant. it's a process that generates huge amounts of point sed where mining at this operation. all with the grade of three grams for each ton of dawn of.
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a ton of or is a million grams so out of that one million grams three of the particles of gold and we have to recover those three it's the proverbial needle in a haystack an equation that just does not have to those who see the tiger as their home others are more pragmatic and inevitable consequence of living in a lucrative lamb state. in this area working more than one hundred years. old really the need a lot of very much in this case this new technology it's new technology how talked a new goal and how to store waste materials we talk with and as i asked for was even in this area and not all happy but i will say that most people said ok yes it's. gold mining will bring us more than we have before.
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meaning more jungle sound cultural species how schooling programs are you funded by the mine plus it's the price of perspire a seat that could stand on change environmental damage around the centuries of having tradition driven to extinction well joining me now is someone who knows all about it and that said take this he was born and raised in a nearby village that's right if you were born in the village and only left in in two thousand and three to come and study here and the children who are currently at school in the village once they finish school at the age of sixteen do you think that they will choose to stay in the village or go to another city to find a job do you think that they will want to return to the forest to live the traditional way of life the majority of children would like to return to take the fall or their parents away or fly because the.
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year the orphan the parents and. all all children old even to children. and the no money i think. years saw many of them. well see all this years of life. the cell phone all the. hearing and. many sharing your thoughts about life growing up in a village with people very interesting many thanks that's all that we have time for for this edition or russia close up or to join us for more from the region for a short. well in a few minutes a former russian central bank chief tells us why america's debt is more of the
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bargaining chip that desperation before that at this hour is business news with kareena. welcome to our business update this hour russia is extending its most ambitious privatization program since the ninety's the government to fully sell fourteen major state companies by two thousand and seventeen but it will keep a golden share in six firms on the list including russia's all major rossley after the country's diamond monopoly. this would give the state ability to outvote all of the shares it needed quoting to preliminary estimates the new privatization plan could earn russia around thirty six billion dollars by two thousand and thirteen. coal continues its march into record territory as worries mount about the health of the global economy some analysts expect the prices to reach seven hundred dollars per ounce when angus kandel from london capital group says there are a number of other precious metals that investors should keep an eye on. gold
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doesn't actually see any purpose of them glittering looking very nice and making jewelry and being a store of value because it doesn't have an industrial purpose unlike other precious metals such as silver so in that respect their own really any alternatives which is why you see go. there appreciate it great deal more environment than the other precious metals but from an asset class point of view the other precious metals in particular the industrial say silver and platinum parade these are the perfectly viable stores of around the because not only is that right the moment for them from an industrial point if you put it will say from the front that they can act as something super for the summits is to go. for the look of the markets oil is trading near five week low concerns of
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a slowdown in america are countered by speculation that the federal reserve may start another stimulus program. in asia tokyo listed stocks are leading the gains exporters are getting a lift that's after japan intervened into the foreign exchange markets setting the yen sharply lower against all major currencies here is adding almost one and a half percent welding tendo is up almost five percent hang seng is losing over eight percent this hour. here in moscow the r.t.s. started the trading day on a positive note as it will open in a few minutes on wednesday stocks plunged the most in more than three months she has been dampening demand for oil and metals which other drivers and russian markets. will be looking at the markets in the next program meanwhile you can always buy most always on our website.
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wealthy british style. is not the time. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars reports on r.g.p. .


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