tv [untitled] August 4, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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remember the atlanta school teachers and administrators busted in a massive cheating ring you won't believe who's coming to their defense now it's the parents. me tonight's weigh in on a lady in maryland weighing in on this. and rumsfeld being sued for an unlawful arrest in iraq and begs importing coke from mexico and not because it's got real certain sort of course that we're talking with the nose candy several puns that will cover the conservative civil war or as we call it the war of neo con aggression a defeat for monsanto the fund and so on why drug patents expire is very good news and mike adams that is the latest from the l.a.p.d. and l.a.
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county department of agriculture radon or going to preserve our friends at rossum because when the government isn't there to protect you from yourself there's always out on versus the man. you reported on the atlanta public school scene scandal a few weeks ago for those of you unfamiliar with the situation in investigation and one hundred seventy eight educators including thirty eight principals and a mass scenery smudging scores to make their local school system look better to get more federal funds as for no child left behind well here's the interesting twist some parents are now coming out to defend the school's name in the investigation we've been extremely pleased with the instruction by children ever seem they are an example of what is right with atlanta public schools. now i don't know the details
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of this particular parents experience and i certainly don't endorse the central planning element of government administered testing but it's hard to believe that the children in question as a whole are getting a quality education and so many teachers are having to lie about their performance but if it's what's going on in atlanta's public schools is what's right with our public schools. i don't want to know is considered wrong. i believe the good educator should first and foremost assumes be mentors and friends rather than metric obsessed tyrants who rule by fear as is so often the case or predators but in missouri it is now illegal for students and teachers to be facebook friends wait . c'mon they didn't have faced he we are sort of a nice friendly early teacher. that works in yet another case of government overreach seriously. all right that
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that's more like it the measure was signed into law with the intention of preventing inappropriate relationships between teachers and students if the teacher and an underage student are going to form an inappropriate relationship they'll find ways to do without the help of facebook but since it's official policy for schools to spy on students with facebook you think they want to encourage positive teacher student relationships in a way that would also make it easier to catch predators well the law at least concedes though that teacher fan pages are still a case for teachers and communication and most outrageous bit of this friend's friending will also be forbidden between former students and teachers i want to start right here and say one thing to put this into a real civil context government is now telling people who you can and cannot friend on facebook. and were were there was she when i was fifteen i might have paid a little more attention and school. last
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week we reported on the horrific case of kelly thomas a thirty seven year old homeless schizophrenia man who one month ago was beaten to death by the fullerton police multiple witnesses some who even have video insist that mr thomas was beaten into the ground and electrocuted repeatedly by six police officers well after losing consciousness though federal and internal investigations are underway the police cruiser footage has not yet been released but new evidence against the police officers is that the net security video taken in a nearby bus has multiple witnesses just vacating the scene recounting the first extorts of the driver they were previously reported accounts near the story they tell a bus driver in the video quote i'm telling you a homeless guy was just chillin and then the cops came to cop cars came two cops they tried getting him but he just ran off from them ran away from them and then they caught impound his face pound his face against the curb was red and they beat
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him up another development an anonymous caller into authorities and radio show made several assertions first that there exists a surveillance video showing a one eyed officer j. such an alley doing most of the beating the caller jesus anally of repeatedly beating thomas with the butt of his taser gun as well as dropping his knee repeatedly on his nose and throat the victim's father retired sheriff's deputy himself is demanding surveillance videos of the incident he made public while members of the fullerton city council are not talent calling for the police chief michael sellers to step down the father's r.t. turned down and nine hundred thousand dollars settlement offer we'll keep you updated on the story as it unfolds and hope for justice for a fellow thomas. as obama travels on the constitution many are wondering just who will stand up to him many conservatives libertarians and appends turn to the republican party some with and bruised optimism others with hesitant cynicism the coalition often formed on the under the g.o.p. banners a lot of loose affiliations and uneasy alliances but more and more those alliances
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seemed to seem all too tense for main alliances of all the conservative political action conference here in washington d.c. is considered the annual gathering of the right wing activists arranged by the nonpartisan american conservative union its straw poll is widely hailed by many to be a strong figure on the pulse of conservative politics and the best predictor of the g.o.p. presidential nominee that is until ron paul won the pole this year as a little fall of two of the tractors dismissed as a fluke victory last year a few months ago we introduced you to this guy christopher the newly appointed director of two thousand and twelve a self-proclaimed conservative despite that sunny picture with mr big government shortly after the first republican presidential debate analogies he blasted congressman paul and supporters in the washington examiner asserting that our policy positions because unfit to claim membership to the g.o.p. or any conservative legacy at all despite the fact that as we've pointed out ron
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paul's positions make them conservative by any definition of the word that doesn't include kissing ass or some form of big government that guys like analogies the shill for well it seems christopher will fit right into the e.c.u. to continue this late total lack of common sense when it comes to building an effective conserve coalition not only does analogy see as a representative of the a.c.u. side a significant portion of the so-called conserve coalition the base by attacking libertarians but his employer as now barred gay conservative group go proud from c. back two thousand and twelve perhaps more surprising the rabidly anti-communist john birch society has also been barred from appearing at the conference in any official capacity of course copra. presence of previously packed conferences also raised concerns with large right wing organizations such as the heritage foundation media research center and the family research council but this doesn't bode well for avoiding a movement rift maybe they're thinking oh go proud to bring all of blood back into the scene packed sense you know like the religious right the policy wonks over at
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heritage but consider this as c pac representatives ailing more and more self-proclaimed conservatives are they exacerbating a growing rift among the right the winds are blowing towards the tea party towards libertarianism towards the live and let live volunteers ferocity and towards tolerance for homosexuals and yet the a.c.l.u. and its new c pac director are moving away the g.o.p. establishment is infuriated the tea party with the recent that compromise and even more so with the foundation of the so-called super congress even in the midst of political chaos establish conservative organizations are failing to unite coalitions under banners of even pragmatism one has to wonder what the future holds for the conserve movement as a whole and for the g.o.p. if these rifts continue to grow if obama must be challenged by a principled leader someone capable not just of smooth rhetoric but execution of consistent principles. or conservatives independents and libertarians we are
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loons one thing is obvious is libertarians going to louder voice in the fight against obama a banner of intolerance religious fanaticism or imperialism will never again be capable of defeating the progressive machine some for the rest of the conservative movement to leave the culture war culture rather than inject it into policy and come together to save our country from our very big government. all right here adam vs the man as you probably have figured out by now we steal all of our good ideas from the alone a show and now that luke and jay are both back in town we can do our happy hour style segment and a rip off alone is to little bit at the same time joining me now to weigh in on the latest news stories that lend themselves to a discussion style form of presentation are the two biggest schoolbags that i know first is loop through all of the new world order and also you just back from a month and a half long tour of europe and our own military analyst power to look for an air jake negative neo-con nancy deliberate oh gentleman adam these tools at least
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change or t. shirt we'd like it is reasonable person had we don't bad because we change our clothes. right away i had really the right is. that the best you got them out of the get are i want to play guys a clip this is been making the rounds on the internet we have the mayor of a little whining town vilnius mer our tourists zocor us with a slightly new approach to parking enforcement let's roll that. because. this is what will happen if you park your car illegally over the top if there was my mayor i'm taking a big giant dump on his lawn what a jerk i'm surprise i thought you like big government jay because oh my god you're going to go if you have to remember he hates calling the rules when it comes to parking for himself especially here in d.c. so you know he's going to take a side against the mayor here right now but this mayor is this bag is the ultimate
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douche bag i really want to take a big steaming pile of dog poop and shove it in his face what got me i really like that takes right this is pretty much as a very slick p.r. campaign i mean the mayor just a couple months ago was facing charges for election fraud and corruption so now this is like a big sleep thing and this is what politics is obviously staged exact i mean the street is perfectly clear you know the cameras are out there they even have him after crossing the car walk up to the own are coming out of a store and he said it's and it's like really in person americans like the newport thing is this isn't new like this like a leaders with military vehicles but you we saw dukakis writing with the tank the season all of a bunch of meat we saw in the eye but here you have the you know the tough on crime right john kerry with his like i'm reporting for duty and bush landing out of the you know this place like a little before when there's something more offensive about this in particular is that it's simple it has nothing to do with resolving the issue except destroying
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property in the interest of scaring people something that's not really going to happen anyways and when so many people are suffering financially around the world there is going to start destroying people's cars it's not your be as yours if this is not tickets telling boots. not really as bad as proper to source a number of those raised to come to that level and it was we want to touch on the story we have. former defense donald rumsfeld finally being held to account i love this accountability for government he is. an appeals court has dodged that he can be sued for an illegal detention of an american who is working in iraq was detained for nine months as a contractor friends wherever you are at idealistic liberal this is there was no mistake this maybe i'll go this case is going to go away it's not going to go anywhere and basically because the courts hear cases in three tiers the bottom tier is a case like this i guess hired a case against a high privilege leader the second tier is basically financial cases where the
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state can make money and the top tier would be cases of your first ten amendments guns speech that sort of thing but this is not going or it's dead about a rival loose it's a it's a symbolic matter but also interview rumsfeld about right exactly i mean that's a whole nother subject that i might go after him about and there's so many but the thing is about this case you know you're right i can't believe i agree with you it's not even go anywhere it's a symbolic gesture but they should also tell the car so it should of course all day all the better you know i guess that's what's a fair assessment for someone like rumsfeld so far removed from the men that execute this policy when it's and when it when it comes to a form of personal damage is a little just how far as i'm concerned the entire bush administration from douglas feith to dick cheney to rumsfeld to bush himself ought to be put on trial in my opinion they would be found guilty and they ought to be put to death for the trees and they committed against this country there are some the most evil people that ever step in the oval office if we can only hold a trial would contain all of that one one last story real quick here we have the
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son a law cartel in defense and u.s. federal court alleging that federal agents let them import coke into the united states and exchange for intel on other guy. luke is not going to learn about this for years it's going to have the same i mean i've been talking about this for years and all the conspiracy theories by jake i mean this is nothing new iran contra was happening now in afghanistan with the opium fields in one nine hundred sixty s. he came out the cia was drug running and this is not alleged that article didn't go as far as it should because this guy vincent's of out of the main guy actually says he ran cocaine for the little gardens so you. will see this is still tentative and will be coming back to the story so that's all the little bag of commentary we have time for but thanks for being with us tonight when we come back we'll have the latest on the recent rawson foods raid from mike adams which brings up the obvious question well ron paul have to say. this is pasteurization without representation
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we also have a vigorous organic farmers against monsanto and stuff you can sell on why expiring drug pants might be the best thing for drug consumers that's you america saying soon you're watching an adult versus the man. archie is the state running english speaking russian channel it's kind of like. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to u.s. . citizens in the.
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welcome back to adam versus the am rawson foods get it raw aisle some of our friends there and it was as a private club for organic foods out of california and they were rated again yesterday for the second time in a little over a year by the los angeles police department and l.a. county department. their crime selling raw milk products join us now is night
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adams the health ranger who broke the story on his web site natural news dot com mike what's the latest on this assault on really that the health of all of us. good to be joining you adam thanks for having me on we have breaking news for you just a few minutes out of the courtroom james stewart has had his bail reduced from one hundred twenty three thousand down to thirty thousand dollars mostly due to public pressure because there were protests this morning at a county courthouse also big tory a block was released with no bail requirement she was also charged with conspiracy as well as james and another woman victoria. sharon excuse me those three were charged with conspiracy to commit a felony crime and remember the crime the so-called crime here is selling unpasteurized milk so it is now apparently illegal in california to sell raw milk
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and raw cheese through a buyers club and be in first agents when in and destroyed the entire inventory they poured milk down the drain and they confiscated watermelons and mangoes and raw honey and took it away on a truck leaving the members there with no food in some cases no food for their children who were being fed things like raw goats a bill so mike what is it that makes raw rosten unique why is the heat coming on them right now well rossum is a private buy in club not a public grocery store or so members have private contracts to be able to own portions of cows and goats and then collect the raw milk that they produce this bypasses the normal regulatory control that the f.d.a. loves to exercise over stores and even local agencies love exercise so this is really a battle about who has regulatory control and whether or not free americans have the right to engage it to enter in private contracts for the food they wish to
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consume so how can people get involved to help out with a vacancy seppala class or is having some effect and i know you're following this and keeping up with a national news dot com our viewers do to help out is there a place to get more information or come to the defense of the victims here. well this story has been breaking big in the alternative media so i would encourage people to continue to tune into our t.v. i'm in the in for war studio right now and alex jones continues to cover this topic natural news as well but i would encourage people to be part of the public protests to just stay informed through alternative media because the old media is not covering this issue as they should you're only going to get the full story in the alternative press ok and also if rossum was supposed to be a legal set up because they were a buying club and not actually selling unpasteurized milk really openly to the public how how are the how is the government getting confused on this and what's their angle what's their excuse you know that that justify this raid now. well the
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government really is distorting the situation and i would say they're lying about it they are claiming that this is a store that was selling raw milk to the public but that's not true there's other evidence that they're violating their own rules for example the search warrant claimed or gave them permission to take various samples of the food but instead they pillaged the entire store out and they took everything they didn't just take samples so we're seeing this tyranny break out of these government agents that are supposed to be protecting public health but it looks like they just have tacking a small business owner and destroying a source of food for children and adults who are into role foods ok and i have to second life there is this more a case of a handful of local micro tyrants out of control or is there something broader behind this much broader there is indication now that the f.d.a. is going to have a special prosecutor prosecuting this case under environmental law this is both a federal and
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a california state malty agency prosecution there were at least five different agencies present at the raid both state and federal i'll send all my thank you so much for joining us for keeping up with a story that was mike adams the health ranger and we'll be coming back to this with national news dot com helping out along the way. all too many times we've heard the tales of monsanto harass and intimidate in an extortion small family farms all around the american heartland where traces of genetically modified chemical covered franken crops have genetically contaminated organic or just plain non g.m.o. produce however monsanto's g.m.o. crop peddlers are starting to get a taste of their own medicine the minnesota court of appeals has ruled that organic farms can seek damages against nearby chemical covered farms if the contaminants are found on the property of the organic farms in the case of all of endeavor johnson's fifteen hundred acre organic farm and stearns county minnesota their organic crops were damaged by contamination from chemical pesticides
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a local pesticide cooperative the painesville farmers union was cited at least four times for damaging the johnson's harvest by irresponsibly spraying houses sites that landed on the johnson's property four times before they finally got fed up and took them to court the appeals court just ruled that particulate matter polluting pesticides herbicides and g.m. that's genetically modified particulate that contaminate nearby fields is considered illegal trespass finally a chance of some justice on the basis of property rights if only they apply that to the gene contamination issue and we have a tort system that was worth a damn we might get some real justice from own censor what's to stop the precedent of this case can be expanded in that somewhere there's a monsanto lawyer crying into a bowl of genetically modified popcorn and drowning his sorrows with corn syrup laden soda. is there any chance that big pharma can find
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a way to bend the laws back in their favor and take these generics off the market can they get these patents renewed are we likely to see drug costs going up significantly in the short term for these brands before the pants expire well in the next fourteen months there are going to be a whole wave of drug patents expiring joining me now is copyright expert from the mrs institute seven can sell a sudden thanks so much for being with us tonight glad to be here adam so what was the advantage for consumers if we see intellectual property going away isn't intellectual property supposed to protect developers and so that consumers are getting better service well that's the that's the line that's given out by the companies that actually seek this protection from monopoly this monopoly protection from competition that patents give them but as you can see from recent reports when these patents expire the consumers are going to be a lot better off the prices are going to plummet ok so if prices are going to plummet how does this how is intellectual probably right now keeping prices up
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so basically you have a drug company pharmaceutical company they file for a patent for some firms some chemical they come up with and they get the patent and they can basically outlaw anyone from competing with them for up to twenty years of the patent term so they're able to charge monopoly prices ok so for our viewers who aren't familiar with how intellectual property is applied specifically to pharmaceuticals take a step back how is it that you have a patent that exists for an ardent for a period of time and then. and then it's free game how did that come about so what happened was historically you know the government used to grant monopolies like the monarch would grant monopoly privileges hold letters patent to favorite businesses and industries and cronies to buy their loyalty and it would give him the sole right to make something in an area you know this the horseshoe guy the bread or whatever of course this is mercantilism and any competitive and when the in united
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states when we when we ratified the constitution they decided to put a patent and copyright clause in there to let the government give temporary monopolies to inventors in artists for for a period of time to try to incentivize them to come up with inventions and artistic works ok so if you don't have the f.d.a. looking out for us how is how does that actually how does the market work in the absence of that intellectual property or other that safety mechanism that is created by the intellectual property set up that we have for pharmaceuticals how does the market then differentiate between effective and ineffective what we would call generic versions of the drug how that competition work after these patents expire in the next fourteen months well of course it would work like like like any other product works in the market that's not subject to significant government
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regulation and oversight you would have private rating agencies consumers would have an interest to look out for. you know stance the seals were provable from different rating boards things like this companies would have an interest in proving the safety of their products of course they would but what they wouldn't be able to do is go to the government and ask the government to give them protection from competition for fifteen or twenty years and most entrepreneurs and businesses have to take the risk that they're going to have competition successful if you come up with a new idea a new plan you hope to make money and you introduce your product or your service into the market and if your success. well you're going to draw come competitors and so you have to keep innovating in improving your service to stay ahead of the competition people that benefit from patents can just go to the government and ask the government to give them a right to sue their competitors to stop them from competing so lower prices better competition in all things that we have to look forward to when these patents expire
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we get slightly more freedom in the market as as an intellectual property rights or anti intellectual property rights activists is someone who believes in freedom of information are you hoping that the american people will see this and we have the top two drugs in america and seven of the top twenty all going off patent is are you are you hoping that the american people are going to look at this and take away some kind of lesson and go walk up and allege or property that for competition bad for consumers i'm hoping so there's a lot of a lot of movement in the anti copyright anti patent direction with the all the stories we hear of abuses in the escalation of laws i think it's becoming clearer and clearer to people that these laws are only harmful and they're basically a scam the problem is it's approached in an unprincipled way people say well it needs to be it needs to be fixed we need to temper the abuses of the system you
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know unlike the drug war where you can finally show people that it's just a completely unjust government program pattni copyright which are monopoly privileges granted by the government to protect people from competition or called property and so people are used to being a paper property and so they have a reluctance to come out against what they believe is a property right in principle but i believe that the mounting evidence. that we see . could hopefully persuade more and more people there is a growing academic an intellectual consensus among the left among libertarians among some servant of about the danger of letting government which is a monopoly itself issue based monopoly and a monopoly that itself is consensus to have very little respect for property rights suffering and so of a little bit on this is uncertain this is our thank you so much for joining us and i thank you allan. remember how excited you were. it was november two thousand and eight and hopes were high change was in the air but since then they've turned
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out to be a bit of a disappointment maybe it's that he hasn't closed one column obey media studies escalated a bunch of wars they did because he defended going to ask don't tell maybe because he's great health care reform exemptions to over thirty corporations maybe it's the two hundred fifty million dollars for blackwater maybe it's the crackdown on whistleblowers navys the bailouts to wall street in the base tears or maybe it's a twenty two and a half percent real unemployment perhaps after all that you can use them obama this is a point months to cheer you up but apparently that was not the case for one very disappointed state representative from tennessee but democrat joe armstrong a little sure wasn't what he was looking for no he wanted didn't feel the mint's were to university of tennessee bookstore after byatt's in for to ninety nine he calmly persuaded the store manager to pull the products and actually armstrong allegedly got a phone call from a student who was offended by.
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