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tv   [untitled]    August 4, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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turkey eaters five months after the first reported cases of flu borne illness agriculture giant carville is recalling thirty six million pounds of ground turkey so why do republicans think less food safety is a good idea. to go through. and get. into a little more military mechanisms and do the work to bring justice or chemical weapons . i have every right to know what my government's true if you want to know why i pay taxes. well i would characterize obama as the charismatic version of american exceptionalism.
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well go back to the big picture i'm charging coming up in this half hour five months after the first reporter illness ground turkey meat contaminated with salmonella is just now being recalled i'll tell you why trans national agribusiness can't be trusted to police themselves what needs to be done to improve our federal food safety system plus play the hostage takers giving republicans everything they want recently in my daily take i'll explain how the president's capitulation lead to even more republican hostage scenarios in the near future then a new segment on our show called the science that i have a link between water evolution and the first great human migration.
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in the best of the rest of the news jodie the turkey giant trans national agribusiness corporation cargill announced yesterday that it's recalling thirty six million pounds of contaminated ground turkey that has killed at least one person and sickened seventy six others across twenty six states are delicious now announcing the recall even though the outbreak started back in march coincidentally . back in june house republicans passed legislation that got at the federal food safety budget slashing eighty seven million from the f.d.a. and another thirty five million from the u.s.g.s. food safety inspection program as republican congressman jack kingston said in defending the bill the food supply in america is very safe because the private sector polices itself right to tell that of the family the person who died or scores second from carville's contaminated turkey until it's the other fifty
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million americans get sick from food borne illness every year the other three thousand americans who die every year because of contaminated food so this is a wake up problem isn't the idea of food producers policing themselves just as absurd as the idea of wall street or big oil policing themselves or those two cents in the debate as seen motley president of the us government see i just see you although with the change. you'll need but change change from my two cents from your just a space. of a go put. it why do you hate poor people have access to food when you first saw your numbers are fraudulent because the people who get sick and die from the numbers you gave are very few of them actually come from store bought food through a grocery store bought for they come from restaurants they come from personally mishandled food that's the best majority that number the personally mishandle food actually is people bring home things from this from the supermarket leave that have all that and they leave it out of a leave it out of the fridge they get free lance on a bait. and clean their knives that's like that's of the percentage from the
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supermarket you know it doesn't come from should come from the supermarket clean and they leave it on the counter through long lead over a series just come from nowhere when you leave chicken out on the counter you're going to get salmonella regardless if it had salmonella to go through psychedelic is not you just what is it doesn't just exist in everybody's kitchen counter if you leave chicken out ok if you want to go home tonight buy some chicken leave it out overnight in this heat and then eat it tomorrow and tell me if you can see now the simple fact is if you were to take a chicken that was not infected with sound and take it home slaughter it separate pieces on your kitchen counter assuming there's no salmonella there's no santa but you are you arguing family would hope spontaneous generation zero is that if you if you take a box and you put straw in it and you sudden decide five days in the dark nice will appear i mean that was seventeen thirty one where where where do you think it comes from salmonella is a bacteria comes from from my osis it comes from a bird might not my toes meiosis comes from cellular division yet it requires
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another salmon l.-a to become more seminal and it where do you think it is racially comes from you sound just like darwin with the origin of species we can't explain the origin of species from it back to check yes and how does it get infected by by by being out too long which means i left out i'll be out until i get home you don't know what is lot of factory farm you don't know what you're talking about shooting them all up with bacteria and now we actually do ok let's hope whatever but how do all those thirty zero s. talk about the extra analogies in the internal is what's well and internalizing perhaps what's going on here as these corporations are saying we're going to totally accept that is it instead going to be at all you know the extra analyze our . economic cost united states seat and wait the full economic cost of the united states one hundred fifty two billion dollars a year this is people getting sick people losing work people showing up in the hospitals two million of them a solution if you've got to release a report each year you always know what's not guys are doing is they're saying we're not going to pay the health costs of this we're not going to pay any of the costs of this we're going to let. you gotta pay first all of these the time you're
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going to are going to pay for analogies pay for the cycle of all they are not going to seriously empower ok we want this speaks to this close and utter failure of the f.d.a. thirty so you want stronger regulation no i would be a case thinks this is not directly by the way this is the us department of five it is one about a culture had access to thirty six million pounds of bad sarky and they didn't catch and they have five thousand six hundred specters they didn't catch it three says me six hundred forty six million power a mistake the entire year they missed they missed three six million projects on the no agriculture inspector had access to any hope of thirty six million pounds of turkey so you're arguing that we should be more aggressive i know i'm arguing that we need government out of it because they stink of doing everything and they just prove a mess with this thirty six million pounds of turkey that with the inspections they can't inspect the turkey problem please identify for me since you know all the countries of europe because of the u.s.d.a. canada does we do waste the money because please identify for me the libertarian paradise that you'd like to go live in where they have no food inspection and we
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can all go we can go became care together and know that all the food that we're not going to get diarrhea while clearly we have this huge f.d.a. and of the part about who you guys are all these numbers really in paradise that confirms that somalia is a libertarian paradise there's. look the government of the democratic republic of congo would you let me talk please of burma would you like me to be a guest or use one to spontaneously combust all but i do so i just want to know the libertarian paradise you want to tell you america we spent we waste all this money on the f.d.a. and department you let me talk please they waste all this money on the department i don't even asking for two countries would you show up. we waste all this money on the f.d.a. they don't catch the they don't catch the disease and then the cargo cult is going to pay for it or we can not afford warrants but wait wait yes we can not want to cut you let me talk please would you not like to have me as a gas can go on and you can talk to yourself free. readers waste the money on the f.d.a. and people get sick and them and the companies pay for the disease which cargo is going to do what we can not waste the money on the f.d.a.
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and when people get sick pay for the people and we can cut out the wasteful government all the f.d.a. and all the song about are so in summary his words it sounds to me like what you're saying is that your solution is that people get sick and then it was made for yes ok with it which is going to happen with or without the f.b.i. my preference would be preventing people from it which is obviously not working with the end of the political actually it's being outlawed like every got to have f.d.a. and i've gotten quite sick and several of them i would like a lot more than that i clean water good to see a state of civil so you know when you hear that one country that was not just a bunch of big government all over the world right ok seemed banking what republicans don't understand is unlike millionaires and billionaires who fund the tea party and push for libertarian legislation that does away with food safety the rest of us can't afford food tasters to make sure what we're about to use actually see in fact let me continue on this be the this is a nap that from the u.s. department of agriculture that shows something called food deserts this goes beyond
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food safety there's a much larger issue of food here the food deserts are. let's just focus over here food deserts are places where basically you can't get. real food you can only get processed food you can basically just get junk food if you want to why we have an obesity problem in the united states and. a study was done at the university of washington that found that just introducing enough potassium into the diet through your reading potassium rich foods things like salmon just introduce enough to protest as three hundred fifty dollars your food expenses so you have poor people who just can't afford to do it it's more expensive it turns out to eat good food and eat junk and processed food thus we have these food deserts that i was pointing out zoom in that you can find these are the u.s.d.a. website you can zoom in and see that even a here in washington d.c. there are several food deserts access to good and safe food right to health care frankly money should not be something that is that is optional and should be
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a basic human right it's something that we should all be participating in we should all be paying for it we should all be making it happen we don't want america to become like somalia. but frankly to do that would require a we mentality for america rather than the me kind of rich and rich society that the libertarians are always everywhere but i think that increasingly americans are getting as they say as they see that we society chipped away by libertarians who say not just me me me me and that it's really not a good way to govern. we have another new segment for you tonight regular listeners of my radio show are familiar with the geeky science segment i've been doing for eight years my chance to share what i think is a really interesting science story every week science news reporting this week that
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stone age this is the story by the way the stone age human ancestors living in south africa's pinnacle point may have learned to keep track of the tides. in order to harvest shellfish and their access to this food source which is brain food extraordinary may have played an important role in human evolution archaeologist from arizona state university and found artifacts in a cave in south africa but a test of complex thinking and behavior including lunar literacy in other words knowing about actually keeping records keeping track of the moon in the cycles of the moon and ritual activities these findings challenge the longstanding view that stone age people did not really think abstractly or perform complex rituals until about fifty thousand years ago so here's the deal you know one of the big questions is always been why are humans the only primates who have who are basically paralysed below their heads other than the areas where the water lines would be
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like you know if you were moving through the water why you know why would that be why it why is it that humans are the only mammal the only the only primate anyway it can give birth under water and the babies that we give birth to under water are they have a lot of that under their skin unusual for mammals and for primates but it would insulate them in cold water and the baby can actually breathe underwater and not not bring the baby can live under water without breathing as long as the umbilical cord still attached babies can swim at birth human babies can swim birth other primates can. and and and you know what stephen jay gould famous of scientists he's now deceased suggested that there was this thing called it was changed to the it to darwin's theory of evolution called punctuated equilibrium that what would happen was that every now and then you know evolution would move along slowly but every now and then there would be some kind of a horrible disaster that would happen and ninety nine percent of all the members of a species could be bacteria or it could be people who get wiped out and that one
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percent to survive were once or one percent who carried with them an adaptation a gene a mutation that allowed them uniquely to survive the aquatic ape hypothesis suggests this that basically there was some kind of awful thing that happened a hundred sixty five thousand years ago like a giant cannick volcanic event huge wildfire in had produced climate change huge wildfires swept across africa or possibly the it was surrounded by darkness and things didn't grow whatever it was the wild animals came to the sea coast looking for food the humans went into the water and literally we stood nurse in the sea shore up to our necks for a generation or two and the only humans who survive or those who were relatively arable so they were well adapted to the water and who could give birth in the water it's an interesting theory nobody really knows it's very controversial you can google be quite ape and find out more about it. next to will be the republicans
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next hostage inside the daily take i'll tell you why millions of americans should be afraid of the new era of the republican hostage taking government. that drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it through deeply and made who can you trust no one who is in view with a global missionary to see where we had a state controlled capitalism. cool. when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more.
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your take my take is your chance to send in your questions comments rants observations about anything we talk about here in the big picture or during my radio show and it's my chance to give you my take on it one more time but i'd say first comment came to us on the message boards of samarra dot com mike wrote i want to run this idea by you so that i can gauge whether it's a viable option to solve our country's problems one reinstate the military draft for eighteen to twenty six year olds of both sexes two thirty mile back to duty required less you get a medal for medical discharge letter from your doctor and three you could buy your
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son's or daughter's way out of serving for one hundred fifty thousand bucks much like what was done in the civil war two of idea of what having to serve in the war what you think. well mike a i don't know about the by even by your kids over one hundred fifty grand i mean it kind of worked i guess for george w. bush and i don't know if bringing back the draft would solve all of the country's problems but i think you're on to something it would definitely be a major step toward solving america's problem of never ending wars thomas jefferson once wrote to his friend james madison that we should minimize our permanent military establishment and instead of a national defense force rely on a national draft like switzerland does for example right now and herbert hoover correctly noted old men declare war but it's the youth who must fight and die and the children of our president vice president and members of congress are all obliged to serve and this is why they should be able to buy their way out of it the odds are infinitely higher that our leaders won't speak so easily so glibly about
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the acceptability of a few casualties in optional wars of choice in places like afghanistan and iraq. our next comment is from twitter next week wisconsin will hold recall elections for their state senate and we've been reporting here on the koch funded americans for prosperity voter suppression tactics they mailed absentee ballots to democrats in wisconsin with instructions to return them by august eleventh in the elections actually august ninth deborah on a tweeted us when this came out my interview with state representative jennifer shilling one of the six democrats running to unseat incumbent republicans in the recall elections next tuesday she asked the question is who will be held accountable anyone so far deb riata they're getting away with the agency that's supposed to prosecute election fraud is the justice department and this would be the job of the u.s. attorney for eastern wisconsin james sent tell you may recall that during the bush administration the bush jr administration seven u.s. attorneys were fired for refusing to prosecute phony charges of voter fraud but
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totally ignored cases like this of election fraud which were perpetrated largely by republicans and prevented hundreds of thousands of americans all across the nation from voting or something to the wrong precincts in the wrong dates or like in florida in two thousand seventy thousand african-americans off the voter rolls because they were guilty of the crime of voting while black it's time for the justice department start prosecuting conservatives who push voter suppression and our last comments are night is from the viewer rant nine jack called in with an observation not about what i've been saying on the show rather about how we do things here on the big picture nothing makes me both my couch quicker than when you have someone like for or feet motley or to and dan are on the air i was wondering just because they're so disrespectful just horrible to you as the host why do you think you did have those people on. frankly first of all i don't i don't
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view it as horrible or disrespectful i think that you know we have decent debates secondly my goal with the debates on the show is to model for progressives how to push back on conservative talking points without ending up in a fist fight and we all have people among our families or friends or coworkers who listener right wing talk radio or fox news and believe that crap so hopefully the arguments i use during the debates on this show will help you hold your own around the table at thanksgiving dinner around the water cooler at work sites by producers like to see me get worked up on the air base and by the first round we get off the air that's it for your take my take the night if you'd like your comments and questions heard on this segment the big picture listen up we want to know your take send us your comments by visiting the tom hartman facebook page at twitter at tom underscore her or in the chat room on the message boards or through the blog at thom hartmann dot com you can also leave a message on our rant line at two two five three six fifty three zero six agree disagree sound off it's all welcome but remember that your comments may be used on
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the air. in one thousand nine hundred six president bill clinton said this. the era of big government is over. he was right and today the era of hostage government begins since president obama gave into the demands of republican hostage takers during the debt limit debate republicans will use the same give us what we water will pull the trigger tactic over and over and over again and republicans didn't waste any time taking their next hostages seventy four thousand construction workers and f.a.a. employees who are out of a job because speaker of the house john boehner shut down congress and left town without funding the f.a.a. the federal aviation administration republican advance here
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a pretty clear the senate better pass an anti-union provision in the f.a.a. funding bill for the keep one hundred thousand f.a.a. construction workers from getting a paycheck. now today it looks like harry reid has negotiated with the hostage takers for a short term fix but these republican hostage takers have basically just dragged the hostage in from the front of the house into the back room for a month or so and this is just the beginning on the horizon are a number of other potential hostages scenarios for example circle september thirtieth on your calendar as a few weeks after congress returns from its occasion the federal gas tax expires is eighteen cent tax is critical to funding forty two billion dollars worth of highway construction projects all around the country that hundreds of thousands of construction workers depend upon to support their families he's already in government employees these are people who work for companies that do their work for government but the republican tax master grover norquist as already mounted his
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opposition to the extension of the gas tax telling politico this week americans for tax reform has always supported the idea of ending the federal tax on gas and having states pay for their own roads and since republicans go along with whatever norquist says then expect those hundreds of thousands of workers to be the next hostages for the republicans who will demand a tax free eliminated or demand something else in return for its extension oh and that does not mean to be a pain eighteen cents less for gas if the tax expires as we're learning with the airlines right now and the government isn't collecting taxes corporations don't pass the savings on to consumers like us they pocket the savings from our profits expect oil corporations to do the same thing in this hostage crisis if they get the death if they get the gas tax cut. then in the end of september there's another budget fight coming up the two thousand and eleven fiscal year ends in october and
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congress will need to figure out a way to keep the government funded beyond that month a looming government shutdown is the perfect scenario for republicans to take their next stage eight hundred thousand government workers who will be out of work if the government gets shutdown and considering that republicans nearly shut the government down back in april over just planned parenthood funding there's no telling what they're going to and will be this time around and then at the end of the year it says kids better better right or worse and worse the extension of emergency unemployment benefits expires this is another potential hostage crisis that president obama frankly could have averted last year but instead of demanding a two year extension of unemployment benefits for a two year extension the bush tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires president obama was really decided for a one year extension of unemployment benefits as clearing the way for a christmas time showdown in the republican party i think we can pretty safely
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predict it's going to again hold millions of desperate unemployed americans hostage over part two of this infamous debt ceiling crisis. manufactured crisis that this is what we're are facing in the coming months all because president obama refuses to fight the hostage takers and if he doesn't figure out a new strategy soon then our economy and his presidency are going to be in big trouble so i suggest you take a look at what harry truman bid did back in one nine hundred forty eight the year before nine hundred forty seven republicans swept into office section election forty six forty seven they came into office and seized control of both the senate and the house for the first time in years and the republican plan was all too familiar do nothing and seven sides president truman this was their strategy so president truman kicked their asses calling the eighth eighty of congress the do nothing congress instead of negotiating with
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a republican hostage takers in one hundred forty eight truman fought them take a look at his famous one nine hundred forty eight democratic convention speech. the benefits have been spread to all the people because it's the business of the democratic party just leave it the people get a fair stare they say this last word a.t.'s congress just the opposite for the republicans. i like to say a word or two no. but i think republican. ever since its inception that party has been under that kind of pro special privilege and they kind of create. it a congress. i still ask for adequate they. are displaced persons then and it committee and it can't make no witness. and truman was just getting warmed up. department know what they've done to the
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labor department since that torn it up is on a one zero left the sponsor thing and they've got the appropriations on that so it can hardly function. i recommended an increase in the minimum wage. what they get. nothing. i discussed a number of the failures of the republican congress and every one of them is important. by indirection this a.d.'s congress has tried to sabotage the power policy with the united states has pursued for fourteen years we can you say this country from a continuation no they have congress and from miss ruth from now on i must have your help you must get in and push and win this election the country can't afford another republican congress. are you taking notes mr president obama truman's decision to fight back in one hundred forty eight what you just saw led to
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huge democratic victories in the next election he so completely crushed them that republicans didn't control the house of representatives again for forty six years so no matter how bad things are right now they can be turned around just like they were turned around in one nine hundred forty eight but it's going to require a fight your dreams mr president of a post partisan presidency our debt a progressive change is still alive and we're waiting for you time to put on the gloves and not the republicans right out of congress in two thousand and twelve. as the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered visit our website. for speech that we're going to dot com also check out our two you tube channels there are rooms over thom hartmann dot com this entire show is also available as a free video podcast on i tunes and we have a free tom hartman i phone and i pad apple that the app store can send us feedback
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and twitter it's all mothers who are on facebook at tom underscore arbonne on our blogs message boards comment line at tom harbor. and don't forget democracy begins with you you get out there when you get active when you show up it all happens.
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