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tv   [untitled]    August 4, 2011 11:31pm-12:01am EDT

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and then how do average americans feel about washington and their inaction on the economy never get a more personal view of the man has been coming in to pick him up. he is.
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the e.u. commission chief writes to eurozone nation leaders saying the e.u. bailout fund may need to be increased yet again as fears mouth that europe's sovereign debt crisis could continue doing goal for italy and spain and also a little relief in sight for the u.s. where investors fearing another recession have led american the stocks leading to wall street's worst day in the three years since the global financial crisis started. anti-government protesters in syria rejecting president assad's decree legalising opposition parties as activists say more than one hundred have died since the weekend and the continuing assault by troops on the rest of city of reacting to the bloodshed the u.n. security council condemned the government's deadly crackdown on demonstrators and called for internal political die. log and the violence. and
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a french court has ordered an investigation into possible misuse of public funds by the new international monetary chief christine lagarde when she was perhaps as finance minister she just took over from dominique strauss kahn director dominique strauss kahn of the i.m.f. last month after he stepped down from the post when he was charged with sexual assault in new york. i'm now for part two of the a lot of shows stay with us. so .
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it was a tall order for. sure. streets to keep some secrets but it's time to reveal the shooting the soviet files on. that aggressive war that threw a tiny nation into the global spotlight. three years after georgia attacked scientists actually. could anything have stopped the bloodshed. and did russia have any choice but to step in. president medvedev gives r.t. the straight answers.
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are decipher show and tell it's a nice program while the default a crisis was averted or want to know if it really had to come to such a dramatic climax so we asked our viewers if they thought the congress fabricated that crisis was going to produce or patrice in a sense here to find out what you had to say. let's say you were in debt for fourteen thousand five hundred dollars and you tell the bank that you promised to reduce your debt by two hundred thousand dollars a year. over the next ten years oh and by the way you need to increase your line of credit as well that's kind of straight forward right well if you add a bunch of zeros that's about the same deal the federal government decided on after weeks of what they called an economic crisis so how many of our viewers felt that the whole crisis over the debt ceiling was just manufactured by washington or chris killed he said the whole thing was a sham gilgamesh told us as for this so-called crisis of course this is just politics just a bunch of nonsense to distract from the real crisis is thomas said they just
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wanted this crisis to take a cash advance on our bank of china credit card and then make it defendable the voters even the president called it a manufactured and avoidable crisis given what the last few weeks were like and the final agreement that came out of all this crisis talk it's probably time for all of us to hold onto our seats because a really hard decision about the debt is still to come. now in just a few minutes we'll be interviewing a man who calls himself an average american who posted a video on you tube to let congress and the president know how he feels about the economy and their inaction and the video has become a hit so should more americans start doing the same thing let us know if you think what is the best way for average americans to get their voice heard by washington and the media you can respond to us on facebook twitter and you tube knows the responses just might make it on air. well seems that the air force just cannot get a break when it comes to their fighter jets last week we told you about mechanical
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problems with the air force's most expensive and fearsome dogfighter twenty two after pilots are reporting dizziness a medical report found anti-freeze propane and burned synthetic oil in their bloodstreams you add to that rust navigational problems and the f. twenty two has been grounded until further notice well now the cousin of the f. twenty two the f. thirty five they've been grounded as well lockheed martin's other aviation brought . reported electrical and engine problems during ground testing that's quite a contrast to all those lavish praise all the boastful commentary that lockheed has been spewing all over town about the thirty five's and this isn't even the first time the engine problems have surfaced in the development phase far from it in fact for engine the functions of been recorded all the way back to may of two thousand and seven and even spending half the politicians have been skeptical of the mass production of those fighter jets and as of now twenty f. thirty five have reached flying status but until all of the glitches are worked out the air force says that the planes aren't moving it's not exactly the finest moment
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for the joint strike fighter program the f. thirty five has been designed to be second only to the f. twenty two as of now both of those jets are facing serious problems they're not even flying oh let's not forget these two jets are considered the future of our air force and of course the pentagon has already dropped hundreds of millions of dollars on the production for the f. to the twenty two's and the thirty five and yes the f. thirty five are quite the investment at ninety million dollars apiece and the d.o.d. wants to buy twenty four hundred more of them for a total price of three hundred eighty two billion dollars but then wait a minute when you add in maintenance figures the total estimated cost of the f. thirty five comes to one trillion dollars and yes with a t. trillion there you have it folks the most expensive military project in history and it doesn't even work it's just the latest disgusting example of wasteful defense spending. so we keep hearing from media personalities pundits experts law makers
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all about the political struggles that are going on in washington over debt deals and the like but what about average americans do they have any voice any say earlier this week we spoke to a ninety nine er a woman who's been out of work for three years and feels forgotten by her government and she's not the only one take a look at this video from a man who describes himself as an average guy and he's got a message for washington you keep this up and i will guarantee you this you can forget about the tea party you can figure out the republican party or the democratic party or george soros and neither is yahoos that are out there the american public are going to stand up and say we're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore and all of you guys are going to get your butts thrown out. so far that video has over a million hits on line so that could put this into perspective for it as to how many people might be feeling the same way and i will let this man tell us why i posted the video and see if he has even more to say to the president and to congress join me to discuss that is dr james garvin chief operating officer with
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the leading group james thanks so much for joining us tonight so you're mad as hell that's what you said in the video it labrat more for us exactly why that is. well i really think the issue is with the video was what was expressing what i was expressing was a conversation that there was some friends. and there's just a high degree of frustration i'm not sure that anybody in washington or in the white house and this is true for either side of the aisle whether it's republicans or democrats i don't think that they really get the level of frustration that's out there with the american people when when you have eighty two percent of the people think congress should take a pay cut until they get the economy worked out when you've got people who disapprove of the job that congress is doing to seventy eighty percent when the president basically only has a forty percent approval rating of forty two percent approval rating what you really beginning to see is an awful lot of kind of perverse frustrated that people
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in power in washington are essentially ignoring and one of the things that i said when somebody asked me something about the state of the day is is that what we keep hearing is that if you don't understand how washington works it's very complicated and you must appreciate this and know we don't know if washington has become debt complicated if it's become that difficult then the whole thing needs to be disassembled and put back together again because that's that's not how that system is supposed to work. we each just this level of frustration i think is just very high in what i expressed in that video seems to tap some kind of core nerve within people and you know it's going to million two hundred thousand kids which just staggers me but. there you go why i wonder about that so you know i think they made a good point there you brought up all these polls that have been taken that show the sentiment of americans right now so it's not like congress would know they just
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have to look at some polls and in my help them get an idea of course you can always take them you know without a bit of a grain of salt but so they are ignoring the issue it seems why did your kid. it has to go to you too if you think that that was a good way to get to washington and to have them hear your message. but i i wish i would have been that clairvoyant and that intelligent my my son knows a lot more about all of this than i do and i was telling him about the conversation he said did you should make a video posted on youtube well i did not do that he's the one that opened up my youtube account a couple years ago and he said oh you just take your mac and you do this and we load it up and it will be on there you know when it got thirty gets i thought boy isn't that great thirty people responded to what i saw what i said but. it really was frustration that was being vented but i didn't have any grand plan a rattling the cage either of congress or rattling the cage of the white house i
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was just letting this frustration out because i think there are a lot of people who who feel like that the more that i've seen the responses that have come in i do think that there is an underlying massive wave of discontent that's brewing that i do think is going to make itself felt in the upcoming elections i think there are a lot of incumbents democrats republicans doesn't make any difference i think there are a lot of incumbents they're going to be in trouble because i think people have just sort of had enough and they'd rather try somebody completely new than go with with where they've had in the past and i'll tell you how disconnected it is i looked at a chart the other day we're in the worst economic times that we've had i mean we've had to to cut benefits we've had to lay people off we've had to reduce staff and the white house staff between two thousand and ten and two thousand and eleven this year raised their salaries from anywhere from twenty three percent to eighty three
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percent so while the rest of us are having to cut back white house staff is actually getting pay increases which i just find phenomenal just now i'm not sure about that exact attesting but i definitely know that the white house salary. these have continually gone up over the years but do you think you know you talk about this dissatisfaction discontent amongst the american people do you think that it's a unifying one is it all over the economy is the issue big enough to get everybody to come together and as you said to to vote people out or is there a lot of division in the way that they're supposedly is in congress when it comes to should you raise taxes or should you cut programs instead i think the one consensus i've gotten about four thousand so i'm going that's my sample of of data that i'm looking at but the consensus that i sort of use of people really want to balanced budget. they really do want the budget to come into balance just like all the rest of us have to operate our businesses operate our homes and one side i will
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tell you that those statistics from going from the wall street journal so that i think they're pretty accurate that the director of african american media affairs has soured was raised eighty three percent i mean there was a whole list of them doing it so it's a pretty startling thing when you when you look at it it's it just flies in the face of what people would think in example should be said by the white house and by members of john kerry is to because you said that these people are better watch out and americans might vote them out and just try somebody new just for the heck of it but do you think that you can still really change the system by working within the system that we currently have i mean maybe there needs to be a bigger shake up i don't know maybe there needs to be a revolution or al gore called for an arab spring is just voting new people into the same system really going to be enough. well it's always interesting to me. this week we have this system i don't think the system is flawed it's the participants
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within the system which are flawed i was i was dumbstruck i remember when we we're on the attack in libya i'm going to make a point here that and it could be said oh it's ok to it's ok to the terrorist it's ok to do so now we have this big debit fighting and suddenly you've got people coming on t.v. saying oh they're parting their acting like terrorists they're acting like terrorists and it just struck me that any time you attack those in power you always want to point the finger of blame but i think that's sort of dying out and within within the framework that we have of this constitutional representative type of government we have i think there's plenty of room for us to be able to make the kinds of changes that we make without having to go to revolution that goes outside the system i do think you have a revolution internal to the system and i think that can be very effective and i'm hoping that people begin to embrace this and understand that the reason these guys
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are not is because we put them there so if we want change then we have to take them out of office and put somebody else in office i want to thank you very much for joining us tonight i definitely think that there are a lot of americans that are from who i've spoken to what i've been reading that are also hoping for some kind of change thanks so much thank you so much. for coming up tonight funny bob goes green and that's the ira fox news we have more on that tonight told time segments and then half the hour a former presidential candidate is making money for the cartoon that recounts nine eleven plus california police go after a vendor selling are back in just a month. down the official implications to your phone noise pod touch from the i.q. sam. on the.
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video on demand. costs. are assessed feet now in the palm of your. question. the people of the united states and our friends and allies will not live at the mercy of an outlaw regime that threatens the peace with weapons of mass murder is a regime as an actor programmed to acquire and develop nuclear weapons and let there be no doubt about it we know for a fact that there are weapons there. this we're just being carried out into the direction of dr david kay respected scientist and former u.n. inspector was leading the weapons search in iraq we are determined to take this apart you have a tremendous a group of dedicated american men and women involved in this with the best assets of the intelligence community can provide. data cheney is not going to be done with this for quite some time david kay wants more time and he says it could take
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another six to nine months to make a definitive finding ministration is asking congress for hundreds of millions more six hundred million dollars to fund a continuing search we have not yet found shiny pointy things that i would call a weapon before we can draw from conclusions we need to let the iraq survey group complete its work. we were all wrong probably in my judgment. and that is most disturbing. sometimes the true patriots takes the unpopular caress that helps the country and for the stakes and even if they come this way at least from tonight patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels and i think these are scoundrels they have no argument now they have no defense for what they did the country is in a terrible international security situation and i think it's perilous so they're attacking the patriotism of other.
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it's time for tool time and for the second night in a row the hosts over at fox and friends play a part tonight still time of war we call the last night their fake outrage over obama's ramadan proclamation but now the gang has a problem with nickelodeon sponge bob square pants and yes you heard me right the character who lives in a pineapple under the sea apparently he is a major threat to the future of children of the u.s. now they're just outraged the department of education invited children from washington to a reading of bands were nickelodeon gave out for evokes from the series sponge bob goes green and earth friendly adventure take a look at the reaction of steve doocy. they hit it out these these particular nickelodeon books where clearly nickelodeon is pushing
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a global warming agenda and while there is no disputing the fact that the earth is getting a little warmer the big question is is it manmade or is it just one of those gigantic climactic you know phases that we're going for a while. sorry steve but there is really not a whole lot of debate left over the whole climate change thing almost every scientist in the world agrees that it's happening is probably our fault but the only debate is why the g.o.p. refuses to believe that it even exists or that it's real now produce he had a little rant david briggs who was guest hosting chimed in to me again this is a public education system that we all pay our tax dollars for and the sponge bob book says that it's a manmade problem that requires human it revenge if the president. yes they really are going after sponge bob square pants for trying to get kids to read and learn about the environment you know was going to slow mourning for fox and friends or maybe they just temporarily ran out of ways to call obama
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a muslim i'm not sure but this sort of attack really is nothing new for them see they seem to be out war with cartoons animated series and children programming in general they spend their time before bashing michelotto you know what they teach children nickelodeon time after time throws in political indoctrination they have an agenda they've proven it they've proven very controversial errors global warming science or maybe not science like in the area of immigration and in the area of homosexual parenting. and i think that we all remember bill o'reilly is public feud with bart simpson. continuing to bite the hand that feeds part of it fox broadcasting once again allows each cartoon characters to run wild. it's never. been it's i believe so. so
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why is blogs so intent on attacking cartoons and children's programming you know fox contends these programs are indoctrinating children and pushing an agenda i'm not quite sure why they have a problem with that it's just what fox news does twenty four hours a day seven days a week for disgruntled adults so all the fox news anchors i ask you to please turn off the cartoon to lay off a sponge bob of the others these shows are entertainment fiction just like your news programming and that's why you are tonight's told time winners. are time for a happy hour at home is called a tool time again. our grounds they are the evening i'm joining me tonight as our tea parties are jenny churchill and that welsh either in chief of reason magazine well spill in the morning it is that's a little longer i think that's what that means. mike huckabee has decided to
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release an animated cartoon about nine eleven so we can teach kids i mean obviously that's something that children need to know about if it was the biggest terrorist attack on u.s. soil but it's kind of an interesting interesting way of painting it take a look. right there on the right. all right so that was a little snippet that we had to cut from it but the idea is that you know everything goes bad and of course the world trade. the world trade center is hit and all the kids see it but then the americans come back and we take on the world that everything is great and we all came together as a nation and everything is lovely really first i would just like to quickly say
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that i'm super pumped to rag on someone for you know kind of having a cartoon with a political agenda following not tool time because really i know this is not the arab league. but it was definitely you know we do have boy here with the problem is it's kind of ok there's a number of issues obviously because i think we didn't all just come together and everyone's happy now and the world is a much better place sorry we're involved in multiple wars abroad the just keep expanding thousands and thousands of more americans have died because of these wars that we've wage after nine eleven and i don't know you know if you would risk the cartoon but i might have to put a little bit of honesty into it i'm still trying to figure out who is the super dark skinned skinny black recall about what we're doing in alabama and we want to tell every american how to southern accent even though it was taking place in new york and he never wore that. i think the idea of like politics kids and cartoons
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together almost it's you know harry nilsson is the point. it should probably be banned by some dictator no i mean it's horrifying all these like you know why my mommy is a democrat type of books and. you know political cartoons of nine eleven is just on some level of discourse every right to do it like i said i think you know in a way off oh you don't have the right to do it but it's you have to criticize them if they're just plain stupid not to mention it's also just really unfortunate that you see all the firefighters and police and the like look they're writing right to the middle and then they also don't mention that many of them have now died. you how do you solve the problem have you seen the whole subscriber a version in the link you know how we haven't seen the whole version and i was saying i would really like to see the entire version the only problem is i don't really want to donate money to something that's profiting off of the deaths of americans that's just me. i don't feel that stinker. caused me to bring it to you no way to bring it down let's move on to the next one. this is
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a california group the decided to launch this video in minnesota after new york legalize gay marriage and they're called at a hate i can't. take a look take a look don't miss me out censored version of my parents right you know everything i just did you apply completely facebook or tweet that's what a couple get ten cents up to ten thousand dollars ten thousand. for the fight for equality and. art so what i love here is that of course the minnesota family council is freaking out about it and they're saying you know that this clearly just wants to attack christians and what the bible says and this is something that they said can it be any clear our opposition will stop at nothing to mock scripture and ridicule christians to raise money to redefine marriage in minnesota the video already has over six million views the group is selling t. shirts and offering to donate ten cents each time to videos like on facebook i
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think they're just really upset because people are getting a whole bunch of money there that's what they're scared of i think that they're upset that this video has six million views and it tells the truth like oh the bible says gay marriage is bad it also says you can sell your daughter for slavery so i mean yeah that was that was a really good line in this video by the way which we didn't get to play i'm upset that they're bringing back ninety four dollars for what. i lived through the you know some back then some of us didn't get to live through it and always read it you know maybe we didn't have the same childhood you have a no problem with that video is that it pretends that democrats are a whole lot better than republic. on this issue which isn't true i mean brock obama is making nice videos about stop the hate and let's kiss our boyfriend type of thing he's against gay marriage too or at least he hasn't gone that far yet there isn't a life here of anyone and joe biden have the exact same take on gay marriage so let's stop pretending that the mint issue for at least office holding democrats as
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a post office holder i'm totally with you there we just we have two more topics so let's get into a really quick couple months ago this scandal broke. if you don't know the botched federal program that allowed more than two thousand guns to be smuggled in or from the u.s. to mexico twenty people who bought those weapons were arrested on gun trafficking charges nearly all of them are now free. right operation fast and furious and signatories at this point so the federal government now wants excuse me gun shops to report if somebody buys in bulk a massive amount of weapons and the store happens to be located near the border and the n.r.a. is suing them for that but i think if i totally think it's ok then somebody comes in and buys like eighty six forty seven's that maybe we should report that and say it seems a little suspicious well i'm glad that the government is now no longer actively selling guns i mean you know yeah there's going to minor you know i wouldn't you
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know the hate to bring up paranoia. alone to show but it's a kind of an interesting timing issue here when the operation fast and furious as it is in the news of the border is a weird place i mean if you're within fifty miles of the border they can check your papers and make your life really kind of miserable for you i don't know what the legal standing is on this particular thing and i guess we'll find out with us last hour when they rule can we do the last story or do you have we only have thirty seconds really quick toronto's people like what happened to los angeles d.a.'s office would not comment but offered a press release and documents showing that stewart along with former sharon palmer and her associate eugenie block have been charged. with four felonies and several misdemeanors some of the charges include processing milk without pasteurization operating an unlicensed milk plant conspiracy to improperly label food products and keeping eggs at an improper temperature. just another giant swat stellar raid on somebody who's trying to solve a melt.


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