tv [untitled] August 5, 2011 2:01pm-2:31pm EDT
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read this and. treat. for. market struggle to recover losses following a worldwide. weakening u.s. economy and. in my private conversation with the president of syria i discussed the same. need to be carried out if he fails to do. president syria's president at least ten people were killed in protests following friday. former ukrainian prime minister yulia timoshenko.
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international news this is all in moscow just ten ten pm here in the russian capital good to have you with us. but remain unstable after the shop is full since two thousand and eight that decline raised fears of another wave of the global recession and the slowing u.s. economy and the crisis. in the markets forced from brussels. but you're a virus is spreading to new countries france and belgium all next day yields have hit record highs against germany's the u.k.'s financial services authority has also british banks to reveal how much debt they hold in belgium on fears that that country could be next italy and spain have entered crisis talks with the e.u. as they yield critical new highs so now you have investors pulling out of france
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italy and spain. eurozone economies and that is why the investors in the markets are panicking the moment the leaders of france spain and germany are holding an emergency teleconference to try and stop the open relevant to coming out the top you have prime minister silvio berlusconi and his finance minister openly disagreeing on this solution solutions to the crisis and the e.u. president jose manuel barroso slammed on discipline communication by e.u. leaders for making the crisis worse and germany is furious at such an open a tank this time when it's already critical as in europe we've seen america really suffering and raising the debt ceiling doesn't tackle the key problem which is making the problem worse given the more debt and their economy is weak because they know the your the u.s.
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have really started to tackle that key issue yesterday was the wall street worst day in years there was steep slumps in the share price and there are now fears that america will go back into recession which would strongly hit not just america but the whole world economy and the u.s. and europe politicians keep trying to reassure the public that everything is ok but it's investors who are really making decisions they're the ones that are pulling their money out of these markets and they're saying that they don't they don't like the situation at the moment at all. and economic analyst michael moore says the market panic we witnessed was triggered by politicians who are not dealing properly with debt. i tell you one thing this is not a normal crisis and this was not the normal crash that we had this week. it was the beginning of the end what is the illness that has to go to all these problems the illness is called debt all western nations over debt don't lose their credibility
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and what happens when they lose their credibility then banks are going bankrupt and i tell you another thing only in a short time all banks all of the most important banks worldwide in the western world will be taken over by a government by the government and another thing it's not the discussion about the euro and the debt in europe as this is of course problematic issue it was the discussion about the debt ceiling in united states that you get this mess everybody knows my grandmother but the problem you know it is not solved when they. put up the debt ceiling we are in very very big problems and i don't cannot see any solution at all take experts. also a problem all the only cure there you know is to produce more debt but the debt is already. the issue of this crisis is already of the cause of this crisis so how can you solve this crisis with my debts so i don't see any solution. michael ross
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talking to me a little earlier here in our business desk is of course keeping us up to date on developments in dimitri has his eye on the markets at the moment particularly after the release of the latest u.s. unemployment report so dmitri they're responding the moment well right now it's all looking positive we are seeing however a very very volatile trading today it's really a low roller coaster jones moving up and down within a margin of around four hundred points from positive to negative and back well there was as you mentioned a crucial unemployment report and that came in much better than expected that provided a lot of positive sentiment at first but then all faded away showing just how fragile right. now investor confidence is so investors are being really cautious they're looking for new signs the new moves from the u.s. and the e.u. to solve debt problems like michael ross was mentioning these problems are still there they haven't been solved and so really right now we want to just very cautious. british intelligence services have allegedly been violating
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international law for almost a decade at leat a top secret documents suggest agents were involved in the torture of prisoners held overseas and the policy was reportedly first implemented in two thousand and two in afghanistan was i'm begging spent three years in guantanamo and other prisons says the british government is unlikely to punish those responsible for torture despite intelligence agents being complicit. they were physically present when i was being abused they saw my hands behind my back and sure my legs shackled they saw guns pointed towards me i was subject to the sounds of women screaming i was let the lead was my wife being tortured and i am completely one hundred percent sure that i would not have gone to guantanamo altered but had it not been for the involvement of british intelligence services i am the head of an organization called cage prisoners in which we have been campaigning for people to take without charge or trial by the us we have highlighted over thirty cases that include syria
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egypt bangladesh morocco pakistan in which british intelligence services have been involved in abuse or have been complicit where people have been abused in these countries and we have offered this information to the police i think the reality would be that once these revelations are made it's true people will be upset it's what the government does about those things anybody would get radicalized if you hear about the types of torture took place however when the government said that they will hold to account those people who were involved in torture and we take them for their word and if the government then goes against that and says that we'll have this session but it's going to be in secret and you won't get to see it and you will get to see those people involved in your torture and then people will lose any support any any idea that the government is actually go to try to him carry out justice. this is. still ahead this hour.
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a group of muslims trying to enforce sharia law in london opening a new front of multicultural tension in europe. and a close travels to the region on china's doorstep and discovers how russian and chinese culture intertwine a few minutes away. the first president urging syria's leader bashar al assad to kick start reforms and end the violence in his country before it's too late to me was giving an extensive interview to r.t. as well as. radio and georgian t.v. channel peak here's a preview for you the full version of that interview is coming up in about twenty five minutes from now. unfortunately the situation in syria has taken a dramatic turn we need real politicians should follow developments like gadhafi
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gave violent orders to destroy the opposition the syrian president gave no such orders unfortunately a lot of people are dying in syria this is our biggest concern in my private conversation with the president of syria and in the private letters i sent him i discussed the same ideals chris williams need to be carried out but frankly should establish your position establish peace in the country but then create a multi-state if he fails to do that then a sad future awaits and at the end of the day we'll have to make a decision we are watching the situation it is changing our guidelines are to. meanwhile anti-government protests continue across syria despite an ongoing crackdown by the military reports suggest at least ten more protesters have been killed as the assault on the city of hama continues as is the opposition dismissed a decree from president assad proposing a multi-party government system saying the violence has to end before dialogue begin its international pressure is growing on the syrian leadership to stop the
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violence with the u.s. saying it's working to find new ways to try and influence the situation beyond sanctions. and islamic leadership tension of a very different kind in britain with hardline muslims trying to enforce shari'a law in london from abstention to amputation nor emmet spin hearing how they want to instill their tough code on the capital. so we are here to tell you that islam. is. stoning for adultery cutting off hands for stealing the renouncing islam this group of men is trying to enforce shari'a law in the u.k. they've started a campaign to make certain areas of london and other cities islamic law controlled zones starting with wolf. because i knew some as an alternative to the muslim of the no muslim community also looking to believe that muslims kind of together trade according to the sharia was all the problems. and even police
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themselves to a large extent hopefully one day to have a summit governments have apology locally security locally and you provide well for local choudhry and his friends are fly posting parts of london with large muslim populations they want to ban drinking gambling and playing music and they say they've got bands of young men ready to patrol and in full. by any means. that enforcement will not initially be in on the level of inviting and forbidding but if someone has the capability to be. like pornography prostitution it should do so. by that you mean i think of course i believe that i need a mosque should be run out of the area these muslims say british society is riddled with drugs crime and prostitution because of that they firmly believe members of the communities that targeting will welcome sharia law but the word of the street
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about the campaign tells a different story comes down to if you don't like the laws of the place you live find some. things a completely legal in this country this is not india or pakistan this is our own laws people have a right to commute bring their laws in here we often have trouble but councillor martin. griese this could destroy community cohesion we've. taken down the post this assumes that because we do not want these posters around. and they have no place to move from forests this is an equality campaigners say the shoe real supporters shouldn't be considered a religious movement has a right political organization with a place to campaign designed to divide and conquer communities their danger lies in dividing people dividing communities creating mistrust and particularly among from
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non muslims towards moderate muslims i think this is part of their aim is to create mistrust so they can then turn to moderate muslims and say look everyone hates you we're your friend turn to us and it's a very very dangerous thing and it's a political tactic to increase their own power undeterred by opposition. group plan what they see is the beginning of an islamic emirate not just of them all over europe police have mobilized to take these posters down as fast as they appear but choudhry and his group say they formed bands of vigilante and forces to make sure. all physically and in other parts of london women have already been harassed for not covering their heads if these muslims ever get their way i won't be able to dress like this on the streets. or many other parts of london brussels rome and paris and it's r.t. well from stone. well for more insight on the story i'm joined from london phil
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reese is a writer on terrorism and political feel good to see you in. pain appears to be an aggressive and uncompromising one could they really establish. we call it. well on my way here bill i mean i passed through several bars that are overflowing it's been a warm sunny day and. there i say the women are wearing fairly revealing clothing certainly ones that i'm jim trout he and his group would like to ban but i think he's got as much chance as me winning the lottery to be quite honest anjem choudary and his movement they've been banged various times by the british government they're a group probably four to five hundred strong and their own master of publicity basically they have very good relations with britain's tabloids the tabloids like and john because he's great at bringing out the quotes and big really a making movement politically important i know and jim very well and he's
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a lawyer he's a he's i've had lunch with him several times he's quite charming a very interesting man but he puts on this persona of this highly aggressive movement which has gone around the world and it's unfortunately got serious consequences because on one level you could say well you know i'd like it to be sunny every day i'd like everyone in britain to be happy well he'd like it to be a muslim state but of course they're happy you've got one and a half to two percent of britain's population being muslim or maybe a little bit more who knows the city one point five million so you know they're not going to affect really the destiny of britain though i think that there are serious implications to war he says unfortunately and they do reflect on the problems well campaign as they say they want to see the stoning of adulterers and women forced to cover up their bodies on the street something you just referred to a little earlier tell us more about shari'a nor am i mean is that what it's all about obviously it's it's a muslim part of the muslim religion but it's obviously not represented by or supported by the majority of muslims. the authority of muslims don't like.
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his group at all now of course he takes a very literal reading of the koran and a literal understanding of sharia law and i think this goes to the heart of the problem for islam perhaps throughout the world and indeed for for muslims living in predominantly muslim countries how do they interpret god's laws as presented as revealed in the holy text and i think you know there is a real debate there and in fact it is someone who is prepared to take on this debate but the trouble is that it's never really discussed on a serious level because it is considered so outrageous and you know then it creates then the opposite of that which is non muslims in britain saying let's lock them up these people are dangerous so unfortunately he's done this he's trivialize the debate which is a very serious one from felicity how they incorporate the other thing is sort of dropped people are frightened to debate this issue are they not i mean backing what
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we've seen several european politicians facing trial for politically incorrect speech is against islam so why isn't that same law applied to those sharia campaigners who are altering this obviously fairly harsh rhetoric rhetoric outspoken. well i mean and cherries a lawyer and you know he's been dancing very close to british law on several occasions in fact several of his group i mean one of them in your report there omar brooks his name is he was detained under terrorism laws so they have been sort of working out what to say and how they can be within britain's free speech laws. and jim is doing this deliberately he's doing it to provoke and i think what other people should do and say listen he doesn't represent the majority of muslims in britain and muslims are part of britain and we've got to work out how to improve their morals into the great of morality and values of british society and i think that's true for every country in the world where we're living now in an international community but his provocation can be extremely dangerous couldn't it
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i mean we've seen far right well surely outraged by this sort of campaign i mean could it lead to the sort of response we've seen recently in norway where a mass shooting was carried out in response to the wave of immigration and exactly the issues we're talking about. well bill your viewers may not realize this but the english defense league and by the way anders breivik sent the many messages and referred to them many times in his tone that fifteen hundred pages he wrote just before the slaughter there but it was an engine tragedy news group that triggered the formation of the english defense league in a town north of london called so actually you know why i know them and consider them i mean i've talked to them a bit like the flintstones the way they behave but indeed because their messages can be amplified by the media all around the world they've had some very very serious consequences but i think creating groups like the english defense league and perhaps even by a string of then strictly people like i'm just breivik in norway but also and we heard in your former report there miles i'm back and we heard the british security
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services accused of of torture and things so you've got people saying well we have a right to do that because look at these people look at these radical muslims so in a way the idea is there are dangerous and i think people are going to rein back and start having mature debate of some of the issues beneath what what i'm talking about hillary's going to hear what you have to say thanks so much for joining us give us a time lived in london phil research on terrorism and political violence. unrest has broken out in central kiev off the ukrainian charge ordered the arrest of former prime minister yulia tymoshenko citing contempt of court she's been on trial since june over alleged misuse of power while signing gas deals with russia in two thousand and nine and has more now from the ukrainian capital. but this isn't by a judge in a key of course ruled that units in the central ukraine's former prime minister is now placed under arrest now before that she was forbidden to leave the country now she is taken to
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a detention center in kiev that's where she will spend her time until the trial comes to and then certainly the atmosphere inside and outside of the court building here in central kiev has been electrifying over the past several weeks or so ever since the trial started in june supporters of units of a second have been flocking here several hundred of them are now here protesting the decision which they believe was politicized and the case itself they believe to be orchestrated by the country's president viktor yushchenko it's now the atmosphere inside the courtroom reminded of the chaotic times in ukraine's politics when there were sporadic fights in ukraine's parliament fighting pushing and shoving accusations those scenes we've seen inside the courtroom for the past several weeks to today it certainly was the culmination when the judge ruled that tymoshenko was to be placed under arrest the supporters of the former prime minister as well as several deputies of the country's parliament tried to block the armored vehicle which was to take huge machine go out from the building to the
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detention center they in fact blocked this senseless even tear but then the policeman managed to disperse the crowd and the bus started to move with no problems whatsoever. when next terror to one of russia's remotest clue on its way into gratian with china knows no boundaries. what today were in the far east and amir region it's remote rich area holding russia's largest gold reserves and is russia's most eastern economic i'll post a mood is making the most of its proximity to china as a tease on this which found out. a very warm welcome to this edition of russia place out this week coming to you from the amour region situated in the very full this reaches of the us is far respect thousands of kilometers away from you in moscow but i mean like that it's like folks from china and all surprisingly the
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influence of china and its culture is everywhere here. high heels and a hard hat it's not a look many women can pull off but then on arrester is she prefers to be called in russia is no ordinary woman having first arrived in a mall as an interpreter in the early ninety's she and her family worked their way up from running a small cafe to owning this large construction company. and spread across the region's capital blagoveshchensk no fewer than four large chinese restaurants full most nights and serving up the taste of the orient to russian dinah's it's an impressive pool failure and one that the mother of two says she couldn't have built in china if you. use that i saw an opportunity to create something here russia needs skilled laborers and with china being so close and easy access to chinese goods equipment and
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a ready workforce. new receiver is just one of a growing band of successful chinese entrepreneurs operating in russia's far east where a river is all that separates the two countries easy proximity coupled with favorable visa regulations continues to inspire thousands of chinese workers people like sunshine to flock across the border every year his is a tried and tested business model selling cheap chinese clays. so whether it's a pair of trying to train is that your raft or perhaps the most designed a funny thing is this is where the people of head to pick up were installing the chinese market which then the sense of town and of course everything inside here bad the label made in china and all the sellers also come from china and let me tell you it's absolutely packed in fights here and the party is like this every single day so clearly business is booming. i've been here for three
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years and i left china as the ones not jobs things are going well. you can get things really cheap here which is great if you've got a large family the quality varies hugely but on balance i think we're lucky to have chinese traders here russian goods just can't compete on pricing. and by hopping on one of the many packed ferries that cross the river every day russian consumers can enjoy an even more authentic chinese shopping experience the is the slight slavic flavor that thank you for a bargain and in the process help to fuel the chinese economy it's led some to fear that russia's far east is being exploited spines entrepreneurial neva dismissed the pessimists revel in self-pity at the sight of china forging ahead. think of ways to develop like a vision of the same pace using chinese expertise capital and labor because i believe our region is hugely fortunate to china would you want if we compare our
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city to others in russia we're much better off in almost every respect i was told of extensive plans for more joint ventures in greece integration between the two countries as far as government is concerned its relationship. you're standing here on the a more coastline it's a mere five minutes by boat across to china so close you always feel that you can reach out and touch it and people living here say that they've been witness to the phenomenal pace of development along the hype. slight representative of the growth of the chinese economy as a whole and its influence here in russia alison bit more region. recap of the headlines of me bill dollars just a few minutes away in the meantime dimitri joins us with a business update. for you and warm welcome to business our team markets around the globe are seesawing
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even after a positive jobs report in the u.s. payrolls rose by one hundred seventeen thousand workers after a meager forty six thousand increase in june a stronger than expected report sparked a rebound but confidence seems fragile peter weston from add on capital believes what we've seeing what we've been seeing is a relief rally and logical downturn. i think that what you're seeing is it's proving that the u.s. economy is still growing but more than that. still people are worried about the recession i think we're just seeing the market rebound is really investors clinging on to a little piece of good news in this kind of environment so i don't think that we should read anything. too soon to say. people were watching the coming data very closely and. the negative issues that were there yesterday are still there today it's just a little bit of sort of a little bit of a golden lining if you want this is what we call a relief rally which you can turn south again if you see something coming out of
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spain and italy or anything else coming out of us very soon returning downwards again. must now move to the stock markets and in russia they join the panic across international trading rules your theory is down three percent my sixty two percent lower friday bringing the overall weekly lost eight and a half and seven percent respectively so some of the individual movers on the my six am a g. major is among the worst performers on low will prices gas chrome losing almost three percent growth next two and a half percent at the lowest level since december of the world plunged in new york that's all speculation of fuel demand will fall to financial stocks were also under pressure and telecommunications company last telecom was one of the worst trading stocks down three point four percent. global in a series of fluctuating money from you to x. capital group says russian markets are likely to be the first to see an upswing. russia has had a fantastic run look at the. great run over the last few weeks or so slowly start
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to come off but it's coming off from the highs and with the increased amount of exposure to us that with a high amount of exposure to the oil and gas markets i feel there is near downside for russian equities to be had but when the recovery comes it will come at some point then the russian market does seem very well positioned to benefit quite significantly from its. from the business team for now coming up next.
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