tv [untitled] August 5, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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life on the. video. comes in the registry now in the palm of your. machine on the coach he told com. oh my god did you hear what matt damon said yeah i did and he's still a moron happy friday and i will explain how mitt romney is raising money see i mean really out of thin air how wrong rachel maddow is on her understanding of fundamental economics and our guest jay knew it was able to avoid paying property taxes in that the two sides of all places a call of chris rock for what he did and didn't do it the president's right house birthday party well al gore's rise over throw obama seriously sort of you know as usual for a friday episode of adam vs the man. yesterday
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was quite a day for the stock market and it struck fear into the hearts of all who are unfortunate enough to have a stake in it without an understanding of the government subsidized casino that it really is the dow close down over five hundred points enough to get a lot of attention. nine of ten days of the general our biggest loss in two thousand and nine year in words like a learning panic devastating rather than extra can self continues. oh my god let's. see it it doesn't matter if it's the government or the leech of a financial system created by it dependency must be reinforced today there was a slight rebound in the stock market or the dow closed up sixty points but that's not the whole story want you to go this chart of the day from bloomberg today this
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is the dow jones industrial average as it is in yellow here from two thousand and eight all the way back to one nine hundred eighty two and what we see here in the red line the straight line is the trend line since one thousand a very consistent top two or two thousand to thirty five percent above trend line when the last bear market hit bottom and then the close from october ninth twenty three percent above the trend line so there's a lot of there's a lot of inflation happening here there's a lot of correction still to come so what to do whoever you turn to don't listen to rachel maddow the world frankly needs a leader in the world needs a big economy to have a big strong recovery now but we markets in other countries right now and not apparently even recognizing the futility of government for solving problems
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of their own creation she fails to see that a centralized economic authority is not what we need we're already well into the double dip you see the dips are consequences of government stimulus but they only postpone the inevitable big dip. that correction that we have coming in the stock market due to a current over inflation of company values is going to be insignificant compared to what happens when our junky government really runs out of its staff as easy borrowed and created money which is creating distortions all over the market the stock market being just one big one. as well as matt damon's playing a genius on the big screen in real life it's all too painfully obvious when he doesn't have a script. a video is making the rounds of reason a reporter michelle feels allegedly being schooled according to establishment liberals by damon on the oh so hard life of the average public school teacher and
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their horrible salaries at the recent d.c. save our schools rally and acting there is that there isn't job security right there's an incentive to work hard and be a better actor because you want to have a job so why isn't it like that for a teacher do you think you think job insecurity is what makes me work hard or you have an incentive to work harder but if there's going to be duty it's not an incentive that's the thing so you take this m.b.a. style thinking right it's the problem with ed policy right now is this intrinsically paternalistic view of problems that are much more complex than that it's like saying a teacher is going to get lazy when they have tenure a teacher wants to teach. i mean why else would you take a shitty salary and really long hours and and do that job. in less you really love to do. intrinsically paternalistic views oh that's rich kaplan harvard although if we're going to talk about the dangers of paternalistic
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thinking in the public realm maybe you shouldn't have been such an old college cheerleader reason decided to do a little research after the scuffle and here's what they found quote according to department of education statistics for two thousand and seven two thousand and eight the most recent year listed the average public school teacher brought in a bit over fifty three thousand dollars in total school year and summer earned income that figure which is about thirteen thousand dollars more than what the average private school teacher gets and straight salary does not include health and retirement benefits places where teachers almost always get better deals and bigger employer contributions that's a cool private sector worker this is the average public school teachers making about as much as i am for doing the show and i were going to do ten hours a day with those summer break but it does put as they are in the age of obama establishment liberals have been parading this as a victory for public school teachers and. while teaching itself is an admirable profession to say that all teachers do it only for the love of the job is ignorant
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of human nature thanks to government interference in the education market and the introduction of very warped incentives we see a lot of behavior not intended to serve the students to put it nicely well tenure health insurance summer vacation and a crappy middle america salary may not sound phenomenal to a millionaire movie star or small and it probably sounds pretty good to most of the underemployed twenty somethings living in mom and dad's basement who bankroll the public education system with the tax dollars coming out of their big paychecks so naturally lawrence o'donnell over m s n b c had to weigh in. that's how crazy the attack on teachers has become comparing public school teachers work incentives to the work incentives of movie stars it has never occurred to the teacher haters that teachers want to be teachers for any reason other than job security has never occurred to them that teachers might want to be teachers because they like teaching because they love teaching and because they care about their students the right
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wing attackers of teachers have never even shown a slight just curiosity about the job performance of another group of government workers who have very very high job security police officers oh man this is loaded with logical fallacies and rhetorical garbage teacher haters appeals to emotion. forget it unfortunately for the sake of o'donnell's journalistic integrity right wing outlets including libertarian outlets like reason frequently report on police behavior and they're currently covering the kelly thomas story that we've also reported on our regular police state updates it's not that liberals are stupid and i'm not doing this so here to stroke libertarian egos but there is a fundamental acceptance of authority in the state as nine separate sets establishment liberals and their followers apart from libertarians and o'donnell's case i don't know if it's this seemingly religious acceptance of the false school
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of keynesian big government centralized control economics on the left right paradigm or he's in denial or ignorance of what libertarianism and freedom really is either way he could have benefited from teachers who are more motivated to deliver an education than they serve their government supervisors. and whether you agree with the assessment or not many libertarians find themselves as conservatives and in the broader definition we most certainly are the tea party's irate after the satan sandwich head deal and more and more of the rest of conservatives are warming to the ideas of sound money and the interventionist policies of liberal nation building still there are those that claim a monopoly over the legacy of conservatism and seek to find something more for it with the policies of george w. bush jerry falwell so is there a growing rift in what the left right paradigm classifies as conservative then mccarthy editor in chief of the american conservative magazine joins us in studio now for the latest dispatch from the front lines of the conservative civil war or
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as we call it the war of neo-con aggression dan thanks so much for being with us and thanks very much all right so in this rift how is the definition of conservative in the broader context in the way most americans see it in the left right paradigm how is that being charmed but you would think that if it means anything to be a conservative in the american context it means to conserve our constitution and conserve our traditions of liberty that we've inherited from our forefathers but unfortunately for a great many people who are on the right and who call themselves conservatives perhaps wrongly really what they want to conserve is the largest socialist economy in the world and that is of course the pentagon and the us empire the military elements of what our country has been doing it's completely perverse it's not at all what traditional conservatives have been about for a moderate a tap back to shortly after world war two through two very goldwater and onto ron paul you have had principled conservatives who've made the case and in fact what we
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need to do is focus on our domestic liberties our civil liberties our freedoms and having a free economy and not simply on having a nation building program an empire of roll ups ok so you have to ask who benefits from this distortion of conservatism right and wonder if this is not a natural philosophical outcropping of the american. philosophical political tradition who's behind this would in the republican leadership establishment in places like the american conservative union in charge of putting together c pac every year in the leadership of the republican party how is that corruption taking place how was the those beneficiaries ensuring that they keep getting that pay off through that system but what you see happening is that over time you'll have an insurgent political movement right now it's libertarianism in the past in the one nine hundred fifty s. and sixty's it was conservatism and even further back beyond that it was various forms of classical liberalism but you'll have an insurgent political movement and you'll see that the political establishment over time likes to co-opt it they like
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to sort of pretend that they themselves are the true avatars of that label so it's very funny to see for example mitt romney right now going out and pretending to be a great spokesman for conservatism his father george romney was once known as a rockefeller republican he was known as a religion which is a derogatory term for any true conservative of course it used to be of course now all the former rockefeller sort of you know they shed their tails and change their spots and become what they now call just regular conservatives and you know now they want to claim to be in the tradition of ronald reagan or even goldwater and it's natural and accepted because they've ended up in the leadership position yeah generally and why are they supporting that why do we ave a see you that hires a guy like christopher mileages easy that says so the g.o.p. or the conservative ten rather than a c. pac go proud is not welcome the gay republican group the economist john birch society is not welcome libertarians get harassed if not banned where does that come from you know all right now you've got
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a multi-sided civil war going on on the right and among the establishment conservatives like those associated with the american conservative union on the one hand you know there's a temptation and it's actually created by some of the people who are most critical of for example ron paul and the anti statist antiwar movement that he leads there's a temptation to identify everyone who's an insurgent who is outside the mainstream as being a liberal. hereon we're being a part of the ron paul movement and i think you find actually with organizations like go proud that's not the case i mean these are really rudy giuliani republicans they're people who are generally supportive of the republican kind of big government and big militarism but who happy with how diverse their yeah the riff there is really that they're you know social agendas different from what the christian right social agenda is and as a result those two groups and fighting it out in sea pac but also there are people who i think i'm trying to present and reframe that whole debate as being something that could be used against libertarians generally and people who are small government who are mind your own business and civil liberties orientated anti war and so the real question i have is whether what you're seeing happen right now with
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be clear most libertarians as i jump in here to say anti-war it's not so much specifically as i would just put a finer point on that against wars that are in self-defense that's right you know high status of everyone is in favor of self-defense whether it's you know there are a few cents and i wasn't so because anybody who's a real human being should be antiwar well in that case there's a lot of people who are human beings ok thoughts or no idea of civil libertarian to see you look at it you have to you have to wonder sometimes yeah i think you know david icke and his lizard people are going to have a pretty strong representation here but so yes i mean that's one of the battles it's going on here it's not just a simple libertarians versus traditionalist or libertarians versus christian conservatives fight it's really a multi-sided battle where there are people who are coming from all sides of the spectrum and that's why you see that someone like ron paul's been able to put together a very dynamic coalition consisting of people from all across the spectrum you were libertarians you got all kinds of if anything it seems like his son senator rand just ever so slightly to the right of drawing his father is getting broader support
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and in the broader coalition building that we're seeing what's your prediction are we going to be able to come together to defeat obama in two thousand and twelve is going to happen under the the only avenue practically available to the republican party or are these fractions in the continuum well i think the fractions are going to continue and i think almost that they should because right now republican party really isn't getting its act together it's. i'm going back to a more anti statist small government perspective it's still the party has to win over the entire coalition and has to rethink its own reason for existing which right now it's not doing it's still reaffirming the same kind of bush so at least it can be defeated obama in two thousand so all those would be able to come together around that mccarthy i don't see if american conservative thank you so much for being with us tonight thanks when we come back. we'll be calling out chris rock for what he did and didn't do it obama's white house birthday party al gore calls the ouster of rock obama and jay moon joins us from palmer massachusetts for a lesson of a new property taxes and of course you're watching versus them a. little
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speaking she's looking no she says she is stopped. well go back to adam vs the man so the white house yesterday the president has a birthday bash and for his fiftieth everything was planned according to politico celebrities at the party included jay z. tom hanks and his wife rita wilson basketball star charles barkley grant hill actor hill harper and oprah winfrey's best friend gayle king r. and b. singer live d.c. jazz musician herbie hancock and stevie wonder performed in the east room the drudge report out of this morning as it was supposed to be a headline we would be shocked about hip hop in east room like that never happened
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under clinton oh yeah and this guy was there george bush is still in charge and nobody gives less of a then george bush you think you don't give a bush don't give us nobody gives less of us than george bush if you was hanging from a cliff getting ready to fall to your death that's right and bush was at the top of the cliff and all you needed was a to save your life and bush had a pocket full six he wouldn't give you one we would have played the clip from this and we even had a ready with all the beautiful f. bombs leap out but. if you h.b.o. so for all the wonderful criticism we enjoyed from chris rock during the bush years surely he wouldn't just stroll into the white house for a little schmoozing without making a point right. just love the president's birthday party at the white house herbie hancock played stevie wonder saying and yes they did the electric slide on
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a great night so i eagerly check back in chris rock's twitter feed there today and not been talked about not given a funk sorry this is an h.b.o. cable so chris rock you have the opportunity to change the world yesterday you were not into to confront the great obama or at least to say something about being invited to the white house because of what we both hailed as an a stork accomplishment for america electing our first black president but i guess when it comes to trashing the economy to pay off bankers and bombing a bunch of brown people all over the middle east cutting down whistleblowers here at home or the fact that thanks to his perpetuation of the war on drugs there are more black men in jail today than there ever were slaves in america. i guess you just don't give a crap it's a good thing al gore invented the internet i've since it's played such a pivotal role in the peaceful elements of the arab spring sweeping across the middle east but even the world sees the economy is in the trash now he wants an
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american spring this was last night on keith alderman's countdown we need to have an american spring account of an american tahrir square. so it is al gore ready to depose old ball probably not given his particular strain of liberal delusion but maybe he's hoping for a different kind of liberal revolution like the one of these in the scots and also seemed to a fail to notice the arab spring happened because of government oppression not a lack of it but it is quite telling that while democrats occupy the majority of the senate and the white house the former vice president is proposing a revolution maybe he missed the part where the dictator ends up on trial in a hospital bed. a new new beetle mormon grants one magical money powers oh i guess only the fed has those still it is rather curious how mitt romney's presidential campaign has managed to find itself several million dollars
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richer the ticket is reporting that mitt romney raised twelve point two million dollars in the first six months of two thousand and eleven through a super pac known as restore our future restore our yeah bring back the future pac is reported to have received three contributions of one million dollars apiece from three mysterious companies one of which is now defunct w span l l c a new york based company was formed in march across the state tax estate lawyer cameron casey it closed up shop after giving the one million dollars donation the landlord at the address where the company was listed to have been based claims the company was never tenants on the property the other two companies both based at the same address in provo utah are f. eight l.l.c. and eli publishing little is known about them but steven law and head of the anti-aging company new skin is listed as a registered agent one can only assume that f.a. l.l.c.
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makes hairspray and eli publishing creates graphic novels based on popular mattel characters like the kendall. property now on a thing or things belonging to someone so if property truly belongs to someone they should not have to pay someone else to possess it right that would be renting not owning property so then what is property tax what in store shouldn't that's the question the j. noone is currently asking as he is battling over his property tax funded busybodies and out of power massachusetts are trying to steal his home for claiming he was required to cough up twenty three thousand dollars in federal reserve notes. for owning property refused to vacate his property or give in to the city's ransom and so far so good jay thanks so much for joining us this evening ok how you doing out stand i just want to is really amazing that you are in a position you have put yourself in
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a position to protest property taxes so effectively and to have scored such a major victory how did you how did you come into this position and what led you to be so passionate about property taxes in the first place while as you may know and why i don't i know my father never got me a social security number and i had teachers in high school in school saying oh my god you won't be able to survive those social security number and it's made things a little talker so i got to work a little harder and learn how to do things out of the system so that my passion probably built from that and also from you know my father's very freedom minded and taught us all those boys you know about freedom and liberty from a very young age so but with the land. i don't have a commercial mortgage with my house i actually i have basically a promise theory no handshake i just a guy i bought a house from is who i pay pay the gnocchi
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a loan to any commercial mortgage is which all of them are pretty much fraud anyways as we're finding out now incursion are get is is where the contract is where people agree to pay this property tax so you never you never signed him or you never took on that agreement that's that's the first element but they ended up charging property taxes anyway so the point of her that's a twenty three thousand dollars how did that happen how does that work in massachusetts. wow i don't know i never i never participated in that system c.n. never paid the bill. you know bill number want to never even pay it and in fact anything you did for tax bill it said so all capital letters in it says noon joe so after all that's not the way i write my name but when i send you a water bill or the sewage bill it's for me instead joe's of capital j. rest lower case middle initial ask and then new capital and breast the rest is
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lower case and so new job app and all capital letters essentially a trust that they create from what i've found out. i mean it sounds like a technical technicality hereon argument almost all you're saying that in order to impose property taxes upon you they created a fictional legal entity and a passionate seal in your property is that right exactly what they do is essentially make you a surety for that fictional entity just like a driver's license when you sign on driver's license the names and all capital letters in a hurry to spectate just person or legal entity you make you a surety for the name in all capital letters a trust ok so this is a city of palmer massachusetts actually levy are trying to levy the tax correct. yes the town of palmer they call themselves and one very important thing here is that these towns these municipal corporations are not governments they are
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municipal corporations that are acting as governmental a on the end of governmental governmental agencies that are essentially collection agencies to collect a bankruptcy debt that f.d.r. created through or set up through his stacking of the supreme court and area versus talk in one thousand and thirty nine so their banks there to collect collecting a bankruptcy and are using property tax to do it and the property tax exist because the states are using the property as surety to prop up their bond rating and that the tax is actually like the interest on the surety lean or something i haven't it at all still little fuzzy because they like nobody's going to nobody will tell you what's going on ok so they send you this bill for twenty three thousand dollars if they don't pay that we're coming after you and that we're coming happy that that date was that was a couple weeks ago now. that was june twenty eighth twenty eight and on june
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twenty eighth you hadn't you you decide you're going to sit in on your property and you were going to resist and you were your day they were threatened at that point that was when would the we're going to come and get them as we're going to commoner move you in congress to your property at that point correct yet it was a fiction notice but actually a little more interesting on june twenty seventh. the day before at about nine thirty in the morning the chief of police guy named robert frederick showed up i'm a chief of police and. he told me to go down to the court and ask first day of addiction. now when they had the eviction hearing i never entered the jurisdiction of the corps i did not cross that railing and step on that vessel you'll see any oranges or really don't look because they're represent ships railing so you're actually leaving the land and entering like maritime law when you walk
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into these courts these legislative courts or at least submitting to the jurisdiction of the court and you're making the case that you didn't submit but so so they can say well what happened they they never actually came to evict you then they never came to a big me i have my day or two after the eviction hearing. i sent in a petition killing court under the declaratory judgment act because they used the language issued a judgment against me a month before the hearing but the judgment isn't even signed so in my petition i asked them who is it judgment against the state created entity or the living breathing man and the town's lawyer the only thing i got was a rebuttal of the ad about three pages long the town's lawyers say basically begging lang court to deny my petition against wondering who the because we had a judgment against so this is ongoing legally supposedly as they they try to
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collect some kind of property tax from the other the corporation of the town of palmer tries to evict you from your lawfully own property but this is a huge victory i mean this is incredible they said ok we're going to come to we're going to come of it too and then because you just say you put your foot down you keep your money that you would have had to pay for this probably tax that is criminal in the first place and you get to stand your ground keep your property and stay free i mean as free as you can be in palmer massachusetts but still there were a lot of people there supporting you there were a lot of people that came out and harassed the city officials they possibly. embarrassing them into submission but thank you for your work thank you for putting yourself in this position and for challenging so many peoples concept of property is there anything people can do to further support your cause well yeah they can stand up to their own property mycologist everybody's you know not doing is just me
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is how this is this is being done for everyone and it won't really important point is if i serve the town alone or with an affidavit. in here to be achievable least stating that i'm not a fourteenth amendment greeted us citizen that i'm a national citizen you know the local not about the out of us citizens cannot own property well people the good fights outside us all the time we have to have it was a real honor to have you on the show really appreciate it keep up the good work all right thank you all right everybody that's nice over the week join us next week report on this weekend's students for concealed carry on campus conference and we don't have to wait for the ice caps melt to colonize the ocean we'll explain why seasteading may not just be the future of well colonizing the ocean but also of experimental government but you're looking at now is a very primitive design for a twenty meter diameter disk single island family see set from the forms that see set in the borg we finally get to that review of the camels that camera and the whole.
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