tv [untitled] August 5, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT
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are you ready to rumble has time for today's big picture on the right of a the week's biggest stories in a panel of experts political commentators tonight i'm joined in the studio by heather sermon conservative strategist associate at blueskin solutions as well as a blogger heather sermon dot com joe madison host of the joe madison show on sirius x.m. satellite radio is on the air from six to ten am weekdays on channel one twenty eight and brian darling columnist of human events and contributor to red state dot com and big government dot com and director of government studies at the heritage foundation welcome to all of you and let's get started. officially. the economy added one hundred seventy seven thousand four hundred seventeen thousand jobs we get we got this news this morning the seventeenth straight month the president had this to say about. but while this marks the seventeenth month in
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a row of job growth in the private sector nearly two and a half million new private sector jobs in alt. we have to create more jobs than that each month to make up for the more than eight million jobs that the recession collect so that's the good news and contrast to have million new jobs so far to bush's three million for his only years but the bad news the dow dropped five hundred twelve points yesterday it was back a little bit today with this news but it. wiped out the old gains of the year bad manufacturing numbers bad service sector numbers slow g.d.p. growth rate economic policy institute says that as a result of this deal that was cut between democrats republicans that it is going to take one point eight million jobs out of the economy in the next twelve to fifteen months and before the next election and two hundred billion dollars out of our g.d.p. because it's all cutting it's contract and now a.b.c.
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is reporting that standard and poor's says that they will likely downgrade our debt because we're engaging in contractionary policies like this and because they don't trust congress to the gang of twelve to actually be able to do anything john boehner has bragged that he got ninety eight percent of what he wanted so is this economic disaster the fault of the republicans brian course not it think it's a fault of both parties because they grew government too much we get a little mark this week this is the first time in our nation's history where our national debt as a whole is the equivalent of our gross domestic product this year what does that tell us that it's not a landmark we were above that during world war two well we're not hearing it any six percent of g.d.p. and it's not something to be proud of when we're looking at countries like portugal who are in economic trouble and they have a lower debt and as a reward in twenty four percent of g.d.p. right and that's not good we do not want you in just fine but we're not doing fine we have nine point two percent unemployment obama naan our data service right now
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quietly less than it did during the reagan administration but as a percentage is doing very poorly and the reason why is we have too much government we have too much regulation regulations imposed. about a one point seven five hidden tax on the american people every single year okies regulations that are extremely important as you've always said i mean we do want clean water we regulate we do want clean air we regulate that and god knows we should have regulated wall street or we wouldn't have been in the mess that we remember when. president obama he made a point and zachary the car was driven into a ditch and he spent the first two years trying to get the car out of the now here's here's my point he he made a gamble a gamble was i'm going to spend the experience of dollars and i hope to create x. number of jobs he fails sure but it least he stated is go here's what i would say
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to my conservative friends since you're talking jobs jobs jobs jobs why don't you do this for the american people how many jobs will your policies create and in what time frame because that's what my cousin wants to know. when will i go back to work and i spend a week on the air with a question all i want is someone to call me and say how many jobs will you create and in what time frame i never got one call to ask other than that we have left i would second what brian said but i'd also say that you know farrakhan need to really get moving again not only just government needs to reduce in size but i think americans also you see their own brought in a different way that we need to start conserving more and we're seeing how we spend money and took away those killer lives i think so a journey card with this one. well i would but i would also say that the government also be true to its size it needs to be a two tiered approach and say i should just all become four i'm not saying we're
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i'm saying that we shift within our means that we should be more frugal and we have been doing that and so we have different expectations i think i can only do you know we're really ok. here and there you know i agree with her. there is somebody to it but people do whatever i think everybody agrees that you know there needs to be belt tightening the question is what do you tighten and this is the this is the the theological theological this is the the ideological difference here my side says look now don't don't mess with students who need pell grants because these of these are students that business will need don't mess with seniors and medicare and yes medicare needs to be adjusted you know and these are what do you do with poor people who have been unemployed for ninety days one hundred twenty days you can't just cut them off and so what do they do. it's how you grow wow
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why do you do these and these are the the big issues in that frankly the are theological issues they are moral issue well as obvious they can be sure to hear your freddie and slippers right. now with the president obama just signed a funny bill he just. the second republican hostage taking three four weeks here has been resolved but it looks to me like we've gone from you know bill clinton said the era of big government is over and so we want from big government to small government you know hostage taking government government by hostages what's going to be the next to last this crisis the ones i see on the horizon the gas taxes expiring at the end of september grover norquist has already said that should be. the american people hostage or hold seven hundred thousand construction workers around the country hostage over. the his budget is coming up october is the fiscal year for the government super congress right the gang of twelve recommendations
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unemployment benefits for for people expire at the end of the year that the one year deal that president obama got. another one i would say that it's ridiculous notion to say. the republicans are the ones who are holding these things hostage in that you know they control only one third of the government you know they they don't have both houses they have the house all house side walks into a bank with a gun and he's the hostage taker you get a whole bag full of people you know these recent political games go on all the time so you can't say that it's a unique situation this is not unique situations what happens in every divided congress of course are going to have dissension and so the challenges for you know the congress right now and that's why people are growing really dissatisfied with congress is because it's divided you know so two thousand and twelve we're going to make it united or we're going to make it divided so you know yeah we're going to a president who supports congress and get some things through or not you know i mean what do you support you know i think about roosevelt who tried to get us out
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of the depression congress was absolutely against roosevelt news or some of his very wealthy friends you know it's interesting if i were president obama i'd run against congress he's got a much higher he's got four times well he's got four times higher rated you know what happened don't you none of us knew what the debt ceiling once. and then all of a sudden people were educated and but most important of all in peoria other places they saw how congress and they went what the hell is this and quite honestly they're there they're p.o. . everybody in congress and that's why it's at what fourteen percent twelve percent and i think that quite honestly you had better list of what's held hostage all of all of it let's start with your premise i mean we had a vice president joe biden called the tea partiers terrorists this week we had he said there is a serious tax senator chuck schumer argued the gun was being put to bed he actually
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did a hand gesture in and pointed a gun at reporters basically implying that republicans are terrorists and you did. just now i find that offensive by our calling republicans in the tea party terrorists and i am a proud tea party going to carry them and i'm going to say something i said this the other day and i'm a proud african american and i'll tell you what if other side wants respect then quit calling our president car baby put referring to our president as born there in lies the problem turn down the heat on both sides but he's a family attorney if you notice me public us air is me and calling the president tar baby and a liar which member of congress which member of congress called him a target is you there are no excuse me because look the the congressman from colorado we forget joe wilson said perry said you lie i mean all i'm saying is no i'm offended because you're calling me names and then we sit here with
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the president of the united states and president of all of us and then pat buchanan refers to him as a boy and then a colorado in a colorado congressman refers to him as a tar baby and then you've got tea party members running around showing him with bones in his nose as if he's a witch doctor and you tell me that he's stone have racial connotations of course they do but i do want to we can respect if you want respect give respect to argue that all nations i'm not arguing that all republicans i'm arguing exist not all democrats call everybody terrorists so if you're offended because of the terminology that is used by some i can be offended by the terminology they choose give me in that respect i'll give you the respect let me respond to the terrorist for sure i mean you know osama bin laden in you can read is the collected works of some of the blood that's published. that was one of my business books of the moment
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he explicitly served his goal with nine eleven was to crash the america. now if your thesis here republicans are like osama bin laden that's ridiculous i don't own rage i believe that. our are intentionally crashing the american economy so that they can use that to run against president obama next year but i think it's absolutely big and i raise very much it was i mean did you know we could raise an american to me and you know maybe not explicitly terrorist was in an interview and president obama's is no longer here for the common cold and republicans would be a conspiracy. i don't disagree but i think it's interesting that you brought up truman earlier i know that you did a commentary on the air about about him and you know the war of words that he had with congress and how he won with that however the truth was that that congress republican controlled congress that you know was kicked out of congress that you know that was not a do nothing congress i mean there's have a cia they established several things that are still exist today that we all
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appreciate so you know it was the u.s.s. rename oh you know they extended that made they created this national security idea that we still embrace today so yes he won the war of words but the reality is good at that he wasn't you know being wrong you know and i would i like is that obama says we explore we can on your question of approval let's just you know this one here congress is disapproval rate is now eighty two percent last night of the daily show jon stewart asked him about this and he had this to say. john is say that the approval rating for congress is between six and nineteen i don't believe we have that many relatives so. the numbers are inflated the numbers are and it's eighty two percent the it turns out republicans are mostly to blame for this john boehner disapproval has jumped up sixteen points the republican disapproval overall seventy two percent democrat sixty six are we seen the classic the reagan
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republican strategy of and bill bennett strategy of the same government is bad governance terrible i'm going to run against. government and when you get in government you basically break it and then when it's broken use point out it's broken and then you run against government how did they break it when they cut a deal in the debt limit increase or a cut a deal in the continuing resolution they were not talking about bills not being president is always out of it which is going right the trillions of mean god is not so good but let's talk about the cuts in the c.r. this package increases the deficit over the next ten years by six trillion dollars so we're not talking about cuts we're talking cuts to projected increases in spending the american people should not be fooled and they're actually. sets of inflation yes i am very familiar with it i'm familiar with the fact that on in january or february of two thousand and thirteen we're going to have to increase the debt limit again because we're going to run out of money and i'm very familiar with history and i remember when ronald reagan first term increased the hundred ninety nine point five percent but you know that's
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a talking point oh i'm sorry i'm not supposed to bring that i think increased since nine hundred sixty eight people are are not really i feel it with the party so much i mean they go back and forth they're more associated with the idea that people embrace they want to be a part of this group that you know shares their same values and so you know i think that's even more now so i think that you know we do have a divided congress it makes sense that people would be upset with the way congress is not working very well because we have a divided congress and you're right that more and more americans are identifying themselves as independent or not affiliated or what is that service they were living here is they're low information voters because they're they're they're being entertained to death by in fourteen months you know i think i think it's because quite honestly again i'll go back to work. i think they saw the process up close they were it was sad the rust saturated now we talk to each other because we're inside the beltway but i'm telling you people saw this and they went wait
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a minute why can't these folks sit down and agree to get. put me back to work people want to know and i'll put this question out here again who's got a plan to put me in the word and when will i go back to work that's all they want to know. that the process used to pass a bill clinton increase was not transparent the american people didn't get to see anything out of this is transparent and that's what all the restaurants are all disgusted by their process going to grill that carville announce that their recall in thirty six is really the sausage for thank you can see. carville of ours that they're going to. recall and destroy thirty six million pounds of ground turkey meanwhile the republican slashed the federal food safety budget two months ago this in the house of representatives eighty seven billion dollars thirty five million dollars in the u.s. regulatory the food safety division why do republicans have a problem seafood. well to continue upon i think they are cutting pork and
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a lot of different areas you know have a specialist up work and you don't really know i just want to get at them but i think that you know it's not a matter of being against food safety it's a matter of who they believe is the best to you know make sure that their you know cardio should be inspected well and the reality is this is their own inspectors and the c.d.c. who discovered it you know it was the c.d.c. that this problem started in march to their own it took the federal centers for disease control the do the d.n.a. testing to track back all these people who were getting sick and one person died oh it's coming from this point but this is the this is the libertarian point of view. we don't need an inspector is to the inspectors sausage making company if they poison a few people make a few people see then what happened just don't buy the sausage but in the meantime you've got sick people and it should have never happened and this isn't about
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cutting pork because most of those cuts are going to lay off what inspectors know. it's about overregulation this bill this f.d.a. reform bill is very harmful to small businesses to small farmers because all of a sudden they have to go through a lot of poison pill will be not love to poison people but we haven't had a problem of small farmers for years and he just passed his builder earlier this year i don't begin to but you could argue we have a huge problem the smaller farms before the f.d.a. bill was passed typical liberal solution pass legislation problem solved expanded out a federal program and there was a solution to make sure that the food is safe no you just by throwing more money into a program nobody really expected our inspectors that's what they do they are our inspectors and then when you cut the program you lay off inspectors and then there's not enough inspectors to go around to inspect the food that we all have to consume i don't understand you just to give you an example there was a local story actually not too long ago about a maryland farmer who was selling raw milk and he wasn't supposed to be saying is
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that this trade controversy the i know big controversy because who came in and closed him down with armed with arms you know if guns were aiming at him what you know i mean yes he should have been doing that was against the law but you need to come in with guns and you know basically scare the stool right guy or you're you know i agree with that so i'm going to hear what i really am saying is. the right time for our time for a quick short discussion when you know your last question great for sean hannity declared last night that by a group treats of medical condition that birth control does not take a look at this again this is about women's health if you care about women's health absolutely troll this you know if it helps you in those families can stop expecting other people to be responsible for every minute aspect of your life in this namely state that you want to create why should we pay for a man's biafra because that. interest that you have medical for the affordable care
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act would i mean all right here's what i think is a medical problem versus choice to have sex. so drugs that makes it easier for men to have sex should be free but a drug that lets women have sex without getting pregnant should not be free what am i missing here anybody well it started again you know i really thank you i don't think you have a room should be covered by insurance so it seems like a waste of money to me i'd disagree with sean hannity for the first time in my life oh i'll just agree with disagree on which i mean really easy i also agree that we shouldn't be covering either one of those ok and i'm going to disagree with all of you because it was all family of drugs that nitrates that affect blood pressure there actually is a variety of medical conditions they can they affect and a lot of women are on birth control pills not because they're for contraception but to regulate their periods and there's a whole spectrum of medical conditions i think you know the whole spectrum of the exams are useful the. paper i really have
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republican front runner for president willard mitt romney. is swimming in money today and one of the biggest contributions yet of this political season the company w span l l c as in limited liability corporation cut a check to romney for one million dollars but what exactly does spam do who is behind spam nobody knows it's a mystery why because the company disappeared shortly after the donation in fact it seems that the company only appeared in the first place just to give mitt romney a million bucks heaviest band was incorporated in march made the contribution april and then was dissolved by july the owner of the manhattan address supposedly belonging to the company claims he has no records of that company ever sudden shop out there back it doesn't even have a website so essentially mitt romney
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a guy who's running for the highest office in the land just got a million bucks out of thin air it could've come from some billionaire hedge fund could it come from a chinese business tycoon could have been a pile of money from a polygamous marman cult leader looking to stash his cash before he goes to jail could it come from some saudi prince we have no idea and that's because the supreme court doesn't think we have a right to know but secret political campaign contributions from corporations that can appear and disappear in total anonymity is just one consequence of the perversion of our constitution by trans national in some cases supernatural national corporations that paid off the supreme court of the united states to rewrite our bill of rights into a charter for their personhood. this is the central three theme of my book an equal protection after the fourteenth amendment was added to the constitution in one
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thousand nine hundred sixty eight to guarantee constitutional rights to freed slaves after the civil war it was corporations not there and not former slaves the benefited the most and most frequently in fact in the fifty years after eight hundred sixty eight corporations turned to the supreme court seeking protection and personhood under the fourteenth amendment which had been passed to free the slaves right at the civil war one hundred times more frequently than the actual people the amendment was supposed to protect and corporations have been very successful in claiming those rights in successive new cases before the high court over the hundred some odd years since then and when you give corporations personhood rights as the supreme court has a numerous occasions since the be eight hundred eighty s. and these corporations don't become people like you and me they become super people people who can't die people who don't need food and water survival people who can't
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be in prisons and people who have more money than you or i could ever dream up and by the way will never have to shell out part of an inheritance tax the money part is especially important since the supreme court ruled that money is a form of speech and then ruled that corporations as people have first amendment rights to free speech corporations now have a much louder voice in the rest of us especially in politics with that free speech corporations can now spend unlimited amounts of money on deceptive t.v. commercials to sway voters and even more money lobbying for what used to be called bribing or like the lawmakers and with that power corporations are making it rain. over the last decade health corporate health care corporation spent two point two billion dollars lobbying congress or oil and gas corporations specked spent one hundred one point one billion dollars and wall street dropped eight hundred forty
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nine million dollars all drowned out the voices of you and me we the people and convince lawmakers to support corporate friendly instead of people friendly legislation but like any good corporation that's trying to cut costs and maximize profits they figured out a way to spend less money on lobbying to get the same political results while the revolving door why spend a few million bucks lobbying a member of congress when you can just get yourself hired as that members chief of staff or into a regulatory agency and then get paid to advance a pro corporate agenda i see exactly what we're seeing today during the last congress that you know when nancy pelosi was speaker sixty former lobbyists worked in high level staff positions here on capitol hill but during this congress now the republicans are in control of the house of representatives that number has more
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than doubled with one hundred twenty eight former lobbyists now top advisors to mostly republican members of congress which is why it makes a lot of sense that in the recent debt limit deal billion dollar oil corporations got to keep their taxpayer subsidies billionaire corporate jet owners got to keep their tax loopholes and billionaire hedge fund managers got to keep their lowly fifteen percent maximum income tax rate for the rest of us who don't have lobbyists we get screwed. the consequences of this corporate takeover are clear thanks to lobbying cash to be used to defeat regulations we suffered from the b.p. oil spill last year and we were swamped by the wall street financial crisis in two thousand and eight and we drown and the stream of health insurance abuses year in and year out it kick more than fifty three million americans out of the us health care system corporations now reduce supreme court given powers of personhood
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are frankly devouring our nation and making mountains of money in the process in our declaration of independence instructs us that when institutions behavior to quote the declaration becomes destructive of these ends it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness end of quote it's time to listen to thomas jefferson the author of the declaration and polish the institution of corporate personhood tell your legislators move to amend the constitution now. that's the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered visit our website to tom hartman dot com free speech dot org and archie dot com also check out our two you tube channels there are links of thom hartmann dot com
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