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tv   [untitled]    August 6, 2011 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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the biggest issues good voice face to face with the news maker. is on our team just when the us thought it was dealing with its debt its dealt a blow by a credit score and loses its how will triple a crown or not china's weighing in on america's biggest creditor signals it's time to ditch the dollar. israel gears up for another round of mass protests the biggest in decades as people rage against a government they say has abandoned them. and that we travel to russia's drastic park in the remote far eastern hour movie where new breeds of dinosaurs were discovered.
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to sucker eleven am here in moscow you're watching our t.v. now to our top story the united states prized aaa credit rating has been caught for the first time ever started and poor's has dropped america's ranking to a double eight plus other destructive forces the crippling debt which congress has struggled to agree on how to tackle with only an eleventh hour deal to raise the amount allowed now s. and p. says that's not enough as far short of what's needed to stabilize the governments right away or away but the obama administration says the analysis is way off at will damage and the recovery artie's losing half an hour is in washington following developments for us. it really is more than anything i future symbolic and unprecedented to go low to the united states to its status as a as safe investment basically what this credit rating i'll. lowering does it is it
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really raises questions about the validity of the united states and the ability of the u.s. politically to get its financial house in order so to speak the record questions here for the american people for the u.s. government could be severe now while this only takes it down from aaa to a.a. plus with a negative outlook threatening in fact that the rating could get lowered even more in the next two years what it does is it potentially is that is the message that the united states is a risky investment that it sends interest rates going up for the federal government and because other borrowing costs are tied to that that means mortgage payments could go up mortgage interest rates can go up car interest rates can go up and really the rest of the u.s. economy could be severely affected now one thing that we do have to keep in mind here is that the obama administration had pointed out that the s.n.p. had made an error of about two trillion dollars in. projections in releasing that information now the s.m.p. doesn't make these decisions based on any sort of special information they really
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it really is a political reaction based on facts that are available to just anyone and so the other thing we have to keep in mind here is that these same credit ratings agencies essentially allowed top ratings to continue in the united states at a time when we were investing a lot of money in these mortgage security is that essentially ended up on lapsing and pulling down the u.s. economy with it so they don't really have all of that much credibility in the eyes of the world market still however we don't know what will happen come monday when the markets will open and if those interest rates do rise there could be a recall at this very unstable economic time here in the united states with the passage of this debt deal the u.s. government's hands are essentially tied in terms of stimulating the economy in terms of any sort of new spending that could boost growth we saw g.d.p. growth would have stalled to almost a crawl in the second half of the year we saw on top of that the jobs report that came out on friday night. it states while i was somewhat positive it actually
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showed negative growth because it means that more people here in america have given up looking for work so politically there's really not that will in washington to do what's needed to stimulate growth and financially they simply do not have the tools in their possession in order to improve things here and so while these credit rating agencies may sometimes be accused by some financial experts of having missed the mark long ago these small tiny effects in terms of higher interest rates could really really cripple what's already seems to be a worsening recession here in the united states global business expert george who told r.t. that the a credit reduction is a signal to politicians to stop playing the political games. a strong message to the politicians in congress as well as the white house said it better deal with this problem seriously and nap play politics it's really
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a matter of matter. can the u.s. afford it paid if it reaches us if always paid at by printing more money that's been historically the case what's different about this time is that the members of congress choose to strong hand hold ceiling hostage to other issues or issues having to do it was actually spending and title amendments and so on and so forth and they're not able to reach any color on those other issues and therefore they decide to play chicken or play you know play brinksmanship on the air on a national ted and i don't think they fully appreciate the damage but this move has done to the christie to the united states going out economist richard wolffe told our team that americans national recovery plan was doomed from the start. we've had
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twenty years of being told that our private enterprise economy is the royal road to success and prosperity forever then we had a crash of that system now we've had a recovery by a government that took care of the banks and insurance companies first and assured us it will trickle down it's not trickling down that's what is unemployment numbers mean that's what the increasing foreclosure of people being thrown out of their homes means and so on the stock market is finally the investment community itself realizing that this system is broken and there is nothing on the horizon to take it out and the anxiety that you should be among all the average people the vanishing middle class and all the people worried about government spending that anxiety is now spreading even to the top of the economy as they realize they've gone way too far and may have killed the goose that is laying the golden egg at least for them
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china is strongly demanding the united states sorts itself out and soon will buildings got a major interest because it's america's biggest creditor and by a long margin or even so china is making it clear that maybe it's time for a new reserve currency instead of the dollar artie's korea shooter is that asia's third largest economy india with more of the region's concerns. asian markets are tumbling they were tumbling on friday obviously we don't know what's going to happen on monday in specific reaction to this news but many analysts many financial analysts here predicted this especially after the u.s. debt ceiling debate that took so long and in many ways is what people are saying led to these lower approval ratings i guess you could say so the markets have tumbled here people are losing confidence in the american economy obviously there are things that soaring there's thing a lot since decisions not specifically being made when it comes to the two point four trillion dollars in cuts a lot of people are wondering at the top of the u.s.
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this along as it comes to a decision just to raise the debt ceiling how much longer could it take to actually figure out but typically where to cut in asia has a very vested interest in this if you think about what these ratings actually means that means of the united states won't be able to repay a lot of their loans and actually hold three trillion dollars in the united states alone so people here are watching what's happening in the united states very closely asian investors are getting k.g. on the back of what's been a tough week for america's economy gibralter says the ditch bonnes. all the asians already know that america's got problems all of us are already moving out of u.s. government bonds everybody in asia knows that we never got out of the first global recession unemployment in america still higher than it was in two thousand and eight the american dead has skyrocketed and gone through the dead or through the roof america's in worse shape now than it was before america spent
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a lot of money and the people who got that money are better off but the overall situation is much worse america's quadrupled it's dead america if you take in the consider the things that they can guarantee they printed huge amounts of money you know the world has gotten worse the world hasn't gotten better we will either inflate people back in worthless money we will inflate it away we will change the rules we will put on exchange controls our vision of the us will depart that's why people are moving away from us government bonds because everybody knows that the us is in serious trouble and the debt situation is getting worse and worse not better and better all the down came too late to hit europe's stock markets but it has already taken a hammering this week being battered by the euro zone and america's debt l.t.s. a large is that a bushel is monitoring be a fall out process. yes and came form the white house they were palgrave they were told they made a million dollar mistake in their calculations they scrambled to get it with
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european partners going work them out in an emergency meeting in the middle of the other night admitting they had laid a mistake and then went ahead with of their own going anyway but really u.s. credit rating agencies are going around the world and here in europe for many years because they still have a aaa ratings on loans the big bully collapsed in the country grudge the agency lost and its asian people lost their savings and the war slid into recession is also fury here in europe over as in these numbers the agency had a long chalk full of what was the about these delawareans or allowing the administration to prepare is responsible question the agency's decision to another that happened when they recently evaluated countries here in the european union also greece and other animals so all all that suggests that ratings agencies are rigged and systems and the e.u. is now creating its own agency in any case that they're going to screw not just for america which will are paying much more interest on its already unsustainable debt
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book people around the world who hold that there are people in asia and europe which know that that looks much more shaky. now one small step for man one giant black hole for a government grader in new york we ask what's the difference between our debt and those of our leaders. much worse for government to be and why because we trust the government to do the right thing and they're doing absolutely we opposite of that we don't you trust yourself to do the right thing and live within your means i do but i'm in debt such that i can pay it off. more views on why a people and governments knocks out their credit and how to set things straight that's coming up in a few minutes. and a painful balance elite top secret document shows british officers were encouraged to weigh up how possibly torture prisoners depending on how much information they could be. discontented easier also showing no sign of abating with
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protesters climbing a third week out of social protest what to tell of you the street has already been renamed by song as your square which was the site of egypt's uprising as artie's of policy or reports the number of protesters is growing steadily. places today saturday tens of thousands of protesters will be taking to the streets here in tel aviv as well as in civil other cities around the country where they'll be holding a mass rallies against the government there hoping to topple the one hundred fifty thousand nationwide who took to the streets last weekend this is the first saturday in the road that protest all be held they are united and the band that the government has abandoned the people and the central message coming from organizers is that the people are taking the country that now the plan tonight is for demonstrators to march from what's twelve would abolish rates of the british consul we explained since he has been established the final destination is not far from here at the curia defense compound and they will be holding
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a mass where you can see into a number of demands on the government of the civil speakers several popular. singh is also present in the last week there have been a number of smaller demonstrations that have been held for civil law was earlier this week taxi drivers blocked off a number of main roads they were protesting against the high cost of diesel there was also another protest among teachers university professors and students and they were united under the banner we education for all i did another demonstration just yesterday we hundreds of parents with strollers took to the streets and they were protesting against the rise in costs and the high costs of having children feeling as well as many prime minister. has been surprised by the massive supports all these demonstrations and his government is still struggling in terms of how to deal with in the cinci what you can hear some people here in israel saying is that in the tanakh it was so obsessed with gathering intelligence for the first solo from
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the mediterranean that he missed the opportunity to see what was happening here under his eyes want to see allah to tell every of. the knesset member of daniel ben-simon as a prime minister netanyahu doesn't realize the protests are rooted in a public rage not from political rivals. people here yelling out shouting are sleeping in the streets i'm talking about tens of thousands he won't see the police shooting or beating the protestors it's very polite it's very strong vested very polite as to how to change the policy of the government and how to have a better life in israel for the time being they have not been any wounded in the last three weeks i don't think it will be different in the coming weeks this is a strike of history professionals it's not of unemployed people we have almost no one employed that but you do everything and see if you cannot have a decent life this demonstration that has no right wing or left wing views it is
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most of the mainstream israelis who feel so bad about how they live and they go to the street like tonight and maybe next week and i don't think mr netanyahu gets the right view of this demonstration he thinks that political parties are behind it and he's wrong. well on our website he got more reports right from the epicenter of the demonstrations in israel kratovil some journalists say that with hardly any global media attention the government can easily ignore the pressure to prove living standards more on this story online at our t.v. dot com.
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the people of the united states and our friends and allies will not live at the mercy of an outlaw regime that threatens the peace with weapons of mass murder his regime is an active program to acquire and develop nuclear weapons and let there be no doubt about we know for a fact there are that there. this work is being carried out into the direction of dr david kay respected scientist and former u.n. inspector was leading the weapons search in iraq we are determined to take this apart you have a tremendous a group of dedicated american men and women involved in this with the best assets of the intelligence community and for by. david cheney is not going to be done with this for quite some time david kay wants more time and he says it could take another six to nine months to make a definitive finding ministration is asking congress for hundreds of millions more are six hundred million dollars to fund a continuing search you have not yet shiny pointy things that i would call a weapon before we can draw from conclusions we need to let the iraqi survey group
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complete its work. we were all wrong probably in my judgment. and that is most disturbing. sometimes the true patriots takes the unpopular course but how does the country of words. likes and even if they can't persuade at least they tried patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels and i think these are scoundrels they have no argument now they have no defense for what they did the country is in a terrible international security situation but i think it's perilous so they're attacking the patriotism of others. great for the. we've got. the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers. welcome back the british intelligence services have
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allegedly been of violating international law for almost a decade a leaked top secret documents suggests agents were permitted to use information taken from prisoners under duress overseas officers were asked to balance how much they expect the detainees to suffer against the value of the information they could get they were also given political protection from prosecution but human rights activists are demanding an open and fair inquiry but they fear that any questions will be met with a wall of silence as tara lolled from amnesty international explains. and there are a few key reasons why the inquiry is unable to do its job properly and the thrust of these is the rather shocking level of secrecy that surrounding the inquiry and much of the inquiry is going to take place behind closed doors and no information will be released to the public without the say so of the government which is very worrying for an inquiry that supposed to be getting information to the public about what's been going on very much hope that they will see that there will still be an
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inquiry which is open and thorough and transparent and i think if there is a full open inquiry and lessons are learned from that in the u.k. can restore its reputation in the world and making sure that what it does in the future learn from the lessons of the past. let's have a look at other world news in brief fresh clashes in syria have seen at least ten die as government forces rounded up protesters in the city of hama sixty crackdown has killed around two hundred people rallies and testified after the first friday prayers of the start of the holy month of ramadan international condemnation of the violence is growing and the u.s. is working on new ways to reform a situation that sanctions. in achieving a solid retore mass has been held to mark the rescue of thirty three miners who were trapped half a mile underground a year ago where they carried an image of the virgin mary for fifty kilometers from the isolated to mine that has been closed since the mine most rest of the trapped
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men it became known as last year said works were up for sixty nine days or all were rescued safely and it was watched by t.v. audiences worldwide. typhoon muifa on its way to china leading to more than two hundred eighty thousand people to evacuate to safety into eastern coastal provinces the storms have already hit the philippines taiwan and japan severe damage is expected thousands of fishing boats have been called into shore and emergency crews are on standby. and next week travel thousands of kilometers east of moscow but millions of years back in time. today were the far eastern eye wall region has rich geology has abundance of precious and valuable metals which is driving its industrial expansion rocky's
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alice here has met one team whose treasure lies gold plated bones. this week the russia close up team is coming to you all week from the far east and more region now for many this region's distinctive juice to its proximity to china and its reserves of war materials and natural resources but for one paleontologist and his team it's the bones of ancient dinosaurs discovered deep within the ground here that will put this region firmly on the map. you need a lot ski is a man obsessed with potholes a bygone age when dinosaurs rule this part of russia he may have been born in the country's western areas but it's the far east on tap jurassic history in the region to which he's devoted his adult life purpose the curvilinear decide to be known since about nine hundred forty eight it would have been unbelievable number of bones are buried here and i think we'll be digging for at least another two years
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with a literally everywhere here i am a region is looking at one of the few functioning archaeological sites only here going to site ghosts of having produced a complete dinosaur skeleton that discovery made a decade ago led to the recognition of a new breed of dinosaur or laura to town or giant swan and twelve metre long have all found almost exclusively here and it was you the son who first stops at the fragments of tail bone sticking out of the father and son went on to make paleontology history advancing swallowed his fungus that steps its painstaking work requiring patience and skill in equal measure when we discover the one we will begin to remove the ground around it from of her youth and knife your your hand and . where you go forward is low because the. more in the ground around it.
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why is it. yuri and his team have been excavating this site for the past three years and already they found well over one thousand dinosaur bones approximately sixty five million years old but they believe that the bones of hundreds of more dinosaurs i'm yet to be found within this small plot alone i'm told that these will most likely be fragments of another giant duck billed plant eater unique to the region and named in his honor more saurus is another previously undiscovered breed credited to team the last ski which includes natalia also as scientists it was she who came up with both steiner saul's names as well as taking day to day charge of running the region's only paid logy the poor tree and museum each new discovery misty can catalogued and examines the aim is to inspire the next generation of dinosaur hunts of this. one ensuring the family's feats don't go to our members but
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the rest. of you you can see a photo of your skill at the excavation site and here you see photos of i'm going to soras this is the skeleton of a war story it's quite a strange looking reptile isn't it and so learn from the follies of history stars mars and this is charles marsh an american billion dollar just in one thousand nine hundred seventy he visited moscow and announced that there were no dinosaurs in russia and everyone believed him yet luckily u.-t. belonged comes from a long line of scientists who chose to follow their own instincts and secure place in the history books as one of the world's foremost sites for caitlin's ology it was their determination and no small amount of digging that revealed a dinosaur jangles alice a bit r.t. . if you are right get into debt the bank is on our backs without delay yet it's only now that america which shows trillions is seeing its credit score decline all
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our talk for a whole story harmfulness asks a liberal york why americans are so cleaver on war when. why do you think so many people allowed themselves to get so far and that is the is the age that we live in everybody sees the person next door that they thought the brand new car the star lifestyle and that's what they want is so much advertising and people just want you to spend money so i think that's a difference between americans and europeans but you have advertising in europe or you just you don't pay attention to it or. i think we pay less attention to it and we probably think a little more about what we need and what we can afford it's all about thinking yes i think so is it worse for you to be into personally that it is for a government to be in that. it's much worse for
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a government to be and why because we trust the government to do the right thing and they're doing absolutely we opposite of that we don't you trust yourself to do the right thing and live within your means i do mean get such that i can pay off debt is that it's bad for governs bad for individuals and the government should show leadership really got to clean it up do we really expect our government to get its act together if we can't get our act together for small family we can only hold the individuals and the government will step up and make a difference whether or not you're in debt personally the bottom line is we've become a planet of debtors so it might be time for all of us to rethink what it is to live within our means. by the world's high flyers will be a mosque over the spot on our team looks ahead in a few minutes that's after
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a recap of the headlines in just a moment. the history of this place runs through the centuries. a paradise for archeologists zoo all ages and ecological tourists.
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was one fateful night just destroyed donoghue life. how this republish all its lifetime. hoping dreaming and recreate it. down to the official party allocation q i phone or i pod touch from the i choose amps to. charge the life on the go. video on demand r.t.s. my old costs an r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. kitchen on the car
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t.v. job car. because. the . wealthy british style sign. market finiteness founded. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause report on our cheat.


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