tv [untitled] August 6, 2011 3:31pm-4:01pm EDT
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well. bringing you the latest in science and technology from around the world. we've got the future covered. hello again a welcome to fall into the show on r.t. i'm out with all that and today we'll talk about next the tenth international aviation sprayed show just outside moscow the russian aviation show will house planes and truth all over the world business people are flocking to strike a multi-million dollar contract and visitors are gathering to watch downlink air
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performances of russian head of foreign aid what else do the organizers have how best leap here's a director of the mad stevy ation show blood in their bodies at the head of the russian history department you wouldn't see this on. the international education space shuttle or max was launched in russia just two decades ago but has managed to gain weight very quickly financial experts note the deals done at the russian and shows not yet as big as the world's oldest the paris and show. but unlike its french counterpart max is growing rapidly which gives businessman reason for optimism the last max so deals worth over ten billion dollars and this year denies is surely one to beat it. is nice to see you. know what place does next occupy among other international air
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shows and how is it different from them. well i believe that it's not quite appropriate to assess this event in terms of places you know i don't mean whether it's number one or second best it cetera what i mean is what makes max special because every air show has something special about it. that's rising above all the major international and shows that take place in paris london russia china something that makes them different. max definitely ranks among the top five world and shows. makes it different from all the other shows is probably that we have the most interesting and spectacular flying demonstrations. this is the air show is taking place in russia outside moscow and naturally everybody is expecting to see some new russian aircraft anything new this year it will i prefer not to reveal the surprises we have prepared for our visitors but. what you have to
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write. for the first time will display the fifth generation fighter jet pack. that we take pride in is that is it's our main achievement in the military aircraft manufacturing industry in the past three years but now the second project type is ready and we are happy to present the jet to the visitors. so this is perhaps the most anticipated model russian aircraft some. generally speaking air show will be different from the previous maps airshows because we'll have many heavy and super happy aircraft on display. for example we expect to see an eighty three eighty airliner at our show. for the first time after the airshow will also display. and to twenty five marine aircraft in the
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heaviest aircraft in the world. the only super heavy transportation the american c. five galaxy will also be displayed on the ground as well as a number of other aircraft which boggle the mind not only by deer's technical solutions but also by their design the question. for aerobatic teams dissipating it with. actually five you know are they going to demonstrate the fifth generation fighter jets you've mentioned or not yet. you know there are no aerobatic teams for this generation fighter jets as yet naturally we hope to see it in the future but currently unfortunately the russian flood groups are flying the jets that have been tested and used. to fifteen or even twenty years. could be as you twenty seven want to leave as you
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thirty and the me twenty nine. need reliable jets for the kind of things they do yes. for and pilots are going to be there. for well this year we won't be able to treat our visitors to an aerobatic show. of hands and. would have been so popular with the russian public. but we'll have foreign pilots flying the u.s. air fifteen eagle and the french are a father and the telly and see twenty seven cars or plane or. some one of. the latter is a unique cargo plane that's be forms aerobatics. from the show the planes the aerobatics. business and contracts. planning to sign any contracts at this year's air show if you do not mind disclosing this
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information of course. yes there are some contracts that we would live to keep yourselves for now. we wanted to be a surprise to everyone but to also be king in general if we think the business part of the year shows are really important it is an integral part of any exhibition because but we expect business activity to go up in the run up to maps as well as during the air show itself this creates. a lot of meetings involving aircraft manufacturers and affectional us from all related to fields but there will be many business forums and conferences during the maps where a wide range of issues related to airplanes helicopters and chance and so forth will be discussed but they just were the contracts it was the most important deal among those i'm free to mention now at least the expected contract between united aircraft corporation and united corporation you can see these are two russian companies that plan to sign enamel you on their purchase so if new p.t. fourteen agents for the new m.s.
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twenty one aircraft but they cheat is an innovative and highly important project it is because it will provide contracts for the enchants that will be produced in two thousand and fourteen and twenty fourteen and installed on the planes that will be needed in twenty sixteen and twenty seven seen but yet many parameters will become clear their characteristics their products and there is delivery terms this makes it much easier for the corporation to launch these products on the market this year as they did with this you know i have been following news from the recent air show in paris but it doesn't he's i mean the wrong i get an impression that the business is dying out in the united states and europe. we end all eyes are turned on the asian markets which soon more than half of all flights worldwide will be departing from or landing in china. i wasn't sure that the asian market is developing so fast and is so robust as to check all the aircraft. effect through
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all the airlines and so forth. as far as airlines are concerned my colleagues from the transportation ministry could give you more information on the issue of chile new logistic crude some the world air traffic map and some forecasts for the twenty twenty twenty thirty s clearly indicates that the share of asia especially southeast asia and chinese grown. nearly increasing are actually skyrocketing but i think there were two tendencies that are developing simultaneously but they are not directly related to each other on the one hand the number of flights to and from me she's on the rise on the other hand what you said about the atmosphere at the paris air show unfortunately i wasn't barry but i think i know what you're talking about because new ambitious employers are answering to the aircraft manufacturing market in their new projects neighborhood an end to the duopoly of eighty s and boeing the
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new players from canada brazil china japan and of course russia reaching for those market segments that were traditionally be demain did y'all pully in the choice each player has us brawls and cones and. chances for success and problems but they certainly pose a threat to those who used to dominate the market like these things are not discussed today or shows who know they next will have a section dedicated to young people and their experience in aircraft technology would you please tell us more about this exposition what will be there in display and generally does the fact that you have such an exposition i mean there is no lack of young professionals in your industry. so ten years not sure of course it does just a max is a big event and we don't limit our program to business meetings and conferences out
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of pity that is also important too to us. instill patra tism in our young people. we have had this section for a number of years. five years or more. there is a section for college students and another one for children. in the college student section and we offer an opportunity for all the universities related to our industry to display their projects. their innovative technologies and so forth. in the children's section we announce the winners of our year long contest. of the best projects are displayed and mr putin traditionally visits this pavilion and receives presence at so it's a kind of a tradition you know. also last year we had a jump there and i think we will do it again this year. the
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idea is to bring together university graduates and potential employers i hope it works with. students intrusion managed to produce something real value for manufacturing i mean something apart from presents for mr putin. a question. let me answer this question he said. the truly does not matter what they display at the point is that they should be creative. the main purpose of this action is to demonstrate the creative potential we have in our college students. and it is really not that important whether their work will be used in the future as part of some serious research or accord that the core remain just an academic project say. spotlight will be back shortly right after
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it used to be an ideal place for a holiday but it changed in a moment. i. goldens of war are still visible. the republic is not only relieved but also shaping the future. welcome back to spotlight norman just a rumor and did it my guests on the show today by the director of the international aviation space show and the director of the industry department.
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mr sulu sar and other items on the agenda of the next two thousand eleven airshow is a conference on the trends in prospects for aviation in russia. what are your expectations of this conference do you hope to get more subsidies from your government b.b. . this conference will provide a platform for an in-depth discussion of the new government showground for the aviation industry. has been and was working on this document for the past eighteen months and we hope to finalize our work in time for a max and resent area conclusions at this conference. and we hope that the comments caps some constructive feedback we'll receive at this conference will help us to finalize the program it is a fundamental document for the industries you've seen the results for than x. fifteen years. then was presented to the government this spring right. what we
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presented in spring was just a concept which outline immunity is of the program currently we are working on the final text of the program. the objectives of this program we want russia to regain its spot among the world's top three nations in the aviation industry it's mainly to revive regional and traffic. the primary objective involves several seconds or objectives one of which is to revive local air traffic which was well developed in soviet times but with time regrettably declining we need to recover in this segment . i am going to try out some secrets all right. there have been numerous reports in the media saying russia is working on a super fast helicopter they will develop the speed of four hundred kilometers per hour is this helicopter ready to be showcasing it at the air show i would actually refer you to mr slow sorry here with this question as he is much better informed of
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all sorts of secrets while we do as organizers is provide a venue where they came and the veil of a secret exactly that's what i mean. i mean really russian helicopters have always been very popular are we going to see any breakthrough helicopter technologies this time. yes there will be some very interesting exhibits i'd rather keep it secret for now and instead invite all viewers to visit max and see it all for themselves. but it will be a fascinating show in addition to airplanes there will be a helicopter session provided by all but. there will be new models and some interesting exhibits but i'll keep the secret for now. and i have a question for you. in one of your recent interviews you said we would like to learn from brazil the model the use to support their aircraft manufacturing industry or indeed brazil started from scratch very good progress in just
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a few years i think their manufacturing what. five hundred planes a year or so what is this president model and why have you picked it over say the seventh model which actually works well airplanes are ranked among the best in the world this is true of course we're willing to incorporate the best of soviet practices but we think that the brazilian model is very interesting and especially efficient at their start up phase has got up and that's where we are now with the maturity of our projects we're starting off excuse me for interrupting and i just want to ask if we know instead of face that and presumably means nothing if what we had before has actually survived and we have to build everything from scratch again fortunately some things have been preserved it is probably not a start up but a follow up if we talk about the industry on the whole you're right i was talking about specific projects for instance there is the am i eight helicopter which has been fine for forty years now but still accounts for a major share of our sales in the sales so this helicopter has been growing year in
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year out it will fill in both in terms of numbers and in terms of revenues or which we are eternally grateful to its design or that you but on the other hand there is the am honest to anyone plane that we have high hopes for it is currently at the design stage and we expect it to be ready by two thousand and fifteen i'm talking here but the new aircraft there are only entering the market like a super jet or a n one forty eight and other airplanes and helicopters to put these aircraft have in a good financial package is of crucial importance in your line snow longer purchased aircraft alone they purchased a service a product that's why the products cost and quality are most important in this sense the brazil and system has been very helpful for us it has enabled us to shift the relations between the state in the industry in such a way that the government has taken it upon itself to finance expensive aviation projects as well as provide the lowest possible interest rates unfortunately proud banks in russia still maintain high interest rates so we cannot take commercial loans with a terminal for ten to fifteen years and run profitable projects if we arrange
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government support of the industry quoting to the brazilian system providing for. minimal interest rates is that your business plan can accommodate that would generally ensure the kind of competitive performance that we are aiming at that is what the brazilian system is all about things. he has mentioned the superjet will be showcasing it this year. yes we will it's not going to be the first time it goes in display or are you going to show any new features that you. know there are no new features. we demonstrated all the new features of the previous max show your million and others are going to see this year's show will be out tenth and this year's moto is a max but always a premiere for the premier that would. be jet was the premiere last year and had this max show as you has said it will unveil the fifth generation fighter jet but this doesn't mean that all of the aircraft will be brand new actually our shows
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also feature aircraft that were designed and constructed ten or twenty years ago and what matters is that we present them as a product for the market is why did the designers and manufacturers look forward to meeting their prospective customers customers that attend max they're not only foreigners are they yes there are both russians and foreigners so how much do you reach out to promote this new project domestically because this is a big issue every time a plane crashes and i'm sorry to mention this but it just can't be ignored like this most recent crash of the t one thirty four that was of us everybody start seeing you can't fly these planes any longer they're barely outdated there are new planes but nobody buys them is that the case. well indeed this failure to market new aircraft is an issue for government policies to address that took place at this point russia's banking system and project financing mechanisms are not efficient enough to meet the needs of consumers that is russian airlines we hope what yuri
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was talking about happens at the end of the day. max itself it is an opportunity for a businessman to meet and talk business programs of flight program and even the static exhibition offer a lot of opportunities for face to face dialogue at the root of customers can come in take a close look at those aircraft touch them try them out and so on as this is the superjet is in demand i would add that from the point of view of russia's domestic market released we should do is to offer new aircraft to the airlines on financial terms that would allow them to replace old aircraft was new once the new aircraft should be marketed primarily in russia be able to their immediate for the domestic market and one forty eight used to land on turf airstrips such as those most airports in russia have especially in the north and in the forest region our primary goal is to promote russian made planes on the russian market is yuri mentioned the am one forty eight airplane
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a new model the a and one fifty eight will be rolled out of the upcoming next show this is another new model we have. ports for repeated mention a new upcoming project twenty twenty jet because you can tell us about this project what kind of aircraft are we talking about is it really going to be a breakthrough. on would have to you what is this project all about. what is the breakthrough that someone at this point the twenty twenty jet is purely a concept project we cannot even define its basic characteristics. don't even know whether it will fly horizontally or vertically yes so whether it will be a passenger or a cargo. twenty twenty chad is a craft that will help us take up ten percent of the global market which is what our strategy calls for things are you looking for initial yes we're looking for
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a product that would help us bring our share up to ten percent. we're looking for two things on the one hand we're looking for a niche on the other hand we're reviewing our current. determine the area where we have a good chance of achieving a real breakthrough nobody's you can't answer the market unless you have a breakthrough product so a combination of our marketing research and orangey efforts will eventually define what this twenty twentieth's had to look like. my final question is for both of you both in. your best to promote. an industry on a global scale. today twenty years after the disintegration of the soviet union and the decline in collapse of the russian aircraft manufacturing industry can we say we're not really far behind global industry leaders are we beginning to catch up with companies such as boeing and airbus. we have started this process which is a big step in itself. we haven't entered the race that's right i would even say
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we have jumped on to the last car leaving train but we were not left standing on the platform so this is good it could have been much worse. you could be building things instead of aircraft in the someone who rides but we're getting new aircraft . we managed to retain some of our potential and as yuri said we are at the start ups or a follow up stage work on that saves a start up process is underway and we hold that united aircraft corporation will be successful within the nishi dr panis. yes we have a chance thank you thank you very much both of you for being with us and just a reminder that my guest today would have let the director. and. director of. the department and that's put out from here if you want to have your sales spotlight to have someone who aren't. good. t.v.
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dots are here and let's keep plants interact we'll be back with more first and comments on what's going on outside russia until then stay on r.t. and take. this is a cable from the u.s. embassy in colombo to talk about here an apparent june seventh incident of extrajudicial executions the military according to the press that on that day that told nine to release him from the best occasion by instructs young couldn't you know and their vocal to do strongly suggest however that the nine were executed by the army and then dressed in military fatigues.
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to explain how you know this kind of phenomenon where bodies are dressed up as guerrillas and presented as killed in action and this and this idea that you need to produce bodies actually encouraged paramilitary collaboration this is a cia document central intelligence agency they knew about these activities they knew they were happening they knew about links to paramilitary groups and yet. u.s. aid continued to flow.
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the. people the government. revolutionary egypt. the worst single loss of american troops in the conflict and. international. life in. the russian capital good to have you with us this hour the united states prize top aaa credit rating has been for the first time since one thousand nine hundred seventeen stone.
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