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tv   [untitled]    August 7, 2011 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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the elevator the gateway to the grand imperial. college was the girl until you can a let you know that you don't need to go and clearly this is the kernel was originally was used to retrieve. political this week's top stories from our t.v. the aaa that's now america's accounting anxiety its credit crowd is taking down a wrong in the ratings as investors shutter over how the debt ceiling raise was handled. it is round about the rocky regan global markets with wall street's worst week in over two years worsened by europe's debts and fears of a second possible american recession. president's former president goes on trial for mass killing of corruption really public see the replacement regime failing to meet the revolution's demands. but if they bring israel the reform rally swelled with quarter of a million people in television angry that the government's left living costs get
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out and. nine am here in moscow you're watching r t now a look at the week's top stories higher boring costs weakening business and consumer confidence as well as slimmer chances of recovery well it's a potential ripple effect for the united states after its top tier aaa credit rating was kept out by a notch well standard and poor's took the unprecedented move of dropping america's ranking to a double a plus in its outlook and white house officials are all the defensive saying there is a two trillion dollars mistake s. and p. admitted that but is sticking with its session of which it says is objective it's despite the last minute debt deal which narrowly rescued the country from default but the damage was already done as the political haggling undermined investors'
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trust economists max fraud was brace yourself for a stock market roller coaster on monday. i do think that sunday night local time here in new york or monday morning for asia when the markets open in new zealand australia and then quickly thereafter in north east asia we're going to see some of the dislocation that we have all here i would be kind of headed into this disaster over the last month or two complicated which is actually mentioned in the press release complicated by the complete dysfunction of the u.s. congress we're going to see another shock wave hit into a global economy and global financial markets that spent the last week full of got a flight of stairs so i think we're in a very sensitive vironment here and while there's no good time to be downgraded the timing of this s. and p. downgrade of the u.s. from aaa double a plus could not be worse it sets up an environment in which symbolically politically and economically the united states leadership but global
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economy has another kind of strike against it does reduce people's confidence i think quite ironically you might see people buying u.s. treasuries and selling all their credits as a general like the quality people get scared they run away from riskier assets i mean ron in fact just those u.s. treasuries that were just downgraded i think the bigger risk is to the word huge market with a very fragile situation in u.s. housing as well as car loans credit conditions generally and i would remind people to the s. and p. didn't just downgrade the united states they put us on further downgrade watch there suggesting that this downgrade may be big to be hearing of a process and not be an america's rating scott has met with a star response internationally china is demanding independent supervision over u.s. dollar operations and is calling for a new stable reserve currency and asia third largest economy finance minister called the situation a grave singapore based investor and author jim rogers says they're exhausted and
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justified. all the asians already know that america's got problems all of us are already moving out of u.s. government bonds we never got out of the first local recession unemployment in america is still higher than it was in two thousand and eight. to the dead are through the roof america's in worse shape now than it was before america spent a lot of money and people who got bad money ok better all but the overall situation is much worse americas quite true but instead america if you take in the considerably things that they guaranteed they printed huge amounts of money you know the world has gotten worse or hasn't gotten better but it sure the u.s. will default that's why people are moving away from us government bonds because everybody knows that the us is in serious trouble and the debt situation is getting worse and worse not better and better. and lots of months of political squabbling before the lot of our deal was struck to raise america's debt ceiling but it was
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still not enough to stave off a credit score drop as main approach and i explained said that's are ready to move out of the united states because of its increasingly fractured fiscal reputation. help us avoid default debt ceiling nation default and this crisis time's running out the entire world is watching it's been a public spectacle filled with bickering grandstanding and lack of compromise i divisive debate over raising the u.s. debt ceiling created an unprecedented climate of uncertainty over america's so-called sound economy the damage has been done and what happens now everybody really thinks the united states isn't so secure it isn't so safe even if the craziness subsides it seems to have gotten real close and who knows whether the next month next year this won't blow up again since the underlying causes economic problems are getting worse in this country four point five trillion dollars of
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america's borrowing is owed by foreign countries experts say rushing to mismanagement may cause investors to abandon the devalued dollar and end their partnership with america it's like being married to someone decide. they were sure you well know what i do how much can i put up with this relationship the u.s. will be in for a long time the only game in which the unity is making noises chinese making noises well you know we're alone now in our ability to be a repository for financing in the world the results could spark a replay of the two thousand and eight economic meltdown except this time washington not wall street would be responsible it's like the batteries worn out the spark plugs don't work the tires are flat all of this and so what we're trying to do is say we've got a little bit of money in the bank let's pay that down but we're not doing anything to fix the economy and so we're putting ourselves in
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a bigger and bigger hole not just because of the debt but really because we're not creating any way to get out of that instead of the u.s. president repeatedly asked americans over the past week to join the campaign. to borrow and spend more make a phone call e-mail tweet keep the pressure on washington and we can get past this while the eyes of the world have been following the heated saga playing out between u.s. politicians the main problem not going away is america's debt and the growing realisation that elected officials may never be capable of agreeing on how to solve it or enough r.t. new york trans forecaster charles solenn to told r.t. that despite a last ditch attempt to salvage a debt strategy the us is doomed for another great depression the american economy as well as much of the global economy is heading into the greatest
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depression anything everything that they're doing is not going to salvage it the great depression is underway and all they're doing is trying to make it look as though they have a plan to stave it off they're not going to you know what's a reputation a reputation is by what you deliver to united states can't deliver the united states can't deliver on its wars it loses wars where there are iraq afghanistan the war on drugs the war with libya they are losers the government did everything that they touch look at all the trillions of dollars the tens of trillions that have been pumped into the system since the panic of zero eight struggling by the federal reserve by d.c. with the stimulus bailouts too big to fail everything they do they turn to failure why would any thinking adult look at the republicans and the democrats next and the incompetence to come up with a program that's going to salvage the nation investments having confidence looking
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to the same people that caused the problem to resolve it that's called insanity the business of america when i used to be a young man it used to be business now the business of america is war. will return to the economic woes afflicting of both sides of the atlantic a little later in the program the worldwide panic selling as investors jettisoned their shares in the worst week for stock markets since two thousand and eight. and the hard line muslims trying to weigh down the issue are real or no drinking at all out music women covered up we hear their plans for the capital's code of conduct. egyptians are finally seeing their former president face trial for killing and corruption but many feel they have yet to see the revolution which deposed bear any real fruit now hosni mubarak does not either charges against him at the opening of his hearing where he's accused of ordering the deaths of protesters back in february the trial is expected to last eight days could see what barak faces
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a death sentence if convicted they three year old was in a hospital bed when he appeared alongside his two sons and top aides who are also accused of corruption and mass killing well for the egyptian people unemployment is at an all time high millions are struggling to make ends meet are these various financial reports that for egypt. this quaint cairo is now one of the most famous in the world many around the globe even those with little knowledge of arabic know its name the three of means liberation well the revolution of january put this part of the globe on the map but apart from that what else did reach the people of egypt . this man has been running his own business for thirty five years it used to bring him enough money to send his son to study to canada and take his large family in once a year but with the economic devastation caused by and rust and political uncertainty
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the hunts and price has an action now he can barely feed his children he says the wind of change let me read him to me egypt is a process of finding its. we. thought about it really like a lot but you know i love the revolution when it happened i welcomed it but look at the time like a life going on the tunnel if you see it's not getting better we have nothing to eat just don't tell me about the market for hungry people again and it just doesn't matter because. you can just call the chief you don't have a lucian your growth has dropped from five to just one percent some thirteen million people live below the breadline unemployment has he twelve percent. egypt's revolution was regarded as the nation's successful arab spring chapter it took eighteen days to end one of the world's longest dictatorships and find mines on there is little satisfaction and dictator free egypt is far from the best place to
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be and one of the people getting very tired and they are getting very heartless lot of people now are talking about mubarak as. limited they. will be a better solution and this impact and they're very sad because our people are indeed tired even those who backed the changes this young man is from the revolution is youth caliche and he tries to remain optimistic and he sounds sounds a lot like south conviction that you don't know what that's like we've been living out of the budget for many many years to many i'd say but it's great what you do that we do need to be more patient and this is difficult we have a lot of problems right there but we do need to wait for a little longer. recentre need to history shows in the big square show that this trial system has been pushed to the limit and it's trade tests versus patience and the battle to save egypt's from crown and further grief an option or r t cairo.
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well egyptians are slowly realizing that they are a long way from seeing the benefits of their own revolution early randall who has written extensively on egypt's uprising says that they fell prey to a political game. there has been no revolution in egypt i said so and in our t.v. interview in late january i believe exactly that would be the outcome because this was incited from the outside it was designed to get rid of mubarak who was a thorn in the side of the obama middle east policy and put the same people in there with it with a different face at the top a lot has changed and it's largely unfortunately changed for the worse the economy plunged since the events of january. the tourism is not going to be bombed back anytime soon but even even still there was a rather healthy growth curve in the last several years even while new brock was still in power and that that has dramatically changed for the worse this never was
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about democracy in the first place a lot of youth were brought onto the streets under the illusion that it was and now you have the muslim brotherhood position to become the leading political party in the in the elections when they're held. but that doesn't bode bode well at all for you just so i don't think young people have more democracy i think perhaps they have an even less. but things are firing up in neighboring ease rel tel aviv scene its biggest ever reform rally with up to a quarter of a million gathering in a similar protests nationwide israelis are angry at the high cost of living and on affordable housing want to live if street has already been removed by some as their quarter named after the site of egypt's uprising but as promised there are reports they're worried that their peaceful protests will go on heard because the government to mainstream the world media are looking the other way. tens of thousands on the streets of israel angry and protesting for change but is anyone
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listening really from a lot of the foreign media want to see more of an action movie and. by you and it's been very hadn't been filed at all it's been very positive. well into week three the largest demonstration in israel in over a decade and how did a.b.c. c.b.s. and n.b.c. coverage they didn't a young a woman set up a tent while the editors of france twenty four b.b.c. and sky coughed up just a few meager seconds perhaps not even that interesting to be. in the studios ok it was a protest well what exactly is a protest a social. revolution it's not the same kind of story the pollution is not as big and dramatic some of the bigger revolutions happening around the middle east and i mean this isn't surprised by the worldwide lack of media interest he's worked in
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the israeli press for a decade reporting from media both foreign and local there is a box that the international media has put israel in and that is the israeli palestinian conflict also the israeli lebanese and syrian conflict and anything that doesn't kind of fit into that is not the type of of news item which is. that just makes hundred racists and others angry for nine days she's been camping here furious that she can't make ends meet as a university student it makes me feel sad that when egypt decided to stand up and say we've had enough and eleven and they decided to say we've had enough the media was all over there i haven't seen anyone from c.n.n. or fox news or any other big news channel here and it's really sad we also deserve a chance to be heard out on the streets has been dubbed top corner by some of the people here an optimism perhaps the base can bring down the government in the way
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the neighbors in tough to square a road to the us was the numbers they were winning nonstop here they were pretty upset. i'll tell of the base journalist save me kaufman blame stereotypes about israel for leading the news media to ignore the anti-government protests. a lot of news editors abroad kind of take certain things for granted when it comes to israel they also go on a sort of autopilot if it's not anything to do with the israeli palestinian conflict it's just not a story it's true that most socio economic stories across the world are in big stories that's the case in most countries when they reach a certain threshold for example of huge numbers of people that are that participate in a protest and also when they. have the potential to stir up the political map as these protests do then these things should be should be mentioned
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in the press seeing as how israel is in the news so often when it comes to something that could affect the political situation and it isn't covered this is actually in my view bad journalism. all right keeping a close eye of the developments in easer r r t adoption and if you follow our twitter feed you can hear it straight from our worldwide correspondents for the latest news updates at r.t. underscore card now on facebook you can search for our team news and you'll find out top videos stories ready and waiting for you and where you can also join the discussion on what you've seen on air and there's also a rapidly expanding and extensive channel on you tube of reports on programs at their level whenever you want them to subscribe to rust and explore these russia and around the world. and if you. agree to take free in-store chargers free range and three.
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three. two three. three books here in videos for your media project c.e.o. don carty drugs on him. well it's been a bruising a week for the world stock markets the worst this is the credit crunch first. home and made up to over two thousand and eight and this time it's over fears of a double dip recession in the u.s. as well as the e.u. is mounting debt concerns by the market turmoil will be discussed in an emergency phone conference of the g seven finance chiefs later on sunday earlier this week and the european commission president joined the fight to plug the financial hole calling for the e.u. bailout fund to expand and help deal with the crushing debt there's a her brother also also wants the funds to be able to buy government bonds but the crisis is now engulfing two of its largest economies italy and spain both saw their car with car should up again but economics journalist patrick young says the banks
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have to start cashing in on the troubles be european union's bailout fund is on the verge of running out of money as soon as one of those major economies such a spirit lead to falter and every day the market is saying it is terrified of the death that has been built up in the system and into gold by the fact that nobody in the euro zone wants to actually lead of this problem i think the public is being kept in the dark and it's been sent a lot of smooth messages from the political classes that don't really hold up to the stark reality of markets i think the problem is that ultimately banks are going to have to lose money as part of this entire play they originally bought a lot of these bonds thinking that would be an endless knot of cheap interest rates for all of these countries and effectively the gear is up up players over governments need to step in they need to restructure the market and we actually need to see that demon the word default in other words some of the bonds have to go bust or the bomb tough to be restructured and ultimately some here in moscow end up
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with the banks economic analysts michael ross says it's not a euro debt which triggered the market panic but the political wrangling in washington. i tell you one thing this is not a normal crisis and this was not a normal question that we had this week. it was the beginning of the end what is the owners that has three got all these problems the illness is called debt all western nations all over debt don't lose their credibility and what happens when they lose their credibility then banks are going bankrupt and i'll tell you another thing only in a short time all burns all of the most important banks worldwide in the western world will be taken over by government by the government and another thing it's not the discussion about the euro and the debt in your this is of course a problematic issue it was the discussion about the debt ceiling in united states
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that triggered this mess. hardline muslims in britain have had enough of living with lardons party lifestyle and they're now trying to enforce strict sharia law from abstention to amputation artie's or and that's been hearing how they want to instill their tough vote on the capital. so we are here to tell you that the slum. is unstoppable in europe stoning for adultery cutting off hands for stealing death of renouncing islam this group of men is trying to enforce shari'a law in the u.k. they started a campaign to make certain areas of london and other cities islamic law controlled zones starting with walthamstow east london will be a lot of good if being evil because of these numbers will targeted to the muslim of an almost community ozomatli who believe the most expensive to gather trade according to the sharia is all the problems according to the sharia the need of police themselves to logic start hopefully one day to have islamic governments
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which will have authority locally security locally and you provide water locally childfree and his friends are fly posting parts of london with large muslim populations they want to ban drinking gambling and playing music and they say they've got bands of young men ready to patrol and in full shari'a law by any means now that enforcement will not initially be in on the level of inviting and had been virtually useless against a nice wooden essentially evil like pornography prostitution should do so. by that week of course i believe that the needed mosque should be run out of the area these muslims say british society is broken a little with drugs crime and prostitution because of that they firmly believe members of the communities they're targeting will welcome shari'a law but the word on the street about the campaign tells a different story comes down so if you don't like the laws of the place you live
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find somewhere way to appreciate the laws and all of these things are completely legal in this country this is not indira pakistan this is our own laws people are rights can hear bring our laws in here we are now a costly but trouble but councillor martin east. griese saying this could destroy community cohesion. around the house assumes that because we do not want these posters around i do not represent power and they have no place in the forests this is an equality campaign is real supporters shouldn't be considered a religious movement as a fog right a political organization with a poster campaign designed to divide and conquer communities the danger lies in dividing people dividing communities and creating mistrust and particularly among from non muslims towards moderate muslims i think this is part of their aim is to create mistrust so they can learn to want to moderate muslims and say look everyone
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hates you we are franchising to us and it's a very very dangerous thing and it's a political tactic to increase their own power undeterred by opposition childfree and his group plan what they see is the beginning of an islamic emirate not just to be all over europe police have mobilized to take these posters down as fast as they appear but choudhry and his group say they formed bands of vigilante in forces to make sure syria is here to all physically and in other parts of london women have already been harassed for not covering their heads if these muslims ever get their way i won't be able to dress like this on the streets of loathsome stone or many other parts of london brussels rome and paris and it's r.t. well from story love to. all britain's government should treat sharia campaigners more seriously else the message can become really dangerous well that's the view of
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phil reese who is a writer on terrorism and political violence. of course he takes a very literal reading of the qur'an and the literal understanding of sharia law and i think this goes to the heart of the problem for islam perhaps throughout the world and indeed for for muslims living in predominantly muslim countries but the trouble is that it's never really discussed on a serious level because it is considered so outrageous and you know then it creates then the opposite of that which is non muslims in britain saying let's lock him up these people are dangerous so unfortunately what he's done is he's trivialize the debate which is a very serious one for muslims but it was an engine tragedy newsgroup that triggered the formation of the english defense league in a town north of london called luke so actually you know while i know them and consider them i mean i've always talked to them and be like the flintstones the way they behave but indeed because their messages can be amplified by the media all
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around the world has had some very very serious consequences both in creating groups like the english defense league and perhaps even you know if i know a string of advance treating people like i describe it in norway and as london decides how to act on sharia law activists there's a different kind of extreme sentiment resurfacing elsewhere in europe less to purchase another nazi s.s. veterans gathering while banning anti fascist rallies and that's the spy fears it's strengthening dangerous ultra right groups and stay with us for a full report next hour. an update on all our stories as just other way around and stay with us.
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if. the limb is. least some.
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sci. fi. say. today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada after. showing up for a shot so rude a.


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