tv [untitled] August 7, 2011 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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here's a recap of the week's top stories from r.t.e. the aaa that's now america's accounting anxiety its credit crunch has taken down the wrong in the ratings as investors shutter over how the debt ceiling raised was . rounded off a rocky rican global markets with wall street's worst week in over two years worsened by europe's debts and fears of a second possible american recession. as egypt's former president goes on trial
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for mass killing and corruption i was really a public see the replacement regime for failing to meet the revolutions demands. mobs in neighboring ease roll the reform rallies swell to a quarter of a million people in television angry that the government's lead living costs get out of town. a full news bulletin will come your way in about half an hour's time but first a special report on the small country and its quest for recovery from a past of bloody conflicts to stay with us for. ancient greeks and romans built that towns here they live side by side with local tribes in two thousand five hundred years ago. and the app has principality established in the eighth century later became known
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as the op has condemned. the modern day republican rep cuz he covers an area over by nine thousand square kilometers because he is south is situated on the eastern coast of the black sea. the great eclipse is mountain range towers and there are publics know. it is a land where some tropics and lakes adjoining the place yes. i am come on let's go locals remember too well the tragic events spin up because he has moved on history. eighteen years have passed since then his double post my contact about his without my lips trembling and throbbing heart i can talk about that. because it is returning to normal and again becoming
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a tourist hub for the black sea region. if travelling by sea and old lighthouse points the way to kasi is capital so whom. the keeper finds it difficult to open the massive tools it is at least one hundred fifty years old. he then climbs the leading to the land. for the crown yes three this is part of a long stairwell made in the nineteenth century. after it was built together with
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his lighthouse in eight hundred sixty one feet. it's beautiful that's the way they don't make anything like it nowadays. the lighthouse is one hundred feet high it's a powerful light can be seen thirty kilometers away. the film lighthouse has french origins the russian empires navy placed an order for its construction with a company that was at the same time drawing up a blueprint for the eiffel tower. at that time there was an oil lamp here. it was quite an advanced lighting fixture by the standards of the day. but compared to modern one thousand watt lamps it was three or four times a week or this would be if you were. with the
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permitting turkey's plexi coups can be seen on the horizon the lamp has gone out only twice in the history of the lighthouse turkish troops took it away as one of the spoils of war occupying our cause here in eighteen seventy seven it was put out for the second time after the abkhazian georgian war in the early nine hundred ninety s. . deal that broke out in abkhazia in one thousand nine hundred two last if the two years. had the status of an autonomous region at the time and supreme invoked its claims to change the right to self-determination of the lads georgian troops ended up under the pretext of protecting a railway they were driven out in the course of some of their fighting.
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some parts about because it liberates and nine hundred ninety three the georgian troops retained the upper kabul records but i'm just teaching regions. following george's attack on south a sense here in two thousand and eight the abkhaz military carried out a special operation in the could dorie region with russia's support georgian forces would driven out of the republics entire territory russia and several other countries have since recognized abkhazia as independence. the turbulent could already river this is the entire length of the goal which this place was part of the silk road now is the way leading straight to abkhazians capital so whom from the greater caucuses mountain range.
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the road clings to the gorge down below there's a chasm with a mountain stream carrying its clear wards as. whenever the rocks step aside the i can see rooftops in the valleys this is the abkhazian region of spend many local people left their homes during the conflict in georgia and now they are coming back. we could dorie gorge was a favorite tourist attraction before the war but it's seen few travelers in the past two decades and now visitors come once again admire the picturesque landscape mountain lakes waterfalls and the unique flora. but if the. tourists who used to come to. when it was still a serviette republic were eligible as. they knew every mountain
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park that anybody is that tourists coming in now because this is the peaceful place again. the books would forest is one of the most revered places an all of them cause as well as in the glory gorge. the stream running through the narrow which creates a special microclimate. the grooves of most covered trees look like they've been sprinkled with emeralds. the village as sits near the fairy tale scenery. each morning about the ships go about their household chores. on their farm they
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have cows and let me go. every day husband and wife battalion club make salumi a traditional abkhazian cheese the secret place produce is in the fermentation. the cheese making begins with a ferment in process. you know use the abstract from the stomach of a car. this is how we do it. the foot quickly brings the curd in the vats to the right temperature once it's already needed the cheese can be served today look at people like that but she ships can again plan for the future. italy is going to set up a tourist camp in the courtyard of his house he will treat the guests to homemade cheese and take them on to us.
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the whole sort of cheese is a form of income for us it's like our national currency. people always need to eat and cheese is always in demand here and up with those girls. i. there is a three hour drive from the farm to see home people in the cars capital say the city has taken on a different look in the past several years ruined homes and hotels have been restored. the waterfront has been so being transformed it's a traditional rallying point for tourists and locals alike and it has a norman history. which of them is quite true even merchant ships came here from greece and other places yes there is evidence and just in there was a marketplace here in the first century b.c. back to just get the merchants from nearly the entire black sea coast brought they
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didn't hear. of just a stand up a kin often visit succumbs main appear. the paintings are inspired by the city and the sea sits upon them. more you this see is big in now in the both part of this land. we don't come here just to have a good time and leave or a god they see and this land as part of ourselves. one of the standards paintings commemorates her friends from forts in the war but never returned. her father is still missing but a stand of hopes is a life. change. causes
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ecology minister. teaches that succumb state university. today he tells his students that a cause can boast a vast reserves of pure water due to its glace years and rivers. if we conserve water in the operations of our rivers the republic will have the most valuable resource for many years to come all of mankind needs this resource nowadays the value of a liter of ecologically clean water exceeds the cost of a later of oil but only if. the only streams from flame is a cool collision lawing that stands in the downtown area it is more than three hundred years old in the early nineteenth century a botanical garden was laid out around it it is one of the most beautiful areas
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in the city. this is one of the oldest atomico gardens in the world research it currently features over five thousand plants from every continent . this place is a veritable treasure trove of plants exotic flora such as the japanese banana clones have adapted to conditions in. these plants were brought to the black sea coast at the beginning of the last century scientists were surprised to see them bearing fruit kochi to palms and olive trees a research be found in the botanical garden but most of all a botanist pride themselves on the sago palm. him here in the garden you can find plants which are one hundred to one hundred twenty years old they are thought to be some of the oldest on earth the history goes back to the coal age that is to say
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of. this industry still keeps its secrets a denounced time to reveal that in the soviet files an aussie some. wealthy british style seinfeld's that's not on my list of. markets why not scandals. find out what's really happening to the global economy in these kinds of reports on r.t. . if. if pete is. just so pleased. to. see.
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the movie and foreign ministry is situated on the black sea coast twenty kilometers from some whom it was founded eight hundred seventy five by monks who had a right. the next year from greece soon after that a close to the came a leading religious center in the caucasus the ministry stands on an elevation of surviving defensive fortifications of the and a copy a fortress around a nearby hill. here is the name of the capital of the ancient abkhaz kingdom. broke out here i various times georgians romans turks and persians invaded this place but the mountains protected the local people we associate ourselves with the mountain with rather than with people related to the sea. the end of
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compare fulcher stands on a mountain top beneath the man since biala just have discovered a vast cabin it attracts numerous tourists a tour of the cave begins with a terse boarding electric train locals jokingly refer to it as the abkhaz metro i there is some room there next getting. to know the i phone cave is one of the world's largest its volume is about one million cubic metres tourists get to experience or inspiring beauty of this underground kingdom of gods lead them through several groups others but many who are into this cave have another motive other than just a tour of this mysterious world people suffering from asthma or allergies come here to breathe in the medicinal effects of it's humid as every do you doubt the noon
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hour day gas here i'm going to take you on a fascination tour of the on to ground chambers of navi off on cape cod fish. tourists form a line is they go from one hole to another to the sound of trickling streams small bridges and narrow passages run along with stuff like tights been static mo it's crafted by nature. water dripping from above has taken centuries to form these intricate limestone columns. that mind your feet please it's slippery here. in the largest hole of the lobby and foam there is enough space for three football pitches. one of the most spectacular sights is a waterfall on the calcite rock. it's large drops drip. down from
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a height of two meters you would never reach the caves balsam. a winding road of relic plants looks between the rocks of the roots and national park the park is under the special protection of a cause it covers a total of forty thousand hectares many of the plants are unique in that they can only be found in this region. age patch of land and. is unique because it is inhabited by rare plants and animals. the road goes uphill only way to the much celebrated pride of the republic lake greets it was forms of non-student nine hundred fifty meters above sea level
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following a rock slide is described as a remarkable natural creation and the most attractive site on the black sea shore of the caucuses. was born as a result of an ancient earthquake. and that's how it was filmed. in steps is about one hundred thirteen meters but it's just not enough. the lake is the jewel of the entire caucasus as well as at highs here are quite civil. i'm cuz he has nature reserves a constantly expanding another national park is being laid out in the could already gorge it will be adjacent to the reeks of park a relic of plants nature reserves will gradually cover almost one third of the republic's territory. stalin's country house still stands on one of the scenic banks of the lake. soviet leaders were fond of
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vacationing here they often invited leaders of foreign communist parties to visit one of the foremost state country house stands polling tool age old trees today it is a tourist site. a trip is found tucked away in the foothills of a mountain and that cause it is situated on the banks of the macis the river which boasts clean water and a strong current in the old days monks fishtail they lived in a monastery high in the mountains hidden away from well d.f.s. legend has it that in the nine hundred thirty s. then soviet leader joseph stalin went fishing in the river. the catch was so full that he ordered a trout to be built here. today
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there are some three hundred thousand rainbow trout in the farms palms. all. all of cocoa want to catch at that so much kyra and this female is five years old. it is the spawn in school the framework trout we get baby trout from and. the trout farm is situated on the banks of a unique river. and his food with water gushing from a giant subterranean spring. it is thought to be europe's largest spring of this current. the village of breech stretches across the food hills several kilometers from the black sea shore it's called the heart of our cause. the backyard of nearly every
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house here has a distinctly out as a look a backyard is one of the keys symbols of the traditional way of life and up because each backyard is supposed to have a cabin made of rhododendron it is in fact a kitchen where all family members gather over meals at her idea. of. the fireplace as in the center of the cabin the fire is kindle on the clay a fool with a cauldron that hangs over it on a chain that is filled with memel ego the name given in some black sea countries to corn flour porridge that was i think i might as well put a lead on it for a while but that's not really necessary. here people live long lives because they
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all eat natural food cooked over a fire you have i know that's moldavian snake anomaly going to eat i'm puzzling which normally he's called ugly stuff. i also know that italians call it polish and that. this is on the mug. i'm because always try to make sure the fire in their cabins is constantly lit it is both a symbol of affection in the home and the place where food is cooked. all up. until. they are very low followed great to see you. the kids always welcome in our cars homes at any time of the day the. the gentleman let us celebrate may god give us health pace
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understanding happiness love and joy to all our nations to all hazards. a stand of a king in the abkhaz artist is going to paint a new picture she poses a building that was shelled during the war and members of parliament used to meet in session here whenever asked on the record as the app has georgian conflict she's always reminded of her father. she went away during the night and never came back. and there were also people i treasure entry member eighteen years have passed. and i don't know how much time will pass before i can talk about it without my lips trembling and his throat in heart. i still condes bring myself to do it.
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the sukhumi lighthouse has witnessed many events during its long history. and still serves as a beacon for the growing number of foreign ships arriving at a cause he is main hub. they captains know full well that is been sending signals over the abkhaz waters of the black sea for more than a century. it's. good that wouldn't wish to return because merchant ships were quick to turn up here but they refused this and no doubt they had information telling them about the location of the lighthouse and the harbor year but when used during storms the light horse always to field its vital role with
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