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tv   [untitled]    August 7, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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he's available in the movie the joint the visuals the violence the grief we go to the grand imperial trilogy the george weston to school until you can a with a child closely to see don't need to go and. read this and the colonel was original as a retreat. in our top stories of the week financial crown stripped a last minute deal on the debt crisis card to save us from a shock credit downgrade. which mallet of wall street's worst week in over two years amid the debt problems in europe also in crisis point the markets are braced for monday may. also as we reported egypt's toppled president goes on trial on charges of mass murder and corruption the people feel the revolutionary regime that replaced him is a little better. and a neighboring israel hundreds of thousands of people take the streets in an
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unprecedented nationwide rally demanding the government make living costs low although. hello this is r t you're watching the weekly a roundup of the top stories in the past seven days with me kevin oh into night it's now ten pm here in moscow and first on friday the financial world was shaken after the u.s. was stripped of its top tier aaa credit rating by standard and poor's agency so for the first time since one thousand nine hundred seventeen its rating has been downgraded to double a plus with a negative outlook white house officials have been on the defensive saying there's a two trillion dollar calculation mistake involved in that s. and p. admitted it in fact but also stuck with the decision saying the huge budget deficit is still a cause for major concern. all this despite the last minute debt deal which narrowly
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rescued the country from default economists told us the stock market's i said to go crazy. i do think this sunday night local time here in new york or monday morning for each year when the markets open in new zealand australia and could be there after in northeast asia we're going to see some of the dislocation that we had all feared as we kind of headed into this disaster over the last month or two complicated which is actually mentioned in the press release complicated by the complete dysfunction of the u.s. congress we're going to see another shockwave hit into a global economy and global financial markets that spent the last week although it got a flight of stairs so i think we're in a very expensive vironment year and while there's no good time to be downgraded its timing of this s. and p. downgrade of the u.s. from trickle a couple a bus could not it works a long lasting political bickering over the u.s. trade ceiling followed by that last minute deal is widely seen as another factor
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undermining trust in the american economy out is very important or explain. help us avoid default debt ceiling nation of thought and this crisis time's running out the entire world is watching it's been a public spectacle filled with bickering grandstanding and lack of compromise i divisive debate over raising the u.s. debt ceiling created an unprecedented climate of uncertainty over america's so-called sound economy and bam it's been done no matter what happens now everybody really thinks the united states isn't so secure it isn't so safe even if the craziness subsides it seems to have got real close and who knows whether the next month next year this won't blow up again since the underlying causes economic problems are getting worse in this country quarter point five trillion dollars of america's borrowing is owed by foreign countries experts say washington's mismanagement may cause investors to abandon the devalued dollar and their
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partnership with america it's like being married to someone you have to so many years the richer you well know what or why do how much can i put up with this relationship the us will be in for a long time the only game in the european community is making noises chinese making noises we don't we're not alone now in our ability to be a repository for why the world the results could spark a replay of the two thousand and eight economic meltdown except this time washington not wall street would be responsible it's like the batteries worn out the spark plugs don't work the tires are flat all of this and so what we're trying to do is say we've got a little bit of money in the bank let's pay that down but we're not doing anything to fix the economy and so we're putting ourselves in a bigger and bigger hole not just because of the debt but really because we're not creating any way to get out of that instead of the u.s.
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president repeatedly asked americans over the past week to join the campaign to borrow. and spend more make a phone call some of the e-mail tweet keep the pressure on washington and we can get past this while the eyes of the world have been following the heated saga playing out between u.s. politicians the main problem not going away is america's debt and the growing realisation that elected officials may never be capable of a green on how to solve it. r.t. new york. trouble too in europe of course european markets also braced for monday morning after they took a hammering late last week he central bank officials indeed holding emergency talks on how to prevent italy from becoming the next victim of the debt crisis or suffer the german government reportedly admitted that the rescue fund won't be able to save italy the euro zone's third biggest economy if it needs help this week europe and america's debt difficulties through the markets the worst plunge since two
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thousand and eight as has some perspective on but plenty to talk about the economist journal of economic german the fever padraig uses monaco for us tonight very good evening to you patrick who in just this weekend financial advisors to the german government reportedly admitting the e.u. rescue fund won't be enough to save italy if it slips in the crisis now it's the third longest largest economy if it does default what then. well look i mean what the germans have said it's just something that we've all been saying for months and months and months but nobody wants it realistically appreciate it let's try and understand the science that the numbers here the italian government oh one point it trillion euros now that means nothing to anybody but that is bigger than the total government debt of arland portugal and greece put together before the end of this year it only needs to sell
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bourne's debt which is equivalent to the haul of the greek government bond market in other words all of the greek debt that we've been talking about for weeks and weeks and weeks as being the huge races italy is huge and it is just too big to manage to in any way be rescued in the way that other economies have so far been revealed over by the e.u. so if the worst does happen what you're saying is it's allee's too big to rescue one. on a minute it's always easier to talk with hindsight i suppose but it wasn't too big to be accepted into the eurozone club in the first place if it was ever too big to rescue how did they invited in but this is the hauling thing that happens when politicians get involved in finance because actually italy should never have been able to join the euro in the first place because it owed far too much money but ultimately the rules were bent and changed and people
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a lot of things to be fudged on the application forms just as they did with greece incidentally and ultimately they were able to say euro was a political success and the problem now is the hard headed economic reality that's finally it's hardly had the markets are scared and actually we have no political leader who's actually willing to admit just what a crisis we are in at the moment where it just got some news coming through germany and france are urging quote complete and speedy implementation of a tally in the span spanish reform measures quite what that means it sounds great but whether that's going to calm people down tomorrow morning remains to be seen i don't think they want some collective decision you central bankers don't they are both leave before the markets open but previous game plans haven't really come to anything they didn't stop the stocks plunging what do you think they can come up with this time to avoid panic tomorrow look the situation is there will probably be
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a move to come out tomorrow on fortunately come what may but actually what the eurozone needs to do is completely rethink the approach that they currently have they need to consider the idea that perhaps they should look at the idea of really working the existing debt in the system perhaps the roadways are wrong we can restructure these markets the difficulty is that the governments are being too slow to react not what you're seeing is that we need a nonsense coming out of our from germany or france are basically tacitly saying we can't rescue you. in your own hands effectively a cli you've got to do something and ultimately the only it is the hughes that mr berlusconi has come out with where he's going to see if i think sort of forty eight or fifty billion a year and he's going to balance the budget in a couple of years' time and somewhere over the horizon everything will be sweetness and light is just not enough to be going on with it so what happens tomorrow at the market open i think very simply we're going to see an incredible amount of
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volatility although at the same time i suspect that there may be a more muted response from the american dying grid because to be quite frank it's been so widely discussed for so long but perhaps the impact on the american treasury market won't be quite as acute as we might have expected that said we're in for a very exciting day bugsy year of the where does the crunch come how long can the talking go i mean there's major disagreement of money you leaders about what to do the talking about expanding the rescue by the government bonds of indebted states they can about italy but you know when is crunch time here well look i mean at the moment the can is being kicked on the road just before we came on air we've obviously seen the european central bank coming out with a nine cent saying that effectively they're going to be buying the dorms of italy and spain in the open market tomorrow to try and meet things better not actually there's no real economic proof that this ultimately works thoughts that at least means they can probably hold things together until september when most of the
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politicians come back but realistically without actually a completely new approach some time by september or october or maybe november we are in severe danger that the euro zone is going to collapse economist journalist patrick young thank you for joining us from want to thank you nick. still ahead in the program you're an r t you political upheaval grips ukraine and police around the tense a city that's been set up by supporters of the tame former province had to be shamed the threat of security forces lurks in the background. causing all thieving hands in london hardline muslims press for the introduction of tougher islamic sharia laws in the british capital we've got that story to come your way in just a few minutes. before the almost sixty people have reportedly been killed across syria as the government continues its military crackdown on protesters over forty of those fatalities are said to be in the city of dia and twelve in homs province
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and this is just one of the latest of many violent responses to the andress that began in march earlier this week government forces stormed the city of hama killing twenty four human rights activists say that overall more than one of the hundred thousand people have died just before the latest wave of violence the country's foreign minister promised a free and fair general election at the end of the year i spoke to a modern history lecturer in oxford professor mark owen he says there's a lot going on backstage in syria right now. who turned into. a good patient. but in practice all the weapons have. some of iraq aren't the sort of groups who are. your. friends or who are working with americans they're like a circus was a crime drama so we have also. i
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think the real danger is that we could secure a very large scale civil war in syria russia's president says if syrian leader bashar al assad fails to stop the violence and carry out reforms his fate could be a grim one. nor cities unfortunately the situation in syria has taken a dramatic turn real politicians should follow developments but gadhafi gave violent orders to destroy the opposition the syrian president gave no such orders unfortunately a lot of people are dying in syria this is our biggest concern in my private conversation with the president of syria and in the private letters i sent him i discussed the same ideals reforms need to be carried out which one should establish peace with the opposition establish peace in the country create a morgan state if he fails to do that then a sad future awaits him and at the end of the day we'll have to make a decision so we're watching the situation and he's changing our guidelines or to.
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just a short part there of extensive interview dmitri medvedev gave to r.t. as well as to the radio station georgian t.v. channel pick extended versions coming your way in the city a little later this hour. so the revolution is over but few in egypt say their lives are any easier even considering a former president finally on trial charged with killing and corruption wasn't about it denied those charges against him at the opening of his hearing into accusations of ordering the killing of protesters if convicted mubarak could face the death penalty the eighty three year old in a hospital bed when he appeared alongside his two sons and proper aides are also accused of corruption and mass killing over six months after mubarak was toppled the post-revolutionary chaos makes many egyptians gurnet for what went before his maria for national republicans this quaint cairo is now one of the most famous in the world and many around the globe even those with little knowledge of arabic know
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its name means liberation well the revolution of january put this part of the globe on the map but apart from that what else did it reach the people of egypt. this man has been running his own business for thirty funky. it used to bring him enough money to send his son to study to canada and take his large family bloodline seeing that with the economic to the station caused by and rastan political uncertainty the hametz into price has been badly action now he can palliate food to feed his children he says the wind of change may have brought freedom to egypt and it's brought a survival strong in its way. but if i was really i you know i like the revolution one half and i welcomed it but look at the time like a light at the end of the tunnel where you see it's not getting better we have nothing to eat just don't tell me about the market for hungry people it just
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doesn't matter. the plight of poverty fuel the revolution your growth has dropped from five to just one percent some thirteen million people live below the breadline unemployment as he twelve percent. egypt's revolution was regarded as the major successful arab spring chapter it took eighteen days to end one of the world's longest dictatorships five months on there is little satisfaction and dictator free egypt is far from the best place to be and the. ready. and getting ready. for the people now are talking about mubarak as well much better than a day is today about evolution and this impact and they're very sad it is out people are indeed tired even those who back the changes this young man is from the revolution youth caliche and he tries to remain optimistic if he says sounds
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a lot like south conviction that he cannot just like we've been living under mubarak for many many years to many i'd say but it's great will be good but we do need to be more patient and this is difficult we have a lot of problems right now but we do need to wait for a. with longer. recent three new demonstrations in the free to square show the best choices has been pushed to the limit and its protests versus patients and the battle to save egypt from crumbling further raif an option a hottie cairo. and in neighboring israel there are scenes reminiscent of egypt more than a quarter of a million people took to the streets on saturday night in the latest show discontent with the government after three weeks of protests over the soaring cost of living with activists demanding the prime minister steps when he responded with a promise of change for israel's economy really set up a special panel to deal with a crisis that doesn't stop calls for an age old revolution with one television street labeled as tullie
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a corner now is artie's policy it reports protesters are concerned it's taken this much pressure just to get any kind of reaction. tens of thousands on the streets of israel angry and protesting for change but is anyone listening when it comes to a lot of the foreign media want to see more of an action movie and this hasn't been a very violent it's been very has it been both also been very positive. well into week three the largest demonstration in israel in over a decade and how did a.b.c. c.b.s. and n.b.c. cover it they didn't a younger woman set up the tent while the editors of france twenty four b.b.c. and sky coughed up just a few meager seconds perhaps not even that interesting to. the studios ok there's a protest well what exactly is the protest the social protests of the revolution
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it's not the same kind of story the pollution is not as big and dramatic some of the bigger revolutions happening around the middle east and i mean it is rough isn't surprised by the worldwide lack of media interest he's worked in the israeli press for a decade reporting from media both foreign and local there is a box that the international media has put israel in and that is the israeli palestinian conflict also israeli lebanese and syrian conflict and anything that doesn't fit into that is immediate. of of news item which is unfortunate that just makes hundred races and others angry for nine days she's been camping here furious that she can't make ends meet as a university student it makes little sense that when egypt decided to stand up and say we've had enough and eleven and they decided to stay we've had enough of the media was all over there i haven't seen anyone from c.n.n. or from fox news or any other big news channel here and it's really sad we
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also deserve a chance to be heard out in the streets has been down to the top here corner by some of the people here an optimism perhaps that they too can bring down the government in the way the neighbors in the toughest square the bus was the cameras they were willing nonstop yeah they pretty absent sort of seat. of course i should expect we're keeping very close eye on developments in israel dot com on our websites constantly updated for you there you can also find a link to our twitter free feed you can use straight from a world wide correspondents the latest news updates on the school call and also facebook so many ways to keep in contact with us so for our team use they can find out all video stories ready and waiting for you can also join the discussion on what you've seen on our channel and of course not going to go rapidly expanding an extensive channel on you tube will report some programs available when you want to subscribe to us from russia around the.
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nation three critical issues three rules for children free from richmond free. three stooges free. old free born killers and videos for your media project and a free video don carty dot com. riot police have surrounded tent camps set up. ukraine's capital supporters of former prime minister yulia tymoshenko was arrested on friday the protesters fear officers may storm the camps in the courts where trials taking place bans gatherings outside parties lecturer jessica's got the latest from kiev for you. ukraine's former prime minister yulia tymoshenko still remains in detention center in here following the decision by according to place on the arrest for that i've been forbidden to leave
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the country now she was put behind bars as the judge just explained because of her bad behavior during the trial now. he's being accused of several very high profile economic crimes including striking unlawful gas deals with russia back in two thousand and nine it's interesting because there has already been a comment coming from the russian foreign ministry saying that. the old these deals signed in two thousand and nine were completely legitimate and were signed in full accordance with the two countries legislation and urged ukraine to hold a fair and transparent trial over the country's former prime minister yulia timoshenko they've also been very sharp remarks coming from europe in regards to the detention of unity with many organizations in europe at the time of year because of europe all criticizing this decision and urging the authorities in ukraine to release going to hold a fair and transparent trial on we understand that the protesters which are
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picketing the detention center that's where i'm standing right now and the court building in downtown here are determined to stay there twenty four hours a day and when to stand but they are trying to garner more people are asking people from all over the country to come to kiev and voice their their protest against the decision to place the rest. houses course polocrosse substory feel. now also in grief tonight making headlines of forty people have been arrested and dozens most of them policeman have been injured after riots flared up in london protesters attacked officers over the fatal shooting of a twenty nine year old man last week rioters through petrol bombs and police and they torched buildings a bus and police patrol cars more than three hundred revolved in what began as a march to demand justice for the killing. israel supreme court started hearing an appeal from the country's former president musharraf in march he was sentenced to seven years for raping an employee while he was
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a cabinet minister in one thousand nine hundred eight he was also convicted of a sentence for sex offenses against two other good during his presidency but allowed to stay out of jail while he appealed for the president denied any wrongdoing famous case is politically motivated. hardline muslims in britain though started a campaign to put several areas of the u.k. under strict sharia law banning drinking gambling and listening to music so it's a small part of the proposals is nor am it has been hearing how they want to instill the tough code. so we are here to tell you that islam. is unstoppable in europe stoning for adultery cutting off hands for stealing a death of renouncing islam this group of men is trying to enforce shari'a law in the u.k. they've started a campaign to make certain areas of london and other cities islamic law controlled zones starting with walthamstow east london was simple before you go to meeting you
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go because at least i was an alternative to the muslim of the muslim community also looking to believe the muslims tell you together trade according to the shari'ah was all the problems. and even police themselves to a large extent hopefully one day job islamic emirates which will have apology locally security locally and you provide welfare locally choudhry and his friends or fly posting parts of london with large muslim populations they want to ban drinking gambling and playing music and they say they've got bands of young men ready to patrol and in full shari'a law by any means these muslims say british society is broken will build with drugs crime and prostitution because of that they firmly believe members of the communities that targeting will welcome shari'a law but the word of the street about the campaign tells a different story comes down secular law the laws of the place you live for and so my way they appreciate the laws this is not india or pakistan on this is it
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including our own laws people have no rights can here bring their laws in here councillor martin eastham agrees saying this could destroy community cohesion with a squad square on the power taken down the houses assumes that because we do not want these posters around i do not represent views about power and that they have no place in movement for us this is an equality campaign as say the shari'a supporters shouldn't be considered a religious movement as a fall right political organization with a place to campaign design. to divide and conquer communities means the danger lies in dividing people dividing communities and creating mistrust and particularly among from non muslims towards moderate muslims i think this is part of their aim is to create mistrust so they can then trying to moderate muslims and say look everyone hates you we are franchising to us undeterred by opposition or childfree and his group plan what they see is the beginning of an islamic emirate not just of
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given kate over europe police have mobilized to take these posters down as fast as they appear but choudhry and his group say they formed bands of vigilante enforcers to make sure syria is here to virtually all physically and in other parts of london women have already been harassed for not covering their heads if these muslims ever get their way i won't be able to dress like this on the streets of los them stay or many other parts of london brussels rome and her wrists and it's r.t. both of state love to. know what you think of the storyline it ought to go on the coming away just over terminus tonight on this channel a perfect present from a russian football club so yes cards with young fans or thought about that when it was was pretty shortly before about a couple of minutes of being a summary of our top stories here in one of the sunday thanks.
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