tv [untitled] August 8, 2011 1:01pm-1:31pm EDT
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the u.s. markets have joined the rest of the global economy making losses the dow jones is holding between two and three percent is the first reaction to the done grading of america's credit rating over the weekend with the eurozone debt crisis also speaking about what he's going to put. things are heading south in the first minute of trading the dow opened down more than two hundred points within an hour it was down more than three point two percent now that number is going up and down and changing but clearly it indicates a climate of uncertainty in this climate of uncertainty isn't just here here in the u.s. but it is all over the world and of course this is this comes after the us and downgraded the u.s. credit from aaa to friday evening this is the first time in history the country of the world's largest economy was kicked out of this triple a club and to sum it up he says. the u.s.
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government needs to get its fiscal house in order following all the drama surrounding the debt deal the credit agency believes that enough has not been done by u.s. lawmakers to to balance its books in addition to all of the political posturing all of the bickering all of the back and forth mudslinging hurt. over all confidence in the u.s. economy that is according to this credit agency and so after we saw that the u.s. credit was downgraded from aaa to doubly what else happened we saw the republicans in the u.s. blame president obama we saw the ministries or this arrogance of the u.s. administration blame the tea party so the blame game just continued even in the aftermath of the credit of the united states being downgraded right now it's still it's a climate of uncertainty the credit agency said that there is
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a chance that the u.s. credit rating could be downgraded even further if the u.s. does not get its fiscal house in order and does not stop this ongoing process of borrowing and spending. new york on the latest from the american side of things meantime europe's stock markets are also with the red the footsie in london closing down over three percent a brief rally after the european central bank said it would start to buy up spanish and italian government bonds to restore confidence proved to be short lived r.t. donor bushels following the situation in brussels for a very good evening to you so almost understatement to say a volatile session who's been hit the worst though. greece is in big trouble it's fall into a full team year low because if the euro falls as increasing numbers here believe it could do greece will be first in the firing line in fact there's no fun to be an investor any more than an investor faces must be read like the markets there and everywhere and what's being dubbed black monday spain's become the latest state
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pledge that it will change that it will reform it will get its house in order is that it will slash billions more of public spending but that doesn't help the mood and the european central bank i did it will buy up spanish and italian debt something that no one wants to buy at the moment that hasn't helped either now the g seven g twenty group of leading economies say that they're working together to control the situation but investors are voting with their feet that's when markets are down investors just don't believe the politicians bushell in brussels thanks for bringing us up to date with your side of it so we've heard about the u.s. we've heard about the european side let's concentrate now what's happening here in russia and artie's business desk a very close eye on things dmitri medvedev to me tree hi there. will be a again yeah ok carry on the nose dive on the markets getting worse bring us up well in the united states right now the only markets pretty much trading right now
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the dow is off three hundred points it was off around four hundred before that so it's pretty much stabilized if you can call a three percent drop stabilizing but in russia the markets did see one of the worst one day drops the r.t.s. dropping around. percent my sakes shedding five and a half percent of all although on that all the details all the figures in around fifteen minutes were ok look forward to bring us up to date what you know so far now another big news story that serves breaking at the moment seems to be kicking off more riots in london if you've been following this story it's been happening all weekend is happening again now groups of youths are clashing with police in hackney that's in the northeast of the city it follows unrest over the weekend after a man was shot dead by police at least thirty five police officers were injured over two hundred people arrested let's cross to our t's i have a bennett is in the british capital for us again to bring us up to date with the latest that you know of what is going on there now. rioting continues to spread across the city and it's been going on all afternoon really looks like the city is
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heading for a third night now in succession of unrest in the area worst affected as you mentioned there is a district called hackney in the northeast it's about a few kilometers south of tottenham where the initial writing took place on saturday night and the violence to seem today isn't as bad as it was on saturday night in tottenham no buildings have been torched yet but there is still widespread looting and the pictures we're seeing this afternoon showed several. master. riot is going through the streets along the high street smashing windows of local businesses and shops grabbing what they can a lot of the time actually they're just grabbing things like chairs out of the out of the windows and just hurting them at the police so they're trying to find whatever they can to throw the police missiles they even stopped a truck in the middle of the high street opened up the cargo and threw planks of wood at the police so the police are trying to stop them by forming a line of police in riot gear across the road and slowly advancing towards the
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rioters but the problem they're facing is that is being revealed today that a lot of the gangs are actually operating and coordinating their efforts via instant messaging on blackberry mobile phones so rather than twitter which is what we've been seeing which of what we have seen in the middle east obviously early this year but the problem here is that all this is private and so the police actually can't track the movements of the groups and so and so the groups of rioters are actually very mobile and a lot of the businesses elsewhere in other parts of north and east in london have been shutting up shop early and advising others to close closed businesses as fears of writing could spread and there are also reports on twitter that riots could spread in the other parts of south london even as far south as lewisham which is. several kilometers south of hackney than i ever would what you're talking to you looking over your shoulder those live pictures i want to put them back on screen just to show. viewers we're seeing police officers there earlier on charging across
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what looked like to be tesco as car or we've got back to live pictures now you can see a cordon of police we're just seeing what looks like tear gas being rounds of tear gas being fired off actually it looks like missiles being held towards the police by the rioters there in the towards the bottom of the picture we can we're seeing a cordon of police officers across one of those streets there in hackney let's stay with these pictures if we can what was the catalyst for all this is it all over the fatal shooting by police of mark duggan the twenty nine year old is that the catalyst for all of what we're seeing now what's your understanding. well general understanding today is the what were the violent scenes we're seeing now in hackney in the northeastern city it was actually sparked by a different event that was stopped and searched by police of a man in hackney and then he was later released without any charge and that was the catalyst there but it seems like. people are on the edge basically on the cusp of
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what a lot of police chiefs are calling opportunist theft and and criminality and. that's what's been happening in the last twenty four forty eight hours even pockets of violence and looting and unrest house for springing up all over london as far north as tottenham as on saturday again either offended anybody who believes that over these pictures of a couple actually just a second we're just seeing obviously our viewers are seeing it as well we saw the police charge what about one hundred fifty meters down the road. a group of youths difficult to say are many there maybe fifty sixty use of running away it looks like the police are sort of cordoning them down to one side of the street there's certainly no use to be seen above the police but watching the helicopter shots panning in and out yeah the street behind the police there looks look looks reasonably quiet so far we also heard some information in the last from home
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secretary theresa may updating the number of people who've been arrested this evening but number we're hearing now standing at two hundred and fifteen arrested in the london riots what is or so. later when we get a bit more on this but just reminding our viewers of the just today you're looking at live pictures here from hackney tonight in north east london there is ongoing rioting there you're seeing these live pictures coming through as soon as we get more information we will of course bring you the details. three years ago georgia launched the attack on the people of the small republic of south of the five day war in which georgia tried to reclaim its old toad trees claimed hundreds of innocent lives but to do the coaching of is in the south the city and capital city still struggling to come to terms with the losses. attacks suddenly around midnight and the first tribes have been hand of the russian piss
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keeping base and now what you can see behind me what's left of the base there were around two hundred fifty soldiers and they forced almost waiting for the russian troops to iraq russia sent in troops to protect the republic citizens many of which were russian passport holders and we all sure were hiding in basements and blown out belding's overhand twenty three soldiers were killed and many injured and some we managed to talk to they told us that they want to keep this building untouched and of the memory of what happened ham meanwhile the morial service began last night and it will be held throughout the day these ceremonies started at eleven thirty five pm that's exactly the time when george opened fire over the century hundreds of people came last night to light candles and to pray for those who were killed three years ago in a brief but destructive conflict many came with us small children people were listening to the rag and they also released white balloons into the sky and the
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memory of what happened ham three years ago that will last it will follow but hundreds were killed and many. was mostly destroyed. and as all of the face of the city has changed within these years still the locals are trying to restore their lives and we managed to speak to some of them who are still struggling to bring their lives back to normal. i come here almost every day. and talk to my son. next to my dear boy. for the last three years stacy sydney has come to this cemetery where her son is birds five days to norco's two thousand and eight split her life into a before and after. when her son a medical college graduate heard the republic's capital teen vall was under attack from georgia she rushed home to help the injured he died in her arms us they lay
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trapped for days on to the rubble of their apartment block that was in the georgian alterian is firing line. tyee says the only thing that makes her life worth living now is her twenty year old daughter they now live together in a newly built house to rounded by families with similar tragic stories. here in this area where we're live with specially built to those families who lost loved ones and we're left with nothing in that house across the street lives of women who lost two children and in the house opposite lives a man who lost both his wife and his child. all these people are victims of georgia's military aggression in august two thousand and eight when they try to retake control of the downed breakaway republic of south ossetia a russian peacekeeping mission in the region also came under fire nursed my abuse
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dive i was on duty with them and witnessed average thing that happened that night for i saw him violent fire when you know it was going to be our last night but was still carried out peacekeeping mission and tried to be calm. mosco sound trained force meant to protect its citizens and prevent more civilian deaths within five days georgian troops had been repelled three weeks later russia recognize the city has independence. the last three years have changed the face of this thursday a new residential area where new roads jobs and they've been bussed in new and have been built but still signs of the conflict remain there's growing to behind my back are all that's left of the russian peacekeeping polled for those who lived through the horrors of the brief but deadly conflict the memories are still very raw. much
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in the question of r.t. reporting from c involves. the regime enjoy your is similar to that of mubarak era egypt says. former george m. pay an expert on politics in the caucasus. we are talking about the country that has no opposition re present in the real political life saakashvili treats georgia as he's on the only difference to the size of georgia and egypt has a really matter how much egypt was playing great a great deal for the united states in terms of us the ability in the middle east and georgia does not in the region but the fact still that say that we have political prisoners we have no free media and the we have autocratic rulers whose reckless behavior and pull to political decisions already played so many negative all for my country he is the one who started this madness the genocide against his own people and the cooperate the only cool period and the one who started the war
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the one who is going to let you responsible for this action. just before the anniversary could be travolta spoke to r.t. and other media about the sosa set in conflict president better says georgia's leaders such as police should face an international tribunal for crimes against russia and its nationals if you'd like to see that full interview you can't on our website r t v dot com. a document leads to britain's times newspapers revealed a western backed blueprint outlining how rebels plan to control libya after more armor gadhafi is deposed that describes aims to take over the security infrastructure with foreign help. darrius nasm roy ayer's research so she at the center for research on globalization he told us nato has goals in libya different to those it presents to the world. and get people on the transitional council individuals who are talking about a regime change for several years give prime minister of italy and. the british
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probably ended here and did it. with all the bombing campaign in tripoli actually to get the population galban i could gather great the population to overthrow the government it was not bombing tripoli dig beneath it i mean tripoli for this if we get a leader here very different from what prevented the rescue work. of the world might not know what the needle deliberately targeted the electricity infrastructure in libya and been trying to create blackouts in tripoli and district around tripoli and it's been using this terrorist attack in the. sort of attention to the violence in syria there's been fresh attacks on anti-government protesters across the country gunfire and explosions have been reported in the cities of d.n.a. and hama more than three hundred people have been killed in the past week the bloodiest in five months uprising against president assad's rule now bahrain kuwait
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and saudi arabia have pulled their ambassadors from syria adding to the international condemnation of the crackdown. there's more inside of joined by patrick hayes is from online political magazine spiked thanks for being on the line from london tonight so president assad promises doesn't a fair and free elections yet at the same time we witness these continued violent crackdowns on protesters out of those two things gel well let's be honest they don't gel very much steve i mean if assad is serious about promising democracy and sweeping constitutional reforms that he has now promised then clamping down on freedom of speech and freedom of expression which is the cornerstone of any democracy is not sending out a message to the syrian people that he can be taken seriously or trusted in his promise is a tool what sort of support to syria enjoy these days in this unrest we're seeing now is led to syria's deepening isolation there's no one even relatively friendly
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countries joining the chorus of condemnation what is the government to achieve by what they're doing and music and realized in the future more of. well i think to be honest that kind of long term strategy that kind of diplomatic consideration is now largely absent in a very regime they're clinging on but even so in a very tired way there is a sense from assad really that the ease by which he started to say this is the end of the single party rule and he will start to think about elections and the way in which he previously portrayed himself and his party as the only guarantee guarantors of syrian stability but is now talking about major constitutional reforms means that really there's a real uncertainty about what he's trying to do there very isolated they don't really know where they go and they don't know what's really the position of the u.s. is on this which i think is making them very uncomfortable and i think as
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a result they're kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place they don't know what to do but in a sense i guess messiah they say seems very tired that she almost willing to relinquish power at the moment and you know what a difference six months makes doesn't it we recently saw me those pictures of former egyptian president hosni mubarak standing a rather large egg in bed before the judge looking pallid looking like almost a pro could mount if i can say it is it is assad afraid that he could meet the same fate what six months or. well i suspect that's one of the reasons as to why he is clinging on to power and actually using force against the protesters i think there is a kind of a sad a kind of tiredness that his comments earlier on by the end of june i believe for a way did talk about sweeping constitutional reforms when he said what we're seeing now is the end of a single party rule in syria really reminded me of when both mubarak in egypt and
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also ben ali in tunisia talked about how tired they were and how they felt like you know the the end that's come for them there's a weariness about the assad regime as well but i think as you said there's a reluctance to want to relinquish power because i suspect he is very worried he'll meet the same treatments barack is now seeing are no matter how you look at someone else who rule undoubtedly be feeling the strain colonel gadhafi let's focus on libya short for just a minute or leaked report about a post to gadhafi state is it really such agreements to report i'm talking about of course britain's times newspaper. well the thing that's most striking to me about this report actually i mean in some ways it's good for rebels who are looking to over for a regime to think about what they're going to do in the days weeks and months after they managed to overthrow gadhafi and i think that it's necessarily a bad thing the thing i think is problematic here is where you have a transitional council that i don't think really has legitimacy of. the libyan
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people i don't think they're really looking to the libyan people to really get a sense that they have the orthorexic to speak on their behalf instead they're looking to the west they're looking to america they're looking to britain to work very closely with them in writing this report's. their approval instead of think and we've seen from sorry i think part of what i'm getting at is that this report we hear. backing this blueprint have some sort of westminster backing so what i'm saying is is what appears to be happening in libya not quite the case is the more going on behind the scenes. well it says what's going on behind the scenes i mean the report was only out this morning we can but speculate and i think really what we see here is that you know we see a transitional council that is looking to the west to about how it's going to direct. the country postcard afy i think it's already counting your chickens for its first starts but it's doing that in many ways actually it's not just doing it's
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because you know they haven't gotten rid of gadhafi yet they're also doing it with the assumption that this is going to have the backing of the libyan people and that's far from the case especially given the fact that the transitional council is broadly made up of. cronies who you know you six months ago were loyal to gadhafi and and are now speaking from a very different song she indeed in fact there's some see as a new you know people are now trying to impress which effectively. western interests finally really quickly how conflict would be tonight the claim that it's helping libya to move to democracy is going well. i've been concerned about that from the start i mean intervening in a it had suffering country and trying to remove gadhafi is not a democratic move it's taking the democratic initiative from the libyan people and putting at the hands of western leaders the fact that we now have this. rebel
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council which has already been approved and authorized by the west and not by the libyan people doesn't give me any sense of kind of hope for this at all and just finally as well as the fact that this council is has to basically meet various demands from the west for example they say extremist ideas will not have any part in libya or in future really suggests that what they're doing is giving the west the kind of leadership they want rather than the leadership the libyan people needs and desire to get through this and to bring about a democratic country in libya that doesn't just send out a hollow vacuum like we. war in iraq and other countries trigger for a lot of time a big news or talk about serve world finance is going to go and do that next but patrick gaze for now thanks very much. dimitri medvedev of course following that tough day on the market for almost everywhere in the world has got the latest for you.
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thanks very much kevin hello and warm welcome to business r.t. russian markets took an enormous beating on monday the r.t.s. down almost eight percent my sixty five and a half percent is the biggest one day fall in three years versus i've been mirrored in markets around the world traders were reacting to the downgrade of american sovereign debt on friday and concerns over europe's ability to get out of its debt mess. the situation is clearing nothing short of a panic we have seen a somewhat panicky mood in the market last week and luckily we had forty eight hours to digest the s. and p. downgrade over the weekend we seemed quite volatile session this morning expectedly the market opened quite sharply down then recuperated parts part of the losses and leave the closing still lower and especially this is a cross the blue chip in a virus which is the easiest to get rid of and what we have so we have what they observe at the moment in terms of trying to save it is that we seem to hedge funds trying to get rid of the blue chip names and
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a lot of these situations trying to pick up some odd tell you a place in the second tier universe. so you look at the markets the figures exactly and as i mentioned seven point eight percent my sides five and a half percent below one thousand points so even if some of the individual movers most outstanding was telling more than ten percent drop in just one day most liquid stocks blood bank or declining six point three percent one of the few gain is on the market on the day up just point four percent on rising gold prices. u.s. small kids saw still trading down dow jones three percent lower nasdaq more than four percent lower waiting on the indices of course most most of the blue chips are down deep into the red but bank of america down more than eight percent this hour. their appeal markets ended monday on a an extreme negative note good session in
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a row of very steep declines footsie down three point four percent tax five percent you know. different situation on the commodities market with gold which is growing another frequent silver to an office and gold is now worth more than seventeen hundred dollars coach ounce. of course investors are shifting to precious metals at times of volatility for sea. crude prices are low and this is of course weighing on the russian stocks light sweet below eighty three and dollars per barrel brant one hundred six dollars this hour no confidence in the market as investors are concerned of the future of the month. that's all the business news for now the headlines are next with kevin do stay with us for that.
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the world live from central moscow says r.t. thanks for being with us the top stories global markets favor u.s. stocks head south from the first trading session of the america's credit downgrade it comes on top of volatile trading today elsewhere in the world as well thanks to the spreading european debt crisis. anneke in the u.k. london looks set for another round of rioting of the new clashes between youths and police in the part of acme following a weekend of violence across the city. and war stories three years after georgia's attack on south the said here we talk to those who bear the scars of the conflict about how they are rebuilding their lives. more than on what other settings had to overcome to get their country back on track after the war in our special report that's on the air. the seti.
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