tv [untitled] August 8, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT
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he dares to ask we do our tea question more. for. welcome back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour a fire storm explodes on the streets of london after a police shooting in one of the city's poorest neighborhoods but there's more to this story and i'll tell you why the u.s. should pay close attention to this dangerous situation because it put happen here
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and will soon end we've all heard nothing is free in this world that includes free trade ideally taken i'll explain what's preventing job creation of the u.s. and why president obama's job and agenda will crash before it even gets off the ground as long as so-called free trade is on the table. the streets of london are on fire for the third straight day to day as civil unrest and builds in a british economy shrinking under conservative austerity measures beginning over the weekend massive riots all over london about police cars buildings on a double decker bus on fire as well as several stores looted and at least thirty people injured most of them police officers so far at least two hundred people have been arrested and youth led ride. it was
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a stance of glee in response to the death of a local man who was shot and killed by police but in reality or reflects an underlying desperation among young people in the area who have been hardest hit by the austerity but agenda passed by the conservative u.k. government that took power last year with deep spending cuts and government layoffs youth services are drying up and unemployment numbers among young people are skyrocketing as one riders said this is the ghetto this is the slums they don't care about us there's no jobs but still they want to cut benefits there's injustice and we've added enough so now that a similar austerity gena agenda is about to hit america thanks to massive republican forced spending cuts should we expect the same sort of civil unrest in the streets of new york chicago or even here in d.c. and could there be a connection between conservative economic policies and by a lonesome a society for more on this terrible possibility i'm joined by dr james gilligan clinical professor of psychiatry at the school of medicine in new york university
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and author of the book why some politicians are more dangerous than others professor gilligan welcome. in two thousand and two researchers looked at suicide rates in the u.k. between one thousand nine hundred one and one thousand nine hundred eight and found the suicides go up when conservatives are in power in both the u.k. and australia today conservatives are in power in the u.k. and civil unrest is sweeping across london i was there a connection here. i've certainly found a lot of evidence. so side and homicide both. in the us since one thousand nine hundred. and what i found really to my surprise was that when. these rates both forms obama increased dramatically. because blick and. they only dropped below us but then like levels
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and democrats. the subjects are staggering i couldn't believe it first brought up in data seems to one sidedly partisan to people even and i try to find every way to to disprove it and i couldn't do it i kept finding the same results no matter how right penalize the data so the so was the republicans and some other democrats. so so what that study that was before the b.b.c. found in the u.k. and australia you found the same thing here in the united states why does this happen is it is it poverty inequality or some other republican policy that increases suicide and homicide or democratic policy that decreases suicides and homicides here in the united states. i found st osho an economic pressure protected increases or decreases. one
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is the rate of the ration of unemployment. rate. ration recession with an economic contraction and there where it is put a great social and economic inequality income or. read all of those increased under republican administration mostly without exception. when those increase. their side and homicide rates the democrats come in those forms of social and economic stress decrease and suicide homicide and i think what happened so some economic stress creates psychological stress out of the price that stimulates . it's remarkable why do some very poor countries not erupt i've done internationally for can in third world countries on four continents and i'm astounded by the level of pain and poverty that people are not blowing up
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over it is it possible that it's because there's not not a rapid collision between expectations and reality but it's just a kind of slow motion multi-generational economic disaster. well that's true but the other thing is i think most important is equality if everybody score together there's no shame in being poor it's not good to be poor. but the fact is. the quality is as important as. the putting your life expectancy right. think of a special great goal if there were. more equal a country is well this is has in fact been studied in dozens of countries around the world the most powerful predictor of lethal rounds is the degree of inequality in the poseidon but there's
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a gap between the rich and the higher the gap the higher the foreign trade or lower the gap the role sir in the in the half minute or so we have left when the b.b.c. did report of this analysis they said that during that century about thirty thousand people would not have died if conservatives had never taken power in the u.k. or australia have you come up with similar numbers for the number of people who would not be dead today if republicans had never held the white house in the twentieth century. and said i'm not able to hear you oh i'm sorry ok well doctor dr gilligan thanks so much for joining us tonight. great to have you with us remember two weekends ago an ill advised republican majority whip kevin mccarthy played this clip to rally his caucus to support john boehner his debt limit plan. i need you out i can't tell you what it is you can never ask you about it later when our it's people. who's coming
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to take turns out life imitates art when republicans are in power people really do get hurt. it's the good the bad and the very. element the ladle to start that over again very elevated lead to. some damage that we're good bike sharing program here in d.c. we have a capital bikeshare people can read out of life for practically nothing right around town as long as they need to check it back in dozens of locations all across the city and a new study out of barcelona spain where they have their own bike sharing programs shows that the system not only saves the environment it saves people's lives as well the study found that nine thousand tonnes of carbon pollution was reduced
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every year thanks to quite sure and twelve people's lives were saved every year thanks to the healthy exercise and that's just in barcelona there are believed to be about two hundred bike sharing systems around the world i say let's start some more and don't forget your help. the bad the donald while building his new golf course in scotland the trunk has run into a small problem renewable energy with the support of the european commission and the scottish government a massive wind farm is under construction mile and a half from trump's golf course and monkey here trump is not happy grain of the guardian newspaper trump has vowed to use any legal means make sure the wind farm isn't built because it'll ruin his view hello the energy needs a skyline trump needs his golf first to have a good view priorities people. trump has a problem with the renewable energy then he should just build more golf courses here in america we're smokestacks burning the fossil fuels that he thinks we should
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steal from iraq line his golf course and the very very ugly tea party leader judson. the c.e.o. of tea party nation was in wisconsin to rally and windell lean tea party crowd to fight the upcoming wisconsin recall much less but i will tell you ladies and gentlemen i detest and despise everything the left stands for how anybody can endorse and impervious an ideology that has killed up billion people in the last century is beyond me a billion people and who knows where judd since getting his numbers but i suppose up in the rhetoric and spewing wildly exaggerated and downright false claims is needed to compensate for the lack of enthusiasm it stays. unless it's very very ugly. coming up next i'll tell you why free trade isn't so free in this country and exposer for what it really is
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your take my take is the segment of our show where you have the opportunity to make yourself heard here on the big picture it's your chance to share your questions comments ranson observations and i'll try to address them as best i can our first comments tonight is from the tom hartman facebook page turner interview with meet the press yesterday senator john mccain had this observation about the causes and potential solutions to the current economic downturn in this country. the housing market is what triggered this crisis and it's going to be the housing market that recovers and that means to me go out and buy up people's mortgages as we did during the great depression and give them a mortgage that they can afford the payments to make and then we will begin to come
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out of this problem and by the way our. well louise seems to be just as shocked as i am as senator mccain is a green was something that i've been saying for years now luis wrote oh my god. john mccain on meet the press i agree with him and say that we should do again what we did in one hundred thirty seven of by people's mortgages how many want to bet limbaugh tomorrow cause i'm a socialist he walks it back by no later than tuesday. i don't know how long it's going to take for mccain to backpedal when he realizes he's echoing a progressive idea but he is on to something the program was actually started nine hundred thirty three the depths of the republican great depression when most people had a five or ten year balloon mortgages they were coming to or about to and there was an epidemic of people losing their homes to homeowners loan corporation h o l c which f.d.r. started as part of the new deal used government money to buy people's exploding mortgages away from the banks toure's then rewrote the mortgages from short terms
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to twenty five to thirty years those lowering the payments and making them affordable while republicans screamed at the time of this was socialism and instead of helping out the homeowners roosevelt should have been bailing out the banks which he had shut down instead time proved roosevelt right if you will see closed its doors in one thousand fifty one and actually showed a profit for the us government our next comment is from the viewer rant line for the thousands of employees tens of thousands of employees of horizon communications landline division are striking throughout the mid atlantic region about forty five thousand verizon workers one fifth of horizons entire workforce walked off the job after their contract expired midnight saturday there were many better benefits and working conditions as the communication workers of america said about the impasse horizon communicate continues to stay seek to strip away fifty years of collective bargaining gains for middle class workers and their families one viewer called in
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to ask that we touch on this issue on tonight's show. a lot at stake here with more corporations trying to break the middle class to please dream mentioned here's why it is possible for another corporation business to death. rise in claims that their company is in decline in that any new labor contract must reflect what they called today's economic realities but the reality is that in the second quarter of this year of rise its profits were up two point eight percent and the company raked in more than twenty seven billion dollars this is really all about taking pay from working people and jacking up c.e.o. pay and dividends to people who make their livings sitting on their butts around the pool waiting for the dividend check to arrive and pay a maximum fifteen percent income on those dividends thanks to the bush tax cuts that's why unions democracy in the workplace are so important and that's why we have to make sure that labor unions come out of their current standoff with republican governors and state lawmakers all across the country stronger than ever
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and our final comments tonight is also from the rant nine even if you're only an occasional viewer of the show you know that i'm quite frankly outraged by the fact that corporations and the super rich are not required to pay their fair share of taxes in this country in fact as this chart shows for the past decade american corporations have seen a significant rise in their profits but they're paying some of the lowest taxes on record and millionaires and billionaires are also getting away with that data from tax which are in show the top one percent of households in the united states received eight point nine percent of all pretax income in one thousand nine hundred six but by two thousand and eight the top one percent had doubled more than doubled to twenty one percent and today four hundred the wealthiest four hundred americans own more wealth than one hundred fifty million of the rest of us americans. and the average tax rate of those four hundred people eighteen percent
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lower than most of their secretaries of their household up but one viewer wanted to know why this is happening tom could you please explain how the we corporation become why can't it be and not taxed for that corporation business the rich are not taxed but the middle class the working middle class that is the foundation of our country are all taxed please tell me why there's one simple reason thirty years of lobbying by corporate america the super rich have blown holes in our tax code so wide it will take a major reform to bring back some balance and you can be sure that as long as corporations and special interest groups and billionaires for that matter are for allowed to freely spend and make sure that the law makers they put it off as know not to bite the hand of beads them that reform will be a long time coming so we need to make sure there's a democrat in the white house the next time a supreme court justice retires and why we should move to amend the constitution to say the corporations are not people in the money is not speech by the way there's
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more information about that over move to amend dot org that's it for your take my take tonight if you like your comments and questions heard on this segment of the big picture listen up we want to know your to send us your comments by visiting the tom hartman facebook page via twitter at tom underscore her or in the chat room on the message boards or the blog at thom hartmann dot com you can also leave a message on our rant line at two o two five three six fifty three zero six agree disagree sound off it's all welcome but remember that your comments may be used on the air. with the economy once again in freefall president obama is desperately trying to pivot the debate in washington away from the economy in freefall and over to jobs where frankly it should have been since the day he was sworn into office unfortunately president obama's idea of creating jobs won't actually creating any
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jobs at least not here in america here's a common message coming from the white house over the last few days. and i want congress to pass a set of trade deals deals we've already negotiated that would help displaced workers looking for new jobs and would allow our businesses to sell more products in countries in asia and south america i think that that calls on us to maybe do some of the bipartisan things you saw senator kerry talking about an infrastructure bank or whether it's the free trade agreements the president's proposed a series of steps that he thinks we should take trade treaties that will expand our exports patent reform anybody remember ross perot free trade free trade free trade or as i call it so-called free trade the reason why free trade isn't free is because with each new free trade agreement that we sign onto we get
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a raw deal we open our borders foreign business tycoons get a bunch of brand new american customers to sell their televisions furnitures cars too and then they send the profits back home to reinvest in their economies sounds like a great deal for them unfortunately whether it's south korea india china mexico whatever anywhere in the world we don't get the same great deal in return. they say sure you can come sell your stuff over here but you have to meet this long list of regulations you have to pay this much in tariffs and you can only sell this much stuff now good luck competing with our domestic industries they don't have to meet any of those requirements of course there's a way to get around those regulations american c.e.o.'s just have to ship all their factories overseas and start hiring foreign workers to build stuff that's how they avoid all the import taxes now only that c.e.o.'s also have access to much cheaper labor which in turn maximizes profits this is what ross perot learned about us
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about in one thousand nine hundred two. and you don't care about anything but my canady there will be a job sucking sound going south and yet as our economy tanks more and more american c.e.o.'s are doing just that shipping their operations overseas to economies that unlike here in america are actually booming and pay their workers far less. that's exactly what former d.n.c. chairman and bill clinton buddy terry mcauliffe is doing and he boasted about it this morning an emissary say take a look. first one for street agreements we need in this country a long term strategic plan to create what i talked about a range of faction jobs we've lost five million manufacturing jobs last ten years fifty thousand plants have closed i'm doing just announced a plant in china we're ready to go lead the cornerstone two days ago in china and we're often building it but prior to seen jobs shipped overseas but he's opening up
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a car factory in china luckily i wasn't the only one to pick up on that particular . now explain you're building a factory in china but this is going to create american jobs for there's a lot of disconnects what we're doing in china is because the high tariffs we have to build there it's the fastest growing auto market in the world so the cars will be built there but all the core products all the the end all work the court agreed to go inside the car the power train the van we're all made and shipped over there what great news i am sick and tired of seeing our jobs go into china. a freakin naisi because china has tariffs that's taxes on imports as we used to have here from seventy nine hundred one so until the one nine hundred ninety s. or call of needs to play ball and give china a brand new factory it will employ chinese workers and make profits for the chinese economy just so he can open up a much smaller factory in mississippi to build car parts employ
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a few american workers in a so-called right to work for less state i guess that's what job creation is all about america now it is a question is why don't we do the same thing china's doing here. why not have tariffs here and force foreign car manufacturers to open factories here in america not just cars but computers and t.v.'s and pretty much everything else and employ americans clothes toys for a niche or i mean so what we have just well the reason we can't the reason we don't is because corporate c.e.o.'s like therapy terry mcauliffe have given up on america as an article in today's los angeles times and titled us stumbles company invests companies invest in consumer growth overseas noted many major u.s. companies are making big plans to expand overseas even to some of them announced new layoffs at home and as a chilling reason why they're beginning to give up on the american consumer as the source of future growth as the nation economy stalls and personal income stagnate
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a consistency consumers in asia and latin america is offering brighter prospects for future sales and profits and more and more so-called free trade agreements have transnational corporations the tools they need to leave the american consumer behind and find a new consumer somewhere else in the world this is an apparent partisan issue turn mcauliffe used to be the chair of the freakin d.n.c. and republicans love free trade as much as anyone both parties are to blame on this and i've said it before and i'll say it again the first political party that takes on so-called free trade that exposes the myth that we'll see big gains in the next election i mean just think back to ross perot this guy got twenty percent of the vote and he had a vice presidential candidate admiral stockton whose whose famous line was who am i why am i here but he got twenty percent of the vote with no political party with no
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political expertise he looked like a cranky old billionaire which is what he was he had these funny charts and graphs but americans understood the bottom line message. from the time when alexander hamilton and seven hundred ninety one proposed that we start increasing to it that we put tariffs around our country so that if things are imported into this country there's a tax charged on them so if you cost a dollar to make a pair or in labor to make a pair of shoes in connecticut you can make it for twenty cents in china there's an eighty cent tax in the border you can make it for fifty cents in mexico there's a fifty cent tax on the border from that time seven hundred ninety one until finally the clinton administration in one thousand nine hundred ninety six when we blew a blue about all open by signing nafta gatt and the b.t.o. we protected our manufacturers the american people understand that i'm telling you the party that goes back to protectionist trade policies is the party that will
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never again lose an election let's hope progressives and democrats pick up on that long before the tea party goes. as the big picture for tonight for more information on the star stories we covered visit our website to tom harkin dot com free speech about oregon are to dot com you can also check out of you tube channels for links over thom hartmann dot com and this tire show is also available as a free video podcast on i tunes and we have a free thom hartmann i phone and i pad app in the app store you can send us feedback at twitter a time underscore harben on facebook at tellers or on our blogs message boards and telephone to comment line at thom hartmann dot com and don't forget them ocracy begins with you get out there get active show up participate with down's dot or tag your it see them.
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