tv [untitled] August 8, 2011 10:01pm-10:31pm EDT
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man newton has now spread from london to birmingham and liverpool and almost three sixty's youths clashing with police torching buildings and cars and foreigners unrest over the weekend after a twenty nine year old man was shot dead by police lauren that has more. this is the scene in. london this evening i'm in. london where the streets are full of police and all the streets are full of riots my glutes is just about a hundred meters behind me a car is on fire the hair is full of i quit smoking you might be able to hear the police helicopters circling above me as police try to get control of the situation there are about one hundred fifty people in the street just around the corner we went round there but we judged that it was too dangerous to stay in fact we could hear people behind us talking about which part of the camera was the most valuable to which they would try to get. a hasty retreat. down the. cost certainly a call because at least several on fire and it's not just here in hoc committee
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there has been violence in brixton and it's also you breaking out now to other parts of the country croydon which is probably about thirty miles away from. parts of croydon on fire and we're hearing the balance is already over both also spreads right. there are all sorts of people on the streets but it is loads to be big perpetrated by ethnic minorities it has to be said about rest this is that night number three and this is just the worst violence that we've seen so far it hasn't been confined to the hours of darkness it started about three o'clock this afternoon on to have escalated from that as i say has been going on for three nights and today i mean business may be parts of london that had to call been affected and here's my report from some of. london's burning rioters and police take over the capital for the third night as. yet more areas of london. in
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a spiraling cycle of violence on monday night the violent showed few signs of abating in fact it spread further around the city say in east london in hackney where writers set fire to cars and tried to break into more shops meanwhile terrified residents of london could do nothing but no calling police streets and treat whole areas as crime scenes with local communities trying to come to terms with the wave of looting and golfing north east and south london in enfield wages looted shops making off with whatever they could carry in nearby edmonton a man with south in brixton riots just threw rocks at police and in tottenham where it all began the high street is a burned out shell the police the job center all the banks everything that's happening the recession you know there's a loss anger about that no jobs nothing for the youths to do so yet.
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ration america you know and it it just sad that it's the it's the poor people that's suffering it was sparked by the fatal shooting by police of this man mark duggan tottenham once on says about why and how he was killed but his shooting was just the spark in an exceptionally draw a tinderbox and all the london boroughs have long been simmering with resentment towards the police towards social injustice and towards unemployment this is a community which is fantastic precious for how levels of unemployment than losing jobs their lives it's. been closed there is never an excuse for violence in the community as a tinderbox the war isn't concerns and community about the death of well the. tottenham has one of the highest unemployment rates in london particularly amongst the young black people are far more likely to. be stopped and searched by police
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than whites and together with hackney brixton walthamstow and lewisham which also saw violence has become a victim of what prime minister david cameron is now calling failed multiculturalism this. powers some of the groups. these groups. you know that. i respect. and i'm proud to be an englishman and one of probably. in this bar i know on the races. but i do think. something should be done. about. don't bring your standards of living to this country. because it's not marched. unless these gangs of youths tire of the violence there
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doesn't seem to be a real reason why this looting should stop it's unlikely the perpetrators have jobs to go to and school's out for the summer london residents fear more unrest on the streets in the coming days the losers on making a political point and hardly anyone in these communities supports them but many are saying that there actually is a political point that social integration in parts of the country is deplorable social mobility is nil and the relationship with the police is bad as it's been for years and with cuts in government spending looming over the next few years the situation is very unlikely to get any better nor abbott hackney east london. and andrew gilligan from the british newspaper the daily telegraph was caught up in the middle of the riots. i was a i was mugged i was pulled off my bike and my bike was stolen by a gang of it's. on the way to the studio about forty five minutes ago i
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spent most of the day in tottenham which is where it all kicked off interviewing people who had lost their home as a result of these riots and they are furious with the writers they say that what happened to mark duggan the man who was shot by police is absolutely no excuse at all for what happened to them they blame the police for not being quick enough to contain the trouble in tottenham in the first place and quite clearly what's happening in hackney and lewisham and ackerman croydon and all the other places where disorder has broken out tonight has absolutely nothing to do with the police shooting of a man ten miles away and it's not anger at all i think it's pure criminality and people are taking advantage. of what they see is a lawless situation and overstretched police force to do their worst and help themselves to free goods some of these it spreads very quickly this kind of thing we've seen it in fact in the arab world we've seen it social media spreading unrest
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in the arab world probably for the good there but here it's spreading exactly the same way arguably for the bath and there are lots of kids on the blackberries and instant messaging and twitter and all the rest of it spreading the word about where the next rock is going to be and they might be able to move faster than the police i think perhaps i mean if this carries on like this it is quite worrying it does seem to be breaking out in four or five different parts of london. our correspondence is in london and your image is one of the entrees keeping us up to date with the developments there on twitter so follow her on the school and in one of her latest comments sure abeles police are looking at certain areas in attempts to contain the violence and widespread looting continues with groups of youths targeting certain schools so local to see underscores to find the latest on this
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and the other developing stories we're covering here on sci. to us now where stock markets have extended their heavy losses reaching new lows with investors rushing to sell their bonds this is despite president obama's reassuring speech out of the country well stripped formulates wise aaa rating last friday. reports from view. market reaction to the historic downgrade of america's credit are sure it in the worst day on wall street since the two thousand and eight financial crisis all three major u.s. stock indexes plummeted between five and seven percent on monday the dow jones industrial average sank six hundred thirty five points or five point six percent bringing the dow below eleven thousand for the first time since november now all of this coming just after standard and poor's downgraded the u.s. credit kicking america out of the triple a club this is already
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creating a climate of uncertainty or increasing this climate of uncertainty and lack of confidence among investors when they look to the stability of the u.s. economy now the u.s. president barack obama of course tried to inject some optimism into the public and into the markets on monday saying that america has been and always will be our triple a economy he says that washington's problem is not a lack of policy or plans but a lot of lack of political will and he says many lawmakers have been insistent on drawing lines in the sand and now it is urgent for all parties to come together to come up with a long term approach on how to reduce the deficit in the u.s. we should remind our viewers that the u.s. debt of fourteen point three trillion dollars and growing and at this point many investors as we saw on monday are selling now and asking questions later but this
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is uncharted territory this is the first time in history the world's largest economy has been downgraded from aaa to double a kicked out of that club a club that is supposed to. symbolically represent confidence so at this point there is an element a climate of feeling of uncertainties. surrounding the u.s. economy and what will happen on tuesday in the days to come we will have to wait and see but clearly the markets have not been reacting in favor favorably to the fact that standard and poor's did downgrade america's credit for the first time ever in history. transfer the cost of general says blaming standard and poor's is simply a smokescreen that distracts from the enormous economic mess the u.s. has created. collapse it's coming are you ready we saw
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this coming in saying it's the areas where they began the top bailouts on the bush we said it wasn't a recovery it was a cover up that the greatest depression was coming and here it is all this talk is nothing more than the equivalent of a and archduke ferdinand moment an economic equivalent for example they say world war one began when the archduke was assassinated sarajevo and now they're going to say the great depression began when the s. and p. downgraded us dead it has nothing to do with it when it collapsed in two thousand and eight the think people are still feeling prosperity for the real estate bubble hadn't really burst yet the credit crisis was just in the making it could have been worse than it's going to be now because now they're all talking about cutting back severely great cutting back severely at slime when you go back to two thousand and
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seven two thousand and eight you had an unemployment rate of what four point seven percent now it's a cooked number at nine point one percent so now you're going into decline cutting back more you want to see social unrest you haven't seen anything yet if they let it happen back in two thousand and seven two thousand and eight the markets would have readjusted themselves the big guys would have been flushed out of the market rather than becoming twenty percent bigger or even now bigger to fail than they were before devaluing our currency in front of our eyes the united states is going into the greatest depression and the world is following europe still suffering fitzy month and closing down of the three percent this is despite the european central bank decision to buy apps punish time and government loans off his daniel bushell brings us from brussels. greece is in big trouble it's fall into a full team year low because if the euro falls as increasing numbers here believe
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it could do greece will be first in the firing line in fact it's no fun to be an investor any more than an investor faces must be read like the markets they're down everywhere and what's being dubbed black monday spain's become the latest state to pledge that it will change that it will reform it will get its house in order is that it will slash billions more of public spending but that doesn't help the mood in the european central bank by that it will buy up spanish and italian debt something that no one wants to buy at the moment that hasn't helped either now the g seven g twenty group of leading economies say that they are working together to control the situation but investors are voting with their feet that's what markets are down investors just don't believe the politicians. advise that wealth management in london as the euro zone is doomed and that's germany comes to the west. unless the germans are prepared to write an open check to the
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pig countries and to anybody that has problems moving forward to carry on subsidising it simply isn't isn't going to happen and it's unsustainable so you can't have sustainable monetary union without fiscal and political union which hasn't happened the only other solution is a breakup of the euro which which is probably looking more likely what i've been calling for the dollar to capitulate for a number of years and i don't think we're right there yet i think that the dollar will eventually move away as the reserve currency has to happen and of course a new a new set up will have to be formed the problem is that when when the pound lost the reserve status in the move towards the towards a dollar that was cemented in bretton woods the nine hundred forty eight. it was a natural successor to the pound the problem that we have present is there is no.
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no currency there's a natural successor to the dollar there's talk about using the i.m.f. as the our system as potentially a global currency but it's very difficult to see how everybody can sit around the table with all their different interests and the politics that there are and actually come up with a solution on a sort of g. twenty level and create a new reserve currency and even if you do do that the transition may well be extremely painful unless it's managed in a very appropriate way. coming up later today also his financial analyst max kinds of wars that america's sovereignty triscuit. come. to cut the debt. by definition cutting parts of the economy that would be generating revenue and tax revenue to pay off debt so what is going to happen is
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this problem is going to be addressed by a global banking situation like the i.m.f. etc it is bill gross is absolutely correct the mathematics don't add up there's no way you can do any cuts in any combination that will create growth to pay off these debts and this is what we mean when we say america is losing its sovereignty. to syria now there have been fresh attacks on to government protesters across the country gunfire explosions have been reported in the city of. hama more than three hundred people have been killed in the past week the bloodiest in the five month uprising against president assad's rule bahrain kuwait and saudi arabia have pulled out passages from syria adding to the international condemnation of the crackdown on protesters. from online political magazine spikes in london says bashar al assad is apparently at
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a loss as to how to deal with the situation. if assad is serious about promising democracy and sweeping constitutional reforms that he has promised thank landing down on freedom of speech and freedom of expression which is the cornerstone of any democracy is not sending out a message from the syrian people that he can be taken seriously or trusted in his promises or to there is a sense from assad really that by which he started to say this is the end of single party rule and he will start to think about elections and the way in which he previously portrayed himself and his party as the only guarantee guarantors of the syrian stability but is now talking about major constitutional reforms i mean really there's a real uncertainty about what he's trying to do there very isolated they don't really know where they go and they don't know what really the position of the u.s.
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is on this which i think is making them very uncomfortable and i think as a result kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place in a sense i guess this seems very toys that she almost willing to relinquish power at the moment because i suspect he is very worried it's the same treatment that. three years ago launched at the people of the small republic of south ossetia the five days in which georgia try to reclaim its own territory has claimed hundreds of innocent lives. and this capital city still struggling to come to terms with. i come here almost every day i sit and talk to my son to a new low next to my dear boy. for the last three years. has come to this cemetery where her son is five days two thousand and eight split her life into a before and after. medical
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college graduate heard the republic's capital teen vaal was under attack from georgia he rushed home to help the injured he died in her arms as they lay trapped for days under the rubble of their apartment block that was in the georgian alterian is firing line. the only thing that makes her life worth living now is her twenty year old daughter they now live together in a newly built house to rounded by families with similar tragic stories. in the tots across the street lives of women who lost two children enter the house opposite lives a man who lost both his wife and his child. all these people are victims of georgia's military aggression in all those two thousand and eight when you try to retake control of the downed breakaway republic of south ossetia a russian peacekeeping mission in the region also came under fire nursed my abuse
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dive i was on duty with them and witnessed average thing that happened that night for i saw him violent fire when you know it was going to be our last night but was still carried out peacekeeping mission and tried to be calm. moskos down trained force meant to protect its citizens and prevent more civilian deaths within five days georgian troops had been repelled three weeks later russia recognize the city has independence. the last three years have changed the face of this thursday i new residential air where new roads jobs and invest in new zealand have been built . but signs of the conflict remain this growing to behind my back are all that's left of the russian pole for those who lived through the horrors of the brief but deadly conflict the memories are still very raw. much of the reporting from sea involves. as chandra sweep through the our world some countries are
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a positive iraq has one of the first arab states that welcomed the revolution in tunisia probably our official representative was the first one to arrive in tunisia and egypt to congratulate them on the revolution we've got good connections with other protesters movements as well they consider iraq to be an example despite all our drawbacks iraq is pursuing a line of new democracy it's an example of achieving democracy freedom and respecting human dignity we are all aware of our drawbacks however but they are looking at us here whether we recognize the people's right to self-determination for fulfilling their political will and making their political choice while being free and preserving their dignity iraq is anything but neutral in this situation but at the same time iraq is unwilling to interfere with other people's affairs or we can set an example that's how we see our role which does not consist in choosing leaders. there but do you have the same position regarding the current events in syria at the moment. yes the government has the same position regarding what's
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going on in syria however the events in syria different due to the country's geopolitical position in the region and the role it plays for iraq syria is different from libya. it's different from yemen a good relationship and permanent contacts with our brothers in syria show that we still have time for the reforms that would be really felt by ordinary people and that it is impossible to resolve the issue solely by force there was a further that quote that mr minister the leaders of political factions are carrying out goshi asians with the government on the issue of american military instructors staying in the iraqi armed forces after america pulls most of its troops out how many are there going to be and how long are they going to stain iraq . how yes iraq needs military instructors probably the military instructors won't be away from the troops that are being pulled out from iraq probably the training itself will be conducted in iraqi we must be precise the published and saying and
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only says the government is willing to start negotiations or rather than you cannot claim that an agreement on the agreement to pull out the coalition troops before the end of twenty remains. the. does it mean that before the end of this year all the american troops will be pulled out from iraq. or all the troops in departments will be hauled out before the end of twenty eleven without any delay but there is another problem here iraq has purchased tanks airplanes and military boats and this equipment requires thorough preparation and instructors and that's the case throughout the world and let's say tomorrow we buy russian tanks then the instructors must be russian as well you should not mix up two different things and talk about the troops staying there longer until now the number of instructors and other details has not been defined mr zebari i'm sure you are very well acquainted with the report presented by prime minister nouri al maliki to party leaders and parliament of the current status on the rocks armed forces what does it say that
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the report gives an assessment of the country's domestic security and it says that our armed forces have reached the level of proficiency and equipment status sufficient for maintaining it but i. like to point out again that we have no aircraft no air shield no defense system our ports in the gulf an imbalance or have no cover from the sea since there is no navy in place and there still remains a need for intelligence services in the view of the threat from al qaeda and terrorism quite honestly we still need to build up our defense capacities we need equipment and armaments as well as qualified instructors who will be able to increase our army's performance to the level where it would become fully operational and self-sustained even letter given this when can we expect the iraqi armed forces to complete building up their defense capacities and he called up the task of maintaining domestic security. this is beyond my authority so i'm not prepared to answer this question but i can say that it will take some time no doubt
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when early coming up there is an opinion that the decision to employ u.s. forces personnel to train the rocky army was made by iraq's political leaders under direct pressure from the u.s. seen you know what can you say about that that the less of the or but that of my higher jat know there was no pressure the americans helped us lay the foundation and start building our new army that's one sure thing that they keep helping us and monitoring the progress they give advice on what strategic armaments we can buy for that we have a need for them and they have their own interests in iraq and they're protecting their interests or not by way of putting pressure or telling us to do this or that there is nothing. they say that they are ready to stay only if iraq asks them to but we're not asking them with our government hasn't given such a request as for the military instructors this issue will be discussed by the government of the country as late as iraq has a need for a little. history
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and i again this is asking an insane line from moscow to headline. london's and gotten violent threats said not a surprise but he's trying to control what the. government calls a wave of shit criminality the rest has spread to birmingham and liverpool with unconfirmed reports that other cities are also affected authorities say at a peaceful protest against the deadly police shooting of the night and that had twenty nine year old mind was hijacked by troublemakers more than two hundred people have been arrested. that thinking feeling good stocks deep shop blame because trading session off america's credit rating downgrade they say as the eurozone debt continues to wreak havoc with investors fearing the city and spain could be the next to call in these to fail this despite president obama and european central banks trying to reassure them all. three years after a time when sotha said she had remembrances.
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