tv [untitled] August 9, 2011 1:00am-1:30am EDT
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move the joint be the children's feet on the villains the gateway to the ground in period. that george was to school until you can a letter to know that you know it's a duty to go and claim this is the kernel was which is used to retreat. in the long haul scale work out scenes of violence and destruction of where beyond then after three days of clashes between rioters and police. wall street it's a new low since the two thousand a financial crisis has fearful investors withdraw from the u.s. stock market sending shock waves across the world. plus as the eurozone tries to whether its economic storm poland's shelving of plans to adopt a single currency highlights a broader this is our stated news of the euro crisis played.
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coming to you live from central moscow and you're watching r.t. buildings on far windows smashed and shops looted it well these are the scenes devastated the streets of london after three days of violent riots police are deploying thousands of extra officers to contain the situation as scenes of lawlessness spread to other cities including birmingham a liverpool and bristol well the prime minister has cut short his holiday in italy to hold emergency government meetings archy's lore and it is keeping a close eye on the situation. in the plugged in where the streets are full of police and all the streets are full of rioters and looters just about a hundred meters behind me a car is on fire the hair is full of crude smoke you might be able to hear the police helicopters circling above me as police try to get control of the situation there are about one hundred fifty people in the street just around the corner we
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went round there but we just that it was too dangerous to stay and it's not just here in hockney that has been volatile in brixton and it also is breaking out now to other parts of the country croydon which is probably about thirty miles away from logic but because of poison on fire and we're hearing that the violence is already over both also spreads writes to forming that there are all sorts of people on the streets here but it is largely a big perpetrated by ethnic minorities it has to be said out there is a lot about rest and this is certainly the worst violence that we've seen so far it hasn't been confined to the hours of darkness at this as i say has been going on for three nights so i mean business take the parts of london that had soup are being affected and here's my report from some of. london's burning rioters and police take over the capital for a third night as leaches target yet more areas of london in a spiraling cycle of violence on monday night a violent shoot
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a few signs of abating in fact it spread further around the city say here in east london it happening where rioters set fire to cars and tried to break into more shops meanwhile terrified residents of london could do nothing but no cordon police sealed off streets and treat whole areas as crime scenes with local communities trying to come to terms with the wave of looting engulfing north east and south london in enfield rages looted shops making off with whatever they could carry in nearby edmonton a man was stopped south in princeton rioters through rocks at police. and in tottenham where it all began the high street is a burned out shell and the police the cops and so are the banks everything that's happening the recession you know there's a lot of anger about that no jobs nothing for the youths to do so yes i have all of our source trace from america you know and it it it is sad that it's the
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it's the poor people that's suffering it was sparked by the three call shooting by police of this man mark duggan tottenham once own says about why and how he was killed but his shooting with just a spark in an exceptionally dry tinder box tottenham and other london boroughs have long been simmering with resentment towards the police towards social injustice and towards unemployment this is a community which sounds fantastic precious or have levels of unemployment then are losing their lives and services if clubs again closed there is never any excuse for products the creators attend the parks and the war isn't concerns and complaints about the toughest part bargain with the star which has a for tottenham has one of the highest unemployment rates in london particularly amongst the young black people are far more likely to be stopped and searched by police than whites and together with hackney brixton walthamstow and lewisham which
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also store violence it's become a victim of what prime minister david cameron is now calling failed multiculturalism this. bearers are some of the best me groups. put these groups. get social you know that. they're very. strict. on the racist poorly breeze. but i do agree you know something should be done unless these gang. of youths tire of the violence there doesn't seem to be a real reason why this looting should stop it's unlikely the perpetrators have jobs to go to and school's out for the summer london residents clear more unrest on the streets in the coming days the losers aren't making a political point and hardly anyone in these communities supports them but many are
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saying that there actually is a political point that social integration in parts of the country is deplorable social mobility is nil and the relationship with the police it is bad as it's been for years and with cuts in government spending looming over the next few years the situation is very unlikely to get any better it's party back in the east of the. little team of r.t. correspondents is currently in london bringing you the most recent updates on the situation on our twitter account you can follow all the latest developments there our twitter slash r.t. underscore com and one of the latest comments they reveal that three hundred thirty four arrests have been made so far our vehicles have been deployed on to the streets of even west london while looting continues across the country again you can log onto r.t. underscore for. all with police stretched beyond their limits who are some as young as fourteen have been clearing the shelves of abandoned shops andrew gilligan from the british newspaper the sunday telegraph was just one of the
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many victims of the violence i was i was mugged i was pulled off my bike my bike was stolen. it's. on the way to the military about forty five minutes ago i spent most of the day in scotland which is where it all kicked off in seeing people who would lost their homes as a result of these rights and they are furious with the writers they say that what happened to mark duggan the man who was shot by police is absolutely no excuse at all for what happened to them they blame the police for not being quick enough to contain the trouble in time. in the first place and quite clearly what's happening in. croydon and all the other places where this order has broken out tonight has absolutely nothing to do with the police shooting of a man ten miles away and it's not a good tool i think it's an issue of criminality and people are taking a bone to age of what they see is a lawless situation and overstretched police forces to do their worst and to some
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of these very quickly this kind of thing we've seen its impact in the social media spreading unrest in the arab world probably for the good but here it's spreading exactly the same way arguably for the. looks of. like instant messaging and twitter and all the rest of it spreading the word about where the next rockets going to be and they might be able to move faster than the police i think perhaps i mean if this carries on like this it is quite worrying for. four or five different parts of london where you can share your opinion of the u.k. writes about criticism in our latest poll you can log onto our website that's our deep dark card to contribute to today's topic and we're asking you what's the driving force behind the u.k. riots we have a chart so far the most part of the response is the failure of multiculturalism
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over a quarter of you say it's the dismay over the economy and some of you say that criminals are hungry for profit heavy handed policing are to blame. to america now where the stock markets are in freefall as investors rush out in reaction to the u.s. losing its aaa credit rating and that's the sky president obama's speech in which he declared america was still an economic powerhouse. has more now from new york. market reaction to the historic downgrade of america's credit are sure it is the worst day on wall street since the two thousand and eight financial crisis all through. major u.s. stock indexes plummeted between five and seven percent on monday now all of this coming just after standard and poor's downgrade the u.s. credit kicking america out of the triple a club this is already creating a climate of uncertainty or increasing this climate of uncertainty and lack of
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confidence among investors when they look to the stability of the u.s. economy the u.s. president barack obama of course tried to inject some optimism into the public into the markets on monday saying that america has been and always will be our aaa economy he says that washington's problem is not a lack of policy or plans but a lot of lack of political will and he says many lawmakers have been insistent on drawing lines in the sand and now it is urgent for all parties to come together to come up with a long term approach on how to reduce the deficit in the u.s. the u.s. debt of fourteen point three trillion dollars and growing and at this point many investors as we saw on monday are selling now and asking questions later the early the markets have not been reacting favre favorably to the fact that standard and
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poor's did downgrade america's credit for the first time ever in history. visit one american city that highlights the devastating consequences of an investor retreat once a buzzing herbert center of the area is now a battered shell with more than half of the population running away from financial despair. or asian markets have been hammered amid fears the u.s. is heading for a recession but india has reacted with optimism saying it's ready to implement a fastrack reforms to encourage the best to consumption and would stand in economic struggles are to produce shooters bringing us the latest on the financial situation in asia from new delhi. asian markets have been tumbling in reaction to the latest news of the. grading of the u.s. economy but actually many politicians and many analysts in india think that this country will only be affected in the short term by what's happening in that they're actually better equipped than many western countries especially your pm countries
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handle what's going on in the united states we have india finance minister prime mukherjee coming out and saying that this is only going to be really a short term impact analysts are thing that the bric countries will in the long term be a lot the fact that by what's happening in the united states but actually if investors move if they continue on this risk aversion path and move away from u.s. treasury bonds they might actually feel more comfortable investing in these emerging markets like china and india china has taken a much stronger stance on what's going on they've called the us. immoral and irresponsible and their thing a chinese newspaper recently said that the united states really needs to move away from borrowing its way out of its masses but india on the other hand has had more of an optimistic response to what's going on in china and they're really hoping that in fun way they might be able to benefit from all of this
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a large piece business desk is keeping a close watch on the world's markets let's now cross over to marina power be a russian stocks responding to that they have well the russian stocks are close right now that will open in less than an hour on monday they pretty much follow. the states and then the session. then it was actually the biggest one day for more than two years the r.t.s. lost almost eighty percent of all the my six close a session five and a half in there right now investors are a cautious they're staying away from risks and they're turned into safe haven and since what i'll tell you more about that in our business bill that's a writer in the pie. all right we'll see just a few moments there. well as the euro zone members join forces to save their common economy while the e.u. state is happy it isn't bailing out a single currency poland was supposed to join the euro zone next year but those
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plans are now on ice with warsaw eager to stay out of the crisis artie's alexina shepley reports. rioting in greece greece from the country's economic crisis were felt across the european union shaking international markets worldwide while parts of europe have been teetering on the edge of economic abyss pauline has remained stable in the storm along with this currency. there is a widespread belief in the country that being outside the euro has helped give poland out of trouble joel was before the commodities market is not in good shape if we were part of the euro zone and we would have been obliged to help countries like greece and portugal help out someone else without solving our own problems it's almost guaranteed that prices would go up and join the euro zone which would damage my business. recent opinion polls suggest that more than sixty percent of paul's want to keep their own currency a dramatic turnaround from just
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a few years back a few years ago the euro is seen as the euro club was seen as something very exclusive polls aspired to this they wanted a country to join the euro now the name of the euro has been solved. by the troubles in greece and italy poles will be dragged into this crisis if the government forced the euro issue try to bring poland into the euro zone it could be political suicide poland has fared much better than many of its partners in the global crisis several countries like greece ireland and portugal are on the brink of disaster partly due to a boring binge your membership and so. it low interest rates being outside the euro zone members poland could not join the party but now it does not have the hangover wants a top political priority in the country eurozone membership has now been put firmly on the long finger poland was meant to have the euro by next year the time when the
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country is co-hosting the trying to do well european football championship but with the latest developments these plans may be shelved for another four years you rule say poland is obliged to adopt the euro once it meets the economic rules for joining but polish politicians are now much cooler on the idea with ministers saying the eurozone needs to get its house in order first place very important for us. they need for institutional changes. in euros i mean these economic governance of you know. crisis management changes we see some need for euro zone before. target date and came. up the rules requiring call them to eventually join the euro were certainly here over cannot be perspire it see which seems a world away from the climate today the game has changed and the euro everyone once
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wanted to join may now be the invitation no one wants to accept. it will do for your store and let's not have a good sort of quick check on some other top news from around the world the leader of libya's rebel movement has dismissed his executive committee in response to the killing of the opposition military chief last month members of the national transitional council libya's rebel authority support the reshuffle release of the move was in response to the incompetence surrounding the general's protection and its subsequent meanwhile nato airstrikes continue into tripoli the ongoing civil war in libya started over four months ago with nato forces joining in a march. hotel maid who accused former i.m.f. chief dominique strauss kahn of sexually assaulting her has filed a civil lawsuit against him nothing who is seeking unspecified damages claims she
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was left few merely a bit by the ordeal saw scott was detained in new york back in may and was originally placed under house arrest well he has pleaded not guilty to the chargers and has since been released on a one million dollars bail. the united nations refugees agency has airlifted humanitarian aid into the war torn capital of somalia for the first time in five years it comes as the country battles with a devastating famine caused by the worst drought in sixty years the first of the three private planes delivered tons of emergency supplies including shelter materials the shipment was made possible after local islamised groups who earlier prevented a deliveries pulled out from mogadishu more than twenty nine thousand children under the age of five have died in the last ninety days in southern somalia alone. now syria's neighbors are turning up the heat on damascus to end its crackdown on protesters saudi arabia kuwait and rain have recalled their ambassadors from the
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country and turkey's foreign minister is also expected in syria our choosing. with a tough message for president assad well this comes as government forces are stepping up their are salt on opposition strongholds tank and artillery fire i've had three hundred people have reportedly been killed in syria over the past week it's the bloodiest of the five month after rising against the regime i thought earlier democratic reforms which he claims to mask this needs more time to ramp up at a political analyst patrick a stance the president is on the verge of stepping down from power. if assad is serious about promising democracy and sweeping constitutional reforms that he has now promised them clamping down on freedom of speech and freedom of expression which is the cornerstone of any democracy is not sending out a message to the syrian people that he can be taken seriously or trusted in his
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promise is a tool of diplomatic consideration is no largely absent in assad's regime they're clinging on to power but even so in a very tired way there is a sense from assad to really be eased by which he started to say this is the end of you know single party rule and he will start to think about elections and the way in which he previously portrayed himself and his party as the only guarantors of syrian stability but is now talking about major constitutional reforms i mean really there's a real uncertainty about what he's trying to do there very isolated they don't really know where they go into a kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place they don't know what to do but the sense i get from assad is a seems very ties that she's almost willing to relinquish power at the moment but i think there's a reluctance to want to relinquish power because i suspect he is very worried he'll meet the same treatments that some of barack is now seeing. well more news on syria
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for you on our web site that's archie dot com along with latest updates videos and blogs and here's a taste of what you can find there right now on the so-called hacktivists carried out on that type of gas the syrian regime by hijacking the country's defense ministry web site. and secret tapes of jackie onassis sharing who she felt was behind her husband's assassination have been on earth and will soon be released to the public. american financial struggles have left many wondering how much worse things could get in the future but for us giles already going through economic hardship a new bloke could be too much to handle are these enough to see a tour going to visit one such city. this is america's ghost town. just
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twenty five miles from downtown chicago gary indiana the symbol of urban blight by some compared to post evacuation sure noble by others it is a sad thing really is. very depressing. when you see something like this in this kind of condition to just continue to be continue to fall apart this is the city methodist church today it's an abandoned shell put rusted ceilings rotting junk and graffiti on the force of sites fall in the sky disrepair . it's almost like a collectible and so on. historical soul built in the one nine hundred twenty s. first a place of worship leader a community center it is now at the forefront of gary's decline or used to be a symbol of architectural might and brought the people of gary together is now an
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enormous species filled with ruins where the only form of life for the pigeons that flying through the walls and the ceilings urban explorers historians and architects are saying that the chances of this place ever being rebuilt are close to zero so it looks likely that this place as well as many others throughout gary are on their way to completely seizing to exist. founded by u.s. steel corporation in one nine hundred six the town of gary once with manufacturing jobs and competition from overseas led to a ninety percent cut in the workforce and one industry urban center came crumbling down once the steel plant. suffered its loss of thirty thousand jobs. that meant that the population it would cause for all of the revenues for the city would go to and so as that accelerated sort of snowball gary's population has been cut by half as many fled in search of work it is now
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almost. lucidly african-american over eighty four percent up to one third are poor in one of the top ten most dangerous cities in america twenty nine alan has had no work for three years there's really no. job opportunities here. the koreans are what you're looking forward to but then again it's still here the downtown area is now no town the main commercial street and urban desert has an economy here collapsed so did countless businesses small and large creating a town where sites like this are common and homes long forgotten george shops windows locked mom and pop shops abandoned to growth businesses are strip clubs and . truck stop meeting places city hall stands right across from a former hotel a haunting sight during barry's peak years places like this would become a temporary home for out of towners visiting this place the hotel is now
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deteriorating there are no windows left and the police cars outside making sure squatters don't get in there's no other hotel left in this town there are no investments flowing into this area nowadays instead there is only hopelessness building up to crazy makes me sad because. it's like. where i think it would be best if i relocate you know the way i see it anyway is that it here. for the completely there is not much to be found elsewhere either while gary is a symbol of collapse industry has been dying all across the us promises of a manufacturing revamp are all the rage while places like this are being a race from a map of america and stacy churkin our party gary indiana. any more ahead for you including top stories and a spotlight with all good all all that after our business bulletin with marina.
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hello in the balkans a business here on artsy global stock markets nose dived on monday and the u.s. forces were leaping without a word spiral of the dow lost five and a half percent and the nasdaq ended almost six percent in the red but sort of a zoom of ads were moved to asset management believes the world's economy will stable finding major recession due to the growing prominence of emerging markets. world are going to me will still grow probably it would be less as lead to lead a pace that was expected before asian markets and china but keep your other countries like india to play higher and higher role as the world's engines and we believe you will be again very initial for russia can diversify be be a resource to supply. the western part of the world to a good grade more and more with asian markets and china and we already see the
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positive developments on that front. and let's take a look at the markets gold has hit a new record high for the second day in there oh it's now adding over it supersets trading at almost seventeen hundred and sixty dollars this our precious metals are seeing strong safehaven demand amid markets turbulence and massive sell off across the board. and it's a different picture with oil prices are down to the lowest level in more than eight months light sweet is losing almost three dollars of all brands is that alan by see dollars they're trading at about one hundred one and thirty cents this hour and all prices have shot fifty percent since the start of all this the way by fears that the economic recovery in the u.s. has to give rough patch seven poor's downgrade us that i loaned sun prices down by six percent on monday. in asia stocks couldn't sing needs to get hammered following
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the massive sell off only wall street in the caves news in the over two percent loss hong kong's hang seng is dropping six percent this hour among the worst performers are bank sent exporters bank of china is that out over six percent and sony is losing over four percent. and here in moscow the markets will start trading in less than an hour they suffered the biggest one day fall and more than two years on monday the artsy has lost almost eight percent of all the my sex close to five and a half the size and the dreads. oh deja vu maybe the best lancer describe investors feelings are the moments jacob morgan stanley says the current situation as. a double that there are risks out there things can go wrong but you don't have the same level of leverage in the financial markets that you have paid you don't have the same exuberant valuations you don't have the same sort of excess confidence that you hired three years ago so i think the risk of
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