tv [untitled] August 9, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT
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but with a lot of show on paper real headlines with none for mercy i can live in washington d.c. now so i will speak to someone or write in the middle of the chaos in london and alaska what's going on and could it ever happen here and the federal reserve released released a policy statement today that really didn't say all that much but margetts did improve after yesterday's drop so where is all that confidence coming from and they're calling it the russian version of the jersey shore but it's already got activists and lawmakers fighting to get it off the air search in
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a speech to marina live by this a cast member of lifetime's new show russian dolls we're going to all that and more for you tonight including a dose of happy hour but first let's take a look at what the mainstream media has decided to mix. both in a to mainstream media continued for a second day to pretend like they care about the war in afghanistan at the bodies of those killed in a helicopter crash in the wardak province over the weekend arrived in the u.s. the bodies of those killed were brought to dover air force base in delaware that happened today president obama arrived at dover air force base in delaware a short time ago to pay his respects to honor of the thirty american service members who lost their lives it is tragic it is tragic not only for the families but of course also for the people here at dover air force reserve who had a very difficult job ahead of them. now this is an incredibly tragic circumstance.
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and it deserves attention but this event however was closed off to the press by the pentagon the same pentagon that lifted the ban on filming soldiers' caskets when the obama administration came in this time decided to make an exception and yet we saw the mainstream media reporting on it as if that was no big deal is that the sense of kitty here should be the norm and they should just accept it and let that be that. that's a problem if you ask me see the pentagon is saying that some of the remains are yet on identify so that's why they will allow the media access let's be honest those that have been identified their pictures have been bracing every single cable television screen in the last few days their family members have been interviewed and exploited for the tears and for the grief so the idea that now the mainstream media has suddenly grown a conscience and understands the pentagon's request that's not one that i'm sold on so instead of protesting the pentagon's decision calling the outboard on live television saying that no matter how difficult and painful these images may be they
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need to be broadcast because this is the reality of our wars abroad of media complies and they move on and that's because they don't care just because they've been covering the loss of life in our ten year war for the past couple of days doesn't mean that they're getting catered to showing the truth they're still not asking why we're fighting this war why the pentagon wishes to hide the realities from the public with a veil excuse and they got their cheers from morning wives and then let everything else pass and that brings me to another point here this helicopter crash was a tragic loss of life and in fact it was the biggest loss of life from a single incident in this entire war but only now do we see the president making a trip down to do over and the media following him along to the gates only now is this worthy of hours of broadcast because these were seals the elites of our forces now these people deserve the proper respect the proper thanks in the proper commemoration for our lives more valuable than a regular army private that might be killed what about the remains of countless of our. other americans have flown into over why were those events which were not
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blocked to the press not covered if the sad state of affairs and it's a true reality check but the mainstream media only covers these wars when it's to their benefit when they can milk the visuals but once the pictures are gone so is the press and yet the lives lost the years spent the trillions of dollars spent and the complete loss of our civil liberties in this ongoing war on terror the loss of america's more reality with the actions of the bush administration the black sites in guantanamo bay those are all things that they choose to miss. over what's now the fourth night london continues to burn what started off as a peaceful vigil on saturday in tottenham for the death of mark dougan who would now turns out to have been killed with one shot by police and had not fired first according to ballistic test results but has turned into days of riots random
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violence looting burning keep spreading from one borough within london to another and even cities outside of london the last night the first fatality was reported as a twenty six year old man was shot in his car social media is already becoming a central issue here as riders first organized through black berry messenger were encouraged on twitter and now even a google facial recognition technology is going to be used to identify those whose pictures have been posted online it makes a question when social media is used for good as the mainstream media jumped on egypt in tunisia as twitter revolutions and what makes this different media outlets of all political leanings have been quick to try and identify the causes here racism brutality by the police multiculturalism not working class warfare austerity measures but at this point it's becoming so widespread they are wrong some point to a disaffected and lost youth with no political purpose at all so what exactly has gone wrong in the u.k.
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joining me to discuss this is laurie penny a columnist for the new statesman or i want to thank you for joining us and first if you can just start by telling us exactly where you are and what you've witnessed so far the past couple of days. i'm in the room. and. it's right there in the here. and they're. keeping with. the we. are going to. another one and. there are. our break even though they were everywhere. for the one here and there where. you know very many around. the area were very. into the corner from camden and what was really really how they were. living where we. learned. you know over the surface of the
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national nerve racking for the common good for everything if you can the way you know if you can sort of think that however. there were part of the part where they at the moment the right thing with regard to. the store i'm very wary of. the reporters who are going forward he. remembers there are things that are there for people to feel with and for. others. to care for and for right now and really scary for breath for. people who are in for a very very very careful if he's really threading out in the. case there. what in your mind do you think is really going on like i mentioned you can look at media outlets you can look at the government the way they try to portray this and some on the left will say well this is because of austerity measures and this is what's
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going on other people will try to blame it on a multiculturalism that's failing from the right but what does it do you. everybody. there were nerves there. and we're. very concerned for the animal whether it's really for herman. and for her in the states where they're going to. bring her feet who i remember. growing up as. far as. i could put her right there you know. there are people that are there aren't more. nervous than the people. that are in her he never experience for. their life their neighbors. and there's another.
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very. very critical for the rest. of the right. for. her to recur. very simply perfectly at. just the right. k. he said. for many many here and certainly. there are. people. who are. now obviously this is getting a lot of media attention because it's the visuals are there the stories are there of course people lives are being affected by this and so you say that nobody cared
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about these people for so long but do you think that this is a way to get people to care or is it justifiable to go around and to loot and beat people. cause damage. or work. or just work. there were. trying to see. who are for him or who were. in everything already in. the room with your. own people. free. of their concerns and people. who for each other in the street. who are using. various as a way to force their employer or if you are here and he can go and really. great he
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really. were right. in her power of how he will bring her. a mess basically run its. own or her with her i think. there's an have an agenda. here. we can. treat it as the. ground we have to be. and earth. to be thinking when again and. if we immerse. near it were flirting. with about super. important for. we do i think that's why so many people internationally two are
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watching the situation and are so curious because they want to know and that's whatever it is trying to can text realize it is what exactly is going wrong you know we don't see this happening in the us i guess you could say that probably not since the. angeles riots to the beating of rodney king we haven't seen this type of thing and there are some concerns you know could it could happen here but there is something specific that must be going on in england now i want to ask you about what you think of the role of social media here of course some of the simple organizing on blackberry messenger other people or you know talking about it on twitter and encouraging somebody actions now we know that some of those people on twitter might be prosecuted now we know that black berry messenger black berry is going to try to work with the author already is to try to track of these people down and you know how do we look at that differently compared to the way the people we're covering tunisia and egypt looking at social media as this wonderful force of revolution. when it can be used to gather for for riots like this. for.
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and the rest of the in the u.k. . you know it's. it works perfectly ok with the rest it's ok with. this over the third incomplete there are. people who were. in. the developed world where you have. you. ever hear the. word for and then take the profits. out of their very take the word. worker for remember oh black holes. in them for the firm i've heard. the so we're not sure and.
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the first you hear that. it's. so sure her football career will take the game. and we already see of course a lot of the lines start to be blurred you know we were looking at websites today of certain news stations and the u.k. actually have messages out there telling people that they want to work with you off already is that if you've seen any of the people who may have been willing to help contact the authorities and it's raised a lot of questions as to how people should cover this as well or you have to wrap it up but i want to thank you very much for joining us and giving us your perspective on this. week. another example of how the media is ignoring of the economic pain of everyday americans and one day after the stock market crash at a reserve tries to calm wall street fears that it really give us anything to be
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this weekend all eyes are on texas and reverend i mean governor rick perry's prayer rally. turning a houston football stadium into the ultimate megachurch texas governor rick perry to the political the heart breaks for america we see discord in the home. we see here in the marketplace we see anger in the halls of government. now although all the cameras are facing perry the real people of houston were actually just a few miles away houston's convention center so seeing the houston eye as the back to school fest or parents could go to get free school supplies immunizations and school uniforms and that event was so popular events that actually had to turn people away because they were filled to capacity to put into perspective just how popular or necessary you could say this festival was expected attendance was
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approximately thirty thousand people however over one hundred thousand people actually showed up on saturday and every last item available for parents and students was gone in just a matter of hours i would love to actually show you how wildly popular a lot of it was but what you know there wasn't any media coverage because they were all busy praying with rick perry and that's just the latest example of a dangerously high need for public aid in this country just a month ago in dallas a stampede broke out over housing vouchers left eight people injured by thousand people running for a place in mind trying to get one hundred vouchers several people were stepped on and they were in the stampede among them children. and you can add another housing voucher and a lanta also ended up in chaos and in los angeles people came out in droves and instead of fighting for housing vouchers they were hoping for free health care. the lawyers go before door of hundreds of people with hundreds of reasons to see cream
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little cool clear like people you need from the los angeles area. elite sports with the full physical. glasses screening tests and dental work three hundred little flow in two years serving twelve patients to be the next. in the sheer numbers and the pictures here prove that americans are desperate for help lines these kinds of events are all the evidence that you need to see that every day people are looking for assistance everywhere they can whether your doctor's visit or school supplies that's where our media should be focused and the fact that americans are in need so our governor rick perry prays for help least we can take comfort in knowing that some groups out there are actually doing something anything that they can to help others. and now a couple of weeks ago you could probably says the federal federal reserve policy statement they had set to release today it's going to go by with not much fanfare
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and we got a slew of horrible economic figures bad jobs report and the markets started to tank so today everybody waited patiently would there be another round of quantitative easing and the answer for now is no in fact all we learned was that there will be no interest rate hikes until mid two thousand and thirteen and the fact is noticed the downside risks to the economic outlook have increased and they may be repaired to use additional tools if warranted there are three members who dissented from the statement it's pretty boring but maybe that's because there really isn't anything else they can do so does anyone have the magic take it to get us out of this mess or is it only doomed to get worse joining me from our studio in new york is joe wise involved deputy editor of the business insider joe want to thank you for joining us tonight like i said the federal reserve didn't announce another round of quantitative easing no q e three here they made a statement of course that they're not going to change interest rates for now but was that we were expecting you to expect a little more something a little more exciting. it was really hard to tell i mean as you say the economic
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data has been weakening and probably more importantly is just the fact that the stock market has been cratering so you kind of have these two slightly different things where should the fed respond to the economy which is weakening but hasn't really changed or anything or should to try to soothe the market which has tended would quite violently and in the end they tried to kind of walk a little a line and they did ok so the as you said they said there would be no rate hikes for a long time they put a date on it for the first time or two years out so that was you know good for the markets i think and then but they also didn't commit to anything on the economy they're took a wait and see approach if they need to do more of the have that ability but they haven't parks did into a corner so it was not a good they probably did about as you know there was a lot of confusion no one knew what was coming they probably had the right note but my problem with that is that why the wait and see approach with the economy when
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the economy is something that has consistently being that right jobs numbers have been horrible they can't even keep up with population growth it's not getting any better and if anything people think that you know our growth overall is probably going to go into the negative next year whereas the markets they're volatile they change all the time should the fed really react to the markets after just a couple of days of bad numbers and drops. yes it is do you see this idea that the fed takes its cues from the stock market i would agree with you there i guess the problem with the fed doing more on the economy right now is like q.e. two didn't do anything it looks like for the economy growth was stronger prior to q e two than it was when we came out of it monthly job creation is no better but what we did get during q e two was a kind of asset commodity inflation that actually ends up hurting the economy so there is probably some serious question about whether the fed can actually do anything good look if things got really bad again and there's no doubt that they
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have to act but i think in terms of intervening the fed probably feels that it's tools are limited and it doesn't want to go there unless it feels absolutely forced to because it's got blunt instruments that effect i would about the fact that there are also three dissenters when it comes to this decision by the bat i think that show you there's a lot of confusion a lot of loss as to whether they can help at all. it's a pretty good point one of the biggest stories or just the fact that you know during the first go round of easing there was it was pretty uncontroversial but now and again this goes back to the fact that q.e. two wasn't that successful of anything and you have these members that are asking well why would we go back to expanding the fed balance sheet basically negative interest rates and so on. there's a lot of you know that's going to be an issue how can the fed really press on the stimulus again. if it doesn't even have full support so that's something to watch
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well so then what is is there some kind of magical solution at least in your mind if the fed really has these blunt tools like you said they probably can't get congress is just a complete gridlock the markets are all over the place. what do you do yeah the problem is that the better solution does unfortunately lie in congress. fiscal policy could be done through the continuation of the payroll tax holiday perhaps a holiday on foreign earnings growing continuation of unemployment benefits all of those things are things that actually would have a positive effect on the economy but it's very you see whether they can help with congress and one of the problems is obama is not doesn't seem interested in fighting for them you know he says he's interested in continuing various tax holiday is but why isn't he out there raking over the coals for not agreeing with
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him or pushing for a no he's our goal when congress gets bad will do this but you kind of get the impression that republicans are going to give him a hard time and he's not going to really fight for it so it's not good fiscal policy is totally out of the rome. being pushed with the intensity that. is needed right now well that are not being pushed and i think part of that has to do with the fact that obama isn't exactly as progressive with his fiscal policy as everybody thinks that he is or wants to think that he is and sometimes he actually comes down on the same line as the republicans here but in that sense it's congress is not doing anything and probably at the moment it is mostly in their hands do you agree with s. and p. in the downgrading that of that. no i don't i've got those that's a darn good was actually kind of ridiculous the second of the matter is they're coming through who's dead is denominated its own currency basically can default and i understand that there were political issues in the debt ceiling fight was an
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embarrassment but at the same time the debt ceiling did get raised so even in for a woman most contentious debt ceiling fights will ever have the debt ceiling to get raised and beyond the you know the s. and p. looks kind of the two numbers i found in terms of debt to g.d.p. ratios that really don't mean anything. really just are better than about a country's ability to service its dead and so i don't know i i disagree with it i mean i think you could make the argument certainly the political fight was an embarrassment but i thought their call was wrong and irresponsible ok well in that case do you agree with the senate banking committee because they've actually announced that they're starting to gather the paperwork so they can actually have a hearing about s. and p. and whether that maybe they fudged them the figures and really this was so on a call for a it's a little frustrating i think there's the americans as to why you know s. and p. is now being gone after so much but we still haven't necessarily gone after at
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least not any any criminal way wall street and the people that got us into financial ruin to begin with. yeah i mean there's a few things there this is the first of all this news about them originally making some kind of math or logic error on its first draft of the press release is just incredibly embarrassing that this is the the biggest credit called the agency is ever going to make and they make a good error they get a baseline wrong even if it doesn't change their final analysis i was just i'm just stunned by that is through the investigation into s. and p. i mean you know i don't think government should be in the business of shooting the messenger service speak but on the other end all around the world government should wonder or we should be worried that this agency goes around to governments preemptively and start dictating policy to them and that's what you know long before this downgrade s. and p. went to the treasury and started saying oh we're here deficit reduction plan etc etc and it is frightening. and then you can go to
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governments and start saying where is your plan are going to go when there are other countries have other priorities and when deficit reduction could be the most dangerous thing for that economy at that time so i would like someone to look at the broader issue of this rather than whether s. and p. itself did something wrong here so once again i guess it just shows you who exactly has the power here that's and p. that goes to the federal reserve it's the markets they dictate what the federal reserve does and not the actual economy or the american people that are now being compensated by i want to thank you so much for joining us. sir thank you. well still to come tonight we have our kids age and show and tell and we have the jersey shore are you ready for a russian invasion russian dolly is coming to american t.v. has teeth of a member of the cast just gave. in to it and we would.
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