tv [untitled] August 10, 2011 12:31am-1:01am EDT
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says that libya was a good p.r. stunt for the british government as he shares his insights now into the conflict and that's coming up in our interview next on r.t. . today i'm talking to kelvin mackenzie former editor of the sun newspaper columnist he's spoken out against the military intervention in libya saying that maybe it's not worth an ounce of british blood mackenzie that's a very strong position to take i mean the government reckons that as strikes prevented a massacre in benghazi so he that's worth a few british columns and so. well first of all we don't know whether there was going to be a massacre a big goals this was the this was the government's push this was cameron's personal speech. in the end of the day that this is libyans fighting libyans and who are we to say who should be running their country after all when i
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last looked i didn't notice any of the libyans interfere when the cavaliers and the roundheads took place in a revolution or the far as i could see there was nobody from tripoli wondering where in the french revolution this is a revolution quite normal the other side of got guns mysteriously they seem to have rocket propelled grenades they seem to have and fire ability these people are sitting there with the spotted gun leaning over a friend saying your. fairly sophisticated but if you take the other aspect is that the rebels themselves who i wish well although i feel very unsure about what our relationship with libya is going to be at the end of all this we have al qaeda. how do we know that at the end of the day they don't end up running the country we don't know anything about this there is a justification for us doing much more them for no fly zones there is
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a justification when they blew up a passenger airline over lockerbie killing our people on the ground and killing people for america there was a justification to do what i suspect russia might have done under the same circumstances which you said roy we're coming in we're taking you out we're bombing the hell out of the place and then there will be a change of regime and that would have been more justifiable than this but libyan rebels did offer to intervene they also may say to intervene do we not that full have a duty to go in and help the mouse no we don't want you to do we owe to a saw aid in a revolution who is trying to grab power to decide what the outcome of that war is going to be i say we have no duty while we are out there wandering around the desert there was a justification it was lockerbie there's no justification i prefer the russian position i prefer the chinese position i prefer the german position all of which is
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the siamese we wish you well we're not firing any guns away not sending in any planes what now that means you'll finish and that we put out and leave the libyans to what could essentially be a bloody civil war it is a bloody civil war that's what happens in civil wars there isn't the point the reason that you have the word war involved in civil war is it's called civil negotiation it is a fight and in the end i expect the rebels they will win but they don't need to win . the now money what if now that the international community has irreparably for them that with him he actually stays in power and at the first of all i don't care about the international community and secondly they haven't the you know they don't like him but there's lots of people they don't like i mean why they're. why don't they go in while you were at libya just go down the road a bit to the congo where literally under a thousand people have been wiped out why haven't we gone there why don't we go and protect the minority tribe in the zimbabwe water act if there's
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a lot of injustice in the world there may be injustice even in this country who knows but the issue is that there is nothing that can be done the international community is a big factor and what happens to the politicians is that they look around them so they look at this their ratings in the polls and they say you know wall i'm not doing very well here the people who vote for me think i'm an idiot they're going to charge me you know what's in they want to wander around north africa wander around the middle east why do we go into saudi arabia where they've banned march is the king as announce there will be severe repercussions for demonstrations and in the east they started firing everybody why don't we go into the am in why don't we go in everywhere what's your answer to all these questions why don't we go and see them and why don't we are into syria because it's nothing to do with us we have neither the power the firepower nor the will nor will as we learned from iraq where one hundred eighty of. good people died and probably forty billion forty or fifty
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billion quid went out of our coffers which we could possibly even for that profit was up but it. has nothing to do with this things take time and yet we have still going into libya which by you know take all thing has nothing to do with us is because we could have been open about gadhafi you know what is where war and nation trying to relive the old days of the empire cameron keep on shouting out where of all the pink bits gone you know strolling around the middle east you know without a site and without an exit plan we know how to go into these places we have no idea how to get out u.k. institutions played a big role in rehabilitating the gadhafi regime not to say don't go and say that for they go spin in that label media now that the media has. turned on him again how important is it for the chip to my saying an intervention like this and indeed regime change will be i think we should divide it up into two points first of all
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the governments whoever they are in this been going on there for forty odd years we have been licking gadhafi as backside now for for decades whether we supply arms to them or we embrace them like that disgusting piece they were brought there but actually these people that you know at the same time politicians move either way so one type of we're kissing gadhafi is backside and now we're trying to kick it it's ridiculous so the media do have a role and the role of the media is to expose that we are trading with dictators now so what does the government say they say we have to deal with the reality the political reality we have to we have to trade with these people and then somebody wakes up a civil said they weren't so trading when this bomb a mistake. it is pathetic absolutely pathetic but at the same
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time it every so often the government changes power and when the government changes spout their view changes power so there's no consistency to my mind actually the media have been pretty good they've been pretty good the problem we face now is we're now at war with people and we don't want so we actually have to support our troops we don't have to support ideas like cameron got nothing else to do decide whether we should be wandering around all spittle in the u.k. or should we wander around the battlefields of of the middle east but we have to have to support our troops so the media gets caught in a difficult position its troops or its readers and of the center of our world. the government they're idiots and the libyan regime a disgusting so the media gets caught in a very difficult area and you were the most notorious editor of the u.k.'s most notorious tabloid very kind of you to put it like that do you accept that it with
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tabloid culture essentially that made was like this easier to sell and popularize with the british public. except the first bit. except that the sun did spectacularly undermine excellent editorship i think that they didn't actually make any difference to government policy i mean you know. the issue about the media is it's like the sea it's always with us you simply got to put up with it if you're a policymaker and all right there will be a lot of aggravation about libya now i mean it started off or i we thought we were going to blow it blow them all out of the water we'd all be home for having a cup of tea at the ritz bar pass for so the nightmare is is is still to be faced in my view but i don't think it's fair to blame the media for it i mean i'm personally massively hostile to the libyan infraction mainly because i saw why up and in iraq these things take peculiar which you can't really work out into
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the actually nor gas nevertheless. you know i'm very much in favor of our soldiers and so you get towards a bit the media restrung go i think you're right about that but the media stronger because of what happened in iraq i mean the trouble was that a million people marched against the iraq war blair blair was not telling his cabinet and the things will be revealed now because he was scared they were going to leave so basically they were deciding it as though you and i were having a nice chat to another glass of soda in the room there said oh yes it would be it would you think given the office he was is a bit of a go yes good idea tom and then they went in right so the million were ignored people say that the government various governments and nothing from the iraq and afghanistan but do you think what in fact what you learned was how to sell another military intervention no absolutely the issue is quite clear. we didn't want iraq
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it was lumbered on us by a vain glorious prime minister. cameron is now wondering around in the desert of to brooke trying to work i have to get out he would look in the idiot at the end of all this but the but the underlying issue is with libya there have been no deaths on our side just why if. god forbid we lose ten people all all by the way they use those heat seeking missiles which you can basically just walk in and according to today's papers. if that happened we. don't even think about it so the issue is we haven't dropped any blood yeah we've dropped tens of millions of pounds which we haven't gotten but not one single one of the people who has died where that happens the game and the p.r. game will change politically what does someone like david cameron gain from waging a war in africa a military of what cameron saw what was in it for him or for
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a country he's a pro for he is unfortunately a professional bleeding halls and so he is one of those guys who rush around then he's a total political animal by the way rush around endlessly saying something must be done the answer is something mustn't be done this like when used bad to send off a really stinking is. on the night before to your boss right. don't send that a mile go to bed wake up in the morning re read it and decide whether it was a good idea or not cameron hasn't got that ability basically i think he's gone mate he's gone mad very early only been in power year now balmy is he going to be the last as long as blair blair was thirty five at the end of it all. my suspicion is that the pressure is just driven him by kelvin mackenzie thank you very much.
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of the streets to form some riots in the u.k. hundreds. people have been arrested. in the violence. as the software used worst financial deal since the second world war. could be next in line to lose its top credit rating. europeans need to work more to get themselves out of trouble. and suspected beautiful as in russia or skipping justice for some escaping tough polish move through loopholes in current law activists are calling for reforms to. the nation. well more news from me in the fifteen minutes from now on the meantime the tasha. thank you bill hello and welcome to the sport and here are the headlines this hour
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first eleven russian. side. here in the russian capital. r t catches up with. us from an ankle injury. and in more football angles from me with. because of the riots in london. so russia goes to advocate says he will pick his best eleven for wednesday's friendly against serbia adding there's no time to experiment head of the false approaching european qualifies however the dutchman of wales have to do with. picked up an injury during saturday's victory at table to oppose. many. players but on his love of chelsea and. despite that advocates old richard still a strong team in russia will need to play very well to prepare for september's european qualifiers against macedonia and the group b.
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join me there is. no other tells in the. because there's only three law weeks to go before the final match is. the players i showed. capable to do something well also what you what you typically say the national teams play i mean in a center in macedonia on a very very good side defensively was point why serbia. we are still not in the situation we like to play england that it will say seventy games they were good we have a good relationship with them so that really gives you great idea until it will play because of the time for experimentation is it really just trying to solidify your stance and eleven and get playing together we tried to play with the best engine used to. do so for some progress is a belief and we don't want to take any risks now. but also for the games who are coming up so send them back to be still must be feeling very confident something
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stolen a very good position going into the full games you know well we all we have everything . we've got now three home games as well so we have to do that plus the fact that i have the feeling there and all the qualification we were the better side so now we have to continue in the final for good for the question of. the greats and friend of mine just recently transferred something you'd be looking to put right tonight and how do you explain russia's inability to win for the match as of last year or so i was happy to be honest was the last for a new game against the move in our history i think that was a very good game with the players who are not normally the regulars who did really well and now the start of this is showed that they can do it as well. in the meantime the russian answer been for the bosses a pencil paper to secure more friendly matches in the future the president of the russian for billion instead of gay for some guy in his bank accounts about them is love just signed a deal in moscow in broad population between the two national associations. and
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while russia plans i had for next month's european qualify against ireland has been a tough couple of months for irish midfielder aiden mcgeady and twenty five year old has missed almost half of spartak moscow as clashes this year due to an ankle injury after being widely regarded as the club's player of the season but it is spoke to our own irish men union on the. i'm joined here today by republic of ireland and sports moscow winger aiden mcgeady aiden thanks so much for taking the time to speak to us first things first how is your injury progressing. it's about history and i was a bit of a boy who people for it name one should go in waves and. push with one of the homes for me of course but now it's just this crimbo. and just importantly by playing with another two or three weeks now you've been in russia just about a year now i believe the start of august you came last last year how is your recent experience been so far they're all but always been good overjoyed. of enjoyed the firmware of way for your. picture low but then you're still. have enjoyed this will
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fall and obviously the football was the main thing the football was really going reasonably well with. then i say also the part is so i'm to get into the way for here in the language what i'm getting slightly better about is well not so that's going to say are you taking lessons or had one lesson days ago enough that my but in this wasn't what i want on the half. i was just as good because i'm a mother and obviously a good dear what's your typical day here at fort acma school quesadillas you went into bonus. you come in for ten o'clock in the morning normally and then you see the doctor you get with and you take all these boxes and how your shoe and not always and how your body is and then the chain eleven and then. after you die you are told to stay at the base toss and tell you where you can go. as football is a good life obviously do you believe a team can finally fulfil what they've been trying to do for years now and win the
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championship going to start the season that was of year when it seemed. you know that the baby started to pop the chairmanship was really really probe i mean who's to say you know because not only in of one big games you know of a spot which i'm sure up to class means and then be certain you know second top or second place is getting away with consistency i think it's always it's a very very young squad we have. you know i think overall of we have the proof that the just the put into practice you could have really gone to your pick of clubs why did you choose russia in the first place for me it was the chance to go. to put in a bit of a. ploy to get an opportunity to tom bowman to see off the circuit for you because i think it was painful so i move on it's best for everyone but do you miss the old firm you the thrill of the the huge game in glasgow of course sometimes i watch the game you know what i see on t.v. and i want to call me. the best thing in football. to know for me it was probably
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you know a sunny afternoon at parkhead so i'll be off in a pocket. no it doesn't get much better but i just finally. on a lighter note is there anything you miss about scotland and home you know they're the deep fried mars bars are they i am very proud. of roger other big five balls well. of course as well as those home comforts. i think the main thing that you'd nice is going to we just are not going this year period show for this but. it's always a part of life. we must you know there would be fresh and chips and stuff for go watch over here and the russian cuisine those are great for me thanks so much for your time appreciate that from the show or let us. stay with the ball the england school board held a training session on tuesday only to find out later that their friendly with the netherlands was called off because of the london riots the teams were do you to play each other at wellesley stadium on wednesday the f.a.
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says the decision is regrettable but had to be made after taking advice from the police as they cannot guarantee the safety of either the fans all the players striker wayne rooney has even appealed for calm on switches saying quote this is embarrassing for the country stop playing and his fellow players and officials also joined in the chorus of disapproval. on behalf of the squad we'd like to say that we're disappointed but tomorrow's game has been called off but obviously we understand the reasons behind this decision and support it. we've all seen the terrible pictures on the television and the most important thing at this time is the safety of the fans and the general public. but this time the whole school board would like to appeal for calm and an end to this traditional order that has been ongoing over into sunday mari's out of their oldest government shell after losing to south african kevin anderson in his opening second round match on tuesday maher
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is less heralded the opponent knocking out the two time to jump in in straight sets stopping just again in the second six three six one it's murray's third consecutive opening round loss in american hald gold masters this year following surprised the thieves in indian wells and miami in spring. slow again seem to be doing so. i mean it's happened to me already once this year and you know i've trained really hard to get ready for i've always played very well here and. i can get i think though i started both really really badly which doesn't help against on the surface like when i was done approach early. and i think going into. elsewhere frenchman rasha got skase safely through to the second stage after beating germany florian the town saved claiming a six three six two victory to progress into the last two way we will face brazil
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in almost the much. and finally told gulf as a gearing up at the athletic club for this week's p.g.a. championship including former world best tiger woods arrived in atlanta on tuesday for. the driving range before seeing all ways around are you and while tiger hasn't won a major title since the two thousand and eight. now with a very open field this year it's going to be for the so it's five year old who previously top their eggs for six hundred and swain c three weeks however many believe their eyes is better for the sport than one man domination including australian adam scott won last week's bridgestone invitational in ohio held by woods this long time steve williams. the competition is strong at the moment luke donald played amazingly westwood playing amazing and we have tiger you know healthy again so this is going to be interesting for everyone to watch because
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we're also interested in what he does and how he plays such a big factor on the game so. you know i think it's a very interesting place to go for it now and that's all the sport for the moment bill we'll bring you the news headlines right after the weather stay with r.t. . hungry for the full story we've got it for us has the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. download the official t. application on the phone only pod touch from the i choose outs to. watch on t.v. life on the go. video on demand on t.v.'s mine comes and says feeds now in the palm of your.
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more compensated for the massive austerity cuts in the government's budget policies and blame for losing control of the streets after four nights of violence in the u.k. . europe's top banker says the continent suffering its worst financial deal since the second world war as fears grow france could be next in line to lose its top credit rating. and business markets as the u.s. federal reserve says it will keep interest rates at record low levels more on that in business and twenty minutes. international news and comment live from moscow this is a twenty four hours a day just turned nine in the morning here sporadic violence has broken out in cities across the u.k. for a fourth night in a write more.
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