tv [untitled] August 10, 2011 8:00am-8:30am EDT
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oh she's available in the movie joy see the children's a movie that's the gateway to the grand imperial truly the george weston coromandel new kind of letter to those who wish to see don't need to go and. read this in the kernel was toto as used to retreat. thousands of police managed to pick one column after three days of disorder abroad ireland flares in other cities across the u.k. as the government social policies are blamed for britain's worst rioting in years. prime minister david cameron we calls call events to deal with the crisis i'm involved in with more. trying to produce steel america's crown as the world's biggest economy in last them four years that's what investors are expected to turn to asian markets to escape the economic turmoil in the us and europe. but as russian officials turned out to turn a blind eye to complaints about pedophile salts members of the public wants their
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own vigilant crackdown on sexual predators. part from our headquarters in central moscow you're watching our team with me and he said now it's four pm here in the russian capital our top story a world wind of violence continues in the u.k. as rioters devastate major cities from birmingham to liverpool the gangs clashed with police torch cars and ransacked shops in a fourth night of unrest over the capital was kept relatively quiet by sixteen thousand police officers or m it is following the story in london we saw a lot of trouble in birmingham last night which we also had seen on the previous night manchester instils they told safelight up in quite a serious way as states a variety of its interests. towns in the surrounding area say this violence has now
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spread with from the capital into really improbable small towns all over the country we're hearing reports that three people were killed in when they were run a field by a car that was just running amok in that police if you have to invest a little chink inquiry the reason that it was under control last night we think is because an additional ten thousand police bringing the number of police to take to sixteen thousand were working on the streets of london last night they had permission to use rubber bullets if they had to a supply of probabilities is available to them we haven't heard any reports of that having the t.v. actually deployed we still fires in other parts of the country losing police being attacked with rocks and with petrol bombs so really this is this is something that is now nationwide parliament will come back and meet today coming back from that summer break to deal with the situation but i have to say that
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a lot of people were very disappointed in david cameron statement yesterday they were expecting him to come in here and say this is out of control we have to do something concrete about him what we're going to do is this this and this in fact he didn't say that a parliament is coming back today they're going to they're going to hold a debate which of those people said you know we need a debate right now what we need is actual action big government and not proposing to introduce any emergency legislation to deal with the situation and i'm here in tottenham where of course it will be cattle spot up as a result of the shooting of a man called mugged out in what the building you can see being demolished behind me was set on fire by uses on the first night if these troubles and these communities in which the violence is taking place are hugely socially deprived there's nothing for young people to gie around here i speak to youth worker in clapping yesterday he told me that people are on their summer holiday and would you rather sit in most of television or would you rather go out and some shops and she said even she knows which one she cheesiness people out for excitement is an. and and they're just
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looking for something to occupy themselves and that hole in their level of occupation is being exploited by other people who are who are coming in and older people older criminals who are coming in and inciting them to violence at least that's what she told me so it's really really large social problems at a time when when the u.k. is spending an awful lot of money abroad both in libya and in afghanistan and that's the subject of my report. across england and wales more than eleven thousand police have already been laid off in austerity measures by two thousand and fifteen a total of thirty four thousand will go meanwhile london and other cities are taken over by thugs the police have not been anywhere where the police if the police were hitting all that would have been time i think any surprises out a little bit better i don't think they're doing everything they can i think maybe more. more conversation while police numbers are being cut the estimated cost of the war in afghanistan from two thousand and one to the end of last month was
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thirty eight billion dollars all taxpayer cash british forces are also heavily involved in libya despite the ministry of defense being required to lose thirty two thousand stars m.e.p. general patton says money's being spent on foreign wars that should be spent at home i think at the point where we have to call in the armed forces what we've seen . and. criminality across the whole what we should do in my view is pull our troops back from these pointless wars in afghanistan in iraq. as money spent on two wars in foreign lands parts of london birmingham liverpool and bristol i sensually ghettos partly because of high immigration but also because young people in these communities have no prospects they're bored and disaffected and as the cuts bite that's not going to improve. youth worker told me full out of eight youth
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centers have closed since last year zero interest in your communities we take away the money from the police in inside the way the money for youth work. all the art never have imagined such consequence histrionics this is. what you get consequences tuesday night so sixteen thousand police officers on the streets of london according to the metropolitan police the force is being stretched more than ever before and increasingly londoners are talking about taking matters into their own hands bringing with it to ation under control is just the beginning of building this problem it's not just about cleaning up it's about communities coming to terms with the fact that even at the current numbers if violence is widespread enough the police be my navel to retain control the feeling of insecurity in these communities is likely to remain for some time particularly if the police keep disappearing from
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the beat your average r.t. london. but you can follow our two you're on twitter for the latest updates on what's happening in britain on our feet at r.t. underscore com right now part five hundred fifty people of grassroots unfunded riots began on saturday with one hundred sixty announced charged off with the u.k. will not allow a culture of fear to take over the streets police now ready to use water cannons all that is on our twitter feed our tweet underscore problem for dramatic footage of britain on fire twenty four seventh's r.t. dot com and our you tube channel.
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but at least four people have now been confirmed that as rioting moves across the u.k. prime minister david cameron vow to end the violence that was sparked after police shot and tottenham north london is about a journalist patrick hadden who was himself caught up in the may how so is the government's and stop playing political games and address the important issues. to be honest this is one of the most shocking things i've ever had the displeasure of seeing was in brixton early monday morning about one am. gangs of youths who were some of which had fled from central brixton into the surrounding areas like stockwell barricade in the streets with rubbish bins or anything they could find in order to stop cars try to pull drivers from the cars and take the cars. in one instance and one man came to help the driver and he was beaten by
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a gang of six or seven young black youths in brixton very frightening i was barricaded in a pub for part of the time you couldn't go out and the pub got see just about an hour after the incident so no police to be found even if you dial nine nine nine the police said sorry we can't help you just stay where you are now if the leadership of this country and the heads of the police departments everything have been paying attention to what's going on around the world in the middle east in north africa the leadership in britain in the police force in britain think oh we're different no it's the same you have mobile phones blackberries twitter you have mobs they're able to outmaneuver the police at any turn and the police cannot cope with this and unfortunately the criminal element know this my advice to the leadership of this country all your m.p.'s and david cameron i will stop playing politics stop playing labor and conservative the blame game and you've got to start
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looking at what's going on the street. so i had for you this hour on our team back at odds so we returned fire at his name neighbor after a north korean artillery shell in the waters close to the country's dividing line. we returned to her story of the factional song a minor case reopened. but first with the economic turmoil in the us and the eurozone sparking volatile. market trading investors are increasingly looking for a safe haven for their money and it looks like asia could emerge as the main contender many analysts believe that with the loss of america's aaa credit score and fears of a new wave of recession china could become the world's strongest economy earlier than expected previously the international monetary fund said beijing could force washington from its financial program twenty sixteen and still holds more u.s. treasury debt and the other foreign country and
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a voice loud criticism of america's handling of its borrowing limit crisis for asia correspondent has details. the latest international monetary fund projections are showing that china's economy will actually grow bigger than the u.s. economy by twenty sixteen which will be the first time in more than a century that the united states economy will not be the biggest economy in the world initially we were seeing asian markets falling but people are saying that there really is only a short term impact and that in the long run that asian countries are actually better equipped they're dealing with this financial crisis india china and japan have actually been growing since two thousand and eight while obviously that's not really happening in the west as significantly also you know foreign investors if they start following the path of risk aversion and moving away from u.s. treasury bonds many people are saying that they could start investing more in asian
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markets like india and china so many people over there are actually seeing all of this as an opportunity for that shift to really happen for more of the international community to get on board and move away from the dollar as the reserve currency issue some sort of basket currency that could include a lot of the asian powerhouses like japan and china. well martin hannett so simply rector of financial advisory firm tice group believes the financial power shift might have already happened in many regards china has already overtaken clearly. the suppose at number one economy in the united states and that's when you're looking at the physical economy physical production they were on the purchasing power adjusted basis because they're random years undervalued and in need to reflect their brand looking at economic sizes projection by standard and poor's made in the year two thousand and five if there was six years before now where they actually projected all of the major best and governments were heading for junk
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status including france the u.s. germany and the u.k. and it started actually saying that the u.s. would lose the aaa rating stages in two thousand and sixteen so now we're actually five years ahead of that original projection now the balance sheets of these countries if anything would have only gotten worse because why the u.s. has lost the aaa rating when you have economies major economies where the deficits and they're out of control and you have this kind of projections on the line that means that these countries are usually going to print have a out of the problem so you the main risk and the new form of this one enterprises will probably be very high to hyperinflation in the rest and cons isn't that means investment wise you need to look at areas particularly gold precious metals is something we have been advising for the past ten years we still are optimistic on that and then asian emerging market economies look a lot better than the western countries. tell us what you think about the current
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market turmoil how to r.t. dot com and vote in our latest poll we're asking if the emerging economies can profit from the truck a little blast so far most of you are saying they can and should capitalize on the situation and take the reins from if you believe the world's already volatile wise for emerging economies to come out the winner. here others are saying they will only profit if they are smart enough and act fast enough so tell us how you see it all playing out the calls are to dot com and cast your vote. so korea has returned fire after a north korean artillery shell fell into waters near the two countries maritime diving dividing line relations between the two countries are at their lowest in viewers since last november's deadly artillery exchange killed four people on a south korean island sides claim to tell there for opening fire first with gangs saying the attack was a response to seoul's provocative military exercises in the area after running
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frank from the university of vienna says despite the tense situation on the peninsula hopes are high both sides will eventually reach a peace deal. it's a little bit surprising in the short term because there are a whole pull signs of talks in indonesia between north and south korea so your little bit surprised us that this is happening now and you got to be honest a mess the situation is complicated and they might have to show some force to their population eventually we all think it was going to be a peace agreement because the current situation is obviously not sustainable the question is what and under which conditions and the right now in north korea are struggling to have a succession problem you have the mess that you call me that is really dark also worsened by the recent flooding and next year to have a big event coming up really need to show some subsisted there are people so far it's not even clear we're going to drop your son. because he does not get a bill for their success so even if you were still not clear what type of six or so
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you will be will be a third grade will be more low you can head up a collective like what you see in china and all those questions are not only asked by us in the worst but also good people in north korea but it's a lot of uncertainty and insecurity. remember if you miss any store. we're covering on the air you can always go online from wants the news you want twenty four hours a day here's a taste of what's live for you right now at our dot com mormon preacher get life behind bars in the u.s. with jury just forty minutes to find the man guilty of sexual assault against minors. and join in the ancient traditions of merrymaking learn how. to eat old fellow brit a farmer long transformed into a day are fun for friends and family for more details about our t. dot com. who had some other international stories for you this hour overnight
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fire fights between nato troops and afghan police have left four officers dead and four others injured just outside kandahar city the local police chief says the victims were members of an anti taliban initiative men by locals wanting to protect their own villages the local police chief said the men were reportedly mistaken for insurgents the incident follows last month's move by nato to begin handing over control to local authorities across afghanistan. syrian tanks and armored vehicles have stormed several northwestern counts near the border with turkey expanding a military offensive to crush protests it comes as president bashar out he will not relent in pursuing what he called terrorist groups in the country there he met with the turkish foreign minister who pressed him to end the crackdown on anti-government protesters over fifteen hundred people have reportedly been killed since the uprising began in march. the u.s. drone strike has killed twenty one suspected taliban and al qaeda militants
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including foreign members in northwestern pakistan the group is believed to be behind a number of attacks against american troops in afghanistan islam abad has repeatedly called for the us to stop the strikes saying they are a violation of the country's sovereignty activists claim up to twenty five hundred pakistani have been killed. in the attacks since two thousand and four. libyan state t.v. has part cast what it said was footage of colonel gadhafi his son visiting people wounded in an air attack east of tripoli genuine it would be the first visible proof that he is still alive after rebels claimed he'd been killed in a nato air strike last week but his government has also accused the alliance of killing at least eighty five civilians in the west of the country says the targets were military meanwhile the head of libya's rebel movement has backed the entire executive committee which functions as a cabinet that follows the assassination of the commander of the opposition forces last month author and blogger stephen moment says it's obvious there's no agreement
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between the rebels and that nato is targeting civilians as part of its war strategy . but rebel camp is and this is a really easy to keep your committee was that. they were unconfirmed reports that the rebels were simply in such disarray if they were literally contesting of each other some people call it was the only others we need always lost his own possible way he was going to win this one little carob but he certainly can with by imposing extreme hardship support only libyan people you need your claims we're ok we're going to civilians we're going killing civilians they won't. leave your is circular you know it's there is a strategy when we ask but also going school was only a very sedate if they're slow killing civilians out of the word yes. but sexual
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abuse case involving a seven year old girl has shaken a small russian town in the country's far east outrage was triggered after judges allow the suspects of part of to walk away free now russia's high court plans to reopen the case amid the revelation that hundreds of child abusers escaped justice each year are these articles cover reports and how mothers and activists are taking matters into their own hands and mother in grief. and even thought of buying a pistol and shooting him myself i simply don't know how else to protect my family on the first floor with curtains constantly drawn and going to work every day with fear for my daughter which i knew what she. it was hard for that barrier to admit she trusted someone who harmed her daughter she brought the man into the house is a common law husband to live side by side with him for more than one use. so you
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know what of my brother told me he threw a stray cat on the roof and said he did the same to her and she added confided in me about the things he was doing to her that he is now so. one the value of finally managed to get things to the court the jury acquitted the man who she says is now after her family hungry for a bench experience is just one example of the many in a recent controversial case and then suspected of or even a seven year old girl was released without charge. us at a loss for underwear and she started crying i squeezed her neck and crestor him to the ground it only took a couple of minutes then i told her to go home and tell no one. only after an enraged crowd only lynched the men did police launch a fully fledged investigation into the case and i would have compassion authorities also disciplined the original interesting meeting officer of some of us this was what it was that happened here is the mother was freed it went of what she was
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scripted around from office to office a tragedy had happened to her should i don't know what to do but no one wanted to even talk to her were alone except her statement and was really russian authorities have normally closed a fight against sexual abuse of mine is with results seem to have a meager with estimates claiming thousands still fall victim in attempt to put things right activists have started taking matters into their own hands i'm underage that's fine i like small boys and would love to kiss you and hug you and the many other things to you this video has been put together by a group on it is as they track people they believe are paedophiles and they go online pretending to be an under-age war old girl and. set up meetings with people widely to preferring minors the idea is to film their faces and expose them on the web and it was there but i wish it were simply a group of people who decided to fight this evil in our own way because our
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families live in this city our children walk in these parks and we don't want them ever to meet those perverts. which when they try to act within the law often operate and it's edge volunteers dragging paedophiles online say most people will sign off when they learn the person they're chatting to is under-age but they also say roughly zero to one hundred contacts one is said to be looking for easy prey currently the maximum sentence for child sex offenses is twenty years in prison an amendment to the rule is mention introduced just for penalties including life in prison and conditional chemical castration but i'm still the changes are implemented in proving to be effective activists say thinking you were there you can learn to contain dairy pushed over our chain of school. that wraps up our main news block out the third act of it is that.
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this is the business. of the markets for here in russia having a very volatile day indeed a lot of positive coverage by the strong performance on wall street a big night they've been bouncing in an ounce of negative territory and it seems investors here have little faith in the measures announced by the u.s. federal reserve to stabilize the situation with. the headquarters of the r.c.s. stock exchange here and the. continued volatility of the market again. this morning trading is positive territory but again the market picking they really very hard to predict exactly what's going to happen when the market is going to stabilize so we saw the positive result morning following the meeting at the u.s. . markets more good meeting it's really the
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exactly what would be announcing. that announcement would be the much of the market what they want to think that's. not that's not what the u.s. but what they said. was that they were going to keep interest rates. the next it's about twenty. ways to see it but that had initially the market gains tumble a little but yes. about pulpit. being the pulse of the place we saw it this morning that is the days progress with this volatility come back if this is still have the kisses. well let's take a look at the numbers themselves where an equity markets in russia all i'm usually not tracking the multiples to me taking place near the u.s. and this is our mix for the. just. my sex is down slightly across the two year now and markets are in the black held by that rally
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old rule stories of the foot seas gaining over half a percent while the dax is up overwhelmed german land bank a car maker of all five good are among the top performers. and moving on to commodities in the oil price is a balancing around side news as well however the international energy agency is now used to modern twenty eleven due to fears that there will be another recession or light sweet is out of over three dollars this hour of trading at around one hundred six dollars per barrel. turning to precious metals now they're gaining this hour after being mixed trading on tuesday gold keeps just setting the record as even outperforming platinum but traditionally trades at a premium to gold and silver is also gaining it's up to a hospice at this hour. of the russian ruble has seen a dramatic decline against the euro and u.s.
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dollar in recent days the problem is to pump extra money into the economy if needed however the central bank confirmed you would not seek to widen the exchange rate corridor or the other side of this avoid it says the rubles vulnerability is linked to its dependence on oil. the scale of the klein and the ball is linked to the work on oil prices and the main reason why the scale of the decline is so significant is the fear that russia is still inherently very much dependent on oil prices. dependency hasn't gone away it's still very high and that means the world prices were to decline substantially below say one hundred dollars per barrel. russia would be under a significant strain in terms of its me so i think it's some of these concerns that or really will lead to russia's lingering dependency on
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