tv [untitled] August 10, 2011 1:30pm-2:00pm EDT
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hello this is r.t. moscow managed kevin i mean these are all top stories tonight british police are given a green light to use tough tactics against rises of the violence spread throughout the u.k. government social policies are playing for britain's worst disorder in years. america's financial woes could see its crown as the world's top economy pass to china in less than four years investors are expected to turn more often now to asian markets to escape economic turmoil in the us and europe. as russian officials
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turn a blind eye the complaints about peta father solves members of the public launch their own vigilante crackdown on sexual predators current sex crimes laws a slam for being too soft and failing to keep the threat from the country's playground it's. now out in follows the journey of two colombians fans they try to find the truth behind the deaths of their relatives in a mysterious military operation. really to be a political. winner to be. reasonably well look we've got about all of. it as you can see. forty eight and old regions of colombia state fights all armed groups with the same seal. that the.
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term post-positive is let's say a colombian one of these things it consists of assassinating a person. killing innocent victims. from the city rejects and outcasts are enticed with job offers both legal and illegal they are quickly recruited or recruited here take them to other areas of the country and murder they take them from own region to another they dress them up as warriors after killing them like guerilla fighters i make it seem like they died in combat as they passed them off
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as fighters killed in battle then they tell us they were guerrillas who died in combat that's why they are known as positive a. good sign to keep. coming back. but i got here in tuesday and there wasn't sure he was dead i was sitting right here when i asked why. they all replied they found him. where is he the point who did he go off with. i think he got away with another woman but she told me he'd been found dead in the flat it was tough but i said i couldn't believe it until i saw him i wouldn't believe it it's a lawless act. for form of torture but it is carried out according to this procedure therefore it's presented as a positive result but it conceals a breach of the law. of. the false positive those are killings committed by law
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enforcers and both of the killings are passed off as successes in the colombian internal conflict which the government denies and simply present as a fight against terrorism. more. in december quarter knitter of quite tech a investigative police envoy. from out of the. area informed me that something serious had happened to alexander he said he wanted to see me. when we met he told me alexander had died on september seventeenth at five am. and she wore. a clash with the army. i think it's part of what i once called it tater ship of the positive within the
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police forces. by bats i mean that the instrument the barometer to measure the effectiveness of the results of the police forces is the number of positive. cases we have registered between january two thousand and seven and june two thousand and eight are five hundred thirty five unlawful executions reported to our organizations. at first there was a decree known as the cap the creek relating to rewards for operations of national importance. in other words troop members were given significant sums of money if they shot individuals who were thought to be guerillas . what the country wasn't told is that when the decree was revoked a secret directive was issued that kept the same rewards for every enemy shot. the soldiers have to achieve results their careers are sest according to performance if
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they've got nothing to show and they have to be created. by repeating the government's firm will to achieve a country without camilla's without paramilitaries or drug trafficking or corruption. in. the us. to. me they gave me judges number of the josh was doing with the case and i contacted him it was already late so i called him the following morning we arranged to meet
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the next day in the human rights office she was going to meet the representative and invited me to the meeting i said all right i went through and i gave my evidence and asked to see the photos she asked me why i wanted to see them i said i needed to be sure it was really him so he showed me that. i have to stick to my hand the letters c.n.n. which stand for constance and the player has the same to to hear. alexander was a year older than me when he died he was thirty one. he suffered from a mental disease called bipolar affective disorder we had a son a young boy of my mil's the boys she showed me this tattoo. and i just found that i wanted the ground to open up blue and swallow me out. it was so tough down there and i just put my hands over my mouth and couldn't say anything. she
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came up to me to take back the photobook. interest in minnesota summers can't but i told him no sir i'm strong enough to look at them. those are the voters. and disappeared from the neighborhoods. at about four pm. he was killed the following day eleven hours later at about five am. it was found about one hundred sixty kilometers away with. he left with the photos and i kept looking at them. face putting old rifle beside him. and i noticed he had a white t. shirt and a jacket that had given him. alexander was mentally ill he was never in the army he didn't know a thing about weapons and they had placed
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a machine gun beside a really powerful weapon. next to the other boy they put a less powerful gun even though he was good with weapons. she knew everything about weapons how could he have just an old rifle while alexander who was sick someone had a few screws loose how could he have a machine gun. that killed them and they put weapons beside them it's easy. i. was it does this through a case exploded precisely one month after the defense minister declared september
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ninth national human rights day in wales as it was he also said that a lawful executions were practically over. and the defense minister told us on september the ninth just over a month ago what follows some continue ignoring reality and they try to sell a force whose government always they regard an extrajudicial executions as they improperly cold they use their numbers to diligent demise police forces but when these reports are actually investigated nothing is ever found that. lets temper the events in so archer were revealed. these events unearth a truth that can no longer be hidden.
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cases of young people disappearing and so watch them found murdered in i can yard in the sometime dare region of north and inclement tower work published. it was the last straw or. the reports made public the overwhelming and unnatural reality of fossils positive was extrajudicial killings. many people didn't believe it and. it started to become clear that it wasn't just isolated cases but a model of scandal showing the full atrocity of the false positives case finally exploded when. i had the opportunity of presenting the problem to present a rebel on various occasions in the past i've been watching both in the private and in meetings in washington and in bogota with people he never wanted to discuss the
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issue with he would get angry and nervous whenever it was raised. it would discredit it as an international smear campaign. oh the gorilla has a new strategy because. every time a warrior is shot dead it is immediately claimed at home and abroad. that was an extrajudicial execution. alone do you. see from nasa lumpia has the largest number of murdered union members in the world simply because they were doing their job.
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as the colombian state or particularly or store cold and sociological reasons the us slowly turned into a criminal apparatus for the middle east and at the very least whole institutions of the state have taken on this form. of the first through torture then with the desaparecidos but the creation of higher military groups that turned into a strategy which has had the form of a very strong national structure for my good enough and i live with what it is then the practice of extrajudicial executions and forced displacement. and the forms of social control in such an elitist and all sorts hereon country and in such a polarized society it turns violence into a tool for regular isolation. was
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. really stuck on beyond this state. if colombia has generated policy steps to favor a massive systematic violation of human rights i know colombia has very serious deficits as far as justice is concerned general rule in colombia is impunity. for the policies of secure a data democratica which propelled this government are founded on the militarization of society in other words on the growth of the war machine because the colombian army has grown rapidly in the last few years it has doubled in strength because of the armed struggle in the country so there is
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a whole range of controls and internal systems we believe ought to be reformed and improved it is also characterized by the creation of a secret police which persecutes opponents so as to turn the paramilitary groups into a structure so even if they have been apparently disbanded they will continue to operate very intensely controlling a good part of the national territory. if they call me and i reply i am a colombian to secure a dad's democratica is a good thing in a problem is that there are bad elements in the army in the police and in other bodies they aren't applying the law as they should what's wrong with a secure a dad democratica is the rewards given to servicemen when they turn up with a positive also. think. the rewards policy is necessary to fight crime. but we really should revise
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that policy where we are if we don't it is either interpreted wrongly or fulfilled in a criminal manner here is you know the more people that are shot the more convenient it is for a military unit or individual soldier because it allows them to get home leave to go and see their mothers and girlfriends it also allows them to advance in their careers to win the respect of other servicemen passed it helps gain decorations and it often wins them rewards in cash which also end up in the hands of civilians recruiters of these young men and of some service men.
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a bunch of young guys someplace. when we got there we got a call from the army i didn't know it was for the army only found out there and then those kids were for the army that. would look easy when you just know you. rumors going around the neighborhood about these guys say they get the money straight out of the hands of the army people they deliver the kids to. school with the wooden americans here the army buys them like merchandise. deal would give me four hundred six hundred or seven hundred per person to leave me a mine just over there. a friend came looking for him at about five thirty pm. lady ask him you know you're looking for cancer it could launch a kid humean down to the small window on the second floor and came out and they started somewhere in the park talk for a while and then left that was the last time anyone saw him. with
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a look at. what they were saying in the bars was that they would give you two million pesos for every kid's. you just have to convince them by promising a job then simply take them out of town and hand them over to the army and they say he'd been offered to pay eight hundred thousand passes plus board and logon. we went there to pick up two kids as of the it was about seven or eight pm and there was an army lorry waiting for us. coming in their lives that we got out of the taxi with the kids would be a went over to speak with the army guys while the two kids waited. on the second and then just the two of us got back into the taxi and headed back to. be with and as we know they ended up lying in a field somewhere armed and dead. and it was good for business too because of the shot dead an enemy. soldiers would get home leave and then we could
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sell them coke. there's the young woman so we get two deals for the price of one. and you know where. i am. you know this that's what these people were saying in the bars. because they're people without ordinary feelings. they just go around bars telling people how they sold them and how much they made. all of the new one but they have got no problem telling you what happens to these kids. love me what was a procedure was always the same if we take into account here and when the order came from the battalion to deliver them would hand them over to the army.
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after seeing the photos they got in touch with the actor and they told me i had to go to start casting a prestigious to get custody of the body wants to give us new some to leave very we went to recover the bodies. once they gave us notice of delivery we went to recover the bodies. which. we left at half past three in the morning. to go to the human rights office. in.
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it was we go to barber koa at about nine am. there they gave us their medical examination papers for my brother alexander them with them to the. galaxy on the limb i know i'm for nobody errol the other young man who died with him. at the medical examination office they gave us a death certificate and the woman who was the medical examiner there were culture of war. so they'd give us the bodies with thought that if we derive in time we
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could have buried them in bogota the same day. if they change of him because what i got is that they hit him with one or two bullets. and on the death certificate it says do you just several gunshots. pay my saddest part of the story was when nobody arrows mom asked me the meaning of death by acute hemorrhage of an email or call because she didn't understand. those i thought the clearest thing to say was that they bled to death about execute him a ranjit and the media we asked what it cost and they said they'd let to death both of them actors brother and a row. and they died so close to the hospital in the city you know that it wouldn't
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. i mean logical for the army people themselves even if they were real criminals take them to the hospital to try and rescue them but instead they left them to die like dogs in the middle of a failed ok did you go why did they leave them to bleed to death because it was more worthwhile in its way is worthwhile to let them die so they could show them off as fine since positiveness. the are. least
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