tv [untitled] August 10, 2011 2:01pm-2:31pm EDT
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welcome live from moscow this is r.t. international it's ten pm wednesday evening here my name is kevin oh in our top story the u.k. is determined to use all means possible against rioters including water cannon and plastic bullets a number of cities across the country suffered from a fourth night of violence last night when gangs clashed with police torched cars and ransacked shops and as artie's lore emmott's reports there are voters now in the u.k. you think u.k. troops engaged in costly overseas campaigns are needed more at home. across england and wales more than eleven thousand police have already been laid off in austerity measures by two thousand and fifteen a total of thirty four thousand will go meanwhile london and other cities are taken over by thugs the police have not been anywhere where the police if the police were hit that would have been i think any surprise i think little bit better i don't
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think they're doing everything they can i don't mean to be more violent i think. while police numbers are being cut the estimated cost of the war in afghanistan from two thousand and one to the end of last month was thirty billion dollars all taxpayer cash british forces are also heavily involved in libya despite the ministry of defense being required to lose thirty two thousand stars m.e.p. general patton says money's being spent on foreign wars that should be spent at home i think at the point where we have to call in forces what we're seeing now and. criminality across the whole of what we should do is pull our troops back from these pointless wars in afghanistan in iraq. as money spent on two wars in foreign lands parts of london birmingham liverpool and bristol i senshi get
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partly because of high immigration but also because young people in these communities have no prospects they're bored and disaffected and as the cuts bite that's not going to improve a class youth worker told me four out of eight youth centers have closed since last year it's about investing in our communities we take away the money from the police in the way the money from the youth work. i mean i could never have imagined such consequences to be only you know. consequences tuesday night saw sixteen thousand police officers on the streets of london according. the metropolitan police force is being stretched more than ever before and increasingly londoners are talking about taking matters into their own hands bringing with it to ation under control it's just the beginning of folding the problem it's not just about cleaning up it's about communities coming to terms with the baton even at the
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current numbers if violence is widespread enough the police seem unable to retain control the feeling of insecurity in these communities is likely to remain for some time particularly if police keep disappearing from the be lower and r.t.e. in london. and you can follow me on twitter for the latest updates but what's happening in britain also the news analysis. of the u.k. crisis available twenty four seven two on our website are you choose channel always great pictures there for you we can follow the timeline of the ride since the very first day and dramatic footage of britain on fire.
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so four people have now been confirmed dead as rioting moves across the u.k. prime minister david cameron vowed to end the violence that was sparked after police shot a man in tottenham north london last no talk to journalists north turns into a on the line live from the other russian could see if these clashes were spotted regionally by the death of mark duggan what's the motivation now then as we head into the potential fifth night of rioting as it gets dark. i think first of all i have to give my condolences to the needy family but the others who have been killed either by police or by rioters. it's an awful situation in london at the moment the motivations well i think many revolutions have been sparked by. things that happen intimately connected with what eventually happens this is
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completely in crisis and the motivations are so numerous but i suppose the central one of course is inequality and an entire civic life to begin situations that are completely out of touch whether it be the media replete force or politicians themselves david cameron seems to be doing everything he can do increase the likelihood of more rioting here oh ok we have politicians saying the rioters are mainly an educated job loose use lacking parental control so if that is the case who is to blame or what is to blame for their measures is it society or is it their parents. i think there is an obsession by certainly the right in this country to demonize families i think we all would realise in this country that david cameron who went through one of the most expensive schools in the country has no knowledge of the huge and securities and inequalities that raged right across this country london is a very multicultural city. there is
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a kind of tolerance for different cultures very little mixing between the classes but out of it that is central we've seen here has been wanton violence i mean there's no excuse for that no matter how you look at it is there i think one could argue that the bankers have completely looted this country and the idea of blaming the poor for stealing yes but this isn't for people who are sure but this is not well off people writing not well off people shops burning out of people's flats. precisely the kind of thing that has happened here in the since the notting hill riots of course of the fifty's as happened in the nineteen eighties we will be seeing many rides in knightsbridge over the next few days it happens in those poor areas but as to what happens next and i think that's the most interesting question the government now saying they want to use rubber bullets water cannon sheer criminality is what david cameron said and in the past few hours an eleven year old
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boy has appeared in the courts because this will be the way to understand what is going on the phrase mindless the phrase here criminality shows of you've already if you have no idea how to stop what looks like a runaway train right now let's focus in on tonight although it's pretty quiet at the moment of the london police did manage to keep the city calm last night after sixteen thousand and ten thousand extra troops were put onto six hours on the first night but what about the leader so far not troops yet sorry police are slip of the tongue but how london's problems left the rest of the u.k. vulnerable now for instance we saw what sparked off in manchester last night. the media plays a very all good. agents very all the players in all of this you have bizarre b.b.c. people talking about g agreement allergy and then of course they do announce that the police are all coming to the central center of london leaving other areas empty perhaps it's just incompetence like we see incompetence in the police force there
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is no doubt that the police whether it be institutional racism because the police from outside forces know little about the communities that they're serving in central london the idea that this police force is equipped and we mustn't forget because every commissioner and deputy commissioner of the bribery allegations resigned quite recently here in the country's largest police force here in london and the idea that they are going to put a lid on this of course last night there was less rioting in london what does that mean for next week next month next year and what about the fact that david cameron is giving police the go ahead to use watercolor plastic bullets bullets against riot is not going to be enough. i'm sure that that will help a great deal. with cameron who is spearheading campaigns to close youth centers as it was in the end as report just before me the idea of david cameron cutting the police force massive cuts the idea of shrinking the economy to grow it as
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a sort of mass religion together with a mass consumerist religion here wanting to buy more and more expensive goods. the whole idea of this government having any understanding of trying to curb rioting in britain is a farce so let's go to your views journalist times the autopsy tonight thank you. so ahead for this bucket olds reports of shelling from north korea as it saw the neighbor returns fire off for a note from the north falls in the waters close to both countries dividing line. rooms also we discover. their own vigilante campaign against sexual predators as peeta father friend this escaped justice here in russia. the u.s. and european markets have dropped dramatically losing most to choose days games that made the uncertainty over growth prospects with such financial turmoil damaging investors trust but increasingly elsewhere that looks like asia could have
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merged as a popular safe haven many analysts believe that with the loss of america's aaa credit score and fears of a new recession china could become the world's strongest economy earlier than predicted previously the international monetary fund said beijing could force washington from its financial throat by twenty eight sixty china still holds more u.s. treasury debt than any of the foreign country and its voice loud criticism of america's handling of its debt crisis or asia correspondent previous srijit picks up the story. the latest international monetary fund predictions are showing that china's economy will actually grow bigger than the u.s. economy by twenty sixteen which will be the first time in more than a century that the united states economy will not be the biggest economy in the world initially we were seeing asian markets falling but people are saying that that really is only a short term impact and that in the long run that asian countries are actually better equipped at dealing with this financial crisis india china and japan have
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actually been growing since two thousand and eight while obviously that's not really happening in the last significantly also you know foreign investors if they start following the path of risk aversion and moving away from u.s. treasury bonds many people are saying that they could start investing more. asian markets like india and china so many people over here are actually seeing all of this as an opportunity for that shift to really happen for more of the international community to get on board and move away from the dollar as the reserve currency to some sort of basket currency that could include a lot of the asian powerhouses like japan and china who appreciated the record sport in new delhi well earlier we spoke to a martin headache a he's the associate director of financial advisory group he told us he believes the financial model of the study. in many regards china has already overtaken clearly. do you suppose that number one economy in the united states and
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that's when you're looking at the physical economy physical production they were on the purchasing power adjusted basis because their renminbi is undervalued and they need to reflect that when looking at economic sizes yes had a projection by standard and poor's made in the year two thousand and five there were six years before now where they actually projected all the major western governments were heading for junk status including france the u.s. germany and the u.k. and they started actually saying that the u.s. would lose their aaa rating stages in two thousand and sixteen so now we are actually five years ahead of that original projection now the balance sheets of these countries if anything would have only gotten worse which is why. the u.s. has lost a aaa rating when you have economies major economies where the deficits and out of control and you have this kind of projections on the line that means that these countries are usually going to print every hour there's
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a problem so you main risk and the new form of this financial crisis will probably be very high to hyperinflation in the west and cons in that means investment rise you need to look at other areas particularly gold precious metals is something we have been advising for the past ten years we still are optimistic on that and then asian emerging market economies look a lot better than the western countries. will tell us what you think about the current market can by heading to our web site dot com today's poll asks if all of these can profit from the trouble in the west what do you think about that will let us know this is what you're telling us so far the speech as you did over the last so far the majority of you believe the world's already just to globalize for the cash in the crisis but in the past may have seen the grassroots go from forty one percent to thirty nine percent. also some of you believing emerged. economies can and should turn the situation to their advantage another percentage of you they're
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saying while others say you'll only make the most of it if you're smart enough to work fast enough. tell us what you think as well r.t. dot com plenty of time there for you to castroville. north and south korea have exchanged fire in the disputed region in the yellow sea that's after the south replied with heavy weaponry as an artillery shell from its neighbor fell into waters near the maritime dividing line relations between the two countries have been strained since last november's deadly exchange killed four people on a south korean island both sides played each other for opening fire first with pyongyang saying what was response to insults provocative military exercises in the area i spoke about it was campaign erik's iraq in from the us he says while both sides may be fueling the flames of peace deal is still the only option. we've seen this history over the past decade or for the past twenty or thirty years where peace seems to get a little bit closer and something happens to make people pull back i think you're
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dealing with a point in which the united states is planning major military operations with south korea next month and generally these things have happened just around those military exercises here you have one side shot a few rounds off on their side of the border the other side shot a few rounds on their side and everyone blows it up as being the edge of war but you do have one of the highest militarized regions in the world and we need to reduce that tension get to the bargaining table we have over twenty eight thousand troops still in south korea and the u.s. is involved with getting the south koreans to build up their military make purchases and such and so the u.s. has not taken a leadership role in peace we could really look at the relationship and understand that a peace treaty ending the korean war would make all the difference. for more on what's
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happening on the korean peninsula head to r.t. dot com there's a lot more stories like yours online as well of course few by a lot of different subjects like these an arms race in asia as china refits a soviet warship for its own fleet with taiwan meantime flexing its own military muscle by brandishing a new missile dubbed an aircraft carrier. and pictures of a diving expedition of putin to russia is that lantus it's the sun could land in the south of the country got the video online fear of the whole trip to the premiere also discovered some ancient trophies to log on to r.t. dot com to find out more about that journey. joined us from international news in brief eleven people have reportedly been killed after syrian security forces opened fire residents in the flashpoint protest city of homs meanwhile tanks and armored vehicles stormed several north western towns near the border with turkey earlier president assad met with the turkish foreign minister who pressed him to end the crackdown on anti-government protesters over fifteen hundred people have reportedly
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been killed since the uprising started in march. a u.s. drone strikes killed twenty militants in northwestern pakistan the group's believe me behind a number of attacks against american troops in afghanistan is of a bad repeatedly called for the u.s. to stop the strike saying they're a violation of the country's sovereignty activists claim up to two thousand five hundred pakistanis have been killed in the attacks since two thousand and four all almost three hundred people being detained in chile after tens of thousands of students marched to the capital demanding changes to the education system masked protesters burned cars and threw rocks and furniture of security forces who fired tear gas and water cannon in response students have been demonstrating for weeks say the current systems are underfunded and unequal president sebastian pinera is promised extra financing but protesters say that's not enough. overnight firefights between nato troops and afghan police have left four officers dead and for. four
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others injured just outside kandahar city the local police chief says the victims were members of an anti taliban initiative he said the men were reportedly mistaken for insurgents the incident follows last month's move by nato to begin handing over control of the two local authorities across afghanistan. the sexual abuse case involving a seven year old girl has shaken one small russian town in the country's far east outrage was triggered after judges allowed the suspected paedophile to walk away free. cove reports on how mothers and activists are taking matters into their own hands as hundreds of child abusers escape justice every year. and mother in grief your own news was that if i even thought of buying a pistol and shooting him myself i simply don't know how else to protect my family will leave on the first floor with curtains constantly drawn go to work every day sick with fear for my daughter which are on the website. it was hard for that is to
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admit she trusted someone who harmed her daughter she brought the man into the house is a common law husband to live side by side with him for more than an hour news. segments that as my daughter told me he threw a stray cat on the roof and said he'd do the same to her if she added confided in me about the things she was doing to her there really is no cockle said. when napoleon finally managed to get things to the court the jury acquitted the man who she says is now off to her family hungry for a bench experience is just one example of many in a recent controversial case a man suspected of raping a seven year old girl was released without charge. us for underwear and she started crying i squeezed her neck and crestor into the ground it only took a couple of minutes then i told her to go home and tell no one. only after an enraged crowd nearly lynched the men did police launch a fully fledged investigation into the case and record that confession authorities
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also disciplined the original investigating officer will summarize this for us look at the wars that happened here is the mother was treated like a football while she was kicked around for largest office with a tragedy had happened to her shouldn't know what to do but no one wanted to even talk to her let alone accept her statement she was really russian authorities have a nominee closed a fight against the sexual abuse of minors but results seem to have been meagre with estimates claiming thousands still fall victim in an attempt to put things right activists have started taking matters into their own hands. i'm underage but that's fine i like small boys and would love to kiss you and hug you and do many other things to you this video has been put together by a group of volunteers as they track people they believe are paedophiles you know legal online pretending to be an underage boy or girl they set up meetings with
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people who didn't need to preferring minors the idea is to film their faces and expose them on the web it was to bill but i wish they were simply a group of people who decided to fight this evil in their own way because our families live in mississippi our children walk in these parks and we don't want them ever to meet those perverts plus a good cause nicholas which when they try to act within the law but often operate and it's edge volunteers tracking paedophiles online say most people will sign off when they learn the person or chatting to is under age but they also say roughly out of one hundred contacts one is said to be looking for easy prey can be the maximum sentence for child sex offenses is twenty years in prison an amendment to the law is meant to introduce a tougher penalties including life in prison and conditional chemical castration but until the changes are implemented and proven to be effective the activists say they'll continue with their vigilante campaign diary pushed over arching school.
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by for moscow this is our table got a sports update coming for in about twenty minutes time tonight you know it's got news of that as well there before andy murray suffered a melt at the caliber masters so all the details on that the come and it's all very cool and collected over the business desk what are they in moscow it's got the latest for you. thanks very much kevin and indeed welcome to the business news let's see if it is as cool and calm and collected as. the markets not so much here in russia they turn shopping negative in the closing session after a short lived rally this morning the sell off started again as you accelerated in the last hour or two particularly here with the down jones index opened down some four hundred points all monks in the church and call from the russian markets still got a wait of four. i believe that russia will probably continue to perform so
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i think will come soon. in russia we don't hear much of both moss of redemption sealed among lonely a rush so. we're looking both only occasionally the over the shallow old floor says this stage the money which has been leaving the country. i think it's really if things got worse then we'll probably see a lot of leverage in margin calls and redemptions on the spiro market the rule or the difference of growth as compared to what we've heard into the there is no not much places where you can wrong there is gold helps you currencies book it's a very rare. how to look at those numbers as we've been saying a novel day of heavy losses to equities here in russia the aussies on the my section added i look forward office and i've reached another month. crossing the
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pond to the u.s. the dow jones is behaving like a yo yo giving up nearly all of the gains it made on tuesday it's calmed down almost two percent now is that it's also down to around one out of a haul. crossing to europe markets gave up their rally gains as well following that downward trend the footsies lost three percent while the dunks has dropped over five percent. a little bit of news a commodities as we've been saying all oil prices are outside the light sweet is adding around three dollars is that all brands trading at around one hundred six dollars per barrel. and it's a similar story when looking at precious metals there are also mixed trading cheese day and gold just keeps on setting it's a new record is even up platinum as you can see there are full screens which traditionally trades at a premium they get. oh i will sill days also some four percent.
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and despite trading out a record many analysts say that gold still has the potential to climb significantly higher scott costa from goldline international explains that we setting there's a lot of concern about sovereign is concerned about the u.s. debt and there's concern about the economy and those are strong components of why gold is perform well as far as whether it's in a bubble or not there are very few people actually invested in gold so it's still under penetrated in the marketplace and it hasn't hit all of its all time inflation adjusted high of twenty three hundred dollars so many analysts are saying that there's still a lot of running room for the price of gold even given its price point today while the russian ruble has seen a dramatic decline again as the euro and u.s. dollar in recent days prime minister putin's pledge to palm extra money into the economy if needed however the central bank confirmed he wouldn't seek to widen the exchange rate corridor yet to stop the savoy lake says the rebels vulnerability is
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linked to its dependence on oil. the scale of the klein and the ruble is intimately linked to the outlook on oil prices and the main reason why the scale of the decline is so significant is the fear that russia is still inherently very much dependent on oil prices this dependency hasn't gone away it's still very high and that means it will prices were to decline substantially below say one hundred dollars per barrel. russia would be under significant strain in terms of its macro economy so i think it's some of these concerns or really related to russia's lingering dependency on oil prices that are fueling that are driving the decline in the ruble. that's all the business from our back in less
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the society for most of these the top stories for most of british police given a green light to use tough tactics against rudd has spread throughout the u.k. government social policies are played from. america's financial woes could see its crowded as the world's top economy cost in china in less than four years investors are expected to more often do asian markets try to escape the economic turmoil in the u.s. and. russian officials turn a blind eye to complaints about peta fathers so members of the public launched their own vigilante crackdown on sexual predators as we report. slammed for being too soft on the failing to keep the threat from the country's playground. next as more civilians reportedly died in nato air strikes in libya serious questions are being asked about the legality of the alliance's intervention.
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