tv [untitled] August 10, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT
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in india she's available in the movie going to join the who to the movie that's the case we go to the grand imperial truly the taj west coast coromandel you can go with a little closure which says don't need to go and. read this in the kennel was original as risky retreat. british police are given a green light to use tough tactics against rioters after violence spreads throughout the u.k. people blame social policies for the country's worst public disorder in years. china could topple the us from its pedestal as the world's top of comedy in less than four years with the best is expected to set their eyes on asia as a safe haven from economic storms of america and europe. and outrage over the threat the paedophiles posed to children falls on deaf ears in russia's far east prompting vigilante crackdowns on sexual predators.
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caucuses r t it's eleven pm wednesday evening here in moscow my name is kevin zero in our top story the u.k. is determined to use all means possible against rioters including water cannon and plastic bullets a number of cities across the country suffered from a fourth night of violence when gangs clashed with police torched cars and ransacked shops and results islam it reports and they are also those in the u.k. think that u.k. troops engaged in costly overseas campaigns right now and needed more at home. across england and wales more than eleven thousand police have already been laid off in austerity measures by two thousand and fifteen a total of thirty four thousand will go meanwhile london and other cities are taken
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over by thugs the police have not been anywhere where the police if the police were here to pick all that would have been done i think they need to price items out a little bit better i don't think they're doing everything they can i mean. while police numbers are being cut the estimated cost of the war in afghanistan from two thousand and one to the end of last month was thirty billion dollars all taxpayer cash british forces are also heavily involved in libya despite the ministry of defense being required to lose thirty two thousand stars m.e.p. general patton says money's being spent on foreign wars that should be spent at home i think the point is come where we have to call in the armed forces what we're seeing now is. chaotic criminality across the whole of london what we should do is pull our troops back from these pointless wars in afghanistan and iraq. as money is spent on two wars in foreign lands parts of london birmingham liverpool and bristol
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i sensually ghettos partly because of high immigration but also because young people in these communities have no prospects they're bored and disaffected and as the cuts bite that's not going to improve a class youth worker told me four out of eight youth centers have closed since last year it's about investing in our communities when you take away money from the policing you take away the money from the youth work. i mean i could never imagine such consequences to be honest this is you know but you look at consequences tuesday night saw sixteen thousand police officers on the streets of london a coup. adding to the metropolitan police forces being stretched more than ever before and increasingly londoners are talking about taking matters into their own hands bringing with it to a certain under control it's just the beginning of golding problem it's not just
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about cleaning up it's about communities coming to terms with the back then even at the current numbers if violence is widespread enough and the believe me my navel to retain control the paling of insecurity in these communities is likely to remain for some time particularly if police can't take their pairing from the be lower and r.t. than london or just a reminder for you can follow out see on twitter for all the latest updates of what's happening in britain also news an analysis of the u.k. cross is available twenty four seven two on our website out see dot com and on you tube channel where you can follow the timeline of the riots since the very first day you catch dramatic footage of fire.
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for people to be confirmed dead as the reality moves across the u.k. prime minister david cameron voted to end the violence that was sparked after police shot a man dead in top of north london let's talk more about it and it was a country and that is a london based political analyst other things play with the soup can also play survive promise that they will come down hard on the right is if this happens again after the soft policy seemed to fail so badly to control the troubles over the last few days do you think this new hard line will work though if it all flares up again . this is very disturbing kovan if the police are going to use water cannon and rubber bullets it's very regretful to say guns have been infesting our communities increasingly in the last two decades under the watch of the british
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authorities so if the police start shooting rubber bullets and we know what radical is did in northern ireland it kills people and if they start doing this in the streets of london in england i'm fearing that the young people will shoot back so i really would like the british authorities to rethink hard and fast their approach their approach needs to be actually addressing the root causes of this which is a forgotten generation of this is the generation born after eighty one after eighty five after the big rights that i know company previously i know six of one of the police supposed to do when people say living burned out of their flats there's seeing their businesses raided they want protection from the police one of the police posts to do that i understand that but let's go to the root of the problem why did this start in the first place because the british police executed a black twenty nine year old working class person in tottenham the british police essentially it's lynched him in public and then subsequent to that they beat down a sixteen year old black girl who was part of the protest against this with the
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family so if we see that two of the root causes look at least one member there to protect our communities they are always there to protect our the property or all the elites so i don't think the police are the answer communities are an answer and communities need to address the deeper social cultural and even spiritual reasons of why are young people acting in this way these are our children really did take responsibility for everything so much and some of them as young as we witness and i guess that's one of the most horrific horrific parts of it some of them just the way nine ten years old some of these perpetrators where do you start and indeed are you surprised that there. i'm not surprised or this is a generation where self harm the student cut themselves this is a mass phenomenon this is this is this is a generation that's been called hoodies child's. gangster so that's the way they've been treated by the system and by people in the community so why are we surprised that they behave in the way that we've laid the whole generation. how do you think
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the british prime minister has dealt with this situation lot of people have said it is his trade or his how can katrina when it's a social nine eleven we can say i mean you know cameron and johnson and miliband was holidaying in mediterranean while they're bombing libya on the south mediterranean as narco makes so you can understand what's happening in mississippi honestly and so i was happening in congo we can understand what's happening in london and as we understand something in libya now from this one comment comes back after the first day of writing from his national holiday and he calls these young people criminal and they're defying law and order this is the same person who is directly responsible for the massacring by nato of eighty five civilians that same night including thirty five children so let's get some perspective here who's the real criminal in this situation this could go to the police the way they've handled this the facing as you mentioned just now serious criticism over the shooting of mog and this triggered the rights of those family of course as we know very quick to want to distance themselves from it. what impact will this have on the
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reputation of all of the british police the way they've handled this now especially the met. well the reputation is frankly in the dirt for black and working class people because this is nothing new smiley culture it was a very famous radio artist was killed in his own home only a couple of months ago there was another death increased cost of the in birmingham so actually that their reputation is absolutely just a front amongst these amongst the amongst these these communities but i think really again i think i think the authorities have to think hard and fast now i'm seeing in my community in ealing which rights to place the other night armored police cars and courts walking through pregnancy and if there's a way to enrage and the product that young people get doing they're going to like play devil's advocate here i'm not taking everything you say absolutely taking what you say but you know the police also have a duty to protect the people i've mentioned just now that equally not that affluent people who are having their shops raided at their flat seven their cars overturned
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they want protection from the police the police have their hands tied as well rather because they are very very careful what they do don't they well if we if we analyze what they did with tottenham and then subsequently to brixton because tottenham is the most neglected poor black community in london and they let this happen they don't mind this happening in places like brooks them and tottenham and other just neglected areas but when it's a place like dealing and oxford street that's when it becomes a problem we have we just have to understand the nature of policing the nature of policing has never been there for the protection of our communities. or the program joining us tonight from the issue of. so the come this bucket loads reports of shelling from north korea as it says southern neighborhoods fire off an artillery round from the north to the water's close to both countries dividing line it's all kicked off there we bring you the latest and we discover how actively supervise the
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road vigilante campaign against sexual predators as paedophile offenders escape justice here in russia. meantime though the u.s. and european markets have dropped dramatically losing most of tuesday's gains amid uncertainty over growth prospects such financial turmoil damaging investors trust the increasingly setting the sights elsewhere and it looks like asia could emerge as a popular safe haven many analysts believe that with the loss of america's aaa credit score and fears of a new recession china could become the world's strongest economy earlier than predicted previously the international monetary fund said beijing could force washington from its financial throw by twenty six b. china we must remember still holds more u.s. treasury debt than any other foreign country and its voice loud criticism lately over america's handling of its debt crisis correspondents prius street has the details. the latest international monetary fund projections are showing that
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china's economy will actually grow bigger than the u.s. economy by twenty sixteen which will be the first time in more than a century that the united states economy will not be the biggest economy in the world and actually we were seeing asian markets falling but people are saying that there really is only a short term impact and that in the long run that asian countries are actually better equipped at dealing with this financial crisis india china and japan have actually been growing since two thousand and eight well obviously that's not really happening in the last significantly also you know foreign investors if they start following the path of risk aversion and moving away from u.s. treasury bonds many people are saying that they could start investing more in asian markets like india and china so many people over there are actually seeing all of this as an opportunity for that shift to really happen in for more of the international community to get on board and move away from the dollar as the
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reserve currency is to some sort of basket currency that could include a lot of the asian powerhouses like japan and china but it was not and accuses those who throw from under. scrooge he told us he believes the financial might have already. in many regards china has already overtaken clearly. suppose it number one economy in the united states and that's when you're looking at the physical economy physical production the on the purchasing power of just that basis because they're random years undervalued and we need to reflect that when looking at economic size yes projection by standard and poor's made in the year two thousand and five there was six years before now where they actually projected all the major western governments were heading for junk status including france the u.s. germany and the u.k. and they started actually saying that big u.s. would lose their aaa rating status in two thousand and sixteen so now we're actually five years ahead of that original projection now the balance sheets of
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these countries if anything would have only gotten worse which is why. the u.s. has lost the aaa rating when you have economies major economies where their deficits and they're out of control and you have this kind of projections on the line that means that these countries are usually going to print that they are the problem so you the main risk and the new form of this financial crisis will probably be very high to hyperinflation in the west and kinds in that means investment wise you need to look at other areas particularly gold precious metals is something we have been advising call the past ten years we still are optimistic on that and then asian emerging market economies look a lot better than the western countries. so tell us if you will what you think about the current market turmoil head to r.t. dot com that's where our vote can be seeing today we're asking what you think if the emerging economies can profit from the trouble in the west this is what you've been telling us so. it seems that see that it's gone down
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a bit look at the blue there it's gone down from forty thirty nine thirty eight now over last year believe the world's already to globalize them because you don't the crisis when if you also expressed a different opinion saying emerging economies palin should turn the situation to their advantage still others of you think developing countries will only make the most of it if they are smart enough and act fast enough thanks for telling us what you think still time to change that and i'll see dot com. north and south korea have exchanged fire in a disputed region in the yellow sea that's after the south replied with heavy weaponry as an artillery shell from its neighbor fell into waters near the maritime dividing line relations between the two countries have been strained since last november's deadly exchange killed four people in the south korean island both sides blame each other for the opening of fire first with pyongyang saying the attack was a response to solve provocative military exercises in the area sports wise walk of pain eriksson wrote kid from the us he says while both sides may be feeling the
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flames a peace deal is still the only option now. we've seen this history over the past decade or for the past twenty or thirty years where peace seems to get a little bit closer and something happens to make people pull back i think you're dealing with a point in which the united states is planning major military operations with south korea next month and generally these things that happen just around those military exercises here you have one side shot a few rounds off on their side of the border the other side shot a few rounds on their side and everyone blows it up as being the edge of war but you do have one of the highest militarized regions in the world and we need to reduce that tension get to the bargaining table we have over twenty eight thousand troops still in south korea and the u.s. is involved with getting the south koreans to build up their military make
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purchases and such and so the u.s. has not taken a leadership role in peace we could really look at the relationship and understand that a peace treaty ending the korean war with make all the difference. we got more background on what's happening on the korean peninsula web site r.t. dot com and while you're there plenty of the stories as well of course of eye catching videos for you too like these. plans for a spin asia as china refits the soviet warship for its own fleet with taiwan with time flexing its own military muscle by brandishing a new missile dubbed the aircraft carrier killer lay still bottom line on the darling expedition of the putin to russia's atlantic sun could land in the south of the country video view of the whole trip probably also discovered some ancient trophies as well he's carrying well there is and a lot of the artsy dot com to find out. there's some other international news in brief eleven people have reportedly been killed up to syrian security forces opened
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fire on residents in the flashpoint protest city of homs meantime tanks an armored vehicle storm several northwestern terms little border with turkey earlier president assad met with the turkish foreign minister who pressed him to end the crackdown on anti-government protesters over fifteen hundred people have reportedly been killed since the uprising started in march. but u.s. drone strikes killed twenty militants in northwestern pakistan the groups believe me behind a number of attacks against american troops in afghanistan is not a bad repeatedly called for the u.s. to stop the strikes a violation of the country's sovereignty activists claim up to two thousand five hundred pakistanis have been killed in the attacks since two thousand and four. and with three hundred people being detained in chile now after tens of thousands of students marched in the capital demanding changes to the education system last protesters were in cars and threw rocks and furniture at security forces fired tear gas and water cannon in response students to be demonstrating for weeks now say the
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current systems are underfunded and unequal president sebastian pinera has promised extra financing but the protesters say that is not enough. overnight firefights between nato troops and afghan police. of left four officers dead and four others injured just outside kandahar city the local police chief says the victims were members of an anti taliban initiative he said the men were reportedly mistaken for insurgents the instant follows last month's move by nato to begin handing over control to local authorities across afghanistan. a sexual abuse case involving a seven year old girl has shaken one small russian town of the country's far east outrage was triggered after judges allowed the suspected paedophile to walk away free. over reports next on how mothers and activists are taking matters into their own hands now as hundreds of child abusers escape justice here in russia every year . am i there in the briefing or no no was it that i even thought of buying
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a pistol and shooting him myself i simply don't know how else to protect my family believe on the first floor with curtains constantly drawn go to work every day sick with fear for my daughter which i knew what she was that it was hard for an idea to admit she trusted someone who harmed her daughter she brought the man into the house is a common law husband to live side by side with him for more than i'm use up on the so-called silence that the other told me he threw a stray cat on the roof and said he did the same to her and she'd have a confided in me about the things she was doing to her than he is now so. when the value finally managed to get things to the court the jury acquitted the man who she says is now after her family on record and. experience is just one example of the many in a recent controversial piece a man suspected of raping a seven year old girl was released without charge. us at the law for underwear and
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she started crying i squeezed her neck and pressed her into the ground only took a couple of minutes then i told her to go home and tell no one. only after an enraged crowd only the men the police the launch a fully fledged investigation into the case and we would have compassion authorities also disciplined the original investigating officer will summarize this for you those were the words that happen here if the mother was freed it would of why she was kept around for modest offers of a tragedy had happened to her she didn't know what to do but no one wanted to be able to talk to her were alone except her statement it was really russian authorities have normally closed a fight against a sexual abuse of mine is like results seem to have a media with estimates claiming thousands still fall victim in an attempt to put things right activists have started taking matters into their own hands. i'm underage that's fine i like small boys and would love to kiss you and hug you and
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so many other things to you this media has been put together by a group on t.v. is as they track people they believe are paedophiles online pretending to be an under-age war they set up meetings with people to preparing mines the idea is to film their pieces and expose them on the web because to do what i want to show you are simply a group of people who decided to fight this evil in our own way because our families live in a city our children walk on these drugs and we don't want them ever to meet those perverts and most of it is not honest which when they try to act within the law but often operate and it's a huge volunteers dragging paedophiles on line say most people will sign off when they learn the person they're chatting to is under-age but they also say probably over one hundred contacts one is certain to be looking for easy prey. be the maximum sentence for child sex offenses is twenty years in prison an amendment to
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the rule is meant to produce a tougher penalties including life in prison and conditional chemical castration but until the changes are implemented in proving to be effective activists say they'll continue with their nationality can. tell you about our children. it's actually twenty three minutes past eleven era moscow thanks big with us in a couple of minutes time we got a cross talk show on the air looking tonight about america's economic turmoil is sending ripples across the world that's i assure you that after business after business has been there with a.o.l.'s those two that has been there what is the business and all the latest from moscow. thanks very much kevin and indeed working on that sort of essence program here and r.t. let's go straight to the markets here in russia they turned sharply negative in the closing session after a short lived. early this morning the selloff started again and he celebrated the
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last hour of trade here when the dow jones index down some four hundred points nothing from says the russian markets has still got a beautiful. so i believe that russia will probably continue to on the perform. so i think will come soon get through. serving in russia we don't hear much about most of redemption sealed among low ball me for a show any funds we're talking about only occasional over a show or bold floor says this stage the money which has been leaving the country awards each year has france drop traders i think it really things got worse then we'll probably see a lot of good leverage and margin calls over advancements in the euro more to do more the difference of growth as compared to what we've heard in the frozen p. there is not much places where you can run or is gold because you go and says book
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the alternatives are very rare. but let's have a look at the numbers now another day of heavy losses the equity markets here in russia both yasser esam i say have shared it over four and a half percent and have reached an unleavened on low. and a very good pond in the us the dow james is very likely you know you go with given up nearly all the gains it made on choose day it's currently down over three percent the nasdaq falls they down around a two and a half percent. and european markets have given off their gains that fits in the last three percent of the dance dropped five percent. and that's it now or our commodities as we've been saying all prices are up slightly light sweet is adding around three dollars that's our bread trading at around one hundred six dollars a barrel. and again now two precious metals they're also gaining often scenics trading on tuesday and gold just keeps on setting the raffle to keep it out from
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something that traditionally trades really image to gold and silver is also gaining itself four percent this hour. despite trading out a record of many analysts say gold has potential to climb significantly higher school cars are from goldline international explains the reasoning. there's a lot of concern about sovereignty there's concern about the u.s. and there's concern about the economy and those are strong components of why gold is perform well as far as whether it's in a bubble or not there are very few people actually invested in gold so it's still under penetrated in the marketplace and it has a good at all its all time inflation adjusted high of twenty three hundred dollars so many analysts are saying that there's still a lot of running room for the price of gold even given its price point today or the russian ruble seen a dramatic decline against the euro and u.s. dollar in recent days prime minister. extra money into the economy if needed
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however the central bank confirmed it would not seek some degree exchange rate corridor or that is that this is politics as the ripples from the business leave linked to his dependence on oil the scale of the klein and the ruble is intimately linked to the outlook on oil prices and the main reason why the scale of the client is so significant is the fear that russia is still inherently very much dependent on oil prices this dependency hasn't gone away it's still very high and that means that prices were to decline substantially below the one hundred dollars per barrel. russia would be under a significant strain in terms of its mark with me so i think it's some of these concerns or really will lead to russia's lingering dependency on oil prices that are fueling that are driving this decline and there will be. well
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