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tv   [untitled]    August 10, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT

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overall. the director of the. well can they load a shell of its real headlines with none of them or see me live out of washington d.c. now tonight we're going to take another look at the riots in london but prime minister david cameron has now authorized the use of water cannons and rubber bullets to stop the rioters but what about what's causing this in the first place then the names of most of the super committee members have now been released but you're really focusing less on these twelve politicians and who they are and more about the system that allows all of them to be got respect and experience of the young turks about our money fuelled politics and how we the people lose out and finally
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the debate over using your real name on social networks as google plus and facebook both now require versus pseudonyms are going to be to one person who is fighting back against google plus the new web site called my name is me we're going to have all of that and more freedom not including those of happy hour but first let's take a look at the mainstream media has decided to me it's. all right so even though the next presidential election is still almost a year and a half away the media is obviously getting excited super excited in fact because this weekend we'll get the results of the ames straw poll in iowa. only three days until the straw poll in ames iowa the campaign kickoff will be there i will hold the first contest of the presidential campaign thursday's debate comes just days before the crucial straw poll in ames iowa michele bachmann is doing all she can to
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draw upon its supporters there into saturday should bring in as you saw country music legend and he travels. now listen now only do i also find a bunch of crazy republicans none of whom voters like all trying to explain why they should be president of the united states interesting. but it's also important to pay attention to some of these people because you never know one of them could actually end up being the next president of the united states and it's kind of a big deal but i have a problem with is that while the mainstream media will be sure to go crazy over iowa and the results of this poll they don't bother to sit back think for a second and ask why are you what i mean really it's a little ridiculous that this one state has so much influence in presidential politics the entire population of iowa is just about over three million people the entire population of the u.s. just over three hundred million people three hundred eight million seven hundred forty five thousand five hundred and thirty eight to be exact actually that's all
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according to the latest census so you want to take a look at more demographics in the state i mean why is it ninety two percent white ninety two percent total u.s. population seventy two percent white sixteen point three percent hispanic and twelve point six talking point six percent black i was hispanic population is only five percent they're black population only two point nine percent so just take a moment to let those figures and they you tell me is the state of iowa really seem like a good representation of america as a whole i don't think so and yes it's a swing state by the conservative population and i what is extremely conservative so much so that republican presidential candidate actually had to play up their conservative credentials which probably means that they lied to teachings just to get on the good side of republican voters there so somebody somebody again please tell me why i was straw poll is treated like the most important measuring stick for where
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a presidential campaign can go somebody please tell me why we don't just change the system to get other first stage that's more a president of the entire country focus more of our attention there but i guess that looking at a few of those statistics putting two and two together realizing that this is really all a big charade and questioning why we give i was. so much importance that's just beyond the mainstream media they rather just follow orders salivate over the numbers and this asking those bigger questions. well it's night time in london and police are back on the streets trying to quell riots over the last four nights of thousands of taking part in protests that have turned increasingly violent and even deadly and now the rest is spreading out of london and to other cities across the u.k. r.t. is more and i reports on the reasons that many young people could be taking part in these protests. across england and wales more than eleven thousand police have
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already been laid off in austerity measures by two thousand and fifteen a total of thirty four thousand will go meanwhile london and other cities are taken over by thugs the police have not been anywhere where the police if the police want it you think the bins are i think it's right so i think how the little bit gets i don't think they're doing everything they can i think maybe more quite a. while police numbers are being cut the estimated cost of the war in afghanistan from two thousand and one to the end of last month was thirty billion dollars all taxpayer cash british forces are also heavily involved in libya despite the ministry of defense being required to lose thirty two thousand start m.e.p. gerard batten says money's being spent on foreign wars that should be spent. i think at the point where we have to call in forces what we're seeing now and.
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criminality across the whole of london what we should do in my view is pull our troops back from these pointless wars in afghanistan and iraq. as money's spent on two wars in foreign lands parts of london birmingham liverpool and bristol are essentially ghettos partly because of high immigration but also because young people in these communities have no prospects the board and disaffected and the cuts bite that's not going to improve a couple of youth worker told me four out of eight youth centers have closed since last year invest in your communities when when you take away the money from the police when you take away the money from the us what. are we are never of imagine such consequences to be only you know you will get consequences tuesday night saw sixteen thousand police officers on the streets of london according to the metropolitan police the force is being stretched more than ever before and
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increasingly londoners are talking about taking matters into their own hands bringing with it to ation under control is just the beginning of folding this problem it's not just about cleaning up it's about communities coming to terms with the fact that even at the current numbers if violence is widespread enough the police being unable to retain control the feeling of insecurity in these communities is likely to remain for some time particularly if police keep disappearing from the beach your emmet r.t. clapp and london. so sixteen thousand police are on the streets of london on tuesday night while the situation seems to be simmering down a little bit it's definitely not over and is in fact spreading to other cities but is prime minister david cameron has now responded by authorizing the use of rubber bullets and water cannons but is responding to violence with more violence the right answer even if this type of force is use the riots are quelled for the time being ordered nor the larger problems within britain and leave the reasons for
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social unrest untouched and what exactly is it about britain that makes riots of this size and the scope possible. and might we ever see them here in the u.s. and discuss this is sally mcnamara senior policy analyst in european affairs at the heritage foundation thanks so much for joining us tonight now of course you are far from britain so you're really watching some of these scenes from iran country what is it what exactly do you think is going on here because we've heard a lot of different arguments depending on what your political leanings may be from the media from politicians that multiculturalism may have failed here this might be a welfare state issue that kids have no opportunity but what do you think it's well first of all i think it's a national bars and i think it is just absolutely crazy that three months ago we had a million people in london for the royal wedding not one security incident fast forward three months of we're seeing these riots the government needs to be more prepared because this is been fifteen years in the making and we know that there are huge problems in these communities this isn't the working class versus the rich class
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this is a whole underclass of kids who have never seen their parents go to work have children who see that the government you can give us everything we want family breakdown no individual responsibility we've lost social entrepreneurship this is fifty years of failed policies and we're seeing the failure of policing here police know how to police any more you can bet they know how to fill in forms you can bet they've been since sensitivity training but they don't know how to police and i object to the idea that when the police try to police it's violence it's not violence it's restoring law and order on our streets we shouldn't need the law i look for it but already got it let's break that down into a couple of points in terms of what you're saying here you're saying these kids are grown up and so i'm assuming that you're blaming this on the welfare state they're looking at parents who have it worked and they're thinking of the government will take care of them but if that's the mindset that you have a few think alike the so easy in the governor's going to take care of you why would you go out on the streets and start writing it seems like there's another kind of
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anger that's simmering here people are angry about something and it doesn't seem like they're angry because the government is giving them all the money in the world to just free load and have a nice life. this is my old mentality you have seen ten year old kids taken the lead from eighteen year old kids running into schools and running out with words in the middle east they're rioting for democracy or protesting for democracy we're seeing people here writing for hate speech he we tell what we're saying i mean what does that mean about society about culture if supposedly you have a democracy but people are still upset about the way that it's functioning they're upset about the way it works and that's what they want is an h.d.t.v. because perhaps maybe that's what that's what the rich people have right that's what becomes a status of wealth in this and they want to same title to a t.v. if you want to be t.v. come work for it and go and buy one but if you like is there are no jobs that how are you to get one this is the biggest misnomer that we have no efficiency show we have unemployment and we've got a problem when we need to remedy that but is the job of government to unleash the
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private sector to create jobs or it is not the job of government is to provide every household in the u.k. with h.d. t.v. what we are seeing here is this culture with me me me i am entitled no one is entitled to these things we have lost that contract where we say you go out to work you work hard and there are opportunities it is a terrible criminal acts so we are seeing look at these loses they are following other young looters they are robbing this is pure all of us in this also they're doing it because they think they can get away with it but they will be no reprisals they've already made they've already made it pretty clear that they are going to try to be tough here they're going to be penalties now they're trying to get social media companies like twitter they're trying to get blackberry on the side here too but you know tell me compare and contrast what it's like here in the us and what we're seeing in the u.k. because we keep hearing the same argument here that if you just unleash the private sector the economy is going to go back to normal but that's not happening at all right every company is holding onto its cash there's uncertainty with the reserve
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the stock market is falling and they're not hiring people and they have plenty of money the private sector have money at their disposal sure but they have no predictability the end. u.s. thing is that we're going to have a bomb i care which is hugely expensive there is going to be lots of new regulation europe is still pushing for increased emissions caps which are going to cost the sixty billion more in here are things like that for the for the public good right you're talking you know in the other terms why not we need certain regulations other we have and i don't this is a road rage not going to unleash the american dream by saying our kids are going to low sixty trillion more than. that that is the worst thing that we could do to try and on beach the private sector but going back to london you're actually right that we have it on the trust and that has been created by excessive government interference and excessive power for stage on the luck of saying if you break the law we will come up to you let me tell you this quick story but i want to play a clip first because we only have two minutes left and so i want to play a clip from the b.b.c. which is interesting to me as to maybe why the government doesn't know what's going
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on and why the media perhaps also doesn't know how to report on a figure i have been living in london to see. this through many different moods and movement but what i was shooting above listening to my guns and my son is that something. very serious is going to do you believe in this country almost political leaders had no idea the police had no choice but if you judge me and young blacks and young way we did the same thing in age and they can't hear you very they aren't be telling us and be with me you see that that is happening in your scan sheet then miss now if i can just let me just stop he was to hell for a moment you know so you say you're not so does this mean that you condone what happens in your community little slit. it's pretty incredible to me right that
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somebody might be saying that this has been going on that the government is hasn't been aware they have been paying attention because you say the. you guys have been looking around and living where i'm living that means that he's automatically condoning the violence and he's condoning these types of actions i feel like you can draw some parallels here with the u.s. that you don't get people listening to the american people politicians don't listen the media sure as hell doesn't listen because they're too focused on what's going on in washington d.c. maybe that's what riots when where and why it's results well one thing is sure president obama certainly isn't listening to the american people because they're saying we want more we want less that they are the hell so they're not and he said actually if you would go whole the american people you know you watch i actually don't want you to focus on the deficit right now we want obs and we want the economy to get better but now it's looking at all that say that's ok if you want jobs we don't want you to focus on the deficit and we don't want you to spend months talking about the debt and making a debt deal rather than creating jobs or at least you know invigorating making
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businesses higher sourcing of course we are holding money back we don't want lots of lots of stimulus especially failed stimulus what did obama do he did a circus in us because the first one did so i definitely don't think that obama is listening in terms of what both israel and greece isn't listening obama's unless you can say everybody is listening right now because they want jobs they don't want deficit reduction yet how do we get more jobs obama says we need more investment in infrastructure which is just another stimulus we need more quantitative easing we keep doing the same thing i really want to see over there is a lot of us honestly will go down that way and the thing is already over time do you think that we could ever see something like this happen here on american streets to absolutely if you go down the route that we did in britain if you don't have social norms if you see the breakdown of the family if you say religion is something to be sniggered if you say that we don't believe in the private sector we actually think government knows best if you see that we should have excessive government you could absolutely see this in america are we'll see hopefully it
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doesn't come through her psychosis joining us tonight. and so to come tonight we have a glimmer of hope after four stops unconstitutional d.s. . a collection of one u.s. states and a new super committee is starting to take shape here in washington county lawmakers actually train our deficits when they're already bought and paid for by large corporations and it's very unhealthy of a young person diversity joins us in just an. internet only a military mechanisms to do the work up to bring justice or accountability. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep you think you understand it and then you
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glimpse something else here see some other part of it and realize that everything is ok if you don't i'm sorry locums a big fish. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right here. i think iraq is beautiful and funny well. whenever government says liberty or keep you safe get ready because you get your freedom.
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for. we've dedicated a significant portion of our show to bring you all the latest details on the hacktivist group anonymous it's no secret they know how to grab attention of the world they've got some of the most well known companies and organizations but this the latest announcement might be the mother of all hacks or the mother of all hoaxes that's right this time a group claiming to speak for anonymous said that they're going to take down facebook on november fifth of this year if you're willing or
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a guy who just wants to protect the freedom of information join the cause and kill facebook for the sake of your own privacy facebook has been selling information to government agencies and giving plenty of access to information security firms just so they can spy on people from all around the world one day you will look back and realize what we have done here is right. now we spoke in a def about facebook privacy issues on the show so obviously there are some serious concerns at stake with the world's largest social network however there are mixed reports coming forward about the legitimacy of this anonymous hack so on the on on our twitter feed they posted to press up a sport is just another fake we don't kill the messenger that's not our style however just a few hours later they tweeted our facebook is being organized by someone on this is not necessarily mean that all of anonymous agrees with it and just over an hour
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ago gawker reported that they had spoken to an anonymous member who was part of the initial operation facebook and he told them that this entire hack is all one big misunderstanding i think never actually intended to kill facebook rather than encourage people to cancel their pages on november fifth to raise awareness about the privacy issues now since then they got on board the entire project and abandon it leaving only cryptic messages lingering on the internet which came with father's regulation and rework so it seems as if there was a number of communication errors that led to the explosion of this story i can't say that we're surprised after all anonymous is a self-proclaimed loosely organized group of hackers hard. identify any of them they're located all over the place that was spin off groups like lol second even on second it's hard to say who's who so here's the next question that everyone's asking is anonymous even capable of pulling something off like this let's not forget the magnitude of facebook's power mark zuckerberg prized possession has made billions within the past decade and surely he's got a highly skilled team of i.t. people to protect his social media site so could it happen was it all
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a hoax or some sort of grand misunderstanding and i guess is the only way to know for sure is to wait and see what happens on november fifth and i bet that mark zuckerberg is taking precautions in this case. well today we learn the names of most of the senators and representatives that will be on the super committee is now going to be deciding how at least one point two trillion dollars in cuts to the federal budget thanks to the deal that was struck in order to avoid if you felt the three democratic senators are going to be max baucus of montana john kerry of massachusetts and patty murray of washington state but the republican senators the john karl of arizona arizona pat toomey of pennsylvania and rock morton of ohio and we're still waiting on nancy pelosi to announce that the the three democrats of the house john boehner has already released republican house names and they are jeb hensarling of texas gave camp in michigan and fred upton of michigan and the mainstream media is already falling all over itself describing who these lawmakers are what committees they're on what positions they take let's be honest here there's
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a so-called super committee that's supposed to save us from more credit downgrade and decide in the future of america's social programs really think they're going to pull this does it matter that it's bipartisan is that going to lead to some truly equal deal the places the needs of the american people first or is it all a charade because as dylan ratigan described it yesterday our congress is bought and more studio in los angeles is anika sperry and host of the young turks university and thanks so much for joining us tonight now before we get into some of the details here let's start with the entire premise of this super committee now we have twelve people in congress that are more special than the rest of the elected officials that are going to be deciding on that debt you know it's a good idea. no i don't think it's a good idea i think that it's not representative of our congress right now right now our congress is not bipartisan we have a majority if you look at all the representatives all people in congress the majority of them are democrats so we're basically ignoring the american people and ignoring who the american people voted for to come up with this so-called
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bipartisan committee and by the way if you really look into the details of all of these people that are in this committee you see that they're not really it's not really bipartisan at all well i'm happy to mention that i just wonder if there's any real bipartisanship left right because i'm sure the democrats will tell us that we're going to be democrats we're going to fight for the american people to acquire actually composed some figures in the sunlight foundation where they spoke about some of the biggest contributors to campaigns obviously for the republicans it was big banks there are a lot of pharmaceutical companies but even the democrats here like john kerry and like max baucus their biggest contributors are also j.p. morgan they are also goldman sachs so what does that tell you. it's tells me that it's not a bipartisan committee at all i mean when you look at the american system right now political system as a whole the reason why it's so disastrous is because corporate interests trump everything else so you have citibank ok you have goldman sachs funding so far these
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three democratic senators that are supposed to be in the super committee so what are they going to do are they going to really focus and fight on increasing taxes well they're not going to do that because they have you know they have corporate interests that have donated so much money to them and their political campaigns and you know keep in mind that with the super committee all you really need is a simple majority to pass whatever deal you're you know the republicans are trying to pass so think about the people that harry reid has chosen for the democratic side max baucus is a centrist that is what his reputation is ok he is known as a centrist he's willing to strike deals with the republicans in fact he has already come out during these debt deal negotiations and he has said that he is in favor of cutting funding to medicaid medicaid as long as we increase taxes except i think that he's disingenuous i don't think that he's really that focused on raising taxes
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at all and by the way all of the republicans that are in the supercommittee have signed grover norquist says tax pledge basically saying that they will not raise taxes under any circumstances so what is the result going to be the result is going to be something that is not bipartisan at all we're going to see no increase in taxes and at the same time we're going to see cuts in the things that are so important to working class and middle class people things like medicare and medicaid social security funding for higher education that's the way that they're going to save money they're not going to increase revenue by raising taxes at all and that's not bipartisan well you know i wonder if it really wouldn't even matter depending where that even matter who exactly it was that was poor. on this commission whether it wasn't kerry or whether it wasn't a republican had signed this pledge if all of congress is just the same these days i want to play a clip from dylan ratigan show last night when you and i always rail about the mainstream media and how they fail to get it but he's someone that i actually think
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really gets it on mainstream television and he got really mad yesterday to take a look. good like him to go to the people of the united states of america and see people the united states of america your congress is bought your congress is in kids and all of making legislation on health care banking trade or taxes because if they do it they will lose their political funding. and now i think he's right there and he has a point but he wants the president to go to the american people and actually say that and say your congress has bought a do you think a president would ever do such a thing and be kill americans already know that their congress is bought don't you think they've just given up hope that you can actually change this system. in regard to your first question about obama inconceivable obama concedes on every issue there's no way in hell obama would go to the american people and say congress is but obama is so focused on getting reelected in a second term he's so focused on this so-called you know name to his claim to fame
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which is bipartisanship he wants to make friends with the republicans he's completely distracted by all of that he's not going to go to the american people and say anything about how congress is bought ok that's it's just that you don't you know who does that a strong president does that barack obama is not a strong president ok and in terms of the american people look at will their response be you know so far their response has been nothing i read a great article on alter net today that talked about the response of the american people have had to all of these cuts in education all the horrible economic situation and so far everyone's been very quiet and i don't think that they've lost hope i just think that people are angry enough yet and we're getting there people are starting to really wake up in fact there was this really great piece written by alter net again by the way that talked about how wealthy people in the united states are stockpiling weapons and they're getting prepared for global unrest
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because they see it coming people are starting to be starting to get extremely angry and you're seeing that right now in great britain and i think that we're going to see it here in the united states as well i don't think the people have lost hope i just think that they're not angry enough yet some people are still a little complacent unfortunately. we're definitely not seeing what we're seeing in london here in the u.s. right now and i don't know if that's actually coming here or not but i do think there's some kind of anger simmering i just don't know of dylan ratigan is right in thinking that the president is actually better than congress in the sense no matter whether you have a strong president or a weak president they still are always focused on getting reelected this president all of his advisors still come from the top echelons of the financial elites they also have to worry about money and about these interests and so it seems like they just trickles down to everyone and i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight. thank you. now still to come we have another edition of you said it i read
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it i respond to some of the comments that you've left on line and then let's talk about online and i mean that he should be forced to give your real name to join a social network that's a google plus is making you do but some people are fighting back into that and just run up. into a little mirror you know with the mechanisms if you don't work to bring justice or . i have the right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i think taxes. well i would characterize the bottom line as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and the seems so silly silly you think you understand it and then you doing something else here's some of the part of it and realize that every.


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