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tv   [untitled]    August 10, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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trainers. sneakers from stores to stealing things there would be there they're attacking the police this is not so you know people stars as many as bad people if you want to blame the government for cutting back but it could be i'm suddenly blaming the gun look at a considered of this possibility you know it's terrible stuff i've seen on the possibility it's the government cutting back on sand that is that is the straw what it says on any quality why can't we consider the opposite possibility that it's government or just to begin with that that helped lead to this that it was the government in time the liberal dream the government then why are they rioting and sweet and good where the government largess is much at large at all you know you want to place at a time when we brought when water just like why can't it or what because because of the french government there was an entitlement sturman title meant society they all have greater intitled and societies than the u.k. all those countries and visually these are right here i mean these are adults who have never had the. recent greece that's a perfectly simple greed ok we haven't users are that ever had to work for anything and now they've never been out of work for anything why did you think when i go out
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to get try i am not justifying this hooliganism i'm saying this is a symptom of a societal build as a u.k. has and we have as a result of reaganomics and badgering and if that's what has created under a massive massive how do you with all of the united states and these people feel entitled they run around there they riot in the street was their evil and it's no it's ok a matter of this is there is critical because there are criminal people moralism run amok there is use of there is they're able to essentially anybody all right i got it i got it there had a bad people ok we'll be back with more from daniel and jamie right after birth.
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let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right. i think. the one. we never got that says stupid keeping safe get ready because of your freedoms. we're back to the lone liberal weekly debate here on the panel tonight daniel helper the deputy on the editor the weekly standard and jamie weinstein senior editor of the daily caller still a lot more to talk about one of the things that we haven't had a chance to get to is the s. and p.
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downgrade event bounced off in the first segment but never really got into it after the debt went to debate you might remember john boehner said this when you look at the us this final agreement that will be came to the white house and i got ninety eight percent of what i wanted i'm pretty happy. last friday s. and p. responded by giving this reason for the downgrade this is a quote page four we have changed our assumption because the majority of republicans in congress continue to resist any measure that would raise revenue for a position we believe congress reinforced by passing the act so how is this not a tea party downgrade i guess. publicans were the only two already called out by name in the as a problem or no problem but next sentence there and points out that the key to getting our fiscal situation a long term is in title it's a c s n and the s. and p. as well as every objective observer knows that entitle means need to be reformed and that hasn't been done the fact of the matter is the republicans are really no
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raised here you wonder if you want to fund entitlements all you have is usury lift the social security cash is very central gramma's for this is very simple if the republicans got their opening offer the key party republicans with their opening offer there would have been no downgrade if president barack obama got his over them go at his opening offer which was no cuts there would have been a downgrade plain and simple you got a crystal ball here you know because the deal wasn't big enough the tea party's opening. offer was going to be big enough for what they wanted it would reform entitlements paul ryan's plan you could say is the opening offer that they gave back in april and president obama's offer to raise the debt ceiling was no cuts that would be even worse even would be valid if i did that the guy who's the chairman of mcgraw hill which runs standard and poor's was worked in the bush white house working the bush transition team do you think you think this was because they don't like obama i don't know i just find it very look i don't i don't i think there is merit i think i think if he had been on the obama transition team but
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right now republicans definitely would be saying. i think i thought should i think i think from the s. and p. report itself we should draw very little except it should serve as an impetus look the crib the way credit works for countries is different than the way credit works for you and me if i get a downgrade then the bank won't lend to me and i won't get a loan in the bank that's what really needs to go on the difference of government loans and government debt is that the united states is a the biggest. the biggest borrower india has the most the it has the most money so i think anybody who wants that people want to lend money to the u.s. because. the u.s. pays it back and because the u.s. is a safe bet let's check it was actually the same it's not the same as as it is for you and me now with that said these should service them but it is to go ahead and get our financial house back in order and to do the things yeah we've got a we've got a lot of damage done by reagan to bush so you know to go into australia over the top because he was here isn't here's what standard and poor's themselves the
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president's hand reports that city. in general be think of the fiscal rules like they use just diminish the flexibility you know because we're going to respond but even if you had a balanced budget amendment you'd have some questions about its credibility there and it would just reduce your flexibility in a crisis so you know the balanced budget amendment and the grover norquist pledge but this is not this is why we shouldn't listen this is why they downgraded this is why we should first of all we don't have a boat balanced budget amendment and b. nobody's downgraded because of grover norquist but well that's you know public and that's what you guys are following i mean how can anybody take republican ideas no to the balanced budget and if your creditor it's not good but that doesn't mean that it's not good for the person who has the found just like for you you can you expand your credit by taking out loans having to balance playing the game in the three of us you're going to have all of us cutting out all of our credit cards and saying we'll never had organized and buy a car or credit and that's very sad i know i did is not going to order you read it i don't agree with you about it so i don't think i think it's a it was
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a silly thing to go down because we have to act now and that would take a long time to get to the debt ceiling but equally slightly but we're not going to pay for things that we want but most important point tom is that they were the key factor as they said it was the key to getting our our long term fiscal picture in order which is the key for the s. and p. to grade us and who talks about the title and the democrats talk about it by not wanting to touch them republicans talk about it drastically wanting to remember where it is actually have been quite willing to fix since i was for example the poison pill that the republicans put in during the bush administration of dollars shalt not negotiate drug prices so while the v.a. can buy aspirin for a penny a tablet the medicare has my ask is there a dollar is it serious and part of it whether this is what the six hundred thousand people actually are not our structural change yeah i know you guys know you guys want to do it already getting it turned into already there's a seventy five years already answer you have already gotten back because others are over knows that in order to get it yes and that's what s.m.p. is saying in order to get your long term fiscal situation and as you. i said
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explicitly not endorsing but as you're here let us make sure you did go to all that as somebody off the record have said that if paul ryan's plan were were picked up that it would have passed i've already said that i think that record i think it no but also if you do the money they said they are fortunately actually i wonder why we are why we are there why are we arguing the wonders of s. and p. after they read about the bad word i'd read earlier times like my grandfather you are a great athlete writes all agree i suppose he has no credibility i don't want to be able to point out if it would be on the ball clearly his solution to this is supposed to come out of the gang of twelve right that's where i mean nobody wants to call it a game that's why i got solution to this it's a minor tweak to the solutions and actually i'll agree with that you know if this is the stage to the degree you know that the gang of twelve super committee harry reid has named his democratic picks john kerry a pretty liberal guy patty murray. fairly liberal you know i used to live up to her neck of the woods i don't know her personally max baucus he's the guy who had
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people arrested for standing up and saying that they wanted single payer health care and for that was his committee my recollection serves me right up to it i just wrote in a committee right. on the other hand on the republican side the in the senate we have from from what's an immaterial. approach yeah but we got we got a little you know mr conrad through mitch mcconnell he has appointed jon kyl a path to me and rob portman two out of three of the tea partiers all three of them have signed grover norquist pledge never again to raise taxes on the house side we have john boehner has appointed judge hensarling fred upton and dave camp all three of them tea partiers are two of the three tea partiers there was a time when fred upton was actually fairly moderate and they have all signed grover's pledge so you've got six republicans who signed a pledge not to raise taxes and what's supposed to come out of this to make it work is some tax increases and some revenue cuts how is this going to worry easy easy if
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it was a c. . this committee by the way it one point five trillion i think it makes it a joke because it makes the makes the committee look like they're doing something when we need to cut way more but it's easy to do what you just said you lower rates and remove holes that increases revenues without raising taxes that was undoable that was that was the deal the beaner and the president all right to order that we have more and that's doable and eric cantor came to john boehner with the back and said you do that buddy you're going to doable look you get companies like general electric played paid tax that they should be paying our taxes that they are paying which are none then then that's right i believe that people that are obligated to pay taxes should pay taxes but i also believe that the rate should be lowered i don't think and i don't think they're fighting it out because any republicans on the hill would disagree with that statement either and i think i actually think the republicans picked a pretty serious people in the house for three committee chairs so they they have the respect of their caucus and even hardly consider picked the equivalent on the republican side of bernie sanders on the democrats that's in the democrats'
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ludicrous to my ears so you're democrats pick of patty murray by the way democrats pick up patty murray is is i think it's cynical it's a pattern where he's the head of the democratic senatorial campaign committee which is also a moderate democrat well she can hear she is the domineering seattle i hear all the criticisms of patty murray patty patty murray is this is this might be good for campaigning for the d c c this is not good for for any sort of really matter and liberals by the way are asking for her we not to give up her spot at the d.c.c. or not be on the committee yeah well we'll see we have a minute left in this topic and then we got to get it for quick for sixty three percent of america this is a new c.n.n. poll just came up sixty three percent of americans want this committee to increase taxes on business and i think americans sixty four percent oppose any cuts whatsoever to medicare social security and for those republicans who say we need to broaden the tax base notice it more middle class people eighty seven percent oppose increasing taxes on middle and lower income americans are off so any of these
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things going to have. but it makes no sense i mean a find if they want to if they don't have a country that goes bankrupt and can't have any medicare or social security in the long term then that's a great policy route to go but that is not the way to save this country and save our fiscal future but most people don't want cuts i mean this is not this is not any surprise that it's an unpopular position to take cuts that's the gutsiness of the paul ryan plan that's the gutsy one of them of course they're saying maybe we cut so that's where we're at what her because we have to die because we want to it's no surprise that these aren't popular hopefully people will also understand as they go under so we had wisconsin we have to go to court for the last question quick for bang bang goes the way way. man shot his i shouldn't be laughing shot his penis off when he stuck his girlfriend's pink pistol in his pants and went off course arizona has open carry laws hence why the guy favored you can stuff the gun in his pants and walk around so here's the question. what's the upside no pun intended of this republican open carry law is that
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a boom for the steel jockstrap industry is it the perfect answer for republicans who oppose birth control what are you guys the social darwinism weeding out of idiots ok for the darwin award you have a brain knows that people carry guns for protections on and this is a good way of protection a moral previous girlfriends not because they give up any time soon let's put it that way. gentlemen jamie daigle thank you both very creative and. these dealers live over ted nugent there's a new republican rock star republicans have a new x. wheeler to rock the vote and it's mike huckabee as again it is to send out iowa for a big weekend huckabee will be on hand as well to lend his musical talents to the
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field. first i can do will be jamming with gospel singer herman cain a duet that came to spur described as and historic event then huckabee will go on stage with rick santorum later in the week before playing one last gig at an event for temple and he's busy with the bottle or has a huckabee plans to release his i would jams in an album soon titled the dark side of the g.o.p. jamming with those homophobes and of course the mr rogers the republican party tim polanski. it's the good the bad and the very tenderly ugly good lucene up yesterday now a single mother from st louis had a message for wall street you're all fired that's right when banks tears looked up at the sky yesterday in manhattan they saw a plane flying overhead with
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a banner thanks for the downgrade you should all be fired apparently now the first one to fly the plane over washington d.c. is a message to congress we couldn't do it because our airspace restrictions are second choice was wall street personally i think wall street should've been our first choice but either way nice move the bad whole foods as muslims around the world recognize ramadan last week whole foods promoted a new line of frozen foods that are whole all certified is to muslims like like kosher is to jews offering free samples to people who eat a while for religious reasons or just to try it immediately islamophobia went nuts over the idea of selling food that muslims can actually eat during ramadan and rather than taking a principled stand for food skate company immediately sent an e-mail out to all of its u.s. stores reading it is probably that we don't specifically quote or promote ronald on we should not highlight ramadan in signage in our stores as that could be
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considered somewhat brady or promote it around with. so does that mean whole foods won't promote or so a brit christmas when it comes around i doubt it but if so their executives should prepare and now for the backlash when fox news does their annual visit the way on christmas crusade. and the very very ugly tom de lay the former republican house majority leader turned c. list celebrity and dancing with the stars turned convicted felon. had some advice for house republicans over the weekend all about hostage taking next month funding for the government runs out meaning another government shutdown could hang in the balance giving republicans another chance only this time to take eight hundred thousand furloughed federal workers hostage and de lay thanks that's exactly what they should to take a look at how you think they should proceed general as the c.r. runs out next month i think it could be what's going to be
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a showdown they're going to face another shutdown. and this time hopefully the leadership. still. feel that you're right. i guess we can add being an accomplice to hostage taking to tom de lay's rap sheet i'm sure what delay is paying for more government shutdown or his appeal on money laundering charges that could land him in the slammer for three years both are very very ugly coming up is it possible if our so-called news is actually a bastion of socialism but we don't know i'll lay it all out and i still take.
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this number given that we had an apartheid regime right here in america. i think iraq the bombings readable and funny well. we never government says they're going to keep you safe get ready because of the freedoms. the number one movie of the box office this week is rise of the planet of the apes a prequel to the planet of the apes movie franchise from the late seventy's or as fox news described it a trojan horse for luck just ideology. so peta is going ape over apes
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yet this stupid animal rights group gave a seal of approval which i hope was it made from real seals to the right to the flick rise of the planet of the apes. well no real beasts were used all the simians were simulated but most important apes were the heroes and humans the villains that . that's exactly all liberals think and guess what the number two movie in the box office is this week the smurfs smurfs are blue democrats are blue this must be another liberal propaganda film right well perhaps my guest thinks so andrew klavan joins me now from new york he's an author and screenwriter wrote the two with the books for two bestselling films true crime and don't say a word and he thinks conservatives are discriminated against in hollywood and you're welcome thanks to its cleveland by the way cleve my apologies so thanks for correcting me so as a guy who's trying to explain to me on your website how the flowers want flat screen t.v.'s instead of bees to pollinate and i'm guessing you've got
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a really brilliant expert explanation for why the conservative movies like ad was shrugged and sarah palin's the undefeated were such flops. well the thing is that there are so few of them that when they flop it's kind of a bad thing listen you know i in preparation for coming here i watched a couple of your shows and the fact is you're such a left wing maniac that i'm willing to concede that hollywood may in fact skew to the right of you but it actually does skew to the left of just about all the rest of us and i you know it's not even really in dispute very few people would dispute it there's a prejudice toward democrat type policies in movies you know you can watch a movie like the new matt damon film the adjustment bureau and the republicans are represented as quote unquote dicks you'll never see the opposite film they just don't make it and i think you know it's true that the right has a hard time mustering a good film so far lou i thought three hundred was
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a great one but but you know we might include any place it was made of those are good ones that basically had a conservative message is i mean the whole dirty harry branch numbers aren't you know but andrew goes a long time ago it was but i mean they continue a bruce willis is making basically the same movie over and over again but is that possible you know i'll concede probably in the majority of people making films in hollywood or progressive's or liberals or democrats just like we know from you know reasonable research that's been done the the more educated you are if you have a master's degree or a ph d. you're mad ghastly more likely to be a democrat then if you just have a high school diploma or no high school diploma you're far more likely to be republican couldn't it just be investors are smarter people are progressive than creative people are progressive and you get a lot of knowledge. tom i never thought of that that must be you you know you sound just like the guys who used to say that you know that black people couldn't manage baseball the thing is once you leave people out of oh no it's not like that because
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i'm not saying that nobody but that's the it's the same logic once you make an unwelcome place for people they don't come you know and so they go off into other fields and we don't have a lot of people trying to get into hollywood and people who are there are scared they're scared of losing their job they're scared of this is this is ok reasoning and here i mean the the blacklist in hollywood was in the fifty's the accusation that hollywood was a cam is bashing were in the one nine hundred thirty s. but hollywood was a communist bastion and eye of blackness is going on now i mean it really is it's just it's just as if you know to to give you a perfectly legitimate example it's as if you were a woman trying to sell the screenplay and you walked into a room and a guy started making sexist filthy remarks when you were a conservative or republican going into a room trying to sell your wares you were very frequently. faced with guys and how do you have to settle your wares through well you know for one thing after i became
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very very outspoken i was started to have a really much harder time getting into rooms and people would say you know he's too much of a you know wild card he's too much o'donovan and that that might just be politics i mean there are people on the left who go off the edge and all of a sudden we don't see them in movies for quite some time. well i don't know sean penn consorts with the left wing dictators and he gets an oscar and by the way they deserve the oscar i have no problem with their being left wing films were left wing actors and writers i just think that there is a kind of movement to shut things down you know i think that when you have a good film like a mini series like the kennedys and joel surnow has to face all this pressure that hasn't kicked off a mainstream cable station into a small people status because the movie was ahead of the path and. what's and this is not it was a very i thought it was very i thought it was very pro penny you couldn't have watched it it was very much i thought i thought and bobby kennedy came off as
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a saint it was not at all a hit show ok and it was just that you know the same thing is true of the path to nine eleven that's been banned from d.v.d. by the disney company that just doesn't happen to look we know and it's if it's a fascinating topic we'll have to pursue it further at another time thanks for dropping by. it's a pleasure thanks for having me i appreciate it thank you. as you know fox so called news is now a socialist propaganda outfit i'm serious earlier this week fox news talking head magazine kelly probably return to the airwaves after taking a few months off to have a baby that's when something incredible happens fox news started espousing the virtues of european democratic socialism take a look. i want you to know that the united states is the only country in the
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advanced world that doesn't allow pages that doesn't require paid maternity leave if anything in it i think the dark ages when it comes to maternity leave and what is it about getting pregnant carrying a baby now i know this but you don't think there's a few months off so bonding and recovery can take place. i there you have it now again kelly so actually a fairly smart person advocate an attorney advocating for european socialism right here in america in the form of paid maternity leave something the most conservatives would you cry as an extension of the nanny state so how was it that kelly was able to enjoy such a socialist comfort of paid maternity leave here in the dark ages america. now i happen to work for a nice employer that can get paid maternity leave i can wait with my baby and my employer you know. because fox news gave it to or that's right it appears fox so-called news gets it they get the social democracies in europe have some really really good ideas like three months of mandatory paid maternity leave six weeks of
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million of mandatory paid vacation ever known as the bill o'reilly and sean hannity and the rest of the republican mouthpieces of fox news seem to get a lot of occasions and so often their shows have fill in hosts actually i don't i don't watch them any i'm in finland and france companies are forced to give their employees thirty days of paid vacation a year plus paid holidays in norway sweden and germany workers get at least twenty four paid vacation days here in the united states or over there the units of a here in the united states and how much paid vacation days workers are required to have their oh unless you work at fox so called news where they must rip the relation policy straight from the european socialists to one of nagging telling the rest of the gang also get free healthcare plans after all the one thing that all the social democracies in europe have in common is universal health care and i bet just like europe box so-called news has universal health care in their full time employees as well and here's another little secret most of the production crews
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over at fox news are yes what unionized that's right fox news actually supports unions despite what you may hear there talking heads say on the airways one of those unionized cameramen and sound engineers consider rupert murdoch's corporate board like the socialized nations of germany austria the netherlands italy norway sweden and denmark are union workers are required of were young union workers are required by law to make up as much as af of all the members of major corporate boards. if not they will be soon maybe you see once you cut through all the right wing noise in the socialist accusations thrown at president obama and democrats by fox so called news talking heads it becomes pretty clear box news is a bunch of pinko commies after all they make their money using our commons our cable airwaves and air rights away multi-millionaire pinko commies that's it but still pinko commies the question as to be why is european socialism good for those
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who work for rupert murdoch but not for everyone else that's the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered visit our websites of thom hartmann dot com free speech dot org dot com also check out our two youtube channels. this entire show is also available for free video on i tunes and we have a free hartman i phone i pad app in the app store you can send us feedback at twitter at underscore or on facebook at tyler's. logs message boards and telephone comment lines at tom parker. and don't forget democracy begins with you head out there show up participate tag your it will suitable.
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illegal limitless . but. playable. please.


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