tv [untitled] August 11, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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rosie's availability in the movie joyce be the children's a movie that's a great way to go to the ground in period. that george was the bush girl until you can a let's go to socialist there to see don't need to go and. read this in the kernel was her term as used to retreat. a sickness in society or a sickness in the system as you can have already his mom thought the aftermath of the riots locals ask of the government will break down the crime inciting social the accu and help create. paranoid and prepare with its economy teetering on the brink american stock up on food supplies radios and even guns to get them through doomsday which some believe could be right around the corner. and ethnic serbs in northern kosovo say they live in fear of having their land and property taken as tensions remain high probably weeks of violence. plus any business or also
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any european markets make a comeback but analysts say the rally could be short lived more lives and business in twenty minutes. that's one pm in moscow this is r.t. coming to you live on news now with our top story this hour and the british prime minister is blaming criminal aspirations for the nights of bryant's in the u.k. but locals from the violence truck communities say the government's budget policy needs for signals towards crime and just tougher austerity measures and spending cuts take by further waves of juvenile delinquency could be approaching as more emmett reports from london. what ever reason she is the police need they will get whatever tactics the police feel they need to employ they will have lead. backing
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to do so. we will do whatever is necessary to restore law and order streets prime minister david cameron talked tough on wednesday branding pockets of society sick and pledging to reform them but seemingly unlike cameron people who live in the country's poorest communities still based on rest coming exacerbated by government policy i think that certain things that we had like singing used to be feeds the fact that. i think it gave a place for children to go and cuts and stuff like that will give opportunities for children who are less fortunate to go and interested in holidays so they result feels like public that you know you call playing a piece of you set up in this room feeling disenfranchised and feeling there's nothing for them because it doesn't seem to be anything for them these days there's no jobs for it there's nothing for them to think they're with instigate but lying around the street corners the current sickness isn't easily cured it's links to
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years of liberal policies resulting in an underclass of young people who kill to equate rights with responsibilities anti social behavior results in a cool sort are seen by many as a badge of honor schooling in deprived areas is disrupted by bad behavior teachers no longer have recourse to punishment and can't count on support from parents who are the you me pay me to calm me down pay me i don't know what they need they need something to control it is known. as ego a lot of nothing to do and schemes the same place to help them have something to do again exploit. tragedy forms one of those schemes being caught is this class which goes round the housing estates in hackney providing much needed resources and encouragement to young. people there used to be another bus too but
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now there's no money to pay starts so because of government cutbacks the teen can only reach hard the youngsters they used to they're going to be facing in school because they haven't met the criteria jump through hoops of seven g.'s or cs. go on to feel it did not achieve anything in life and a restoration change and as a result of that often they don't get a criminal or maybe drugs are just becoming a boom in society youth unemployment in hackney east london runs at over thirty percent parts of the fairly affluent so it's reasonable to assume that figure rises substantially when it comes to these council estates it's become a culture where in some cases it's more profitable to stay at home and claim benefits than it is to go out and work for a living there are jobs there if i wanted to do them most jobs now. in shops everywhere you go for by eastern europeans who are highly educated who actually scrape the language they're getting the jobs and our own people are not getting
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them very often because they're not interested in education i don't really want to work the problem of marginalised it's not a quick fix and as sucks it's also not an election winner and i think the media situation does the console it'll be interesting to see what the government does to fix the sickness in this society if the answer is nothing it shouldn't be surprised to see violence flare again in news from all walks of life you're at it's party actually that did. an amateur videos emerged on you tube showing police venting steam on alleged rioters in manchester a group of young people were biking along the street we as you can see here when officers ram them down slamming one suspect to the ground and beating him with batons the video is said to have been taken two days ago at the peak of the violence in the country at least have promised an investigation officers have been authorized to use water cannon and non-lethal or words to disperse from the riots.
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but local political analyst and crime child then says that's a bad idea for the force which he claims has never been wary about protecting communities. guns have been infesting our communities increasingly in the last two decades under the watch of the british authorities so if the police start shooting rubber bullets and we know what rubber bullets did in northern ireland it kills people and if they start doing this in the streets of london in england i'm fearing that the young people will shoot back so i really would like the british authorities to rethink hard and force their approach their approach needs to be actually addressing the root causes of this which is a forgotten generation british police executed a black twenty nine year old working class person in tottenham the british police essentially lynched him in public and then subsequent to that they beat down a sixteen year old black girl who was part of the protest against this with the family the police are never there to protect our communities they're always there to protect the property or the elite so we just have to understand the nature of
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policing the nature of policing has never been there for the protection of our communities. more stories ahead for you this hour including firing in anger we report on the latest developments of the korean crisis after a reported exchange of artillery rounds between the two sides. there's always someone who seems to think the end is nigh but recently the number of such individuals publicly perceived as paranoid is on the rise the likes of the fukushima nuclear disaster in japan and the slumping global economy are among the reasons to the lane and the sea of church going to report some americans are already prepared for the worst. it's a typical house in a regular suburban town but here a family is preparing for the end of the world. german mouser and p. thirty eight from world war two a twelve gauge shotgun. a forty caliber pistol and an eight are fifteen
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weapons and ammunition r t if we're carrying this out on the street for some reason and it's you know and the world situation he's a certified and our instructor and owner of two businesses sourced food and supplies to help him survive no matter what disaster might hit down the government is one thing a lot of people are preparing for now we're facing possible pay the ladies for social security. i don't really want anything of this kind of court and for that we're going to have a lot of americans that are. thirty seven year old is a long thousands of american preppers who would rather be ready than sorry he spoke with the founder of the preppers network from inside his truck some more economic. people every day lose their yard and then. have to rely on. gas masks bullet proof vests canned food tents and helmets filled basements like
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this one a proper survival bag is not a typical first aid kit it includes things like a parachute cord of body space blanket a survival knife a meal ready to eat and bag emergency drinking water according to proper is one must also be ready for chemical catastrophes or a large scale terrorist attack continuously and on top of your. love. if you would slip into a chemical if you want situation. where you know one hundred percent sure that nothing is going to get through to you know a variety of walkie talkies are ready for use if the communication network shuts down. or on the other end of the line keeps bothering with. actually the next room give you a police officer for twenty five years he's now retired his mean past time is
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operating a ham radio for him communications weekly if disaster strikes. me an earthquake in japan were a couple months ago. police poured into providing emergency communications with everything else failed. hurricane in haiti couple of years ago there's one scenario he fears more than others there was some kind of a nuclear fallout radio wave propagation were probably for all practical purposes. around ten thousand dollars is a hefty price tag for the supplies but to progress it's not just ten grand sitting in a basement. but uncertainty taking over the us the scene those who seem paranoid today may end up being the smartest tomorrow and so the church cannot archie somerville new jersey. now with the loss of america's aaa credit score there are fears france could now probably us and become the latest country to be sucked into the deepening
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debt crisis financial journalist. says the dire economic situation in the u.s. has definitely got people worried and more bring about conventional on brust as seen seen in europe to the u.s. . it down river i said he had the good of the united states whether it was large it or not i think speaks volumes about the shift of risk from the balance sheet of banks the branches of sovereign countries which are focal to the backstops for the welfare state so when that gets through the question of course you're going to have mounting on ras now and i think ultimately because the system architecture is is such with the banking system and the way that the sovereign countries are going back. for debate in system i think that you're going to see you weren't going to special united states because the u.s. is an empire and so it's the reserve currency of the world so when it when this when the system collapses it's going to be almost felt in the u.s. because an empire sits on a nation state within which it resides like
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a giant parasite and so when that crumbles it's the biggest prize for it is the final piece to go i think the first crewman inapt of the system is architected so that it's going to self-destruct ever since we went off of bretton woods we were running deficits like the sixty's we had the guns and butter greater side of the johnson vietnam war record response of the fact a gold standard and a fix ensure a system of bread and words and that pushes you to the inevitable illusionary world today which is biased and move to the point where the nation's leaders take over liabilities the banking system and then effectively because of their position where they are the grenade and the nation state is the the vessel that we've been wish humanity has been able to see accord certain human rights and if that goes it's effectively and you have people smart. now they say every cloud has a silver lining but it's golden for those who heeded warnings about where the dollar would be heading what markets and investors react to the lowering of the u.s. credit rating and europe's debt crisis the price of gold has reached an all time
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high for the first time in history that precious metal has stopped past its record price of one thousand eight hundred dollars an ounce investors new gold as a safer bet and they had rising worries about debt levels and weak and weak u.s. dollar. we can watch our goldman business update to give away this information on prices in under ten minutes time. up next serbs in northern kosovo are the thing in fear of losing their land and property as the situation in the region remains precarious wyler clashes broke out after kosovo and police took control of two disputed border crossings with serbia to enforce a trade ban after a two week standoff roadblocks are being taken down but it's arches more if the notion of reports many serbs still feel they are being pushed off their historic homeland. eighty two year old little bit sir who lives in a serbian enclave in costs of a copes tonight will be trouble free on march i'm going to not stop them if they
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want to steal they'll do it anyway as they have the many times but they feel better if i do this. the people she fears are all ben ians it's a small village there are only twelve houses here is in the middle of a large a billion community if something happens and move it so who lives with a little grandchildren says no one will come to help them because. they still have tractors and cows we live in fear we never know what tomorrow will bring we tried to think about it but many of us have gone if nothing changes i think there will soon be no serbs left in kosovo. and some statistics ecolab it says fears in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight before leaches warming of serbia albanians made up sixty six percent of course of those population today three years after the region's self proclaimed independence this figure amounts to ninety two percent thousands of serbs have left the course of
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a some who have been say they have forgotten will leave it in pieces like. that is all of the sun goes down and this is when the fear starts to grow. he wishes house is on the verge of a small serbian enclave he has another word for it. forget the ghetto . this is a prison with few animals as he can see here but they do everything to make your life your models it was a beautiful forest with huge trees like this here they cut it all there are only boosters left that if we can get a trigger women beaters in one of the most little you bashir has two children and one small but says his desire for a larger family will do little to help strengthen the serbian population in cos of a every o'bannon family here has from four to ten children making this athlete group one of the fastest growing populations in europe and it seems as the serbian
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minority decreases always says grow louder and the fight carries fiercer. recent clashes in northern conservation and the disputed border with serbia following christina's attempts to take control over the checkpoints showed that serbs are standing strong over the communities but not all beaches. should prove to the rest of the world this is our land how long should we fight for it i want to know my life back we miss it so much much more to free they won't stop until we all leave or die. one bedroom one big dining room and one room for children this little cozy house used to be a home to one serbian family with a decade ago life stopped within these walls since ninety nine thousand nine hundred serbs have fled to casa and still afraid to return living side reminders like this one spread all over the region there are fears that it was serbs always
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considered as they hard could soon just stop beating. r.t. courser. more news updates and videos await you on our website our team got com here's what we have for you today on this day more than twenty five years ago the american president ronald reagan almost part of world war three what a joke he was about star bombing of the soviet union was accidentally broadcast nationwide marking mass panic. russia's testing its new state of the art over stick misawa liner which will be the world's most advanced submarine great strategic weapon. and levinger griffin has dived into history by visiting russia has a plan to have sunken land in the fall of the country where he recovered ancient places on the bottom of the sea but argue that calm and watch video.
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earth korea claims the south korean military made a mistake thinking construction noise was in fact artillery fire however defense officials in seoul say marines returned fire after the north wants shells into waters near their maritime border it was the latest in a series of incidents since relations were tested last november when a deadly exchange of fire killed four people on a south korean island at the time both sides are quick to claim the other first being the first to pull the trigger with plucking claiming that south naval exercises had provoked a situation experts say the repercussions could stretch far beyond regional tensions. we've seen this history over the past decade or for the past twenty or
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thirty years where peace seems to get a little bit closer and something happens to make people pull back i think you're dealing with a point in which the united states is planning major military operations with south korea next month and generally these things that happen just iran those military exercises here you have one side shot a few rounds off on their side of the border the other side shot a few rounds on their side and everyone blows it up as being the edge of war but you do have one of the highest militarized regions in the world and we need to reduce that tension get to the bargaining table we have over twenty eight thousand troops still in south korea and the u.s. is involved with getting the south koreans to build up their military make purchases and such and so the u.s. has not taken a leadership role in the peace we could really look at the relationship and understand that a peace treaty ending the korean war will make all the difference. a look now at
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the world news in brief for you this hour nato says five of its soldiers have been killed in a roadside bombing in southern afghanistan it comes a day after nato forces shot dead four afghan police officers after mistaking them for insurgents in the district of kandahar more than fifty nato troops have been killed in afghanistan this month alone. at least seven people including a child were killed in two explosions in the city of peshawar in northwest pakistan police suspect female suicide bombers carried out one of the attacks earlier a bomb exploded near a police van carrying officers to work peshawar lines near areas where taliban and al-qaeda militants operate followed stocks mainly aimed at security forces have been on the rise since the killing of osama bin ladin in may. activists in syria say the army has stormed
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a town near the turkish border and detained at least eight hundred people this comes despite the u.s. tightening sanctions against syria's main bank and mobile phone operator washington put pressure on president also after eighteen people were reportedly killed in homes in a continued crackdown on the opposition activists say the army used tanks and fired guns on protesters and more than seventeen hundred people have been killed since antigovernment uprisings began in march. china has frozen all new high speed rail projects in wake of last month's fatal crash that killed forty people and state council says the project's marks must now be reevaluated officials will check all of the existing train lines and apply new speed limits across the country state documents regarding last month's crash have been recently leaked online meetings are allegations but the government has made an attempt to cover up the cause of the crash. could be up to the stars now where ellie and do
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exist these two. already to one prominent russian astronomer in just over an hour's time under a thank you tells r.t. why a little green men may turn out to be a little rest colorful than we expect. is the perfume will definitely be well known to us in my opinion and i believe experts are generally agreed on this and i find intelligence should they exist elsewhere a tool should be highly human like fundamental laws of universal living things should have the same position living organisms should look. it seemed like the desire to discover extraterrestrial life forms was essentially a desire to answer some of the questions that troubled questions related to health technology and so on for if we do indeed discover a civilization outside of a highly advanced civilization we may gain some technology from.
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our headlines coming up for you right after an update from marina after business to ask. hello and balkan service those here i'd say you know we start this hour with there are some markets to. be highly volatile at the moment are strongly in positive territory and that's the spike heavy selling on the wall street overnight with both the dow jones and. or correspondence are further up the r.t.s. exchange and central moscow well we're seeing more of these market made swings continuing following it is. night and trading on wall street down against closing five hundred nineteen points that's the lowest is two thousand and raise the gains that they managed to make. is making is that. we see in these
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price. rises in the market. happening despite the nonsense we. heard that they're going to keep interest rates late to mid two thousand and thirteen we have a house if you're near the event you're buying a big step into the world but it's silly and say that there's no threat it's a big problem getting downgraded he gave them ok out of calls that oh i'm going to the european debt situation everything u.s. downgrade is well among the best things of a double dip recession and you really have got incredibly the situation here i know it's not be we have had individual corporate stories now that employs you to get help to lift them ok so give it time big it looks like you're going to want to hold on tight is that bumpy ride on the markets looks that you can see. let's take a look at the latest figures for the arts yes and the my sex trade the still thin
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and this is adding to the volatility the r.t.s. is of just over two percent well over my six is up over one and a half percent let's take a look at the individual share moves on the my sets and the two majors are among the main gaiters this hour as the with among the hardest heads of the recent sessions mechelle is slightly in the black the miner subsidiary has bought supersize the company shares for one point two billion dollars and carmaker after the vase is also gaining but he has posted a seventy million dollars net profit for the first half of the year. european markets are strongly in the black the footsies for most super sides while the tax is gaining over two and a half percent let's take a look at some commodities that are precious metals are in the red gold broken all time record on wednesday off eighteen hundred dollars per ounce but it's losing just a little bit this hour silver is also down almost
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a quarter over for sides. and oil prices are off this hour after seeing an overnight rally in the u.s. light sweet is currently gaining almost the dollar all rights is trading at one hundred and seven dollars per barrel. the rally in crude prices follows a surprise fall in u.s. and venturis over alexander mazhar from castro banks is the market is increasingly being driven by sentiment and i found the mental. one primus currently doesn't have much in common with the oil supply and demand but one is the oil crude oil is not a commodity anymore is not a raw material it is a financial asset i would say for sure the best case scenario is the stable world price we should translates for example in one hundred ten or probably one hundred fifty dollars per barrel just not to give. for the country excess
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liquidity but also to lead a budget to be at least balanced. well markets are volatile all investors are looking for a way to find cover scott carter from goldline international outlines some of the possibilities. they're looking to diversify into safe haven the tried and true is treasuries even though the s. and p. downgraded the u.s. treasuries from aaa to double a smart money if you look at just for safe haven assets goes into it's going to treasuries some go into gold you know some go into cash so if you're looking curiously for protection even with low yields in negative interest rate returns safe haven assets fall into those components. and that's all the business news for now for more stories you can always check out our website r.t. dot com slash business but in the meantime stenson thought to have lines with.
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a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars report on or keep. the faith. in some petersburg oh she's available in hotels a story and a little ambassador for any sensible sokoto patroclus otoh patricio soto golden golden nova tilson to. full text i'm just asking if she can see if this column if you visit.
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