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tv   [untitled]    August 11, 2011 6:30am-7:00am EDT

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it's hard for most cadences sickness insists on mind see all the sickness in the system as you can before she's more policy all small for the riots locals off the government selma crime in science and social cue it helps create. higher annoyed unprepared for this economy teetering on the brink americans talk on food supplies radiators on gongs to get them through do you stay growing numbers
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believing it could be russia around the corner. and ethnics the northern call so they say they live in fear of having their land and property taken as tensions remain high holding weeks of violet's in the buddha between some of the outskirts. of the nazi caught up with a prominent russian a strong and sure little green men exist. and. thank you very much for being with us today you know travelers that i'm twenty years time you will have discovered life on other planets are we actually talking about el in the city or merely some bacteria if we're talking life forms of course you know what particular form such life could be is a separate question where there is life and intelligence and civilization are
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a possibility but discovering life is of primary importance in what form. the third wasn't going to tell you is a paradox the form will definitely be well known to us in my opinion and i believe x. person generally agree on this life and intelligence should they exist elsewhere at all should be highly human like you see essentially the origins of life follow the same pattern just as it is without arms molecules or macromolecules there are fundamental laws of physics that apply invariably in each case these laws have been thoroughly researched and explained now all you need is the right environment that would enable a process like that to start for example an atom of hydrogen that originates in a galaxy located millions of past six away from us that is hundreds of millions of light years away is absolutely identical to the hydrogen atom that originates in our solar system because fundamental laws are universal and it's the same with the
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fundamental laws that govern the origins of life including the fundamental laws the evolution these are universal so all living things should have the same composition and living organisms should look like the ones we encounter on earth these life forms you're talking about develop into a civilization of the worth of primarily they can develop intelligence or i think it is possible because apparently there is some. regular curtain life inevitably develops intelligence if only there is enough time and intelligence leads to civilization however this is a very long process mind you the earth formed four point five billion years ago four billion years ago it was already suitable for my forms and in fact that is how long ago initial indications of life date back to that evolution takes a long time homo sap inza originated two hundred thousand years ago but it was only forty thousand years ago the modern humans came about the culture bearing humans
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that you and i belong to that by the way the genesis was a paradox too as they emerged on earth very quietly and then they immediately spread all over the vast area from the cape of good hope to china apparently there are some laws that we still don't know in detail. as a scientist would you guarantee one hundred percent that we will discover life yes and i will explain why you see there is this rational if not purely scientific outlook on the universe a process can either be or if there is at least one similar occurrence and it is a regular phenomenon for some time scientists believe that the solar system is something unique but nowadays we find that most stars of planets are furthermore the formation of planets is an inevitable process that occurs where giant molecular cloud forms into a star about a thousand planets located around different stars have been discovered to this date over five hundred stars are known to have planets
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a million planets are projected to be discovered within the next ten years moreover some of the recently discovered planets not only resemble the earth by composition but also seem to have. an oxygen necessarily indicates the presence of life so planets are a regular phenomenon meanwhile the universe consists of about a hundred billion galaxies each of them has roughly one hundred billion stars. these are immense a multitude of almost all stars might have their planets we've already discovered about a thousand of them or some of those planets ten percent or even one percent might be suitable for the origin of life. that's where they turn the earth runs out of its resources and they will definitely be depleted sunday perhaps in a few billion years do you think there is a chair thirty humankind called be able to we had it other planets with you if you will i see what you're talking about i'm not an expert on this although i do have a feeling that life is generally organized in such
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a way that any species exists for a certain limited period of time it is highly possible that humans are no exception environmental conditions on earth changed at least five times in the two hundred fifty million years they were able to trace back and with up to ninety percent of all living organisms becoming extinct and earthly floor of foreigners changing completely some hypotheses maintain that it was caused by an asteroid or comet hitting the earth but i'm more inclined to think that the earth and the solar system or even the universe in general is something of a chemistry a giant factory with its own workings and certain species by only designed to exist for a limited period of time and that may also be the case with humans i find it rather difficult to envisage that humans will be traveling to other stars and migrating to other planets on a massive scale in terms of our immediate prospects the primary destination for human colonization will be the moon i might not live long enough to see this view
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definitely will as it will happen within the next twenty to twenty five years three global powers of the united states the european union and china are already competing to set up the first lunar observatory and hence the first colony on the moon later on people might colonize mars with china's ideas of populating mars with millions of people getting the. land seem naive to me although the chinese are capable of a lot but in any case i doubt we'll be traveling for the stars you also know how well creating conscious life or even other planets help us. i don't know for some time i stuck with the idea that we were alone in the universe that we need it seemed like the desire to discover extraterrestrial life forms was essentially a desire to answer some of the questions that troubled as all questions related to health technology and survival if we do indeed discover a civilization outside of earth
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a highly advanced civilization we may gain some technology from this technology it would be fantastic look at how the world has changed over the past forty to fifty years that changes with radical people who remember the first erica is taking off and the first televisions are still alive and on the other hand we have the internet it has only been fifty years now imagine meeting the civilization that is ahead of us by a one hundred or two hundred years of discoveries they must have made up unimaginable this is especially relevant considering that technologies can be transmitted to was vive signals. and what sort of signals were there was there but the area of science that searches for extraterrestrial civilizations is divided into three parts we have seti search for extraterrestrial intelligence the ketley communication with extra terrestrials and met even a message for extraterrestrial intelligence the best way to do it i think is by
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radio waves it is the most powerful transmitted we have so it has been tested astronomers are looking into this where looking for signals from extra terrestrials and using capacities we have here on earth to send signals to outer space how do you believe in the early and when i was in what sense do i believe they have visited us that turned their existence you know the way to you. if there was intelligence and a civilization outside of earth then we would call that civilization extraterrestrial but the term is used quite differently by the public to refer to phenomena that we supposedly observed here on earth that i do not believe in and i know for a fact that it didn't happen the thing is and the public might find this interesting the u.s.s.r. was the only country in its day to host a grand experiment the general staff had issued an order to various units under the defense ministries command to report any unidentified flying objects they were
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called and identified atmosphere phenomena back then the program was called the net it was divided into two parts the defense ministries net looking for work might be traces of new types of weaponry the other net the so-called a n they had looked for phenomena previously unknown to humankind for more than twenty years people of course one sixth of the earth's territory even more them out because we had literally not stationed outside the u.s.s.r. at certain points all those people monitored the skies for u.f.o.'s every single day they detected approximately one thousand of them and usual phenomena only told which may explain this day here the rest were either manmade or natural some of them were amazing you would not believe me if i told you about some of the things that were found people didn't know such things could happen airplanes abandoned by pilots flew on for days a missile was wants to tax at that bypass the passenger jet no mere two meters we saw something of the salt later on in ukraine i believe it has been proven quite
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convincingly that extra terrestrials never visited us it makes sense to the way the public is thinking i'm sure that if we were using horses to get around rather than planes they would think aliens were visiting us on horseback certain phenomena are interpreted into a myth this way. we recently spoke to jill tarter who works with seti and. tell there is there of aliens who indeed exist or their civilization should be much older and more advanced than ours and she said ellen's would not contact us there is a joke we have in fact that extra terrestrials are not contacting us proves that they exist and they're smart but seriously we know that there is no speed faster than the speed of light it takes light from the star closest to earth for years to reach us it would take us centuries to devise a means of transportation that would allow us to travel this distance but we know for a fact now that the star closest to us is devoid of life the next star bigley is
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a is twenty light years away it would take us i'm in miami to think of a way to get there physical star travel is impossible that's my belief we would have to revise the whole science of physics the recalls do not happen in science work they do happen but there are different sort of miracle to what we used to clear everyone is talking about the risk of the earth colliding with another asteroid they are catalysts do you think this is a real threat. it is risky first of all i want to tell you that asteroids and comets played a very important role in the birth of life remember the solar system is essentially a giant chemistry lab with comets and asteroids transport matter across this land including some suspected organic matter they have often collided with earth the earth is dotted with asteroid craters and we call them space would. some scientists believe that the disappearance of entire species of plants and animals has to do
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with asteroids that happen two hundred fifty million fifty million twenty five million years ago now the pole for this asteroid is not anything out of the ordinary what's more you and i may have seen something of the sort happened twice we saw jupiter collide with an asteroid jupiter is earth's lucky star because our defendant if it were not for jupiter all those asteroids wouldn't tell us the moon . a lot of the asteroid imprints of the comet recently flew into the sun so there are some examples for you and signs that studies asteroids on a collision trajectory with earth which is approximately ten percent of all asteroids states that they do present a threat but back to apophis i think we do not have to worry about it it will come as close to earth as a geostationary satellite does in twenty twenty nine it will be the brightest object in our sky then in twenty thirty two it will return but it will not pass as close it is quite a large asteroid about not point five kilometers in diameter there is a chance of
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a striking earth that is if it hits the so-called keyhole of the earth has to have these key holes in its gravitational field each one approximately the size of an asteroid but i do not think the apophis will hit one we will be able to affect its trajectory after all. how so care would destroy it with experiments conducted on the earth have demonstrated that asteroids are destructible and we need a stronger force and what we used in the experiment to destroy it however. then again we have been warned in advance which is very important we will have that trajectory gradually pushing it into the gravity field of another planet and then after making the several revolutions it will no longer be on a collision trajectory these ideas have never been implemented but i think they are close up of what we should have a problem doing even at our technological level let's take you for this interview.
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we'll. bring you the latest in science and take it from the realm. of the future covered. i'm stickin to it since the strong is your sickness and this is to as you kill fourteen small part of the riots locals ask the government to break down the planning some of these cities will run has helped to create some. paranoid outlook prepared with this economy teetering on the brink americans don't harp on food supplies radios and gallons to get them through doomsday growing numbers believe you around the corner. it's the new the class of both say they live in fear of having bad lands and compass you take him as tensions remain high following weeks
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apart in the thought of three in serbia on the cost of a. majority of those stories in around fifteen minutes time up next thing the sports. thank you al if you're watching this story is back to winning ways with all these three weeks before euro two thousand and twelve qualifying russia recalled their first victory since june beating serving in a friendly. first basketball team holds a new hobbies and as part of preparations for the fast approaching man's euro bonds hits one seat in the open. and also look ahead to the ninety third edition of the p.g.a. championship the final major on the goldman calendar which tees all but it's a day. so russia have won their first friendly match in almost one day one nil
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victory against serbia here in moscow full fledged has more on that. horatia are still well on course to qualify for the two thousand and twelve european championship finals in poland and ukraine said i'd become precut side's record in friendly matches the better the russians have put in some very subpar performances which have seen them lose to a run and only draw with qatar however almost a year on from their last victory in a friendly against garia russia will finally looking to win again especially those euro qualifiers against macedonia and republic of ireland coming up in early september undercount picked a strong side though he would lose strikers alexander could record an undershirt in with only half an hour gone. having to go for the leg injury or are sharp in receive a cut to his head. chances were the premium in the first half the serve is for the gun right of each should have done better with its free header five minutes before
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half time russia would open the scoring seven minutes after the break problem publishing because speculative drive from distance has fumbled boy boy on your cheers each in public was on hand to score his first goal for the national team enormously year moments later heard of his just couldn't draw level but he'd argue fair to well to deny his former says come also team mate me last class which. again of should have double the home side's lead midway through the half hour of the everton and fielder shot straight to the goalkeeper there was one so a moments should call for his playing his first match in russia since joining on jima hutch gullah was booed throughout the match much to the fury of head coach take up accounts however the dutchman was much happier about how his team played. because the majority of the. european clubs. who.
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make this. point his opposite number. but you know people have each positive spirits trying to take from their. believes the russians are good at the top of a game. so russia were not as impressive as we can be so russia can play in much greater and maybe there was danger that we could go this win against the serbs would be a welcome confidence boost the russians count a little if you look outside feel to get eighty six points from september's qualifiers at home to macedonia and the republic of ireland which i'm painfully don't see. elsewhere germany came out three two winners against brazil in a friendly instead of good they have passed the carry over the five time world champion since one thousand nine hundred three that has opened sixty minutes in following this fall against boston. area by the make no mistake from the spot for one mill. seven minutes later the germans doubled their advantage there mario galaxy received
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a pass in the box and made all the rest brazil though of the gaps enough for words to live. in the area to let the new make it to one from the penalty spot. however set up andrea hsu there would be germans three one up with just ten minutes remaining and in the dying moments lies in their old brazil hope and they must call the second on tonight but that wasn't enough to complete become backyard him nervous who would win say three two. in the meantime arsenal cup incest fabregas could join barcelona by the weekend it's believed the catalans will pay about thirty five million pounds for the twenty four year old midfielder fabregas had joined arsenal from the cat runs in two thousand and three and made his name in london if the club's failed to complete the deal before the gunners game against their own choose the fabric us would be unable to play football say in the champions league this season. to basketball now where russia finished their final
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preparations ahead of the european championships and we thought but before that they would play. faced the tournament hosts they are not as that's improper for imports. for the first time the european championship will be played with twenty four teams and the n.b.a. lockout offers an opportunity to watch the best you were born players take to the hardwood for the title in their only friendly mention of home so before the games russian face tournament host lucy any of the home side produced an electric start securing a lead they would never really wish much to the delight of the home crowd forty nine thirty six the score at the big break but that wasn't enough for the full impact care arena and the stars to my famous go under a kit in anchor and teammates kept attacking come during ups only passing moves and so the defending on the seven ends it seems russia will once again be more into the favorites in the three area as a into again the cone declaimed in two thousand and seven ninety one simmons is
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sixty four and all sport every beach showdown likely on the cards sooner rather than later in the playoffs if you're a basketball twenty eleven no obviously this team is a little different than the last few years because we have that quality factor of caroline go on a more mature goal the most important thing though is that other guys that have played in the last few competitions are now showing their maturity and their level which is appropriate for playing teams like lithuania got them are so i really like the way we play tonight is specially in defense we're working hard to improve it and and as a result we play more aggressively and put a lot more pressure on the opponent i think it'll become our trademark joining the euro basket. with only the finalists automatically booking this board for next year's london olympics expect an all action to one and to de paul on august thirty first as they about that one hundred. ten as a last of
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a something through to the third stage of the women's or disco. this is between wimbledon finalist and the fifth seed in toronto posting a win over serbian boy you are not ski shop i had some problems with this in the second said making five double faults but that didn't stop her from cruising to a six one seven five victory. a different scenario in carolyn was the match against of intervention of the defending champion shocked by the answer to the talented to open a six four and then four back from five one down in the second sample of an hour the biggest win of her career probably when she joining fellow italian francesca schiavone round the knocked out rushes you can see in the market on. another big upset in the men's event and launcher aware of an adult went down in his first appearance since one more than the world number two storm did see when he said six one but then lost two consecutive breaks to world number forty one of our
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dogs elsewhere roger federer and the uniform nobody joke of each mode for made it through as the jungle for its on and on feast of frogs. and finally plaintive where the contenders including a returning tiger woods are lined up to go for the p.g.a. championship this year ski previews the ninety third edition of the major ahead of thursday's starts. the p.g.a. championship is nearing a century of golfing excellence with its ninety third edition but only one of over one hundred fifty players will get to live the final major trophy of the year luke donald knows that a world number one ranking isn't enough to silence the critics the englishman well aware of the fact that nothing short of a first ever major would bring him in line with the other greats of his era a predicament he shares with compared to three and world number two the westwood you know majors are in and they stand age made out to be you know the biggest deal you know people. a lot of pressure on the guys who haven't won them like myself and
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. you know adam and whoever it might be because there's pressure to win and sometimes you can go to these events and just try to hard adam scott is the man of the moment coming off a winner the w.g. see bridgestone invitational with a new star sidekick on his bag caddy steve williams recently fired by tiger woods has been taking shots at his former employer after scott's four shot when firestone the australian himself is well aware of the bike that tiger and others in the field possess the competition is strong at the moment luke donald played amazingly west what's playing amazing and now we have tiger you know healthy again so this is going to be interesting for everyone to watch because we're also interested in what he does and how he plays such a big factor on the game northern ireland has been able to both an increasing number of major championship winners recently rory mcilroy is overall favorite in
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atlanta after winning the two thousand and eleven u.s. open graeme mcdowell also participating having won the same major the year before and yet another northern irishman there in clarke holds the british open title his celebrate tory rounds after the win gaining almost as much publicity as his outing on the greens but now the forty two year old's focusing on the details of his game in a new one. the golf course and the shots from the what's required is totally different . i mean i get to go to the rooms and work and striking and hope. were. inconsistent has been defending champion martin commers middle name of late that's winning four tournaments in two thousand and ten the german speaking last year's title when the event was held at the whistling straits course and the world number three knows that holding on to the crown will be a challenge at the atlanta athletic club we're playing at different golf course if we play the same golf course and of course. i would see myself. or i would expect
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you to to do well again this week it always is a new golf course i have played here any tournaments. and i think it doesn't really matter if you're defending champion or not plenty of stake for each of the leading lights then the final major of the year including tiger woods who can't be ruled out as he seeks a fifth p.g.a. championship evander gorski arche that was later. well. reviewed the latest in science technology from around. we've got the future covered. hungry for the full story we've got.
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