tv [untitled] August 11, 2011 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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she's available in the movie join me that shows the movie that's a great way to go to the grand imperial truly that george was the first coromandel you can a little child that you see don't have to go and. run this in the county was that you know as a retreat. you k. is reeling from several nights of brutal chaos in the fall and so on it's the streets of britain if the government will mend breaches of the social system plain instigating beyond arrests. and social media could now be online. with the government planning to crack down on criminal groups operate so you're online more from london in just a few moments. his rallies seeming average building settlements in the occupied territories just weeks before palestinian authorities are expected to all of the
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united nations recognition of their states. and predicts the further decline of the u.s. economy are pretty american spears a sum i suppose share a similar fate forcing someone to take radical measures to survive a future for themselves. a very warm welcome to this is all i see live from moscow now the british prime minister considers banning riot is from social networks used to organize elements of the rest david cameron was speaking to a parliament in the wake of clashes that in the country what started as a peaceful protest against police shooting a man in north london quickly grew into scenes of bedlam either bennett's joins us now with an experiment from london ivan good to see you again now could this reaction from the pm eventually lead to tougher regulation of even the closure of
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social network sites such as facebook and twitter and for him. i don't think the closure of social networking sites on the cards just yet but certainly tougher regulations for certain groups of people this was mentioned in parliament by the prime minister earlier today the cobra emergency response committee has been looking at least operate relations i just seen the social media has played a really important part in mobilizing these riots and i looking at ways to control it and eventually banning criminal groups from from using it they've also actually this is time from the man who only just a few months ago praise the use of social media in mobilizing the masses and members of the public in the rice you saw in the middle east now also agree to discuss the potential use of the army if the violence gets out of hand they haven't ruled that out so there is still a potential last resort. in the meantime no before that happens he wants police
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water cannons on standby twenty four hours notice. and rounds of the police can use battens as well. now this policing has already been seen in some parts of video has surfaced on you she's showing police in manchester a couple of nights ago. using this more robust tactic pulling off looters from make i suppose wrestling to go into the ground this is because uproar in certain social media with a lot of criticism coming in from these tactics in the independent police force talk has already said it will be launching an investigation into these tactics and i think it was a recipe calm night in the u.k. and i was in it but what's the mood like on the street at the moment. well in terms of iran saying there hasn't been any last night it's very quiet. quiet largely thanks to a lot of rain the courts have been very busy working through the night to process all the rest so one thousand two hundred across the country as
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a result of these riots and looting and violence a lot of people were already being charged some as young as eleven who were involved in the in the looting but aside from the residents here although they do condemn the violence there in some cases sympathize with the looters they're still angry that they think the government isn't attacking the real problem here which is unemployment and this illusion. we will not put up with this in our country we will not allow a culture of fear to exist on our streets and we will do whatever it takes to restore law and order and rebuild our communities prime minister david cameron talks tough as he answers questions from parliament on how to reform sections of society he's branded sick but seemingly unlike cameron people who live in the country's poorest communities they sound rest coming exacerbated by government policy i think that certain things that we had lacked swimming used to be feed
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stuff like that. i think it gave a place for children to go and cuts and stuff like that don't give opportunities for children who are less fortunate to go and interest stuff in holidays so they resort to causes like problems that you know you can't blame it used to be you said different feeling disenfranchised and feeling there's nothing for this it doesn't seem to be anything for these days there's no jobs there's nothing for them to think they're with instigate but lying around the street corners the current sickness isn't easily cured it's links to years of liberal policies resulting in an underclass of young people who killed equates rights with responsibilities. and she social behavior results in a cool seen by many as a badge of honor schooling in deprived areas is disrupted by bad behavior teachers no longer have recourse to punishment and can't count on support from parents do
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you take me pay me to calm me down pay me i don't know what they mean but they mean something to control now on. where. i think they've got a lot of you got nothing to do. schemes that same place to help them have something to do x. by chance are you sure it's true she finds one of those schemes being cut is this class which goes round the housing estates in hackney providing much needed resources and encouragement to young people they used to be another plus two but now there's no money to pay starts so because of government cutbacks the team can only reach half the youngsters they used to be thrown in school because they haven't met the criteria. of seven jesus is there any one to through that have not achieved anything in life and a restoration change and as a result of that often they go into criminal or maybe drugs or just becoming
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a bellman society youth unemployment in hackney east london runs it over thirty percent parts of the power are fairly affluent so it's reasonable to assume that figure rises substantially when it comes to these council estates it's become a culture where in some cases it's more profitable to stay at home and claim benefits than it is to go out and work for a living wage job. most jobs now. in shops everywhere you go by eastern european. language and they're getting the jobs and our own people are not very well because they're not interested in education i don't really want to work the problem of marginalised here it's not a quick fix and as fanciful say nothin. next and when they want to make them easy a situation that they control it'll be interesting to see what the government does to fix the sickness in this society if the answer is nothing you shouldn't be surprised to see violence flares again in you from all walks of life you're and it
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starts the acme guns. but addressing the m.p.'s david cameron called the riots in pure and simple criminality runs a baseless ground lessons but he's the core of the problem is the last generation of. a really would like the british authorities to rethink hard and forced approach their approach needs to be actually addressing the root causes of this which is a forgotten generation cut themselves apart this is a mass phenomenon this is this is this is a generation that's between goodies child and cursed gangsters that's the way they've been treated by the system and by people in the community so why are we surprised that they behave in the way that we've learnt who've been for a whole generation it's social nine eleven we can say i mean you know cameron and johnson and miliband were holidaying in mediterranean while they're bombing libya on the south mediterranean a common comes back off of the first day of writing from his national holiday and he calls these young people criminals and the final in water this is the same
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person who was directly responsible for the massacre in the nato of eighty five civilians that same night including thirty five children so let's get some perspective here who is the real criminal in this situation. it's the building of sixteen hundred extra settlements in east jerusalem peace talks between both sides have been stalled by the recent construction of jewish homes on the west bank where this comes just weeks ahead of an expected move by the palestinian administrator to have their state recognized at the u.n. security council middle east correspondent with their report. the israeli government has announced that it approves the construction of we're being told some two thousand two hundred and twenty five new housing units in neighborhoods across east jerusalem and in the coming days they are expected to give bin nod to a third of the two thousand seven hundred now these housing units are in areas in neighborhoods across the one nine hundred sixty seven armistice lines they are
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areas of israel and mixed but that annexation was never recognized by the international community now certainly the timing is significant because this announcement comes as tens of thousands of israelis and takes to the streets point for more affordable housing there was a criticizing the high cost of living in this country but the government denies that this announcement has been going to say that it will connotations interior ministry says it is a nearly a response to the growing housing crisis in this country but now movement has issued a statement and it really echoes what many activists in this country are saying and to quote from part of it it says that the government is cynically using the housing crisis in israel to promote the construction of settlements what we're likely to see through this move is there any reaction to what many are calling a provocation for quite some time now israeli palestinian peace talks have been deadlocked it certainly is not going to improve those and it comes ahead of next month's planned palestinian announcement of statehood early this week in
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a rare move the u.s. state department issued a statement in which it appeared that it was deeply concerned around some nine hundred housing units there for part of this group that were being planned for a neighborhood known as the heart of hama essentially in this neighborhood to illustrate a team who would have a line of israeli homes that would break a calloused in state they would actually prevent palestinian east jerusalem from being connected to bethlehem so it and many saying that that is an attempt to try and make a future palestinian state that much more in father bill now last march when the u.s. vice president joe biden was here it was another. at that stage at these really government was planning to build one thousand six hundred housing units and those are part of the announcement today that created a lot of tension between the u.s. and the israeli government and certainly today what we've seen in light of this announcement is that kind of tension just being further exacerbated. with the school instability spreading across the globe and fears of more focused human stone
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nuclear disasters the number of doomsday believers is on the rise but now it's also the struggling global economy that is increasingly making people stocked up on basic necessities it's going to get some americans who are ready for. a typical house in a regular suburban town but here a family is preparing for the end of the world. german mauser and p. thirty eight from world war two a twelve gauge shotgun. a forty caliber pistol and an eight are fifteen weapons and ammunition are key so if we're carrying this out on the street for some reason and it's you know in the world situation he first cura certified and our instructor and all of two businesses source food and supplies to help him survive no matter what disaster might hit breakdown a government is one thing a lot of people preparing for now or face and possible for
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a source of purity. i don't believe i'm going to this kind of court and for that we're going to have a lot of americans that are. thirty seven year old is a long thousands of american preppers who would rather have you ready than sorry archie spoke with the founder of the preppers network from inside his truck the most poor of course more economic. people every day lose their jobs. have to rely on. gas masks bullet proof vests canned food tents and helmets filled basements like this one a proper survival bag is not a typical first aid kit it includes things like a parachute cord of body teacher in space blankets a survival knife a meal ready to eat and that emergency drinking water according to proper is one must also be ready for a chemical catastrophe. or a large scale terrorist attack consumers when on fire you have
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a couple of. if you would slip into a chemical proof. situation. where you are now one hundred percent sure that nothing is going to get through to you know a variety of walkie talkies are ready for use if the communication network shuts down so you aides who are more likely to go to you for being on the other end of the line bother call was actually my next room. police officer for twenty five years he's now retired because mean past time is often really good camera radio. communications really if disaster strikes. me an earthquake in japan a couple months ago. police cordon and providing emergency communications when everything else field there's one scenario he fears more than others there was some kind of a nuclear for. radio propagation but probably for all practical purposes sheesh
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around ten thousand dollars is a hefty price tag for these supplies but to propose it's not just ten grand sitting in a basement. but uncertainty taking over the us we see those who seem paranoid today may end up being the smartest tomorrow and they see churkin up archie somerville new jersey now the loss of america's aaa credit score has sparked panic sell off on global markets ratings giants of say fall confirmed france's highest status but investors remain unconvinced. financial journalist in the thick or thin or says it's not just the banks but all countries which are now struggling it's to make ends meet with more public unrest on the cards. the downgrade of the s. and p. of the good of the united states whether it was worth it or not i think speaks volumes about the shift of risk from the balance sheet of banks the balance sheet and sovereign countries which are affecting the backstops for the welfare state so
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when that it's not a question of course you're going to have mounting on rescue and i think what i'm really because this is the architecture is is such with the banking system and we the way that the sovereign countries are benefiting backstops for. florida bay consistent i think you're going to see one that's especially united states because the u.s. is an empire and it's the reserve currency of the world so when this when the system collapses it's going to be felt in the u.s. because an empire sits on an asian state within which it was a giant parasite so when that crumbles it's the it's the biggest prize that is the final piece to go i think in the first room in a nap in the system is like i can see that it's one to self-destruct ever since we went off the bretton woods we were running deficits like the sixty's we had the guns and butter of the johnson vietnam war the cast off of the back of will center in the future a system of breadboards and that pushes into the inevitable position where the day which is. and move to the point where the nation states take over liabilities the
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banking system and then effectively because of the position where if sack on a grenade right and the nation state is the the vessel that within which humanity has been able to stick are certain human rights and if the bag goes it's affectively and you have fuel smart. u.s. markets have opened in the green after wednesday's losses on wall street meanwhile of the russian indexes that have surrendered their gain this is over the stability of the banking sector persist given since the outlook still remains uncertain well of course our business desk is following all of those things for us let's cross live to it dimitri at how are russian shares fairing amid all of this global market volatility well since its global volatility russian shares are obviously affected every fall actually because russia is an emerging market comes at twice as hard flying back up it's also twice as hard so while the u.s. embassy that you mentioned in the folds of territory europe has now recovered is
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also trading positive russia is still in the red but not not that much moderately and i six is down the road half a percent so is the r.t.s. i'll have more detail on that in and around five minutes of. service in northern kossovo it is non-killing roadblock set arbitrary increased tensions with ethnic albanians after a tentative peace deal was brokered between the sides lining clashes broke out last month after concert and police took control of two disputed border crossings in serbia to enforce a trade. school force to protect themselves from ethnic aggression on a daily basis. eighty two year old little bits who leaves in history an enclave in the cost of a pope's tonight will be trouble free on march the it will not stop them if they want to steal they'll do it anyway as they have been many times but i feel better
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if i do this love them of the people she fears are all ben ians limits is small village there are only twelve houses here is in the middle of a larger billion community if something happens live it say who lives with your little grandchildren says no one will come to help them cause. this you are tractors and cows we live in fear we never know what tomorrow will bring we try to think about it but many of us have gone if nothing changes i think there will soon be no subs left in cos about what the last. and some statistics ecolab it says fears in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight before need his woman of serbia albans made up sixty six percent of course of its population today three years after the region's self proclaimed independence this figure amounts to ninety two percent thousands of serbs have left course of a some who have been say they have forgotten with little and pieces like the.
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result of a fall the sun goes down and this is when the fear starts to grow but both divisions house is on the verge of a small serbian enclave he has another word for it. the ghetto. yes this is a prison with. as he can see here but everything to make your life you're not there was a beautiful forest with huge trees like this here really cut it all down only. that if we do it there will be tears in one of them but i was little. she has two children and one small but says his desire for a larger family will do little to help strengthen the serbian population in cost of a every a billion family here has from food to ten children making these ethnic group one of the fastest growing populations in europe and it seems as the serbian minority decreases forces grow louder and the fight turns fiercer. recent
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clashes in northern kossovo at the disputed border with serbia following pristina as attempt to take control over the checkpoints show that serbs are standing strong over the communities. along with prove to the rest of the world the business of our how long should we fight for it i want a normal life. so much much more afraid they won't stop until we all live or die. one bedroom one big dining room and one room for children this little cozy house used to be a home to one serbian family but a decade ago life stopped within these walls since ninety one thousand nine. hundred fled casa and still afraid to return leaving sad reminders like this one spread all over the region there are fears that was serbs always considered as they hard could soon just stop beating. the
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course of our. check out our web site tells you dot com for more news blogs and analysis here's a taste of what's online right now with revenge natives there's an insurgency in afghanistan down the coalition's helicopter and even if they were killed in a special operation something a telepath and an arts. finds out more could be done this is not sexual predators when people call offenders escape justice in russia is far it's. the international news making the headlines this hour now and of losses through a parking lot near a commercial center in the lebanese capital beirut killing at least two people a car belonging to the son of a judge was nearby when the explosion occurred it was on the clear whether it was the target area has since been sealed off by security forces investigation
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continues we have no targeted bomb attacks in lebanon in the past three years. syrian forces have killed five people as they stormed two towns in the central province according to their crackdown on anti-government protesters activists say the columns of tanks entered the towns forcing residents to flee the violence where the army attacked the town of the turkish border and detained at least one hundred people with this comes despite the u.s. tightening sanctions against series the main bank and they both phone operators and increasing pressure on president assad to clamp down. at least seventy people including a child died after a female suicide attack is one hundred cards of god it's hardly the country's danny police check case this city of peshawar where the explosions happened life the areas where militants are known to operate taliban and al qaeda linked bombers have killed four thousand five hundred people in pakistan since two thousand and seven
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attacks mainly aimed at security forces have been on the rise as the killing of osama bin laden in may. our next all of it is business deals with me a with. us a global markets continue to suffer from the high dollar still the u.s. has just opened positively but that was also the case in europe and russia earlier in the day and then we saw red all across the board this side of the atlantic and there's a little in the way of fresh news to provide directions that it's being sentiment driven as. from a guy with capital markets explain some of that is close to that. i think we are already in a kind of panic more since about two weeks because equity markets lost enormously there's a brutal price action going on in markets right now and as you said i mean the volatility is very very high we see in the mornings the markets going up in the
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afternoon they're going down again there's simply like a very large degree of unusual highly greedier for france certainty in markets currently they are digesting the news from the from the fed from tuesday night the economy the world economy is probably in a faster than expected slowdown so markets are really nervous ing and very nervous and they're panicking to a certain extent what to be most i think if you wouldn't have seen the e.c.b. making the decision late on sunday to actually intervene in europe markets this week then i think we would have been already at that age. with russia and the my six has actually come out into positive territory after positive u.s. opening but the r.t.s. is still down half a percent reflecting drops in the ruble versus the dollar. we look at the main movers gazprom as manage their quite a comeback up three point seven percent there's no snicko is down a minus of syria's board back two percent of the company's shares one point two billion dollars and can make up after vials also is down example as opposed to the
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seventeen million dollars net profit for the first half of the year and also they called one of the most volatile stocks on the russian market is down eight percent . so because what's happening in europe then is looking much more rosier than it was before that's the point seven percent more than one percent european union's market supervisor has said european regulators are increasing surveillance of financial markets following several days of steep sell off. and this is the opening picture for the u.s. markets where the dow jones has made a comeback of one point six percent of the dropping four percent the previous session nasdaq up more than two percent so you commodities now precious metals are therefore in the red as investors are coming back. two more riskier assets called is down to one point six percent after breaking an all time high record of eighteen hundred dollars per ounce silvers also down the. world prices are
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still down light sweet shedding a dollar brant almost one a half dollars program. not playing havoc with how people should keep their savings aspiring politician an accomplished businessman mikhail prokhorov says he still favors the world's the two largest reserve currency. here was lucian. i would recommend the following people to here is the personal spending in roubles and the rest will split fifty fifty between dollars and euros and with that stop worrying well if you have a two year reserve or in rubles that you should worry about anything else you business will be back in around fifteen minutes time with an update headline the next nothing.
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