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tv   [untitled]    August 11, 2011 11:30am-12:00pm EDT

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the u.k. is reeling from several months of on its on its string this is the pm threatens to shut down online stay slim it was during the rest of the wall personnel says the company meant we choose an essential system blamed for instigation this. is rather proves the building all of the new settlements in the occupied territories and johnstone weeks before palestinian authorities are expected to also united nations recognition of the states. that predicts the decline of the us economy average americans as i see it will satisfy some of us praise for saying something take
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radical measures to survive i think. ok the kaiser pulls up next stay with us. for the we've gone to. the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers. and. each. other this is the guys are in for check it out janet lol. we went to new york
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city and they downgraded america s. and p. did immediately as we told you they would others doubted us but we guaranteed it and now we're back in france and guess what. stacey herbert tell us more well max i'll tell you the headline as soon as max kaiser arrives in france to pull a reeded france may be vulnerable to downgrade following cut to the u.s. yeah well there's a tremendous ripple effect of thing with this downgrade because the u.s. dollar is course connected to the u.s. treasury bond market and it's connected to the five bone connected to the hip bone connected to the foot bone connected to the yeah b.b. it's automatically it's only downgraded start to pull the thread on the u.s. dollar the whole kit and caboodle gets on ravelled you know you all might also say however that it's all related to s. and p. itself and moody's and fitch because the u.s.
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and france are in such bad shape due to all the so-called aaa rated collateralized debt obligations and other credit derivatives that s. and p. allowed to be rated aaa and then these country's banks bought these toxic debt so that's an interesting part of the history isn't it you know during the period leading up to the financial crisis the selling of collateralized debt obligations c.d.o. zas their known and other flora and fauna of the derivatives fear spawned by the which are self blith masters. fish and moody's and s. and p. gave these cancer nations these abominations their aaa rating and it created this huge ponzi scheme now they've pulled the rug out from underneath them well max another story related to this financial chaos going on at the moment bank of new
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york mellon charges depositors america's biggest custodial bank has been forced to start charging customers who have deposits of more than fifty million dollars as more investors take cover from the. turmoil so they're saying that they're basically trying to force people out of cash and into somewhere else because they're receiving so many people coming in flooding the banking system with all this cash and this is something we've spoken to james turk about where he envisioned reverse capital control that instead of capital controls being on money being taken out of the u.s. it would be against money being brought into the u.s. in order to avoid the hyper inflation of all those dollars that are overseas yeah another great point trying to stop that money from coming in by charging especially negative interest rates people so you can take interest rates below zero which you can by charging people to hold their money up the bank they start off with these
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big fifty million dollar posits and then they work their way down to mom and pop or out there with a couple thousand dollars on deposit you will be charged one or two percent or more at the end of the year you have that much less in your account as the bank is trying to pay off their bad loans that could or should have been ring fenced and dealt with back in two thousand and eight but instead will lead to metastasize and grow into this enormous economy killing toomer of debt and i mean this is another actual point for those who argue that there's deflation and there are some people who argue there's massive deflation so here is a bank is able to charge money for people to hold this amount of cash but it also the article points out that the news of the levy emerged as a sale by the u.s. treasury of twenty billion dollars of ten day bills offering zero yields further demonstrated investors have now become intent and preserving capital. yeah
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the trend is obviously toward negative interest rates and that's negative purchasing power and oh by the way that's a good reason to buy gold but again we come back to gold well let's move on to the other chicle a rated securities about to be downgraded muni market prepares for a loss aaa ratings so the two point nine trillion dollar municipal bond market is preparing for hundreds and hundreds of downgrades after standard and poor's lowered the u.s. one level to double a plus the first ever reduction for the country so s.m.p. is likely to cut its ratings i mean a simple debt secured by the federal government so just pre-funded bonds tax exams backed by u.s. agencies and credits that are most dependent on federal spending write the aaa rating of the u.s. treasury as a reference rating bet is connected to all these other aspects of the economy like the municipal bond market also on the corporate side i was just looking at zero hedge they made
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a good point that institutions like options clearing corp or the group that is responsible for clearing of short sells they're all being downgraded too so this is affecting the fundamental infrastructure of the entire system itself was being downgraded as the entire poll of the scheme and rattles yes i also read while we were in the states that j.p. morgan is the next were downgraded by s. and p. and the reason why is they said that j.p. morgan rely so much on the u.s. government despite all their protestations despite every year when jamie diamond collects his tens of millions of dollars bonus he says because i deserve it nobody works as hard as i am i'm so clever i can print money but it's the u.s. government according to the rating agencies that give j.p. morgan its its rating but nobody works as hard at fraud. jamie diamond but as you point out all they do over there j.p. morgan is they take the risks on their. books and they stick it on the federal
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government's books that work beautifully for years as long as america had to play repeating but now that america has a double a plus rating and interest rates are going to by definition creep higher that is going to be huge wall of arbitrage agency arbitrage cock the nightmare bamboozlement that will no longer serve j.p. morgan in their quest to hide losses and that starts going down like a pile of bricks short j.p. morgan is one of pax sell it short make it in fact a better naked short at this at this time would have been bankrupt america if you follow this next head imax bank of america getting smashed as a i.g. johnson to the lawsuit fray in a big way so sure it american international group is expected to sue bank of america what might be the largest mortgage security related action filed by a single investor the suit seeks to recover more than ten billion dollars in losses
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on twenty eight billion dollars in investments and mortgage backed securities this is again when the barack obama came into office stacey by not shutting down the too big to fail banks and by letting a.i.g. live another day they're committing massive moral hazard on a incredible epic biblical scale now they're out suing everybody who's involved all the people all accounted parties here that are suing each other are bankrupt and they're suing each other for the right to drain the federal reserve of more of the citizens capitol and noticed a key word in what you just said counterparty you know this extends to financial markets as well because when you go from aaa to double a plus suddenly when you start to downgrade all these decisions that are the it's a media use for all these are community leading fraud deals you have counterparty risk so they say well look for example to sixty trillion or six hundred trillion says me derivatives out there they say well it's not really a rest because they're all offset each. there through the counter-party obligations
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but if the intermediary that's responsible for making those obligations good goes bankrupt then you don't have. a good coverage there you actually have a six hundred trillion dollar risk according to the report there's a growing trend of investors pursuing private lawsuits claiming banks misled them into purchasing risky securities the trend also stands from the lack of prosecutions on behalf of the justice department against the largest financial firms and their executives so there you go i'm actually talk about barack obama refusing to prosecute these are these people they too big to fail so the banks toure's this is why we're still in the situation this leads as up to the biggest firms out there who can see it because mom and pop joe baca donuts can't sue j.p. morgan and bank of america and all these other banks but you know the giant bankrupt organization. i think this is so important because at the time when they live in
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a wreck with this massive fraud number they and when hank paulson to congress something stored three quarters of a trillion dollars it was all that we got to keep as markets open we can't afford them to go bankrupt you can't afford the counterparty risk we can't afford the systemic risk and barack obama just put his phone. who who who and now to have years later it doesn't matter barack obama but not enforcing the law by not following the constitution it's going to blow up anyway well apparently a.i.g. is planning to file similar lawsuits against goldman sachs j.p. morgan and deutsche bank and of course after that will come the rating agencies because j.p. morgan goldman sachs and deutsche bank were selling products that were aaa rated by s. and p. but with all these things falling apart everybody losing their aaa america falling apart into a bucket of fraud and nothingness i want. bring up one final headline to think of
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another option another reality that we could be facing today what if barack obama had been a leader the bull case for gold gold is rising because the world's monetary system is being to base and there is no sign of stopping well what if barack obama instead of engaging in this elaborate stupid awful theater john boehner what if he had just come out and said you know what forget all these negotiations we're just going to go back to a gold standard and we're going to value it at twenty five thousand dollars an ounce by and just left and that would have you valued all of their debt and they would be on the road to starting over again that's genius it's the reverse it's the reverse an extent now dixon defaulted on the debts of america by dropping the gold standard when he owed all this money to foreign creditors well america is in the same position now and they could effectively do the same thing they could
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effectively default by devaluing against gold. that's exactly what's going to happen anyway and barack obama if he were a as you say if you were a real leader and had that call an ace of was say richard nixon which i can't believe i'm saying that after having been dragged through watergate as a kid be and been humiliated comparatives barack obama richard milhous nixon looks like a genius statesman compared to this no spine leader list nobody bagga nothing a bag of worms and that's the genius idea simply and it's going to happen anyway they have to bring back the gold standard you know the smartest guy out there in the punditry universe jim records you know he points out that those who criticize this idea say there's not enough gold and you know he would point out and i would point out that there's something called the price discovery mechanism you know markets reflect supply and demand and if you have six hundred trillion dollars
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worth of worthless to rivet as well you some of that's going to end up being repurposed as a gold standard at twenty twenty five thirty thousand dollars an ounce that's just the way markets work except market driven capitalism or go home. base here and thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you don't go away after the break i'll be speaking with peter schiff. to delete some signs and signals from the room for. the future of coverage. welcome back to the kaiser report time now to go to connecticut and talk with money manager
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radio show host author all around nice guy peter schiff europe aciphex capital peter schiff welcome back to the kaiser report thanks for having me all right peter schiff as we have been talking about and as you have been talking about the u.s. has downgraded been downgraded by s. and p. their debt from templated double a plus did the s. and p. go far enough well of course not but at least they way so in the right direction you know it wall street parlance any downgrades get get the hell out you know they never like to put a sell out anything so you have to look at to go from a strong buy will buy it means you know look out below and so they did the minimum that they could do but really what s. and p. is saying as far as i'm concerned is get out u.s. debt any dollar denominated debt because what they're really downgrading is not treasury bonds but the dollar because s. and p. knows as alan greenspan said it warren buffett said they don't have to default they
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could print but that's worse especially if you're a bond holder and you get paid back with monopoly money and so what this means is that all debt in dollars should be downgraded whether it's treasuries uni's corporates you name it it's pay you back in dollars get rid of it all right now let's talk about the whole rating agency motif you know how they how they have the role that they played in this crisis and what's been going on the last few years because during the lead up to the crisis they document very well in your book crash proof and crash proof two point zero you talk about how the rating agencies were remiss in that they gamed the derivatives a collateralized debt obligations and these other concatenations of bastardizations the securitization is trip. a rating so why suddenly do they get religion how did that how did that happen because they were they were in you know god it's funny that the obama administration is saying well why should we listen to s. and p.
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after all they got it so wrong with the sub prime they think we should listen to moody's it fish but they also got it wrong and what everybody got wrong was they raided stuff aaa it should have been fair play and they're still doing it at least s. and p. is learning from its mistakes whereas the other agencies are not and the obama administration is criticizing guess and for learning from its mistakes that's interesting i'm looking today and the the unintended consequences i guess you could call it because now fannie mae and freddie mac. are being downgraded some of the institutions like the office clearing corp and other part of the infrastructure in the architecture of the markets are being downgraded and it is about bond markets being downgraded because the aaa rating of the u.s. government is a reference range and you talk about how this is going to trickle through to these other pieces of the infrastructure and what consequences certainly because if the u.s. is not aaa if the u.s.
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is double a plus and if you used to be a double a plus when you got to go down to double a because you're not on par with the treasury if you are somewhat rich let your risk get into treasury you're still more risky because the treasury can tax everybody to pay its bills and the treasury doesn't tax in france and it debases the dollar that affects all bonds not just its own bonds but you know it's also crazy about the rating system why is china the world's biggest creditor nation we owe china trillions how can they be rated double a minus and we're all and we're a double a plus we were kind of trial i guess on world is the world's biggest debtor a bigger risk than the world's biggest creditor now why what's geithner's comments he says s. and p. is being irresponsible as an s. and p. being responsible like pimco. saying it's big government this big irresponsible they're the ones that are racking up debt and you know the obama administration is all over s. and peter because they claim they got the math wrong but they didn't count his two
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trillion dollars of assumed savings over the next ten years why should they count it it's not going to happen and in fact there is a real math problem is with the administration using the cvo budget numbers all of these deficits assume a rapidly growing us economy for the next decade with low inflation low interest rates this exists only in a dream the reality is we're already going back to recession so you could take all those rosy scenarios and throw them in the trash can where they belong the point you deficit is going to be much worse then both the administration and this in p. believe so i mean they're all wrong about about all right i think i want greek go over that once more and just because i want to talk about this two trillion dollars take this review that again why that's really a false canard in all this and also a comment on warren buffett's remark that moody's that s. and p.
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is somehow wrong and that the his investment in loonies they're right yeah of course yeah people forget that he's got a dog and it's hot because he's a big shareholder of moody's and if s. and p. has got it right that means moody's has got it wrong so when he comes out attacks moody's he's got it i mean s. and p. he's got it genda also this guy said that he would buy treasuries even if they had no yield so many were good i mean what good is his opinion if it's that moronic you automate maybe you have you know senility is catching up with warren because obviously he can't be a great as great investor as people think if he's saying he's going to buy treasuries even if they pay zero you know if that's the case let's sell him some special treasuries it'll save the taxpayers a lot of money if warren buffett or really buy our debt if we pay nothing and of course he also said that the federal. government has a pretty impressed well you know what good is that to our creditors it's great for the government because it you know it inflates away its liabilities but it also
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inflates the way the public's assets including the asses of ward a warren buffett of course he's criticizing. s. and p. for missing some private housing bubble he missed it too he got it completely wrong in fact many of his companies might have gone bankrupt if the financial institutions weren't bailed out by by the u.s. government but be true trillion dollar man era so-called is again based on bested p. not calculating the full amount of the savings that congress claims are going to be made over the next ten years based on what degree to but almost all of the two trillion in cost have been sometime after two thousand and seventeen will be a different president will be a different contract congress they will not be bound by anything that was agreed to last week the only thing that counts are the custom were made to the two thousand and eleven budget and there are not in fact i just heard barack obama speak and you know last night talked about the need for more tax cuts he wants to cut taxes for
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the middle class and for the poor anyone to spend more money i government infrastructure that means he is advocating for bigger increases in a deficit right now ok now you bring something out there it sounds similar to what was experienced during the lyndon johnson kind of guns and butter you know they want it all and this led to a huge over expenditures was the lead ultimately to nixon closing the gold window in one nine hundred seventy one stacey arab or do i do the show with brilliantly asked me earlier in the show can obama if he was really a leader do a reverse next and just say we're going to reopen the goal window of twenty twenty five thousand dollars an ounce to inflate away these debts well that does good. played away the bets i mean that that is it it's time to remodel ties gold put the u.s. back on the gold standard yes that's what we should do but there's no chance that
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we're going to do that certainly not under obama you know that was the last time the u.s. government actually did default we defaulted on our promise to pay gold and basically rendered a dollar i feel hot i would go real value but i think that the last you're going to see in the dollar and the decade ahead is going to be far greater than the loss in one nine hundred seventy s. because the dollar mean canids reserve currency status despite the fact that we defaulted on that promise the dollar now is going to lose that status right now the only thing that's standing between the dollar and complete collapse is the foolish actions of the bank of china and bank of japan the world is propping up the dollar because they believe foolishly that it's in their political self-interest but as i said when they figure out it's no longer in their interest they will pull the plug and the dollar is going to collapse much worse than it did in one thousand seventies hopefully at some point we will go back on the gold standard but the price of gold will have to be much much higher for that to happen talk about what's
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happening on their bank of mellon they're charging fees on deposit it's over fifty million dollars to pass' can you talk about what this charging of a fee out of the posit means is a negative interest rate will we see more of it other words banks charging people to yeah so i cast i think i think this is a byproduct of too big to fail because people that have a lot of money want to put it in the shoe gentry's because they feel that they're too big to fail and so they're what their deposits are safe but the reality is both of these deposits are safe because they're all bid on it in u.s. dollars so what people need to do is convert their their dollars in other currencies work or gold of a look at the swiss franc today with the swiss franc is up almost three fold since you need a dollar thirty two to buy a swiss francs. in fact with the euro dollar forty wanted to have the swiss franc is rapidly approaching parity with the euro and it just took era when the u.s.
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dollar that happened very recently and now it's at a thirty percent premium and look at this list right i mean the years imagine where the yen would be a debate if your pant hadn't flushed you quote a fifty billion dollars down the toilet last week to buy u.s. dollars and of course u.s. treasuries what is japan doing with all those dollars that are buying their blind treasuries because they want to but because they think there's a gun to their head but but they're mistaken so instead of paying somebody to hold your dollars sell your dollars and get into this was frank or get into gold and i've got about thirty seconds left i just want to go back and revisit the gold standard idea clearly as you point out what would the problem today's inflation and my return to golf standard you are coming back to it with something that will hopefully restrain government from spending and from the printing presses from rolling out at full speed so. clearly you know as you were saying before
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if you go back to the gold standard got to find a price that way it makes sense given the fact you've had all this money printing going on for so long i know you've got a long term target on ball in the thousands but if you thought about what i what price one a guy who knew because it depends on where we are now when we go back to the gold standard obviously we go to the gold standard today and gold price will be lower if we go to it two years from now when it's going to have to be that much higher so a lot of it depends on where we get religion and of course we have it all depends on how much gold we actually have you know relative to all of our notes that are in circulation because it's a relationship between the supply of dollars and a supply of gold that when that would set. it back and what we're able to give for each of our ious. but once we do that then the spending stops then the deficit stop we can't do it anymore if we actually go on a gold standard real then we have to abide by it so i don't think we're going to go
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to it again until we have a real crisis as long as the world is buying our bonds we're going to keep selling them as well as the world is gobbling up our paper we're going to keep printing it is wise we can live beyond our means we'll do it a lot as long as politicians you get elected by plunging us deeper into debt they will do it it's not so they can't it's not until there are real consequences like a collapse of the bond market a collapse of the dollar that sends interest rates soaring that sends consumer prices soaring that case the stock market that puts people in the streets protesting you know that is not until all that happens we're not going to do the right thing all right peter schiff thanks again for being on the kaiser report based you and i that's going to do for this edition of the kaiser in par with me maximizer and stacy herbert i guess peter schiff is going to send an e-mail please do so at kaiser report r t t v that are you until next time this is max keiser saying.
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you can. get into a whole season made of the.


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