tv [untitled] August 11, 2011 12:01pm-12:31pm EDT
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now my name is kevin aware and our top story the british prime minister is considering banning rioters from social networks used to walk and eyes elements of the unrest david cameron was speaking to parliament in the wake of clashes that engulfed the country what started as a peaceful protest against police shooting a man in north london quickly grew into scenes of bedlam i've a bennett reports from london i don't think the closure of social networking sites on the cards just have a certainly tougher regulations for groups of people this is mentioned in parliament by the prime minister earlier today the cobra emergency response committee has been looking at these tough regulations they've seen the social media has played a really important part in mobilizing the rise and they're looking at ways to control it and attention banning criminal groups from from using it and actually this is come from the man who only just a few months ago praised the use of social media in mobilizing the masses and members of the public in the rise to soar in the middle east also the group did discuss the potential use of the army if the violence gets out of hand they haven't
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ruled that out so there is still a potential last resort. in the meantime though before that happens he wants police to be tough water cannons are on standby at twenty four hours notice and the police can use battens as well now this policing has already been seen in some parts video has surfaced on you she trained police in manchester a couple of nights ago. using this more robust tactic pulling off legislators from nearby schools wrestling to come to the ground this is because up in social media with a lot of criticism coming in for these tactics in the independent police watchdog has already said it will be launching an investigation into these tactics because in many parts of the country manchester in london were very busy working through the night process that one thousand two hundred arrests and among some of those charged already is an eleven year old boy on the street so the mood there is still anger anger by residents. anger the government for ignoring what they say is the
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real problem here which is unemployment not enough funds going into facilities for young people and disillusioned we will not put up with this in our country we will not allow a culture of fear to exist on our streets and we will do whatever it takes to restore law and order and rebuild our communities prime minister david cameron talks tough as he answers questions from parliament on how to reform sections of society he's branded sick but seemingly unlike cameron people who live in the country's poorest communities still have a sound rest coming exacerbated by government policy i think that certain things that we had like swimming used to me feeds the fact that. i think it gave a place for children to go and cuts and stuff like that don't give opportunities for children who are less fortunate to go and enjoy stuff in holidays so they resort to. that happens you know you can't blame you for being fed up in this
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feeling disenfranchised and there's nothing for them because it doesn't seem to be anything for them these days there's no jobs for them there's nothing for them to think that way for them to go but lying around on street corners the current sickness isn't easily cured it's links to years of liberal policies resulting in an underclass of young people who don't equate rights with responsibilities anti social behavior results in a court order seen by many as a badge of honor schooling in deprived areas is disrupted by bad behavior teachers no longer have recourse to punishment and can't count on support from parents to out to you tell me they me calm me down pay me i don't know what they need but they need some faith to control it's not on the pay. with appearance order i think they've got a lot of you nothing to do. schemes of the same place to help them have something
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to do. with the sure sure if you found one of those schemes being caught is this bus which goes round the housing estates in hackney providing much needed resources and encouragement to young people they used to be another bus to but now there's no money to pay starts so because of government cutbacks the team can only reach half the youngsters they used to they're deemed to be failing in school because they haven't met the criteria of jump through the hoops of seven g.c.s.e. . and go on to feel that have not achieved anything in life and respirations change and as a result often they are criminal or maybe drugs or just becoming a society youth unemployment in hackney east london runs it over thirty percent parts of the power are fairly affluent so it's reasonable to assume that figure rises substantially when it comes to these council estates it's become a culture where in some cases it's more profitable to stay at home and claim
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benefits than it is to go out and work for a living there are jobs there if i wanted to do them most jobs now. in pubs in shops and everywhere you go by eastern europeans who are highly educated who actually speak the language and they're getting the jobs and our own people are not getting them very often because they're not interested in education i don't really want to work the problem that marginalised it's not a quick fix and as such it's also not an election when they want this immediate situation down the console it'll be interesting to see what the government does to fix the sickness in this society if the answer is nothing you shouldn't be surprised to see violence flare again in you from all walks of life you're emmet artsy hackney. whatever the rioters will pay for what they've done but many people believe the core of the problem lies deeper in british society social policy expert tony spoke to as he says the role of parents and so far. but you saw in the mind it
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drives youngsters to criminality if we don't have a storage then how can you expect young people to learn that they need to adopt certain standards to accept that adults are going to challenge them and question their behavior or their ideas and argue with them and get them to be socialized into being mature adults we're sending out a message in our society that ad olds can be trusted there are those are voices of authority and that young people's voice needs to be paid more attention to them now that message is a very dangerous message to send out because it's a completely upset in the normal balance of things where are those are responsible for nurturing young people putting them under pressure challenging them to achieve the best they possibly can and basically where necessary giving them a hard time about where they where they're not fully coming up to the mark and i think this is a much broader problem of which in some respects these instances of riots and
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criminality are just one more obvious visible expression. should be no surprise in our society that young people think that they can wander around and you know not show respect for other people when we when we we've been through this process i think we actually need to look much deeper at this problem. israel's approve the building of sixteen hundred extra settlements in east jerusalem peace talks between both sides have been stalled by the recent construction of jewish homes in the west bank and this comes just weeks ahead of an expected move by the palestinian administration to have their state recognized at the u.n. security council his middle east correspondent paula reports. the israeli government has announced that it approves the construction of we're being told some two thousand two hundred and twenty five new housing units in neighborhoods across east jerusalem and in the coming days they are expected to give their knowledge to a further two thousand seven hundred now these housing units are in areas in
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neighborhoods across the one nine hundred sixty seven armistice lines they are areas of israel and mixed but that annexation was never recognized by the international community now certainly the timing is significant because this announcement comes as tens of thousands of israelis have taken to the streets calling for more affordable housing they're also criticizing the high costs of living in this country but the government denies that this announcement has any kind of political connotations insect interior ministry says it was merely a response to the growing housing crisis in this country but peace now movement has issued a statement and it really echoes what many activists in this country are saying and to quote from part of it it says that the government is cynically using the housing crisis in israel to promote the construction of settlements what we're likely to see through this move is certainly a strong reaction to what many are calling a provocation for quite some time now israeli palestinian peace talks have been deadlocked it certainly is not going to improve those and it comes ahead of next
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month's planned palestinian announcement of statehood early this week in a rare move the state department issued a statement in which it said that it was deeply concerned around some nine hundred housing units that formed part of this group that were being planned for a neighborhood known as the heart of home or essentially in this neighborhood illustrated to you would have a line of israeli homes that would break a palestinian state they would actually prevent palestinian east jerusalem from being connected to bethlehem so it and many saying that that is an attempt to try and make a future palestinian state that's much more improbable now last march when the vice president joe biden was here it was announced. at that stage yet the israeli government was planning to build one thousand six hundred housing units and those are part of the announcement today that created a lot of tension between the u.s. and the israeli government and thirty today what we see in light of this announcement is that kind of tension just being there exacerbated comedy's
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correspondent paula slater there let's talk now to go basket is from the israel palestinian center for research and information is joining us live from jerusalem mr baskin either so where does this latest announcement leave the two sides how's it going to affect the chance for future peace talks. well there are no future peace talks on the agenda the u.s. government has been trying behind the scenes to get the parties back to the table in front of the palestinian decision to go to the united nations but the main issue that is blocked return to negotiations is the continued settlement building by the government of israel this is not going to help the situation let's face it the government of israel feels pretty immune to any criticism around the world right now on this issue everyone is busy with the global financial crisis the united states as well those involved in. summer vacation all over europe there are some twenty percent of the u.s. congress visiting israel this week and we all know that mr netanyahu has
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a lot more support in the american congress than he does even in his own parliament so this will just be another is really building more settlements within neighborhoods of use jerusalem without anyone really blinking and going to help the situation it's not going to hurt it much more than it's already hurting and i guess good for internal pride as well thinking about the attorney internal politics israel of course has just witnessed as a massive protest against think race and cost of living in the country even say rallies calling something. to act or go is there any significance to the timing there for all this latest announcement. well i don't think it was timed with the protests that are taking place around the country because the the the process of submitting plans to the various national level district level and local level planning committees take quite some time this just came up with the agenda at
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a convenient time for most israelis are worried majority of israelis view all the settlements of east jerusalem as neighborhoods of jerusalem they're not viewed in the same way by the majority of the population of settlements that are in the heartland of the west bank and therefore they're perceived by most as really as being acceptable these are parts of the future capital of israel that will be recognized by the world in the perception of most israelis. just now israel appears doesn't it to be for want of a better word sat think washington between time to accommodate its main middle east and the arab world on the other washington going along nonetheless stressing its commitment to the jewish state sometime soon do you think u.s. patience will run out with israel. i don't think so i think we're heading into election season the united states president obama is not going to make the middle east peace issue its main issue on the agenda it is very rare for a u.s.
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president to be able to show any successes in middle east peace and this is not a time when it seems likely that israelis and palestinians will be moving towards the peace talks and that the americans will be leading the way. the u.s. congress is very divided against obama and the u.s. congress is very strongly supportive of israel i don't think that president obama is going to go to war with the u.s. congress on this issue. just briefly bring us up to date i mean as i just over a week ago the. israeli pm was reportedly ready to negotiate peace talks on that deal based on pretty nine hundred sixty seven borders and that is that issue seems to have disappeared now. well the prime minister was forced by the americans under considerable pressure to agree to the or bomber parameters the press seemed to excuse to extend to eat the point of the nine hundred sixty seven borders with agreed growing to ritual swaps with religious perspective there
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were two other things in in obama's speech one was talking about a demilitarized palestinian state and the other was talking about israel as the recognized program to the jewish people something which the palestinians don't exactly this is what mr netanyahu was pushing or i go should be asking from the israel palestinian center for research and information thanks for your important program. don't get check out our web site r.t. dot com for more news blogs and analysis is a place where we got online for you tonight swift revenge nato says insurgents in afghanistan down the coalition's helicopter leaving thirty eight dead a couple of days ago were killed in a special operation that some of the taliban and you can pick up that story tonight online from us also a story broke yesterday find out what's being done to stop sexual predators when the father friend is escaped justice in russia's far east cannot call about one thirty eight now online at r.t. dot com for us. the loss of america's aaa credit score sparked
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panic sell off some global markets after several days of concern over whether france would retain its status rating giants have now reaffirmed its top billing wednesday but investors remain unconvinced as the country's finances are solid enough problems in the eurozone will be up for discussion too by the french and german leaders next week let's bring in max tired of always good seeing financial advisor and host of course of the cars report here on r.t. let's get him to shed some light on it back so let's look at the french economy you are from the inside of there in paris now do you think it is headed for a downgrade what's the picture. well the french banks are loaded with toxic derivatives that were sold to them by american investment banks and the american investment banks plus the rating agencies plus the hedge funds are now attacking these french banks banks they know where the bodies are buried and they're using the weapons that they sold them to attack them and you know going
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back to the s. and p. downgrade just before the s. and p. downgrade of u.s. debt i told you point blank with certainty that the rating would be downgraded now i'm telling you that the rating will be downgraded again because this is part of a new era on wall street where they go after sovereign debt and the hedge funds and the rating agencies and wall street banks work together now to destabilize the sovereign debt of these countries because remember the hedge funds wall street working with the rating agencies are bigger than any of these countries is pretty such a volatile week mark so it is any of this likely to settle down soon judging by what you say and there i guess the answer is no absolutely not the volatility was the goal as i explained before the ratings downgrade by downgrading you create volatility today the financial times in the front page reported that the derivatives volume this week is exploding it's higher than at any week in history
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that is making a lot of people on wall street and in the city of london very very rich that's the goal so they will continue to downgrade continue to stoke volatility and continue to milk the system and extract wealth will come back to america in a minute sort of focus again back home from the. general's been battling rumors for a while know that it's up for a government bailout can you shed any light on what you think. well society generale and b.n.p. and credit agricole are insolvent their balance sheets are six to ten times bigger in terms of the debt that they carry than they could possibly service but it's carried on the shadow banking system they don't report this debt but the insiders around the world wield the weapons of mass financial destruction know where the bodies are buried and they're attacking them to force these unrealised that's on their balance sheet to force these companies into delinquency into a foreclosure because they are going to rape again billions of dollars attacking
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these banks these banks are insolvent cabin. society generali is an insolvent institution so is b m p they they can't possibly meet they're there to credit demands absolutely not. it's a grim outlook about how you look at it these assertive measures that are being forced on people in europe or in the us are inevitably of course going to the most vulnerable members of society thinking in the us medicare medicaid there are also fears of course these cuts could slow growth and bring about another wave a double dip recession as you've been bio about for a long time is there any thing positive to come out of this approach this austerity approach. gold and silver gold making new all time highs but kevin you have to understand this is a war this is the world war three this is the new war using financial derivatives and the objective is to preserve the speculative rates given to the wall street bankers of zero percent you know ben bernanke you this week came out
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and said we're going to keep interest rates at zero for another jew years or indefinitely that doesn't help workers that doesn't help savers it doesn't help society that only helps speculators that only helps the plunderers and if you look at those riots in london all those plunderers on the street were doing is mimicking the plundering of goldman sachs and j.p. morgan i'm surprised goldman sachs is not down the street trying to recruit these kids to work at goldman sachs and j.p. morgan they're actually employ why don't they work on wall street they've proven themselves let's give him a job but to the fed announcement again are you at all surprised that the p.l.o. wasn't any better that there was the it was so down beat. which announcement is a standing there now is not only one of the way give ben bernanke you seem really quite downbeat about the future of the economy did you think you'd be upping it more as p.r. if nothing else no no ok i mean you have to understand that bernanke is job is to be down in the mouth and say that he must keep interest rates low that's his job
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and to determine where interest rates should be he looks at a series of statistics that do not include energy or food so he does not see inflation he only looks at things that are falling and cries and therefore he concludes that there is deflation and that interest may rates must be near zero and in switzerland now interest rates have gone negative they're charging people to keep money at the bank also in the united states are introducing negative interest rates this will be my prediction will be this will be widespread all of the g. twenty nations negative interest rates forcing people into these speculative bets which of course benefit the terrorist the financial terrorist j.p. morgan goldman sachs see barclays the central banks the bank of international settlements the rating agencies the hedge funds this is a war max coy sir thank you a grim picture of a financial adviser and host of course of the cause report but is on as well here
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on r.t. don't forget keep up to date with all the latest from max. a government opened fire on the defense ministry in tallinn and two hostages has been confirmed dead the man burst into the headquarters and took two people hostage earlier on thursday the security forces then stormed the building there are no reports of the casualties investigators and i looking into the incident to bring it to date on some world news in brief a blast has ripped through a car park near a commercial center in the lebanese capital beirut it's killed at least to a vehicle belonging to the son of a judge was nearby when the explosion happened but it was unclear whether it was the target the areas since been sealed off by security forces as the investigation continues the video targeted bomb attacks in lebanon for the past three years. syrian forces have killed at least ten people as they stalled two towns in the central province of homs and they cracked an anti government protesters like to say tanks entered the areas forcing residents to flee the violence earlier the army attacked a town near the turkish border detained at least one hundred people it comes to
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spite the u.s. tightening sanctions against syria. phone operator and increasing pressure on president sad to end the clamp. at least seven people including a child died after a female suicide attackers in the hand car bomb targeted a pakistani police check post this if you push out where the explosions happened lies new areas where militants are known to operate taliban and al qaeda linked bombers have killed four thousand five hundred people in pakistan since two thousand and seven attacks millions of security forces have been on the rise since the killing of a sound bin laden in may. so r.t. you got support for you are now about twenty minutes time unions got all you need to know about the final major of the golfing year this business next get across the latest with dmitri. thanks kevin hello and welcome to the business update on our see the russian markets have closed in positive territory for the first time in seven trading
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sessions was anything but a smoove day however with the markets experiencing exceptional volatility moscow was given a lift towards the close after wall street opened strongly rather national capital explains what he thinks might bring some stability and sanity back to the market. it's crazy the moment i think the markets are. really trading on right now as much as anything else everybody's watching everybody else and trying to work out what's going to happen next nervously that's very difficult with the volatility that we're seeing right now the markets are still trying to gauge whether this is the first stage in what could be a multi-stage downturn or is this just is this just a correction a big nasty correction i don't think there's any sort of one one thing that people are looking for i would go. i would guess right now the world is hoping to see some sort of coordinated effort from the monetary authorities in both europe and the u.s. to try and address these kinds of these kinds of issues you know perhaps if there's one thing that could sort of draw a line under everything is the european union finally admitting that there needs to
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be some kind of fiscal union within europe. take a look at the closing pictures of that. only positive session in seven years up half a percent so is the of my six this is as we mentioned on the back of a positive from wall street opening when actually saw drops of around five percent in the middle of the session saying look at some of the individual share movers most energy mages were actually raising gains by the end of the session but gazprom went up four point six percent at the close norilsk nickel was down two percent at the end of the session a minus of surgery as more about two percent of the company shares one point two billion dollars and also ross telecom they're seeing a tremendous drop of fourteen and a half percent this is on the back of a revaluation of the united a company rules telecom with all of its subsidiaries. secular going through what's going on in europe at the close of the first day session the footsies up three
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point one percent the dax three point three european union's market supervisor says european regulators are increasing surveillance of financial markets following several days of steep sell offs and in the u.s. markets are up after better than expected jobs date certain new jobless claims declined by seven thousand last week bringing the stare down to its lowest since april when actually an increase of jobless claims was expected. to come moderate see gold and silver both precious metals are declining more than two percent as investors are moving back to riskier assets so there's a there's a reverse correlation between gold and stock performance of course. let's move now to the oil. and. actually now positive light sweet up almost a dollar brant up just for said confidence in the. economy in the global markets comes back. the markets are playing havoc with how
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people should keep their savings aspiring politician an accomplished businessman says he still favors the world's two largest reserve currency you have those who should. i would recommend the following people to hear is personal spending in rubles and the rest will split fifty fifty between dollars and euros and with that stop worrying and it's nice if you can mr prado well business will be back in fifteen minutes time with plenty more happens next with headlines. if. coming.
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top stories tonight. to shut down online social networks. britain asks if the government. of israel approves the building of new. territories. for recognition of this space. with the future of the u.s. economy. whether this. next. caught up with a prominent russian astronomer who is convinced that life forms on other planets will be discovered. is more.
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