tv [untitled] August 11, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT
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he's available in the movie the joint the hotel rooms the home of villas the gateway hotel the grand imperial college and the george west coast coromandel nucular with her till the close of the show to see dodi to go and. understand the colonel was hotel to retreat. this is our top stories tonight the u.k. is reeling from several nights of brutal chaos and violence on its streets as britain asks if the government will lend breaches in a social system blame for instigating the rest. and social media could now be on the threat the government wants to crack down on criminal groups operating online more from london coming up shortly. also ahead israel's steaming ahead with building settlements in the occupied territories just weeks before palestinian authorities are expected to ask the united nations for recognition of a state. that is experts predict a further decline of the u.s.
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economy average americans fear society will share a similar fate forcing some to take radical measures to survive the future for. this is kevin owen here tonight it's eleven pm our top story for you the british prime minister is considering banning rioters from social networks used to organize elements of the unrest david cameron speaking to parliament in the wake of clashes that engulfed the country what started as a peaceful protest against police shooting a man in north london quickly grew the scenes of bedlam other bennett reports from london. i don't think the closure of social networking sites on the cards just yet it's certainly regulations for certain groups of people this was mentioned in poland by the prime minister earlier today the cobra emergency response committee
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has been looking at these tough regulations they've seen the social media has played a really important part in mobilizing these rise and they're looking at ways to control it and tensely banning criminal groups from from using it and actually this is come from the man who only just a few months ago praised the use of social media in mobilizing the masses and members of the public in the right place or in the middle east also did discuss the potential use of the army if the violence gets out of hand they haven't ruled that out so there is still a potential last resort. in the meantime no before that happens he wants police water cannons on standby twenty four hours notice and the police can use battens as well now this policing has already been seen in some parts video has surfaced on you she trained police in manchester a couple of nights ago. using this more robust tactic pulling off the alleged looters from a bicycle wrestling to them to the ground this is because the uproar in social
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media with a lot of criticism coming in from these tactics in the independent police watchdog has already said it will be launching an investigation into these tactics because in many parts of the country manchester birmingham london very busy working through the night to process the one thousand two hundred arrests and among some of those charged already is an eleven year old boy on the street so the mood there is still anger anger by residents and anger at the government for ignoring what they say is the real problem here which is unemployment not enough funds going into facilities for young people and disillusioned youth we will not put up with this in our country we will allow a culture of fear to exist on our streets and we will do whatever it takes to restore all. and order and rebuild communities prime minister david cameron talks tough as he answers questions from parliament on how to reform sections of society he's branded sick but seemingly unlike cameron people who live in the country's
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poorest communities still based on breath coming exacerbated by government policy i think that certain things that we had lacked swimming used to be things the fact that. i think it gave a place for children to go and cuts and stuff like that will give opportunities for children who are less fortunate to go interest stuff in holidays so they resort to those like habits you know you can be used to being fed up in this feeling disenfranchised feeling is nothing is it is the same to be anything for these days there's no jobs for them it's nothing for them to think they're within survey but lying around on street corners the current sickness isn't easily cured it's links to years of liberal policies resulting in an underclass of young people who don't equate rights with responsibilities and she social behavior results in a court order seen by many as a badge of honor schooling in deprived areas is disrupted by bad behavior teachers
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no longer have recourse to punishment and can't count on support from parents chew up the you bed me pay me to calm me down pay me i don't know what they mean but they need something to take control now on. with. i think they've got a lot of. schemes the same place to help them have something to do again exploit. sutras you found one of those schemes being cut is this class which goes round the housing estates in hackney providing much needed resources and encouragement to young people they used to be another past. but now there's no money to pay star so because of government cutbacks the team can only reach half the youngsters they used to be failing in school because they haven't met the criteria jump through the hoops of seven seas. and go on to feel that they
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have not achieved anything in life and the restoration change and as a result often they go into criminal or maybe drugs or just becoming a problem in society youth unemployment in hackney east london runs it over thirty percent parts of the power are fairly affluent so it's reasonable to assume that fico prices substantially when it comes to these council estates it's become a culture where in some cases it's more profitable to stay at home and claim benefits than it is to go out and work for a living there if i wanted most jobs now i feel in part think shops and everywhere you go there for why eastern europeans who are highly educated who actually speak the language and they're getting the jobs and our own people are not getting them very often because they're not interested in education i don't really want to work the problem of marginalised it's not a quick fix in our hearts it's also not to live next and when they want it immediately it's wasted on the console it'll be interesting to see what the
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government does to fix the sickness in this is that i see if the answer is nothing is said to be surprised to see violence get in you from all walks of life your and it's party actually. so social websites like facebook and twitter understand the news david cameron values to do whatever it takes to restore order in the u.k. as part of political activists chris knights and told me he believes the media campaign is ridiculous and warns of the real issues being missed well obviously there's been a lot of violence. and looting going on recently and we need to crack down on crime but really for that crackdown to be a factor it has to start at the top of this government is closing down. swimming pools is shutting youth centers and it's randall i think the economy we've got a lot of looting going on we need to crack down on crime that crackdown has to start at the top with the with the with the criminals who made
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a successful living out of crime just so ironic having celebrated for facebook revolution the social media the twitter revolution across north africa and the arab world suddenly. decided to crack down on the media here it's absolutely not the issue the issue is inequality you know the issue is is is the most but i mean what kind of society are we that drives eleven year olds fourteen year old kids to that's. mental state to you know to burn the local school that that's really action we need we need action not weasel politicians words well that's one person's thoughts what's yours on a website our team dot com we've been asking what a possible crackdown on social networks in the u.k. could mean thanks for letting us know if you have taken part this is what you're telling us so far the majority of you believe it would be a serious blow to democracy in that britain would stand in line with countries like china libya egypt if you went ahead others over there were convinced the measure would never be in force you don't think you'd ever get that far anyway the rest of
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you agree with david cameron the banning users from the web would make it harder to organize further crimes it's an interesting question what's your view on it let us know what are called most the chance that you'll say on our channel. israel has approved the building of sixteen hundred extra settlements in east jerusalem peace talks between both sides have been stalled by the recent construction of jewish homes in the west bank this comes just weeks ahead of an expected move by the palestinians ministration to have this state recognized by the u.n. security council middle east correspondent paula sleep round it all up for you. the israeli government has announced that it approves the construction of new been told some two thousand two hundred and twenty five new housing units in neighborhoods across east jerusalem and in the coming days they're expected to give been not to the two thousand seven hundred now these housing units are in areas in neighborhoods across the one nine hundred sixty seven armistice lines they are areas of israel and mixed but that explanation was never recognized by the
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international community now thirdly the timing is significant because this announcement comes as tens of thousands of israelis have taken to the streets calling for more affordable housing they're also criticizing the high cost of living in this country but the government denies that its announcement has any kind of political connotations insect interior ministry says it was merely i was funds to the growing housing crisis in this country but he's now movement has issued a statement and it really echoes what many activists in this country are saying and to quote from part of it it's there that the government is cynically using the housing crisis in israel to promote the construction of settlements what we're likely to see it as move is certainly a strong reaction to what many are calling a provocation and for quite some time now israeli palestinian peace talks have been deadlocked it certainly is not going to improve those and it comes a hit of next month's planned palestinian announcement of statehood early this week in a rare move the u.s.
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state department issued a statement in which it appeared that it was deeply concerned around some nine hundred housing units or form part of this group that would be in command for a neighborhood known as the heart of home or essentially in this neighborhood illustrated would have a line of his radio homes that would break a palestinian state they would actually prevent palestinian easter who stole them from being connected to bethlehem so it and many saying that that is an attempt to try and make a future palestinian state that much more improbable now last march when the erase vice president joe biden was here it was a man. the backstage at these really government was planning to build one thousand eight hundred housing units and those are part of the announcement today that created a lot of tension between the u.s. and the israeli government and thirty today what we thing in light of this announcement is that kind of tension just been further exacerbated. correspondent there with the latest move to check a web site to get a minute arteaga or confirmation news blogs and analysis from us is it safe for
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a few stories you might like tonight swift revenge nato says insurgents in afghanistan who are one of the coalition's helicopters you might recall the b. fifty eight they were killed in a special operation in the meantime that some of the taliban is and i'm going to catch up with a whole story there online from us tonight r.t. dog home and story boy yes they didn't catch it you might one of the world where this will interest you find out what's being done to stop sexual predators when the fed there's a skate justice in russia's far east it's been ugly quite a lot there and people have banded together to try to protect themselves and their kids it's at our home tonight exclusively from our style. to american contractors could go ahead with a civil lawsuit over allegations that were wrongfully held and tortured in iraq by the u.s. forces donald rumsfeld the country's former secretary of defense could be held personally liable now the two men worked for a private security company in iraq in two thousand and six when at the time they highlighted concerns the firm was engaged in corruption they were detained for nine
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months to the u.s. military facility near baghdad airport and released without explanation or charge i spoke to brian back from the anti war coalition who told me this case could open a door for punishment for officials from the bush administration accused of torture . what we have to recognize is that by stripping rumsfeld of immunity for the acts of torture against american citizens this opens wide to do are not only for rumsfeld but for dick cheney for bush for all of those who advocated or put into place policies like the policy of torture which they call enhanced interrogation techniques euphemistically and very thinly euphemistically disguising torture which is illegal then that means all of these people could be in the dark if you try to hold pentagon officials in this case the head of the pentagon donald rumsfeld accountable for torture or other illegal acts that somehow shackles the hands of u.s. military ironically it suggests that the united states government needs to demands
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too and is engaging in illegal acts and that if anyone holds them accountable that will be quote shackling their effort to carry out war it's partly demagogy but by virtue of the nature of the argument it also reveals that they in fact have institutionalized torture otherwise they would not be afraid of the allegation against it that was brought back a little so america's aaa credit score spots sell off some global market situation is a big choppy so far off the suffering that was struck since two thousand and eight on monday while the federal reserve admitted the economy was weaker than it previously thought that no immediate stimulus package would offer the lifted either increasing investor fears let's talk to mature a bit he's joined this to know still the news radio station or better world we all wish for it that way which i love to see thanks for being on the program the american people are now facing social programs like medicare medicaid but
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yet the huge military budget used for the america's many foreign wars remains virtually all touched ferro not put that to you. well i think this is one of the tragic things of our u.s. government and the way it managers our tax payers money haven't and i hope that this comes to an end sometime soon the republicans seem like they are hell bent on driving our economy into the ground no matter what it costs and to deprive people that are so needy of basic social services and programs it's really very tragic so how does washington playing to justify all these cuts to these people in need i'm sorry how is washington planning to justify these cuts. oh yes i don't think they can justify them they do it in the name of debt as though
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debt is the most horrible thing on the planet it's not it's not necessarily a good thing but there is a history that shows that when a nation has debt it actually helps to stimulate the economy it's an interesting inverse of the way the republican head said regards the situation so no one wants to be heavily in debt and there is a need to draw on necessary costs but it's very valuable to keep those costs that serve people instead of just the banking industry the federal reserve bank and other lords corporations that are basically running our treasury and our government we saw so many political games did away in washington playing a big role in the downgrade no but i look at it and as we came up to that default
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deadline looming a week last tuesday it seemed the party agenda was coming before the country stability was played run up to the wire i mean but you're looking at it from abroad it looked pretty strange but one of the american public think of that. well from abroad and for some of us here kevin it looks like children playing in a sandbox except the sand belongs to us we the people in reality it's absurd there is a level of self interest taking place on both sides but primarily on the republican side that seems to know no end it is very apparent to many of us haven't that they are playing into the hands of their corporate sponsors and that essentially a small group cabal if you will which was the word i used in my huffington post article is really calling the shots on behalf of the people of the
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republicans and the republicans are very much just puppets it's a very sad situation it's actually pathetic and we are all suffering as a result of this is it wishful thinking about president obama's calling for lawmakers to learn from what's happened to work together better in future all things really come down after the elections next year. well it's a beautiful idea i would love to see it actually happen but i don't think it's actually realistic at this point in time look my original profession is in psychology and so i regard all that's going on on the stage or i should see the circus of washington d.c. as a play of psychological issues essential a pathology and until one learns to step out of one's own.
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position and look at the world from a fresh and from a higher point of view and taking into consideration the people who the congress is supposed to be serving and with some compassionate hearts go back to the people and go back to congress and start thinking and legislating in negotiating from that point of view we don't stand a chance so even though things look really very devastating from one point of view kev and i will do or say this is a new beginning it needs to happen the way it's happening just so that we can see the horror of the current situation and stored a new type of government and a new type of governance and a relationship between the economic sector the corporate sector and the people themselves. good of you on the program journalists most of the news radio station a better world we hope it all thanks for being with us. we cannot begin to civility
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spreading across the globe and fears of more fukushima star nuclear disasters the number of doomsday believers is on the rise struggling global finances are increasingly sending people to stock up on basic necessities artes and a sincere church could have made some americans were ready for the worst. it's a typical house in a regular suburban town right here of families preparing for the end of the world. german mouser and p. thirty eight from world war two a twelve gauge shotgun. a forty caliber pistol and an eight ar fifteen weapons and ammunition are key if we're carrying this out on the street for some reason and it's you know and the world trade situation keith persecutor a certified n.r.a. instructor and all of two businesses sourced food and supplies to help him survive no matter what disaster might break down the government is one thing
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a lot of people are preparing for now there is some possible paid for social security. i don't really want to need any of this kind of court and for that we're going to have a lot of americans that are. thirty seven year old is a long thousands of american preppers that would rather have you ready than sorry he spoke with the founder of the preppers network from inside his truck the most political but more economic crises people every day lose their jobs. and have to rely on stored up. your gas masks bullet proof vests canned food tents and helmets you know basements like this one a proper survival bag is not a typical first aid kit it includes things like a parachute cord of body heater and seeing space blankets a survival knife a meal ready to eat and bag emergency drinking water according to proper is one must also be ready for chemical catastrophes or
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a large scale terrorist attack continuously and on top of you you have come to love the. slip and. if you don't situation want to have. someone you know one hundred percent sure he's going to get through to you know a variety of walkie talkies are ready for use if the communication network shuts down so you wait so we'll keep it to. you for being on the other end of the mine keith spotter who. actually in the next room. a police officer for twenty five years he's now retired is mean past time is up really am radio. communications with disaster straight. me an earthquake on shipping and a couple months ago i really put a big chord in providing ricky communications with everything else feel there is one scenario he fears more than others through a silk over nuclear for oil really propagation and we're probably for all practical
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purposes sheesh around ten thousand dollars is the hefty price tag for these supplies but to preppers it's not just him grand sitting in a basement. but uncertainty taking over the us he's seen those who seem paranoid today may end up being the smartest tomorrow and artsy somerville new jersey. liberal news tonight six militants were killed in an anti terrorist raid of a couple of russians southern republican. police say among the dead was the leader of a terrorist cell responsible for attacks on security forces and officials it's thought that he helped train a suicide bomber who blew himself up at a military camp of the republic last year fifty six officers were killed in that attack pakistan remains russia's most volatile region facing near daily militant violence. and some twenty three pm no thanks being with us come out shortly tonight because report for you max and stacey discussed so america's whitney economy could
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drag other countries down with its short wave in the meantime a skilled latest business live from moscow dmitri medvedev is here next. thanks kevin the russian markets have closed in positive territory for the first time in seven trading sessions it was anything but a smooth day with markets experiencing exceptional volatility moscow was given a lift was the close after wall street opened strongly for the national journal capital explains what he thinks might bring some stability and sanity back to the markets. it's crazy moments i think the markets are. really trading on the fear right now as much as anything else everybody's watching everybody else and trying to work out what's going to happen next nobody that's very difficult with the volatility and overseeing right now the markets are still trying to gauge whether this is the first stage in what could be a multi-stage downturn or is this just is this just a correction a big nasty correction i don't think there's any sort of one one thing that people
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are looking for i would guess i would guess right now the world is hoping to see some sort of coordinated effort from the monetary authorities in both europe and the u.s. to try and address these kinds of these kinds of issues perhaps if there's one thing that could sort of draw a line under everything is the european union finally admitting that there needs to be some kind of fiscal union within europe. oh i let's take a look at how the markets recovering massively united states there are much better than just calls itself that softer than expected job states a new job was claims declined by seven thousand last week bringing the stuff down to its lowest since april there were dow jones is up four point six percent nasdaq more than five percent. take a look at the closing picture in europe where the footsie ended explain more than three percent the european union's not cute supervisor said the european regulators are increasing surveillance of financial markets following several days of steep sell. mela closing picture in russia where the r.t.s.
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m i six only managed half a percent of gains but that's at least a positive session which hasn't happened since last tuesday and let's take a look at some of the movers for my outstanding performance of energy shares four point six percent norilsk nickel is down i think close to minus some serious pullback two percent of the company cheers for one point three billion dollars and ross telecom lost fifteen percent after revaluation of the united company told its subsidiary. so commodities now in gold is trading low ailes is still bought that stock to setting a record high for gold of eighteen hundred dollars per ounce but this hour's down two point six percent of the buses are moving back into stocks from safe haven assets. prices have started a bet some expected recovery in light sweet is up two dollars seventy five cents brands is almost one hundred eight dollars per barrel as the confidence comes back
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more news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world is seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations are on the day. mission priests are going to take three years for charges free. range missile tests priests accused priests volunteers flooding video for your media project a free media gun to r t dot com.
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