tv [untitled] August 11, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and hear see some other part of it and realize that everything is ok if you don't. charge welcome to the big picture. let's not forget that we had an apartheid museum right here.
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artist time for show and tell us nice program now last time we discussed how one media al that was helping our forty's in london find out who the culprits are looting and vandalism but is that really the media's job or should that be left for law enforcement to get a producer for treason essentially to find out what you have to say. if you're going to use your blackberry to do anything illegal oh perhaps you need to read the company's privacy policy first it says a country's courts governments or a law enforcement agencies could obtain disclosure of your information under that country's law but it does not say it is a blackberry executives can just side on their own whether disclosure communications so police have blackberry feels you are going to do something illegal the only other hand facebook's privacy policy is a little bit more up front about how they're going to protect your privacy policy says we meaning facebook may share information when we believe it is necessary to
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prevent illegal activity may include sharing with other companies lawyers courts or government entities so was it ok for blackberry or other social media to decide on their own to share messages with police to help track down these riders well stephen said yes absolutely they should bill said without a doubt catching criminals is nothing to be ashamed of folks on you tube disagreed absolutely not he said though i'm against violence of riders just says against furthering the scope of big brother scott added it would only expect a coming of a colon surveillance state the media and police working hand in hand know they well all of you who replied made good arguments let's not lose track of the fact that technology all cuts both ways and may have been used to organize riots but on the other hand the london police also they also use facebook twitter to aid in a rat's. this was organized cleanup efforts after the riots so
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a majority of you agreed that writers need to face justice but the question still remains who decides when information is turned over to one side or the other is it a democratically appointed court or someone sitting behind the desk at room blackberry. as always thank you for your responses and here's our next question for you now we just debated whether the pentagon should really know who the guy was a shot down a helicopter and killed thirty u.s. service members in afghanistan last week that or was this all just a few are starting to let us know what you think do you believe the pentagon when they say they shot the guy that was responsible for taking down the u.s. helicopter in afghanistan you can respond to us on facebook twitter and you too and those are responses just like me. all political eyes are on iowa as the g.o.p. presidential candidates will engage in another debates and i had had a straw poll this weekend i will flip flopping on issues or just not energizing the crowd could be big problems for some candidates how much does religion play
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a role and i don't mean who can prove that they're more against abortion and gay marriage in the next guy or girl i mean the fact that both mitt romney and jon huntsman are mormon in a recent quinnipiac poll found that one third of americans so they were somewhat or entirely uncomfortable with a presidential candidate who is a member of the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints thirty two percent said they had an unfavorable opinion of the mormon religion and the week when we saw the conviction of warren jeffs the leader of the largest polygamist sect in the u.s. you have to wonder how much of a connection americans still make with mormons and polygamy a recent gallup poll finds that eighty six percent of americans think the polygamy is morally wrong so why is that and our polygamy and democracy incompatible joining me to discuss this is joseph henrik associate professor at the university of british columbia just want to thank you very much for joining us tonight and so if we can just start with this basic idea just a name. off
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a couple of polls right as to why americans are so against polygamy and think it's so morally wrong what do you think that really stems from is this another one of those cases where they say well that's because the bible defines marriage as just between one man and one woman. you know i think it comes from their cultural traditions and the fact that they were they grew up wanting to believe certain things certain cultural practices certain institutions but i mean there is there is an argument that polygamy increases crime rates by creating a large pool of men who are marriageable and then they begin to take risks and this leads to more crime and has a bunch of downstream negative impacts on society so i believe the argument that monogamy spreads because it's it's better for the group it's better for society well give us a little more insight into that i mean do you say then that polygamy and democracy can go hand in hand well the part with democracy is an interesting question i mean
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it's going to have negative effects on things like crime in the equality of women whether or not the marker seasonable but historians have speculated that. monogamy in the in the european and western tradition. monogamy preceded the emergence of democratic governments and so it's the first time in which the king and peasant are not on the same platform you can only have one whites. and we know that monogamy emerged in ancient greece just at the time the greeks are being a developer basic ideals of the foundations of democracy and then it's going to rome and that's right you're from there now how do you compare that to you know what we see going on now that because there is that idea of equality you're right that every person can only have one wife or one husband but these days there's money to get in the way because you can be a very wealthy individual here in the u.s. they can have multiple dives that through the sense of getting married many times and getting divorced every single time and still being able to pay off all the alimony whatever comes with it. sure so the i mean the rules we have now that are
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scribe monogamy it prevents rich men from accumulating large numbers of wives every time you want to get a new way to get really old which keeps the total number of women out there roughly or. actually just created an interesting guy it's not nearly as much as you'd get if you know the richest men of billionaires in the world and the country could accumulate literally hundreds of lives that they could support as well as millionaires for each other or i guess these days they also can just accumulate mistresses if they had to and probably put them up in penthouse apartments all over the world or in whatever city they need to write a little mistresses are harder to hold onto than wives because you know there's all these institutional and expectations in the community about what a way for supposed to do as opposed to what mistresses and you know that the key to understanding marriages is not with the contract between the two people but how the rest of the community feels about it they're the ones who do the policing are the
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ones reflect the reputation of the individuals involved it's interesting that so then let's get back to this idea right the way that americans look at polygamy i don't think most americans think of polygamy and think of crime rates going up necessarily it is about morality becomes about judgment the way that they've you someone else's marriage so it's do you think that the idea of polygamy then has something to do with the way that americans view the mormon religion even though for example mitt romney and jon huntsman they are not polygamists even though they are mormons. i think to go to realize the modern mormonism as has long since given up literally under under pressure from the united states government in the late nineteenth century but so you don't want to confuse the fundamentalist mormons of the warren jeffs with with modern mormonism i think a fair. so my oh my understanding of cultural evolution is that you know people believe this stuff because it's part of the religion or as part of their cultural beliefs or whatnot but the reason why it's read it's been so successful in societies that adopt these these deeply held sometimes moral and religious
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convictions is because those societies are more successful they have better economic systems in part because of the institutions they have one of which is monogamy but people don't understand why it works it just does work and it spreads because it does work so now what do you think of where monogamy is these days i guess you could still say that for the most part the majority of relations ships are monogamous once but people are waiting much longer to settle down right there is more of a hookup culture if you are if you're younger and then at the same time divorce rates are constantly skyrocketing so is monogamy in peril but i think when you think about this it's important to distinguish sexual monogamy with the number of people you have sex with from marital not so the thing that makes the social system work is marital bernard so you can only have exclusive sexual relations with one person you have this economic relationship it goes on and as well if people have short term nonexclusive relationships on the side that doesn't affect any of the
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sort of public policy questions ok interesting now if we go back to this connection they are making to between democracy and monogamy as well i mean are there countries out there which you can pinpoint now right if we look more at islamic culture where oftentimes men do have many wives do you think that it's not possible for democracy to be there or that it might come harder and we are seeing arab spring we are seeing a number of uprisings revolutions and questions for democracy around the world. so the first thing to realize about islam is that it's a partial step towards towards what are your rights so. now islam limits you know to four wives and there's restrictions about treating them equally about taking away if you care for so compared to the place where his long started it's a tremendous restriction on the number of life limiting it to four but. i do think that these things will co-opt his educate more well you most women one of the things that look to me like me clearly pushes against is it pushes towards female
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inequality so their forces are looking for c.m.l. equality these two things are going to you know move together in social it looks very interesting perspective i think that of course some people might be skewed if they watch some t.v. h.b.o. of course has their show big love that kind of makes polygamy local like find out but i guess the reality is definitely are not always the same as they look on t.v. that's for sure i want to thank you very much for joining us tonight. here. now sort of contact you best friends a media mogul and criminal allegations now that he's going to answer a good deal of time when we return and then stick around for happy hour maybe i'll enjoy the mile high club without even leaving your seat plus outrage over a planned osama bin laden packing stuff. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something
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hypers night school time award and tonight involves news corp and the man in charge of investigating the company here in the u.s. his story begins with the u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york preet bharara he's been given the task of determining if news corp broke any laws here in the u.s. as you know these corp is under investigation for hacking in the u.k. company's use of the world tabloid is accused of hacking of phones of celebrities the royal family the dead british soldiers and a young murder victim so the scandal was so bad that the tabloid was closed by murdoch and parliament hauled rupert and his son james before them to testify over those allegations and of course both of them denied any knowledge of what was happening in rupert was very sorry. i was just a. great number. are now back to the hacking case here in the u.s. so is tasked with looking into allegations the nine eleven victims might have had their phones hacked along with charges of corruption anti-competitive behavior like
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company owned by news corp and this is where the case gets interesting now i want to bring in the it did he's been picked up by rupert murdoch to lead news corp's internal probe and he's also on the board of news corp now viewed as a great legal record he was an assistant attorney general in the bush administration he even clerked for former supreme court justice sandra day o'connor so we have the it in running the internal probe at news corp and prepare a running the u.s. attorney's investigation but as the atlantic report today seems like a vietnam priests are actually good friends now you might be asking how their friends like i don't know maybe they had a beer or two in the past nothing major. actually a v. it was betts best man at a wedding and i'm not making that what i. so the two are actual best friends and one is investigating the other's company for possible criminal activity the same body else think there might be a little bit of a conflict of interest here but the story gets even better if it did know who works
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for rupert is actually the godfather or one of rupert sons so wow what a tangled web these guys are trying to weave now it's time magazine article about the connection so that it's unclear yet have ever discussed any intention of recusing themselves from either side of this investigation and they would speak time magazine about the case but you have to wonder that rupert murdoch paper viet dinh to run the internal investigation because he was best friends with preet bharara i'm sure that this would be his answer eighty. eighty. eight it should be so and i want to point out the none of the men have done anything wrong or illegal prosecutors and defense lawyers are often friends in trials all over the world but this case doesn't pass the smell test i'm going to say no it looks like the u.s. attorney's office is a little too cozy with the company that they're supposed to be investigating and
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that's why we're giving our and be a dancer nights full time award and hell i'll even throw rupert murdoch as well. ok guys it's time for happy hour this evening and joining me tonight archie producer jenny churchill and jim hansen retired special operations master sergeant and military blogger of black five dot net hey guys how's it going. you know. clothing companies are always trying to make to get people to think of their hip and they're cool and this is why you should be wearing your stuff and so levi's made an ad like that about why you should be wearing their jeans but some people think that maybe the timing of the release of this bridge by the way they have now pulled from the web since we found the story this morning you know the timing wasn't quite right you take
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a look. your life is your life. a little bit close to each of you. there are ways out there is light somewhere it may not be much like the beach that you. were like. which was. ok so there's riot police feel a bit of tear gas there and so everybody automatically says looks really bad time to be advertising riots considering what's going on in london that you know you can just walk in for the right place and say check out my levis in the leave you alone but i don't really think that's a riot footage yes there is tear gas but often tear gas is used when there's not necessarily a riot taking place it could be a peaceful protest. and i am i was running out all the time i mean if you did your intro to you well alone or are you honestly trying to tell me that this levi's ad
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isn't trying to capitalize on the arab spring please tell me that i mean you're saying that i don't think that i was saying that those people weren't protesting i was in there i mean i think there's a big difference between protesting and between riots right between if i you know if you're going to riot and you're going to show people actually breaking the windows looting vandalizing doing everything that ever has been so worried about right that's been going wrong well in london right now but just showing a lineup of riot police i've seen many lineups of riot police and i'm covering a peaceful protest as a reporter and i don't think if you were synonymous i guess they didn't have time to really edit it since they started burning what you got levi's on right now and i'm going to stop all my waiting and grab a new plasma screen and make you really poor things here one is i think it's a little weird like the marketing and psych come loot our jeans levi's and also like it's like stand apart do your own thing there levi and i'm most popular in
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china what i think they. i mean but the big boy. let's be honest there was no looting of beauty and. they are saying come conform levi's a bit around per decade there are levi's there leave i think it's really weird but that's what panther can get that's what they think they have to do to try and stay on the edge ok. let's move on to another story now so there's a lot of outrage right now and if you ask me it's stupid outrage over the idea because there katherine bigelow is making a film about osama bin ladin and so now there are allegations because of one reports that somebody met screenwriter may have met somebody down wrote about it. i can totally messing this up let's just play the clip to get an explanation. well the making of a movie that will bring the bin ladin raid to life is causing some controversy in washington this after reports surfaced that the administration greenlighted access
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to the elite navy seals who took out related access by the. agreement but well ok so peter king now wants an investigation and republicans are up in arms and they're so angry i'm a regime that's not fake i'm totally zero three zero guys over there is going on what do you only reason about well first of all there's not even any real proof right was one thing that perhaps the screenwriter was at one event it was me and they greenlighted access to classified documents and classified information as peter king is trying to argue but the bigger point is that i'm sorry the pentagon it works with hollywood all the time there's a whole massive propaganda machine that's going on there republicans are only fake outrage now because it's the obama administration that's doing it know what is going what is really going to come out in november right before obama's reelection everyone's going to remember that he's the one that took out osama bin laden and that's why they're pissed ok well that's that's reasonable right there because one of the screenwriters wrote a story for rolling stone called the kill team which was an absolute hit piece
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we're trying to make all cylinders we're not going to stand up to be these robots who were just killing machine slaughtering about the actual kill thing that was going around. talking pictures with yes and the bottom line was this story was the story was overblown it completely blew the tires we know that no prosecution is still going on and this is. when they made the movie hurt locker included a bunch of seems at the end of the pentagon had to prove that violated their agreement with the pentagon would go ahead and cooperate with that we are using them i think betting on has so much say over movies as with the ridiculous part because now you see these filmmakers that feel like well if they want to have access to certain information you know certain areas to certain materials contacts planes then they have to do what the pentagon wants and they can even make a. realistic movie. i think that it is a little ridiculous because you've got you know the transformers movie that came out a few months ago which was clearly had ties to the pentagon and promoting the army
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and then when this comes out it's not ok i personally think that terms like this should not be made when we're actively fighting a war in afghanistan against the taliban that's how you know you know and i know you disagree with me i just personally don't think that we should be dating movie was not in order. for a story like the war on terror because it is a look at the war on terror is going to end anytime soon is it still going to be sorry it's just too sensitive because we're still in the middle of this gets involved to make sure that they don't make a movie that's another hit piece like value and redact lines limbs or whatever in every movie that hollywood has made about the war in iraq and the more power to you i mean that's kind of hypocritical series saying that like people can't make movies think you know not only are they going to mccain and they don't mean only be the kind of. gave us the baby clothes movies we're all garbage and they portrayed the military which would have been called the list because i don't want all of our movies i would keep them but they can't get angry just because i was going to have
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a negative view of your wars and not portray the pentagon as the best in my. wonderful thing in the world. so. if you're flying next quantas airlines you might be a little surprised by what you might see take a look at. cecilia guess. i'll conclude from this new version. that's right quantas airlines is airing a documentary called the female orgasm explained on their plates right now. which you don't know from when i was on the booze show and i came out as one hundred percent prove i'm going to go with one hundred percent proof you know orgasm more power is not only. real i mean honestly you're not you know i want you
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to be completely honest you would not be i'm going to roll sitting next to someone because you're listening to talk about it in french. yes it's inappropriate i mean really i do so i'm actually surprised i have to say you i'm a put my do you know how graphic the entire thing is right it's like to work maybe . it is a soft core porn with clips of real porn in find it ok i mean what do you think of when you can i change my mind i don't know i think they know that i want to how graphic it is because the first kids on the plane they're just you know. that of course i don't this is i remember exonerating the person speaking oh i play it all the way it's very personal so you're telling we have here sitting next to a guy who looks like a child molester on the plane watching that you're not going to be uncomfortable so i'm just as a judge somebody but i have. no use for terrorists you're a horrible person ok i'm thinking of something that might be a little more up your alley in that case and take a look at it they basically said that you can't use the word of what brooks
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promoted the event in a phone call monday he says a representative from the olympic legal department not only said brooks couldn't use the word lympics but also threatened legal action like it or not the committee does have grounds for a lawsuit which. olympic committee will have a guy have his red neck alleged big come on what is going confuse the two events it's going to be london this time there you can have story. you know right if you know his little son let me out of the driving he says and interview he is like i have to tell you not a single person showed up this week compute was like whoa we're on go it's. redneck olympics everybody going to start taking place every year i guess all right thanks for joining me so you guys it's a good night's roping you for tuning in and make sure the come back tomorrow i'll be taking the kashmir hill blogger for forbes about the recent development the private companies are getting in on the drone game in the meantime don't forget to become
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a fan of the lower show on facebook and follow us on twitter if you missed any of tonight's or any other night you can always catch all the you tube dot com slash below the show and coming up next is adam versus the man. this is a cable from the u.s. embassy in colombo but they talk about here it apparent june seventh incident of extrajudicial executions the military according to the press that on that they killed nine guerrillas and from that investigation by instruction on couldn't you know and therefore quoted that he strongly suggest however that the nine were executed by the army and then dressed in military fatigues. he. explained how you know this kind of phenomenon where bodies are dressed up as guerrillas and presented as killed in action and this and just the idea that you
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need to produce bodies actually encouraged paramilitary collaboration this is a cia document central intelligence agency they knew about these activities they knew they were happening they knew about links to paramilitary groups and yet. u.s. aid continue to flow. wealthy british style. last night. markets why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy which might structure run no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report on our. emissions free.
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