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tv   [untitled]    August 12, 2011 12:01am-12:31am EDT

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also said parts of society are sick but locals in the affected areas say they've been neglected by the government all of this has had security growing on the streets people are now forced to take matters into their own hands as emmit reports from london. a good result could sure use a warning to looters if you come out to enfield tonight you'd better be in disguise at the first sign of trouble this is what happens. around five hundred mainly young men chased down the road after police ready to drive troublemakers out of town. despite the mob most fear a large crowd of young men are out for justice there's been no trouble so far most are ordinary people out to protect their communities a lot of people are here to help there obviously are some people that going to do the opposite effect you're going to get that everywhere very much start it's taking our stories up with young children not so well but children on the streets father
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with the start if there's no enough police then move help them and just give everyone a wage the cost to the shops and in this push them away basically we don't want to go after anyone cause any trouble we just one of my children no one comes in. the shops. and it's not just in enfield in other parts of town sikhs have banded together to protect their livelihoods and property sons and daughters come together with us and say let's solve the problems with out on to violence and force and distress to each other which then takes it over the course of the violence in the streets. this is the current face of communities across england many of which felt under siege from looters and said in their darkest hour the police were nowhere to be seen police have not been anywhere where the police if the police were hit you think that would've been done. maybe this is
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what david cameron means when he talks constantly about the big society handing power and responsibility back to local communities and i think the scenes we all saw our television screens last night of communities coming together to try and stop violence taking place was a model of how these things should be done that despite the fact that three young asian men were killed in birmingham early on wednesday trying to protect local businesses looters allegedly rammed the with the car the tragedy ignited anger in the asian community a vigilante band attracts all sorts and. doesn't just rear its head in looters visit huge number of police officers on the streets of england at the moment which many find reassuring groups like the enfield army proves that communities still feel police are unable to protect them with budget cuts for front line officers still on the table is on the beat could get fewer and further between while the
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local vigilante group could take up the slack your emmett r.t. . or london based political activist chris nice has restricting social media is not where downing street should begin if it wants to stem the threat. this government is closing down through swimming pools and shutting youth centers. round. the economy there's just no ironic having celebrated for facebook revolution the social media the twitter revolution across north africa and the arab world suddenly. decided to crack down on the media here it's absolutely not the issue serious inequality serious. i mean what kind of society are we to drive to live near zero fourteen year old kids to that's. mental state to you know to burn the local store that we actually we've we've actually not weasel politicians were. plenty more
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stories ahead this hour on r.t. later we report on the powerful advertising methods the pentagon exploits to make wallet. presented the military for what it was i don't think anyone would join. hollywood and they can do to games industry are all part of the vatican's costly advertising business. u.s. court has ruled two americans who work for a private security firm can sue donald rumsfeld for illegal imprisonment and torture if proven guilty which means the former defense secretary would be held personally accountable while in iraq in two thousand and six the two men blew the whistle on their employer for alleged criminal activity but the u.s. military responded by placing them in prison where they claim they were tortured for weeks after being released without charge they filed a lawsuit against rumsfeld but the motion had been rejected by prosecutors until now until the brain backus is the case say it is the floodgate to other officials
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being held to account for war crimes. what we have to recognize is that by stripping rumsfeld of them unity for the acts of torture against american citizens . this opens wide the door not only for rumsfeld but for dick cheney for bush for all of those who advocated or put into place policies like the policy of torture which they call enhanced interrogation techniques euphemistically and very thinly euphemistically disguising torture which is illegal then that means all of these people could be in the dock if you try to hold pentagon officials in this case the head of the pentagon donald rumsfeld accountable for torture or other illegal acts that somehow shackles the hands of u.s. military ironically it suggests that the united states government needs to demands too and is engaging in illegal acts and that if anyone holds them accountable that
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will be quote shackling their effort to carry out war it's partly demagogy but by virtue of the nature of the argument it also reveals that they in fact have institutionalized torture otherwise they would not be afraid of the allegation against it. well the pentagon still spending huge amounts of dollars to make war career and convince young americans to sign up its case ties with hollywood and the computer games industry is helping with internet chat to deal with the economic crisis and on employment working alongside. and i reports now on how it's all playing out for america's in. a hunt for american youth. to hunt down the next american enemy incorporated a robust business machine is operating at full capacity in the u.s. the strength. from televised ads to hollywood blockbusters. to video games to american presidents dubbing soldiers the real
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patriots each of them. to what it means to be a soldier sailor airman marine in cold storage but the image of the american warrior is portrayed as that of the invincible hero times square one of the number one entertainment spots in the big apple i tracked millions from around the world and across the u.s. apart from the flashy lights and the billboards there is a recruitment center right here one of hundreds just the new york the mesmerizing techniques luring young americans into serving our more sophisticated than ever before sponsoring a video game tournaments and people tournaments and then going up to these young kids to perform well and see if the u.s. military needs to see your skills at this video game of course you can see here sixteen or seventeen year olds this is something that's very basic it's a cruel and deceptive. type of recruitment they want to use all the hippest tools
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they can to make being in the military has cool as possible now as cinematographer edward pages dedicated ten years to being a u.s. soldier he thought it was the honorable thing to do if they presented the military for what it was i don't think anyone would join. but they do join having played one computer game and seen one war movie too many there's no second chances in real life you can you can reset a game you can restart a movie there's no second chance when you're actually out there and your life is at risk for something that most of these young men have no idea really the true reason why they're going out there by the time some of these reasons are realized the military and. the world that are. limited to us it is often too late the problem is that a lot of these kids don't know once they get in it's hard to get out the first time the way out is suicide a military report says eighty percent of soldiers in afghanistan have seen
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a friend killed or injured the guru of war quickly replacing its promised glory yet nothing stops the military propaganda campaign now we are spending hundreds of millions of dollars every year recruiting groups on recruiting people glorifying war glorifying the killing of people whether it's necessary or not a direct hit home also comes in handy for the pentagon there's a joke in the military that the best recorder is an economic downturn and that recruiter is raging on what happened after two thousand and eight that solve their problem was the desperation of millions of americans we had an economic crisis we've had on employment zoom up no matter the times the power of the pentagon seems eternal american leaders do not become presidents by challenging american national security comment on their seems to cure any state nor the military industrial complex they just don't do it meaning luring in more young americans into more wars
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with no happy end or game over insight just as you are to new york. well radiates david a cigarette says can you see relationship hollywood in two ways with the pentagon has drastically changed the way americans see us minute to set this the pentagon and the larger u.s. national security apparatus grants and denies access to with military hardware military both military planes military information based on whether a filmmaker is prepared to make a pro-war pro pentagon a pro-government movie or an antiwar or highly critical piece of filmmaking that is a use of government power that frankly tramples the first amendment that saying that this public property can only be seen or only be used by people who want to mimic the pentagon's precise line that's a different story in the pentagon simply promoting it so this is why for every one
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war or pentagon critical movie that is ultimately made you have dozens of blockbusters that glorify or don't ask questions about american military because this subsidy has changed the very financial dynamics of the interest in the marketplace but it was a big controversy a couple years ago when the associated press published one single photo of a soldier who had been injured on the battlefield this was cause for outrage when in fact it should have been cause for us to rethink what we are actually doing in the wars and that's what was attempted to be hidden in all of this is that we don't want to look at the plight and guts consequences of war. still ahead for you this hour gagging in the media the government hungry tired the noose around the country's press crushing criticism out the room. now after days of concern over whether france would retain its aaa credit score ratings giants reaffirmed the country's top billing on wednesday french banks. as been the
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worst affected by the volatility being forced to deny that its financial stability was at risk but investors remain unconvinced the country's finances are on solid foundations punch card is that it is the french banking system won't pull through the current crisis. the french banks are loaded with toxic derivatives that were sold to them by american investment banks and the american investment banks plus the rating agencies plus the hedge funds are now attacking these french banks they know where the bodies are buried and they're using the weapons that they sold them to attack them and you know going back to the s. and p. downgrade just before the s. and p. downgrade of u.s. debt i told you point blank with certainty that the rating would be downgraded now i'm telling you that the rating will be downgraded again because this is part of a new era on wall street where they go after sovereign debt and the hedge funds and
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the rating agencies and wall street banks work together now to destabilize the sovereign debt of these countries because remember the hedge funds wall street working with the rating agencies are bigger than any of these countries society generale and b.n.p. and credit agricole are insolvent their balance sheets are six to ten times bigger in terms of the debt that they carry than they could possibly service but it's carried on the shadow banking system they don't report this debt but the insiders around the world who wield the weapons of mass financial destruction are taxing them to force these unrealized debts onto their balance sheet to force these companies into delinquency into a foreclosure because they are going to rape again billions of dollars attacking these banks these banks are insolvent society generali is an insolvent institution so is being paid they can't possibly meet their their the credit demands absolutely not. we can turn model in the european financial markets of france spain and
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belgium have decided to back selling all the shares the banks and other financial companies short selling is when traders profit from that betting all of fulton share prices it's been baying for increasing we send to market instability the leaders of the year is their biggest economies germany and france. have also announced they'll meet next week to discuss solutions to europe's financial difficulties. for more later this hour. i could get a check now on some other international news from around the world and syrian government forces have reportedly killed twelve civilians mostly in the province of homes meanwhile in the city of homologous full control following a crackdown in which scores of people. think it's allegedly killed on wednesday u.s. imposed new financial sanctions on the country and called on all other all or were to use to take similar measures beyond going on rest which began in march is said to have claimed seven hundred lives independent media barons from the country
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making it difficult to verify the facts on the ground. libyan rebels say they've captured the key northern town of but a month of intense fighting tripoli's dismissed the claims saying rebels have taken over a part of the city they cater to in libya is made oil field rebels victory state when the libyan embassy in washington we under the control of the national transitional council a sign of u.s. support for libya's rebel movement the ongoing civil war in the country has been raging for six months killing thousands of people despite nato's intervention. the egyptian government's taken steps to end a decades long. the country's government said it plans the changes before parliamentary elections expected in the the measure which was imposed a night if you want to gave ousted president hosni mubarak security forces wife
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powers to arrest and detain egyptians without trial fifteen the law has been a key demand of the protesters behind the company earlier this year which left at least eight hundred forty people dead. six gunmen including a terrorist cell in leader have been killed in russia's southern republic of dagestan in a two day anti terror operation well that's according to the national antiterrorism committee. was believed responsible for several terrorist attacks across the country and was on the most wanted list he's also thought to have helped train a suicide bomber who blew himself up at a military camp of republic last year four officers were killed in that blast and more than thirty injured the other star remains one of russia's most volatile regions. crossing to the middle east and israel has approved the building of thousands of new settlements than
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a disputed area in east jerusalem creating tensions with palestinians or peace talks between the two sides have been deadlocked by the construction of jewish homes in the west bank and as analysts baskin told r.t. the latest announcement is yet another step away from a compromise. this is not a time when it seems likely that israelis and palestinians will be moving toward the peace talks and that the americans will be leading the way the main issue that has blocked a return to negotiations is the continued settlement building by the government of israel this is not going to help the situation let's face it the government of israel feels pretty immune to any criticism around the world right now on this issue everyone is busy with the global financial crisis the united states as well those involved there are some twenty percent of the u.s. congress visiting israel this week and we all know that mr netanyahu has a lot more support in the american congress than he does even in his own parliament so this isn't just be another is really building more settlements within
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neighborhoods of east jerusalem without anyone really blinking and it's not going to help the situation it's going to hurt it much more than it already hurting. well the government along gray has adopted a controversial media control law it will see hundreds of journalists laid off in the freedom of the press a very cattails but as our first reports despite fierce opposition many have been forced into silence over fears for their job security. evil see no evil speak no evil at least not if it's about the hunger area and government opinions of hungary's new media low claim journalists are being silenced . it's about hiding things and hiding the truth and not covering controversy or issues. of the government that's the whole message of this of this law covering broadcast print and online content the controversial new law also
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established in the media of thirty days working for the media regulator. and by the ruling party and your loyal supporters the food being selected public service broadcasting is completely controlled by the government there have been some measure of the office and the put. people loyal to the government into key positions that public public t.v. channels journalists he voice criticism have felt the wrath of the new authority they were journalists of the public. was introduced. one minute silence in the national radio. right there is suspended and one of them. in effect he was dismissed and the other one was fired hundreds of others have suffered the same
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fate with a wave of layoffs across the industry this is contributed to an uneasy situation in the media here and want to keep their jobs. out of line so murky the shakeups a good thing and that the layoffs in hungary's a very inflated public media sector have been long. this government has not only talking and been talking about but they have laid the people off because they saw that it is unsustainable. so i think. this debate has become. very politicized it's more about politics than about professional commerce. if something is unsustainable you have to cut costs that the day has been strongly contested and many talented journalists have found themselves out of the job. is not transparent to. the people on the basis.
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of the. recent firings and uncertainty about the implications of the new law or just some of the recent events to look cool zing serious concerns about hungary's democratic future everything more critic government needs an independent media so if this government thinks that it can oversee the whole media it can influence the whole media it can regulate the whole media it's very. very bad ground despite heavy criticism from both within the country and internationally the government is sticking by the new media laws and the changes they could bring could be set to radically transform the face of hungary's media serve a bit of path. that our website. dot com for more news updates and laid his videos
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online today for you big problem direct to the watchful eye of troublemaking thing new york as the police for me doing it to monitor things will networks have people to know. and also one line. in this day and eleven years ago russia forced one of its worth naval tragedies of the nuclear submarine the chord scale sound to the bottom of the barents sea becoming a tomb for one hundred thousand people on. a recap navar top stories just ahead and much more of course but first we're going to business update with marina. hello and welcome to business here on our team now for european nations have banned
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short selling on banking stocks france italy spain and belgium are boycotting traders bets which allow them to profit from falls in the share prices of financial stocks now the move follows high volatility in banking stocks on serious about their exposure to the euro zone government that the european market regulator says a temporary ban will help stop the tailspin on the markets but the bank could also put all their evil members into a tricky position as investors with negative views on banks might shift their bets to these countries. that has been a week of exceptional volatility on the world's financial markets and here there have been gains and losses greater than five percent the trend though has been down the sentiment fearful bordering on panic roland lash from vern the tappets also says that under such circumstances it's impossible to predict what might happen on the day to day basis but the outlook as particularly poor i think at the moment
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trying to work out what's happening on a daily basis is virtually impossible it's it's trading on fear is trading on government decisions i mean markets are very poor traditionally trying to work out what a government is likely to be able to do so you know trying to work out whether today is going to be a two or three percentage points or a five percent decline and that's that's that's an extremely difficult judgment call to be able to make for any kind of. longer term investor volumes are actually pretty high at the moment when you see a lot of volatility and high volumes that often tells you the direction in which the market is moving is likely to continue so that's that's actually pretty bad news that there was a raise in lower volumes at a time when the market is coming down sharply i think what we're looking for is some kind of decisive answer to particularly what's happening in europe and you know realistically that at the moment is going to be a big move towards fiscal union and unfortunately european governments are just
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nowhere close to that right now. so what should the investor do gold treasures and cash are all traditional safe havens and for those wishing to stay in equities to buy as a lot more from dial capital markets recommend steering clear of companies exposed to the global economy. no obviously i think what we see is that markets generally go out of risky assets and they're trying to find some kind of safe heaven. obviously i think financial financial titles these things are very very volatile so anything that is a new type things that are exposed to the global economy to the banking sector they should probably be avoided these days. let us take a look at the markets now or oil prices are down with many theory market volatility will slow down economic recovery crude prices dropped as low as seventy five dollars and climbed i saw as eighty six dollars per barrel this week which added some jitters in the markets. let's take
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a look at some commodities now precious metals are gay then just a notch gold this cash in its breath after breaking the new record on thursday and is now postin a moderate gain all points one one percent silver is also off it's trading at around most thirty nine dollars this hour. and across asia stocks are trading mixed this hour hong kong stocks are climbing encouraged by positive jobs data from the u.s. but the neck a is trading in the red following a report that overseas orders for japanese machinery fell six percent in june out of this believe that japan's exports may not we're bound enough to help the economy grow later this year. and here in moscow it's two hours the lead of the opening bell of the russian markets closed in positive territory on thursday for the first time in seven trading sessions both m i six and the arts yes added around half a percent. and that's all the business news for now for more stories you can always
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check out our website r.t. dot com slash business in the meantime statesman for the headlines without us. for the full story we've got it for. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. wealthy british scientists some time to explain the.
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market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines. is a report.
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slamming the social media sidelining society as david cameron who calls for a ballot on twitter and facebook locals of the violence drug regions say they feel abandoned by the government they're now taking to the streets to protect their homes from what's been branded a sick part of society. streets over munity former u.s. defense secretary donald rumsfeld could find himself in the dog to iraq war veterans are given the green light to see him for alleged war crimes they claim responsible for their arrest and torture by fellow servicemen without charge. and a media card in hungary as the government keeps a grip on the press with a controversial law that sees hundreds of journalists silenced broadcasting licenses is being revoked and.


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