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tv   [untitled]    August 12, 2011 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT

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what the rating agencies are saying might be surprised at their report card from the stories we covered go to r t dot com slash usa or you tube page you tube dot com slash r t america follow me on twitter at lauren lester and i'll see you right back here at five o'clock for more news. on. the i.
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believe this in some instances. the future.
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sharing of times and little strain the situation just a few kilometers from the chinese border post isn't exactly a soulful for moscow bunch of you don't mind a bit of jet liners are going to enjoy one of the most chimes of systems in russia's far east. of the risk is the region's administrative center home to more than half a million people and a place that really sparkles in the summer. tourist some locals come out in full
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still enjoy the city's wide both of us and picturesque whereas and down by the river saw it there are plenty of places to work on your tan. and for the nature. very close to. now apparently this is one of the places in the whole of russia is four hours in the wild now in eastern tradition the opening of the lotus flower petals to signify the expansion of the soul so i'm hoping that my trip is going to be as well and i was going to start my journey down on the riverbank just over one hundred fifty years ago. it links russia with china and. it's a great way to see the city and. constantine is a lifelong. resident and he offered to take me out on his yacht. of colds.
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helping out. trains young sailors and we had a couple of other shipmates along for the riots so it's not just. a serious race. so hopefully it will go pretty. it wasn't long before we were doing it. and as the guys fixed up the rigging i took the rudder. i see this is pretty easy perfect weather beautiful calm water great day just be messing around in boats this is the eleventh longest river in the worlds but we were heading out to fall just enough to enjoy the water and get some great news. but that's not the best way to get snow this river by car the one that said. it was trying to head back to dry land and for me to really start discovering of ours. if you want to find out about the history there's one place that you have to visit
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this is the museum of regional law and it's the biggest and the most visited museum in the whole of the country's far east. nations thousand people step into this building every year and they get to enjoy a huge collection of exhibits from live local river residents to japanese passions . one of the things that sets this place apart from most russian museums is that you can interact with the exhibits and today we've got some guests who come from even further east to see what life used to be like here in the far east of russia these schoolchildren a visiting from japan and the museum store immediately have been taking part in some nineteenth century village chores and once they've checked out to us it's time to really get into the swing of things. this is a way to learn about the prosperity of dusty museum displays the same right. answer problem for recent russian. policy kids to carry on the party and headed down to
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meet mccullough ruben the museum's director who offered to give me a personal tour and he has his own theory on why the beach ecosystem is so diverse . legend has it that when god was creating the world he planted the tiger and the tropics but when he arrived here he only had a handful of seeds to toss around but he did have a bit of everything so we have a wide variety of plants in these parts from plane trees to liana's to grapes and the same can be said about our fauna. this collection of local wildlife is a very popular exhibits and in includes one of the most famous and rare animals in russia poaches one of the main reasons why they are more target here is so terribly endangered but there is a place not too far from a bar which is doing its bit trying make sure the species doesn't. preclude
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sanctuary is about an hour's drive from the city limits refuge for injured or anonymous from the local region. its role owned by edward krugel has been taking in lost souls for the best part of twenty years and he took me to meet some of the park's most recent arrivals. these are himalayan bears hopefully we'll be able to release them next spring but we need to feed them up first. and warners looks after more than two hundred beds over the years and despite a lack of funds most of y'all since avoid being separated from their mothers the babies are only just a few months old they were rescued in winter. because the. very popular for hunters trophies for use in china as well so it's very close. and the unfortunate ones who are left behind. you can see for five months old.
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but this is most famous resident has considerably bigger. one of the rarest cats left on the entire planet and. twenty years old and still. coming to say. hello here. i'm so tempted to try and. i think. i was born here was a baby in the early nineties and he's been here ever since he's the sanctuaries only permanent residence and disappoint being positively ancient for a tiger there's still plenty of life in him. beyond the biggest cats on the planet and way more than three hundred kilos but the numbers are under serious threat and
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it's estimated there are only around four hundred fifty left in russia's wilderness . mourners doing his best to improve their chances he's raised and released almost a dozen young cubs but before he does they need special training. this well unfortunately the lure of the. jungle being what it is these little guys are actually used when they have wild tigers here to train them how to hunt because this would be the hairs in the forests around here would be tigers natural prey and there are a few large dog it's wandering around here to hear also some rather than willing students of tiger school these two little bear as well. very useful when you're learning how to hunt. fortunately for bugs. there are no while tigers in residence at the moment so if the law continues to hold all they'll be
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running away from will be a few curious tourists. but there are a vital parts of making sure we can contain the forests of the region. back in the city had been invited to see a different sort of conservation projects involving four wheels rather than four bags and seeing cars like this is enough to bring back a few bad memories of frustrated instructors and the old mine a fault because this is where people in have come to take their driving tests but the ministry of transport here isn't just concerned with getting new drivers started they're also responsible for getting some of the city's vintage automobiles . back out. but it's not just the direct tolling as hero is passionate about he's got one of the largest collections of models in
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eastern russia i think most events are very true. cars of all makes including those that were made in the one nine hundred thirty s. here you see four maids and military vehicles and one of those military models was waiting for us in the carriage downstairs. this old truck delivered letters during the second world war and the mechanics and trying to get it back on the road but i think this one is almost. see. touch. one of the most. classic.
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bill's posts truck arrives again. but trucks are just the tip of the iceberg. restoring. coals some of his success story. from vintage vulgus to ukrainian beatles most of these cause only see the launch of day on national holidays with special festivals but i was going to get a chance to take a listen to that specials the first bit. for any one of these things would have made you think there is come down turn because this is good to be the modest theory . but i can tell. you most of have to hit the gym to keep it under control but only one of these big powerful vulgus was just a dream for most of us citizens back in the one nine hundred sixty s. . but it seems that all communist culp's weren't quite so much.
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as maybe the best police car ever invented. the concept was one of the smallest to careful for many people were smart oh. the next one ok. so i figured out the gearbox of the strike. it was a lot easier to drive only one would have mostly been pushing it would have played on the bad guys. i don't really know so i couldn't be fifty's russian police but. we have the world's smallest. impossibly funniest car with which to catch criminals i'm not sure if it would be a good day i know because either they just sort of stop and pull out a lot that you were trying to catch them in this oh they'd run to cross because they wouldn't want to be seen but. i decided that if i didn't want to permanently back a couple of circuits in my mini most beach would have to suffice but i'm going to be my last on the ball the bench.
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. at . age.
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thirty sean strub a couple of real russian classic cars in a vase that's it was ready to risk the lives of the best just yes it was time to walk the rest of his. leisure army along to play all the rules is all well and good but sometimes you just feel a need for speed and there's a place in a forest where you really can come and burn some rubber washer that your aim is to drive carefully first use or course as you hear me run in a primary concerns you know what he powell has been involved with racing for twenty five years and now runs the stream a cussing club which takes part in competitions all over the russian far east he's already trained several local champions including his son misha who offered to show me the ropes assuming i can fit in a car of course. what about three big.
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james sent up a little bit but took me. into a go cart but after a handy push ups are a. couple who some young students but this is a school that takes dedication and money mostly because of italian shell seasoned japanese engines because several dollars they can raise. races regularly get more than two hundred dollars an hour but it's serious adrenaline rush. are you ok. i'll tell you what that is all some fun but is a little bit difficult when you're eating schumacher is dust here. it was time to take things a little easier and i went off to find a man with a rather more sedate hobby. looks like these guys over here have gone in for some
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double glazing in one of the old buildings but. i know someone is going to be able to make good use. of it. but even uses reclaimed pieces to repair and refurbish musical instruments and we were going to give an old good song a new lease of life. and my siberian stone pine window sill was going to become a brand new sounding board. to fit together perfectly. the front of. the planks have been playing down the old sounding board has to be removed. from. sorting through. the blade. you see you destroy a guitar but looking in but deems other instruments the results would be well worth . and also because of the old bullets i went to work on one of his hand made sense
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pieces. unfortunately putting everything together can take up to the team wanted to show me exactly what one of his creations had to offer. never thought that an old couple with friends. i don't even to see one conservation sense and a bar of soap but it's not just land mammals that are getting a helping hand here. around fifteen years ago there were hundreds of tonnes of sturgeon and kalugin in the animal river but the fish is now critically endangered a cameo is a valuable delicacy and poaching and overfishing have seen their numbers decline to such an extent that only two adult specimens were documented to have been cool in this area in two thousand and nine. it's a situation of the dean of ski fishbowl is trying to change let him in his work as
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a breeding young animal sturgeon includer in captivity and then returning them to the wilds so this is the or they keep the food for the fish looks like particularly lovely stuff. combination of insects alone the. lawyer and some tiny cost nations are named very delicious we understood. but doesn't know the fish in these tanks are only a few months old but a food grown kaluga can live as long as a human way up to it's. easy fishing boy about two thousand of these babies version in here and you can see the pretty lively. now there anyway about thirty to forty grams of past the perfect signs to give them the real shots of survival in the rhythm of your can probably safely say that this may be the only thought in my life i'm ever going to see a fish vacuum cleaner this is what is transporting our kaluga and our sturgeon into
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the fact that we can then release it into the river later. it's like a quick did it leave a months we've reached our quota it's time to drive them to the wolves so i'm riding style here because we're just about to head off to the river and hopefully give the space new lease of life releasing hundreds of liters of water at once can be a bit tricky though and we had to do a little riverside rescue work. so this is the saw slide to breed a bit is fish very soon we'll be taking them out on to the boats. then i will find the right spot in the river so they can begin their new life. the phones only been operating since two thousand and eight but they plan to breed up to three million fish a year which should give the kaluga and the animal sturgeon a good chance of swimming in these waters in the decades to come. it's amazing to think that just a few years this little guy could be a few metres wide and
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a few hundred kilos in weight and hopefully we've given him the best chance of making it because of this size hopefully he'll survive for amazing good luck. he really did feel that we were helping to regenerate a river that's been supporting the people of this region since time immemorial. before i left the forest i was going to meet some people whose ancestors have lived this way for millennia. syria has been home to the indigenous nano which in their language means people for thousands of years i'm going to the sounds of it. i think they're prepared for some kind of. they're around twelve thousand annoying living in russia and they're the largest of the indigenous tribes it's a widespread community but every year people come back for
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a summer party the music and dance but it does take quite a bit of i'm going to. hopefully we will absolutely need this but just in case it doesn't rain. this is be able to keep everything nice and dry so this goes off without a hitch. everyone pitches in to help from the more mature to the very. top what's your name you know james i'm not. here so it's not. so very friendly here which is nice. this kind of event gets everyone excited and they don't hold back on the entertainment. today we're going to be dispirited. this spirit is the master of. his name is put down by the media after that. will have it so much perception where we're
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going to feed the spirit of water. today and there will also be a dragon of the dragons are sent to have been doris from the chinese but it's not true there in ancient culture to. this. bill is going to be one of the sins of pieces of tonight's bossy. serial can ring it up so it doesn't fall down everything really see how the nominee celebrate the culture. as soon as we finish people still to roy. jones watch a game of chalk upon which looks like a particularly dangerous splendor volleyball in the cross. and then it was sort of a jolt city just.
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a. handsome this is what the festival is really all about so it's for the next generation of money to get together and practice those traditions of their ancestors have been carrying on for centuries it's a village celebration and i knew everyone in the community to get together and really celebrate their culture. the worst may be a long way from moscow but it's worth the effort to get here because outpost of russia's forest has a rich history and a community that cares about the city and the future of its environment. marvin here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture.
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