tv [untitled] August 12, 2011 11:31pm-12:01am EDT
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our decipher tonight tool time ward and tonight it goes to gretchen carlson over at fox and friends now the former beauty queen turned journalist was on fox news last night previewing the g.o.p. debate and she was asked what question would you ask the candidates in the debate if you were moderating so just listen to gretchen's very very hard hitting question as president how important would it be for you to address the political correctness in our society many argue is totally out of control from the war on christmas to leaving the word god out of the pledge of allegiance to not calling the alleged fort hood shooter what he is a homegrown muslim terrorist how is that harmful moving forward for our nation. that's right gretchen actually wants to ask about the war on christmas too about the war on christmas only exists on fox news nobody else gives a damn or even knows that it is out there now unfortunately even fox knows not to
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let gretchen and her fox and friend co-host steve doocy and brian kilmeade anywhere near a presidential debate which is kind of a shame when you think about it the gretchen's hard hitting question about christmas got us thinking about a more perfect world where fox and friends would have the presidential debate i just wonder what questions they would ask we bet that they would spend some serious time getting the candidates views on a whole host of issues and i'm thinking that some child rearing and discipline questions would definitely be in the top. he said quote get away from me you and then a word that starts with i say one hundred percent pepper spray you do. that and some parenting classes as well if you're a police officer tell me can you take down a euro without pepper spray i could do it says yes absolutely all right in my book it's called discipline coming up next good thing we already know aggression things very good a year old have just plain old discipline now of course fox and friends would also want to canvass views on climate change and why that liberal sponge bob square
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pants is a doctrine indoctrinating the children of america. to government agency showed kids this cartoon in canada books that blame man for global warming but they did not tell kids that that is actually a disputed fact hopes. and after asking hard hitting questions about sponge bob fox and friends it would finally turn to more serious issues facing the us like race relations here we go and this is this you've got to see to believe this we're talking about crayola changing the colors of the rainbow instead call them colors of the cultures with glee said to the crayons. all right so we just played you all those clips to prove a point fox and friends is not news it's a comedy hour case in point is gretchen carlson crazy question about the supposed war on christmas and that's why we're giving her tonight's tool time award. now the pentagon and its super secret of division darpa had been working on another unmanned aerial device and they're very proud of their baby the falcon hypersonic
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technology vehicle two so when the defense department tested their newest project they wanted to make sure that everybody knew about it. the defense department plans the second test for its super fast aircraft that can fly at a blistering speed of thirteen thousand miles per hour or twenty times the speed of sound if everything goes as planned the pentagon would be gifted with a lightning fast to be a goal capable of delivering a military strike anywhere in the world in less than an hour to give you that's right this bad boy boasts all sorts of stats that would just make your jaw drop tell darpa was so confident it even tweeted the entire testing process except the h t v two didn't do very well in fact just a few minutes after taking off darpa tweet it range assets of the last elementary with h t v two more to follow and reports show the signal was lost on the mountain twenty missile and it crashed into the ocean and i understand this is a common occurrence for military testing it doesn't always work but this was the
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second test of the h.g.v. to the first one fell into the water even faster than this one did it not to mention a series of testing with a wind tunnel took place between the two flight tests so surely the pentagon was quite unhappy when all of their testing proved to be so unsuccessful but you want to know what the price tag on this defense pet project was a mere three hundred eight million dollars which let's be honest by today's standards is chump change when it comes to military spending after all we told you just a short while ago of the government's joint strike fighter program has become one of the d.o.d.'s largest investments and estimated trillion dollar investment but mechanical problems have riddled the program and of left the f. twenty two and the f. thirty five fleets grounded until further notice now a report from danger room even says the pilots for the f. twenty two could lose their clearance and despite the fact of the f. twenty two s and f. thirty five they're both grounded for a slew of mechanical problems the pentagon just signed another contract. even more of the thirty five's with lockheed martin and that price tag is it five hundred and
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thirty five million dollars now the waste is just job dropping the i understand that testing these designs is a crucial element of the development process when these projects are millions of dollars a piece i'd suggest maybe i don't know a more conservative approach so now i guess we know why panetta and president obama are so against taking money from their defense budget they needed to continue their work on the jets and the drones and all these missiles that don't even work who cares about cutting medicare and other necessary social programs we've got to make sure the d.o.d. has the coolest toys on the planet. well now let's talk about some of those toys drones the unmanned aerial devices are used by our military and our cia in pakistan yemen and somalia drones are also used on our borders both the north and the south and law enforcement agencies across a number of states are working their hands on getting them to but this year it was reported by the observer that news corp's the daily also had a drought and that in fact sent out a few times to get news footage of alabama after devastating storms hit there and
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in north dakota after floods so of news corp can get a drone can anybody any news organization any private company well that's the exact question that our guest tonight has been trying to figure out joining me of my studio in new york is kashmir hill staff writer at forbes catherine i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight and i know that you have been digging into this trying to get to the bottom of the whole story and fairly it's a no go for commercial use of drones at this point but when you ask the f.a.a. about news corp drone in particular what do they tell you. they were surprised by the use of the drone by news corp when i first asked they kind of. asked whether a hobbyist have flown the drone and given the footage to the daily and i said no this is a drone that the daily own and after i told them that they said that they're actually going to be launching an investigation to see whether their use was legal or not now do we have any idea how the daily actually got their hands on this drone i mean is it that easy to go out and buy one. at this point you can buy drones it's not
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illegal to buy a drone the only question of legality is in how you use it so you can't get the kind of drone that the daily has on amazon so you can get a smaller three hundred dollar one that you can you can fly your i phone but you can buy drones right now the only and these are supposed to be using drones are government law enforcement you know public actors at this point it's really hard for a private entity to use a drone for business purposes now you say it's really hard but it's not impossible are there at least some exceptions that are made some licenses or certificates that are given out. and you can always send your drone up and the question is whether you have the correct authorization to do that this is really tightly regulated by the f.a.a. right now because they're worried about. having to and vehicles in the air space so in order to fly a drone you have to get a certificate of authorization from the f.a.a.
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at this point they've only given out a few hundred and they've given less than one hundred to private entities in the case of private and it's usually a university that's doing it for research purposes or a drone maker that's going to be flying the drones to train pilots but at this point the news organizations can't really buy drones and just send them up to check out brangelina walking around or even take footage of. disaster areas what do you think about that do you think that news organizations should be able to send a drone now you mention of course brangelina and the whole paparazzi aspect which i imagine would be a privacy concern at least for celebrities out there but what about the idea of you know news organizations being able to go and film disaster areas or whatever else might be necessary. i think there are a lot of valid uses for drones and right now in the u.s. drones are being used in really interesting ways i mean california uses them when
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they're fighting forest fires. as you said they're flying them over over the borders and so i could imagine some great use of drones for looking at disaster areas. but i also know that. the agencies are really interested in drones and are waiting for the f.a.a. to loosen up airspace so that they can be used this way and the f.a.a. is planning on allowing a greater use of drones they're just trying to figure out how how to do this in a way that it's not being used and you know privacy invasive ways or to follow celebrities around was curious are they really worried about how it might be used in privacy invasive ways because at the same time aren't they ready to change some of the regulations so that law enforcement agencies all across the u.s. can also now get their hands on drones i feel like that would bring up quite a few constitutional issues. well there are to be a few state law enforcement agencies are using drones texas has already used drones in a few raids florida colorado and
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a few other states have actually sorts of certificates of authorization to use drones but in order to actually use them for a particular purpose they have to get these emergency certificates of authorization and those are a little bit difficult but at this point there are law enforcement agencies r.t.o. and drones. i don't know if i should be happy about that or if i should be scared about that but it looks like for now drones are here to stay but do let us know if you hear more from the f.a.a. in terms of news corp and how they managed to skirt around the issue to get their hands on a drone kashmir thank you so much for joining us tonight. thank you. now still ahead tonight fireside friday and it's the end of the week so let's have a happy hour what do you think is the most hated person in america and plus our only small towns capable of producing real americans back that.
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this is a table from the u.s. embassy in colombo to talk about here an apparent june seventh incident of extrajudicial executions the military reported to the press that on that day that killed nine guerrillas in just a geisha by instructs you including you know and there are strongly suggest however that the nine were executed by the army and then dressed in military fatigues. explain how you know this kind of phenomenon where bodies are dressed up as guerrillas and presented as killed in action and this and this idea that you need to produce bodies actually encouraged paramilitary collaboration this is a cia document central intelligence agency they knew about these activities they knew they were happening they knew about links to paramilitary groups and yet. u.s. aid continued to flow.
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recover from a major extinction event but the planet has time we don't. spring going on for months twenty one years uncensored eco terrorist before there was even islamic fundamentalist terrorist in this country when a nine eleven happened the bush administration could not find any terrorists because the feds couldn't find any real terrorists they decided to take these young people who were accused of property sabotage and label as terrorists someone you destroy property. with absolutely zero intention of harming a single human being. in my mind it's not. real people work in this country are the housewives who recycle. and the children who play trees on the weekend with their cub scout troops that's the.
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country use to try to paint our wars abroad as successful now we saw it just this week with the military claiming that they got the exact guy that shot down a u.s. helicopter in afghanistan which took the lives of thirty u.s. service members now did they get some taliban yes do i believe that they know the exact taliban fighter that held the r.p.g. even though they haven't even determined yet if it even was an r.p.g. that took the helicopter down well sorry but that would be a no but it has to be noted how they use this concept of revenge to try and appease americans make them think that it's all ok yes the war has been going on for ten years and thousands of american lives have been lost but hey we got this guy back to do and you worry and yet for some reason the pentagon the cia this administration they refuse to acknowledge that our actions make others want revenge as well that they end up creating more militants and one result of those actions that spoke about least probably matters most and that civilian deaths see any time
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the innocent civilians are caught in the crossfire see their friends their families their neighbors perish what do you think their reaction is going to be thank god for the americans absolutely not but what perhaps makes it even more bad even worse is the lack of honesty the lack of transparency from our officials about the damage that is caused and here's a perfect example obama's counterterrorism adviser john brennan recently made the claim that because of the exceptional proficiency the procession of the capabilities that we've been able to develop there hasn't been a single collateral. death for almost a year now the precision capabilities that he's talking about are use of unmanned drones to strike targets while the man or woman pushing the button so it's thousands of miles away not a single collateral debt that would be something wouldn't it so the problem is as the new york times documented as a day that it just doesn't seem to add up especially not if you read accounts from pakistani journalists or from british journalists now we told you just
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a few weeks ago about the new report from the british bureau of investigative journalism found that at least forty five people have died in ten strikes during the last year and of course you can say that you have to take any figures from pakistani officials with a grain of salt because it's in their interest to beat those numbers up but it's one thing to have a skeptical eye it's another thing entirely to ignore those reports as our mainstream media does while it's so obediently swallows up every single word that people like john brennan and david petraeus may say now the real problem here is that so few journalists even ask for clarification the new york times did it in this case to their credit and guess what john brennan then told the u.s. officials could not confirm any deaths here reworded it a little bit you see it's one thing not to be able to confirm any deaths because you can actually look into that is another thing entirely to sell the american public a number that can't be confirmed as fact but that big flashing zero just seems so
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sexy so hard to resist and since the cia treats us all like ignorant fools and has the ability to simply not talk about its drone program as if it doesn't even exist well probably never know the truth and that's a big problem not only because they use these false figures to keep our war in afghanistan and pakistan going but because they'll continue to use them to spread the technology all over the world we've got drones in pakistan and yemen we're using them in somalia and you think that it's going to stop there dream on now the problem here is that thanks to the secrecy to the inability for people to properly checked. they'll keep selling drones is the answer to all of our woes that magic technology that lets a strike from far away and only get the bad guys and is this technology incredible precise compared to what else our military has yes but it's far from perfect so before you know it not only will be drones being used all over the world we'll start selling them to other countries those so-called perfect weapons they're going
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to hit and the people who will lose are the countless civilians that will be killed or injured innocent victims that get stuck in the crossfire and whose deaths will continue to be hidden from public view you know some of suggested at the cia not only make their strikes public but they even post videos of them i don't know if that's the answer hell i'd rather and there not be any drone strikes but what i do know is that not questioning our military and intelligence officials not pressing them for the truth that's the biggest mistake we could make. it right away and it's time for happy hour so joining me this evening is r t correspondent lauren lyster and derek thompson senior editor at the atlantic thanks for joining me guy thank you ok so we were just talking about the g.o.p.
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debate from last night all the presidential candidates maybe rick perry is going to join in the race sarah pailin nobody really knows at this point of course her bus made it convenient stop in iowa this weekend but she has released a new ad out there about her bus tour and. take a look. we grow good people in our small towns but. they're the ones you do some of the hardest work in america. all right it's not like there are good people that come from small towns and do some of the hardest work in america they only come from small towns like you that live in cities are good people we don't do hard work they're just not the one i would be attracted to her bus to or to anything having to do with sarah palin this isn't demick in the republican party and even when rick perry came out today with his i think there's a preview of the speech he's going to make the upcoming week to announce the presidency and he says you know america america's future isn't going to come from
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cities it's going to come from washington it's going to come from the great plains and middle america and i don't understand republicans have against offices office buildings in cities as much as i want to iraqis are you jobs really areas based in those offices and cities who is based there i missed what you're saying the job creators that republicans want to cut taxes for exactly i don't know it's just told me if you ask me right but the cities are really populated this is where the majority of americans actually live this is where life goes on and we had to have people here to get this is now and see the most republicans. i don't know good luck to them with that and i don't want a little added i mean her movie theaters were empty when her documentary showed and she's still you know what now that we don't see that is exactly why she's still got it right i mean i'm sure her currency is attention she's not just really running for president she's running to get you know a certain share because she's just like i guess she can't help but i think she she has to go to iowa even if she's not interested in running for president because she just has to be in the mix and get some of the attention i think she's addicted
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she's crossed that threshold into celebrity if you ask me and that's it there's no turning back for her. but now let's move on to i don't know if you guys came up with the answer is we were thinking long and hard before the show there was a poll out who did it polled market research and they are. people who are the most hated person in america was you guys have most hated person let's do it after week after you know i can't get someone to say. well this might give you a clue. but let me just. bring tonight. i'm sorry any excuse to get it simply. i have to the devil is dancing tonight i think she might be one of my least favorite people in america i don't know how to go far as far as hades but it definitely. me the wrong way but it turns out actually that the most hated person in america according to the poll right now is casey anthony big friggin surprise
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that she really the worst person in america are there other people you can hate she just got the most publicity for someone that you would hate right then octomom was second was that right i mean i don't know if that was their strengths or pratt was on the fact that. those b.b.'s is a crime against humanity maybe i don't know what when thinking about people that i hate i really don't hate anybody but one person i certainly resent i think might be asked and i'm not sure i completely understand how was career is so successful because even in a job that is really a lot of twitter followers he has a lot of what it would actually i'm sure you doctor on television right now seventy thousand dollars per episode i should have stepped into a good spot sure but that's one reason why don't you have a good point and no no i have i think we have a good point when it comes to his acting chops do not deserve that much money but at the same time he has a pretty smart because he caught on to a lot of these new tech companies before everybody else did he invested in them he's kind of riding the wave maybe you know ahead of it i guess you could say when it comes to technology i love how we turn into love you only want your to segment
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about a hater he will. say all the evil i hate the mainstream media for making casey anthony so well known that ninety four percent of the people that knew her hated her the most. ok so i committed to get it grace is probably the person most responsible for that now if we want to something i guess you can say is a little more serious or i don't know love first let's take a look at this clip that describes who we're talking about. there are developments in the case of private first class nasser jason abdo he's a wall american soldier who was arrested after f.b.i. agents potential bomb making material in his hotel room. all right so apparently what they also found was that this guy had a porn and apparently i guess it turned out to be child porn which is you know gross but so somebody decided to make the connection it's jennifer bryson from the witherspoon institute now wrote a thing about terrorism and porn because of course osama bin ladin when we got him
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and they went into his compound they found that he had a huge porn stash and so this is the argument she make she said given how widespread the viewing of pornography is today if the direct result of each individual's pornography use were terrorist violence one could conceivably argue the core not proliferation would pose a more widespread threat to human existence the nuclear proliferation so she's basically saying that porn is encouraging terrorists to be more violent and be terrorists because porn is so much more grotesque these days when you're just every man be a terrorist i mean isn't it just that all of these militants or people engaging in these activities are men it's not shocking to me that they happen to possess porn do i think it's cock i mean you're going to really hurt if pornography is widespread then it correlates highly with absolutely everything it's like oxygen it's like saying oh well everybody who's committed a terrorist attack appears to have two lungs and is breathing oxygen therefore it seems clear to me that the breathing of oxygen might be more dangerous than the. nuclear weapons makes absolute sense because i like if you. like oxygen i don't
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remember that well let's get on to our last story for at a time riots in london and now this is the london mayor boris johnson talking about how they're cracking down on people. would agree that. the police seized. the moment before the receipt. that you continue to happen. because we see those people would receive very severe sentence. ok so. there obviously are people that were looting and vandalizing that stole a lot of things and were burning property and they deserve to be punished but a twenty three year old student with no previous convictions was given the maximum permitted six months of jail time after stealing bottles of water i think that's a little much don't you know they're going to have some problems if they're going to do this everybody because you saw you guys remember the pink floyd adoptive son they were tossed in pink floyd his adopted son got sixteen months for protesting at a student protest hanging for a flag i mean it isn't
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a good example to get attention if you're one of the same time it's pretty clear that what the government wants to do they don't know who's causing all of these riots they don't knows who's behind all the burnings so what you do is you make an extreme example of a few people who you do know have committed crimes but it's not and so this case i mean i got to wrap it up guys sorry but i think that the net makes for joining me tonight are that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in to make sure they come back on monday we can dissect the ames straw poll results on the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other night you can always catch all of you tube dot com slash the live show where you can find the interviews and the show in its entirety and coming up next is adam vs the man.
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with a new cage government promising tough measures to follow the story may have experts fear proposed steps could make the situation even worse. as fresh rallies calling for social justice are expected around israel's policy visits a refugee camp where people say the protestors have little understanding of the real problems for the poor in the country. and contaminated lies days of americans from the area one sees fear a new mining say the u.s. government and corporations exploited. and a pound of them to suffer severe health consequences it's. a very welcome see this is a live from moscow tensions have deepened in the u.k. between paul.
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