tv [untitled] August 13, 2011 1:01pm-1:31pm EDT
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who will be talking to r.t. is kevin owen. president not going to thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy show jewel to be on r.t. international tonight for the next half hour or so to answer a number of questions that i'd like to put to you and get your latest thoughts on domestic issues and international issues and i'll start if i may with the story that made all the news headlines for the past six months that's unfolded in north africa in the middle east that's been the arab spring what are your views on the arab spring and we've spoken about it before but i just wanted to hear your latest thoughts do you think it's a popular uprising for the better to bring democracy or you think it's something maybe that's been orchestrated from abroad over to use or. this we'll learn more in the name of god the compassionate mr. it's in the hands of. the religious and from the sun the source
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of allow me to say hello to the viewers of your channels and we are now in the month of ramadan in iran as in michigan and we enjoy the blessings of our love for all human beings in this month's holiday and our last determines the destiny of all human beings in this way to mount isa for the next in this month a month of. kindness and i hope. all human beings. grind lead behavior to each other and they will enjoy divine blessings you are asking very important questions we have seen very important developments in our region and in north africa there are a few important things we must pay attention to and it's not only about the peoples in the region the entire ward is not satisfied with the current status in
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the world there are class distinctions of pressures there are conflicts armed conflicts and a large number of nations in the world are being humiliated all the time today just as dignity are among the requirements of all human beings all the nations are seeking to gain justice and dignity and nations in our region and in north africa africa have the same aspirations and i think the nations in north africa region have the ability to run their own country and they have the ability. to reach their goals and objectives that is important to take note of the interference of nato in the region nato has interfered in the affairs of libya the security council has made
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a mistake instead of sending bombs and planes to libya if they should have sent mediation groups in order to prepare for a free elections with the results of the united nations and whoever. won the elections would be acceptable to the people but the security council hastily issued a resolution which has complicated the situation that has led to killings and massacre of people and destruction of the infrastructures in the country has been translated but you know so what you said ok can you highlight for me why you've had slightly different approaches to for instance the unrest in syria what's going on in egypt at the time just before hosni mubarak stepped down you you quoting it urged to continue their protest to free themselves and choose their own leaders in their own form of government why can't that happen in syria as well what's the
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difference. for that money is simply going to show it's not only about us it's not only iran that has a different view there are many countries that have a different attitude for example the united states and europe have different attitudes towards the situation what has been going on in libya in bahrain and syria there are there are different positions and this is because of. the nation of the regional who ations and the kind of attitude taken by the outside powers. i think around needs to liberalize do you think you should introduce more political reforms to maybe head off something similar happening in this country as well at some point in the future does it worry you at all. but they're going to think the entire world needs more freedom. because more than everybody else in the world the europeans and americans need freedom. in europe is
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that freedom the only because that is the real freedom in the united states as. they are beating people in the streets i take it what you say so but the real concerns about very human rights issues in this country as well the un is concerned a lot of international organizations are concerned you also have your former prime minister hussein was sadly in the former house speaker under house arrest now. why are the iranian authorities simply so reluctant to take on more democracy to hear the voice of the people more we saw all the demonstrations in your disputed election at the time in the last election in two thousand and nine do you think some changes should be made in your country. due to the court but what do you think about the person that are people that should participate in any election what do you think about the election turnout i should the plane that
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eighty five percent could deploy is that a low record for an election supervisor democracy that the house and there are thirty five kinds of democracies in the world we're seeing in. english the m r prosy and germany marcus's all of them because you want to see and british and american democracy russian democracy they are this is all the one kind of a marxist in the sun who i think the question of human being. is rights are different. machine in europe rights of human beings are being violated and it is also the same situation there is also the same situation in the united states in asia in africa where the common rights of human beings have not yet been observations fully and completely change your wishes to deal. you know any country in the walled that has opposite of human rights completely for the usual you have mentioned certain names and i think. the judiciary has given
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sufficient explanations about the situation we have an independent judiciary and just. really have a very transparent legal proceedings as one who violates as well as a lot of in the judiciary is the least chance of us to make a necessary legal procedures and legal who investigate i cannot. make i cannot say anything to the judicially or independent. one last quick question about this than do you think the dissenting voices in your country of which there are quite a lot are listened to do you pay any heed to them. the telephone going off in the background do you think could be dissenting voices in your country of which there are some are listening to you do you give any heed to what they have to say to you.
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going to shows your head you think we have more freedom you're on the other. the voices of all the more than any country i am among the people i am in close contact with we have mass media we have free chris and they criticize the government but if you think i'm going to say we have an ideal situation where can you find in the world to be. iran is among the best countries in the world in this respect. we have more never said we are perfect. that there should be a comparison ok i take in everything you say the vets look now at your neighbors new relationship with so you all nearest neighbors when you bahrain yemen lebanon iraq palestine some of those countries have been complaining you are meddling in their internal affairs do they have
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a point. who are those some countries or so when they marched in march of this year bahrain you may recall recalled its ambassador to this country after reining in foreign ministry spokesman said it was unacceptable of there was a presence of foreign troops in bahrain also in april gulf states saudi arabia united arab emirates qatar kuwait bahrain a man voice deep concern over what they called a radio interference in their affairs after you objected again to that despite your saudi troops in far a. more credible you say the question have we done a bad thing that we said people should not be killed in bahrain about the did we do with the bad think. do you call it an interference. with who are using military force in bahrain
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are we doing that because. who are interfering in the internal affairs of the visual. there's surely one place or one a spot in the world where iranian military forces are the president there is no place in the world you know. the british forces that the american forces and nato level nato forces are around us everywhere around iraq they are surrounded iran and the same forces iran is interfering in the internal affairs of the region. what should we say. another neighbor of yours a rock often referred to as your backyard iran's backyard and of course about your other side an awful lot of action over the last eight years now the americans are pulling out how would you gauge the last eight years and what you think of that
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comment that iraq is your backyard. even though it will be a little obvious that he will have a special relationship with which we have a common history. is the good people marry each other we have never used. the manual in the years the war in iraq and many iraqis were born in your own soul and maybe you know what if it was hundred years of every year there was a lot of tourism going on between the two countries. there is a profound historical relationship between our two nations. for example it was with the you are he president prime minister she ministers the shiites sunnis i call of course atmosphere in the parliament we are all friends and they are also our friends. we have established a very flimsy relationship which are officially we are seeking to have an
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independent iraq which is independent and it and it will it solve the rights this is the best situation for us and how do you see that relationship developing over the next ten years for instance. on the cover to do so not as an enlargement to judea milosevic being the only relationship you have so your interest in our three toys our costs are all exchanges that we have more than one thousand kilometers of boundaries common borders that if you walk. after them and there is a regular exchange of visit between officers from both on i wish it would i think i don't think there is a problem between iran and iraq. next i just like to talk about tonight's the nucleus objects you're always having to answer about it i don't i'd like to ask you again if i may only recently iran announced that you've stepped up production of new centrifuges faster better sense of you just to make better higher quality
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uranium the question mark is why i know you said all the world long line of rand does not want nuclear weapons ran as a peaceful country but of course a lot of people in the west don't believe that they do feel that there's not enough transparency do you think this country you should be doing more to make it more transparent. well have you couldn't you really think the people in the west are concerned about that or they are the politicians i think people are concerned about your country eventually having a nuclear weapon yes i do so. bellemont just know that in just city we don't like either that other countries you have not only your sweat has the most qualified going to leave us alone we are loyal to you against the nuclear weapons we must rise in opposition to the current no clear loss of all that there is now and there are a lot of. comic arsenals in belgium in germany and in other european countries
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for this is a serious jeopardy against the international community ok i'm just waiting for the translation to come to let me just get this straight are you saying that at some point in the future you may want to acquire a nuclear deterrent a nuclear weapon how did you how did you never never for me steve you know clearly you know the weapon is normal the table also has something because we do not want a nuclear weapons without i see you know your weapons are dishonest for a few days and because you feel they got aggressive to carry out pushing a should do that and france above you meant there was a view the. us as leverage here. let me explain. you must be patient a little. earlier you say look it is this this is an inhuman. because of our beliefs we are against. our religion says it is prohibited.
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we are religious people in. the second quarter you know clear weapon is as no. capability to this. any country tries to build a nuclear bomb in fact they have. wasted. their money and resources and second they have created a big danger for themselves a lot more devoted just hundred for example the international equalizations are now are not be totally into the buy nuclear arsenal on the model of the table because it's about the wave of human beings. all because hillary has the d.m.l. i can't have nuclear bombs and nuclear weapons because boy. could they win in iraq or in afghanistan. yes. the boys should.
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count the nuclear weapons could the nuclear weapons help the israelis to gain the zionist regime to gain a victory in lebanon and in gaza. be pushing could a nuclear weapons help the former soviet union from being collapsed. the nuclear weapons is the issue of the four early previous century. this century is the century of knowledge and think i think it is the century of human beings. it is the century of culture and logic. weapon is not going to be a determinating of force in the world it is about the power of people not nuclear weapons short i mean that's how i mean why i should say that our goal in the
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country and the goal of our people our slogan east peace was the better you have nuclear energy for the law and nuclear weapons for man. this is our goal for all the time a common as you know how activities are monitored or why the. go to them and all activities nuclear activities in iran are the incense rolls as long as the agency's cameras there hasn't been any document against iran in the agency or because they just claim it is a claim by the united states. but they have no evidence that iran is diverting to that purpose ok i'd like to come back to another aspect of your a nuclear program little bit later the civilian side of it the bashir plant will get a lot of them in it but let's stay with maybe possible aggression before that you can ever consider it possible that the united states or israel could make
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a strike against you could launch military action against your country does it worry you. you know it is a dollar they have the they don't wish to do it they want to do it they don't know what they know about our power we don't like your posts they told us we are going to give them a very decisive response say i'm sorry to ask you again they said when you say a decisive response would you mean to just outline what you're talking about. a little wobbly million yes we'll give them a question response. job or who is and this is a. normal reaction for c.h. . we have a saying in our language translation subhashree well you could look at somebody like throws. throws stones a small a stone you have all react with a bigger stone that are only different we defend ourselves within our capabilities
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as a patient but i hope that they would never come to delhi which is that there is no reason to go by them to war why should they attack us the same regards israel as well then yes there's no reason ever to go to war with them there's no reason to make a first strike a preemptive strike against them would you have a city that's in a given the that you're missing is to fire them according design this regime the case of zionist regime is different. there's lyonnesse regime that has been corroborated for the purpose of aggression in due time you know one of. it has been the created to secure the interests of the west get to vote and according. to the call a the nature of the zionist regime is aggression if they don't do it. actually they do not exist very interested they have been created out to lawless for that purpose
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and in the past sixty years they have done the same ten. and that they behaved. in the same way. on our children to go around the corner but you don't and maybe they look at and maybe the world map they can find out about our history of geopolitics ok mr president we talked about one side of the nuclear questions the nuclear issue just now let's talk about the civil side of it pushing nuclear power plant which has been in development for a long time you had the official opening ceremony very recently still not operationally on stream yet. you've got close relations with russia you always have had this country and vice versa. there is some financial dispute at the moment with ross saturn that's the publicly owned corporation in russia regarding bushehr they've been helping you develop it could you give us an idea of what that disputes about and more crucially is it likely to hold up the operational launch date of
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your a nuclear power plant. madness or one mission over i'm just hearing this from you. they made the deal with a motel and so i have all the talks with president medvedev of them this morning. there is no obstacle for the operation and the operation will start on the time and a days as economists go to look at how you learn as a master all the necessary things and cautions must be exercised. the country must be very much looking forward to that coming on stream to give you nuclear power you know when the launch date will be know the operational date when it feeds the grid. they will need all that matter who live under it is in the stages of operation along operation. they say before the end of the year. it will be fully lost in fuel
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stations. you mean emotionally know that there is no problem. you don't want to say yes of course it is part of the relationship between us and russia will have to that matter as a digital on and off course that can be visibly seen by the world community how many. and she actually international community are watching how russians are building the nuclear power plant. talking a bit about religion now if i may more more we're hearing about the different denominations sunni shia alawite and splits between them why is this so much speculation today about sectarian splits within islam what's that about can you shed some light on it for it's. been a share of us when you question which is that any while it's between shiites and sunnis. where did you see that. there is little talk of in the
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secular splits that. they need in sun he should be asked how there are differences among all human beings well much of it indeed how the way that we should dance we believe that the religion is only one truth or the one d.m.'s the god to islam after it has not sent up on christianity islam or judaism you know digital sound they are not separate separate from each other without human law to touch him a child of god has not made any division among the nations where there hominids on how to do study god loves all human beings i mean somehow and by the it for you and the god has created all human beings on one equal basis indra better you saw that in some religion has been offered a lot of the almighty for the well being of him be extinguished that would you know that there is only one religion is that him i see how would jesus christ has
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offered author of the same religion a moment unless it was a few of the better but in proportion to the capacity of human beings i shouted to his also that human beings of two thousand years ago. has that. moses has also offered the same religion. was bought in for a whole journey to his with the of human beings two thousand six hundred years ago . but how did you know the prophet of islam also offered the same religion one religion but he offered a complete. isn't there any conflict or differences among christians. or between christians and jews but if it were going to get in sunday are saying. if i have a sound been grueling to somebody from the quality of. the same quality of
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prophets come on to us from our law he would be able to give us the truth of the religion. of the love to be able to present the truth of religion then there will be no gap no difference all i see here you know this you are no longer your holiness then we'll see that christians jews muslims cattle leaves protestants we'll let me ask you for the same language john howard because the entire human community is sick and well being and has. asked the way to salvation is only one path ok thank you for your food and know your time is precious we've got five or ten minutes more if we may of your time or a few more questions i want to ask you let's focus on china fast developing country actively promoting itself here in iran at the moment how do you see iranian
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development both ways do you think you'll be selling more of your energy to china in the future. moreover told the teller first we have. a two way relationship with him but you're on a child are throwing important and the last round without a fight and they enjoy a centuries old civilization and consuls. we have always maintained friendly toys. and today we have identical views with regard to the international developments. but the common denominator in our relationship is based on your just as security for our. relationship with russia has always been very good but it was a little shaky when for the first time russia decided to go with sanctions
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imposed here you said that was inadmissible last year and acceptable what are your relations with russia now. we need more time so yes we want to rush off to a neighbor's house a job to. do so graphically we should always remain neighbors doing right and i'm sure the hands that we cannot change that reality shows i mean an image of a church because we cannot move or remove the lands. we must be friends and we must remain frat house and i will be family and we should understand our language our language into the language in front of one dirty we have a lot of commonalities. and these commonalities are not against any other families these commonalities would be into in the interest of all nations is the father god remarkably in a position to make use of all these resources commenting wolf to go views earlier i had i have had
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a very good talks with president put the mr putin to go if they're going to look at religion and i also have very useful talks with president medvedev but it will be that i'm sure between and i hove we will because that would be able to expand our while lateral relations. with the jewish to have a lot especially with regard to the current global economic and political changes that you did in iran and the russia can offer common solutions to the current international problems got out of the stream chain of the water and the two sides are supposed to increase their toys and. and we are also supposed to develop arkansas tensions. and hopefully we would be able to increase the level of bilateral relations. a large round off in a few minutes on a personal note now in twenty thirteen you'll be coming to the end of your
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a second and final presidential term you've been extremely busy for the last eight years what are you going to do then what does a president then become what are you looking forward to doing and what will you miss about the job. for you and the fellow who will i see a bright future but i have a dog for the whole world. that actually is a very brilliant world. a very brilliant future is awaiting the whole world honeybee on the show when the entire world and human beings will think globally how did. we all learn how to love each other yet i don't like people and we all understand the importance of justice i mean that stock the need to know the motion of each article so that all human beings. be able to participate in the will
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