tv [untitled] August 14, 2011 7:01am-7:31am EDT
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shattered. with the top stories of the week this is the weekly with me. britain's police are furious about prime minister david cameron's plan to consult a former american police chief on how to tackle street violence there's already tension between them following the riots and looting which have led to more than two thousand arrests but while the blame game is circles overhead communities are reclaiming the streets for themselves as aussies reports. if a good result could sure use a warning to looters around five hundred mainly young men chased down the road after police ready to drive troublemakers out of town but. despite the mob atmosphere
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a large crowd of young men are out for justice there's been no trouble so far most are ordinary people out to protect their communities a lot of people are here to help there obviously are some paper that a can a day opposite effect they're going to get that everywhere very much start it's taking our stories up with young children not i will but children on the streets follow with the start if there's not enough police then move help them and just give everyone a wage the cost to the shops and just push them away basically we don't want to go after anyone cause any trouble we just one might sure that no one comes in. the shops open. and it's not just in enfield in other parts of town sikhs have banded together to protect their livelihoods and property sons and daughters come together with us and say let's solve the problems with out on to violence and causing distress going to other which then takes it on. causing the violence in the streets . this is the current face of communities
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across england many of which felt under siege from looters and said in their darkest hour the police were nowhere to be seen police have not been anywhere where the police if the police were hit that would've been maybe this is what david cameron means when he talks constantly about the big society handing power and responsibility back to local communities and i think the scenes we all saw our television screens last night of communities coming together to try and stop violence taking place was a mortal how these things should be done that despite the fact that three young asian men were killed in birmingham early on wednesday. trying to protect businesses allegedly rammed with a car the tragedy ignited anger in the asian community a vigilante attracts all sorts and mentality doesn't just head. this issue number of police officers on the streets of england at the moment which
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many find reassuring but groups like the enfield army prove that communities still feel police unable to protect them and with budget cuts but front line officers still on the table on the beat could get fewer and further between local to lunch and we could take up the slack. while our david cameron told m.p.'s this week that the rioting was pure and simple criminality political analysts who cannot chant and so it's not that obvious who the real criminals are amid the unrest really would like the british authorities to rethink hard and fast their approach their approach needs to be actually addressing the root causes of this which is a forgotten generation then so this is a mass phenomenon this is this is this is a generation that speak with chinese. gangster that's the way they've been treated by the system and by people in the community so why are we surprised that they
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behave in the way that we've laid for a whole generation it's a social nine eleven we can say i mean you know cameron and miliband were holidaying in the terrain while they're bombing libya in the south mediterranean a common comes back after the first day of writing from his national holiday and he calls these young people criminals and the water this is the same person who was directly responsible for the massacring by nato of eighty five civilians that same night including thirty five children so let's get some perspective here who's the real criminal in this situation. and our london based journalist afshin rattansi thinks the u.k. government and the public are a world apart and the gap will be difficult to predict. this is completely in crisis and the motivations are so numerous but i suppose the central one of course is inequality and in turn civic life to begin situations that are completely out of touch whether it be the media replace force or politicians themselves the david
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cameron who went to look expensive schools in the country has no knowledge of the huge insecurities and inequalities raging right across this country the idea of david cameron calling the police force massive. the idea of shrinking the economy to grow it as a sort of massive religions together with a magic consumerist religion here wanting to buy more and more expensive goods is a far. more analysis and a video of artsy dot com that's where we look at what's behind britain's worst riots in years. i don't think there's any political motive a tool for this they're not attacking middle easterners attacking official buildings they're attacking shoe shops and businesses and and stealing whatever they can carry join the discussion under your view break down. the world's stock markets roughest we can years after the united states top to your
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credit rating was dropped one not by standard and poor's but economist michael says the agency's decision is actually saving america from a worse crisis. yeah it is intractable america is the incoming insolvent and the senior is getting out and once the chinese fully understand it and once the japanese and the europeans and or foreign creditors all a sense the idea that we can pay back our debt without inflation and monetizing and china feeding it will be a. treasury auction which will send interest rates to the moon or at least interesting high single digits and then it will be clear as day that the u.s. is insolvent and that's where the s. and p. standard and poor's is trying to who they should be looking thank you to find the way there be in the mainstream media but now the tables are turning on standard and
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poor's it's not only being widely slammed first assertion but now also faces a legal inquiry financial analyst call it then it just says it's necessary because the downgrade may have been wrongfully leaked to traders there's clearly an element of legitimacy to investigating insider trading there was an awful lot of rumor mongering that was going on or the downgrade in this case the rumor turned out to be correct and there was a huge swing in the market on friday prior to the downgrade be your truth so clearly some people knew in advance and the question is who are those people and how did they get that information because it is clearly improper under u.s. law to trade on material nonpublic information if you have it so to that extent the inquiries would get a. while whether the white house agrees with its new credit score or not there is one number that just can't be avoided that of the fourteen trillion dollar debt for huffington post columnist eric mclean's it's america's an almost war spending
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that's the root of the problem. if the united states were being under invaded growth from outside powers will no crimes be too much to pay for france but we're not paying for defense for our people or oath and it's in the sense that america's military operations are all around the world not too many americans understand is that the costs of these wars were never equal to the taxes are there to be put on the us national credit card that's one of the reasons why the us debt fourteen trillion dollars and his grueling if americans had to pay for the course the peace foreign wars the large military establishment out of their taxes i think that would be a big change public opinion and i europe's economy also took a knock this week with the big hitters being drawn in leading a french bank society general was forced to deny that it solvent see was at risk
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but investors remain unconvinced the country's finances are solid economy watch imax kaiser believes the french banking system will not pull through. the french banks are loaded with toxic derivatives that were sold to them by american investment banks and the american investment banks plus the rating agencies plus the hedge funds are now attacking these french banks they know where the bodies are buried and they're using the weapons that they sold them to attack them decided generale and b. and b. and credit agricole are insolvent their balance sheets are six to ten times bigger in terms of the debt that they carry than they could possibly service but it's carried on the shadow banking system they don't report this debt but the insiders around the world who wield the weapons of mass financial destruction are tacking them to force these unrealised that onto the balance sheet to force these companies into delinquency into foreclosure because they are going to raid billions of dollars attacking the banks decided generali is an insolvent institution so is
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being paid they can't possibly meet their their the credit demands absolutely not and of those e.u. nations which are not members of the in but hold a euro currency club cutting themselves rather lucky some positively stabled in comparison and watching the floundering euro was helping them make up their minds as aunties alexy go to ski reports from poland. while parts of europe have been teetering on the edge of economic abyss poland has remained stable in the storm along with this currency. there is a widespread belief in the country that being outside the euro has helped keep poland. here. if we were part of the eurozone then we would have been obliged to help countries like greece and portugal how can we help out someone else without solving our own problems it's almost guaranteed that prices would go up but we join the euro zone which would damage my business recent opinion polls suggest that more
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than sixty percent of spalls want to keep their own currency a dramatic turnaround from just a few years back a few years ago the euro was seen as the euro club was seen as something very exclusive poles aspired to they wanted their country to join now the name of the euro has been sullied by the troubles in greece and italy poles don't want to be dragged into this crisis if the government forced the euro issue try to bring. it could be political suicide poland has fared much better than many of its e.u. partners in the global crisis several countries like greece ireland and portugal are on the brink of disaster partly due to a boring binge allowed by your membership and associated low interest rates being outside the euro zone meant poland could not join the party but now it does not have the hangover poland was meant to have the euro by next year the time when the
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country is co-hosting the twenty twelve european football championship but with the latest developments these plans may be shelved for another four years e.u. rules say poland is obliged to adopt the euro once it meets the economic rules to joining but both politicians are now much cooler on the idea with minister saying the eurozone needs to get its house in order first place very important for us. the need for institutional changes. i mean these economic governance of euro zone and also some crisis management and we see some need for change in the eurozone before. target date will be. set up the game has changed in the year everyone once wanted to join me now be the invitation no one wants to accept. you for the warsaw
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in poland. you're watching the weekly here on our to you it's good to have your company today so i have for you this hour syrian leader really listening. to his very words he'll meet the same treatments that smirk is now seeing as the pressure mounts on a president assad experts and top of his recent actions as exhausted from clinging to power for so long. look at how parents and activists in russia are taking matters into their own hands when it comes to protecting children from pedophiles. three years ago georgia launched an attack on the people of the small republic of south a city the five day war in which georgia try to regain control of its old territories claimed hundreds of innocent lives moral services were held in itself as capital skin bell hundreds of people it came to light candles and to pray for the victims of the conflict and released white balloons in their memory being
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a question of i went to meet with some of those who are still struggling to come to terms with the loss. i come here almost every day i sit and talk to my son so i know i will know next to my dear boy. for the last three years stacey sydney has come to this cemetery in self-assertive where her son is very it's five days in two thousand and eight split her life into a before and after. as when her son daughter a medical college graduate heard the republic's capital teen vall was under attack from georgia she rushed home to help the injured she died in her arms as they lay trapped for days on to the rubble of their apartment block that was in the georgian alterian is firing line today says the only thing that makes her life worth living now is three twenty five year old daughter they now live together in a newly built house to rounded by families with similar tragic stories.
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in their targets across the street lives of anyone who was two children into the house opposite lives the man who lost both his wife and his nico. all these people are victims of georgia's military aggression in all those two thousand and eight when you try to retake control of the downed breakaway republic of south ossetia a russian peacekeeping mission in the region also came under fire nurse my abyss i was on duty with them and witnessed average thing that happened that night for kids you know i saw him falling far. when you know it was going to be our last mine but it was still carried on peacekeeping mission and tried to be calm in. moscow santry enforcement to protect its citizens and prevent more civilian deaths within five days georgian troops had been repulsed three weeks late so russia recognized independence. the last three years have changed the face of this thursday i new
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residential air where new roads jobs and invest in you have been built. but still signs of the conflict remain this behind my back i got slapped a good russian peacekeeping post for those who lived through the horrors of the brief but deadly conflict the memories are still. so much in the question of reporting from scene volves. you can discover more about the painful past. week dot com also online we explore the turbulent relations within neighboring georgia as the opposition claims the country's children are being forced to study english to make it a double language putting a generation of youngsters and national identity it's. probably a treasure hunting vladimir putin dives deep into trouble i don't the fate of an historic site called the russian for answers find out what the prime minister found
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at the bottom of the sea at all. you're watching the weekly here on our now international pressure is mounting on the syrian leadership with the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton calling for economic and political ties with the country but syrian war ships meantime have joined a military assault against its port city of latakia the latest round of crackdowns on anti-government protesters warships shelled a residential district killing at least six people and this according to human rights groups arab nations are also also lining up against the government crackdown on civilians the violence stops immediately patrick case from the online magazine spiked believes that president assad is ignoring the people of his own peril.
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clamping down on freedom of speech and freedom of expression which is the cornerstone of any democracy is not sending out a message to the syrian people that he can be taken seriously or trusted in his promise is a tool of diplomatic consideration is now largely absent in assad's regime they're clinging on to power but even so in a very tired way there is a sense from a seller drily that the ease by which he started to say this is the end of you know single party rule and he will start to think about elections and the way in which he previously portrayed himself and his party as the only guarantors of syrian stability but is now talking about major constitutional reforms i mean really there's a real uncertainty about what he's trying to do there very isolated they don't really know where they go into a kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place they don't know what to do but in the sense i get this he seems very
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tired that almost willing to relinquish power at the moment but i think there's a reluctance to want to relinquish power because i suspect he is very worried he will meet the same treatments that some of barack is now seeing. and elsewhere in the arab world conflicts fighting is continuing between libyan rebels and approach gadhafi troops in the coastal town of zawiyah the rebels claim control of the town which lies just fifty kilometers from tripoli and is along the main supply road to the two museum border earlier the libyan government denied claims that rebels captured the northern oil town of brega on thursday the libyan embassy in washington under the control of the rebels national transitional council the conflict raging now for six months killing thousands of people despite intervention . and it's the alliance its presence in libya that's making the situation worse this according to the iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad spoke exclusively to
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our kevin irwin about his views on the arab spring and foreign involvement. because security council has made a mistake instead of sending planes to libya they should have sent mediation groups in order to prepare for free elections under the auspices of the un so whoever won the elections would be acceptable for the people but the security council hastily issued a resolution and it has complicated the situation that has led to the killings and the massacre of people and destruction of infrastructure in the country let me just get this straight. you want to acquire a nuclear deterrent a nuclear weapon. this is. our religion. and we are religious people if any country tries to build a nuclear bomb in fact they waste their money they create great danger. the international equations are not determined by nuclear arsenals today the americans
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have nuclear bombs and nuclear weapons and could they win in iraq and afghanistan could their nuclear weapons help the israelis to gain victory a. nuclear weapon the former soviet union from collapse. exclusive interview with the president. next hour right here on our. today's news headlines. in the united states. a strong winds. storm at the governor's compound in the eastern afghan province of parwan killing nineteen and wounding nearly forty powerful explosions followed by gunfire rocked the regional capital police say five suicide bombers carried out the attack on
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taliban. afghan troops gradually take over security from foreign forces. two policemen in the russian ural subpoena arrested over an alleged pedophile cover up suspected of accepting bribes from a man who is believed to have raped more than twenty boys it is the latest in a series of shocking crimes where police and judges seem to be turning a blind eye and as a pushover reports that's forcing parents to deal with the problem themselves. and mother in grief. i even thought of buying a pistol and shooting him myself i simply don't know how else to protect my family live on the first floor with curtains constantly drawn i go to work every day sick with fear for my daughter which are on the website. it was hard for another area to admit she trusted someone who harmed her daughter she brought the man into the house is
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a common law husband to live side by side with him for more than an hour news or so my daughter told me he threw a stray cat from the roof and said he did the same to her if she ever confided in me about the things she was doing to her when the dollar finally managed to get things to the court the jury acquitted the man who she says is now off to her family hungry for adventure now that his experience is just one example of many in a recent controversial case a man suspected of raping a seven year old girl was released without charge. yes i pulled off her underwear and she started crying i squeezed her neck and pressed her into the ground it only took a couple of minutes then i told her to go home and tell no one. only after an enraged crowd nearly lynched the men did police launch a fully fledged investigation into the case and record that confession authorities also disciplined the original investigating officer will summarize this this proposal the words that happened here is the mother was treated like
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a football she was kicked around from office to office a tragedy had happened to her shouldn't know what to do but no one wanted to even talk to her alone except her statement where. russian authorities have a nominee close to a fight against the sexual abuse of minors but results seem to have been meager with estimates claiming thousands still fall victim in an attempt to put things right activists have started taking matters into their own hands i'm underage that's fine i. like small boys and would love to kiss you and hug you and do many other things to you this video has been put together by a group of volunteers as they track people they believe are paedophiles and they go online pretending to be an underage boy or girl and they set up meetings with people who wouldn't to preferring minors the idea is to film their faces and expose them on the web to build what i want to show we are simply
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a group of people who decided to fight this evil in our own way because our families live in the city not children walk in these parks and we don't want them ever to meet those perverts but in that they try to act within the law but often operate and it's edge volunteers tracking paedophiles online say most people will sign off when they learned the person or chatting to is under-age but they also say roughly out of one hundred contacts one is certain to be looking for easy prey currently the maximum sentence for child sex offenses is twenty years in prison an amendment to the law is meant to introduce tougher penalties including life in prison and conditional chemical castration but until the changes are implemented and proven to be effective the activists say they'll continue with their religion and taken pain diary pushed over arching school. all right it certainly helped us three on a sunday afternoon here in australia with r.t. i will be back with a recap of the headlines in just
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out of here because i knew that what was going to happen was that he was going to kill me many victims don't understand that domestic violence includes verbal abuse psychological abuse physical abuse and sexual abuse at least four million women are affected by abuse every year those are my only two options that i saw at that moment either i'm going to kill him i'm me in jail or he's going to kill it it says. the mission free cretaceous and free zones for charges free. range month free is free. to tide free. download free books just plug in video for your media projects and a free media dog to our teeth dot com.
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stories of. three thousand arrests. for police. losing. the government for seeking help from an american police chief. the u.s. . credit. ratings agency gave the country a negative economic but the movie shock waves through. this week since the military was a nice attempt to regain control of the territory resulted in a five. hundred.
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