tv [untitled] August 14, 2011 1:01pm-1:31pm EDT
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and top politicians in britain following several days of rioting and looting throughout the country prime minister david cameron slammed the force for their poor handling of the crisis even turning to a prominent us law enforcer for advice on preventing street violence the unrest was triggered by the fatal police shooting of a twenty nine year old man and the ensuing peaceful protests which turned violent protests started smashing shop windows and setting fire to cars and buildings leading to widespread copycat violence over two thousand the rest have been made so far in connection with the disorder and with the police locked into a blame game with politicians groups and local communities took it into their own hands to reclaim the streets from looters or emmett's that some of them. a good result could sure use a warning to looters around five hundred mainly young men chased down the road after police ready to drive troublemakers out of town. despite the mob atmosphere a large crowd of young men are out for justice there's been no trouble so far most
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are ordinary people out to protect their communities a lot of people are here to help there obviously are some people that going to do the opposite effect you're going to get that everywhere started taking our streets up with young children or children on the streets for the decide if there's not enough police help them and just get everyone away just look after all the shops and push them away basically we don't want to go off to anyone cause any trouble we just want to make sure that no one comes in and start smashing the shops up. and it's not just in enfield in other parts of town sikhs have banded together to protect their livelihoods and property sons and daughters come together with us and say let's solve the problems without on to violence and causing distress to trouble which then takes it. causing further violence and destroy.
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this is the current face of communities across the england many of which felt under siege from looters and said in their darkest hour the police were nowhere to be seen police have not been anywhere where the police if the police were here all that would have been maybe this is what david cameron means when he talks constantly about the big society handing power and responsibility back to local communities and i think the scenes we all saw all our television screens last night of communities coming together to try and stop violence taking place was a model of how these things should be done that despite the fact that three young asian men were killed in birmingham early on wednesday trying to protect local businesses looters allegedly rammed the with a car the tragedy ignited anger in the asian community a vigilante band attracts all sorts and. doesn't just rear its head in looters there's a huge number of police officers on the streets of england at the moment which many
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find reassuring but groups like the enfield army prove that communities still feel police are unable to protect them and with budget cuts for front line officers still on the table on the beat could get fewer and further between local vigilante groups could take up the slack nor am it. well those taking part in the weeks of lawlessness in britain have been using social networks extensively to coordinate actions and elude police in response david cameron said he's considering banning any people from those networks i think you'll see even sorting through the web but london based political activist chris knight says that it just highlights a blatant case of double standards when it comes to freedom of speech. if it means a revolution to enforce the rule of law so be it the rule of law can't be a force for the rich and one for the poor the rule of law means the law for everyone. so ironic having celebrated the facebook revolution the social media the
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twitter revolution across north africa and the arab world suddenly. decided to clamp down on the media here it's absolutely not the issue the issue is inequality the the issue is. what kind of a society are we that drives eleven year olds fourteen year old kids to that. mental state to burn the local store that that we need action we need we need action not weasel politicians words. well for more analysis of the u.k. and rest are now joined by john receives a political activist live there in london thanks very much indeed for being with us here on our team now david cameron is announcing zero tolerance stance towards protesters something picked up from american experience health act if you think such measures will be there in the u.k. i think they'll be zero effective this isn't something that can simply be. streets
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with water and plastic bullets it isn't something that can be and it isn't something that will be going posing draconian prison sentences we've seen one. jailed for six months for stealing a one pound fifty bottle of water now i live in hackney i live right next to which was the main cycle. this week but i can tell you that if that happens you can come by the british vote in a moment or two months or six months or you're absolutely nothing will have changed and they're all on the middle. just as we remain would also zero zero zero tolerance policy adopted by the police in future unrest would that actually cause further problems between police officers and the community as we've seen in the past obviously tough action by the police has caused a lot further a lot of further dissent. yes i think that's exactly what would what would happen part of this it's not that it's not the whole story but part of the explanation for
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this is the already see the discontent with the police force in particularly the black population in this country but more and more generally as well the untold story here is not just what the mob but the fact that this is a a a tip when i spurred when you know that have been three hundred deaths in police custody over less than a decade you can see why people do not trust the police on the estate i mention here in fact the golden dawn raid where somebody had their front door smashed in at five thirty in the morning just two days before the events took place so these are some of the issues that have to be addressed and simply getting the police more powers as even the police have recognized to be there would solve the problem so what are those other issues to be addressed particularly from your anecdotal experience there in hackney. well everybody and everybody who lives in hackney knows that the state is one of the poorest estates in one of the poorest boroughs
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in the country and it's not just the absolute or relative levels of poverty it's the levels of inequality in the united kingdom that it was there is greater inequality than at any point for the last two hundred years that he's going to have to go back to the days of the slave trade to find such a disparity between the rich and the port and this isn't a society where the where the culture of commercialization has run wild over the last twenty five years want you expect if you show people repeatedly the most expensive consumer goods tell them that their self-worth in life but their respect from other people will be judged by the degree to which they can obtain these goods and then deny them the ability to get them either because the wages or so low or because there are no jobs at all or because of endemic poverty this is the combustible material that's been building up at the bottom of british society for
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a generation ago and really the surprise is not that the riots happened but that they have before let's talk about one of the reactions to these recent riots and measure cameron has been talking about saying that he's considering cutting offenders off from social networks this is something that we're following here on our team now one moment he's praising the likes of facebook and twitter as being told for the mako see in the arab uprisings and then his coming out with this policy about censorship of those social networks is that preaching that will stand is the thing. it is preaching double standards certainly but it's also it's also a form of extra judicial punishment there is no law in this country which allows the government to deprive people of the means of communication as punishment for convicting or being convicted of committing a crime there is a justice system here there's a process of trial by jury and there are certain sentences which are handed out to the. if they are found guilty what the prime minister is doing is making up the law and making up the punishment regime as he goes along now actually that should be
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a crime for a leading politician to start suggesting that there are simply ad hoc. completely invented on the moment of punishments that we had over people is outrageous and that the social networkers of the wars that there are already cases know of not people who committed crimes during the riots but of the parents of people who commit a crime during the riots being evicted from their council homes in a london borough because of what happened last week nobody has ever said that making somebody is a suitable punishment broker and just finally austerity measures also the finger of blame has been pointed to those where the police haven't had enough resources to cope with this now at the moment while promising tougher crackdowns on those involved in the riots the police are in some ways being handcuffed themselves by the lack of budgets and indeed cameron has promised that they will continue to reduce the police budget what if that effect could that. well i think the question
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of the austerity in the budget cuts and the relationship between those new services is much wider than the question of the police that we're looking in the in the bar of talk them where the where the riots began thirteen out of twenty you centers are being closed there are virtually no apprenticeships in this country any longer we're talking about unemployment rates of twenty five to fifty percent in these areas so we're going to talk about places where the cuts ought to be halted reversed and money spent to stop this happening again these are sort of these are the ones that are the addressed before we go on to the question of the police john reese we'll leave it there thanks very much for your thoughts thanks for joining us live there in london john. another nation locked into street protest is syria find out what actions the government there appears ready to take to find a compromise and stop the once
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a bloodshed. a list of europe to conscript shorter as countries spurred by the contagion sweeping the economic bloc think twice over their aspirations to join the club. their stories still to come but first this week marked three years since georgia launched its attack on the small republic of self-assertive the five day war in which georgia try to regain control of its old territories claimed hundreds of innocent lives but moral services are being held across the republic with the biggest and self-assertive couples to involve hundreds of people going to large candles and pray for those who died in the conflict releasing white balloons in their memory it is really a question over reports from the republic where the scars are still fresh from what happened in august two thousand and eight. i come here almost every day i sit and talk to my son so i knew i would lie next to my dear boy. for the last three years stacey signet has come to this cemetery in south where her son is
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buried five days to norco's two thousand and eight split her life into a before and after. when her son a medical college graduate heard the republic's capital teen vaal was under attack from georgia he rushed home to help the injured he died in her arms us they lay trapped for days on to the rubble of their apartment block that was in the georgian alterian is firing line. the only thing that makes her life worth living now is her twenty year old daughter they now live together in a newly built house to rounded by family tragic stories. in the tots across the street lives of women who lost two children and to the house opposite lives a man who lost both his wife and his two. told. all these people are victims of georgia's military aggression in august two thousand and eight when they try to retake control of the breakaway republic of south ossetia
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a russian peacekeeping mission in the region also came under fire nursed my abuse dive i was on duty with them and witnessed average thing that happened that night for i saw him violent fire when you know it was going to be our last night but was still carried out peacekeeping mission and tried to be calm. most cool sound trained forstmann to protect its citizens and prevent more civilian deaths within five days georgian troops had been repelled three weeks later russia recognize such as independence. the last three years have changed the face of this thursday a new residential area where new roads jobs and have been bussed in you have been built but signs of the conflict remain this ruins behind my back are all that's left of the russian peacekeeping polled for those who lived through the horrors of the brief but deadly conflict the memories are still very raw. much in
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the question i see reporting from team vall south saturday. has been one of the most turbulent weeks in years for the world's financial markets the spark was an unprecedented downgrade of america's long treasured triple a rating stay out of imports the rating agency behind the move says it made the decision based on the paralyzing hostility of various u.s. political factions but officials allege that the company's calculations were wrong and point to reports of rampant insider trading as a bomber unveils plans to target the country's defense spending long considered to boot despite the country's fourteen trillion dollar debt and for having them post columnist eric margolis it's america's enormous war spending at the root. if the united states were being under invaded. ours will not be too much to pay for france but we're now paying for defense for our people in the sense that america's military operations are all around we're also not truly
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americans understand is that the costs of the wars were never equal the taxes are going to be put on the u.s. national credit card that's one of the reasons why he was down trillion dollars and is growing if americans had paid for the cost of these foreign wars large military sounds out of their taxes i think that would be a big change public opinion. the e.u. already struggling with its own crisis also took a major hit from the downgrade and mess is set off across the bloc led to fears that a staple french bank societe generale maybe it's a risk of insolvency something the bank the noise and lot is own financial guru max kaiser has strong doubts over the stability of the french banking system. the french banks are loaded with toxic derivatives that were sold to them by american investment banks and the american investment banks plus the rating agencies plus
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the hedge funds are now attacking these french banks they know where the bodies are buried and they're using the weapons that they sold them to attack them decided generale and b.n.p. and credit agricole are insolvent their balance sheets are six to ten times bigger in terms of the debt that they carry than they could possibly service but it's carried on the shadow banking system they don't report this debt but the insiders around the world who wield the weapons of mass financial destruction are taxing them to force these unrealized debts onto their balance sheet to force these companies into delinquency into a foreclosure because they are going to reap billions of dollars attacking these banks the side of general is an insolvent institution so is being paid they can't possibly meet their their the credit demands absolutely not. there since its inception there's been no shortage of applicants wanting to join the once elite euro currency club but that all changed with the start of the debt plague
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sweeping through the e.u. election going to have to report watching the euro tumble as offered old hopefuls a fresh perspective. while parts of europe have been teetering on the edge of economic abyss poland has remained stable in the storm along with this currency. there is a widespread belief in the country that being outside the euro has helped keep poland out of trouble here. if we were part of the eurozone then we would have been obliged to help out countries like greece and portugal how can we help out someone else without solving our own problems it's almost guaranteed that prices would go up but we join the euro zone which would damage my business recent opinion polls suggest that more than sixty percent of balls want to keep their own currency a dramatic turnaround from just a few years back a few years ago the euro was seen as the euro club scene or something very exclusive polls aspired to that they wanted their country to join the euro now the
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name of the euro has been sullied by the troubles in greece and italy poles don't want to be dragged into this crisis if the government forced the euro issue try to bring poland into the eurozone it could be political suicide poland has fared much better than many of its e.u. partners in the global crisis several countries like greece ireland and portugal are on the brink of disaster partly due to a boring binge allowed by your membership and associated low interest rates being outside the euro zone meant to pull and could not join the party but now it does not have the hangover poland was meant to have the euro by next year the time when the country's co-hosting the twenty twelve european football championship but with the latest developments these plans may be shelved for another four years e.u. . rules say poland is obliged to adopt the euro once it meets the economic rules for joining but polish politicians are now much cooler on the idea with ministers
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saying the eurozone needs to get its house in order first it's very important for us. the need for institutional changes. i mean these economic governance of euro zone. crisis management and we see some need for a euro zone before. target date will be. set up the game has changed and the euro globe everyone once wanted to join me now would be the invitation no one wants to accept. r.t. warsaw in poland. coming to you live from moscow with you twenty four hours a day still ahead. when threats of tough laws don't work russian parents do whatever it takes to protect their children from slipping through the legal net.
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but first at least nineteen reporters have been killed in the port city of latakia where the syrian military has launched its latest crackdown on government protesters warships reportedly shelling residential districts in the key port city which was once a summer tourist spot arab nations are also learning up against the government crackdown on civilians demanding the violence stops immediately international pressure is mounting on the syrian leadership with u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton calling for economic and political ties with the country to be cut patrick a's from online political magazine spite president assad is ignoring the people at his power. being down on freedom of speech and freedom of expression which is the cornerstone of any democracy is not sending out a message to the syrian people that he can be taken seriously or trusted in his promise is a tool there is a sense from a sad really. the ease by which he started to say this is the end of single party rule and he will start to think about elections and the way in which he previously
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portrayed himself and his party as the only guarantors of syrian stability but is now talking about major constitutional reforms i mean really there's a real uncertainty about what he's trying to do the sense i get is they seems very tired that he almost willing to relinquish power at the moment but i think there's a reluctance to want to relinquish power because i suspect he is very worried he will meet the same treatments that some are barack is now seeing another conflict in the arab world and new clashes between pro and you get a few forces erupted in the coastal town of zawiya in libya a government spokesman says fifty rebels tried to take the town was stopped by troops taking zawiya may have cut off the capital which is just fifty kilometers away the conflicts been raging for six months and thousands of lives have been lost despite nato intervention and in an exclusive interview to r.t. iran's president said the situation in libya is being made worse by the alliance's
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presence. so. there were security council has made a mistake instead of sending bombs and planes to libya they should have sent mediation groups in order to prepare for free elections under the auspices of the un so whoever won the elections would be acceptable for the people but the security council hastily issued a resolution and it has complicated the situation that has led to the killings and the massacre of people and destruction of infrastructure in the country. we called an extended version of that interview with the iranian president next but you can also watch it in full right now on our website dot com also. treasure hunting. to shed light on the fate of a historic site known as russia's atlantis and find out what the prime minister found at the bottom of the sea. and also a look at the man who made it on to the u.k.
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rich list yet those moscow one billion dollars. again online. two policemen in the russian urals have been arrested for allegedly accepting bribes from a paedophile is just the latest in a series of crimes where police and judges seem to be turning a blind eye to child abuse as that approach cover of sports that's forcing parents to deal with the problems themselves and mother in grief your own family was. even thought of buying a pistol and shooting him myself i simply don't know how else to protect my family live on the first floor with curtains constantly drawn go to work every day sick with fear my daughter which are on the website. it was hard for that area to admit
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she trusted someone who harmed her daughter she brought the man into the house is a common law husband to live side by side with him for more than an hour news. my daughter told me he threw a stray cat from the roof and said he did the same to her if she ever confided in me about the things she was doing to her when i finally managed to get things to the court the jury acquitted the man who she says is now off to her family hungry for revenge experience is just one example of many in a recent controversial case a man suspected of raping a seven year old girl was released without charge. us for underwear and she started crying i squeezed her neck and pressed her into the ground it only took a couple of minutes then i told her to go home and tell no one had. only after an enraged crowd nearly inched the men did police launch a fully fledged investigation into the case and record that confession authorities
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also disciplined the original enlisted meeting officer will summarize this this proposal the words that happened here is the mother was treated like a football she was kicked around for a modest office a tragedy had happened to her shouldn't know what to do but no one wanted to even talk to her let alone accept her statement. russian authorities have not declared a fight against the sexual abuse. minus the results seem to have been meager with estimates claiming thousands still fall victim in attempt to put things right activists have started taking matters into their own hands i'm underage that's fine i like small boys and would love to kiss you and hug you and do many other things to you this video has been put together by a group of volunteers as they track people they believe are paedophiles and they go online pretending to be an underage boy or girl they set up meetings with people
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who didn't need to preferring minors the idea is to film their faces and expose them on the web but it was to be able to i want to show that we are simply a group of people who decided to fight this evil in our own way because our families live in the city that children walk in these parks and we don't want them ever to meet those perverts but in that they try to act within the law but often operate at its edge volunteers tracking paedophiles online say most people will sign off when they learn the person or chatting to is under-age but they also say roughly out of one hundred contacts one is certain to be looking for easy prey can be the maximum sentence for child sex offenses is twenty years in prison an amendment to the law is meant to introduce tougher penalties including life in prison and conditional chemical castration but i'm till the changes are implemented and proven to be effective the activists say they'll continue with their vigilante can pain diary pushed over arching nasca. well that's all for now but i'll be
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in the headlines this week in all weekly updates between politicians and police rots in the u.k. well handled prime minister david cameron turns to us experience for help local communities turn to vigilantes. to remember the victims of a shortfall. bloody conflict when georgia launched an offensive to reclaim its territories hundreds died in the ensuing five day war and the republic is still trying to recover. u.s. regulators declare war and the ratings agencies off america's long treasured dead score gets the job sending world markets into a chaotic tumble. with more free in less than thirty minutes from now coming up it's a special report on russia's far east where echoes of the soviet era mixed with traditions that are centuries old.
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